diff --git a/kernels/fk/emrsp_rm_v006.tf b/kernels/fk/emrsp_rm_v006.tf
index e35b068d724249aac7edc78cd6dc000a9e926f25..41943fc48eb8ff3417f615629d653248f05f0c30 100644
--- a/kernels/fk/emrsp_rm_v006.tf
+++ b/kernels/fk/emrsp_rm_v006.tf
@@ -1,3676 +1,3676 @@
-ExoMarsRSP Rosalind Franklin Rover Module (RM) Frames Kernel
-   This frame kernel contains a complete set of frame definitions for the
-   ExoMars RSP Rosalind Franklin Rover Module (RM) including definitions for
-   the RM structures and RM science instrument frames. This kernel also
-   contains NAIF ID/name mapping for the RM instruments.
-Version and Date
-   Version 0.0.6 -- June 3, 2020 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA
-      Added Rover locomotion and solar arrays frames and IDs.
-      Corrected FRAME_RM_MAST_ZERO frame definition.
-      Updated the the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_MOV defintion to a type 3 frame.
-      Corrected RM_CLUPI_BRACKET and LOCCAM frame definitions.
-      Updated reference frame centers to their ephemeris objects.
-   Version 0.0.5 -- December 20, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA
-      Corrected FRAME_RM_MAST_ZERO frame definition
-   Version 0.0.4 -- December 20, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA
-      Added reference frames, references, diagrams and IDs for Solar
-      Arrays. Corrected Sites definitions. Defined frames for cruise
-      phase. Corrected PTR frames. Corrected ADRON frames. This should
-      be considered a work in progress version.
-   Version 0.0.3 -- February 28, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA
-      Added reference frames, references, diagrams and IDs for ALD
-      components, updated diagrams and done some minor edits.
-   Version 0.0.2 -- February 14, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA
-      Added reference frames, references, diagrams and IDs for the drill,
-      MaMiss, WISDOM and CLUPI.
-   Version 0.0.1 -- February 8, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA
-      Updated ID from -999 to -174 and done several edits including
-      updated updated diagrams and frame trees.
-      Added reference frames and IDs for LOCCAM, ISEM and ADRON.
-   Version 0.0.0 -- June 8, 2018 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA
-      Preliminary version.
-    1. ``Frames Required Reading'', NAIF
-    2. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'', NAIF
-    3. ``C-Kernel Required Reading'', NAIF
-    4. ``ExoMars Rover and Surface Platform Mission Implementation Plan'',
-       EXM-G2-PLN-ESC-00004, ExoMars Ground Segment Team, Issue 1, Revision 2,
-       ESOC, August 8, 2017
-    5. ``EXOMARS 2018 ROVER MODULE Coordinate Systems & Conventions for RM
-       control'', EXM-RM-TNO-AI-0448, A. Merlo, Thales Alenia Space,
-       Issue 1, November 2015
-    6. ExoMars RSP Mars Local Geodetic Frames (emrsp_mlg_vVVV.tf),
-       latest version
-    7. ``ExoMars Rover Vehicle Coordinate Systems and Conventions
-       Specifications'', EXM-RM-SYS-ASU-00101, Airbus Defense and Space,
-       Issue 2, April 2016
-    8. ``Description of Frames and Conventions Related to Localisation
-       Camera Data Sets'', EXM-RM-TNO-AS U-00209, K. MacManamon,
-       Airbus Defense and Space,  Issue 2, Revision 0, July 2014
-    9. ``ExoMars/CLUPI Science Requirements Specification Document'',
-       EXM.CL.RSD.SPX.1501, Space Exploration Institute,
-       Issue 1, Rev. 0, July 2015
-    10. ``Water Ice and Subsurface Deposit Observations on Mars WISDOM
-        instrument'', MICD, EXM-WI-DRW-LAT-0152, Issue 02, Rev. 01,
-        A. Galic, March 2018
-    11. ``ExoMars ICD ALD Structure - ALD Structure Interface Control
-        Document'', EXM-RM-ICD-KT-0002, Q. Muhlbauer, OHB System AG,
-        Issue 4, May 2016
-    12. ``Rover Module Outline Drawing'', EXM-D2-ICD-AI-0078,
-        Thales Alenia Space, Revision A, 4th September 2017
-Contact Information
-   If you have any questions regarding this file contact the
-   ESA SPICE Service at ESAC:
-           Marc Costa Sitja
-           (+34) 91-8131-457
-           marc.costa@esa.int, esa_spice@sciops.esa.int
-   or ROCC at Altec Space:
-           Federico Salvioli
-           (+39) 011-7430-097
-           federico.salvioli@altecspace.it
-Implementation Notes
-  This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use
-  of this frame kernel must "load" the kernel normally during program
-  initialization. Loading the kernel associates the data items with
-  their names in a data structure called the "kernel pool".  The SPICELIB
-  routine FURNSH loads a kernel into the pool as shown below:
-      CALL FURNSH ( frame_kernel_name )
-    C: (CSPICE)
-      furnsh_c ( frame_kernel_name );
-    IDL: (ICY)
-      cspice_furnsh, frame_kernel_name
-         cspice_furnsh ( 'frame_kernel_name' )
-         furnsh( frame_kernel_name )
-  In order for a program or routine to extract data from the pool, the
-  SPICELIB routines GDPOOL, GIPOOL, and GCPOOL are used.  See [2] for
-  more details.
-  This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word
-  processor.
-  * SPICEPY is a non-official, community developed Python wrapper for the
-    NAIF SPICE toolkit. Its development is managed on Github.
-    It is available at: https://github.com/AndrewAnnex/SpiceyPy
-RM NAIF ID Codes -- Summary Section
-   The following names and NAIF ID codes are assigned to the ExoMars RSP
-   rover, its structures and science instruments (the keywords implementing
-   these definitions are located in the section "RM NAIF ID Codes --
-   Definition Section" at the end of this file):
-   RM and RM Structures names/IDs:
-            RM                       -174   (synonyms: EXOMARS RSP RM,
-                                                       EXOMARS RSP ROVER,
-                                                       EXOMARS RSP ROVER MODULE
-                                                  and  EXOMARS ROVER)
-            RM_ROVER                 -174000
-            RM_MAST                  -174010
-            RM_PTR                   -174012
-            RM_PB                    -174013
-            RM_NAVCAM                -174020
-            RM_NAVCAM_L              -174021
-            RM_NAVCAM_R              -174022
-            RM_LOCCAM                -174030
-            RM_LOCCAM_L              -174031
-            RM_LOCCAM_R              -174031
-            RM_DRILL_POS_FIX         -174040
-            RM_DRILL_POS_MOV         -174041
-            RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX         -174042
-            RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV         -174043
-            RM_ALD                   -174050
-            RM_ALD_CSTM              -174051
-            RM_ALD_PSDDS             -174053
-            RM_ALD_PSHS              -174055
-            RM_SAF1_PRI              -174062
-            RM_SAF1_SEC              -174063
-            RM_SAF2_PRI              -174065
-            RM_SAF2_SEC              -174066
-            RM_BOGIE_LF              -174071
-            RM_BOGIE_LR              -174074
-            RM_BOGIE_RR              -174076
-            RM_WHEEL_LF              -174081
-            RM_WHEEL_LM              -174082
-            RM_WHEEL_RF              -174083
-            RM_WHEEL_RM              -174084
-            RM_WHEEL_LR              -174085
-            RM_WHEEL_RR              -174086
-            RM_CALTAR_FIDM1
-            RM_CALTAR_FIDM2
-            RM_CALTAR_FIDM3
-            RM_CALTAR_PCT
-            RM_CALTAR_PCT_SHPOST_1
-            RM_CALTAR_PCT_SHPOST_2
-            RM_CALTAR_PCT_RED
-            ( ... )
-   PanCam names/IDs:
-            RM_PANCAM                -174100
-            RM_PANCAM_WAC_L          -174110
-            RM_PANCAM_WAC_R          -174120
-            RM_PANCAM_HRC            -174130
-   ISEM names/IDs:
-            RM_ISEM                  -174200
-   ADRON-RM name/IDs:
-            RM_ADRON-RM              -174300
-   WISDOM name/IDs:
-            RM_WISDOM                -174400
-            RM_WISDOM_ANT1           -174410
-            RM_WISDOM_ANT2           -174420
-   MaMiss name/IDs:
-            RM_MAMISS                -174500
-   CLUPI name/IDs:
-            RM_CLUPI                 -174600
-            RM_CLUPI_FOV1            -174601
-            RM_CLUPI_FOV2            -174602
-            RM_CLUPI_FOV3            -174603
-            RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP       -174620
-            RM_CLUPI_BRACKET         -174630
-   Sites name/IDs:
-            RM_SITE_000              -174700 (synonym: RM_LANDING_SITE)
-            RM_SITE_NNN*             -174XXX**
-      (*) NNN corresponds to the travel sequence number and it has a range
-          from 000 (refers to the position of the Rover at landing site)
-          to 299.
-      (**) XXX ranges from 701 up to 899.
-RM Frames
-   The following RM frames are defined in this kernel file:
-           Name                    Relative to           Type        NAIF ID
-      ======================    ===================  ============    =======
-   RM Rover and Rover Structures frames:
-   ------------------------------------------------
-      RM_ROVER                    RM_MLG,                CK          -174000
-                                  RM_ROVER_CRUISE
-      RM_ROVER_CRUISE             CM_SPACECRAFT          FIXED       -174001
-      RM_MAST_ZERO                RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174010
-      RM_MAST                     RM_MAST_ZERO           CK          -174011
-      RM_PTR_ZERO                 RM_MAST                FIXED       -174012
-      RM_PTR                      RM_PTR_ZERO            CK          -174013
-      RM_PB                       RM_PTR                 FIXED       -174014
-      RM_NAVCAM_BASE              RM_PB                  FIXED       -174020
-      RM_NAVCAM_L                 RM_NAVCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174021
-      RM_NAVCAM_R                 RM_NAVCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174022
-      RM_LOCCAM_BASE              RM_PB                  FIXED       -174030
-      RM_LOCCAM_L                 RM_LOCCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174031
-      RM_LOCCAM_R                 RM_LOCCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174032
-      RM_DRILL_POS_FIX            RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174040
-      RM_DRILL_POS_MOV            RM_DRILL_POS_FIX       CK          -174041
-      RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX            RM_DRILL_POS_MOV       FIXED       -174042
-      RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV            RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX       CK(*)       -174043
-      RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX             RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174052
-      RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV             RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX        FIXED(*)    -174053
-      RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX            RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174052
-      RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV            RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX       FIXED       -174053
-      RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX             RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174054
-      RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV             RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX        CK          -174055
-      RM_SA1_ZERO                 RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174061
-      RM_SA1_PRI                  RM_SA1_ZERO            CK          -174062
-      RM_SA1_SEC                  RM_SA1_PRI             CK          -174063
-      RM_SA2_ZERO                 RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174064
-      RM_SA2_PRI                  RM_SA2_ZERO            CK          -174065
-      RM_SA2_SEC                  RM_SA2_PRI             CK          -174066
-      RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX             RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174071
-      RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV             RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX       CK           -174072
-      RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX             RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174073
-      RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV             RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX       CK           -174074
-      RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX             RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174075
-      RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV             RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX       CK           -174076
-      RM_WHEEL_LF_FIX             RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV        FIXED       -1740810
-      RM_WHEEL_LF_STR             RM_WHEEL_LF_FIX        CK          -1740811
-      RM_WHEEL_LF_MOV             RM_WHEEL_LF_STR        CK          -1740812
-      RM_WHEEL_LM_FIX             RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV        FIXED       -1740820
-      RM_WHEEL_LM_STR             RM_WHEEL_LM_FIX        CK          -1740821
-      RM_WHEEL_LM_MOV             RM_WHEEL_LM_STR        CK          -1740822
-      RM_WHEEL_RF_FIX             RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV        FIXED       -1740830
-      RM_WHEEL_RF_STR             RM_WHEEL_RF_FIX        CK          -1740831
-      RM_WHEEL_RF_MOV             RM_WHEEL_RF_STR        CK          -1740832
-      RM_WHEEL_RM_FIX             RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV        FIXED       -1740840
-      RM_WHEEL_RM_STR             RM_WHEEL_RM_FIX        CK          -1740841
-      RM_WHEEL_RM_MOV             RM_WHEEL_RM_STR        CK          -1740842
-      RM_WHEEL_LR_FIX             RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV        FIXED       -1740850
-      RM_WHEEL_LR_STR             RM_WHEEL_LR_FIX        CK          -1740851
-      RM_WHEEL_LR_MOV             RM_WHEEL_LR_STR        CK          -1740852
-      RM_WHEEL_RR_FIX             RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV        FIXED       -1740860
-      RM_WHEEL_RR_STR             RM_WHEEL_RR_FIX        CK          -1740861
-      RM_WHEEL_RR_MOV             RM_WHEEL_RR_STR        CK          -1740862
-      RM_CALIBR_TARGET            RM_ROVER               FIXED
-      RM_MIRROR_                  RM_ROVER               FIXED
-   PanCam frames:
-   ------------------------------------------------
-      RM_PANCAM_BASE              RM_PB                  FIXED       -174100
-      RM_PANCAM_WAC_L             RM_PANCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174110
-      RM_PANCAM_WAC_R             RM_PANCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174120
-      RM_PANCAM_HRC               RM_PANCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174130
-   ISEM frames:
-   ------------------------------------------------
-      RM_ISEM                     RM_PB                  FIXED       -174200
-   ADRON-RM frames:
-   ------------------------------------------------
-      RM_ADRON-RM                 RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174300
-   WISDOM frames:
-   ------------------------------------------------
-      RM_WISDOM_BASE              RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174400
-      RM_WISDOM_ANT1              RM_WISDOM_BASE         FIXED       -174410
-      RM_WISDOM_ANT2              RM_WISDOM_BASE         FIXED       -174420
-   MaMiss frames:
-   ------------------------------------------------
-      RM_MAMISS                   RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV       FIXED       -174500
-   CLUPI frames:
-   ------------------------------------------------
-      RM_CLUPI_BASE               RM_DRILL_POS_MOV       FIXED       -174500
-      RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS           RM_CLUPI_BASE          FIXED       -174510
-      RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP          RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS      FIXED       -174520
-      RM_CLUPI_BRACKET            RM_DRILL_POS_FIX       FIXED       -174530
-   In addition, the following frames, in use by the ExoMars RSP mission, are
-   defined in another kernel:
-           Name                    Relative to           Type        NAIF ID
-      ======================    ===================  ============    =======
-   ExoMars RSP Local Geodetic Frames (1):
-   ---------------------------------------------------
-       RM_LANDING_SITE              IAU_MARS            FIXED        -174900
-       RM_MLG*                      IAU_MARS            FIXED        -174700
-       (*) The frame is implemented with an SPK to account for the
-           translation of its origin to the different RM_SITE_NNN objects.
-ExoMars RSP Mission Description
-   The mission can be broadly described as follows: launch the ExoMarsRSP
-   Spacecraft and fly it to Mars; land on Mars, deliver the Rover to the
-   surface and perform the nominal exploration mission on the surface.
-   The launch configuration is the Spacecraft Composite (SCC), which is
-   composed of the Carrier Module (CM) and the Descent Module (DM). The CM
-   is jettisoned upon arrival at Mars, and the DM will enter the Mars
-   atmosphere and land, carrying the ``Kazachok'' Surface Platform (SP) and
-   the ``Rosalind Franklin'' Rover (RM). The CM and the RM are developed by
-   ESA. The DM and SP are developed by Roscosmos with ESA contributions.
-   The elements of the spacecraft composite are shown below.
-     CM          DM            SP                  RM
-     |           .'.                           =
-     |--.      .'   |               |          |
-   )-|  |     |     |     -------------       |-----------                 RM
-     |--'      '.   |       '-------'          /\____\|
-     |           '.'         /     \          0  0    0
-     |           |              |                |
-     |           |              |                |
-     |           |              |                |
-     |           |              |                V           _=_______
-     |           |              |                           |0  0    0\
-     |           |              '-------------> (+) ---->  -------------   LPC
-     |           |                                           '-------'
-     |           |                               |            /     \
-     |           |                               |
-     |           |                               |
-     |           |                               V               .'.
-     |           |                                             .' -o|
-     |           '----------------------------> (+) ---->     |  | ||      DM
-     |                                                         '.._o|
-     |                                           |               '.'
-     |                                           |
-     |                                           |
-     |                                           V            |      .'.
-     |                                                        |--. .' -o|
-     '----------------------------------------> (+) ---->   )-|  ||  | ||  SCC
-                                                              |--' '.._o|
-                                                              |      '.'
-   Please note that this Frames Kernel file solely implements the Frames for
-   the ExoMars RSP Lander Component (RM).
-RM Frames Hierarchy
-   The diagram below shows the ExoMars RM frames hierarchy (except
-   for science operations frames):
-                                   "J2000" INERTIAL
-                  +--------------------------------------------+
-                  |                      |                     |
-                  |<-ck                  |<-pck                |<-pck
-                  |                      |                     |
-                  |                      v                     v
-                  v                 "IAU_EARTH"            "IAU_MARS"
-           ---------------       ----------------     ----------------------
-                 |                                              |
-                 |<-fixed                                       |<-fixed
-                 |                                              |
-                 |                                              |
-                 |                                              v
-                 v                                         "RM_MLG" (**)
-           RM_ROVER_CRUISE                               MARS TOPOGRAPHIC
-           ---------------                              -----------------
-                 |                                              |
-                 |<-ck(*)                                       |< -ck
-                 |                                              |
-                 | RM_WHEEL_L{F,M,R}_MOV  RM_WHEEL_R{F,M,R}_MOV |
-                 | ---------------------  --------------------- |
-                 |          |                    |              |
-                 |          |<-ck                |<-ck          |
-                 |          |                    |              |
-                 |          v                    v              |
-                 | RM_WHEEL_L{F,M,R}_STR  RM_WHEEL_R{F,M,R}_STR |
-                 | ---------------------  --------------------- |
-                 |          |                    |              |
-                 |          |<-ck                |<-ck          |
-                 |          |                    |              |
-                 |          v                    v              |
-  -------------  | ---------------------  --------------------- |  ------------
-        ^        |          |                    |              |       ^
-        |        |          |<-fixed             |<-fixed       |       |
-        |<-ck    |          |                    |              |       |<-ck
-        |        |          v                    v              |       |
-  "RM_SA1Y_PRI"  |         "RM_BOGIE_{LF,RF,MR}_MOV"            |  "RM_SA2_PRI"
-  -------------  |         +----------------------+             |  ------------
-        ^        |                  |                           |       ^
-        |        |                  |<-ck                       |       |
-        |<-ck    |                  |                           |       |<-ck
-        |        |                  v                           |       |
-  "RM_SA1_ZERO"  |      "RM_BOGIE_{LF,RF,MR}_FIX"               | "RM_SA2_ZERO"
-  -------------  |      -------------------------               | -------------
-        |        |           |                                  |      |
-        |<-fixed |           |<-fixed                           |      |<-fixed
-        |        |           |                                  |      |
-        v        v           v         "RM_ROVER"               v      v
-   +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
-   |   |          |          |             |          .                |
-   |   |<-fixed   |<-fixed   |<-fixed      |<-fixed   .                |<-fixed
-   |   |          |          |             |          .                |
-   |   |          |          v             |          .                |
-   |   |          |    "RM_MAST_ZERO"      |          .                |
-   |   |          |    --------------      |          .                |
-   |   |          |          |             |          .                |
-   |   |          |          |<-ck         |          .                |
-   |   |          |          |             |          .                |
-   |   |          |          v             v          .                v
-   |   |          |      "RM_MAST"  "RM_LOCCCAM_BASE" . "RM_DRILL_POS_FIX"
-   |   |          |      ---------  ----------------- . +----------------+
-   |   |          v          |                        . .                |
-   |   | "RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX"   |<-fixed                 . .                |<-ck
-   |   | -----------------   |                        . .                |
-   |   |          |          v                        . .                v
-   |   |   fixed->|      "RM_PTR_ZERO"                . . "RM_DRILL_POS_MOV"
-   |   |          |      -------------                . . +----------------+
-   |   |          v          |                        . . .                |
-   |   | "RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV"   |<-ck                    . . .         fixed->|
-   |   | -----------------   |                        . . .                |
-   |   |                     v                        . . .                v
-   |   |                  "RM_PTR"                    . . .  "RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX"
-   |   V                  --------                    . . .  ------------------
-   |  "RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX"      |                        . . .         |
-   |  -----------------      |<-fixed                 . . .         |<-ck
-   |           |             |                        . . .         |
-   |       ck->|             v                        . . .         v
-   |           |          "RM_PB"                     . . .  "RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV"
-   |           v        +--------------+              . . .  ------------------
-   |  "RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV" .              |              . . .         .
-   |  ----------------- .              |<-fixed       . . .         .
-   |                    .              |              . . .         .
-   |<-fixed             .              V              . . .         .
-   |                    .      "RM_NAVCAM_BASE"       . . .         .
-   v                    .     +----------------+      . . .         .
-  "RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX"    .     |                |      . . .         .
-  ------------------    .     |<-fixed  fixed->|      . . .         .
-           |            .     |                |      . . .         .
-       ck->|            .     v                v      . . .         .
-           |            . "RM_NAVCAM_L" "RM_NAVCAM_R" . . .         .
-           v            . ------------- ------------- . . .         .
-  "RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV"    .                             . . .         .
-  ------------------    .                             . . .         .
-                        .                             . . .         .
-                        V                             V V V         V
-                  Individual instrument frame trees are provided in the other
-                                    sections of this file
-   Please refer to the PanCam, NavCam sections for the frame
-   hierarchy of each payload; and to the RM science operations frame
-   definitions kernel for further details on these frame definitions.
-   (*)      In these cases transformation is fixed but it has to be
-            stored in a CK to make SPICE "traverse" appropriate frame
-            tree branch based on the time of interest and/or loaded
-            kernels.
-   (**)     This frame is equivalent to the SP_TOPO frame defined in the
-            ExoMarsRSP Surface Platform Frames Kernel (emrsp_sp_vNNN.tf)
-RM Mars Local Geodetic Frames
-   The Rover Module Mars Local Geodetic frame (Topocentric) -- RM_MLG -- is
-   defined as follows:
-      - +Z axis is in the direction of the vertical (i.e. approximately the
-        negative gravity vector; "Zenith", assuming that the small local
-        variation can be ignored),
-      - +X axis is tangential to the local geodetic horizontal in an eastern
-        direction (i.e. parallel to lines of latitude; "East"),
-      - +Y axis completes the right hand frame ("North");
-      - the origin of the frame is initially defined to be coincident with
-        the origin of the Rover Body frame, RM_ROVER, prior to the start of
-        travel. During a travel sequence, this frame remains fixed with Mars,
-        but becomes reset at the start of a new travel sequence. The rationale
-        for this is that a travel sequence requires a stationary reference
-        frame in which to measure position and coordinate navigation maps.
-        The start of travel when the frame is reset may be at the start of
-        each sol, or when new targets are generated.
-   If we assume that the total traverse distance during the mission will be
-   relatively short (hundreds of meters, not kilometers) and, therefore, the
-   local north and nadir directions, defining surface frame orientations, will
-   be approximately the same at any point along the traverse path. This
-   assumption allows defining a single surface frame as a fixed offset frame
-   to Mars body-fixed frame, IAU_MARS. With this assumption we will always
-   use the Mars Local Geodetic Landing Site frame that is defined hereafter.
-   RM surface fixed frame -- RM_MLG -- is nominally co-aligned in orientation
-   with the RM_LANDING_SITE and its origin changes throughout the mission.
