diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
index 6dac200915790b6681baf0fae538d6e18e809434..57a174bdec8b45ec76c5a7789593d19af4c3a2e7 100644
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ b/appveyor.yml
@@ -25,14 +25,11 @@ install:
    - cmd: conda install nose coverage anaconda-client
    - cmd: pip install coveralls
-   - cmd: curl -o condaci.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/menpo/condaci/v0.4.8/condaci.py
-   - cmd: python condaci.py setup
 build: off
    - cmd: nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=plio
-   # After test success, package and upload to Anaconda
-   - cmd: ~/miniconda/bin/python condaci.py build ./conda
+   # Afte test success, package and upload to Anaconda
+   - cmd: python ci_tools/condaci.py build ./conda
diff --git a/ci_tools/condaci.py b/ci_tools/condaci.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30ab480869ded58ef0b5bce76032daab0dacfe61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci_tools/condaci.py
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import subprocess
+import os
+import shutil
+import os.path as p
+from functools import partial
+import platform as stdplatform
+import uuid
+import sys
+from pprint import pprint
+# on windows we have to download a small secondary script that configures
+# Python 3 64-bit extensions. Here we define the URL and the local path that
+# we will use for this script.
+import zipfile
+MAGIC_WIN_SCRIPT_URL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/menpo/condaci/master/run_with_env.cmd'
+MAGIC_WIN_SCRIPT_PATH = r'C:\run_with_env.cmd'
+VS2008_PATCH_URL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/menpo/condaci/master/vs2008_patch.zip'
+VS2008_PATCH_PATH = r'C:\vs2008_patch.zip'
+VS2008_PATCH_FOLDER_PATH = r'C:\vs2008_patch'
+VS2008_PATH = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0'
+VS2008_BIN_PATH = os.path.join(VS2008_PATH, 'VC', 'bin')
+VS2010_PATH = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0'
+VS2010_BIN_PATH = os.path.join(VS2010_PATH, 'VC', 'bin')
+VS2010_AMD64_VCVARS_CMD = r'CALL "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" /x64'
+# a random string we can use for the miniconda installer
+# (to avoid name collisions)
+RANDOM_UUID = uuid.uuid4()
+# -------------------------------- STATE ------------------------------------ #
+# Key globals that need to be set for the rest of the script.
+def set_globals_from_environ(verbose=True):
+    PYTHON_VERSION = os.environ.get('PYTHON_VERSION')
+    BINSTAR_USER = os.environ.get('BINSTAR_USER')
+    BINSTAR_KEY = os.environ.get('BINSTAR_KEY')
+    if verbose:
+        print('Environment variables extracted:')
+        print('  PYTHON_VERSION: {}'.format(PYTHON_VERSION))
+        print('  BINSTAR_USER:   {}'.format(BINSTAR_USER))
+        print('  BINSTAR_KEY:    {}'.format('*****' if BINSTAR_KEY is not None
+                                            else '-'))
+    if PYTHON_VERSION is None:
+        raise ValueError('Fatal: PYTHON_VERSION is not set.')
+    if PYTHON_VERSION not in ['2.7', '3.4', '3.5']:
+        raise ValueError("Fatal: PYTHON_VERSION '{}' is invalid - must be "
+                         "either '2.7', '3.4' or '3.5'".format(PYTHON_VERSION))
+    # Required when setting Python version in conda
+# ------------------------------ UTILITIES ---------------------------------- #
+# forward stderr to stdout
+check = partial(subprocess.check_call, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+def execute(cmd, verbose=True, env_additions=None):
+    r""" Runs a command, printing the command and it's output to screen.
+    """
+    env_for_p = os.environ.copy()
+    if env_additions is not None:
+        env_for_p.update(env_additions)
+    if verbose:
+        print('> {}'.format(' '.join(cmd)))
+        if env_additions is not None:
+            print('Additional environment variables: '
+                  '{}'.format(', '.join(['{}={}'.format(k, v)
+                                         for k, v in env_additions.items()])))
+    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env_for_p)
+    sentinal = ''
+    if sys.version_info.major == 3:
+        sentinal = b''
+    for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, sentinal):
+        if verbose:
+            if sys.version_info.major == 3:
+                # convert bytes to string
+                line = line.decode("utf-8")
+            sys.stdout.write(line)
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+    output = proc.communicate()[0]
+    if proc.returncode == 0:
+        return
+    else:
+        e = subprocess.CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, cmd, output=output)
+        print(' -> {}'.format(e.output))
+        raise e
+def execute_sequence(*cmds, **kwargs):
+    r""" Execute a sequence of commands. If any fails, display an error.
