diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 027346f8311408e148fbbcf3870bb0ed67090061..9fce481a544bacae0bdfe49eaf0ff598e9d5bce4 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ install:
   # Install not using env because build needs to be in root env
   - conda config --add channels conda-forge
   - conda config --add channels jlaura
+  - conda install python=$PYTHON_VERSION
   - conda install -c conda-forge gdal h5py
   - conda install pandas sqlalchemy pyyaml networkx
   - conda install -c jlaura pvl protobuf
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index b20dfd71fd8f3077ee035b7b8fe138e6f5770549..c15a55c5faa782be65cce5c594ccf38aff2ddfdc 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ Installation is unfortunately complicated due to the difficulty in installing GD
 1. Install Anaconda or Miniconda with Python 3.5
 2. In your ~/.condarc file add the following two lines in the channels section.
     `- conda-forge`
     `- jlaura`
-3. Create a new environment to ensure that the installed packge is not going to collide with existing packages
-   ` conda create --name <somename> python=3`
-3. Install `plio` with `conda install plio`.
+3. Create a new environment to ensure that the installed package is not going to collide with existing packages
+   ``conda create --name <somename> python=3``
+3. Install ``plio`` with ``conda install plio``.
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
index 47dedfaf6f75f9393f5a874551481630c1d5e354..58fa4f2ff020fce49d20478182eb8fd5aa0e33d0 100644
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ b/appveyor.yml
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ install:
     - cmd: set PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1
     - cmd: conda config --set show_channel_urls true
+    - cmd: conda install --yes python=3.5 
     - cmd: conda install -c pelson/channel/development --yes --quiet obvious-ci
     - cmd: conda config --add channels conda-forge
     - cmd: conda info
diff --git a/plio/examples/Tes/pos.fmt b/plio/examples/Tes/pos.fmt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6a50148f13522e3f933f9c1f966630138c396568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plio/examples/Tes/pos.fmt
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+NAME                    = POS
+COLUMNS                 = 6
+ROW_BYTES               = 54
+DESCRIPTION             = "
+    The POS table stores the positions of the spacecraft and sun 
+    relative to the planet, the spacecraft's orientation quaternion, 
+    and the Mars body quaternion, all relative to the J2000 system.
+    These data are initially derived from the project's SPICE kernels,
+    but may be corrected from various other sources.  This table
+    may also include interpolated values where SPICE data were unavailable."
+OBJECT                  = COLUMN
+    START_BYTE          = 1
+    BYTES               = 4
+    ALIAS_NAME          = sclk_time
+    DESCRIPTION         = "The value of the spacecraft clock at the
+                          beginning of the observation"
+END_OBJECT              = COLUMN
+OBJECT                  = COLUMN
+    NAME                = EPHEMERIS_TIME
+    DATA_TYPE           = IEEE_REAL
+    START_BYTE          = 5
+    BYTES               = 8
+    ALIAS_NAME          = et
+    DESCRIPTION         = "Ephemeris time, seconds since 1/1/2000"
+    UNIT                = "Seconds"
+END_OBJECT              = COLUMN
+OBJECT                  = COLUMN
+    NAME                = SPACECRAFT_POSITION
+    DATA_TYPE           = IEEE_REAL
+    START_BYTE          = 13
+    BYTES               = 12
+    ITEMS               = 3
+    ITEM_BYTES          = 4
+    ALIAS_NAME          = pos
+    DESCRIPTION         = "Spacecraft position vector relative to Mars
+                           in the J2000 reference frame"
+    UNIT                = "KM"
+END_OBJECT              = COLUMN
+OBJECT                  = COLUMN
+    NAME                = SUN_POSITION
+    DATA_TYPE           = IEEE_REAL
+    START_BYTE          = 25
+    BYTES               = 12
+    ITEMS               = 3
+    ITEM_BYTES          = 4
+    ALIAS_NAME          = sun
+    DESCRIPTION         = "Sun position vector relative to Mars in the J2000
+                           reference frame"
+    UNIT                = "KM"
+END_OBJECT              = COLUMN
+OBJECT                  = COLUMN
+    NAME                = SPACECRAFT_QUATERNION
+    DATA_TYPE           = IEEE_REAL
+    START_BYTE          = 37
+    BYTES               = 16
+    ITEMS               = 4
+    ITEM_BYTES          = 4
+    ALIAS_NAME          = quat
+    DESCRIPTION         = "Spacecraft pointing quaternion in the J2000
+                           reference frame"
+END_OBJECT              = COLUMN
+OBJECT                  = COLUMN
+    NAME                = POSITION_SOURCE_ID
+    DATA_TYPE           = CHARACTER
+    START_BYTE          = 53
+    BYTES               = 2
+    ITEMS               = 2
+    ITEM_BYTES          = 1
+    ALIAS_NAME          = id
+    DESCRIPTION         = "2-character source ID.