-   Therefore, this frame is defined as a zero-offset, fixed frame with respect
-   to the RM_LANDING_SITE frame.
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_MLG                        =  -174700
-      FRAME_-174700_NAME                  =  'RM_MLG'
-      FRAME_-174700_CLASS                 =  4
-      FRAME_-174700_CLASS_ID              =  -174700
-      FRAME_-174700_CENTER                =  -174700
-      OBJECT_-174700_FRAME                =  'RM_MLG'
-      TKFRAME_-174700_RELATIVE            =  'IAU_MARS'
-      TKFRAME_-174700_SPEC                =  'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174700_UNITS               =  'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174700_AXES                =  ( 3, 2, 3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174700_ANGLES              =  ( -335.4500000000000,
-                                                -71.8000000000000,
-                                                270.0000000000000 )
-   \begintext
-RM Lander and Lander Structures Frames
-   This section of the file contains the definitions of the rover
-   and rover structures frames.
-   DISCLAIMER: The origin of the frames specified in the following
-   definitions are not implemented. The ``true'' origin of all frames
-   is in the center of the RM_ROVER frame, the center of which
-   is defined by the position given by the SPK (ephemeris) kernel in
-   use.
-RM Rover Frames
-   According to [4] the RM rover reference frame -- RM_ROVER -- is
-   defined as follows:
-      -  +Z axis, lies vertically upwards, antiparallel to the gravity vector
-         when the rover is on flat, horizontal terrain;
-      -  +X axis lies towards the front of the Rover in the nominal direction
-         of travel;
-      -  +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      -  the origin of this frame at the intersection of the following planes:
-            - A plane 252.5 mm aft (i.e. negative offset in +X axis) and
-              parallel to Plane 1 (the plane formed by the nominal bolt axes
-              of the front body HDRMs);
-            - Plane 2, the plane of symmetry between the front body HDRM
-              nominal bolt axes - equivalent to the rover body mid-plane;
-            - A plane 30 mm below and parallel to Plane 3 (the plane of the
-              rover body base).
-   These diagrams illustrate the RM_ROVER frame:
-   -Y Rover side view:
-   -------------------
-                .-.
-                | |
-                | |
-                |_|
-                |_|
-                 |
-                 |
-                 |
-                 |
-                 |
-                 |
-                 |
-                 |
-                 |        +Zrm
-                _|_         ^
-               |   |        |
-         -------------------|-------------------------------------
-               ,------------|------------.
-               |            |             |
-            ___|            |             |
-           /   | +Xrm       |             |
-           \___|__<---------o ____________.         +Yrm is out the page
-                | |        +Yrm          | |
-        __------/ \-----__               / \.__
-       |  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |
-      .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
-     / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
-     \      /        \      /             \      /
-      `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
-   +Z Rover side view:
-   -------------------
-          .-------------------------..-------------------------.
-    .-----|                         ||                         |
-    | .--.|                         ||                         |
-    | |  ||                         ||                         |
-    `-|  |'-------------------------''-------------------------'
-     .------------------.
-     |                  '----------.
-     '----.                         |
-       |  |                         |
-       |  |    .-.                 .'
-       |  |    | +Xrm      +Zrm    |
-       |  |    | |<---------o      |
-       |  |    | |          |      |
-       |  |    '-'          |       '.
-       '--|                 |        |            +Zrm is out of the page
-          '-----.         .-|--------'
-                '---------' v
-          .--------------- +Yrm ----..-------------------------.
-          |                         ||                         |
-          |                         ||                         |
-          |                         ||                         |
-          '-------------------------''-------------------------'
-   +X Rover side view (drill in stowed position):
-   ----------------------------------------------
-                    o-o-=O===O--o
-                       |o|___|
-                          _\/
-                         |_|_
-                           |_|
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                           _|_ +Zrm
-                          |   | ^
-      --------------------------|-------------------------
-             |   |          |   |  |   |      |  |
-             '---|          |   |  | 0 |   .--'--'
-                 '--.-----------|----------|
-                 .--|           |          |---.
-            .-.  |============= o--------> ====|  .-.
-           |___|=|            +Xrm |   |+Yrm   |=|___|
-           |.-.                                   .-.|
-           || |                                   | ||    +Xrm is out of the
-           `| |                                   | |'    page
-            '_'                                   '_'
-          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~
-   Since the RM bus attitude with respect to an inertial frame is provided
-   by a C-kernel (see [3] for more information), this frame is defined as
-   a CK-based frame.
-   These sets of keywords define the RM_ROVER frame:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_ROVER                   = -174000
-      FRAME_-174000_NAME               = 'RM_ROVER'
-      FRAME_-174000_CLASS              =  3
-      FRAME_-174000_CLASS_ID           = -174000
-      FRAME_-174000_CENTER             = -174000
-      CK_-174000_SCLK                  = -174
-      CK_-174000_SPK                   = -174
-      OBJECT_-174_FRAME                = 'RM_ROVER'
-   \begintext
-RM Rover Cruise Frame
-    The RM Rover Cruise frame -- RM_LANDER_CRUISE -- is a special
-    frame used in cruise in order to "attach" the RM rover to CM
-    during the cruise phase, it is defined as follows (from [4]):
-      - +Z axis is parallel to CM's +Z axis;
-      - +X axis is parallel to CM's +X axis;
-      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - the origin of this frame is the RM/SP interface
-        point on the separation plane.
-    This frame is defined a fixed-offset frame.
-    Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse
-    transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the
-    base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of
-    rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed
-    compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the
-    rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the
-    opposite from what is written in the above text.
-    \begindata
-       FRAME_RM_ROVER_CRUISE            = -174001
-       FRAME_-174001_NAME               = 'RM_ROVER_CRUISE'
-       FRAME_-174001_CLASS              =  4
-       FRAME_-174001_CLASS_ID           = -174001
-       FRAME_-174001_CENTER             = -174000
-       TKFRAME_-174001_RELATIVE         = 'CM_SPACECRAFT'
-       TKFRAME_-174001_SPEC             = 'ANGLES'
-       TKFRAME_-174001_UNITS            = 'DEGREES'
-       TKFRAME_-174001_AXES             = (    1,     3,       1  )
-       TKFRAME_-174001_ANGLES           = (  0.0,   0.0,     0.0  )
-    \begintext
-RM Deployable Mast, Pan & Tilt Mechanism and Payload Bracket Frames
-   The RM Deployable Mast Assembly (RM_MAST) accommodates the Pan & Tilt
-   Mechanism and the PanCam, NavCam and ISEM instruments, The DMA frame is
-   positioned at the base of the mast. The frame RM_MAST_ZERO has its origin at
-   the base of the mast and its axes are nominally co-aligned to the RM_ROVER
-   frame axes (within knowledge alignment errors), since the mast needs to be
-   deployed and can be rotated, this rotation is incorporated by the
-   RM_MAST frame [12]. When the mast is folded it is 'resting' on the
-   rover body.
-   The Mast Pan & Tilt Rotation Mechanism (PTR) is the structure on top of the
-   Rover Module mast that accommodates the Stereo Bench where PanCam and the
-   NAVCAMs re placed. A series of reference frames are defined in order to
-   capture the Pan and Tilt rotations of the structure.
-   The Pan & Tilt Zero Rotation frame -- RM_PTR_ZERO -- has the origin at the
-   top of the mast, just below the actual pan & tilt mechanism. The axes are
-   nominally aligned to the RM_LANDER frame with null pan & tilt; however the
-   RM_PTR_ZERO frame can take into account possible deformations of the mast
-   and knowledge alignment errors. The frame is defined as follows:
-      -  +Y axis is parallel to tilt axis of rotation, and nominally lies
-         horizontally sideways
-      -  +Z axis, is parallel to the pan axis of rotation, and nominally
-         lies vertically upwards;
-      -  +X axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      -  the origin of this frame is defined as the intersection of the tilt
-         axis of rotation and a line intersecting the axis which lies normal
-         to both the tilt axis and pan axis. This intersection is assumed
-         fixed with respect to the top of the mast. and allows for the
-         eventually of the tilt axis and pan axis not intersecting.
-   In order to incorporate the pan & tilt rotations, the Pan & Tilt Rotating
-   frame is defined -- RM_PTR -- , it is identical to the RM_PTR_ZERO frame
-   (i.e. a fixed translation in the Rover Body frame), but rotating with the
-   direction of the Pan & Tilt. Pan and Tilt are then defined by the 3-2-1
-   Euler rotation, where pan is the first rotation (about the +Z axis), tilt is
-   the second rotation (about the +Y axis), and there is no possibility of
-   rotation about the +X axis.
-   The Payload Bracket frame -- RM_PB -- is fixed relative to the payload
-   bracket (which itself is fixed to the tilt actuator rotor). The orientation
-   of this frame is not fixed with respect to the RM_LANDER frame, but it
-   changes, e.g. when the Deployable Mast Assembly is deployed or when, while
-   in deployed configuration, the mast bends or either the pan and tilt angles
-   are modified. The frame is defined as follows:
-      -  +X axis is perpendicular to the +Y axis and is parallel to the
-         interface plane between the payload bracket and the PanCam;
-      -  +Y axis is co-aligned with the tilt axis;
-      -  +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      -  the origin of this frame is the intersection of the pan and tilt axes,
-         therefore it is located within the tilt actuator, along the axis of
-         the tilt actuator shaft where this intersects with the pan axis.
-   This diagram illustrates the RM_MAST_ZERO, RM_MAST, RM_PTR_ZERO, RM_PTR and
-   RM_PB frames:
-   +X Rover side view (with fully deployed mast):
-   ----------------------------------------------
-                        +Zptr0
-                           ^
-                           |
-                    o-o-=O=|=O--o
-                       |o|_|_|
-                          _|/
-                         |_|_
-                           o------------> +Yptr0
-                        +Xptr0
-                            |
-                            |
-                          +Zmast,+Xmast0
-                            ^
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                           _|_ +Zrm
-                          | o----------> +Ymast,+Ymast0
-      ------------------ +Xmast ---------------------------
-             |   |          |   ^ +Zrm |      |  |
-             '---|          |   |  | 0 |   .--'--'
-                 '--.-----------|----------|
-                 .--|           |          |---.
-            .-.  |============= o--------> ====|  .-.
-           |___|=|            +Xrm |   | +Yrm   |=|___|
-           |.-.                                   .-.|
-           || |                                   | ||    +Xrm, +Xmast and
-           `| |                                   | |'    +Zptr0 are out of
-            '_'                                   '_'     the page. +Zmast0 is
-          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~   into the page.
-   -Y Rover side view:
-   -------------------
-                .-.
-                | |
-                | |
-                |_|
-                |_|
-                 |
-                 |
-                 |
-                 |
-                 |
-                 |
-                 |
-                 |
-                 |        +Zrm
-                _|_         ^
-               |   |        |
-         -------------------|-------------------------------------
-               ,------------|------------.
-               |            |             |
-            ___|            |             |
-           /   | +Xrm       |             |
-           \___|__<---------o ____________.         +Yrm is out of the page
-                | |        +Yrm          | |
-        __------/ \-----__               / \.__
-       |  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |
-      .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
-     / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
-     \      /        \      /             \      /
-      `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
-   These sets of keywords define the Pan & Tilt Mechanism and Rotation and
-   Payload Bracket frames:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_MAST_ZERO              = -174010
-      FRAME_-174010_NAME              = 'RM_MAST_ZERO'
-      FRAME_-174010_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174010_CLASS_ID          = -174010
-      FRAME_-174010_CENTER            = -174010
-      TKFRAME_-174010_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-174010_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174010_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174010_AXES            = (     3,      1,     2 )
-      TKFRAME_-174010_ANGLES          = (   0.0,   90.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_MAST                   = -174011
-      FRAME_-174011_NAME              = 'RM_MAST'
-      FRAME_-174011_CLASS             =  3
-      FRAME_-174011_CLASS_ID          = -174011
-      FRAME_-174011_CENTER            = -174010
-      CK_-174011_SCLK                 = -174
-      CK_-174011_SPK                  = -174
-      FRAME_RM_PTR_ZERO               = -174012
-      FRAME_-174012_NAME              = 'RM_PTR_ZERO'
-      FRAME_-174012_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174012_CLASS_ID          = -174012
-      FRAME_-174012_CENTER            = -174012
-      TKFRAME_-174012_RELATIVE        = 'RM_MAST'
-      TKFRAME_-174012_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174012_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174012_AXES            = (     3,      1,     2 )
-      TKFRAME_-174012_ANGLES          = (   0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_PTR                    = -174013
-      FRAME_-174013_NAME              = 'RM_PTR'
-      FRAME_-174013_CLASS             =  3
-      FRAME_-174013_CLASS_ID          = -174013
-      FRAME_-174013_CENTER            = -174012
-      CK_-174013_SCLK                 = -174
-      CK_-174013_SPK                  = -174
-      FRAME_RM_PB                     = -174014
-      FRAME_-174014_NAME              = 'RM_PB'
-      FRAME_-174014_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174014_CLASS_ID          = -174014
-      FRAME_-174014_CENTER            = -174012
-      TKFRAME_-174014_RELATIVE        = 'RM_PTR'
-      TKFRAME_-174014_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174014_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174014_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174014_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-   \begintext
-RM NavCam Frames
-   The Navigation Cameras reference frame -- RM_NAVCAM_BASE --, where the
-   terrain stereo reconstruction (for Navigation) occurs, is attached to the
-   cameras stereo bench, the axes are aligned to the PTR frame (moving
-   according to pan & tilt mechanisms rotations) and is defined as follows:
-      -  +X axis is defined as the projection of the cameras optical axis on
-         the plane perpendicular to the +Y axis;
-      -  +Y axis is in the direction from the right camera optical centre to
-         the left camera optical centre;
-      -  +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      -  The origin is a fixed translation from the PTR frame.
-   These sets of keywords define the NavCam frames:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_NAVCAM_BASE            = -174020
-      FRAME_-174020_NAME              = 'RM_NAVCAM_BASE'
-      FRAME_-174020_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174020_CLASS_ID          = -174020
-      FRAME_-174020_CENTER            = -174020
-      TKFRAME_-174020_RELATIVE        = 'RM_PB'
-      TKFRAME_-174020_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174020_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174020_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174020_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_NAVCAM_L               = -174021
-      FRAME_-174021_NAME              = 'RM_NAVCAM_L'
-      FRAME_-174021_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174021_CLASS_ID          = -174021
-      FRAME_-174021_CENTER            = -174021
-      TKFRAME_-174021_RELATIVE        = 'RM_NAVCAM_BASE'
-      TKFRAME_-174021_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174021_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174021_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174021_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  -90.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_NAVCAM_R               = -174022
-      FRAME_-174022_NAME              = 'RM_NAVCAM_R'
-      FRAME_-174022_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174022_CLASS_ID          = -174022
-      FRAME_-174022_CENTER            = -174022
-      TKFRAME_-174022_RELATIVE        = 'RM_NAVCAM_BASE'
-      TKFRAME_-174022_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174022_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174022_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174022_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  -90.0,   0.0 )
-   \begintext
-LocCam Frames
-   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Localisation
-   Cameras (LocCam) instrument frames.
-   The Localisation Cameras reference frame -- RM_LOCCAM_BASE --, where the
-   terrain stereo reconstruction (for Localisation) occurs, is attached to
-   the cameras stereo bench and is defined as follows:
-      - +X axis is the the projection of the cameras optical axis on the plane
-        perpendicular to the +Y axis;
-      - +Y axis is in the direction from the right camera optical centre to the
-        left camera optical centre;
-      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - the origin, is located at the middle of the segment linking the optical
-      centres of the left and right localisation cameras.
-   The following diagram describes the LocCam frames:
-   -Y Rover side view:
-   -------------------
-                          .-.
-                          | |
-                          | |
-                          |_|
-                          |_|
-                           |
-                           |
-                           |
-                           |
-                +Zloc      |
-                   ^       |
-                    .      |
-                     .     |
-                      .    |        +Zrm
-                       .  _|_         ^
-                        .|   |        |
-                   ---- .o +Yloc --------|-------------------------------------
-                      .' ,------------|------------.
-                    .'   |            |             |
-                  .'  ___|            |             |
-                <'   /   | +Xrm       |             |
-             +Xloc   \___|__<---------o ____________.         +Yrm and +Yloc
-                          | |        +Yrm          | |         are out of the
-                  __------/ \-----__               / \.__      page.
-                 |  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |
-                .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
-               / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
-               \      /        \      /             \      /
-                `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
-   The origin is nominally a fixed translation from the Rover Module frame
-   -- RM_ROVER --, and the axes are rotated 18 degrees around the +Y axis of
-   the RM_ROVER frame [8]. These sets of keywords define the LocCam frames:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_LOCCAM_BASE            = -174030
-      FRAME_-174030_NAME              = 'RM_LOCCAM_BASE'
-      FRAME_-174030_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174030_CLASS_ID          = -174030
-      FRAME_-174030_CENTER            = -174030
-      TKFRAME_-174030_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-174030_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174030_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174030_AXES            = (     3,      1,     2 )
-      TKFRAME_-174030_ANGLES          = (   0.0,    0.0, -18.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_LOCCAM_L               = -174031
-      FRAME_-174031_NAME              = 'RM_LOCCAM_L'
-      FRAME_-174031_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174031_CLASS_ID          = -174031
-      FRAME_-174031_CENTER            = -174031
-      TKFRAME_-174031_RELATIVE        = 'RM_LOCCAM_BASE'
-      TKFRAME_-174031_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174031_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174031_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174031_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  -90.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_LOCCAM_R               = -174032
-      FRAME_-174032_NAME              = 'RM_LOCCAM_R'
-      FRAME_-174032_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174032_CLASS_ID          = -174032
-      FRAME_-174032_CENTER            = -174032
-      TKFRAME_-174032_RELATIVE        = 'RM_LOCCAM_BASE'
-      TKFRAME_-174032_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174032_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174032_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174032_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  -90.0,   0.0 )
-   \begintext
-RM Drill Frames
-   The Drill is in charge of extracting the samples from the Mars subsurface
-   and delivering them to the Core Sample Transport Mechanism (CSTM), such
-   that they are transported inside the Analytical Laboratory Drawer (ALD),
-   where they are processed and analysed by the scientific instruments.
-   The drill implements a multi-rod concept to allow drilling and sample
-   collection down to 2 meter depth.
-   The drill string is composed, at its maximum length, of a drill tool
-   (with sample collection capability) and three extension rods. Three
-   ``main'' active joints are needed to accomplish the Drill operations:
-       - Positioner Translation Joint, which allows all the translational
-         movements of the Drill box.
-       - Positioner Rotational Joint, which allows all the rotational
-         movements of the Drill box.
-       - Drilling Joint, which groups several mechanisms devoted to the drill
-         rod insertion in the terrain (drilling/coring).
-RM Drill Positioner frames:
-   The Drill Positioner Fixed frame  -- RM_DRILL_POS_FIX -- is placed on the
-   Rover to Drill Positioner interface and is invariant to the Drill
-   Positioner Translational and Rotational mechanisms position. It is
-   defined as follows:
-      - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +X axis frame;
-      - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +Y axis frame;
-      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - the origin is defined as the intersection of the Drill Positioner
-        Rotational Joint axis and the Drill Translational Joint axis,
-        assuming the Drill Positioner in stowed configuration, this is
-        incorporated by the RM_DRILL_POS_FIX body.
-   The Drill Postioner Moving frame -- RM_DRILL_POS_MOV -- is placed on the
-   Rover to Drill Positioner interface and moves according to the Drill
-   Positioner Translational (TRA) and Rotational (ROT) mechanisms position.
-   This frame is coincident with RM_DRILL_POS_FIX frame when the Drill is in
-   stowed configuration (TRA=0 mm; ROT=0 deg), and follows the Drill Positioner
-   Joints motion rototranslating according to Drill Positioner Translational
-   (TRA) and Rotational (ROT) mechanisms positions. The frame can be defined
-   as follows:
-      - +Y axis is co-aligned with the longitudinal direction of the drill
-        and points towards the apperture of the drill;
-      - +Z axis is rotated a positive rotational (ROT) angle from the +Z axis
-        of the RM_DRILL_POS_FIX frame around the +X axis of the
-        RM_DRILL_POS_FIX frame;
-      - +X axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - the origin is defined as the intersection of the Drill Positioner
-        Rotational Joint axis and the Drill Translational Joint axis,
-        with a longitudinal offset w.r.t. the origin of RM_DRILL_POS frame
-        along the +Y axis defined by the Transitional position (TRA).
-   +X Rover side view (drill in stowed position):
-   ----------------------------------------------
-                    o-o-=O===O--o
-                       |o|___|
-                          _\/
-                         |_|_
-                           |_|
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |      +Zpdf
-                            |        ^
-                            |        |
-                           _|_ +Zrm  |
-                          |   | ^    |
-      --------------------------|----|---------------------
-             |   |          |   |  | | |        |  |
-             '---|          |   |  | o-----------> +Ydpf
-                 '--.-----------|----------|
-                 .--|#DRILL#BOX#|##########|---.
-            .-.  |============= o--------> ====|  .-.
-           |___|=|            +Xrm |   |+Yrm   |=|___|
-           |.-.                                   .-.|
-           || |                                   | ||    +Xrm is out of the
-           `| |                                   | |'    page
-            '_'                                   '_'
-          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~
-   The following diagrams describe the different operational positions of the
-   drill positioner frames for different Translational (TRA) and Rotational
-   (ROT) mechanisms positions (Units in mm and degrees):
-      1. STOWED POSITION                2. LIFTING PHASE
-         [TRA=0, ROT=0]                    [TRA=130, ROT=0]
-                                                       ^ +Zdpm
-                   +Zdpf, +Zdpm                        |
-                  | ^ |                              | | |
-                  | | |                          +Zdpf ^ |     Ydpm
-                  | | |                  .-------------o------->
-                  | | |  +Ydpf,+Ydpm     |_____________|_____| +Ydpf
-      .-------------o------->                        | o------->
-      |___________________|                          |   |
-                  |   |                              |   |
-      3. VERTICAL ALIGNMENT             4. LOWERING PHASE (drilling position)
-         [TRA=130, ROT=90]                 [TRA=-240, ROT=90]
-               __
-              |  |
-              |  |
-              |  |
-              |  |
-              |  | +Zdpf   +Zdpm                 __
-              |  || o------->                   |  ||  +Zdpf
-              |  || ^ |                         |  || ^ |
-              |__|| | |                         |  || | |
-                  | | | +Ydpf                   |  || | | +Ydpf
-                  | o------->                   |  || o------->
-                  | | |                         |  ||   |
-                  | v |                         |  ||   |
-                   +Ydpm                        |  |  o-------> +Zdpm
-                                                |__|  |
-                                                      |
-                                                      v +Ydpm
-      3. LIFTING PHASE (after sample)    4. HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT (before sample
-         collection) [TRA=130, ROT=90]      discharge) [TRA=130, ROT=180]
-               __
-              |  |
-              |  |
-              |  |
-              |  |
-              |  | +Zdpf   +Zdpm           .--------------------->
-              |  || o------->              |_____________^_____|
-              |  || ^ |                          <-------o +Zdpf
-              |__|| | |                       +Ydpm    | | |
-                  | | | +Ydpf                          | | | +Ydpf
-                  | o------->                          | o------->
-                  | | |                                | | |
-                  | v |                                | v |
-                   +Ydpm                              +Zpm
-      5. SAMPLE DISCHARGE PHASE (from drill tip to CSTM container)
-         [TRA=130, ROT=150]
-                       .'\
-                     .'  .'