+    """
+    verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', True)
+    for cmd in cmds:
+        execute(cmd, verbose)
+def extract_zip(zip_path, dest_dir):
+    r"""
+    Extract a zip file to a destination
+    """
+    with zipfile.PyZipFile(str(zip_path)) as z:
+        z.extractall(path=str(dest_dir))
+def download_file(url, path_to_download):
+    try:
+        from urllib2 import urlopen
+    except ImportError:
+        from urllib.request import urlopen
+    f = urlopen(url)
+    with open(path_to_download, "wb") as fp:
+        fp.write(f.read())
+    fp.close()
+def dirs_containing_file(fname, root=os.curdir):
+    for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(root)):
+        if fname in files:
+            yield path
+def host_platform():
+    return stdplatform.system()
+def host_arch():
+    arch = stdplatform.architecture()[0]
+    # need to be a little more sneaky to check the platform on Windows:
+    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2208828/detect-64bit-os-windows-in-python
+    if host_platform() == 'Windows':
+        if 'APPVEYOR' in os.environ:
+            av_platform = os.environ['PLATFORM']
+            if av_platform == 'x86':
+                arch = '32bit'
+            elif av_platform == 'x64':
+                arch = '64bit'
+            else:
+                print('Was unable to interpret the platform "{}"'.format())
+    return arch
+# ------------------------ MINICONDA INTEGRATION ---------------------------- #
+def url_for_platform_version(platform, py_version, arch):
+    version = 'latest'
+    base_url = 'http://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda'
+    platform_str = {'Linux': 'Linux',
+                    'Darwin': 'MacOSX',
+                    'Windows': 'Windows'}
+    arch_str = {'64bit': 'x86_64',
+                '32bit': 'x86'}
+    ext = {'Linux': '.sh',
+           'Darwin': '.sh',
+           'Windows': '.exe'}
+    if py_version in ['3.4', '3.5']:
+        base_url += '3'
+    elif py_version != '2.7':
+        raise ValueError("Python version must be '2.7', '3.4' or '3.5'")
+    return '-'.join([base_url, version,
+                     platform_str[platform],
+                     arch_str[arch]]) + ext[platform]
+def appveyor_miniconda_dir():
+    if PYTHON_VERSION in ['3.4', '3.5']:
+        conda_dir = r'C:\Miniconda3'
+    elif PYTHON_VERSION == '2.7':
+        conda_dir = r'C:\Miniconda'
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("Python version must be '2.7', '3.4' or '3.5'")
+    if host_arch() == '64bit':
+        conda_dir += '-x64'
+    return conda_dir
+def temp_installer_path():
+    # we need a place to download the miniconda installer too. use a random
+    # string for the filename to avoid collisions, but choose the dir based
+    # on platform
+    return ('C:\{}.exe'.format(RANDOM_UUID) if host_platform() == 'Windows'
+            else p.expanduser('~/{}.sh'.format(RANDOM_UUID)))
+def miniconda_dir():
+    # the directory where miniconda will be installed too/is
+    if host_platform() == 'Windows':
+        path = appveyor_miniconda_dir()
+    else:  # Unix
+        path = p.expanduser('~/miniconda')
+    if is_on_jenkins():
+        # jenkins persists miniconda installs between builds, but we want a
+        # unique miniconda env for each executor
+        if not os.path.isdir(path):
+                os.mkdir(path)
+        exec_no = os.environ['EXECUTOR_NUMBER']
+        j_path = os.path.join(path, exec_no)
+        if not os.path.isdir(j_path):
+            os.mkdir(j_path)
+        path = os.path.join(j_path, PYTHON_VERSION)
+    return path
+# the script directory inside a miniconda install varies based on platform
+def miniconda_script_dir_name():
+    return 'Scripts' if host_platform() == 'Windows' else 'bin'
+# handles to binaries from a miniconda install
+exec_ext = '.exe' if host_platform() == 'Windows' else ''
+miniconda_script_dir = lambda mc: p.join(mc, miniconda_script_dir_name())
+conda = lambda mc: p.join(miniconda_script_dir(mc), 'conda' + exec_ext)
