diff --git a/environment.yml b/environment.yml
index f51c74af88f78d0d7468b559581c862cc1172c07..e269724b9a77c1a9f4532b798dbf80dcc28fdb83 100644
--- a/environment.yml
+++ b/environment.yml
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ dependencies:
   - pandas
   - sqlalchemy
   - pyyaml
-  - networkx
+  - networkx 
diff --git a/plio/examples/loggers/logging.json b/plio/examples/loggers/logging.json
index b5661386806ac33386e2bcceabe880e3dba03d2f..9492a40719086be7a5ae41e64af359fc8a21eb26 100644
--- a/plio/examples/loggers/logging.json
+++ b/plio/examples/loggers/logging.json
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
   "loggers": {
     "my_module": {
-      "level": "DEBUG", 
-      "propagate": false, 
+      "level": "DEBUG",
+      "propagate": false,
       "handlers": [
-  }, 
-  "version": 1, 
-  "disable_existing_loggers": false, 
+  },
+  "version": 1,
+  "disable_existing_loggers": false,
   "handlers": {
     "console": {
-      "formatter": "simple", 
-      "class": "logging.StreamHandler", 
-      "stream": "ext://sys.stdout", 
+      "formatter": "simple",
+      "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
+      "stream": "ext://sys.stdout",
       "level": "DEBUG"
-    }, 
+    },
     "info_file_handler": {
-      "formatter": "simple", 
-      "backupCount": 10, 
-      "level": "INFO", 
-      "encoding": "utf8", 
-      "class": "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler", 
-      "maxBytes": 10485760, 
+      "formatter": "simple",
+      "backupCount": 10,
+      "level": "DEBUG", 
+      "encoding": "utf8",
+      "class": "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler",
+      "maxBytes": 10485760,
       "filename": "info.log"
-  }, 
+  },
   "root": {
-    "level": "DEBUG", 
+    "level": "DEBUG",
     "handlers": [
-      "console", 
+      "console",
-  }, 
+  },
   "formatters": {
     "simple": {
       "format": "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
diff --git a/plio/io/io_controlnetwork.py b/plio/io/io_controlnetwork.py
index b120bd6a89923e3a09e710c430cf6f280605689c..280b9ff63f4fab31923777b52c54ee8450abd0f3 100644
--- a/plio/io/io_controlnetwork.py
+++ b/plio/io/io_controlnetwork.py
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class IsisStore(object):
         self._path = path
         if not mode:
-            mode = 'a' # pragma: no cover
+            mode = 'wb' # pragma: no cover
         self._mode = mode
         self._handle = None
@@ -170,13 +170,13 @@ class IsisStore(object):
-    def create_points(self, obj, pointid_prefix, pointid_suffix):
+    def create_points(self, graphs, pointid_prefix, pointid_suffix):
         Step through a control network (C) and return protocol buffer point objects
-        obj : list
+        graphs : list
               of iterable objects (dataframes) with the appropriate
               attributes: point_id, point_type, serial,  measure_type, x, y required.
               The entries in the list must support grouping by the point_id attribute.
@@ -197,20 +197,21 @@ class IsisStore(object):
         # TODO: Rewrite using apply syntax for performance
         point_sizes = []
         point_messages = []
-        for df in obj:
-            for i, g in df.groupby('point_id'):
+        for graph in graphs:
+            for i, control_point_id in enumerate(graph.point_nodes):
+                control_point = graph.node[control_point_id]
                 point_spec = cnf.ControlPointFileEntryV0002()
-                point_spec.id = _set_pid(self.pointid)
+                point_spec.id = _set_pid(control_point['pointid'])
                 for attr, attrtype in self.point_attrs:
-                    if attr in g.columns:
+                    if attr in control_point.keys():
                         # As per protobuf docs for assigning to a repeated field.
                         if attr == 'aprioriCovar':
-                            arr = g.iloc[0]['aprioriCovar']
+                            arr = control_point['aprioriCovar']
-                            setattr(point_spec, attr, attrtype(g.iloc[0][attr]))
-                point_spec.type = int(g.point_type.iat[0])
+                            # The third argument casts the value to the correct type
+                            setattr(point_spec, attr, attrtype(control_point[attr]))
+                point_spec.type = int(control_point.get('point_type', 2))
                 # The reference index should always be the image with the lowest index
                 point_spec.referenceIndex = 0
@@ -218,16 +219,19 @@ class IsisStore(object):
                 # A single extend call is cheaper than many add calls to pack points
                 measure_iterable = []
-                for node_id, m in g.iterrows():
+                for j, control_measure_id in graph.edges(control_point_id):
+                    control_measure = graph.node[control_measure_id]
+                    if control_measure['node_type'] != 'correspondence':
+                        continue
                     measure_spec = point_spec.Measure()