-                   .'  .'
-                 .'  .'
-               .'  .'
-             .'  .'o +Zdpf
-              \.'.'|\|
-               .'| | \ +Ydpf
-             .'  | o--\---->
-           <'    |   | v
-         +Ypdm   |   | +Zpdm
-   +X Rover side view (drill in discharge phase):
-   ----------------------------------------------
-                    o-o-=O===O--o
-                       |o|___|
-                          _\/
-                         |_|_
-                           |_|
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |                 .
-                            |             . '  \
-                            |         . '       \
-                           _|_    . ' ^+dZpf. '
-                          |   . '     | . '
-      --------------------. '       . | |-------------------
-             |   |    . '       . ' | | |     |  |
-             '---|    \     . ' ^   | o------> +Ydpf
-                 '--.  \. '     |+Zrm   | |
-                 .--'           |   |   | ''---.
-            .-.  |============= o-----> =======|  .-.
-           |___|=|            +Xrm  |  +Yrm    |=|___|
-           |.-.                                   .-.|
-           || |                                   | ||    +Yrm and +Ydpf is
-           `| |                                   | |'    out of the page
-            '_'                                   '_'
-          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~
-   These sets of keywords define the Drill Positioner frames:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_DRILL_POS_FIX          = -174040
-      FRAME_-174040_NAME              = 'RM_DRILL_POS_FIX'
-      FRAME_-174040_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174040_CLASS_ID          = -174040
-      FRAME_-174040_CENTER            = -174040
-      TKFRAME_-174040_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-174040_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174040_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174040_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174040_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_DRILL_POS_MOV          = -174041
-      FRAME_-174041_NAME              = 'RM_DRILL_POS_MOV'
-      FRAME_-174041_CLASS             =  3
-      FRAME_-174041_CLASS_ID          = -174041
-      FRAME_-174041_CENTER            = -174041
-      CK_-174041_SCLK                 = -174
-      CK_-174041_SPK                  = -174041
-   \begintext
-Drill Tip frames:
-   The Drill Tip Fixed frame -- RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX -- is placed on the
-   Rover Drill Tip (when fully retracted) and is invariant to the Drill Rod
-   position. It is defined as follows:
-      - +X axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the
-        RM_DRILL_POS_FIX frame;
-      - +Y axis, is nominally parallel to the +Y axis of the
-        RM_DRILL_POS_MOV frame;
-      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - the origin is defined as the tip of the Drill Rod assuming that the
-        Drill Rod is fully retracted.
-   The following diagrams show the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX in some of the drill
-   positions:
-            [TRA=130, ROT=150]               [TRA=-240, ROT=90]
-                                                   __
-                               .'\                |  ||  +Zdpf
-                             .'  .'               |  || ^ |
-                           .'  .'                 |  || | |
-                         .'  .'                   |  || | | +Ydpf
-                       .'  .'                     |  || o------->
-                     .'  .'o +Zdpf                |  ||   |
-                      o.'.'|\|                    |  ||   |
-                    .' .'. | \ +Ydpf              |  |  o-------> +Zdpm
-            +Ydtf <' .'   'o--\---->              |o---------> +Zdtf
-                   <'    | '.| v +Zpdm             |    |
-                 +Ypdm   |   '> +Zdtf              |    v +Ydpm
-                                                   |
-                                                   v +Ydtf
-   The Drill Tip Moving frame -- RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_MOV -- is attached to the
-   Rover Drill Tip and moves according to the Drill Translational Joint
-   (DRILL). Its orientation is defined by the rotation of the drill tip around
-   the +Y axis of the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX frame. The origin is coincident
-   with the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX frame when the Drill Rod is fully retracted
-   (DRILL = 0mm). When the Drill Translational Joint mechanism moves, the
-   RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_MOV frame rigidly translates with respect to the +X axis
-   of the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX frame a DRILL distance in mm. Note that the
-   Drill Translational Joint is composed by a group several mechanisms devoted
-   to the drill rod insertion in the terrain (drilling/coring). It is defined
-   as follows:
-      - +Y axis, is nominally parallel to the +Y axis of the
-      - +Z axis, is rotated the drill tip rotation with respect to the
-        +Z axis of the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX frame;
-      - +X axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - the origin is defined as the tip of the Drill Rod.
-   The following diagram describes the Drill tip frames:
-   +X Rover side view (drilling position):
-   ---------------------------------------
-                                     [TRA=-240, ROT=90, DRILL=150]
-                    o-o-=O===O--o
-                       |o|___|
-                          _\/
-                         |_|_
-                           |_|
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                           _|_        ^+dZpf
-                          |   |       |
-      -------------------------.----.-|----------------------
-             |   |             |    | | |     |  |
-             '---|             |^   | o------> +Ydpf
-                 '--.          ||+Zrm   | |
-                 .--'          ||   |   | ''---.
-            .-.  |============= o-----> =======|  .-.
-           |___|=|             |    |  +Yrm    |=|___|
-           |.-.                |    |              .-.|
-           || |                |    |             | ||    +Yrm, +Ydpf +Ydtm
-           `| |                |    |             | |'    are out of the page
-            '_'                |    |             '_'
-        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'----'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   __
-                                 ||                         ^
-                                 ||                         |
-                                 ..                         | DRILL
-                                 ..                         | ~1.5m
-                                                            |
-                                 ..                         |
-                                 ..                         |
-                                 ||                         v
-                                 \/  Dril                   --
-                                  o-------> +Zdtm
-                                  |
-                                  |. drill tip rotation
-                                 <-'
-                                  |
-                                  v +Ydtm
-   These sets of keywords define the Drill tip frames:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX          = -174042
-      FRAME_-174042_NAME              = 'RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX'
-      FRAME_-174042_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174042_CLASS_ID          = -174042
-      FRAME_-174042_CENTER            = -174042
-      TKFRAME_-174042_RELATIVE        = 'RM_DRILL_POS_MOV'
-      TKFRAME_-174042_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174042_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174042_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174042_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV          = -174043
-      FRAME_-174043_NAME              = 'RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV'
-      FRAME_-174043_CLASS             =  3
-      FRAME_-174043_CLASS_ID          = -174043
-      FRAME_-174043_CENTER            = -174043
-      CK_-174043_SCLK                 = -174
-      CK_-174043_SPK                  = -174043
-   \begintext
-ALD Frames
-   The Rover will collect samples with the drill and deliver them to the
-   Analytical Laboratory Drawer (ALD) in the body of the rover, via the
-   sample delivery window. Within the ALD the samples will be analysed
-   with an infrared spectrometer (MicrOmega), a raman spectrometer (RLS),
-   and the Mars organics molecule analyser (MOMA) instrument.
-   The samples will be collected by a drill and delivered to the Core Sample
-   Handling System (CSHS) component of the SPDS, which is made up of the Core
-   Sample Transportation Mechanism (CSTM) and the Blank Sample Dispenser (BSD).
-   The CSTM will carry the samples into the ALD, where they will be released
-   through a trapdoor into the Crushing Station (CS) and be reduced to powder.
-   The BSD will deliver 'blank' samples brought from Earth for verification
-   purposes. The powdered samples then pass from the CS to
-   The Powder Sample Dosing and Distribution System (PSDDS) delivers a measured
-   quantity of powder into the Refillable Container (RC) that is mounted on the
-   Powdered Sample Handling System (PSHS). The PSHS is a carousel that moves
-   the samples to various stations for processing and analysis. One station is
-   equipped with a fixed 'scraper', the Powder Sample Flattening Mechanism
-   (PSFM), which levels the surface of the powdered sample in the RC. Another
-   station houses the Refillable Container Cleaning Mechanism (RCCM), while
-   further stations will have instruments to examine the surface of the samples
-   and pyrolysis ovens to feed the MOMA GC-MS.
-ALD CSTM Frames
-   The CSTM is placed diagonally on top of the upper ALD plate to reach the
-   sample handover point of the drill by opening the ALD door. It then retracts
-   after having received the sample from the drill in its sample container.
-   The ALD Core Sample Transportation Mechanism (CSTM) Fixed frame
-   -- RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX -- is attached to the CSTM and invariant to the CSTM
-   mechanism position. It is defined as follows:
-      - +Z axis is nominally parallel to the +Z axis of the RM_ROVER frame;
-      - +X axis is the motion direction of the CSTM mechanism
-        (from close to open);
-      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - the origin is located in the geometrical centre of the CSTM sample
-        receptacle, assuming the CSTM mechanism fully retracted. It is a
-        fixed translation from the RM_ROVER.
-   The ALD CSTM Fixed frame axes are rotated around the +Z axis of the
-   ROVER_RM frame a nominal angle of -26.5 degrees [10].
-   The ALD CTSM Moving frame -- RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV -- is is attached to the Core
-   Sample Transport Mechanism and moves according to CSTM mechanism position.
-   Its orientation is the same as ACF frame and its origin is coincident with
-   ACF frame when the CSTM mechanism is fully retracted (0mm). When the CSTM
-   mechanisms moves (up to 300mm), the ACM frame rigidly translates with
-   respect to the RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX frame along the +X axis RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX.
-   This diagram illustrate the RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX frame:
-   +Z Rover side view:
-   -------------------
-                       .-------------------------..-------------------------.
-                 .-----|                         ||                         |
-                 | .--.|                         ||                         |
-                 | |  ||                         ||                         |
-                 `-|  |'-------------------------''-------------------------'
-                  .------------------.
-         +Xcstm   |                  '----------.
-              <.  '----.                         |
-                 ' .|  |+Zcstm                   |
-                     ' o    .-.                 .'
-                    | .|    | +Xrm      +Zrm    |
-                     ' |    | |<---------o      |
-                    '  |    | |          |      |
-          +Ycstm  <'|  |    '-'          |       '.
-                    '--|                 |        |   +Zrm and +Zcstm are
-                       '-----.         .-|--------'    out of the page.
-                             '---------' v
-                       .--------------- +Yrm ----..-------------------------.
-                       |                         ||                         |
-                       |                         ||                         |
-                       |                         ||                         |
-                       '-------------------------''-------------------------'
-   These sets of keywords define the ALD CSTM frames:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX           = -174052
-      FRAME_-174052_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX'
-      FRAME_-174052_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174052_CLASS_ID          = -174052
-      FRAME_-174052_CENTER            = -174052
-      TKFRAME_-174052_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-174052_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174052_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174052_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174052_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,  26.5 )
-      FRAME_RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV           = -174053
-      FRAME_-174053_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV'
-      FRAME_-174053_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174053_CLASS_ID          = -174053
-      FRAME_-174053_CENTER            = -174053
-      TKFRAME_-174053_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX'
-      TKFRAME_-174053_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174053_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174053_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174053_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-   \begintext
-ALD PSDDS and PSHS Frames
-   The PSDDS collects the crushed samples in its sample containers and
-   distributes the sample powder to the receptacles placed on the PSHS.
-   The PSHS with its carousel transports the powdered sample received by the
-   PSDDS by rotation to the ports of the optical instruments of the ALD namely
-   MicrOmega, RLS and MOMA LD-MS.
-   The Powder Sample Dosing and Distribution System (PSDDS) and the Powdered
-   Sample Handling System (PSHS, the carousel) frames are defined solely to
-   provide the rotation angle of their mechanisms. For PSDDS the angle ranges
-   from 0 to 340.06 degrees and provides the position of the POSITIONER whereas
-   for PSHS the angles ranges from 0 to 345 degrees and provides the position
-   of the CAROUSEL. For both zero position is equivalent to 0 degrees.
-   Because of this for both structures a FIXED and a MOVING frame are defined;
-   the MOVING frame incorporates the rotation being defined as a CK-based
-   frame.
-   The ALD PSDDS Fixed frame -- RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX -- is attached to the Powder
-   Sample Dosing and Distribution System, is invariant to the PSDDS
-   mechanism position and is parallel to the RM_ROVER frame.
-   It is defined as follows:
-      - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +X axis frame;
-      - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +Y axis frame;
-      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the PSDDS,
-        defined as the intersection of the PSDDS mechanism rotation axis and
-        the PSDDS upper panel (perpendicular to the RM_ROVER +Z axis).
-   The ALD PSDDS Moving frame -- RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV -- is attached to the
-   Powder Sample Dosing and Distribution System and moves according to the
-   PSDDS mechanism rotation. Its origin is coincident with the
-   RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX frame, and its orientation is the same when the
-   PSDDS mechanism is in zero position (PSDDS = 0deg). When the PSDDS
-   mechanisms moves, the frame rotates around the +Z axis of the
-   RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV fame.
-   The ALD PSHS Fixed frame -- RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX -- is attached to the Powder
-   Sample Handiling System and is invariant to the PSHS mechanism position.
-   It is defined as follows:
-      - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +X axis frame;
-      - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +Y axis frame;
-      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the PSHS, defined
-        as the intersection of the PSHS mechanism rotation axis and the PSHS
-        upper panel (perpendicular to the RM_ROVER +Z axis).
-   The ALD PSHS Moving frame -- RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV -- is attached to the Powder
-   Sample Dosing and Distribution System and moves according to the PSHS
-   mechanism rotation. Its origin is coincident with the RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX frame,
-   and its orientation is the same when the PSDDS mechanism is in zero position
-   (PSHS = 0deg). When the PSHS mechanisms moves, the frame rotates around the
-   +Z axis of the RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV fame.
-   These sets of keywords define the ALD PSDDS and PSHS frames:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX          = -174055
-      FRAME_-174055_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX'
-      FRAME_-174055_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174055_CLASS_ID          = -174055
-      FRAME_-174055_CENTER            = -174055
-      TKFRAME_-174055_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-174055_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174055_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174055_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174055_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV          = -174056
-      FRAME_-174056_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV'
-      FRAME_-174056_CLASS             =  3
-      FRAME_-174056_CLASS_ID          = -174056
-      FRAME_-174056_CENTER            = -174055
-      CK_-174056_SCLK                 = -174
-      CK_-174056_SPK                  = -174
-      FRAME_RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX           = -174058
-      FRAME_-174058_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX'
-      FRAME_-174058_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174058_CLASS_ID          = -174058
-      FRAME_-174058_CENTER            = -174058
-      TKFRAME_-174058_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-174058_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174058_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174058_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174058_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV           = -174059
-      FRAME_-174059_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV'
-      FRAME_-174059_CLASS             =  3
-      FRAME_-174059_CLASS_ID          = -174059
-      FRAME_-174059_CENTER            = -174058
-      CK_-174059_SCLK                 = -174
-      CK_-174059_SPK                  = -174
-   \begintext
-Solar Arrays Frames
-   This section contains the definitions of the Solar Arrays (SA) frames
-   as specified in [7].
-   The RM has two groups of SA panels, the Right SA and the Left SA. Each
-   group consists of two panels (in addition to the panels present on top
-   of the RM body): the primary and the secondary panel -- RM_SA1_PRI,
-   RM_SA1_SEC and RM_SA2_PRI, RM_SA2_SEC --, these two panels are
-   connected by hinges that allow them rotate (and thus be deployed).
-   For each panel, the conventions for the hinge deployment axis are the
-   following:
-      The Primary Hinge deployment axis rotation convention is:
-         - Zero angle when the primary panels are in the nominal fully
-           deployed position with normal to the Photovoltaic assembly (PVA)
-           face parallel to the +Z axis of the RM_ROVER.
-         - Positive rotations deploy the primary panels from their stowed
-           positions: right side hinges rotate clockwise about +X axis of
-           the RM_ROVER frame and left side hinges rotate anticlockwise about
-           +X axis of the RM_ROVER using right-hand grip rule.
-      The Secondary Hinge deployment axis rotation convention is:
-         - Zero angle when the secondary panels are in the nominal
-           fully-deployed position with normal to the PVA face parallel
-           to the +Z axis of the RM_ROVER.
-         - Positive rotations deploy the secondary panels from their stowed
-           positions below the primary panels: when the primary panels are
-           deployed to -90 degrees the right side secondary hinges rotate
-           anticlockwise about +Z axis of the RM_ROVER and left side secondary
-           hinges rotate clockwise about +Z axis of the RM_ROVER using
-           right-hand grip rule.
-   Please note that all the rotations range from -180 to 0 degrees (stowed
-   to fully deployed).
-   For each group three reference frames are defined, a zero one that is
-   parallel to the Rover Body frame, a primary for the pimary array of the
-   group and a secondary for the secondary array of each group the frames
-   are defined hereafter.
-   The Solar Array 1 and 2 zero frames -- RM_SA1_ZERO, RM_SA2_ZERO -- are
-   defined as follows:
-      - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +X axis frame;
-      - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +Y axis frame;
-      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the first hinge
-        of the Solar Array (the one closer to the front of the RM).
-   The Primary Solar Array 1 frame - RM_SA1_PRI -- frame is defined as
-   follows:
-      - +Z axis is normal to the PVA face;
-      - +X axis is anti-parallel to the +X axis of the RM_ROVER frame and
-        is the rotation axis of the primary solar array (Left Primary
-        Deployment angle LPD);
-      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the first hinge
-        of the Primary Solar Array (the one closer to the front of the RM).
-   The Secondary Solar Array 1 frame - RM_SA1_PRI -- frame is defined as
-   follows:
-      - +Z axis is normal to the PVA face;
-      - +X axis is parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_ROVER frame when
-        the primary array is fully deployed and is the rotation axis of the
-        secondary solar array (Left Secondary Deployment angle LSD);
-      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the first hinge
-        of the Secondary Solar Array (the one closer to the RM body).
-   The Primary Solar Array 2 frame - RM_SA2_PRI -- frame is defined as
-   follows:
-      - +Z axis is normal to the PVA face;
-      - +X axis is parallel to the +X axis of the RM_ROVER frame and
-        is the rotation axis of the primary solar array (Right Primary
-        Deployment angle RPD);
-      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the first hinge
-        of the Primary Solar Array (the one closer to the front of the RM).
-   The Secondary Solar Array 2 frame - RM_SA2_SEC -- frame is defined as
-   follows:
-      - +Z axis is normal to the PVA face;
-      - +X axis is anti-parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_ROVER frame when
-        the primary array is fully deployed and is the rotation axis of the
-        secondary solar array (Right Secondary Deployment angle RSD);
-      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the first hinge
-        of the Secondary Solar Array (the one closer to the RM body).
-   This diagram illustrate solar arrays frames:
-   +Z Rover side view:
-   -------------------
-                                      Right secondary hinge
-                                                 '
-                                    +Xsa2-sec   ^'
-                                                |'
-                      .-------------------------|.-------------------------.
-                .-----|            +Ysa2-sec    ||                         |
-    Right primary .--.|    +Zsa2-zero   <-------o|                         |
-      hinge     | |  ||       +Zsa2-pri         |+Zsa2-sec                 |
-            - - - - - |' <---------o -----------''-------------------------'
-               +Xsa2-pri  ---------|.            '
-               +Xsa2-zero          |'----------. '    +Zrm, +Zsa1-zero,
-                 '----.            |            |     +Zsa1-pri, +Zsa1-sec,
-                   |  |            v  +Ysa2-zero      +Zsa2-zero, +Zsa1-pri
-                   |  |    .-.   +Ysa2-pri     .'      and +Zsa1-sec are out
-                   |  |    | +Xrm      +Zrm    |       of the page.
-                   |  |    | |<---------o      |
-                   |  |    |+Ysa2-pri   |      |
-                   |  +Ysa2-zero   ^    |       '.
-                   '--|            |    |        |   +Zrm and
-                      '-----.      |  .-|--------'    out of the page.
-            - - - - -       '------|--' v +Yrm
-   Left primary       . +Zsa1-pri  o--------> --..-------------------------.
-     hinge            | +Zsa1-zero   +Xsa1-pr   |+Zsa1-sec                 |
-                      |              +Xsa1-zero o--------> +Ysa1-sec       |
-                      |                         ||                         |
-                      '-------------------------|'-------------------------'
-                                                |'
-                                     +Xsa2-sec  v'
-                                                 '
-                                        Left secondary hinge
-   The following frames implement the definitions provided below:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_SA1_ZERO               = -174061
-      FRAME_-174061_NAME              = 'RM_SA1_ZERO'
-      FRAME_-174061_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174061_CLASS_ID          = -174061
-      FRAME_-174061_CENTER            = -174062
-      TKFRAME_-174061_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-174061_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174061_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174061_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174061_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_SA1_PRI                = -174062
-      FRAME_-174062_NAME              = 'RM_SA1_PRI'
-      FRAME_-174062_CLASS             =  3
-      FRAME_-174062_CLASS_ID          = -174062
-      FRAME_-174062_CENTER            = -174062
-      CK_-174062_SCLK                 = -174
-      CK_-174062_SPK                  = -174
-      FRAME_RM_SA1_SEC                = -174063
-      FRAME_-174063_NAME              = 'RM_SA1_SEC'
-      FRAME_-174063_CLASS             =  3
-      FRAME_-174063_CLASS_ID          = -174063
-      FRAME_-174063_CENTER            = -174063
-      CK_-174063_SCLK                 = -174
-      CK_-174063_SPK                  = -174
-      FRAME_RM_SA2_ZERO               = -174064
-      FRAME_-174064_NAME              = 'RM_SA2_ZERO'
-      FRAME_-174064_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174064_CLASS_ID          = -174064
-      FRAME_-174064_CENTER            = -174065
-      TKFRAME_-174064_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-174064_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174064_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174064_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174064_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_SA2_PRI                = -174065
-      FRAME_-174065_NAME              = 'RM_SA2_PRI'
-      FRAME_-174065_CLASS             =  3
-      FRAME_-174065_CLASS_ID          = -174065
-      FRAME_-174065_CENTER            = -174065
-      CK_-174065_SCLK                 = -174
-      CK_-174065_SPK                  = -174
-      FRAME_RM_SA2_SEC                = -174066
-      FRAME_-174066_NAME              = 'RM_SA2_SEC'
-      FRAME_-174066_CLASS             =  3
-      FRAME_-174066_CLASS_ID          = -174066
-      FRAME_-174066_CENTER            = -174066
-      CK_-174066_SCLK                 = -174
-      CK_-174066_SPK                  = -174
-   \begintext
-Locomotion Frames
-   This section contains the definitions of Rover Locomotion system frames
-   as specified in [7].
-   It should be noted that the frames described within this section have been
-   defined so that when the rover is fully deployed, is in flat terrain and all
-   steering angles are zero, these frames are intended as being aligned with
-   the Rover Body frame.
-Bogie Frame definitions
-   There are three bogie fixed frames, that correspond to the three bogie
-   bodies: the Left Front Boogie fixed frame -- RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX --, the
-   Right Front Bogie fixed frame -- RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX -- and the Middle Rear
-   Bogie fixed frame -- RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX --. These frames have a fixed
-   transformation with respect to the Rover Body frame. The bogie frames are
-   defined as follows:
-      - +Z axis points vertically upwards, anti-parallel to the gravity vector.
-        It is parallel to +Z axis of the RM_ROVER (within knowledge alignment
-        errors) and invariant to pivot angle;
-      - +X axis points towards the front of the Rover in the nominal direction
-        of travel. It is parallel to +X axis of the RM_ROVER frame (within
-        knowledge alignment errors) and is invariant to pivot angle;
-      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - The origin lies on the rotational axis of the bogie in the
-        plane of symmetry.
-   There are three bogie moving frames that define a pure rotation with respect
-   to RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX, RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX and RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX according to the
-   pivot angles LFB, RFB and MRB, the rotations are defined as follows:
-   Left Front Bogie Moving -- RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV -- with origin coincident with
-   RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX and rotating LFB around its +Y axis. This frame has the same
-   orientation as the FIX frame when the rover is on flat, horizontal terrain.