+binstar = lambda mc: p.join(miniconda_script_dir(mc), 'anaconda' + exec_ext)
+def acquire_miniconda(url, path_to_download):
+    print('Downloading miniconda from {} to {}'.format(url, path_to_download))
+    download_file(url, path_to_download)
+def install_miniconda(path_to_installer, path_to_install):
+    print('Installing miniconda to {}'.format(path_to_install))
+    if host_platform() == 'Windows':
+        execute([path_to_installer, '/S', '/D={}'.format(path_to_install)])
+    else:
+        execute(['chmod', '+x', path_to_installer])
+        execute([path_to_installer, '-b', '-p', path_to_install])
+def setup_miniconda(python_version, installation_path, binstar_user=None):
+    conda_cmd = conda(installation_path)
+    if os.path.exists(conda_cmd):
+        print('conda is already setup at {}'.format(installation_path))
+    else:
+        print('No existing conda install detected at {}'.format(installation_path))
+        url = url_for_platform_version(host_platform(), python_version,
+                                       host_arch())
+        print('Setting up miniconda from URL {}'.format(url))
+        print("(Installing to '{}')".format(installation_path))
+        acquire_miniconda(url, temp_installer_path())
+        install_miniconda(temp_installer_path(), installation_path)
+        # delete the installer now we are done
+        os.unlink(temp_installer_path())
+    cmds = [[conda_cmd, 'update', '-q', '--yes', 'conda'],
+            [conda_cmd, 'install', '-q', '--yes', 'conda-build', 'jinja2',
+             'anaconda-client']]
+    root_config = os.path.join(installation_path, '.condarc')
+    if os.path.exists(root_config):
+        print('existing root config at present at {} - removing'.format(root_config))
+        os.unlink(root_config)
+    if binstar_user is not None:
+        print("(adding user channel '{}' for dependencies to root config)".format(binstar_user))
+        cmds.append([conda_cmd, 'config', '--system', '--add', 'channels', binstar_user])
+    else:
+        print("No user channels have been configured (all dependencies have to be "
+              "sourced from anaconda)")
+    execute_sequence(*cmds)
+# ------------------------ CONDA BUILD INTEGRATION -------------------------- #
+def get_conda_build_path(mc_dir, recipe_dir):
+    path_bytes = subprocess.check_output([conda(mc_dir), 'build',
+                                          recipe_dir, '--output'])
+    return path_bytes.decode("utf-8").strip()
+def conda_build_package_win(mc, path):
+    if 'BINSTAR_KEY' in os.environ:
+        print('found BINSTAR_KEY in environment on Windows - deleting to '
+              'stop vcvarsall from telling the world')
+        del os.environ['BINSTAR_KEY']
+    os.environ['PYTHON_ARCH'] = host_arch()[:2]
+    print('PYTHON_ARCH={} PYTHON_VERSION={}'.format(os.environ['PYTHON_ARCH'],
+                                                    os.environ['PYTHON_VERSION']))
+    execute(['cmd', '/E:ON', '/V:ON', '/C', MAGIC_WIN_SCRIPT_PATH,
+             conda(mc), 'build', '-q', path,
+             '--py={}'.format(PYTHON_VERSION_NO_DOT)])
+def windows_setup_compiler():
+    arch = host_arch()
+    if PYTHON_VERSION == '2.7':
+        download_file(VS2008_PATCH_URL, VS2008_PATCH_PATH)
+        if not os.path.exists(VS2008_PATCH_FOLDER_PATH):
+            os.makedirs(VS2008_PATCH_FOLDER_PATH)
+        extract_zip(VS2008_PATCH_PATH, VS2008_PATCH_FOLDER_PATH)
+        if arch == '64bit':
+            execute([os.path.join(VS2008_PATCH_FOLDER_PATH, 'setup_x64.bat')])
+            VS2008_AMD64_PATH = os.path.join(VS2008_BIN_PATH, 'amd64')
+            if not os.path.exists(VS2008_AMD64_PATH):
+                os.makedirs(VS2008_AMD64_PATH)
+            shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(VS2008_BIN_PATH, 'vcvars64.bat'),
+                            os.path.join(VS2008_AMD64_PATH, 'vcvarsamd64.bat'))
+        elif arch == '32bit':
+            # For some reason these files seems to be missing on Appveyor