                     # For all of the attributes, set if they are an dict accessible attr of the obj.
                     for attr, attrtype in self.measure_attrs:
+                        if attr in control_measure.keys():
+                            setattr(measure_spec, attr, attrtype(control_measure[attr]))
-                        if attr in g.columns:
-                            setattr(measure_spec, attr, attrtype(m[attr]))
-                    measure_spec.type = int(m.measure_type)
-                    measure_spec.line = m.y
-                    measure_spec.sample = m.x
+                    measure_spec.type = int(control_measure['measure_type'])
+                    measure_spec.line = float(control_measure['y'])
+                    measure_spec.sample = float(control_measure['x'])
                     self.nmeasures += 1
diff --git a/plio/io/io_gdal.py b/plio/io/io_gdal.py
index 372b118f3da56a8324d2f23f13077a4df7955360..51834c6dc4f8f587c47abde8ae944da22863b499 100644
--- a/plio/io/io_gdal.py
+++ b/plio/io/io_gdal.py
@@ -198,6 +198,12 @@ class GeoDataset(object):
             self._gcs = self._srs.CloneGeogCS()
         return self._srs
+    @property
+    def nbands(self):
+        if not getattr(self, '_nbands', None):
+            self._nbands = self.dataset.RasterCount
+        return self._nbands
     def geospatial_coordinate_system(self):
         if not getattr(self, '_gcs', None):
@@ -321,10 +327,8 @@ class GeoDataset(object):
     def coordinate_transformation(self):
         if not getattr(self, '_ct', None):
-            print('Getting CT')
             self._ct = osr.CoordinateTransformation(self.spatial_reference,
-            print('CT', self._ct)
         return self._ct
@@ -332,7 +336,6 @@ class GeoDataset(object):
         if not getattr(self, '_ict', None):
             self._ict = osr.CoordinateTransformation(self.geospatial_coordinate_system,
-            print(self._ict)
         return self._ict
@@ -558,6 +561,7 @@ def match_rasters(match_to, match_from, destination,
                         GRA_Cubic, GRA_CubicSpline, GRA_Lanczos, GRA_Average,
     import gdalconst  # import here so Sphinx can build the docos, mocking is not working
     # TODO: If a destination is not provided create an in-memory GeoDataSet object
     match_to_srs = match_to.dataset.GetProjection()
@@ -567,8 +571,8 @@ def match_rasters(match_to, match_from, destination,
     match_from__srs = match_from.dataset.GetProjection()
     match_from__gt = match_from.geotransform
-    dst = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(destination, width, height, match_from.RasterCount,
-                                               gdalconst.GDT_Float32)
+    dst = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(destination, width, height, 1,
+                                               gdalconst.GDT_Float64)
diff --git a/plio/io/io_krc.py b/plio/io/io_krc.py
index 978ae8e8ddbcc384971579e691121408ee753a24..3831b3f7615c94fdcc6722a68ec318b006ca5043 100644
--- a/plio/io/io_krc.py
+++ b/plio/io/io_krc.py
@@ -364,9 +364,9 @@ class ReadBin52(object):
             caseidx = np.repeat(np.arange(self.ncases), self.nseasons)
             seasonidx = np.repeat(np.arange(self.nseasons), self.ncases)
-            flt_seasitems = seasitems.reshape(len(self.vlabels),
+            flt_seasitems = seasitems.reshape(len(columns),
                                               self.ncases * self.nseasons)
-            self.seasons = pd.DataFrame(flt_seasitems,
+            self.seasons = pd.DataFrame(flt_seasitems.T,
             self.seasons.index.names = ['Case', 'Season']
@@ -432,6 +432,9 @@ class ReadBin52(object):
         #Extract the hourly temperature data
+        # Extract the seasons
+        season2dataframe()
         # Extract by layer data from the data cube
         layeritems = self.bin52data[: , self.ndx: , : , 5: 7, : ]
@@ -458,4 +461,4 @@ class ReadTds(object):
         self.filename = filename
-        assert(self.ncases == self.bin52data.shape[0])
\ No newline at end of file
+        assert(self.ncases == self.bin52data.shape[0])
diff --git a/plio/io/tests/test_io_controlnetwork.py b/plio/io/tests/test_io_controlnetwork.py
index 0e38111e3302f2917ee9076716fd5683544719cf..6efe026cdf20cd15afb347f74de1043d440200fc 100644
--- a/plio/io/tests/test_io_controlnetwork.py
+++ b/plio/io/tests/test_io_controlnetwork.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import sys
 import unittest
 from time import strftime, gmtime
+import networkx as nx
 import pandas as pd
 import pvl