+                           First character is source of positions.
+                           Second character is source of pointing.
+                           See ancillary table for details."
+END_OBJECT              = COLUMN
diff --git a/plio/examples/Tes/pos10001.tab b/plio/examples/Tes/pos10001.tab
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04ea14e022940553d566ca2ac4ff8e1c5b5d2ba2
Binary files /dev/null and b/plio/examples/Tes/pos10001.tab differ
diff --git a/plio/io/io_tes.py b/plio/io/io_tes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66a6cd141d77ca7c281168e0fab7dd6b09d97c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plio/io/io_tes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import pvl
+import sys
+import functools
+import json
+from plio.io.io_json import read_json
+from plio.utils._tes2numpy import tes_dtype_map
+from plio.utils._tes2numpy import tes_columns
+from plio.utils._tes2numpy import tes_scaling_factors
+class Tes(object):
+    """
+    Attributes
+    ----------
+    spectra : panel
+              A pandas panel containing n individual spectra.
+    ancillary_data : dataframe
+                     A pandas DataFrame of the parsed ancillary data (PVL label)
+    label : object
+            The raw PVL label object
+    """
+    def __init__(self, input_data, var_file = None):
+        """
+        Read the .spc file, parse the label, and extract the spectra
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        input_data : string
+                     The PATH to the input .tab file
+        """
+        def expand_column(df, expand_column, columns): # pragma: no cover
+            array = np.asarray([np.asarray(list(tup[0])) for tup in df[expand_column].as_matrix()], dtype=np.uint8)
+            new_df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(array, columns=columns)], axis=1)
+            del new_df[expand_column]
+            return new_df
+        def bolquality2arr(arr): # pragma: no cover
+            bitarr = np.unpackbits(np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.uint8))
+            lis = [(bitarr2int(bitarr[0:3]), bit2bool(bitarr[3:4]))]
+            types = [('BOLOMETRIC_INERTIA_RATING', '>u1'), ('BOLOMETER_LAMP_ANOMALY', 'bool_')]
+            arr = np.array(lis, dtype=types)
+            return arr
+        def obsquality2arr(arr): # pragma: no cover
+            bitarr = np.unpackbits(np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.uint8))
+            lis = [(bitarr2int(bitarr[0:2]), bitarr2int(bitarr[2:5]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[5:6]), bitarr2int(bitarr[6:7]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[7:8]), bitarr2int(bitarr[8:9]))]
+            types = [('HGA_MOTION', '>u1'), ('SOLAR_PANEL_MOTION', '>u1'), ('ALGOR_PATCH', '>u1'),
+                     ('IMC_PATCH', '>u1'), ('MOMENTUM_DESATURATION', '>u1'), ('EQUALIZATION_TABLE', '>u1')]
+            arr = np.array(lis, dtype=types)
+            return arr
+        def obsclass2arr(arr): # pragma: no cover
+            bitarr = np.unpackbits(np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.uint8))
+            lis = [(bitarr2int(bitarr[0:3]), bitarr2int(bitarr[3:7]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[7:11]), bitarr2int(bitarr[11:13]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[13:14]), bitarr2int(bitarr[14:16]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[16:]))]