-   Right Front Bogie Moving --  RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV -- with origin coincident with
-   RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX and rotating RFB around its +Y axis. This frame has the same
-   orientation as the FIX frame when the rover is on flat, horizontal terrain.
-   Middle Rear Bogie Moving --  RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV -- with origin coincident with
-   RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX and rotating MRB around its +X axis. This frame has the same
-   orientation as the FIX frame when the rover is on flat, horizontal terrain.
-   These diagrams illustrate the Bogie frames:
-   +Y Rover side view (only bogies and wheels):
-   --------------------------------------------
-                               +Zrm                +Yrm, +Ybmr and +Yblf
-                                 ^                  are out of the page.
-                                 |
-              +Zblf  ^           |     +Zbmr  ^
-                     | +Xrm      |            |
-                     |_<---------o ___________|.
-        +Xblf       |||        +Yrm          |||
-           <---------o +Yblf _      <---------o +Ybmr
-           |  |-----\_/----|  |    +Xbmr     \__.  |
-          .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
-         / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
-         \      /        \      /             \      /
-          `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
-             Left Front Bogie            Middle Rear Bogie
-   +X Rover side view (only bogies and wheels):
-   --------------------------------------------
-           +Zbrf              +Zbmr              +Zblf
-             ^                  ^                  ^
-             |                  |                  |
-             |                  |                  |
-             | .----------------|---------------.  | +Xblf
-       +Xbrf o--------> ------- o--------> ----. |.o--------> +Yblf
-           |___|=|  +Ybrf     +Xbmr    +Ybmr   |=|___|
-           |.-.                                   .-.|      +Xbmr, +Xblf and
-           || |                                   | ||      +Xbrf are out of
-           `| |                                   | |'       the page.
-            '_'                                   '_'
-          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~
-   +X Rover side view (drill in stowed position):
-   ----------------------------------------------
-                           o-o-=O===O--o
-                              |o|___|
-                                 _\/
-                                |_|_
-                                  |_|
-                                   |
-                                   |                +Xrm and +Xbrf are
-                                   |                 out of the page.
-                                   |
-                                   |
-                                   |
-                                   |
-                                   |
-                                   |
-                                  _|_ +Zrm
-                                 |   | ^
-             ------ +Zbrf   +Zbrm ------|-------------------------
-                    | ^ |    ^     |   |   |   |      |  |
-                    '-|-|  .       |   |   | 0 |   .--'--'
-                     .|  .-------------|----------|
-                    / |'      |        |          |---.
-                  / \ o --------> ---- o--------> ====|  .-.
-                 /.''.  '.   +Ybrm    +Xrm |   |+Yrm  |=|___|
-                 /  /     '.                             .-.|
-                /  /        v                            | ||
-                './         +Ybrm                        | |'
-             .---.                                       '_'
-         ~~~'     '~~~~                                ~~~~~~~~
-   These sets of keywords define the Bugie fixed and moving frames:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX           = -174071
-      FRAME_-174071_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX'
-      FRAME_-174071_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174071_CLASS_ID          = -174071
-      FRAME_-174071_CENTER            = -174071
-      TKFRAME_-174071_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-174071_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174071_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174071_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174071_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV           = -174072
-      FRAME_-174072_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV'
-      FRAME_-174072_CLASS             =  3
-      FRAME_-174072_CLASS_ID          = -174072
-      FRAME_-174072_CENTER            = -174071
-      CK_-174072_SCLK                 = -174
-      CK_-174072_SPK                  = -174
-      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX           = -174073
-      FRAME_-174073_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX'
-      FRAME_-174073_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174073_CLASS_ID          = -174073
-      FRAME_-174073_CENTER            = -174073
-      TKFRAME_-174073_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-174073_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174073_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174073_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174073_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV           = -174074
-      FRAME_-174074_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV'
-      FRAME_-174074_CLASS             =  3
-      FRAME_-174074_CLASS_ID          = -174074
-      FRAME_-174074_CENTER            = -174073
-      CK_-174074_SCLK                 = -174
-      CK_-174074_SPK                  = -174
-      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX           = -174075
-      FRAME_-174075_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX'
-      FRAME_-174075_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174075_CLASS_ID          = -174075
-      FRAME_-174075_CENTER            = -174075
-      TKFRAME_-174075_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-174075_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174075_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174075_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174075_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV           = -174076
-      FRAME_-174076_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV'
-      FRAME_-174076_CLASS             =  3
-      FRAME_-174076_CLASS_ID          = -174076
-      FRAME_-174076_CENTER            = -174075
-      CK_-174076_SCLK                 = -174
-      CK_-174076_SPK                  = -174
-   \begintext
-Wheel Frame definitions
-   There are six wheels fixed frames: RM_WHEEL_LF_FIX, RM_WHEEL_LM_FIX,
-   correspond to the fix frame associated with every wheel wich are implemented
-   by a fixed transformation with respect to the corresponding bogie moving
-   frames -- RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV, RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV and RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV --, invariant
-   to the rotation on the steering and driving axis and assuming a full
-   deployment of the deployment mechanism. The center of the frames is the
-   center of the corresponding wheel:
-      - Front left wheel (LF), middle left wheel (LM)
-        (mounted on the Left Front Bogie);
-      - Front right wheel (RF), middle right wheel (RM)
-        (mounted on the Right Front Bogie);
-      - Left rear wheel (LR), right rear wheel (RR)
-        (mounted on the Right Front Bogie);
-   In addition, six wheels steering angle frames are defined: RM_WHEEL_LF_STR,
-   RM_WHEEL_RR_STR. These frames are defined with respect to their
-   corresponding fixed frame and implement the steering angle (STR) around the
-   +Z axis of their corresponding fixed frame.
-   Finally, six wheel moving frames are defined: RM_WHEEL_LF_MOV,
-   RM_WHEEL_RR_MOV. These frames are defined with respect to their
-   corresponding steering frame and implement the forward movement rotation or
-   rototrnaslation angle (DRV) around the +Y axis of their corresponding
-   steering frame.
-   Note that for each frame the wheel deployment mechanism is fully deployed
-   and the steering is in its zero position the moving frame is coincident
-   with the steering frame an   d the bogie frames.
-   These diagrams illustrate the Wheels frames:
-   +Y Rover side view (only bogies and wheels):
-   --------------------------------------------
-                               +Zrm                +Yrm, +Ybmr, +Yblf,
-                                 ^                 +Ywlr, +Ywlr, +Ywlr
-                                 |                  are out of the page.
-              +Zblf  ^           |     +Zbmr  ^
-                     | +Xrm      |            |
-            +Zblf    |_<---------o ___________|.
-      +Zwlr  ^      || +Zwlr ^ +Yrm     +Ybmr ||  ^  +Zwlr
-           <-|-------o +Yblf |      <---------o   |
-           | ||-----\_/----| ||    +Xbmr     \__. ||
-   +Xwlf  .| |.    +Xwlm  .| ||.               .| ||.
-      <------o| \     <------o| \    +Xwlr <------o| \
-         \+Ywlr /        \+Ywlr /             \+Ywlr /
-          `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
-     Front left wheel   Middle left wheel   Left rear wheel
-          Left Front Bogie                 Middle Rear Bogie
-   +Y Rover side view (without solar arrays):
-   ------------------------------------------
-    +Xlrs
-       <
-         ' .
-             '/ ' .
-   +Xlrf <----'--o ' .   .-----.         .-----.
-                /|' /    '----- +Xrrf <-----o--'
-          .--- /=|========='-.  +Xrrs    | ||        +Zrm, +Zlrs, +Zlrf, are
-          |   /  |           '----------.| ||        +Zrrf, +Zrrs, +Zlmf and
-          '- v . v                       | |v        +Zlms are out of the
-      +Ylrs |  +Ylrf                   +Ylrf +Ylrs    page.
-                    .-.                 .' |
-            |  |    | +Xrm      +Zrm    |  |
-               |    | |<---------o      |  |
-               |    | |          |      |  |
-            |  |    '-'          |       '.|
-            '--|                 |        ||
-             . +Xlms ========.    v +Yrm --||
-             . +Xlmf <-----o--.         .-----.
-             '-----'    '--|--'         '-----'
-                           |
-                     +Ylmf |
-                     +Ylms v
-   +Y Rover side view (only bogies and wheels, with all STR=0):
-   ------------------------------------------------------------
-               +Zlfs                                 +Zlrs    +Ylrs, +Ylrm,
-      +Xlfm       ^  +Zlfm                             ^      +Ylfs and +Ylfm
-           ^      |  -- ^ / \-----__       +Zlrm < . \._|      are out of the
-             ' .| ||-.'---\_/----|  |              \'.  ||     page.
-               .'.|.'           .|  |.               .'.||.
-    +Xlfs <-------o| \        / |__| \   +Xlrs <-------o| \
-              \      /        \      /             \ .'   /  DRV = 45 deg
-               `-..-'          `-..-'              .`-..-'
-                  DRV = -45 deg             +Xlrm v
-   These sets of keywords define the Wheels fixed, steering and moving frames:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LF_FIX           = -1740810
-      FRAME_-1740810_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV'
-      FRAME_-1740810_CLASS            =  4
-      FRAME_-1740810_CLASS_ID         = -1740810
-      FRAME_-1740810_CENTER           = -174081
-      TKFRAME_-1740810_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-1740810_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-1740810_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-1740810_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-1740810_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LF_STR           = -1740811
-      FRAME_-1740811_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LF_FIX'
-      FRAME_-1740811_CLASS            =  3
-      FRAME_-1740811_CLASS_ID         = -1740811
-      FRAME_-1740811_CENTER           = -174081
-      CK_-1740811_SCLK                = -174
-      CK_-1740811_SPK                 = -174
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LF_MOV           = -1740812
-      FRAME_-1740812_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LF_STR'
-      FRAME_-1740812_CLASS            =  3
-      FRAME_-1740812_CLASS_ID         = -1740812
-      FRAME_-1740812_CENTER           = -174081
-      CK_-1740812_SCLK                = -174
-      CK_-1740812_SPK                 = -174
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LM_FIX           = -1740820
-      FRAME_-1740820_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV'
-      FRAME_-1740820_CLASS            =  4
-      FRAME_-1740820_CLASS_ID         = -1740820
-      FRAME_-1740820_CENTER           = -174082
-      TKFRAME_-1740820_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-1740820_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-1740820_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-1740820_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-1740820_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LM_STR           = -1740821
-      FRAME_-1740821_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LM_FIX'
-      FRAME_-1740821_CLASS            =  3
-      FRAME_-1740821_CLASS_ID         = -1740821
-      FRAME_-1740821_CENTER           = -174082
-      CK_-1740821_SCLK                = -174
-      CK_-1740821_SPK                 = -174
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LM_MOV           = -1740822
-      FRAME_-1740822_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LM_STR'
-      FRAME_-1740822_CLASS            =  3
-      FRAME_-1740822_CLASS_ID         = -1740822
-      FRAME_-1740822_CENTER           = -174082
-      CK_-1740822_SCLK                = -174
-      CK_-1740822_SPK                 = -174
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RF_FIX           = -1740830
-      FRAME_-1740830_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV'
-      FRAME_-1740830_CLASS            =  4
-      FRAME_-1740830_CLASS_ID         = -1740830
-      FRAME_-1740830_CENTER           = -174083
-      TKFRAME_-1740830_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-1740830_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-1740830_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-1740830_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-1740830_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RF_STR           = -1740831
-      FRAME_-1740831_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RF_FIX'
-      FRAME_-1740831_CLASS            =  3
-      FRAME_-1740831_CLASS_ID         = -1740831
-      FRAME_-1740831_CENTER           = -174083
-      CK_-1740831_SCLK                = -174
-      CK_-1740831_SPK                 = -174
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RF_MOV           = -1740832
-      FRAME_-1740832_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RF_STR'
-      FRAME_-1740832_CLASS            =  3
-      FRAME_-1740832_CLASS_ID         = -1740832
-      FRAME_-1740832_CENTER           = -174083
-      CK_-1740832_SCLK                = -174
-      CK_-1740832_SPK                 = -174
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RM_FIX           = -1740840
-      FRAME_-1740840_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_RM_MOV'
-      FRAME_-1740840_CLASS            =  4
-      FRAME_-1740840_CLASS_ID         = -1740840
-      FRAME_-1740840_CENTER           = -174084
-      TKFRAME_-1740840_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-1740840_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-1740840_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-1740840_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-1740840_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RM_STR           = -1740841
-      FRAME_-1740841_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RM_FIX'
-      FRAME_-1740841_CLASS            =  3
-      FRAME_-1740841_CLASS_ID         = -1740841
-      FRAME_-1740841_CENTER           = -174084
-      CK_-1740841_SCLK                = -174
-      CK_-1740841_SPK                 = -174
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RM_MOV           = -1740842
-      FRAME_-1740842_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RM_STR'
-      FRAME_-1740842_CLASS            =  3
-      FRAME_-1740842_CLASS_ID         = -1740842
-      FRAME_-1740842_CENTER           = -174084
-      CK_-1740842_SCLK                = -174
-      CK_-1740842_SPK                 = -174
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LR_FIX           = -1740850
-      FRAME_-1740850_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_LR_MOV'
-      FRAME_-1740850_CLASS            =  4
-      FRAME_-1740850_CLASS_ID         = -1740850
-      FRAME_-1740850_CENTER           = -174085
-      TKFRAME_-1740850_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-1740850_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-1740850_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-1740850_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-1740850_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LR_STR           = -1740851
-      FRAME_-1740851_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LR_FIX'
-      FRAME_-1740851_CLASS            =  3
-      FRAME_-1740851_CLASS_ID         = -1740851
-      FRAME_-1740851_CENTER           = -174085
-      CK_-1740851_SCLK                = -174
-      CK_-1740851_SPK                 = -174
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LR_MOV           = -1740852
-      FRAME_-1740852_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LR_STR'
-      FRAME_-1740852_CLASS            =  3
-      FRAME_-1740852_CLASS_ID         = -1740852
-      FRAME_-1740852_CENTER           = -174085
-      CK_-1740852_SCLK                = -174
-      CK_-1740852_SPK                 = -174
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RR_FIX           = -1740860
-      FRAME_-1740860_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_RR_MOV'
-      FRAME_-1740860_CLASS            =  4
-      FRAME_-1740860_CLASS_ID         = -1740860
-      FRAME_-1740860_CENTER           = -174086
-      TKFRAME_-1740860_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-1740860_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-1740860_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-1740860_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-1740860_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RR_STR           = -1740861
-      FRAME_-1740861_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RR_FIX'
-      FRAME_-1740861_CLASS            =  3
-      FRAME_-1740861_CLASS_ID         = -1740861
-      FRAME_-1740861_CENTER           = -174086
-      CK_-1740861_SCLK                = -174
-      CK_-1740861_SPK                 = -174
-      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RR_MOV           = -1740862
-      FRAME_-1740862_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RR_STR'
-      FRAME_-1740862_CLASS            =  3
-      FRAME_-1740862_CLASS_ID         = -1740862
-      FRAME_-1740862_CENTER           = -174086
-      CK_-1740862_SCLK                = -174
-      CK_-1740862_SPK                 = -174
-   \begintext
-PanCam Frames
-   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Panoramic
-   Camera (PanCam) instrument frames.
-PanCam Frame Tree
-   The diagram below shows the PanCam frame hierarchy.
-                                   "RM_PB"
-                                   -------
-                                      |
-                                      |<-fixed
-                                      |
-                                      V
-                               "RM_PANCAM_BASE"
-                   +----------------------------------------+
-                   |                    |                   |
-            fixed->|             fixed->|            fixed->|
-                   |                    |                   |
-                   v                    v                   v
-              "RM_PANCAM_HRC"   "RM_PANCAM_WAC_L"   "RM_PANCAM_WAC_R"
-              ---------------   -----------------   -----------------
-PanCam Frame definitions
-   The Panoramic Cameras reference frame (PANCAM) is attached to the PanCam
-   stereo bench that is rigidly mounted on the Payload Bench on top of the
-   Rover Mast. Therefore, the base frame associated with it -- the
-   RM PANCAM Base rame, RM_PANCAM_BASE --  is specified as a fixed offset frame
-   with its orientation given relative to the RM_ROVER frame as follows:
-      -  +X axis is defined as the projection of the cameras optical axis on
-         the plane perpendicular to the +Y axis;
-      -  +Y axis is in the direction from the right WAC camera optical centre
-         to the left WAC camera optical centre;
-      -  +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      -  The origin is located at the middle of the segment linking the optical
-         centres of the left and right WAC cameras.
-   These diagrams illustrate the nominal RM_PANCAM_BASE, RM_PANCAM_WAC_L,
-   RM_PANCAM_WAC_R and RM_PANCAM_HRC frame with respect to the rover frame.
-   +X Rover side view:
-   -------------------
-                       +Zpancam
-                         ^
-                         |
-                         |
-                         |
-                         |
-                   o-o-=Oo--------> +Ypancam
-                  +Xpancam _|
-                         _\/
-                        |_|_
-                          |_|
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                           _|_ +Zrm
-                          |   | ^
-      --------------------------|--------------------------
-             |   |          |   |   |   |     |  |
-             '---|          |   |   | 0 |  .--'--'
-                 '--.-----------|----------|
-                 .--|           |          |---.
-            .-.  |============= o--------> ====|  .-.
-           |___|=|            +Xrm  |   +Yrm   |=|___|
-           |.-.                                   .-.|
-           || |                                   | ||    +Yrm is out of the
-           `| |                                   | |'    page
-            '_'                                   '_'
-          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~
-   +X Rover Mast view:
-   -------------------
-     +Xpwacl       +Xphrc                                        +Xpwacr
-        ^             ^                                            ^
-        |             |                                            |
-        |   PanCamHRC |    ______________________                  |
-     .--|-------------|---|                      |-----------------|--.
-     | /o------->   / o--------> +Yphrc      /^\ |                /o------->
-     | \_/ WAC-L    \__/  | \_/              \_/ |   PanCam WAC-R \_/ | +Ypwacr
-     '____________________|    NavCaM            |____________________'
-                   .-----.'----------------------'
-                   | /^\ |====|----== +Zpancam
-                   | \_/ |====|   /    ^ \   |        +Zpwacl, +Zphrc, +Zpwacr
-                   '-----'    |  /     |  \  |         and +Xpancam are out of
-                ISEM          . .      |   . .         the page.
-                              .        |
-                                       o--------> +Ypancam
-                                      +Xpancam
-   Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse
-   transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the
-   base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of
-   rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed
-   compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the
-   rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the
-   opposite from what is written in the above text.
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_PANCAM_BASE             =  -174100
-      FRAME_-174100_NAME               = 'RM_PANCAM_BASE'
-      FRAME_-174100_CLASS              =   4
-      FRAME_-174100_CLASS_ID           =  -174100
-      FRAME_-174100_CENTER             =  -174100
-      TKFRAME_-174100_RELATIVE         = 'RM_PB'
-      TKFRAME_-174100_SPEC             = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174100_UNITS            = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174100_AXES             = ( 3,     2,      1   )
-      TKFRAME_-174100_ANGLES           = ( 0.0,   0.0,    0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_PANCAM_WAC_L            =  -174110
-      FRAME_-174110_NAME               = 'RM_PANCAM_WAC_L'
-      FRAME_-174110_CLASS              =   4
-      FRAME_-174110_CLASS_ID           =  -174110
-      FRAME_-174110_CENTER             =  -174110
-      TKFRAME_-174110_RELATIVE         = 'RM_PANCAM_BASE'
-      TKFRAME_-174110_SPEC             = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174110_UNITS            = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174110_AXES             = ( 3,     2,      1   )
-      TKFRAME_-174110_ANGLES           = ( 0.0, -90.0,    0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_PANCAM_WAC_R            =  -174120
-      FRAME_-174120_NAME               = 'RM_PANCAM_WAC_R'
-      FRAME_-174120_CLASS              =   4
-      FRAME_-174120_CLASS_ID           =  -174120
-      FRAME_-174120_CENTER             =  -174120
-      TKFRAME_-174120_RELATIVE         = 'RM_PANCAM_BASE'
-      TKFRAME_-174120_SPEC             = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174120_UNITS            = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174120_AXES             = ( 3,     2,      1   )
-      TKFRAME_-174120_ANGLES           = ( 0.0, -90.0,    0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_PANCAM_HRC              =  -174130
-      FRAME_-174130_NAME               = 'RM_PANCAM_HRC'
-      FRAME_-174130_CLASS              =   4
-      FRAME_-174130_CLASS_ID           =  -174130
-      FRAME_-174130_CENTER             =  -174130
-      TKFRAME_-174130_RELATIVE         = 'RM_PANCAM_BASE'
-      TKFRAME_-174130_SPEC             = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174130_UNITS            = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174130_AXES             = ( 3,     2,      1   )
-      TKFRAME_-174130_ANGLES           = ( 0.0, -90.0,    0.0 )
-   \begintext
-ISEM Frames
-   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Infrared
-   Spectrometer for ExoMars (ISEM).
-ISEM Frame Tree
-   The diagram below shows the ISEM frame hierarchy.
-                                "RM_PB"
-                                -------
-                                   |
-                                   |<-fixed
-                                   |
-                                   V
-                               "RM_ISEM"
-                               ---------
-ISEM Frame Definition
-   The ISEM reference frame -- RM_ISEM -- is attached to the ISEM instrument
-   and is nominally parallel Payload Bench -- RM_PB -- and is defined as
-   follows:
-      - +X axis is parallel to the +X axis of the RM_PB frame;
-      - +Y axis is parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_PB frame;
-      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - the origin is located on the instrument optical axis, exactly at the
-        end of the ISEM Optical Box.
-   The following diagram describes the RM_ISEM reference frame:
-   +X Rover side view:
-   -------------------
-                     +Zisem
-                        ^
-                        |
-                        |
-                        |
-                    o-o-|O===O--o
-                       |o---------> +Yisem
-                          _\/
-                         |_|_
-                           |_|
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                           _|_ +Zrm
-                          |   | ^
-      --------------------------|--------------------------
-             |   |          |   |   |   |     |  |
-             '---|          |   |   | 0 |  .--'--'
-                 '--.-----------|----------|
-                 .--|           |          |---.
-            .-.  |============= o--------> ====|  .-.
-           |___|=|            +Xrm  |   +Yrm   |=|___|
-           |.-.                                   .-.|
-           || |                                   | ||    +Xrm and +Xisem are
-           `| |                                   | |'    out of the page.
-            '_'                                   '_'
-          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~
-   +X Rover Mast view:
-   -------------------
-                    +Zisem   ______________________
-       .--------------- ^ --|                      |--------------------.
-       | /^\ PanCam    /| \ | /^\              /^\ |                /^\ |
-       | \_/ WAC-L     \|_/ | \_/              \_/ |   PanCam WAC-R \_/ |
-       '________________|___|    NavCaM            |____________________'
-                     .--|--.'----------------------'
-                     | /o--------->  == +Zpb
-                     | \_/ |== +Yisem    ^ \   |          +Xpb and +Xisem are
-                     '-----'    |  /     |  \  |           out of the page.
-                  ISEM          . .      |   . .
-                                .        |
-                                         o--------> +Ypb
-                                        +Xpb
-   These sets of keywords define the ISEM frame:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_ISEM                   = -174200
-      FRAME_-174200_NAME              = 'RM_ISEM'
-      FRAME_-174200_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174200_CLASS_ID          = -174200
-      FRAME_-174200_CENTER            = -174200
-      TKFRAME_-174200_RELATIVE        = 'RM_PB'
-      TKFRAME_-174200_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174200_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174200_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174200_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-   \begintext
-ADRON-RM Frames
-   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Autonomous
-   Detector of Radiation of Neutrons Onboard Rover (ADRON-RM) frames.