+            # execute([os.path.join(VS2008_PATCH_FOLDER_PATH, 'setup_x86.bat')])
+            pass
+        else:
+            raise ValueError('Unexpected architecture {}'.format(arch))
+    elif PYTHON_VERSION == '3.4' and arch == '64bit':
+        VS2010_AMD64_PATH = os.path.join(VS2010_BIN_PATH, 'amd64')
+        if not os.path.exists(VS2010_AMD64_PATH):
+            os.makedirs(VS2010_AMD64_PATH)
+        VS2010_AMD64_VCVARS_PATH = os.path.join(VS2010_AMD64_PATH,
+                                                'vcvars64.bat')
+        with open(VS2010_AMD64_VCVARS_PATH, 'w') as f:
+            f.write(VS2010_AMD64_VCVARS_CMD)
+def build_conda_package(mc, path, binstar_user=None):
+    print('Building package at path {}'.format(path))
+    v = get_version(path)
+    print('Detected version: {}'.format(v))
+    print('Setting CONDACI_VERSION environment variable to {}'.format(v))
+    os.environ['CONDACI_VERSION'] = v
+    print('Setting CONDA_PY environment variable to {}'.format(
+    os.environ['CONDA_PY'] = PYTHON_VERSION_NO_DOT
+    # we want to add the master channel when doing dev builds to source our
+    # other dev dependencies
+    if not (is_release_tag(v) or is_rc_tag(v)):
+        print('building a non-release non-RC build - adding master channel.')
+        if binstar_user is None:
+            print('warning - no binstar user provided - cannot add master channel')
+        else:
+            execute([conda(mc), 'config', '--system', '--add', 'channels',
+                     binstar_user + '/channel/master'])
+    else:
+        print('building a RC or tag release - no master channel added.')
+    if host_platform() == 'Windows':
+        # Before building the package, we may need to edit the environment a bit
+        # to handle the nightmare that is Visual Studio compilation
+        windows_setup_compiler()
+        conda_build_package_win(mc, path)
+    else:
+        execute([conda(mc), 'build', '-q', path,
+                 '--py={}'.format(PYTHON_VERSION_NO_DOT)])
+# ------------------------- VERSIONING INTEGRATION -------------------------- #
+# versions that match up to master changes (anything after a '+')
+same_version_different_build = lambda v1, v2: v2.startswith(v1.split('+')[0])
+def versions_from_versioneer():
+    # Ideally, we will interrogate versioneer to find out the version of the
+    # project we are building. Note that we can't simply look at
+    # project.__version__ as we need the version string pre-build, so the
+    # package may not be importable.
+    for dir_ in dirs_containing_file('_version.py'):
+        sys.path.insert(0, dir_)
+        try:
+            import _version
+            yield _version.get_versions()['version']
+        except Exception as e:
+            print(e)
+        finally:
+            if '_version' in sys.modules:
+                sys.modules.pop('_version')
+            sys.path.pop(0)
+def version_from_meta_yaml(path):
+    meta_yaml_path = os.path.join(path, 'meta.yaml')
+    with open(meta_yaml_path, 'rt') as f:
+        s = f.read()
+    v = s.split('version:', 1)[1].split('\n', 1)[0].strip().strip("'").strip('"')
+    if '{{' in v:
+        raise ValueError('Trying to establish version from meta.yaml'
+                         ' and it seems to be dynamic: {}'.format(v))
+    return v
+def get_version(path):
+    # search for versioneer versions in our subdirs
+    versions = list(versions_from_versioneer())
+    if len(versions) == 1:
+        version = versions[0]
+        print('Found unambiguous versioneer version: {}'.format(version))
+    elif len(versions) > 1:
+        raise ValueError('Multiple versioneer _version.py files - cannot '
+                         'resolve unambiguous version. '
+                         'Versions found are: {}'.format(versions))
+    else:
+        # this project doesn't seem to be versioneer controlled - maybe the
+        # version is hardcoded? Interrogate meta.yaml
+        version = version_from_meta_yaml(path)
+    return version
+# booleans about the state of the the PEP440 tags.