+            types = [('MISSION_PHASE', '>u1'), ('INTENDED_TARGET', '>u1'), ('TES_SEQUENCE', '>u1'),
+                     ('NEON_LAMP_STATUS', '>u1'), ('TIMING_ACCURACY', '>u1'), ('SPARE', '>u1'), ('CLASSIFICATION_VALUE', '>u2')]
+            arr = np.array(lis, dtype=types)
+            return arr
+        def radquality2arr(arr): # pragma: no cover
+            bitarr = np.unpackbits(np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.uint8))
+            lis = [(bitarr2int(bitarr[0:1]), bitarr2int(bitarr[1:2]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[2:3]), bitarr2int(bitarr[3:5]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[5:7]), bitarr2int(bitarr[5:8]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[8:9]))]
+            types = [('MAJOR_PHASE_INVERSION', '>u1'), ('ALGOR_RISK', '>u1'), ('CALIBRATION_FAILURE', '>u1'),
+                     ('CALIBRATION_QUALITY', '>u1'), ('SPECTROMETER_NOISE', '>u1'), ('SPECTRAL_INERTIA_RATING', '>u1'),
+                     ('DETECTOR_MASK_PROBLEM', '>u1')]
+            arr = np.array(lis, dtype=types)
+            return arr
+        def atmquality2arr(arr): # pragma: no cover
+            bitarr = np.unpackbits(np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.uint8))
+            lis = [(bitarr2int(bitarr[0:2]), bitarr2int(bitarr[2:4]))]
+            types = [('TEMPERATURE_PROFILE_RATING', '>u1'), ('ATMOSPHERIC_OPACITY_RATING', '>u1')]
+            arr = np.array(lis, dtype=types)
+            return arr
+        def expand_column(df, expand_column, columns): # pragma: no cover
+            array = np.asarray([np.asarray(list(tup[0])) for tup in df[expand_column].as_matrix()], dtype=np.uint8)
+            new_df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(array, columns=columns)], axis=1)
+            del new_df[expand_column]
+            return new_df
+        def bolquality2arr(arr): # pragma: no cover
+            bitarr = np.unpackbits(np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.uint8))
+            lis = [(bitarr2int(bitarr[0:3]), bit2bool(bitarr[3:4]))]
+            types = [('BOLOMETRIC_INERTIA_RATING', '>u1'), ('BOLOMETER_LAMP_ANOMALY', 'bool_')]
+            arr = np.array(lis, dtype=types)
+            return arr
+        def obsquality2arr(arr): # pragma: no cover
+            bitarr = np.unpackbits(np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.uint8))
+            lis = [(bitarr2int(bitarr[0:2]), bitarr2int(bitarr[2:5]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[5:6]), bitarr2int(bitarr[6:7]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[7:8]), bitarr2int(bitarr[8:9]))]
+            types = [('HGA_MOTION', '>u1'), ('SOLAR_PANEL_MOTION', '>u1'), ('ALGOR_PATCH', '>u1'),
+                     ('IMC_PATCH', '>u1'), ('MOMENTUM_DESATURATION', '>u1'), ('EQUALIZATION_TABLE', '>u1')]
+            arr = np.array(lis, dtype=types)
+            return arr
+        def obsclass2arr(arr): # pragma: no cover
+            bitarr = np.unpackbits(np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.uint8))
+            lis = [(bitarr2int(bitarr[0:3]), bitarr2int(bitarr[3:7]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[7:11]), bitarr2int(bitarr[11:13]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[13:14]), bitarr2int(bitarr[14:16]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[16:]))]