-ADRON-RM Frame Tree
-   The diagram below shows the ADRON-RM frame hierarchy.
-                                "RM_ROVER"
-                                ----------
-                                    |
-                                    |<-fixed
-                                    |
-                                    V
-                               "RM_ADRON-RM"
-                               -------------
-ADRON-RM Frame Definition
-   The ISEM reference frame -- RM_ADRON-RM -- is attached to the ADRON-RM
-   instrument and is fixed with respect to the rover frame -- RM_ROVER --, and
-   defined as follows:
-      - +X axis is parallel to the +X axis of the RM_ROVER frame;
-      - +Y axis is parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_ROVER frame;
-      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - the origin is located on the instrument center.
-   The following diagram describes the RM_ADRON-RM reference frame:
-   -Y Rover side view:
-   -------------------
-             - · - · -
-                 |
-                 |        +Zrm         +Zadr
-                _|_         ^             ^
-               |   |        |             |
-         -------------------|-------------|-----------------------
-               ,------------|------------.|
-               |            |             |
-            ___|            |             |
-           /   | +Xrm       | +Xadr       |
-           \___|__<---------o __<---------o         +Yrm and +Yadr are out
-                | |        +Yrm          | |         of the page.
-        __------/ \-----__               / \.__
-       |  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |
-      .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
-     / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
-     \      /        \      /             \      /
-      `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
-   These sets of keywords define the ADRON frame:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_ADRON-RM               = -174300
-      FRAME_-174300_NAME              = 'RM_ADRON-RM'
-      FRAME_-174300_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174300_CLASS_ID          = -174300
-      FRAME_-174300_CENTER            = -174300
-      TKFRAME_-174300_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-174300_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174300_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174300_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174300_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-   \begintext
-WISDOM Frames
-   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Water Ice
-   Subsurface Deposit Observation on Mars (WISDOM) ground-penetrating
-   radar frames.
-WISDOM Frame Tree
-   The diagram below shows the WISDOM frame hierarchy.
-                               "RM_ROVER"
-                               ----------
-                                   |
-                                   |<-fixed
-                                   |
-                                   V
-                             "RM_WISDOM_BASE"
-                       +-------------------------+
-                       |                         |
-                       |<-fixed           fixed->|
-                       |                         |
-                       v                         v
-                "RM_WISDOM_ANT1"           "RM_WISDOM_ANT2"
-                ---------------            ----------------
-WISDOM Frame Definitions:
-   The WISDOM base reference frame -- RM_WISDOM_BASE --, where the subsurface
-   stratigrafy reconstruction occurs, is placed on the WISDOM instrument, is
-   fixed with respect to the rover frame -- RM_ROVER --, and defined as
-   follows:
-      - +X axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the RM_ROVER frame;
-      - +Y axis is nominally parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_ROVER frame;
-      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - The origin is located at the middle of the segment linking the two
-        WISDOM hornet mounting positions.
-   The WISDOM antennas ANT1 and ANT2 -- RM_WISDOM_ANT1, RM_WISDOM_ANT2 --
-   are rotated 8 degrees with respect to the RM_WISDOM_BASE frame around
-   the +Y axis and are defined as follows [10]:
-      - +Z axis points towards the direction of the antenna boresight;
-      - +X is rotated 135 degrees around the WISDOM base frame +Y axis
-        towards the WISDOM base frame +Z axis;
-      - +Y axis is parallel to the WISDOM base frame +Y axis and completes
-        the right-handed frame;
-      - The origin is located at focal point of the antennas.
-   The following diagram describes the WISDOM reference frames:
-   -Y Rover side view:
-   -------------------
-             - · - · -
-                 |
-                 |        +Zrm         +Zwis
-                _|_         ^             ^
-               |   |        |             |        +Xant1, +Xant2
-         -------------------|-------------|-------  ^ --------------
-               ,------------|------------.|       .'
-               |            |             |     .'
-            ___|            |             |   .'
-           /   | +Xrm       | +Xwis       | .'
-           \___|__<---------o __<---------o.         +Yrm, +Ywis, +Yant1 and
-                | |        +Yrm          | |'.       +Yant2 are out of the
-        __------/ \-----__               / \._'.      page.
-       |  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |'.
-      .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |. v
-     / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| +Zant1, +Zant2
-     \      /        \      /             \      /
-      `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
-   These sets of keywords define the WISDOM frame:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_WISDOM_BASE            = -174400
-      FRAME_-174400_NAME              = 'RM_WISDOM_BASE'
-      FRAME_-174400_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174400_CLASS_ID          = -174400
-      FRAME_-174400_CENTER            = -174
-      TKFRAME_-174400_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
-      TKFRAME_-174400_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174400_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174400_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174400_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_WISDOM_ANT1            = -174410
-      FRAME_-174410_NAME              = 'RM_WISDOM_ANT1'
-      FRAME_-174410_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174410_CLASS_ID          = -174410
-      FRAME_-174410_CENTER            = -174
-      TKFRAME_-174410_RELATIVE        = 'RM_WISDOM_BASE'
-      TKFRAME_-174410_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174410_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174410_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174410_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  172.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_WISDOM_ANT2            = -174420
-      FRAME_-174420_NAME              = 'RM_WISDOM_ANT2'
-      FRAME_-174420_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174420_CLASS_ID          = -174420
-      FRAME_-174420_CENTER            = -174
-      TKFRAME_-174420_RELATIVE        = 'RM_WISDOM_BASE'
-      TKFRAME_-174420_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174420_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174420_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174420_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  172.0,   0.0 )
-   \begintext
-MaMiss Frames
-   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Mars
-   Multispectral Imager for Subsurface Studies (MaMiss) frames.
-MaMiss Frame Tree:
-   The diagram below shows the MaMiss frame hierarchy.
-                               RM_ROVER
-                               --------
-                                   |
-                                   |<-fixed
-                                   |
-                                   v
-                          "RM_DRILL_POS_FIX"
-                          +----------------+
-                          .                |
-                          .                |<-ck
-                          .                |
-                          .                v
-                          .  "RM_DRILL_POS_MOV"
-                          .  +----------------+
-                          .  .                |
-                          .  .         fixed->|
-                          .  .                |
-                          .  .                v
-                          .  .  "RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX"
-                          .  .  ------------------
-                          .  .         |
-                          .  .         |<-fixed
-                          .  .         |
-                          .  .         v
-                          .  .  "RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV"
-                          .  .  ------------------
-                          .  .         |
-                          .  .         |<-fixed
-                          .  .         |
-                          v  v         v
-                                  "RM_MAMISS"
-                                  -----------
-MaMiss Frame Definitions:
-   The MaMiss frame (MaMiss) is placed on the Rover Drill Rod with origin on
-   the MaMiss sapphire window and is parallel to the Drill Tip moving frame.
-   It is defined as follows:
-      - +X axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV
-        frame;
-      - +Y axis is nominally parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV
-        frame;
-      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - The origin, is defined as the intersection between the Drill Rod
-        extension direction and the MaMiss sapphire window.
-   The following diagram describes the MaMiss reference frame:
-   +X side of the extended Rod:
-   ----------------------------
-              ..
-              ..
-              ||                             +Xdtm and +Xmmis
-              \/  Dril                        are out of the page
-               o-------> +Zdtm, +Zmmiss
-               |
-               |
-               |
-               v +Ydtm, +Ymmiss
-   These sets of keywords define the MaMiss frame:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_MAMISS                 = -174500
-      FRAME_-174500_NAME              = 'RM_MAMISS'
-      FRAME_-174500_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174500_CLASS_ID          = -174500
-      FRAME_-174500_CENTER            = -174043
-      TKFRAME_-174500_RELATIVE        = 'RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV'
-      TKFRAME_-174500_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174500_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174500_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174500_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-    \begintext
-CLUPI Frames
-   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Close-Up Imager
-   (CLUPI) frames.
-   CLUPI will be accommodated on the drill box of the rover. By using the
-   degrees of freedom provided by both the rover and the drill box, CLUPI
-   will be angled and raised so that it can observe in a variety of viewing
-   modes. The use of two fixed mirrors—one flat and one concave will provide
-   three FOVs.
-CLUPI Frame Tree:
-   The diagram below shows the CLUPI frame hierarchy.
-                                     RM_ROVER
-                                     --------
-                                         |
-                                         |<-fixed
-                                         |
-                                         v
-                                "RM_DRILL_POS_FIX"
-               +---------------------------------+
-               |                                 |
-               |<-fixed                          |<-ck
-               |                                 |
-               V                                 v
-        "RM_CLUPI_BRACKET"               "RM_DRILL_POS_MOV"
-        ------------------         +--------------------------+
-                                   |                          |
-                            fixed->|                   fixed->|
-                                   |                          |
-                                   v                          v
-                           "RM_CLUPI_BASE"            "RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX"
-                           ---------------            ------------------
-                                   |                          |
-                                   |<-fixed                   |<-fixed
-                                   |                          |
-                                   v                          v
-                          "RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS"          "RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV"
-                          -------------------          ------------------
-                                   |                          .
-                                   |<-fixed                   .
-                                   |                          .
-                                   v                          v
-                          "RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP"
-                          --------------------
-CLUPI Frame Definitions:
-   The CLUPI Base frame -- RM_CLUPI_BASE -- is placed on the CLUPI image
-   sensor, which is fixed to the Drill Positioner. Hence its frame is
-   rigidly following the RM_DRILL_POS_MOV frame and is defined as follows
-   It is defined as follows:
-      - +X axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV
-        frame;
-      - +Y axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the RM_DRILL_POS_MOV
-        frame;
-      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - the origin is located in the CLUPI image sensor optical centre.
-   The CLUPI Optical Axis frame -- RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS -- is nominally
-   parallel to the RM_CLUPI_BASE with a rotation such that the CLUPI boresight
-   is along the +Z axis instead of the +Y axis. This frame is implemented to
-   incorporate possible missalignments of the optical axis.
-   The frame RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS is defined as follows:
-      - +Z axis is the optical axis of CLUPI;
-      - +X axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV
-        frame;
-      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - the origin is located in the CLUPI image sensor optical centre.
-   The CLUPI Drill Tip mirror reference frame -- RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP --,
-   provides the reflection direction of CLUPI's 2nd mirror. CLUPI's 2nd mirror
-   (or drill mirror) is fixed on the drill box near the front end of the box
-   and splits the FOV into two parts: (i) the main part, RM_CLUPI_FOV2, 2 is
-   not deflected and looks in the direction of the optical axis of CLUPI and
-   (ii) the smaller part of the sensor RM_CLUPI_FOV3, looks toward the drill
-   tip. The RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP is defined as a fixed rotation of 54 degrees
-   around the RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS frame.
-      - +Y axis is nominally rotated a fixed angle of 54 degrees around the
-        +X axis of the RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS frame;
-      - +Z axis is the boresight of the mirrored portion of CLUPI's FOV
-        (FOV3);
-      - +X axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - the origin is located in the tip mirror reflecting point of CLUPI's
-        FOV3 boresight.
-   When the drill is in stowed position, the CLUPI FOV 1 is looking at the
-   surface in front of the rover due to the first mirror (or bracket mirror),
-   fixed on the rover bracket that holds the drill when in stowed position.
-   The fixed orientation of CLUPI’s axis is toward the surface with an angle
-   of 20 degrees with respect to the horizontal of the rover.
-   To implement FOV1 we define the Rover Bracket Mirror frame as follows:
-      - +Z axis is the boresight of CLUPI's mirrored FOV (FOV1);
-      - +Y axis is parallel to the sensor pixel samples;
-      - +X axis completes the right-handed frame;
-      - the origin is located in the bracket mirror reflecting point of
-        CLUPI's FOV1 boresight.
-   The following diagrams illustrate the CLUPI frames:
-   +X Rover side view (drill in discharge phase):
-   ----------------------------------------------
-                    o-o-=O===O--o
-                       |o|___|
-                          _\/
-                         |_|_
-                           |_|
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |
-                            |                 .
-                            |             . '  \
-                            |         . '       \
-                           _|_    . ' ^+dZpf. '
-                          |   . '     | . '
-      -----------------.o-. '       . | |-------------------
-             |     . '. '\      . ' | | |     |  |
-       +Zopt,  . '    \   \ . ' ^   | o------> +Ydpf
-       +Ybas <   '--.  o. '\    |+Zrm   | |
-                 .--. ' \   \    |   |   | ''--.
-            .-  . '===== \== v = o-----> ======|  .-.
-       +Ydtf <' =|        \  +Zbas,     +Yrm   |=|___|
-           |.-.            v   +Yopt              .-.|
-           || |         +Zdtf                     | ||    +Xrm, +Xdtf, +Xopt
-           `| |                                   | |'     and +Xbas are out
-            '_'                                   '_'       of the page
-          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~
-   +X Rover side view (drill in hor. align. before discharge):
-   -----------------------------------------------------------
-                        - · - · -
-                            |
-                           _|_ +Zrm
-                         |   | ^
-      - +Zopt <-------o--------|--------------------------
-             |   |  .'|'. -----|---------.   |  |
-             '--- .'| |  '.    |         |.--'--'
-                .'--'-|----'.--|-------- '|
-         +Zcdt V .--' v      '> +Ycdt |   '---.
-            .-.  |== +Yopt === o--------> ====|  .-.
-           |___|=|            +Xrm |   |+Yrm  |=|___|
-           |.-.                                  .-.|
-           || |                                  | ||    +Xrm, +Xopt, +Zcdt
-           `| |                                  | |'     are out of the
-            '_'                                  '_'      page
-          ~~~~~~~~                            ~~~~~~~~
-   -Y Rover side view:
-   -------------------
-                 - · - · -
-                     |
-                     |        +Zrm
-                    _|_         ^
-                   |   |        |
-             -------------------|-------------------------------------
-                   ,------------|------------.
-                   |            |             |
-                o__|            |             |
-               /   | +Xrm       |             |
-              /\___|__<---------o ____________.         +Yrm is out
-             /      | |        +Yrm          | |         of the page.
-            /_------/ \-----__               / \.__
-           v  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |
-       +Zbrk  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
-         / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
-         \      /        \      /             \      /
-          `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
-   Relevant frames (for all diagrams):
-      rm:  RM_ROVER
-      dtf: RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX
-      opt: RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS
-      bas: RM_CLUPI_BASE
-      cdt: RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP
-      brk: RM_CLUPI_BRACKET
-   These sets of keywords define the CLUPI frames:
-   \begindata
-      FRAME_RM_CLUPI_BASE             = -174600
-      FRAME_-174600_NAME              = 'RM_CLUPI_BASE'
-      FRAME_-174600_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174600_CLASS_ID          = -174600
-      FRAME_-174600_CENTER            = -174600
-      TKFRAME_-174600_RELATIVE        = 'RM_DRILL_POS_MOV'
-      TKFRAME_-174600_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174600_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174600_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
-      TKFRAME_-174600_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS         = -174610
-      FRAME_-174610_NAME              = 'RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS'
-      FRAME_-174610_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174610_CLASS_ID          = -174610
-      FRAME_-174610_CENTER            = -174600
-      TKFRAME_-174610_RELATIVE        = 'RM_CLUPI_BASE'
-      TKFRAME_-174610_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174610_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174610_AXES            = (      3,      2,      1 )
-      TKFRAME_-174610_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,  -90.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP        = -174620
-      FRAME_-174620_NAME              = 'RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP'
-      FRAME_-174620_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174620_CLASS_ID          = -174620
-      FRAME_-174620_CENTER            = -174620
-      TKFRAME_-174620_RELATIVE        = 'RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS'
-      TKFRAME_-174620_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174620_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174620_AXES            = (      3,      2,      1 )
-      TKFRAME_-174620_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,  -54.0 )
-      FRAME_RM_CLUPI_BRACKET          = -174630
-      FRAME_-174630_NAME              = 'RM_CLUPI_BRACKET'
-      FRAME_-174630_CLASS             =  4
-      FRAME_-174630_CLASS_ID          = -174630
-      FRAME_-174630_CENTER            = -174630
-      TKFRAME_-174630_RELATIVE        = 'RM_DRILL_POS_FIX'
-      TKFRAME_-174630_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
-      TKFRAME_-174630_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
-      TKFRAME_-174630_AXES            = (      3,       2,     1 )
-      TKFRAME_-174630_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  -160.0,   0.0 )
-    \begintext
-RM NAIF ID Codes -- Definitions
-   This section contains name to NAIF ID mappings for the ExoMarsRSP RM
-   mission. Once the contents of this file is loaded into the KERNEL POOL,
-   these mappings become available within SPICE, making it possible to use
-   names instead of ID code in the high level SPICE routine calls.
-      Name                   ID       Synonyms
-      ---------------------  -------  -----------------------
-   Rover:
-   -----------
-      RM                     -174     EXOMARS RSP ROVER MODULE
-                                      EXOMARS RSP RM
-                                      EXOMARS RSP ROVER
-                                      EXOMARS ROVER
-      RM_ROVER               -174000
-      RM_MAST                -174011
-      RM_PTR                 -174013
-      RM_PB                  -174014
-      RM_NAVCAM              -174020
-      RM_NAVCAM_L            -174021
-      RM_NAVCAM_R            -174022
-      RM_LOCCAM              -174030
-      RM_LOCCAM_L            -174031
-      RM_LOCCAM_R            -174031
-      RM_DRILL_POS_FIX       -174040
-      RM_DRILL_POS_MOV       -174041
-      RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX       -174042
-      RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV       -174043
-      RM_ALD                 -174050
-      RM_ALD_CSTM            -174051
-      RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX        -174052
-      RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV        -174053
-      RM_ALD_PSDDS           -174055
-      RM_ALD_PSHS            -174058
-      RM_SA1_PRI             -174062
-      RM_SA1_SEC             -174063
-      RM_SA2_PRI             -174065
-      RM_SA2_SEC             -174066
-      RM_BOGIE_LF            -174071
-      RM_BOGIE_LR            -174074
-      RM_BOGIE_RR            -174076
-      RM_WHEEL_LF            -174081
-      RM_WHEEL_LM            -174082
-      RM_WHEEL_RF            -174083
-      RM_WHEEL_RM            -174084
-      RM_WHEEL_LR            -174085
-      RM_WHEEL_RR            -174086
-      The mappings summarized in this table are implemented by the keywords
-      below.
-      \begindata
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM'                          )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174                          )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174                          )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'EXOMARS RSP RM'              )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174                          )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'EXOMARS RSP ROVER'           )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174                          )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'EXOMARS ROVER'               )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174                          )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ROVER'                    )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174000                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_DISPOSAL'            )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174900                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_MAST_ZERO'                )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174010                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_MAST'                     )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174011                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PTR_ZERO'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174012                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PTR'                      )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174013                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_NAVCAM'                   )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174020                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_NAVCAM_L'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174021                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_NAVCAM_R'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174022                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_LOCCAM'                   )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174030                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_LOCCAM_L'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174031                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_LOCCAM_R'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174032                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_DRILL_POS_FIX'            )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174040                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_DRILL_POS_MOV'            )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174041                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX'            )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174042                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV'            )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174043                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD'                      )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174050                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD_CSTM'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174051                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX'             )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174052                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV'             )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174053                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD_PSDDS'                )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174055                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD_PSHS'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174058                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SA1_PRI'                  )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174062                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SA1_SEC'                  )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174063                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SA2_PRI'                  )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174065                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SA2_SEC'                  )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174066                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_BOGIE_LF'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174071                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_BOGIE_LR'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174074                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_BOGIE_RR'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174076                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_LF'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174081                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_LM'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174082                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_RF'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174083                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_RM'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174084                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_LR'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174085                       )
-          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_RR'                 )
-          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174086                       )
-      \begintext
-   PanCam:
-   -----------
-      RM_PANCAM              -174100
-      RM_PANCAM_WAC_L        -174110
-      RM_PANCAM_WAC_R        -174120
-      RM_PANCAM_HRC          -174130
-      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords
-      below.
-      \begindata
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PANCAM'                   )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174100                       )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PANCAM_WAC_L'             )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174110                       )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PANCAM_WAC_R'             )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174120                       )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PANCAM_HRC'               )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174130                       )
-      \begintext
-   ISEM:
-   -----------
-      RM_ISEM                -174200
-      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords
-      below.
-         \begindata
-            NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ISEM'                     )
-            NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174200                       )
-         \begintext
-   -----------
-      RM_ADRON-RM          -174300
-      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords
-      below.
-      \begindata
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ADRON-RM'                 )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174300                       )
-      \begintext
-   -----------
-      RM_WISDOM              -174400
-      RM_WISDOM_ANT1         -174410
-      RM_WISDOM_ANT1         -174410
-      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords
-      below.
-      \begindata
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WISDOM'                   )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174400                       )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WISDOM_ANT1'              )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174410                       )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WISDOM_ANT2'              )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174420                       )
-      \begintext
-   MaMiss:
-   -----------
-      RM_MAMISS              -174500
-      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords
-      below.
-      \begindata
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_MAMISS'                   )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174500                       )
-      \begintext
-   CLUPI:
-   -----------
-      RM_CLUPI               -174600
-      RM_CLUPI_FOV1          -174601
-      RM_CLUPI_FOV2          -174602
-      RM_CLUPI_FOV3          -174603
-      RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP     -174620
-      RM_CLUPI_BRACKET       -174630
-      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords
-      below.
-      \begindata
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI'                    )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174600                       )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI_FOV1'               )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174601                       )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI_FOV2'               )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174602                       )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI_FOV3'               )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174603                       )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP'          )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174620                       )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI_BRACKET'            )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174630                       )
-      \begintext
-   Sites:
-   -----------
-      RM_SITE_000            -174700 (synonym: RM_LANDING_SITE)
-      RM_SITE_NNN            -174XXX
-      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords
-      below.
-      \begindata
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_000'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174700                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_LANDING_SITE'            )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174700                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_001'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174701                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_002'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174702                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_003'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174703                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_004'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174704                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_005'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174705                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_006'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174706                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_007'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174707                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_008'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174708                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_009'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174709                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_010'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174710                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_011'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174711                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_012'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174712                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_013'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174713                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_014'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174714                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_015'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174715                      )
-         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_016'                )
-         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174716                      )
-      \begintext
+ExoMarsRSP Rosalind Franklin Rover Module (RM) Frames Kernel
+   This frame kernel contains a complete set of frame definitions for the
+   ExoMars RSP Rosalind Franklin Rover Module (RM) including definitions for
+   the RM structures and RM science instrument frames. This kernel also
+   contains NAIF ID/name mapping for the RM instruments.
+Version and Date
+   Version 0.0.6 -- June 3, 2020 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA
+      Added Rover locomotion and solar arrays frames and IDs.
+      Corrected FRAME_RM_MAST_ZERO frame definition.
+      Updated the the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_MOV defintion to a type 3 frame.
+      Corrected RM_CLUPI_BRACKET and LOCCAM frame definitions.
+      Updated reference frame centers to their ephemeris objects.
+   Version 0.0.5 -- December 20, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA
+      Corrected FRAME_RM_MAST_ZERO frame definition
+   Version 0.0.4 -- December 20, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA
+      Added reference frames, references, diagrams and IDs for Solar
+      Arrays. Corrected Sites definitions. Defined frames for cruise
+      phase. Corrected PTR frames. Corrected ADRON frames. This should
+      be considered a work in progress version.
