From d10dd5c65c1b2474017cc3273696266699fa8134 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jlaura <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 05:04:08 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Adds a KRC bin52 reader

 plio/ |   3 +-
 plio/   | 448 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 450 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 plio/

diff --git a/plio/ b/plio/
index 3431520..7deb7d9 100755
--- a/plio/
+++ b/plio/
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ from . import isis_serial_number
 from . import io_controlnetwork
 from . import io_gdal
 from . import io_json
+from . import io_krc
 from . import io_yaml
 from . import io_db
 from . import io_hdf
 from . import utils
 from . import examples
-from . import data
\ No newline at end of file
+from . import data
diff --git a/plio/ b/plio/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d3e518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plio/
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+import logging
+import re
+import warnings
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+    import krc
+    import os
+    import sys
+    sys.path.append(os.path.basename('..'))
+    import krc
+idl2np_dtype = {1: np.byte, 2: np.int16, 3: np.int32, 4: np.float32,
+                5: np.float64}
+idl2struct = {4: 'f', 5:'d'}
+archtype2struct={'sparc': None, 'bigend': '>', 'litend': '<',
+          'alpha': None, 'ppc': None, 'x86': None, 'x86_64': None}
+class ReadBin52(object):
+    """
+    Class to read a bin 52 and organize the output
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    filename    (str) The file to read
+    Attributes
+    ----------
+    filename : str
+               The file that was parsed
+    header : str
+             The header from the bin52 file
+    bin52data : ndarray
+                RAW bin52 binary read into an n-dim array
+    ncases : int
+            The number of available cases (1 based)
+    nlat : int
+           The number of latitudes
+    nhours : int
+             The number of hours
+    nseasons : int
+               The number of seasons
+    ntau : int
+           The number of opacity (tau) steps
+    nalbedos : int
+               The number of albedo steps
+    nslope : int
+             The number of slope steps
+    transferedlayers : int
+                       The number of transfered layers in the model
+    tlabels : list
+              Labels for the hourly tabel
+    latelv : ndarray
+             Array of model latitudes and elevations
+    pd_latelv : dataframe
+                Pandas dataframe reshape of latelv
+    ttt : ndarray
+          Hourly parameters as a vector
+    pd_ttt : dataframe
+             Pandas dataframe of the reshape ttt
+    seasitems : ndarray
+                Array of seasonal parameters (DJU5, Ls, PZREF, TAUD, SUMF)
+    pd_seasitems : dataframe
+                   Pandas dataframe reshape of seasitems
+    ddd : ndarray
+          Model temperatures by layer
+    pd_ddd : dataframe
+             Pandas dataframe reshape of ddd
+    pd_itemg : dataframe
+               Pandas dataframe of ggg
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename, headerlen=512):
+        # Get or setup the logging object
+        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.readbin5(headerlen)
+        assert(self.ncases == self.bin52data.shape[0])
+    def definekrc(self, what='KRC', endianness='<'):
+        """
+        Defines a custom binary data structure for the KRC files.
+        """
+        if what == 'KRC':
+            numfd = 96  # Size of floats of T-dependent materials
+            numid = 40  # size of "  " integers
+            numld = 20  # size of "  " logicals
+            maxn1 = 30  # dimension of layers
+            maxn2 = 384 * 4  # dimensions of times of day
+            maxn3 = 16  # dimensions of iterations days
+            maxn4 = self.nlats * 2 - 1  # dimensions of latitudes
+            maxn5 = 161 # dimensions of seasons
+            maxn6 = 6  # dimensions of saved years
+            maxnh = self.nhours  # dimensions of saved times of day
+            maxbot = 6  # dimensions of time divisions
+            numtit = 20  # number of 4-byte words in TITLE
+            numday = 5  # number of 4-byte words in DAY
+            e = endianness
+            self.logger.debug(self.structdtype)
+            #Define the structure of the KRC file
+            if self.structdtype == '<f':
+                self._krcstructure = np.dtype([('fd','{}{}f'.format(e, numfd)),
+                                        ('id','{}{}i'.format(e, numid)),
+                                        ('ld','{}{}i'.format(e, numld)),
+                                        ('title','{}{}a'.format(e, 4 * numtit)),
+                                        ('daytime','{}{}a'.format(e, 4 * numday)),
+                                        ('alat','{}{}f4'.format(e, maxn4)),
+                                        ('elev','{}{}f4'.format(e,maxn4))])
+            elif self.structdtype == '<d':
+                self._krcstructure = np.dtype([('fd','{}{}d'.format(e, numfd)),
+                                               ('alat','{}{}d'.format(e, maxn4)),
+                                               ('elev','{}{}d'.format(e,maxn4) ),
+                                               ('id','{}{}i'.format(e, numid)),
+                                               ('ld','{}{}i'.format(e, numld)),
+                                               ('title','{}{}a'.format(e, 4 * numtit) ),
+                                               ('daytime','{}{}a'.format(e, 4 * numday))])
+    def readbin5(self, headerlen):
+        """
+        Reads the type 52 file containing KRC output.