+            types = [('MISSION_PHASE', '>u1'), ('INTENDED_TARGET', '>u1'), ('TES_SEQUENCE', '>u1'),
+                     ('NEON_LAMP_STATUS', '>u1'), ('TIMING_ACCURACY', '>u1'), ('SPARE', '>u1'), ('CLASSIFICATION_VALUE', '>u2')]
+            arr = np.array(lis, dtype=types)
+            return arr
+        def radquality2arr(arr): # pragma: no cover
+            bitarr = np.unpackbits(np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.uint8))
+            lis = [(bitarr2int(bitarr[0:1]), bitarr2int(bitarr[1:2]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[2:3]), bitarr2int(bitarr[3:5]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[5:7]), bitarr2int(bitarr[5:8]),
+                    bitarr2int(bitarr[8:9]))]
+            types = [('MAJOR_PHASE_INVERSION', '>u1'), ('ALGOR_RISK', '>u1'), ('CALIBRATION_FAILURE', '>u1'),
+                     ('CALIBRATION_QUALITY', '>u1'), ('SPECTROMETER_NOISE', '>u1'), ('SPECTRAL_INERTIA_RATING', '>u1'),
+                     ('DETECTOR_MASK_PROBLEM', '>u1')]
+            arr = np.array(lis, dtype=types)
+            return arr
+        def atmquality2arr(arr): # pragma: no cover
+            bitarr = np.unpackbits(np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.uint8))
+            lis = [(bitarr2int(bitarr[0:2]), bitarr2int(bitarr[2:4]))]
+            types = [('TEMPERATURE_PROFILE_RATING', '>u1'), ('ATMOSPHERIC_OPACITY_RATING', '>u1')]
+            arr = np.array(lis, dtype=types)
+            return arr
+        def bitarr2int(arr): # pragma: no cover
+            arr = "".join(str(i) for i in arr)
+            return np.uint8(int(arr,2))
+        def bit2bool(bit): # pragma: no cover
+            return np.bool_(bit)
+        def expand_bitstrings(df, dataset): # pragma: no cover
+            if dataset == 'BOL':
+                quality_columns = ['ti_bol_rating', 'bol_ref_lamp']
+                df['quality'] = df['quality'].apply(bolquality2arr)
+                return expand_column(df, 'quality', quality_columns)
+            elif dataset == 'OBS':
+                quality_columns = ['hga_motion', 'pnl_motion', 'algor_patch', 'imc_patch',
+                                   'momentum', 'equal_tab']
+                class_columns = ['phase', 'type', 'sequence',
+                                 'lamp_status', 'timing', 'spare', 'class_value']
+                df['quality'] = df['quality'].apply(obsquality2arr)
+                df['class'] = df['class'].apply(obsclass2arr)
+                new_df = expand_column(df, 'quality', quality_columns)
+                new_df = expand_column(new_df, 'class', class_columns)
+                return new_df
+            elif dataset == 'RAD':
+                quality_columns = ['phase_inversion', 'algor_risk', 'calib_fail', 'calib_quality',
+                                   'spect_noise', 'ti_spc_rating', 'det_mask_problem']
+                df['quality'] = df['quality'].apply(radquality2arr)
+                return expand_column(df, 'quality', quality_columns)
+            elif dataset == 'ATM':
+                quality_columns = ['atm_pt_rating', 'atm_opacity_rating']
+                df['quality'] = df['quality'].apply(atmquality2arr)
+                return expand_column(df, 'quality', quality_columns)
+            else:
+                return df
+        self.label = pvl.load(input_data)
+        nrecords = self.label['TABLE']['ROWS']
+        nbytes_per_rec = self.label['RECORD_BYTES']