+   Version 0.0.3 -- February 28, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA
+      Added reference frames, references, diagrams and IDs for ALD
+      components, updated diagrams and done some minor edits.
+   Version 0.0.2 -- February 14, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA
+      Added reference frames, references, diagrams and IDs for the drill,
+      MaMiss, WISDOM and CLUPI.
+   Version 0.0.1 -- February 8, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA
+      Updated ID from -999 to -174 and done several edits including
+      updated updated diagrams and frame trees.
+      Added reference frames and IDs for LOCCAM, ISEM and ADRON.
+   Version 0.0.0 -- June 8, 2018 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA
+      Preliminary version.
+    1. ``Frames Required Reading'', NAIF
+    2. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'', NAIF
+    3. ``C-Kernel Required Reading'', NAIF
+    4. ``ExoMars Rover and Surface Platform Mission Implementation Plan'',
+       EXM-G2-PLN-ESC-00004, ExoMars Ground Segment Team, Issue 1, Revision 2,
+       ESOC, August 8, 2017
+    5. ``EXOMARS 2018 ROVER MODULE Coordinate Systems & Conventions for RM
+       control'', EXM-RM-TNO-AI-0448, A. Merlo, Thales Alenia Space,
+       Issue 1, November 2015
+    6. ExoMars RSP Mars Local Geodetic Frames (emrsp_mlg_vVVV.tf),
+       latest version
+    7. ``ExoMars Rover Vehicle Coordinate Systems and Conventions
+       Specifications'', EXM-RM-SYS-ASU-00101, Airbus Defense and Space,
+       Issue 2, April 2016
+    8. ``Description of Frames and Conventions Related to Localisation
+       Camera Data Sets'', EXM-RM-TNO-AS U-00209, K. MacManamon,
+       Airbus Defense and Space,  Issue 2, Revision 0, July 2014
+    9. ``ExoMars/CLUPI Science Requirements Specification Document'',
+       EXM.CL.RSD.SPX.1501, Space Exploration Institute,
+       Issue 1, Rev. 0, July 2015
+    10. ``Water Ice and Subsurface Deposit Observations on Mars WISDOM
+        instrument'', MICD, EXM-WI-DRW-LAT-0152, Issue 02, Rev. 01,
+        A. Galic, March 2018
+    11. ``ExoMars ICD ALD Structure - ALD Structure Interface Control
+        Document'', EXM-RM-ICD-KT-0002, Q. Muhlbauer, OHB System AG,
+        Issue 4, May 2016
+    12. ``Rover Module Outline Drawing'', EXM-D2-ICD-AI-0078,
+        Thales Alenia Space, Revision A, 4th September 2017
+Contact Information
+   If you have any questions regarding this file contact the
+   ESA SPICE Service at ESAC:
+           Marc Costa Sitja
+           (+34) 91-8131-457
+           marc.costa@esa.int, esa_spice@sciops.esa.int
+   or ROCC at Altec Space:
+           Federico Salvioli
+           (+39) 011-7430-097
+           federico.salvioli@altecspace.it
+Implementation Notes
+  This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use
+  of this frame kernel must "load" the kernel normally during program
+  initialization. Loading the kernel associates the data items with
+  their names in a data structure called the "kernel pool".  The SPICELIB
+  routine FURNSH loads a kernel into the pool as shown below:
+      CALL FURNSH ( frame_kernel_name )
+    C: (CSPICE)
+      furnsh_c ( frame_kernel_name );
+    IDL: (ICY)
+      cspice_furnsh, frame_kernel_name
+         cspice_furnsh ( 'frame_kernel_name' )
+         furnsh( frame_kernel_name )
+  In order for a program or routine to extract data from the pool, the
+  SPICELIB routines GDPOOL, GIPOOL, and GCPOOL are used.  See [2] for
+  more details.
+  This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word
+  processor.
+  * SPICEPY is a non-official, community developed Python wrapper for the
+    NAIF SPICE toolkit. Its development is managed on Github.
+    It is available at: https://github.com/AndrewAnnex/SpiceyPy
+RM NAIF ID Codes -- Summary Section
+   The following names and NAIF ID codes are assigned to the ExoMars RSP
+   rover, its structures and science instruments (the keywords implementing
+   these definitions are located in the section "RM NAIF ID Codes --
+   Definition Section" at the end of this file):
+   RM and RM Structures names/IDs:
+            RM                       -174   (synonyms: EXOMARS RSP RM,
+                                                       EXOMARS RSP ROVER,
+                                                       EXOMARS RSP ROVER MODULE
+                                                  and  EXOMARS ROVER)
+            RM_ROVER                 -174000
+            RM_MAST                  -174010
+            RM_PTR                   -174012
+            RM_PB                    -174013
+            RM_NAVCAM                -174020
+            RM_NAVCAM_L              -174021
+            RM_NAVCAM_R              -174022
+            RM_LOCCAM                -174030
+            RM_LOCCAM_L              -174031
+            RM_LOCCAM_R              -174031
+            RM_DRILL_POS_FIX         -174040
+            RM_DRILL_POS_MOV         -174041
+            RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX         -174042
+            RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV         -174043
+            RM_ALD                   -174050
+            RM_ALD_CSTM              -174051
+            RM_ALD_PSDDS             -174053
+            RM_ALD_PSHS              -174055
+            RM_SAF1_PRI              -174062
+            RM_SAF1_SEC              -174063
+            RM_SAF2_PRI              -174065
+            RM_SAF2_SEC              -174066
+            RM_BOGIE_LF              -174071
+            RM_BOGIE_LR              -174074
+            RM_BOGIE_RR              -174076
+            RM_WHEEL_LF              -174081
+            RM_WHEEL_LM              -174082
+            RM_WHEEL_RF              -174083
+            RM_WHEEL_RM              -174084
+            RM_WHEEL_LR              -174085
+            RM_WHEEL_RR              -174086
+            RM_CALTAR_FIDM1
+            RM_CALTAR_FIDM2
+            RM_CALTAR_FIDM3
+            RM_CALTAR_PCT
+            RM_CALTAR_PCT_SHPOST_1
+            RM_CALTAR_PCT_SHPOST_2
+            RM_CALTAR_PCT_RED
+            ( ... )
+   PanCam names/IDs:
+            RM_PANCAM                -174100
+            RM_PANCAM_WAC_L          -174110
+            RM_PANCAM_WAC_R          -174120
+            RM_PANCAM_HRC            -174130
+   ISEM names/IDs:
+            RM_ISEM                  -174200
+   ADRON-RM name/IDs:
+            RM_ADRON-RM              -174300
+   WISDOM name/IDs:
+            RM_WISDOM                -174400
+            RM_WISDOM_ANT1           -174410
+            RM_WISDOM_ANT2           -174420
+   MaMiss name/IDs:
+            RM_MAMISS                -174500
+   CLUPI name/IDs:
+            RM_CLUPI                 -174600
+            RM_CLUPI_FOV1            -174601
+            RM_CLUPI_FOV2            -174602
+            RM_CLUPI_FOV3            -174603
+            RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP       -174620
+            RM_CLUPI_BRACKET         -174630
+   Sites name/IDs:
+            RM_SITE_000              -174700 (synonym: RM_LANDING_SITE)
+            RM_SITE_NNN*             -174XXX**
+      (*) NNN corresponds to the travel sequence number and it has a range
+          from 000 (refers to the position of the Rover at landing site)
+          to 299.
+      (**) XXX ranges from 701 up to 899.
+RM Frames
+   The following RM frames are defined in this kernel file:
+           Name                    Relative to           Type        NAIF ID
+      ======================    ===================  ============    =======
+   RM Rover and Rover Structures frames:
+   ------------------------------------------------
+      RM_ROVER                    RM_MLG,                CK          -174000
+                                  RM_ROVER_CRUISE
+      RM_ROVER_CRUISE             CM_SPACECRAFT          FIXED       -174001
+      RM_MAST_ZERO                RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174010
+      RM_MAST                     RM_MAST_ZERO           CK          -174011
+      RM_PTR_ZERO                 RM_MAST                FIXED       -174012
+      RM_PTR                      RM_PTR_ZERO            CK          -174013
+      RM_PB                       RM_PTR                 FIXED       -174014
+      RM_NAVCAM_BASE              RM_PB                  FIXED       -174020
+      RM_NAVCAM_L                 RM_NAVCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174021
+      RM_NAVCAM_R                 RM_NAVCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174022
+      RM_LOCCAM_BASE              RM_PB                  FIXED       -174030
+      RM_LOCCAM_L                 RM_LOCCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174031
+      RM_LOCCAM_R                 RM_LOCCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174032
+      RM_DRILL_POS_FIX            RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174040
+      RM_DRILL_POS_MOV            RM_DRILL_POS_FIX       CK          -174041
+      RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX            RM_DRILL_POS_MOV       FIXED       -174042
+      RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV            RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX       CK(*)       -174043
+      RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX             RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174052
+      RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV             RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX        FIXED(*)    -174053
+      RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX            RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174052
+      RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV            RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX       FIXED       -174053
+      RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX             RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174054
+      RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV             RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX        CK          -174055
+      RM_SA1_ZERO                 RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174061
+      RM_SA1_PRI                  RM_SA1_ZERO            CK          -174062
+      RM_SA1_SEC                  RM_SA1_PRI             CK          -174063
+      RM_SA2_ZERO                 RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174064
+      RM_SA2_PRI                  RM_SA2_ZERO            CK          -174065
+      RM_SA2_SEC                  RM_SA2_PRI             CK          -174066
+      RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX             RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174071
+      RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV             RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX       CK           -174072
+      RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX             RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174073
+      RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV             RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX       CK           -174074
+      RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX             RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174075
+      RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV             RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX       CK           -174076
+      RM_WHEEL_LF_FIX             RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV        FIXED       -1740810
+      RM_WHEEL_LF_STR             RM_WHEEL_LF_FIX        CK          -1740811
+      RM_WHEEL_LF_MOV             RM_WHEEL_LF_STR        CK          -1740812
+      RM_WHEEL_LM_FIX             RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV        FIXED       -1740820
+      RM_WHEEL_LM_STR             RM_WHEEL_LM_FIX        CK          -1740821
+      RM_WHEEL_LM_MOV             RM_WHEEL_LM_STR        CK          -1740822
+      RM_WHEEL_RF_FIX             RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV        FIXED       -1740830
+      RM_WHEEL_RF_STR             RM_WHEEL_RF_FIX        CK          -1740831
+      RM_WHEEL_RF_MOV             RM_WHEEL_RF_STR        CK          -1740832
+      RM_WHEEL_RM_FIX             RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV        FIXED       -1740840
+      RM_WHEEL_RM_STR             RM_WHEEL_RM_FIX        CK          -1740841
+      RM_WHEEL_RM_MOV             RM_WHEEL_RM_STR        CK          -1740842
+      RM_WHEEL_LR_FIX             RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV        FIXED       -1740850
+      RM_WHEEL_LR_STR             RM_WHEEL_LR_FIX        CK          -1740851
+      RM_WHEEL_LR_MOV             RM_WHEEL_LR_STR        CK          -1740852
+      RM_WHEEL_RR_FIX             RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV        FIXED       -1740860
+      RM_WHEEL_RR_STR             RM_WHEEL_RR_FIX        CK          -1740861
+      RM_WHEEL_RR_MOV             RM_WHEEL_RR_STR        CK          -1740862
+      RM_CALIBR_TARGET            RM_ROVER               FIXED
+      RM_MIRROR_                  RM_ROVER               FIXED
+   PanCam frames:
+   ------------------------------------------------
+      RM_PANCAM_BASE              RM_PB                  FIXED       -174100
+      RM_PANCAM_WAC_L             RM_PANCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174110
+      RM_PANCAM_WAC_R             RM_PANCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174120
+      RM_PANCAM_HRC               RM_PANCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174130
+   ISEM frames:
+   ------------------------------------------------
+      RM_ISEM                     RM_PB                  FIXED       -174200
+   ADRON-RM frames:
+   ------------------------------------------------
+      RM_ADRON-RM                 RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174300
+   WISDOM frames:
+   ------------------------------------------------
+      RM_WISDOM_BASE              RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174400
+      RM_WISDOM_ANT1              RM_WISDOM_BASE         FIXED       -174410
+      RM_WISDOM_ANT2              RM_WISDOM_BASE         FIXED       -174420
+   MaMiss frames:
+   ------------------------------------------------
+      RM_MAMISS                   RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV       FIXED       -174500
+   CLUPI frames:
+   ------------------------------------------------
+      RM_CLUPI_BASE               RM_DRILL_POS_MOV       FIXED       -174500
+      RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS           RM_CLUPI_BASE          FIXED       -174510
+      RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP          RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS      FIXED       -174520
+      RM_CLUPI_BRACKET            RM_DRILL_POS_FIX       FIXED       -174530
+   In addition, the following frames, in use by the ExoMars RSP mission, are
+   defined in another kernel:
+           Name                    Relative to           Type        NAIF ID
+      ======================    ===================  ============    =======
+   ExoMars RSP Local Geodetic Frames (1):
+   ---------------------------------------------------
+       RM_LANDING_SITE              IAU_MARS            FIXED        -174900
+       RM_MLG*                      IAU_MARS            FIXED        -174700
+       (*) The frame is implemented with an SPK to account for the
+           translation of its origin to the different RM_SITE_NNN objects.
+ExoMars RSP Mission Description
+   The mission can be broadly described as follows: launch the ExoMarsRSP
+   Spacecraft and fly it to Mars; land on Mars, deliver the Rover to the
+   surface and perform the nominal exploration mission on the surface.
+   The launch configuration is the Spacecraft Composite (SCC), which is
+   composed of the Carrier Module (CM) and the Descent Module (DM). The CM
+   is jettisoned upon arrival at Mars, and the DM will enter the Mars
+   atmosphere and land, carrying the ``Kazachok'' Surface Platform (SP) and
+   the ``Rosalind Franklin'' Rover (RM). The CM and the RM are developed by
+   ESA. The DM and SP are developed by Roscosmos with ESA contributions.
+   The elements of the spacecraft composite are shown below.
+     CM          DM            SP                  RM
+     |           .'.                           =
+     |--.      .'   |               |          |
+   )-|  |     |     |     -------------       |-----------                 RM
+     |--'      '.   |       '-------'          /\____\|
+     |           '.'         /     \          0  0    0
+     |           |              |                |
+     |           |              |                |
+     |           |              |                |
+     |           |              |                V           _=_______
+     |           |              |                           |0  0    0\
+     |           |              '-------------> (+) ---->  -------------   LPC
+     |           |                                           '-------'
+     |           |                               |            /     \
+     |           |                               |
+     |           |                               |
+     |           |                               V               .'.
+     |           |                                             .' -o|
+     |           '----------------------------> (+) ---->     |  | ||      DM
+     |                                                         '.._o|
+     |                                           |               '.'
+     |                                           |
+     |                                           |
+     |                                           V            |      .'.
+     |                                                        |--. .' -o|
+     '----------------------------------------> (+) ---->   )-|  ||  | ||  SCC
+                                                              |--' '.._o|
+                                                              |      '.'
+   Please note that this Frames Kernel file solely implements the Frames for
+   the ExoMars RSP Lander Component (RM).
+RM Frames Hierarchy
+   The diagram below shows the ExoMars RM frames hierarchy (except
+   for science operations frames):
+                                   "J2000" INERTIAL
+                  +--------------------------------------------+
+                  |                      |                     |
+                  |<-ck                  |<-pck                |<-pck
+                  |                      |                     |
+                  |                      v                     v
+                  v                 "IAU_EARTH"            "IAU_MARS"
+           ---------------       ----------------     ----------------------
+                 |                                              |
+                 |<-fixed                                       |<-fixed
+                 |                                              |
+                 |                                              |
+                 |                                              v
+                 v                                         "RM_MLG" (**)
+           RM_ROVER_CRUISE                               MARS TOPOGRAPHIC
+           ---------------                              -----------------
+                 |                                              |
+                 |<-ck(*)                                       |< -ck
+                 |                                              |
+                 | RM_WHEEL_L{F,M,R}_MOV  RM_WHEEL_R{F,M,R}_MOV |
+                 | ---------------------  --------------------- |
+                 |          |                    |              |
+                 |          |<-ck                |<-ck          |
+                 |          |                    |              |
+                 |          v                    v              |
+                 | RM_WHEEL_L{F,M,R}_STR  RM_WHEEL_R{F,M,R}_STR |
+                 | ---------------------  --------------------- |
+                 |          |                    |              |
+                 |          |<-ck                |<-ck          |
+                 |          |                    |              |
+                 |          v                    v              |
+  -------------  | ---------------------  --------------------- |  ------------
+        ^        |          |                    |              |       ^
+        |        |          |<-fixed             |<-fixed       |       |
+        |<-ck    |          |                    |              |       |<-ck
+        |        |          v                    v              |       |
+  "RM_SA1Y_PRI"  |         "RM_BOGIE_{LF,RF,MR}_MOV"            |  "RM_SA2_PRI"
+  -------------  |         +----------------------+             |  ------------
+        ^        |                  |                           |       ^
+        |        |                  |<-ck                       |       |
+        |<-ck    |                  |                           |       |<-ck
+        |        |                  v                           |       |
+  "RM_SA1_ZERO"  |      "RM_BOGIE_{LF,RF,MR}_FIX"               | "RM_SA2_ZERO"
+  -------------  |      -------------------------               | -------------
+        |        |           |                                  |      |
+        |<-fixed |           |<-fixed                           |      |<-fixed
+        |        |           |                                  |      |
+        v        v           v         "RM_ROVER"               v      v
+   +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+   |   |          |          |             |          .                |
+   |   |<-fixed   |<-fixed   |<-fixed      |<-fixed   .                |<-fixed
+   |   |          |          |             |          .                |
+   |   |          |          v             |          .                |
+   |   |          |    "RM_MAST_ZERO"      |          .                |
+   |   |          |    --------------      |          .                |
+   |   |          |          |             |          .                |
+   |   |          |          |<-ck         |          .                |
+   |   |          |          |             |          .                |
+   |   |          |          v             v          .                v
+   |   |          |      "RM_MAST"  "RM_LOCCCAM_BASE" . "RM_DRILL_POS_FIX"
+   |   |          |      ---------  ----------------- . +----------------+
+   |   |          v          |                        . .                |
+   |   | "RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX"   |<-fixed                 . .                |<-ck
+   |   | -----------------   |                        . .                |
+   |   |          |          v                        . .                v
+   |   |   fixed->|      "RM_PTR_ZERO"                . . "RM_DRILL_POS_MOV"
+   |   |          |      -------------                . . +----------------+
+   |   |          v          |                        . . .                |
+   |   | "RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV"   |<-ck                    . . .         fixed->|
+   |   | -----------------   |                        . . .                |
+   |   |                     v                        . . .                v
+   |   |                  "RM_PTR"                    . . .  "RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX"
+   |   V                  --------                    . . .  ------------------
+   |  "RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX"      |                        . . .         |
+   |  -----------------      |<-fixed                 . . .         |<-ck
+   |           |             |                        . . .         |
+   |       ck->|             v                        . . .         v
+   |           |          "RM_PB"                     . . .  "RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV"
+   |           v        +--------------+              . . .  ------------------
+   |  "RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV" .              |              . . .         .
+   |  ----------------- .              |<-fixed       . . .         .
+   |                    .              |              . . .         .
+   |<-fixed             .              V              . . .         .
+   |                    .      "RM_NAVCAM_BASE"       . . .         .
+   v                    .     +----------------+      . . .         .
+  "RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX"    .     |                |      . . .         .
+  ------------------    .     |<-fixed  fixed->|      . . .         .
+           |            .     |                |      . . .         .
+       ck->|            .     v                v      . . .         .
+           |            . "RM_NAVCAM_L" "RM_NAVCAM_R" . . .         .
+           v            . ------------- ------------- . . .         .
+  "RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV"    .                             . . .         .
+  ------------------    .                             . . .         .
+                        .                             . . .         .
+                        V                             V V V         V
+                  Individual instrument frame trees are provided in the other
+                                    sections of this file
+   Please refer to the PanCam, NavCam sections for the frame
+   hierarchy of each payload; and to the RM science operations frame
+   definitions kernel for further details on these frame definitions.
+   (*)      In these cases transformation is fixed but it has to be
+            stored in a CK to make SPICE "traverse" appropriate frame
+            tree branch based on the time of interest and/or loaded
+            kernels.
+   (**)     This frame is equivalent to the SP_TOPO frame defined in the
+            ExoMarsRSP Surface Platform Frames Kernel (emrsp_sp_vNNN.tf)
+RM Mars Local Geodetic Frames
+   The Rover Module Mars Local Geodetic frame (Topocentric) -- RM_MLG -- is
+   defined as follows:
+      - +Z axis is in the direction of the vertical (i.e. approximately the
+        negative gravity vector; "Zenith", assuming that the small local
+        variation can be ignored),
+      - +X axis is tangential to the local geodetic horizontal in an eastern
+        direction (i.e. parallel to lines of latitude; "East"),
+      - +Y axis completes the right hand frame ("North");
+      - the origin of the frame is initially defined to be coincident with
+        the origin of the Rover Body frame, RM_ROVER, prior to the start of
+        travel. During a travel sequence, this frame remains fixed with Mars,
+        but becomes reset at the start of a new travel sequence. The rationale
+        for this is that a travel sequence requires a stationary reference
+        frame in which to measure position and coordinate navigation maps.
+        The start of travel when the frame is reset may be at the start of
+        each sol, or when new targets are generated.
+   If we assume that the total traverse distance during the mission will be
+   relatively short (hundreds of meters, not kilometers) and, therefore, the
+   local north and nadir directions, defining surface frame orientations, will
+   be approximately the same at any point along the traverse path. This
+   assumption allows defining a single surface frame as a fixed offset frame
+   to Mars body-fixed frame, IAU_MARS. With this assumption we will always
+   use the Mars Local Geodetic Landing Site frame that is defined hereafter.
+   RM surface fixed frame -- RM_MLG -- is nominally co-aligned in orientation
+   with the RM_LANDING_SITE and its origin changes throughout the mission.
+   Therefore, this frame is defined as a zero-offset, fixed frame with respect
+   to the RM_LANDING_SITE frame.
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_MLG                        =  -174700
+      FRAME_-174700_NAME                  =  'RM_MLG'
+      FRAME_-174700_CLASS                 =  4
+      FRAME_-174700_CLASS_ID              =  -174700
+      FRAME_-174700_CENTER                =  -174700
+      OBJECT_-174700_FRAME                =  'RM_MLG'
+      TKFRAME_-174700_RELATIVE            =  'IAU_MARS'
+      TKFRAME_-174700_SPEC                =  'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174700_UNITS               =  'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174700_AXES                =  ( 3, 2, 3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174700_ANGLES              =  ( -335.4500000000000,
+                                                -71.8000000000000,
+                                                270.0000000000000 )
+   \begintext
+RM Lander and Lander Structures Frames
+   This section of the file contains the definitions of the rover
+   and rover structures frames.
+   DISCLAIMER: The origin of the frames specified in the following
+   definitions are not implemented. The ``true'' origin of all frames
+   is in the center of the RM_ROVER frame, the center of which
+   is defined by the position given by the SPK (ephemeris) kernel in
+   use.