+is_tag = lambda v: '+' not in v
+is_dev_tag = lambda v: v.split('.')[-1].startswith('dev')
+is_rc_tag = lambda v: 'rc' in v.split('+')[0]
+is_release_tag = lambda v: is_tag(v) and not (is_rc_tag(v) or is_dev_tag(v))
+# -------------------------- BINSTAR INTEGRATION ---------------------------- #
+class LetMeIn:
+    def __init__(self, key):
+        self.token = key
+        self.site = False
+def login_to_binstar():
+    from binstar_client.utils import get_binstar
+    return get_binstar()
+def login_to_binstar_with_key(key):
+    from binstar_client.utils import get_binstar
+    return get_binstar(args=LetMeIn(key))
+class BinstarFile(object):
+    def __init__(self, full_name):
+        self.full_name = full_name
+    @property
+    def user(self):
+        return self.full_name.split('/')[0]
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        return self.full_name.split('/')[1]
+    @property
+    def basename(self):
+        return '/'.join(self.full_name.split('/')[3:])
+    @property
+    def version(self):
+        return self.full_name.split('/')[2]
+    @property
+    def platform(self):
+        return self.full_name.replace('\\', '/').split('/')[3]
+    @property
+    def configuration(self):
+        return self.full_name.replace('\\', '/').split('/')[4].split('-')[2].split('.')[0]
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.full_name
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.full_name
+    def all_info(self):
+        s = ["         user: {}".format(self.user),
+             "         name: {}".format(self.name),
+             "     basename: {}".format(self.basename),
+             "      version: {}".format(self.version),
+             "     platform: {}".format(self.platform),
+             "configuration: {}".format(self.configuration)]
+        return "\n".join(s)
+configuration_from_binstar_filename = lambda fn: fn.split('-')[-1].split('.')[0]
+name_from_binstar_filename = lambda fn: fn.split('-')[0]
+version_from_binstar_filename = lambda fn: fn.split('-')[1]
+platform_from_binstar_filepath = lambda fp: p.split(p.split(fp)[0])[-1]
+def binstar_channels_for_user(b, user):
+    return b.list_channels(user).keys()
+def binstar_files_on_channel(b, user, channel):
+    info = b.show_channel(channel, user)
+    return [BinstarFile(i['full_name']) for i in info['files']]
+def binstar_remove_file(b, bfile):
+    b.remove_dist(bfile.user, bfile.name, bfile.version, bfile.basename)
+def files_to_remove(b, user, channel, filepath):
+    platform_ = platform_from_binstar_filepath(filepath)
+    filename = p.split(filepath)[-1]
+    name = name_from_binstar_filename(filename)
+    version = version_from_binstar_filename(filename)
+    configuration = configuration_from_binstar_filename(filename)
+    # find all the files on this channel
+    all_files = binstar_files_on_channel(b, user, channel)
+    # other versions of this exact setup that are not tagged versions should
+    # be removed
+    print('Removing old releases matching:'
+          '\nname: {}\nconfiguration: {}\nplatform: {}'
+          '\nversion: {}'.format(name, configuration, platform_, version))
+    print('candidate releases with same name are:')
+    pprint([f.all_info() for f in all_files if f.name == name])
+    return [f for f in all_files if
+            f.name == name and
+            f.configuration == configuration and
+            f.platform == platform_ and
+            f.version != version and
+            not is_release_tag(f.version) and
+            same_version_different_build(version, f.version)]
+def purge_old_binstar_files(b, user, channel, filepath):
+    to_remove = files_to_remove(b, user, channel, filepath)
+    print("Found {} releases to remove".format(len(to_remove)))
+    for old_file in to_remove:
+        print("Removing '{}'".format(old_file))
+        binstar_remove_file(b, old_file)
+def binstar_upload_unchecked(mc, key, user, channel, path):
+    print('Uploading from {} using {}'.format(path, binstar(mc)))
+    try:
+        # TODO - could this safely be co? then we would get the binstar error..