+        data_start = self.label['LABEL_RECORDS'] * self.label['RECORD_BYTES']
+        dataset = self.label['TABLE']['^STRUCTURE'].split('.')[0]
+        numpy_dtypes = tes_dtype_map
+        columns = tes_columns
+        scaling_factors = tes_scaling_factors
+        with open(input_data, 'rb') as file:
+            file.seek(data_start)
+            buffer = file.read(nrecords*nbytes_per_rec)
+            array = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=numpy_dtypes[dataset.upper()]).byteswap().newbyteorder()
+        df = pd.DataFrame(data=array, columns=columns[dataset.upper()])
+        # Read Radiance array if applicable
+        if dataset.upper() == 'RAD': # pragma: no cover
+            with open('{}.var'.format(path.splitext(f)[0]) , 'rb') as file:
+                buffer = file.read()
+                def process_rad(index):
+                    if index is -1:
+                        return None
+                    length = np.frombuffer(buffer[index:index+2], dtype='>u2')[0]
+                    exp = np.frombuffer(buffer[index+2:index+4], dtype='>i2')[0]
+                    radarr = np.frombuffer(buffer[index+4:index+4+length-2], dtype='>i2') * (2**(exp-15))
+                    if np.frombuffer(buffer[index+4+length-2:index+4+length], dtype='>u2')[0] != length:
+                        warnings.warn("Last element did not match the length for file index {} in file {}".format(index, f))
+                    return radarr
+                df["raw_rad"] = df["raw_rad"].apply(process_rad)
+                df["cal_rad"] = df["cal_rad"].apply(process_rad)
+        # Apply scaling factors
+        for column in scaling_factors[dataset]: # pragma: no cover
+            def scale(x):
+                 return np.multiply(x, scaling_factors[dataset][column])
+            df[column] = df[column].apply(scale)
+        df =  expand_bitstrings(df, dataset.upper())
+        self.data =  df
diff --git a/plio/io/tests/test_io_spectral_profiler.py b/plio/io/tests/test_io_spectral_profiler.py
index 3d05e05c4241e3fbc900aa9579072238a3bb06d6..772712de822305bc48f466675b3ee3f4c1d7208e 100644
--- a/plio/io/tests/test_io_spectral_profiler.py
+++ b/plio/io/tests/test_io_spectral_profiler.py
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ from plio.io import io_spectral_profiler
 from plio.io.io_gdal import GeoDataset
 class Test_Spectral_Profiler_IO(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.examplefile = get_path('SP_2C_02_02358_S138_E3586.spc')
     def test_openspc(self):
         ds = io_spectral_profiler.Spectral_Profiler(self.examplefile)
         self.assertEqual(ds.nspectra, 38)
diff --git a/plio/io/tests/test_io_tes.py b/plio/io/tests/test_io_tes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7fa5d8d3cde9f673c2a069f8b0206355d27754eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plio/io/tests/test_io_tes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import unittest
+import pandas as pd
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))
+from plio.examples import get_path
+from plio.io import io_tes
+from plio.io.io_gdal import GeoDataset
+from plio.utils._tes2numpy import tes2numpy
+class Test_Tes_IO(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.examplefile = get_path('pos10001.tab')
+    def test_opentab(self):
+        ds = io_tes.Tes(self.examplefile)
+        self.assertEqual(ds.data.size, 119106)
+        self.assertIsInstance(ds.data, pd.DataFrame)