+RM Rover Frames
+   According to [4] the RM rover reference frame -- RM_ROVER -- is
+   defined as follows:
+      -  +Z axis, lies vertically upwards, antiparallel to the gravity vector
+         when the rover is on flat, horizontal terrain;
+      -  +X axis lies towards the front of the Rover in the nominal direction
+         of travel;
+      -  +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      -  the origin of this frame at the intersection of the following planes:
+            - A plane 252.5 mm aft (i.e. negative offset in +X axis) and
+              parallel to Plane 1 (the plane formed by the nominal bolt axes
+              of the front body HDRMs);
+            - Plane 2, the plane of symmetry between the front body HDRM
+              nominal bolt axes - equivalent to the rover body mid-plane;
+            - A plane 30 mm below and parallel to Plane 3 (the plane of the
+              rover body base).
+   These diagrams illustrate the RM_ROVER frame:
+   -Y Rover side view:
+   -------------------
+                .-.
+                | |
+                | |
+                |_|
+                |_|
+                 |
+                 |
+                 |
+                 |
+                 |
+                 |
+                 |
+                 |
+                 |        +Zrm
+                _|_         ^
+               |   |        |
+         -------------------|-------------------------------------
+               ,------------|------------.
+               |            |             |
+            ___|            |             |
+           /   | +Xrm       |             |
+           \___|__<---------o ____________.         +Yrm is out the page
+                | |        +Yrm          | |
+        __------/ \-----__               / \.__
+       |  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |
+      .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
+     / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
+     \      /        \      /             \      /
+      `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
+   +Z Rover side view:
+   -------------------
+          .-------------------------..-------------------------.
+    .-----|                         ||                         |
+    | .--.|                         ||                         |
+    | |  ||                         ||                         |
+    `-|  |'-------------------------''-------------------------'
+     .------------------.
+     |                  '----------.
+     '----.                         |
+       |  |                         |
+       |  |    .-.                 .'
+       |  |    | +Xrm      +Zrm    |
+       |  |    | |<---------o      |
+       |  |    | |          |      |
+       |  |    '-'          |       '.
+       '--|                 |        |            +Zrm is out of the page
+          '-----.         .-|--------'
+                '---------' v
+          .--------------- +Yrm ----..-------------------------.
+          |                         ||                         |
+          |                         ||                         |
+          |                         ||                         |
+          '-------------------------''-------------------------'
+   +X Rover side view (drill in stowed position):
+   ----------------------------------------------
+                    o-o-=O===O--o
+                       |o|___|
+                          _\/
+                         |_|_
+                           |_|
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                           _|_ +Zrm
+                          |   | ^
+      --------------------------|-------------------------
+             |   |          |   |  |   |      |  |
+             '---|          |   |  | 0 |   .--'--'
+                 '--.-----------|----------|
+                 .--|           |          |---.
+            .-.  |============= o--------> ====|  .-.
+           |___|=|            +Xrm |   |+Yrm   |=|___|
+           |.-.                                   .-.|
+           || |                                   | ||    +Xrm is out of the
+           `| |                                   | |'    page
+            '_'                                   '_'
+          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~
+   Since the RM bus attitude with respect to an inertial frame is provided
+   by a C-kernel (see [3] for more information), this frame is defined as
+   a CK-based frame.
+   These sets of keywords define the RM_ROVER frame:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_ROVER                   = -174000
+      FRAME_-174000_NAME               = 'RM_ROVER'
+      FRAME_-174000_CLASS              =  3
+      FRAME_-174000_CLASS_ID           = -174000
+      FRAME_-174000_CENTER             = -174000
+      CK_-174000_SCLK                  = -174
+      CK_-174000_SPK                   = -174
+      OBJECT_-174_FRAME                = 'RM_ROVER'
+   \begintext
+RM Rover Cruise Frame
+    The RM Rover Cruise frame -- RM_LANDER_CRUISE -- is a special
+    frame used in cruise in order to "attach" the RM rover to CM
+    during the cruise phase, it is defined as follows (from [4]):
+      - +Z axis is parallel to CM's +Z axis;
+      - +X axis is parallel to CM's +X axis;
+      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - the origin of this frame is the RM/SP interface
+        point on the separation plane.
+    This frame is defined a fixed-offset frame.
+    Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse
+    transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the
+    base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of
+    rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed
+    compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the
+    rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the
+    opposite from what is written in the above text.
+    \begindata
+       FRAME_RM_ROVER_CRUISE            = -174001
+       FRAME_-174001_NAME               = 'RM_ROVER_CRUISE'
+       FRAME_-174001_CLASS              =  4
+       FRAME_-174001_CLASS_ID           = -174001
+       FRAME_-174001_CENTER             = -174000
+       TKFRAME_-174001_RELATIVE         = 'CM_SPACECRAFT'
+       TKFRAME_-174001_SPEC             = 'ANGLES'
+       TKFRAME_-174001_UNITS            = 'DEGREES'
+       TKFRAME_-174001_AXES             = (    1,     3,       1  )
+       TKFRAME_-174001_ANGLES           = (  0.0,   0.0,     0.0  )
+    \begintext
+RM Deployable Mast, Pan & Tilt Mechanism and Payload Bracket Frames
+   The RM Deployable Mast Assembly (RM_MAST) accommodates the Pan & Tilt
+   Mechanism and the PanCam, NavCam and ISEM instruments, The DMA frame is
+   positioned at the base of the mast. The frame RM_MAST_ZERO has its origin at
+   the base of the mast and its axes are nominally co-aligned to the RM_ROVER
+   frame axes (within knowledge alignment errors), since the mast needs to be
+   deployed and can be rotated, this rotation is incorporated by the
+   RM_MAST frame [12]. When the mast is folded it is 'resting' on the
+   rover body.
+   The Mast Pan & Tilt Rotation Mechanism (PTR) is the structure on top of the
+   Rover Module mast that accommodates the Stereo Bench where PanCam and the
+   NAVCAMs re placed. A series of reference frames are defined in order to
+   capture the Pan and Tilt rotations of the structure.
+   The Pan & Tilt Zero Rotation frame -- RM_PTR_ZERO -- has the origin at the
+   top of the mast, just below the actual pan & tilt mechanism. The axes are
+   nominally aligned to the RM_LANDER frame with null pan & tilt; however the
+   RM_PTR_ZERO frame can take into account possible deformations of the mast
+   and knowledge alignment errors. The frame is defined as follows:
+      -  +Y axis is parallel to tilt axis of rotation, and nominally lies
+         horizontally sideways
+      -  +Z axis, is parallel to the pan axis of rotation, and nominally
+         lies vertically upwards;
+      -  +X axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      -  the origin of this frame is defined as the intersection of the tilt
+         axis of rotation and a line intersecting the axis which lies normal
+         to both the tilt axis and pan axis. This intersection is assumed
+         fixed with respect to the top of the mast. and allows for the
+         eventually of the tilt axis and pan axis not intersecting.
+   In order to incorporate the pan & tilt rotations, the Pan & Tilt Rotating
+   frame is defined -- RM_PTR -- , it is identical to the RM_PTR_ZERO frame
+   (i.e. a fixed translation in the Rover Body frame), but rotating with the
+   direction of the Pan & Tilt. Pan and Tilt are then defined by the 3-2-1
+   Euler rotation, where pan is the first rotation (about the +Z axis), tilt is
+   the second rotation (about the +Y axis), and there is no possibility of
+   rotation about the +X axis.
+   The Payload Bracket frame -- RM_PB -- is fixed relative to the payload
+   bracket (which itself is fixed to the tilt actuator rotor). The orientation
+   of this frame is not fixed with respect to the RM_LANDER frame, but it
+   changes, e.g. when the Deployable Mast Assembly is deployed or when, while
+   in deployed configuration, the mast bends or either the pan and tilt angles
+   are modified. The frame is defined as follows:
+      -  +X axis is perpendicular to the +Y axis and is parallel to the
+         interface plane between the payload bracket and the PanCam;
+      -  +Y axis is co-aligned with the tilt axis;
+      -  +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      -  the origin of this frame is the intersection of the pan and tilt axes,
+         therefore it is located within the tilt actuator, along the axis of
+         the tilt actuator shaft where this intersects with the pan axis.
+   This diagram illustrates the RM_MAST_ZERO, RM_MAST, RM_PTR_ZERO, RM_PTR and
+   RM_PB frames:
+   +X Rover side view (with fully deployed mast):
+   ----------------------------------------------
+                        +Zptr0
+                           ^
+                           |
+                    o-o-=O=|=O--o
+                       |o|_|_|
+                          _|/
+                         |_|_
+                           o------------> +Yptr0
+                        +Xptr0
+                            |
+                            |
+                          +Zmast,+Xmast0
+                            ^
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                           _|_ +Zrm
+                          | o----------> +Ymast,+Ymast0
+      ------------------ +Xmast ---------------------------
+             |   |          |   ^ +Zrm |      |  |
+             '---|          |   |  | 0 |   .--'--'
+                 '--.-----------|----------|
+                 .--|           |          |---.
+            .-.  |============= o--------> ====|  .-.
+           |___|=|            +Xrm |   | +Yrm   |=|___|
+           |.-.                                   .-.|
+           || |                                   | ||    +Xrm, +Xmast and
+           `| |                                   | |'    +Zptr0 are out of
+            '_'                                   '_'     the page. +Zmast0 is
+          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~   into the page.
+   -Y Rover side view:
+   -------------------
+                .-.
+                | |
+                | |
+                |_|
+                |_|
+                 |
+                 |
+                 |
+                 |
+                 |
+                 |
+                 |
+                 |
+                 |        +Zrm
+                _|_         ^
+               |   |        |
+         -------------------|-------------------------------------
+               ,------------|------------.
+               |            |             |
+            ___|            |             |
+           /   | +Xrm       |             |
+           \___|__<---------o ____________.         +Yrm is out of the page
+                | |        +Yrm          | |
+        __------/ \-----__               / \.__
+       |  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |
+      .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
+     / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
+     \      /        \      /             \      /
+      `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
+   These sets of keywords define the Pan & Tilt Mechanism and Rotation and
+   Payload Bracket frames:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_MAST_ZERO              = -174010
+      FRAME_-174010_NAME              = 'RM_MAST_ZERO'
+      FRAME_-174010_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174010_CLASS_ID          = -174010
+      FRAME_-174010_CENTER            = -174010
+      TKFRAME_-174010_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-174010_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174010_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174010_AXES            = (     3,      1,     2 )
+      TKFRAME_-174010_ANGLES          = (   0.0,   90.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_MAST                   = -174011
+      FRAME_-174011_NAME              = 'RM_MAST'
+      FRAME_-174011_CLASS             =  3
+      FRAME_-174011_CLASS_ID          = -174011
+      FRAME_-174011_CENTER            = -174010
+      CK_-174011_SCLK                 = -174
+      CK_-174011_SPK                  = -174
+      FRAME_RM_PTR_ZERO               = -174012
+      FRAME_-174012_NAME              = 'RM_PTR_ZERO'
+      FRAME_-174012_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174012_CLASS_ID          = -174012
+      FRAME_-174012_CENTER            = -174012
+      TKFRAME_-174012_RELATIVE        = 'RM_MAST'
+      TKFRAME_-174012_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174012_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174012_AXES            = (     3,      1,     2 )
+      TKFRAME_-174012_ANGLES          = (   0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_PTR                    = -174013
+      FRAME_-174013_NAME              = 'RM_PTR'
+      FRAME_-174013_CLASS             =  3
+      FRAME_-174013_CLASS_ID          = -174013
+      FRAME_-174013_CENTER            = -174012
+      CK_-174013_SCLK                 = -174
+      CK_-174013_SPK                  = -174
+      FRAME_RM_PB                     = -174014
+      FRAME_-174014_NAME              = 'RM_PB'
+      FRAME_-174014_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174014_CLASS_ID          = -174014
+      FRAME_-174014_CENTER            = -174012
+      TKFRAME_-174014_RELATIVE        = 'RM_PTR'
+      TKFRAME_-174014_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174014_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174014_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174014_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+   \begintext
+RM NavCam Frames
+   The Navigation Cameras reference frame -- RM_NAVCAM_BASE --, where the
+   terrain stereo reconstruction (for Navigation) occurs, is attached to the
+   cameras stereo bench, the axes are aligned to the PTR frame (moving
+   according to pan & tilt mechanisms rotations) and is defined as follows:
+      -  +X axis is defined as the projection of the cameras optical axis on
+         the plane perpendicular to the +Y axis;
+      -  +Y axis is in the direction from the right camera optical centre to
+         the left camera optical centre;
+      -  +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      -  The origin is a fixed translation from the PTR frame.
+   These sets of keywords define the NavCam frames:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_NAVCAM_BASE            = -174020
+      FRAME_-174020_NAME              = 'RM_NAVCAM_BASE'
+      FRAME_-174020_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174020_CLASS_ID          = -174020
+      FRAME_-174020_CENTER            = -174020
+      TKFRAME_-174020_RELATIVE        = 'RM_PB'
+      TKFRAME_-174020_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174020_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174020_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174020_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_NAVCAM_L               = -174021
+      FRAME_-174021_NAME              = 'RM_NAVCAM_L'
+      FRAME_-174021_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174021_CLASS_ID          = -174021
+      FRAME_-174021_CENTER            = -174021
+      TKFRAME_-174021_RELATIVE        = 'RM_NAVCAM_BASE'
+      TKFRAME_-174021_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174021_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174021_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174021_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  -90.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_NAVCAM_R               = -174022
+      FRAME_-174022_NAME              = 'RM_NAVCAM_R'
+      FRAME_-174022_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174022_CLASS_ID          = -174022
+      FRAME_-174022_CENTER            = -174022
+      TKFRAME_-174022_RELATIVE        = 'RM_NAVCAM_BASE'
+      TKFRAME_-174022_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174022_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174022_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174022_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  -90.0,   0.0 )
+   \begintext
+LocCam Frames
+   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Localisation
+   Cameras (LocCam) instrument frames.
+   The Localisation Cameras reference frame -- RM_LOCCAM_BASE --, where the
+   terrain stereo reconstruction (for Localisation) occurs, is attached to
+   the cameras stereo bench and is defined as follows:
+      - +X axis is the the projection of the cameras optical axis on the plane
+        perpendicular to the +Y axis;
+      - +Y axis is in the direction from the right camera optical centre to the
+        left camera optical centre;
+      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - the origin, is located at the middle of the segment linking the optical
+      centres of the left and right localisation cameras.
+   The following diagram describes the LocCam frames:
+   -Y Rover side view:
+   -------------------
+                          .-.
+                          | |
+                          | |
+                          |_|
+                          |_|
+                           |
+                           |
+                           |
+                           |
+                +Zloc      |
+                   ^       |
+                    .      |
+                     .     |
+                      .    |        +Zrm
+                       .  _|_         ^
+                        .|   |        |
+                   ---- .o +Yloc --------|-------------------------------------
+                      .' ,------------|------------.
+                    .'   |            |             |
+                  .'  ___|            |             |
+                <'   /   | +Xrm       |             |
+             +Xloc   \___|__<---------o ____________.         +Yrm and +Yloc
+                          | |        +Yrm          | |         are out of the
+                  __------/ \-----__               / \.__      page.
+                 |  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |
+                .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
+               / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
+               \      /        \      /             \      /
+                `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
+   The origin is nominally a fixed translation from the Rover Module frame
+   -- RM_ROVER --, and the axes are rotated 18 degrees around the +Y axis of
+   the RM_ROVER frame [8]. These sets of keywords define the LocCam frames:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_LOCCAM_BASE            = -174030
+      FRAME_-174030_NAME              = 'RM_LOCCAM_BASE'
+      FRAME_-174030_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174030_CLASS_ID          = -174030
+      FRAME_-174030_CENTER            = -174030
+      TKFRAME_-174030_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-174030_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174030_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174030_AXES            = (     3,      1,     2 )
+      TKFRAME_-174030_ANGLES          = (   0.0,    0.0, -18.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_LOCCAM_L               = -174031
+      FRAME_-174031_NAME              = 'RM_LOCCAM_L'
+      FRAME_-174031_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174031_CLASS_ID          = -174031
+      FRAME_-174031_CENTER            = -174031
+      TKFRAME_-174031_RELATIVE        = 'RM_LOCCAM_BASE'
+      TKFRAME_-174031_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174031_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174031_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174031_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  -90.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_LOCCAM_R               = -174032
+      FRAME_-174032_NAME              = 'RM_LOCCAM_R'
+      FRAME_-174032_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174032_CLASS_ID          = -174032
+      FRAME_-174032_CENTER            = -174032
+      TKFRAME_-174032_RELATIVE        = 'RM_LOCCAM_BASE'
+      TKFRAME_-174032_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174032_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174032_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174032_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  -90.0,   0.0 )
+   \begintext
+RM Drill Frames
+   The Drill is in charge of extracting the samples from the Mars subsurface
+   and delivering them to the Core Sample Transport Mechanism (CSTM), such
+   that they are transported inside the Analytical Laboratory Drawer (ALD),
+   where they are processed and analysed by the scientific instruments.
+   The drill implements a multi-rod concept to allow drilling and sample
+   collection down to 2 meter depth.
+   The drill string is composed, at its maximum length, of a drill tool
+   (with sample collection capability) and three extension rods. Three
+   ``main'' active joints are needed to accomplish the Drill operations:
+       - Positioner Translation Joint, which allows all the translational
+         movements of the Drill box.
+       - Positioner Rotational Joint, which allows all the rotational
+         movements of the Drill box.
+       - Drilling Joint, which groups several mechanisms devoted to the drill
+         rod insertion in the terrain (drilling/coring).
+RM Drill Positioner frames:
+   The Drill Positioner Fixed frame  -- RM_DRILL_POS_FIX -- is placed on the
+   Rover to Drill Positioner interface and is invariant to the Drill
+   Positioner Translational and Rotational mechanisms position. It is
+   defined as follows:
+      - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +X axis frame;
+      - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +Y axis frame;
+      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - the origin is defined as the intersection of the Drill Positioner
+        Rotational Joint axis and the Drill Translational Joint axis,
+        assuming the Drill Positioner in stowed configuration, this is
+        incorporated by the RM_DRILL_POS_FIX body.
+   The Drill Postioner Moving frame -- RM_DRILL_POS_MOV -- is placed on the
+   Rover to Drill Positioner interface and moves according to the Drill
+   Positioner Translational (TRA) and Rotational (ROT) mechanisms position.
+   This frame is coincident with RM_DRILL_POS_FIX frame when the Drill is in
+   stowed configuration (TRA=0 mm; ROT=0 deg), and follows the Drill Positioner
+   Joints motion rototranslating according to Drill Positioner Translational
+   (TRA) and Rotational (ROT) mechanisms positions. The frame can be defined
+   as follows:
+      - +Y axis is co-aligned with the longitudinal direction of the drill
+        and points towards the apperture of the drill;
+      - +Z axis is rotated a positive rotational (ROT) angle from the +Z axis
+        of the RM_DRILL_POS_FIX frame around the +X axis of the
+        RM_DRILL_POS_FIX frame;
+      - +X axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - the origin is defined as the intersection of the Drill Positioner
+        Rotational Joint axis and the Drill Translational Joint axis,
+        with a longitudinal offset w.r.t. the origin of RM_DRILL_POS frame
+        along the +Y axis defined by the Transitional position (TRA).
+   +X Rover side view (drill in stowed position):
+   ----------------------------------------------
+                    o-o-=O===O--o
+                       |o|___|
+                          _\/
+                         |_|_
+                           |_|
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |      +Zpdf
+                            |        ^
+                            |        |
+                           _|_ +Zrm  |
+                          |   | ^    |
+      --------------------------|----|---------------------
+             |   |          |   |  | | |        |  |
+             '---|          |   |  | o-----------> +Ydpf
+                 '--.-----------|----------|
+                 .--|#DRILL#BOX#|##########|---.
+            .-.  |============= o--------> ====|  .-.
+           |___|=|            +Xrm |   |+Yrm   |=|___|
+           |.-.                                   .-.|
+           || |                                   | ||    +Xrm is out of the
+           `| |                                   | |'    page
+            '_'                                   '_'
+          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~
+   The following diagrams describe the different operational positions of the
+   drill positioner frames for different Translational (TRA) and Rotational
+   (ROT) mechanisms positions (Units in mm and degrees):
+      1. STOWED POSITION                2. LIFTING PHASE
+         [TRA=0, ROT=0]                    [TRA=130, ROT=0]
+                                                       ^ +Zdpm
+                   +Zdpf, +Zdpm                        |
+                  | ^ |                              | | |
+                  | | |                          +Zdpf ^ |     Ydpm
+                  | | |                  .-------------o------->
+                  | | |  +Ydpf,+Ydpm     |_____________|_____| +Ydpf
+      .-------------o------->                        | o------->
+      |___________________|                          |   |
+                  |   |                              |   |
+      3. VERTICAL ALIGNMENT             4. LOWERING PHASE (drilling position)
+         [TRA=130, ROT=90]                 [TRA=-240, ROT=90]
+               __
+              |  |
+              |  |
+              |  |
+              |  |
+              |  | +Zdpf   +Zdpm                 __
+              |  || o------->                   |  ||  +Zdpf
+              |  || ^ |                         |  || ^ |
+              |__|| | |                         |  || | |
+                  | | | +Ydpf                   |  || | | +Ydpf
+                  | o------->                   |  || o------->
+                  | | |                         |  ||   |
+                  | v |                         |  ||   |
+                   +Ydpm                        |  |  o-------> +Zdpm
+                                                |__|  |
+                                                      |
+                                                      v +Ydpm
+      3. LIFTING PHASE (after sample)    4. HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT (before sample
+         collection) [TRA=130, ROT=90]      discharge) [TRA=130, ROT=180]
+               __
+              |  |
+              |  |
+              |  |
+              |  |
+              |  | +Zdpf   +Zdpm           .--------------------->
+              |  || o------->              |_____________^_____|
+              |  || ^ |                          <-------o +Zdpf
+              |__|| | |                       +Ydpm    | | |
+                  | | | +Ydpf                          | | | +Ydpf
+                  | o------->                          | o------->
+                  | | |                                | | |
+                  | v |                                | v |
+                   +Ydpm                              +Zpm
+      5. SAMPLE DISCHARGE PHASE (from drill tip to CSTM container)
+         [TRA=130, ROT=150]
+                       .'\
+                     .'  .'
+                   .'  .'
+                 .'  .'
+               .'  .'
+             .'  .'o +Zdpf
+              \.'.'|\|
+               .'| | \ +Ydpf
+             .'  | o--\---->
+           <'    |   | v
+         +Ypdm   |   | +Zpdm
+   +X Rover side view (drill in discharge phase):
+   ----------------------------------------------
+                    o-o-=O===O--o
+                       |o|___|
+                          _\/
+                         |_|_
+                           |_|
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |                 .
+                            |             . '  \
+                            |         . '       \
+                           _|_    . ' ^+dZpf. '
+                          |   . '     | . '
+      --------------------. '       . | |-------------------
+             |   |    . '       . ' | | |     |  |
+             '---|    \     . ' ^   | o------> +Ydpf
+                 '--.  \. '     |+Zrm   | |
+                 .--'           |   |   | ''---.
+            .-.  |============= o-----> =======|  .-.