+        check([binstar(mc), '-t', key, 'upload',
+               '--force', '-u', user, '-c', channel, path])
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+        # mask the binstar key...
+        cmd = e.cmd
+        cmd[2] = 'BINSTAR_KEY'
+        # ...then raise the error
+        raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(e.returncode, cmd)
+def binstar_upload_if_appropriate(mc, path, user, key):
+    if key is None:
+        print('No binstar key provided')
+    if user is None:
+        print('No binstar user provided')
+    if user is None or key is None:
+        print('-> Unable to upload to binstar')
+        return
+    print('Have a user ({}) and key - can upload if suitable'.format(user))
+    # decide if we should attempt an upload (if it's a PR we can't)
+    if resolve_can_upload_from_ci():
+        print('Auto resolving channel based on release type and CI status')
+        channel = binstar_channel_from_ci(path)
+        print("Fit to upload to channel '{}'".format(channel))
+        binstar_upload_and_purge(mc, key, user, channel,
+                                 get_conda_build_path(mc, path))
+    else:
+        print("Cannot upload to binstar - must be a PR.")
+def binstar_upload_and_purge(mc, key, user, channel, filepath):
+    if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+        raise ValueError('Built file {} does not exist. '
+                         'UPLOAD FAILED.'.format(filepath))
+    else:
+        print('Uploading to {}/{}'.format(user, channel))
+        binstar_upload_unchecked(mc, key, user, channel, filepath)
+        b = login_to_binstar_with_key(key)
+        if channel != 'main':
+            print("Purging old releases from channel '{}'".format(channel))
+            purge_old_binstar_files(b, user, channel, filepath)
+        else:
+            print("On main channel - no purging of releases will be done.")
+is_on_appveyor = lambda: 'APPVEYOR' in os.environ
+is_on_travis = lambda: 'TRAVIS' in os.environ
+is_on_jenkins = lambda: 'JENKINS_URL' in os.environ
+is_pr_from_travis = lambda: os.environ['TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST'] != 'false'
+is_pr_from_appveyor = lambda: 'APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER' in os.environ
+is_pr_from_jenkins = lambda: 'ghprbSourceBranch' in os.environ
+branch_from_appveyor = lambda: os.environ['APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH']
+def branch_from_jenkins():
+    branch = os.environ['GIT_BRANCH']
+    print('Jenkins has set GIT_BRANCH={}'.format(branch))
+    if branch.startswith('origin/tags/'):
+        print('WARNING - on jenkins and GIT_BRANCH starts with origin/tags/. '
+              'This suggests that we are building a tag.')
+        print('Jenkins obscures the branch in this scenario, so we assume that'
+              ' the branch is "master"')
+        return 'master'
+    elif branch.startswith('origin/'):
+        return branch.split('origin/', 1)[-1]
+    else:
+        raise ValueError('Error: jenkins branch name seems '
+                         'suspicious: {}'.format(branch))
+def branch_from_travis():
+    tag = os.environ['TRAVIS_TAG']
+    branch = os.environ['TRAVIS_BRANCH']
+    if tag == branch:
+        print('WARNING - on travis and TRAVIS_TAG == TRAVIS_BRANCH. This '
+              'suggests that we are building a tag.')