+        self.assertEqual(ds.data.columns.tolist(), ['sclk_time', 'et', 'pos', 'sun', 'quat', 'id'])
+    def test_tes2numpy(self):
+        self.assertEqual(tes2numpy('MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER', 4), '>u4')
+        self.assertEqual(tes2numpy('MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER', 4, 2), [('elem0', '>u4'), ('elem1', '>u4')])
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            tes2numpy('IEEE_REAL', 5)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/plio/utils/_tes2numpy.py b/plio/utils/_tes2numpy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bb74ab80607ee9c414f7b4aaca8ed46687d110fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plio/utils/_tes2numpy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+def tes2numpy(msb_type, num_bytes, nelems=1):
+    """
+    Converts a MSB data type to a numpy datatype
+    """
+    valid_bytes = {
+        'MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER': [1,2,4,8,16,32,64],
+        'MSB_INTEGER': [1,2,4,8,16,32,64],
+        'IEEE_REAL': [1,2,4,8,16,32,64],
+        'CHARACTER': range(1,128),
+        'MSB_BIT_STRING': range(1,128)
+    }
+    msb_bit_string_type = [('byte{}'.format(i), '>u1') for i in range(num_bytes)]
+    dtype_map = {
+        'MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER': '>u{}'.format(num_bytes),
+        'MSB_INTEGER': '>i{}'.format(num_bytes),
+        'IEEE_REAL': '>f{}'.format(num_bytes),
+        'CHARACTER': 'a{}'.format(num_bytes),
+        'MSB_BIT_STRING': msb_bit_string_type
+    }
+    if num_bytes not in valid_bytes[msb_type] and nelems == 1:
+        raise Exception('invalid byte ({}) count for type ({})'.format(num_bytes, msb_type))
+    if nelems > 1:
+        # Must be an array
+        return [('elem{}'.format(i), dtype_map[msb_type]) for i in range(nelems)]
+    return dtype_map[msb_type]
+tes_dtype_map = {'ATM': [('sclk_time', '>u4'),
+  ('srf_pressure', '>u2'),
+  ('nadir_pt',
+   [('elem0', '>u2'),
+    ('elem1', '>u2'),
+    ('elem2', '>u2'),
+    ('elem3', '>u2'),
+    ('elem4', '>u2'),
+    ('elem5', '>u2'),
+    ('elem6', '>u2'),
+    ('elem7', '>u2'),
+    ('elem8', '>u2'),
+    ('elem9', '>u2'),
+    ('elem10', '>u2'),
+    ('elem11', '>u2'),
+    ('elem12', '>u2'),
+    ('elem13', '>u2'),
+    ('elem14', '>u2'),
+    ('elem15', '>u2'),
+    ('elem16', '>u2'),
+    ('elem17', '>u2'),
+    ('elem18', '>u2'),
+    ('elem19', '>u2'),
+    ('elem20', '>u2'),
+    ('elem21', '>u2'),
+    ('elem22', '>u2'),
+    ('elem23', '>u2'),
+    ('elem24', '>u2'),
+    ('elem25', '>u2'),
+    ('elem26', '>u2'),
+    ('elem27', '>u2'),
+    ('elem28', '>u2'),
+    ('elem29', '>u2'),
+    ('elem30', '>u2'),
+    ('elem31', '>u2'),
+    ('elem32', '>u2'),
+    ('elem33', '>u2'),
+    ('elem34', '>u2'),
+    ('elem35', '>u2'),
+    ('elem36', '>u2'),
+    ('elem37', '>u2')]),
+  ('co2_cont_temp', '>u2'),
+  ('srf_temp_est', '>u2'),
+  ('rms_pt', '>f4'),
+  ('best_fit_opacities',
+   [('elem0', '>i2'),
+    ('elem1', '>i2'),
+    ('elem2', '>i2'),
+    ('elem3', '>i2'),
+    ('elem4', '>i2'),
+    ('elem5', '>i2'),
+    ('elem6', '>i2'),
+    ('elem7', '>i2'),
+    ('elem8', '>i2')]),
+  ('rms_opacities', '>f4'),
+  ('co2_dw_flux', '>f4'),
+  ('total_dw_flux', '>f4'),
+  ('quality', [('byte0', '>u1'), ('byte1', '>u1')]),
+  ('srf_radiance', '>i4'),
+  ('version_id', 'a4')],
+ 'BOL': [('sclk_time', '>u4'),