+        Tested with KRC version 2.2.2.  Note that the output format
+        can change
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filename    (str) Full PATH to the file
+        """
+        def _parse_header():
+            header = re.findall(b'\d+', fullheader.split(b'<<')[0])
+            header = list(map(int, header))
+            self.ndim = header[0]
+            self.nhours = header[1]
+            self.nvariables = header[2]
+            self.nlats = header[3]
+            self.nseasons = header[4] - 1
+            self.headerlength = header[8]
+            self.ncases = header[0 + self.ndim]
+            self.header = header
+            # Compute how large each case is
+            self.casesize = self.nhours
+            if self.ndim > 1:
+                for k in range(1, self.ndim - 1):
+                    self.casesize *= header[k + 1]
+        def _parse_front():
+            # Read the front matter
+            front = np.fromfile(bin5, dtype=self.structdtype, count=4).astype(
+            self.words_per_krc = front[0]
+            self.ndx = front[2]
+        def _read_data():
+            self.bin52data = np.fromfile(bin5,
+                                         dtype=self.structdtype)
+            self.logger.debug(len(self.bin52data))
+            indices = arraysize[1: -1]
+            self.bin52data = self.bin52data.reshape(indices[: : -1])
+        def _get_version():
+            ver = re.findall(b'\d+', head)
+            ver = list(map(int, ver))
+            self.version = ver[: 3]
+        #Add smarter filename handling
+        with open(self.filename, 'rb') as bin5:
+            #To handle endianness and architectures
+            archbytes = 8
+            c_end = 5
+            fullheader =
+            _parse_header()
+            arraysize = self.header[0: self.ndim + 2]
+            arraydtypecode = arraysize[arraysize[0] + 1]
+            try:
+                arraydtype = idl2np_dtype[arraydtypecode]
+                self.logger.debug("Dtype: ", arraydtype)
+            except KeyError:
+                self.logger.error("Unable to determine input datatype.")
+            assert(len(self.header) == self.ndim + 4)
+            if self.headerlength > 512:
+                warnings.Warn('Expected header to be 512 bytes, is {} bytes'.format(self.headerlength))
+                return
+            #Get the endianness of the input file and the data type (32 or 64 bit)
+            archstart = self.headerlength - (archbytes + c_end)
+            archend = self.headerlength - c_end
+            encodingarch = fullheader[archstart: archend].rstrip()
+            encodingarch = encodingarch.decode()
+            self._endianness = archtype2struct[encodingarch]
+            self.structdtype = self._endianness + idl2struct[arraydtypecode]
+            #Get the date and head debug
+            idx2 = fullheader.find(b'>>')
+            idx1 = idx2 - 21
+   = fullheader[idx1: idx1 + 20]
+            head = fullheader[idx2 + 2:  self.headerlength - (archbytes + c_end) - 3 - idx2]
+            head = head.rstrip()
+            # Parse the header
+            _get_version()
+            _parse_front()
+            _read_data()
+    def readcase(self, case=1):
+        """
+        Read a single dimension (case) from a bin52 file.
+        Parameters
+        -----------
+        case       (int) The case to be extracted
+        Returns
+        -------
+        casearr    (ndarray) The extracted KRC model for
+                             the case.