+        print('Travis obscures the branch in this scenario, so we assume that'
+              ' the branch is "master"')
+        return 'master'
+    else:
+        return branch
+def is_pr_on_ci():
+    if is_on_travis():
+        return is_pr_from_travis()
+    elif is_on_appveyor():
+        return is_pr_from_appveyor()
+    elif is_on_jenkins():
+        return is_pr_from_jenkins()
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("Not on appveyor, travis or jenkins, so can't "
+                         "resolve whether we are on a PR or not")
+def branch_from_ci():
+    if is_on_travis():
+        return branch_from_travis()
+    elif is_on_appveyor():
+        return branch_from_appveyor()
+    elif is_on_jenkins():
+        return branch_from_jenkins()
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("We aren't on jenkins, "
+                         "Appveyor or Travis so can't "
+                         "decide on branch")
+def resolve_can_upload_from_ci():
+    # can upload as long as this isn't a PR
+    can_upload = not is_pr_on_ci()
+    print("Can we can upload (i.e. is this not a PR)? : {}".format(can_upload))
+    return can_upload
+def binstar_channel_from_ci(path):
+    v = get_version(path)
+    if is_release_tag(v):
+        # tagged releases always go to main
+        print("current head is a tagged release ({}), "
+              "uploading to 'main' channel".format(v))
+        return 'main'
+    else:
+        print('current head is not a release - interrogating CI to decide on '
+              'channel to upload to (based on branch)')
+        return branch_from_ci()
+# -------------------- [EXPERIMENTAL] PYPI INTEGRATION ---------------------- #
+# pypirc_path = p.join(p.expanduser('~'), '.pypirc')
+# pypi_upload_allowed = (host_platform() == 'Linux' and
+#                        host_arch() == '64bit' and
+#                        sys.version_info.major == 2)
+# pypi_template = """[distutils]
+# index-servers = pypi
+# [pypi]
+# username:{}
+# password:{}"""
+# def pypi_setup_dotfile(username, password):
+#     with open(pypirc_path, 'wb') as f:
+#         f.write(pypi_template.format(username, password))
+# def upload_to_pypi_if_appropriate(mc, username, password):
+#     if username is None or password is None:
+#         print('Missing PyPI username or password, skipping upload')
+#         return
+#     v = get_version()
+#     if not is_release_tag(v):
+#         print('Not on a tagged release - not uploading to PyPI')
+#         return
+#     if not pypi_upload_allowed:
+#         print('Not on key node (Linux 64 Py2) - no PyPI upload')
+#     print('Setting up .pypirc file..')
+#     pypi_setup_dotfile(username, password)
+#     print("Uploading to PyPI user '{}'".format(username))
+#     execute_sequence([python(mc), 'setup.py', 'sdist', 'upload'])
+# --------------------------- ARGPARSE COMMANDS ----------------------------- #
+def miniconda_dir_cmd(_):
+    set_globals_from_environ(verbose=False)
+    print(miniconda_dir())
+def setup_cmd(_):
+    set_globals_from_environ()
+    mc = miniconda_dir()
+    setup_miniconda(PYTHON_VERSION, mc, binstar_user=BINSTAR_USER)
+def build_cmd(args):
+    set_globals_from_environ()
+    mc = miniconda_dir()
+    conda_meta = args.meta_yaml_dir
+    if host_platform() == 'Windows':
+        print('downloading magical Windows SDK configuration'
+              ' script to {}'.format(MAGIC_WIN_SCRIPT_PATH))
+    build_conda_package(mc, conda_meta, binstar_user=BINSTAR_USER)
+    print('successfully built conda package, proceeding to upload')
+    binstar_upload_if_appropriate(mc, conda_meta, BINSTAR_USER, BINSTAR_KEY)
+    # upload_to_pypi_if_appropriate(mc, args.pypiuser, args.pypipassword)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    from argparse import ArgumentParser
+    pa = ArgumentParser(
+        description=r"""
+        Sets up miniconda, builds, and uploads to Binstar.
+        """)
+    subp = pa.add_subparsers()
+    sp = subp.add_parser('setup', help='setup a miniconda environment')
+    sp.set_defaults(func=setup_cmd)
+    bp = subp.add_parser('build', help='run a conda build')
+    bp.add_argument('meta_yaml_dir',
+                    help="path to the dir containing the conda 'meta.yaml'"
+                         "build script")
+    mp = subp.add_parser('miniconda_dir',
+                         help='path to the miniconda root directory')
+    mp.set_defaults(func=miniconda_dir_cmd)
+    bp.set_defaults(func=build_cmd)
+    args = pa.parse_args()
+    args.func(args)
diff --git a/ci_tools/upload_or_check_nonexistence.py b/ci_tools/upload_or_check_nonexistence.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cedfddd950207f2cb38706ec7a430f915f8dad5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ci_tools/upload_or_check_nonexistence.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import print_function
-import argparse
-import hashlib
-import os
-import subprocess
-import sys
-from binstar_client.utils import get_binstar
-import binstar_client.errors
-import conda.config
-from conda_build.metadata import MetaData
-from conda_build.build import bldpkg_path
-def built_distribution_already_exists(cli, meta, owner):
-    """
-    Checks to see whether the built recipe (aka distribution) already
-    exists on the owner/user's binstar account.