+  ('detector', '>u1'),
+  ('tic_count', '>u1'),
+  ('vbol', '>i2'),
+  ('tbol', '>i2'),
+  ('cal_vbol', '>f4'),
+  ('lambert_alb', '>f4'),
+  ('ti_bol', '>f4'),
+  ('brightness_temp_bol', '>u2'),
+  ('vbol_version_id', 'a2'),
+  ('tbol_version_id', 'a2'),
+  ('quality', [('byte0', '>u1'), ('byte1', '>u1')])],
+ 'GEO': [('sclk_time', '>u4'),
+  ('detector', '>u1'),
+  ('longitude', '>u2'),
+  ('latitude', '>i2'),
+  ('phase', '>u2'),
+  ('emission', '>u2'),
+  ('incidence', '>u2'),
+  ('planetary_phase', '>u2'),
+  ('heliocentric_lon', '>u2'),
+  ('sub_sc_lon', '>u2'),
+  ('sub_sc_lat', '>i2'),
+  ('sub_solar_lon', '>u2'),
+  ('sub_solar_lat', '>i2'),
+  ('target_distance', '>u2'),
+  ('height', '>u2'),
+  ('altitude', '>u2'),
+  ('local_time', '>u2'),
+  ('solar_distance', '>u2'),
+  ('angular_semidiameter', '>u2'),
+  ('version_id', 'a4')],
+ 'IFG': [('sclk_time', '>u4'), ('detector', '>u1'), ('ifgm', '>i4')],
+ 'OBS': [('sclk_time', '>u4'),
+  ('orbit', '>u2'),
+  ('ock', '>u2'),
+  ('ick', '>u4'),
+  ('tic', '>u1'),
+  ('pnt_angle', '>i2'),
+  ('pnt_imc', '>u1'),
+  ('pnt_view', 'a1'),
+  ('scan_len', 'a1'),
+  ('pckt_type', 'a1'),
+  ('schedule_type', 'a1'),
+  ('spc_gain', 'a1'),
+  ('vbol_gain', 'a1'),
+  ('tbol_gain', 'a1'),
+  ('comp_pp', '>u1'),
+  ('det_mask', '>u1'),
+  ('class',
+   [('byte0', '>u1'), ('byte1', '>u1'), ('byte2', '>u1'), ('byte3', '>u1')]),
+  ('quality',
+   [('byte0', '>u1'), ('byte1', '>u1'), ('byte2', '>u1'), ('byte3', '>u1')]),
+  ('temps',
+   [('elem0', '>u2'), ('elem1', '>u2'), ('elem2', '>u2'), ('elem3', '>u2')]),
+  ('ffti', '>u1')],
+ 'POS': [('sclk_time', '>u4'),
+  ('et', '>f8'),
+  ('pos', [('elem0', '>f4'), ('elem1', '>f4'), ('elem2', '>f4')]),
+  ('sun', [('elem0', '>f4'), ('elem1', '>f4'), ('elem2', '>f4')]),
+  ('quat',
+   [('elem0', '>f4'), ('elem1', '>f4'), ('elem2', '>f4'), ('elem3', '>f4')]),
+  ('id', [('elem0', 'a1'), ('elem1', 'a1')])],
+ 'RAD': [('sclk_time', '>u4'),
+  ('detector', '>u1'),
+  ('spectral_mask', '>u1'),
+  ('cmode', '>u2'),
+  ('raw_rad', '>i4'),
+  ('cal_rad', '>i4'),
+  ('tdet', '>u2'),
+  ('target_temp', '>u2'),
+  ('ti_spc', '>f4'),
+  ('version_id', 'a4'),
+  ('quality',
+   [('byte0', '>u1'), ('byte1', '>u1'), ('byte2', '>u1'), ('byte3', '>u1')])],
+ 'TLM': [('sclk_time', '>u4'),
+  ('aux_temps',
+   [('elem0', '>u2'),
+    ('elem1', '>u2'),
+    ('elem2', '>u2'),
+    ('elem3', '>u2'),
+    ('elem4', '>u2'),
+    ('elem5', '>u2'),
+    ('elem6', '>u2'),
+    ('elem7', '>u2'),
+    ('elem8', '>u2'),
+    ('elem9', '>u2'),
+    ('elem10', '>u2'),
+    ('elem11', '>u2')]),
+  ('ifgm_max',
+   [('elem0', '>i2'),
+    ('elem1', '>i2'),
+    ('elem2', '>i2'),
+    ('elem3', '>i2'),
+    ('elem4', '>i2'),
+    ('elem5', '>i2')]),
+  ('ifgm_min',
+   [('elem0', '>i2'),
+    ('elem1', '>i2'),
+    ('elem2', '>i2'),
+    ('elem3', '>i2'),
+    ('elem4', '>i2'),
+    ('elem5', '>i2')]),
+  ('dsp_log',
+   [('elem0', '>u2'),
+    ('elem1', '>u2'),
+    ('elem2', '>u2'),
+    ('elem3', '>u2'),
+    ('elem4', '>u2'),
+    ('elem5', '>u2')]),
+  ('V1', '>i1'),
+  ('V2', '>i1'),
+  ('V3', '>i1'),
+  ('V4', '>i1'),
+  ('V5', '>i1'),
+  ('V6', '>i1'),
+  ('V7', '>i1'),
+  ('V8', '>i1'),
+  ('V9', '>i1'),
+  ('V10', '>i1'),
+  ('V11', '>i1'),
+  ('V12', '>i1'),
+  ('V13', '>i1'),
+  ('V14', '>i1'),
+  ('V15', '>i1'),
+  ('V16', '>i1'),
+  ('V17', '>i1'),
+  ('V18', '>i1'),
+  ('V19', '>i1'),
+  ('V20', '>i1'),