+        """
+        if self.structdtype == '<f':
+            j = 512 + (1 - 1) * 4 * self.casesize + 16
+        elif self.structdtype == '<d':
+            j = 512 + (1 - 1) * 4 * self.casesize + 32
+        with open(self.filename, 'r') as krc:
+            # Skip to the correct case
+            self.definekrc('KRC')
+            structarr = np.fromfile(krc, dtype=self._krcstructure, count=1)
+        if self.structdtype == '<f':
+            self.structarr = {'fd': structarr[0][0],
+                'id': structarr[0][1],
+                'ld': structarr[0][2],
+                'title': structarr[0][3],
+                'date': structarr[0][4],
+                'alat': structarr[0][5],
+                'elevation': structarr[0][6]
+                }
+        elif self.structdtype == '<d':
+            self.structarr = {'fd': structarr[0][0],
+                    'alat': structarr[0][1],
+                    'elevation': structarr[0][2],
+                    'id': structarr[0][3],
+                    'ld': structarr[0][4],
+                    'title': structarr[0][5],
+                    'date':structarr[0][6]}
+        self.nlayers = nlayers = self.structarr['id'][0]
+        itemt = ['Final Hourly Surface Temp.',
+                 'Final Hourly Planetary Temp.',
+                 'Final Hourly Atmospheric Temp.',
+                 'Hourly net downward solar flux [W/m^2]',
+                 'Hourly net downward thermal flux [W/m^2]']
+        itemu = ['Lat', 'Elev']
+        itemv = ['Current Julian date (offset from J2000.0)',
+                 'Seasonal longitude of Sun (in degrees)',
+                 'Current surface pressure at 0 elevation (in Pascals)',
+                 'Mean visible opacity of dust, solar wavelengths',
+                 'Global average columnar mass of frost [kg /m^2]']
+        itemd = ['Tmin', 'Tmax']
+        itemg = ['# Days to Compute Soln.',
+         'RMS Temp. Change on Last Day',
+         'Predicted Final Atmospheric Temp.',
+         'Predicted frost amount, [kg/m^2]',
+         'Frost albedo (at the last time step)',
+         'Mean upward heat flow into soil surface on last day, [W/m^2]']
+        self.glabels = itemg
+        self.tlabels = itemt
+        self.ulabels = itemu
+        self.vlabels = itemv
+        self.dlabels = itemd
+        nlat = len(self.structarr['alat'])
+        transferedlayers = nlayers - 1
+        if self.nhours - 3 < transferedlayers:
+            transferedlayers = self.nhours - 3
+        wordsperlat = self.nhours * self.nvariables
+        wordsperseason = wordsperlat * self.nlats
+        if self.nvariables != len(itemt) + len(itemd):
+            self.logger.error("Error! Size mismatch")
+        # Each case has a header that must be extracted:
+        header = self.bin52data[:,0:self.ndx,: ,: ,: ].reshape(self.ncases,
+                                                               wordsperseason * self.ndx)
+        #krccomm
+        k = 4 + self.words_per_krc + 5 * self.nseasons
+        krcc = header[:, 4: 4 + self.words_per_krc]
+        # Build a dataframe of the seasonal information
+        seasitems = header[:, 4 + self.words_per_krc: k ].reshape(self.ncases,
+                                                                  len(itemv),
+                                                                  self.nseasons)
+        # Good to HERE.
+        caseidx = np.repeat(np.arange(self.ncases), self.nseasons)
+        seasonidx = np.repeat(np.arange(self.nseasons), self.ncases)
+        flt_seasitems = seasitems.reshape(len(self.vlabels),
+                                          self.ncases * self.nseasons)
+        self.seasitems = pd.DataFrame(flt_seasitems,
+                                      columns=[caseidx,seasonidx],
+                                      index=[self.vlabels])
+        self.seasitems.columns.names = ['Case', 'Season']
+        # TODO: Can nlat_include_null be replaced with self.nlats?
+        nlat_include_null = len(self.structarr['alat'])
+        prelatwords = self.words_per_krc - 2 * nlat_include_null
+        #All latitudes
+        #Hugh made some change to the krcc format, but I cannot find documentation...