@@ -23,38 +24,33 @@ class TestWriteIsisControlNetwork(unittest.TestCase):
         cls.serials = ['APOLLO15/METRIC/{}'.format(i) for i in serial_times.values()]
         columns = ['point_id', 'point_type', 'serialnumber', 'measure_type', 'x', 'y', 'node_id']
-        data = []
+        G = nx.Graph()
+        G.add_node(0, node_type='image')
+        G.add_node(1, node_type='image')
+        G.add_edge(0,1)
+        G.point_nodes = []
         for i in range(cls.npts):
-            data.append((i, 2, cls.serials[0], 2, 0, 0, 0))
-            data.append((i, 2, cls.serials[1], 2, 0, 0, 1))
+            i += 1
+            G.point_nodes.append(i*100)
+            G.add_node(i * 100, node_type='point', pointid = i * 100, subpixel=False)
+            G.add_edge(i*100, 0)
+            G.add_edge(i*100, 1)
+            # Add a single correspondence
+            G.add_node(i * 1000, x=i*.5, y=i*.5, id=i*1000, node_type='correspondence', measure_type=2, serialnumber=cls.serials[0])
+            G.add_edge(i*1000, i*100)
+            # Add a second correspondence
+            G.add_node(i * 2000, x=i*.5, y=i*.5, id=i*2000, node_type='correspondence', measure_type=2, serialnumber=cls.serials[1])
+            G.add_edge(i * 2000, i*100)
-        dfs = [pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)]
         cls.creation_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
         cls.modified_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
-        io_controlnetwork.to_isis('test.net', dfs, mode='wb', targetname='Moon')
+        io_controlnetwork.to_isis('test.net', [G], mode='wb', targetname='Moon')
         cls.header_message_size = 78
-        cls.point_start_byte = 65609 # 66949
+        cls.point_start_byte = 65614 # 66949
     def test_create_buffer_header(self):
-        self.npts = 5
-        serial_times = {295: '1971-07-31T01:24:11.754',
-                        296: '1971-07-31T01:24:36.970'}
-        self.serials = ['APOLLO15/METRIC/{}'.format(i) for i in serial_times.values()]
-        columns = ['point_id', 'point_type', 'serialnumber', 'measure_type', 'x', 'y', 'node_id']
-        data = []
-        for i in range(self.npts):
-            data.append((i, 2, self.serials[0], 2, 0, 0, 0))
-            data.append((i, 2, self.serials[1], 2, 0, 0, 1))
-        dfs = [pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)]
-        self.creation_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
-        self.modified_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
-        io_controlnetwork.to_isis('test.net', dfs, mode='wb', targetname='Moon')
         self.header_message_size = 78
         self.point_start_byte = 66104 # 66949
@@ -73,17 +69,16 @@ class TestWriteIsisControlNetwork(unittest.TestCase):
             self.assertEqual('None', header_protocol.description)
             self.assertEqual(self.modified_date, header_protocol.lastModified)
-            self.assertEqual([99] * self.npts, header_protocol.pointMessageSizes)
+            self.assertEqual([137] * self.npts, header_protocol.pointMessageSizes)
     def test_create_point(self):
         with open('test.net', 'rb') as f:
-            for i, length in enumerate([99] * self.npts):
+            for i, length in enumerate(5*[137]):
                 point_protocol = cnf.ControlPointFileEntryV0002()
                 raw_point = f.read(length)
-                self.assertEqual(str(i), point_protocol.id)
+                self.assertEqual(str((i + 1) * 100), point_protocol.id)
                 self.assertEqual(2, point_protocol.type)
                 for m in point_protocol.measures:
                     self.assertTrue(m.serialnumber in self.serials)
@@ -99,11 +94,12 @@ class TestWriteIsisControlNetwork(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(10, mpoints)
         points_bytes = find_in_dict(pvl_header, 'PointsBytes')
-        self.assertEqual(495, points_bytes)
+        self.assertEqual(685, points_bytes)
         points_start_byte = find_in_dict(pvl_header, 'PointsStartByte')
         self.assertEqual(self.point_start_byte, points_start_byte)
     def tearDownClass(cls):
-        os.remove('test.net')
+        #os.remove('test.net')
+        pass
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index ca82517062677bfeed26e5018d5a51770cf169a7..9a3ee825e049d9fd13ec70ab06674c764e7ed2b8 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -42,11 +42,10 @@ def setup_package():
-            'icu',
-            'certifi'],
+            'networkx'],
             "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",
             "Topic :: Utilities",