import sys import os import argparse import plio from import Tes from glob import glob from os import path import functools import pandas as pd from pymongo import MongoClient from warnings import warn from collections import Iterable import pandas as pd from pandas import DataFrame import functools import json def join_tes(tes_data, init_dfs=None): """ """ if not hasattr(tes_data, '__iter__') and not isinstance(tes_data, Tes): raise TypeError("Input data must be a Tes datasets or an iterable of Tes datasets, got {}".format(type(tes_data))) elif not hasattr(tes_data, '__iter__'): tes_data = [tes_data] if len(tes_data) == 0: warn("Input iterable is empty") if not all([isinstance(obj, Tes) for obj in tes_data]): # Get the list of types and the indices of elements that caused the error types = [type(obj) for obj in tes_data] error_idx = [i for i, x in enumerate([isinstance(obj, Tes) for obj in tes_data]) if x == False] raise TypeError("Input data must must be a Tes dataset, input array has non Tes objects at indices: {}\ for inputs of type: {}".format(error_idx, types)) single_key_sets = {'ATM', 'POS', 'TLM', 'OBS'} compound_key_sets = {'BOL', 'CMP', 'GEO', 'IFG', 'PCT', 'RAD'} dfs = dict.fromkeys(single_key_sets | compound_key_sets, DataFrame()) for ds in tes_data: # Find a way to do this in place? dfs[ds.dataset] = dfs[ds.dataset].append( # remove and dataframes that are empty empty_dfs = [key for key in dfs.keys() if dfs[key].empty] for key in empty_dfs: dfs.pop(key, None) single_key_dfs = [dfs[key] for key in dfs.keys() if key in single_key_sets] compound_key_dfs = [dfs[key] for key in dfs.keys() if key in compound_key_sets] all_dfs = single_key_dfs+compound_key_dfs keyspace = functools.reduce(lambda left,right: left|right, [set(df['sclk_time']) for df in all_dfs]) single_key_merged = functools.reduce(lambda left,right: pd.merge(left, right, on=["sclk_time"]), single_key_dfs) compound_key_merged = functools.reduce(lambda left,right: pd.merge(left, right, on=["sclk_time", "detector"]), compound_key_dfs) merged = single_key_merged.merge(compound_key_merged, on="sclk_time") outlier_idx = keyspace-set(merged["sclk_time"]) outliers = [Tes([['sclk_time'].isin(outlier_idx)]) for tds in tes_data] return merged, [tds for tds in outliers if not] def clamp_longitude(angle): """ Returns the angle limited to the range [-180, 180], the original data is in the range [0,360] but mongo uses [-180,180]. Parameters ---------- angle : float The angle to clamp Returns ------- : float The clamped angle """ return ((angle + 180) % 360) - 180 def to_mongodb(data_dir, out_dir,sl): folders = [folder for folder in os.listdir(data_dir) if folder[:4] == "mgst"] search_len = len(data_dir) + 9 print("search len: {}".format(search_len)) folders = sorted(folders, key=lambda x:int(x[5:]))[sl] print("first 20 Folders:") print("\n".join(folders[:20])) num_files = len(glob(data_dir+'mgst_*/*.tab')) print("Number of files: {}".format(num_files)) outliers = [] client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017) print(client.server_info()) db = client.tes processed = 0 json_objs = [] for folder in folders: files = glob(data_dir+folder+'/*.tab') length = len(files) print("On folder {} with {} files.".format(folder, len(files))) print("COMPLETE: {}/{} {}".format(processed, num_files, processed/num_files)) tes_datasets = [Tes(file) for file in files] + outliers dfs, outliers = join_tes(tes_datasets) print("Num records: {}".format(dfs.shape[0])) print("Num outliers: {}".format(len(outliers))) try: json_objs = json.loads(dfs.to_json(orient='records')) del dfs print("Num json objs: {}".format(len(json_objs))) for dictionary in json_objs: dictionary["loc"] = { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [clamp_longitude(dictionary["longitude"]), dictionary["latitude"]] } db.point_data.insert_many(json_objs, bypass_document_validation=True) except Exception as e: print("Had exception during processing: {}".format(e)) json_objs = None processed = processed + length print() single_key_sets = {'ATM', 'POS', 'TLM', 'OBS'} compound_key_sets = {'BOL', 'CMP', 'GEO', 'IFG', 'PCT', 'RAD'} dfs = dict.fromkeys(single_key_sets | compound_key_sets,0) for tes in outliers: dfs[tes.dataset] = dfs[tes.dataset] + 1"/"+tes.dataset+str(dfs[tes.dataset])) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('data_dir', action='store', help='The location of the MGST folders for TES', default='/scratch/jlaura/tes/tes_data/') parser.add_argument('to', action='store', help='Python style slice of the folders to process. \ Folders are ordered (e.g. [mgst1100, mgst1101 ...])', default=None) parser.add_argument('from', action='store', help='Python style slice of the folders to process. \ Folders are ordered (e.g. [mgst1100, mgst1101 ...])', default=None) parser.add_argument('out_dir', action='store', help='The location of where to place outliers.') args = parser.parse_args() args = args.__dict__() to_mongodb(args["data_dir"], args["out_dir"], slice(args["from"], args["to"]))