+        if self.structdtype == '<f':
+            alllats = krcc[:,prelatwords:].reshape(2, nlat_include_null, ncases)
+        elif self.structdtype == '<d':
+            alllats = krcc[:,96:170].reshape(2, nlat_include_null, self.ncases)
+        self.alllats = alllats
+        #Latitudes and elevations for each case
+        self.latelv = alllats[: ,0: nlat]
+        if self.latelv.shape[-1] == 1:
+            self.latelv = self.latelv[:,:,0]
+        self.pd_latelv = pd.DataFrame(self.latelv.T, columns=['Latitude', 'Elevation'])
+        wordspercase = wordsperseason * self.nseasons  # arrshp[1] = nseasons
+        jword = [4,wordspercase, self.ncases]
+        self.ttt = self.bin52data[: ,self.ndx: ,: ,0: len(itemt),: ].reshape(self.ncases,
+                                                                             self.nseasons,
+                                                                             self.nlats,
+                                                                             len(itemt),
+                                                                             self.nhours)
+        self.hourly2dataframe()
+        layeritems = self.bin52data[: , self.ndx: , : , 5: 7, : ]
+        self.latitems = layeritems[: ,: ,: ,: ,0: 3].reshape(self.ncases,
+                                                             self.nseasons,
+                                                             self.nlats, len(itemg))
+        self.latitems2dataframe()
+        self.ddd = layeritems[: ,: ,: ,: ,3: 3 + transferedlayers].reshape(self.ncases,
+                                                                               self.nseasons,
+                                                                               self.nlats,
+                                                                               len(itemd),
+                                                                               transferedlayers)
+        self.transferedlayers = transferedlayers
+        self.layer2dataframe()
+    def latitems2dataframe(self):
+        """
+        Converts Latitude items to a dataframe
+        """
+        idxcount = self.nseasons * self.nlats * self.ncases
+        idxpercase = self.nseasons * self.nlats
+        caseidx = np.empty(idxcount)
+        for c in range(self.ncases):
+            start = c * idxpercase
+            caseidx[start:start+idxpercase] = np.repeat(c, idxpercase)
+        nseasvect = np.arange(self.nseasons)
+        seasonidx = np.repeat(np.arange(self.nseasons), self.nlats)
+        latidx = np.tile(self.latelv[0].ravel(), self.nseasons)
+        self.pd_itemg = pd.DataFrame(self.latitems.reshape(self.nseasons * self.nlats, -1).T,
+                                     columns=[caseidx, seasonidx, latidx], index=self.glabels)
+        self.pd_itemg.columns.names = ['Case','Season', 'Latitude']
+    def layer2dataframe(self):
+        """
+        Converts layeritems into
+        """
+        self.logger.debug((self.nseasons, self.nlats, self.transferedlayers, self.ncases))
+        idxcount = self.nseasons * self.nlats * self.transferedlayers * self.ncases
+        caseidx = np.empty(idxcount)
+        idxpercase = self.nseasons * self.nlats * self.transferedlayers
+        for c in range(self.ncases):
+            start = c * idxpercase
+            caseidx[start:start + idxpercase] = np.repeat(c, idxpercase)
+        seasonidx = np.repeat(np.arange(self.nseasons), idxcount / self.nseasons / self.ncases)
+        nlatidx = np.repeat(self.latelv[0].ravel(), idxcount / self.transferedlayers / self.ncases)
+        tranlayeridx = np.tile(np.repeat(np.arange(self.transferedlayers), self.nlats), self.nseasons)
+        self.pd_ddd = pd.DataFrame(self.ddd.reshape(idxcount, -1).T, index=[self.dlabels], columns=[caseidx, seasonidx, nlatidx, tranlayeridx])
+        self.pd_ddd.columns.names = ['Case', 'Season', 'Latitude', 'Layer']
+    def seas2dataframe(self):
+        """
+        converts seasitems 'vvv' vector to a
+        labelled Pandas dataframe
+        """
+    def hourly2dataframe(self):
+        """
+        Converts the hourly 'ttt' vector to a
+        labelled Pandas dataframe.
+        """
+        reshapettt = np.swapaxes(self.ttt.reshape(self.ncases * self.nseasons * self.nlats, len(self.tlabels), self.nhours),1,2)
+        shp = reshapettt.shape
+        reshapettt = reshapettt.reshape((shp[0] * shp[1], shp[2])).T
+        #Indices
+        caseidx = np.repeat(np.arange(self.ncases), self.nseasons * self.nlats * self.nhours)
+        seasonidx = np.tile(np.repeat(np.arange(self.nseasons), self.nlats * self.nhours), self.ncases)
+        latidx = np.tile(np.repeat(self.latelv[0].ravel(), self.nhours), self.nseasons)
+        houridx = np.tile(np.tile(np.tile(np.arange(self.nhours), self.nlats), self.nseasons), self.ncases)
+        #DataFrame
+        self.pd_ttt = pd.DataFrame(reshapettt.T,
+                                   index=[caseidx, seasonidx, latidx, houridx],
+                                   columns=self.tlabels)
+        self.pd_ttt.index.names = ['Case', 'Season', 'Latitude', 'Hour']
+        self.temperature_data = self.pd_ttt
+        #self.pd_ttt = self.pd_ttt.T
+class ReadTds(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
\ No newline at end of file