+  ('neon_lamp', '>u1'),
+  ('neon_gain', 'a1'),
+  ('neon_amp', '>i1'),
+  ('neon_zpd', '>u2'),
+  ('ifgm_zpd',
+   [('elem0', '>u2'),
+    ('elem1', '>u2'),
+    ('elem2', '>u2'),
+    ('elem3', '>u2'),
+    ('elem4', '>u2'),
+    ('elem5', '>u2')]),
+  ('ifgm_end',
+   [('elem0', '>u2'),
+    ('elem1', '>u2'),
+    ('elem2', '>u2'),
+    ('elem3', '>u2'),
+    ('elem4', '>u2'),
+    ('elem5', '>u2')])]}
+tes_columns = {'ATM': ['sclk_time',
+  'srf_pressure',
+  'nadir_pt',
+  'co2_cont_temp',
+  'srf_temp_est',
+  'rms_pt',
+  'best_fit_opacities',
+  'rms_opacities',
+  'co2_dw_flux',
+  'total_dw_flux',
+  'quality',
+  'srf_radiance',
+  'version_id'],
+ 'BOL': ['sclk_time',
+  'detector',
+  'tic_count',
+  'vbol',
+  'tbol',
+  'cal_vbol',
+  'lambert_alb',
+  'ti_bol',
+  'brightness_temp_bol',
+  'vbol_version_id',
+  'tbol_version_id',
+  'quality'],
+ 'GEO': ['sclk_time',
+  'detector',
+  'longitude',
+  'latitude',
+  'phase',
+  'emission',
+  'incidence',
+  'planetary_phase',
+  'heliocentric_lon',
+  'sub_sc_lon',
+  'sub_sc_lat',
+  'sub_solar_lon',
+  'sub_solar_lat',
+  'target_distance',
+  'height',
+  'altitude',
+  'local_time',
+  'solar_distance',
+  'angular_semidiameter',
+  'version_id'],
+ 'IFG': ['sclk_time', 'detector', 'ifgm'],
+ 'OBS': ['sclk_time',
+  'orbit',
+  'ock',
+  'ick',
+  'tic',
+  'pnt_angle',
+  'pnt_imc',
+  'pnt_view',
+  'scan_len',
+  'pckt_type',
+  'schedule_type',
+  'spc_gain',
+  'vbol_gain',
+  'tbol_gain',
+  'comp_pp',
+  'det_mask',
+  'class',
+  'quality',
+  'temps',
+  'ffti'],
+ 'POS': ['sclk_time', 'et', 'pos', 'sun', 'quat', 'id'],
+ 'RAD': ['sclk_time',
+  'detector',
+  'spectral_mask',
+  'cmode',
+  'raw_rad',
+  'cal_rad',
+  'tdet',
+  'target_temp',
+  'ti_spc',
+  'version_id',
+  'quality'],
+ 'TLM': ['sclk_time',
+  'aux_temps',
+  'ifgm_max',
+  'ifgm_min',
+  'dsp_log',
+  'V1',
+  'V2',
+  'V3',
+  'V4',
+  'V5',
+  'V6',
+  'V7',
+  'V8',
+  'V9',
+  'V10',
+  'V11',
+  'V12',
+  'V13',
+  'V14',
+  'V15',
+  'V16',
+  'V17',
+  'V18',
+  'V19',
+  'V20',
+  'neon_lamp',
+  'neon_gain',
+  'neon_amp',
+  'neon_zpd',
+  'ifgm_zpd',
+  'ifgm_end']}
+tes_scaling_factors = {'ATM': {'best_fit_opacities': 0.001,
+  'co2_cont_temp': 0.01,
+  'nadir_pt': 0.01,
+  'srf_pressure': 0.001,
+  'srf_temp_est': 0.01},
+ 'BOL': {'brightness_temp_bol': 0.01,
+  'tbol': 0.000152587890625,
+  'vbol': 0.000152587890625},
+ 'CMP': {},
+ 'GEO': {'angular_semidiameter': 0.01,
+  'emission': 0.01,
+  'height': 0.01,
+  'heliocentric_lon': 0.01,
+  'incidence': 0.01,
+  'latitude': 0.01,
+  'local_time': 0.001,
+  'longitude': 0.01,
+  'phase': 0.01,
+  'planetary_phase': 0.01,
+  'solar_distance': 10000,
+  'sub_sc_lat': 0.01,
+  'sub_sc_lon': 0.01,
+  'sub_solar_lat': 0.01,
+  'sub_solar_lon': 0.01},
+ 'IFG': {},
+ 'OBS': {'pnt_angle': 0.046875, 'temps': 0.01},
+ 'PCT': {},
+ 'POS': {},
+ 'RAD': {'target_temp': 0.01, 'tdet': 0.01},
+ 'TLM': {'V1': 3.90625,
+  'V10': -0.15625,
+  'V11': 0.0976055,
+  'V12': -0.0985813,
+  'V13': 0.976562,
+  'V14': 0.0648437,
+  'V15': 0.045727,
+  'V16': 0.0480992,
+  'V17': 0.0478277,
+  'V18': 0.0488039,
+  'V19': 0.141966,
+  'V2': 1.95312,
+  'V20': -0.149688,
+  'V3': 0.278906,
+  'V4': 0.278906,
+  'V5': 4.45312,
+  'V6': 0.652344,
+  'V7': 0.119457,
+  'V8': -0.103067,
+  'V9': 0.15576,
+  'aux_temps': 0.01,
+  'ifgm_max': 0.000152587890625,
+  'ifgm_min': 0.000152587890625}}