environment: BINSTAR_USER: jlaura platform: - x64 install: - cmd: set PATH=C:\Miniconda3;C:\Miniconda3\Scripts;%PATH% - cmd: conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no - cmd: conda update -q conda # Useful for debugging any issues with conda - cmd: conda info -a # Install not using env because build needs to be in root env - cmd: conda config --add channels conda-forge - cmd: conda config --add channels jlaura - cmd: conda install -c conda-forge gdal h5py - cmd: conda install pandas sqlalchemy pyyaml - cmd: conda install -c jlaura pvl protobuf # Development installation - cmd: conda install nose coverage sh anaconda-client - cmd: pip install coveralls - appveyor DownloadFile "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/menpo/condaci/v0.4.8/condaci.py -O condaci.pyi" - cmd: python condaci.py setup build: off test_script: - cmd: nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=plio after_test: # After test success, package and upload to Anaconda - cmd: ~/miniconda/bin/python condaci.py build ./conda