-    """
-    distro_name = '{}/{}.tar.bz2'.format(conda.config.subdir, meta.dist())
-    fname = bldpkg_path(meta)
-    try:
-        dist_info = cli.distribution(owner, meta.name(), meta.version(),
-                                     distro_name)
-    except binstar_client.errors.NotFound:
-        dist_info = {}
-    exists = bool(dist_info)
-    # Unfortunately, we cannot check the md5 quality of the built distribution, as
-    # this will depend on fstat information such as modification date (because
-    # distributions are tar files). Therefore we can only assume that the distribution
-    # just built, and the one on anaconda.org are the same.
-#    if exists:
-#        md5_on_binstar = dist_info.get('md5')
-#        with open(fname, 'rb') as fh:
-#            md5_of_build = hashlib.md5(fh.read()).hexdigest()
-#        if md5_on_binstar != md5_of_build:
-#            raise ValueError('This build ({}), and the build already on binstar '
-#                             '({}) are different.'.format(md5_of_build, md5_on_binstar))
-    return exists
-def upload(cli, meta, owner, channels):
-    try:
-        with open('binstar.token', 'w') as fh:
-            fh.write(cli.token)
-        subprocess.check_call(['anaconda', '--quiet', '-t', 'binstar.token',
-                               'upload', bldpkg_path(meta),
-                               '--user={}'.format(owner),
-                               '--channel={}'.format(channels)],
-                              env=os.environ)
-    finally:
-        os.remove('binstar.token')
-def distribution_exists_on_channel(binstar_cli, meta, owner, channel='main'):
-    """
-    Determine whether a distribution exists on a specific channel.
-    Note from @pelson: As far as I can see, there is no easy way to do this on binstar.
-    """
-    fname = '{}/{}.tar.bz2'.format(conda.config.subdir, meta.dist())
-    distributions_on_channel = [dist['basename'] for dist in
-                                binstar_cli.show_channel(owner=owner, channel=channel)['files']]
-    return fname in distributions_on_channel
-def add_distribution_to_channel(binstar_cli, meta, owner, channel='main'):
-    """
-    Add a(n already existing) distribution on binstar to another channel.
-    Note - the addition is done based on name and version - no build strings etc.
-    so if you have a foo-0.1-np18 and foo-0.1-np19 *both* will be added to the channel.
-    """
-    package_fname = '{}/{}.tar.bz2'.format(conda.config.subdir, meta.dist())
-    binstar_cli.add_channel(channel, owner, meta.name(), meta.version())
-def main():
-    token = os.environ.get('BINSTAR_KEY')
-    description = ('Upload or check consistency of a built version of a '
-                   'conda recipe with binstar. Note: The existence of the '
-                   'BINSTAR_KEY environment variable determines '
-                   'whether the upload should actually take place.')
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
-    parser.add_argument('recipe_dir', help='the conda recipe directory')
-    parser.add_argument('owner', help='the binstar owner/user')
-    parser.add_argument('--channel', help='the binstar channel', default='main')
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    recipe_dir, owner, channel = args.recipe_dir, args.owner, args.channel
-    cli = get_binstar(argparse.Namespace(token=token, site=None))
-    meta = MetaData(recipe_dir)
-    if meta.skip():
-        print("No upload to take place - this configuration was skipped in build/skip.")
-        return
-    exists = built_distribution_already_exists(cli, meta, owner)
-    if token:
-        on_channel = distribution_exists_on_channel(cli, meta, owner, channel)
-        if not exists:
-            upload(cli, meta, owner, channel)
-            print('Uploaded {}'.format(bldpkg_path(meta)))
-        elif not on_channel:
-            print('Adding distribution {} to {}\'s {} channel'
-                  ''.format(bldpkg_path(meta), owner, channel))
-            add_distribution_to_channel(cli, meta, owner, channel)
-        else:
-            print('Distribution {} already \nexists on {}\'s {} channel.'
-                  ''.format(bldpkg_path(meta), owner, channel))
-    else:
-        print("No BINSTAR_KEY present, so no upload is taking place. "
-              "The distribution just built {} already available on {}'s "
-              "{} channel.".format('is' if exists else 'is not',
-                                   owner, channel))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
\ No newline at end of file