+           |___|=|            +Xrm  |  +Yrm    |=|___|
+           |.-.                                   .-.|
+           || |                                   | ||    +Yrm and +Ydpf is
+           `| |                                   | |'    out of the page
+            '_'                                   '_'
+          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~
+   These sets of keywords define the Drill Positioner frames:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_DRILL_POS_FIX          = -174040
+      FRAME_-174040_NAME              = 'RM_DRILL_POS_FIX'
+      FRAME_-174040_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174040_CLASS_ID          = -174040
+      FRAME_-174040_CENTER            = -174040
+      TKFRAME_-174040_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-174040_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174040_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174040_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174040_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_DRILL_POS_MOV          = -174041
+      FRAME_-174041_NAME              = 'RM_DRILL_POS_MOV'
+      FRAME_-174041_CLASS             =  3
+      FRAME_-174041_CLASS_ID          = -174041
+      FRAME_-174041_CENTER            = -174041
+      CK_-174041_SCLK                 = -174
+      CK_-174041_SPK                  = -174041
+   \begintext
+Drill Tip frames:
+   The Drill Tip Fixed frame -- RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX -- is placed on the
+   Rover Drill Tip (when fully retracted) and is invariant to the Drill Rod
+   position. It is defined as follows:
+      - +X axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the
+        RM_DRILL_POS_FIX frame;
+      - +Y axis, is nominally parallel to the +Y axis of the
+        RM_DRILL_POS_MOV frame;
+      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - the origin is defined as the tip of the Drill Rod assuming that the
+        Drill Rod is fully retracted.
+   The following diagrams show the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX in some of the drill
+   positions:
+            [TRA=130, ROT=150]               [TRA=-240, ROT=90]
+                                                   __
+                               .'\                |  ||  +Zdpf
+                             .'  .'               |  || ^ |
+                           .'  .'                 |  || | |
+                         .'  .'                   |  || | | +Ydpf
+                       .'  .'                     |  || o------->
+                     .'  .'o +Zdpf                |  ||   |
+                      o.'.'|\|                    |  ||   |
+                    .' .'. | \ +Ydpf              |  |  o-------> +Zdpm
+            +Ydtf <' .'   'o--\---->              |o---------> +Zdtf
+                   <'    | '.| v +Zpdm             |    |
+                 +Ypdm   |   '> +Zdtf              |    v +Ydpm
+                                                   |
+                                                   v +Ydtf
+   The Drill Tip Moving frame -- RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_MOV -- is attached to the
+   Rover Drill Tip and moves according to the Drill Translational Joint
+   (DRILL). Its orientation is defined by the rotation of the drill tip around
+   the +Y axis of the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX frame. The origin is coincident
+   with the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX frame when the Drill Rod is fully retracted
+   (DRILL = 0mm). When the Drill Translational Joint mechanism moves, the
+   RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_MOV frame rigidly translates with respect to the +X axis
+   of the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX frame a DRILL distance in mm. Note that the
+   Drill Translational Joint is composed by a group several mechanisms devoted
+   to the drill rod insertion in the terrain (drilling/coring). It is defined
+   as follows:
+      - +Y axis, is nominally parallel to the +Y axis of the
+      - +Z axis, is rotated the drill tip rotation with respect to the
+        +Z axis of the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX frame;
+      - +X axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - the origin is defined as the tip of the Drill Rod.
+   The following diagram describes the Drill tip frames:
+   +X Rover side view (drilling position):
+   ---------------------------------------
+                                     [TRA=-240, ROT=90, DRILL=150]
+                    o-o-=O===O--o
+                       |o|___|
+                          _\/
+                         |_|_
+                           |_|
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                           _|_        ^+dZpf
+                          |   |       |
+      -------------------------.----.-|----------------------
+             |   |             |    | | |     |  |
+             '---|             |^   | o------> +Ydpf
+                 '--.          ||+Zrm   | |
+                 .--'          ||   |   | ''---.
+            .-.  |============= o-----> =======|  .-.
+           |___|=|             |    |  +Yrm    |=|___|
+           |.-.                |    |              .-.|
+           || |                |    |             | ||    +Yrm, +Ydpf +Ydtm
+           `| |                |    |             | |'    are out of the page
+            '_'                |    |             '_'
+        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'----'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   __
+                                 ||                         ^
+                                 ||                         |
+                                 ..                         | DRILL
+                                 ..                         | ~1.5m
+                                                            |
+                                 ..                         |
+                                 ..                         |
+                                 ||                         v
+                                 \/  Dril                   --
+                                  o-------> +Zdtm
+                                  |
+                                  |. drill tip rotation
+                                 <-'
+                                  |
+                                  v +Ydtm
+   These sets of keywords define the Drill tip frames:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX          = -174042
+      FRAME_-174042_NAME              = 'RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX'
+      FRAME_-174042_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174042_CLASS_ID          = -174042
+      FRAME_-174042_CENTER            = -174042
+      TKFRAME_-174042_RELATIVE        = 'RM_DRILL_POS_MOV'
+      TKFRAME_-174042_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174042_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174042_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174042_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV          = -174043
+      FRAME_-174043_NAME              = 'RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV'
+      FRAME_-174043_CLASS             =  3
+      FRAME_-174043_CLASS_ID          = -174043
+      FRAME_-174043_CENTER            = -174043
+      CK_-174043_SCLK                 = -174
+      CK_-174043_SPK                  = -174043
+   \begintext
+ALD Frames
+   The Rover will collect samples with the drill and deliver them to the
+   Analytical Laboratory Drawer (ALD) in the body of the rover, via the
+   sample delivery window. Within the ALD the samples will be analysed
+   with an infrared spectrometer (MicrOmega), a raman spectrometer (RLS),
+   and the Mars organics molecule analyser (MOMA) instrument.
+   The samples will be collected by a drill and delivered to the Core Sample
+   Handling System (CSHS) component of the SPDS, which is made up of the Core
+   Sample Transportation Mechanism (CSTM) and the Blank Sample Dispenser (BSD).
+   The CSTM will carry the samples into the ALD, where they will be released
+   through a trapdoor into the Crushing Station (CS) and be reduced to powder.
+   The BSD will deliver 'blank' samples brought from Earth for verification
+   purposes. The powdered samples then pass from the CS to
+   The Powder Sample Dosing and Distribution System (PSDDS) delivers a measured
+   quantity of powder into the Refillable Container (RC) that is mounted on the
+   Powdered Sample Handling System (PSHS). The PSHS is a carousel that moves
+   the samples to various stations for processing and analysis. One station is
+   equipped with a fixed 'scraper', the Powder Sample Flattening Mechanism
+   (PSFM), which levels the surface of the powdered sample in the RC. Another
+   station houses the Refillable Container Cleaning Mechanism (RCCM), while
+   further stations will have instruments to examine the surface of the samples
+   and pyrolysis ovens to feed the MOMA GC-MS.
+ALD CSTM Frames
+   The CSTM is placed diagonally on top of the upper ALD plate to reach the
+   sample handover point of the drill by opening the ALD door. It then retracts
+   after having received the sample from the drill in its sample container.
+   The ALD Core Sample Transportation Mechanism (CSTM) Fixed frame
+   -- RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX -- is attached to the CSTM and invariant to the CSTM
+   mechanism position. It is defined as follows:
+      - +Z axis is nominally parallel to the +Z axis of the RM_ROVER frame;
+      - +X axis is the motion direction of the CSTM mechanism
+        (from close to open);
+      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - the origin is located in the geometrical centre of the CSTM sample
+        receptacle, assuming the CSTM mechanism fully retracted. It is a
+        fixed translation from the RM_ROVER.
+   The ALD CSTM Fixed frame axes are rotated around the +Z axis of the
+   ROVER_RM frame a nominal angle of -26.5 degrees [10].
+   The ALD CTSM Moving frame -- RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV -- is is attached to the Core
+   Sample Transport Mechanism and moves according to CSTM mechanism position.
+   Its orientation is the same as ACF frame and its origin is coincident with
+   ACF frame when the CSTM mechanism is fully retracted (0mm). When the CSTM
+   mechanisms moves (up to 300mm), the ACM frame rigidly translates with
+   respect to the RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX frame along the +X axis RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX.
+   This diagram illustrate the RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX frame:
+   +Z Rover side view:
+   -------------------
+                       .-------------------------..-------------------------.
+                 .-----|                         ||                         |
+                 | .--.|                         ||                         |
+                 | |  ||                         ||                         |
+                 `-|  |'-------------------------''-------------------------'
+                  .------------------.
+         +Xcstm   |                  '----------.
+              <.  '----.                         |
+                 ' .|  |+Zcstm                   |
+                     ' o    .-.                 .'
+                    | .|    | +Xrm      +Zrm    |
+                     ' |    | |<---------o      |
+                    '  |    | |          |      |
+          +Ycstm  <'|  |    '-'          |       '.
+                    '--|                 |        |   +Zrm and +Zcstm are
+                       '-----.         .-|--------'    out of the page.
+                             '---------' v
+                       .--------------- +Yrm ----..-------------------------.
+                       |                         ||                         |
+                       |                         ||                         |
+                       |                         ||                         |
+                       '-------------------------''-------------------------'
+   These sets of keywords define the ALD CSTM frames:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX           = -174052
+      FRAME_-174052_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX'
+      FRAME_-174052_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174052_CLASS_ID          = -174052
+      FRAME_-174052_CENTER            = -174052
+      TKFRAME_-174052_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-174052_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174052_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174052_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174052_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,  26.5 )
+      FRAME_RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV           = -174053
+      FRAME_-174053_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV'
+      FRAME_-174053_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174053_CLASS_ID          = -174053
+      FRAME_-174053_CENTER            = -174053
+      TKFRAME_-174053_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX'
+      TKFRAME_-174053_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174053_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174053_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174053_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+   \begintext
+ALD PSDDS and PSHS Frames
+   The PSDDS collects the crushed samples in its sample containers and
+   distributes the sample powder to the receptacles placed on the PSHS.
+   The PSHS with its carousel transports the powdered sample received by the
+   PSDDS by rotation to the ports of the optical instruments of the ALD namely
+   MicrOmega, RLS and MOMA LD-MS.
+   The Powder Sample Dosing and Distribution System (PSDDS) and the Powdered
+   Sample Handling System (PSHS, the carousel) frames are defined solely to
+   provide the rotation angle of their mechanisms. For PSDDS the angle ranges
+   from 0 to 340.06 degrees and provides the position of the POSITIONER whereas
+   for PSHS the angles ranges from 0 to 345 degrees and provides the position
+   of the CAROUSEL. For both zero position is equivalent to 0 degrees.
+   Because of this for both structures a FIXED and a MOVING frame are defined;
+   the MOVING frame incorporates the rotation being defined as a CK-based
+   frame.
+   The ALD PSDDS Fixed frame -- RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX -- is attached to the Powder
+   Sample Dosing and Distribution System, is invariant to the PSDDS
+   mechanism position and is parallel to the RM_ROVER frame.
+   It is defined as follows:
+      - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +X axis frame;
+      - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +Y axis frame;
+      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the PSDDS,
+        defined as the intersection of the PSDDS mechanism rotation axis and
+        the PSDDS upper panel (perpendicular to the RM_ROVER +Z axis).
+   The ALD PSDDS Moving frame -- RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV -- is attached to the
+   Powder Sample Dosing and Distribution System and moves according to the
+   PSDDS mechanism rotation. Its origin is coincident with the
+   RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX frame, and its orientation is the same when the
+   PSDDS mechanism is in zero position (PSDDS = 0deg). When the PSDDS
+   mechanisms moves, the frame rotates around the +Z axis of the
+   RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV fame.
+   The ALD PSHS Fixed frame -- RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX -- is attached to the Powder
+   Sample Handiling System and is invariant to the PSHS mechanism position.
+   It is defined as follows:
+      - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +X axis frame;
+      - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +Y axis frame;
+      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the PSHS, defined
+        as the intersection of the PSHS mechanism rotation axis and the PSHS
+        upper panel (perpendicular to the RM_ROVER +Z axis).
+   The ALD PSHS Moving frame -- RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV -- is attached to the Powder
+   Sample Dosing and Distribution System and moves according to the PSHS
+   mechanism rotation. Its origin is coincident with the RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX frame,
+   and its orientation is the same when the PSDDS mechanism is in zero position
+   (PSHS = 0deg). When the PSHS mechanisms moves, the frame rotates around the
+   +Z axis of the RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV fame.
+   These sets of keywords define the ALD PSDDS and PSHS frames:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX          = -174055
+      FRAME_-174055_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX'
+      FRAME_-174055_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174055_CLASS_ID          = -174055
+      FRAME_-174055_CENTER            = -174055
+      TKFRAME_-174055_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-174055_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174055_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174055_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174055_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV          = -174056
+      FRAME_-174056_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV'
+      FRAME_-174056_CLASS             =  3
+      FRAME_-174056_CLASS_ID          = -174056
+      FRAME_-174056_CENTER            = -174055
+      CK_-174056_SCLK                 = -174
+      CK_-174056_SPK                  = -174
+      FRAME_RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX           = -174058
+      FRAME_-174058_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX'
+      FRAME_-174058_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174058_CLASS_ID          = -174058
+      FRAME_-174058_CENTER            = -174058
+      TKFRAME_-174058_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-174058_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174058_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174058_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174058_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV           = -174059
+      FRAME_-174059_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV'
+      FRAME_-174059_CLASS             =  3
+      FRAME_-174059_CLASS_ID          = -174059
+      FRAME_-174059_CENTER            = -174058
+      CK_-174059_SCLK                 = -174
+      CK_-174059_SPK                  = -174
+   \begintext
+Solar Arrays Frames
+   This section contains the definitions of the Solar Arrays (SA) frames
+   as specified in [7].
+   The RM has two groups of SA panels, the Right SA and the Left SA. Each
+   group consists of two panels (in addition to the panels present on top
+   of the RM body): the primary and the secondary panel -- RM_SA1_PRI,
+   RM_SA1_SEC and RM_SA2_PRI, RM_SA2_SEC --, these two panels are
+   connected by hinges that allow them rotate (and thus be deployed).
+   For each panel, the conventions for the hinge deployment axis are the
+   following:
+      The Primary Hinge deployment axis rotation convention is:
+         - Zero angle when the primary panels are in the nominal fully
+           deployed position with normal to the Photovoltaic assembly (PVA)
+           face parallel to the +Z axis of the RM_ROVER.
+         - Positive rotations deploy the primary panels from their stowed
+           positions: right side hinges rotate clockwise about +X axis of
+           the RM_ROVER frame and left side hinges rotate anticlockwise about
+           +X axis of the RM_ROVER using right-hand grip rule.
+      The Secondary Hinge deployment axis rotation convention is:
+         - Zero angle when the secondary panels are in the nominal
+           fully-deployed position with normal to the PVA face parallel
+           to the +Z axis of the RM_ROVER.
+         - Positive rotations deploy the secondary panels from their stowed
+           positions below the primary panels: when the primary panels are
+           deployed to -90 degrees the right side secondary hinges rotate
+           anticlockwise about +Z axis of the RM_ROVER and left side secondary
+           hinges rotate clockwise about +Z axis of the RM_ROVER using
+           right-hand grip rule.
+   Please note that all the rotations range from -180 to 0 degrees (stowed
+   to fully deployed).
+   For each group three reference frames are defined, a zero one that is
+   parallel to the Rover Body frame, a primary for the pimary array of the
+   group and a secondary for the secondary array of each group the frames
+   are defined hereafter.
+   The Solar Array 1 and 2 zero frames -- RM_SA1_ZERO, RM_SA2_ZERO -- are
+   defined as follows:
+      - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +X axis frame;
+      - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +Y axis frame;
+      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the first hinge
+        of the Solar Array (the one closer to the front of the RM).
+   The Primary Solar Array 1 frame - RM_SA1_PRI -- frame is defined as
+   follows:
+      - +Z axis is normal to the PVA face;
+      - +X axis is anti-parallel to the +X axis of the RM_ROVER frame and
+        is the rotation axis of the primary solar array (Left Primary
+        Deployment angle LPD);
+      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the first hinge
+        of the Primary Solar Array (the one closer to the front of the RM).
+   The Secondary Solar Array 1 frame - RM_SA1_PRI -- frame is defined as
+   follows:
+      - +Z axis is normal to the PVA face;
+      - +X axis is parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_ROVER frame when
+        the primary array is fully deployed and is the rotation axis of the
+        secondary solar array (Left Secondary Deployment angle LSD);
+      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the first hinge
+        of the Secondary Solar Array (the one closer to the RM body).
+   The Primary Solar Array 2 frame - RM_SA2_PRI -- frame is defined as
+   follows:
+      - +Z axis is normal to the PVA face;
+      - +X axis is parallel to the +X axis of the RM_ROVER frame and
+        is the rotation axis of the primary solar array (Right Primary
+        Deployment angle RPD);
+      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the first hinge
+        of the Primary Solar Array (the one closer to the front of the RM).
+   The Secondary Solar Array 2 frame - RM_SA2_SEC -- frame is defined as
+   follows:
+      - +Z axis is normal to the PVA face;
+      - +X axis is anti-parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_ROVER frame when
+        the primary array is fully deployed and is the rotation axis of the
+        secondary solar array (Right Secondary Deployment angle RSD);
+      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the first hinge
+        of the Secondary Solar Array (the one closer to the RM body).
+   This diagram illustrate solar arrays frames:
+   +Z Rover side view:
+   -------------------
+                                      Right secondary hinge
+                                                 '
+                                    +Xsa2-sec   ^'
+                                                |'
+                      .-------------------------|.-------------------------.
+                .-----|            +Ysa2-sec    ||                         |
+    Right primary .--.|    +Zsa2-zero   <-------o|                         |
+      hinge     | |  ||       +Zsa2-pri         |+Zsa2-sec                 |
+            - - - - - |' <---------o -----------''-------------------------'
+               +Xsa2-pri  ---------|.            '
+               +Xsa2-zero          |'----------. '    +Zrm, +Zsa1-zero,
+                 '----.            |            |     +Zsa1-pri, +Zsa1-sec,
+                   |  |            v  +Ysa2-zero      +Zsa2-zero, +Zsa1-pri
+                   |  |    .-.   +Ysa2-pri     .'      and +Zsa1-sec are out
+                   |  |    | +Xrm      +Zrm    |       of the page.
+                   |  |    | |<---------o      |
+                   |  |    |+Ysa2-pri   |      |
+                   |  +Ysa2-zero   ^    |       '.
+                   '--|            |    |        |   +Zrm and
+                      '-----.      |  .-|--------'    out of the page.
+            - - - - -       '------|--' v +Yrm
+   Left primary       . +Zsa1-pri  o--------> --..-------------------------.
+     hinge            | +Zsa1-zero   +Xsa1-pr   |+Zsa1-sec                 |
+                      |              +Xsa1-zero o--------> +Ysa1-sec       |
+                      |                         ||                         |
+                      '-------------------------|'-------------------------'
+                                                |'
+                                     +Xsa2-sec  v'
+                                                 '
+                                        Left secondary hinge
+   The following frames implement the definitions provided below:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_SA1_ZERO               = -174061
+      FRAME_-174061_NAME              = 'RM_SA1_ZERO'
+      FRAME_-174061_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174061_CLASS_ID          = -174061
+      FRAME_-174061_CENTER            = -174062
+      TKFRAME_-174061_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-174061_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174061_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174061_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174061_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_SA1_PRI                = -174062
+      FRAME_-174062_NAME              = 'RM_SA1_PRI'
+      FRAME_-174062_CLASS             =  3
+      FRAME_-174062_CLASS_ID          = -174062
+      FRAME_-174062_CENTER            = -174062
+      CK_-174062_SCLK                 = -174
+      CK_-174062_SPK                  = -174
+      FRAME_RM_SA1_SEC                = -174063
+      FRAME_-174063_NAME              = 'RM_SA1_SEC'
+      FRAME_-174063_CLASS             =  3
+      FRAME_-174063_CLASS_ID          = -174063
+      FRAME_-174063_CENTER            = -174063
+      CK_-174063_SCLK                 = -174
+      CK_-174063_SPK                  = -174
+      FRAME_RM_SA2_ZERO               = -174064
+      FRAME_-174064_NAME              = 'RM_SA2_ZERO'
+      FRAME_-174064_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174064_CLASS_ID          = -174064
+      FRAME_-174064_CENTER            = -174065
+      TKFRAME_-174064_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-174064_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174064_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174064_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174064_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_SA2_PRI                = -174065
+      FRAME_-174065_NAME              = 'RM_SA2_PRI'
+      FRAME_-174065_CLASS             =  3
+      FRAME_-174065_CLASS_ID          = -174065
+      FRAME_-174065_CENTER            = -174065
+      CK_-174065_SCLK                 = -174
+      CK_-174065_SPK                  = -174
+      FRAME_RM_SA2_SEC                = -174066
+      FRAME_-174066_NAME              = 'RM_SA2_SEC'
+      FRAME_-174066_CLASS             =  3
+      FRAME_-174066_CLASS_ID          = -174066
+      FRAME_-174066_CENTER            = -174066
+      CK_-174066_SCLK                 = -174
+      CK_-174066_SPK                  = -174
+   \begintext
+Locomotion Frames
+   This section contains the definitions of Rover Locomotion system frames
+   as specified in [7].
+   It should be noted that the frames described within this section have been
+   defined so that when the rover is fully deployed, is in flat terrain and all
+   steering angles are zero, these frames are intended as being aligned with
+   the Rover Body frame.
+Bogie Frame definitions
+   There are three bogie fixed frames, that correspond to the three bogie
+   bodies: the Left Front Boogie fixed frame -- RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX --, the
+   Right Front Bogie fixed frame -- RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX -- and the Middle Rear
+   Bogie fixed frame -- RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX --. These frames have a fixed
+   transformation with respect to the Rover Body frame. The bogie frames are
+   defined as follows:
+      - +Z axis points vertically upwards, anti-parallel to the gravity vector.
+        It is parallel to +Z axis of the RM_ROVER (within knowledge alignment
+        errors) and invariant to pivot angle;
+      - +X axis points towards the front of the Rover in the nominal direction
+        of travel. It is parallel to +X axis of the RM_ROVER frame (within
+        knowledge alignment errors) and is invariant to pivot angle;
+      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - The origin lies on the rotational axis of the bogie in the
+        plane of symmetry.
+   There are three bogie moving frames that define a pure rotation with respect
+   to RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX, RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX and RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX according to the
+   pivot angles LFB, RFB and MRB, the rotations are defined as follows:
+   Left Front Bogie Moving -- RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV -- with origin coincident with
+   RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX and rotating LFB around its +Y axis. This frame has the same
+   orientation as the FIX frame when the rover is on flat, horizontal terrain.
+   Right Front Bogie Moving --  RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV -- with origin coincident with
+   RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX and rotating RFB around its +Y axis. This frame has the same
+   orientation as the FIX frame when the rover is on flat, horizontal terrain.
+   Middle Rear Bogie Moving --  RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV -- with origin coincident with
+   RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX and rotating MRB around its +X axis. This frame has the same
+   orientation as the FIX frame when the rover is on flat, horizontal terrain.
+   These diagrams illustrate the Bogie frames:
+   +Y Rover side view (only bogies and wheels):
+   --------------------------------------------
+                               +Zrm                +Yrm, +Ybmr and +Yblf
+                                 ^                  are out of the page.
+                                 |
+              +Zblf  ^           |     +Zbmr  ^
+                     | +Xrm      |            |
+                     |_<---------o ___________|.
+        +Xblf       |||        +Yrm          |||
+           <---------o +Yblf _      <---------o +Ybmr
+           |  |-----\_/----|  |    +Xbmr     \__.  |
+          .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
+         / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
+         \      /        \      /             \      /
+          `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
+             Left Front Bogie            Middle Rear Bogie
+   +X Rover side view (only bogies and wheels):
+   --------------------------------------------
+           +Zbrf              +Zbmr              +Zblf
+             ^                  ^                  ^
+             |                  |                  |
+             |                  |                  |
+             | .----------------|---------------.  | +Xblf
+       +Xbrf o--------> ------- o--------> ----. |.o--------> +Yblf
+           |___|=|  +Ybrf     +Xbmr    +Ybmr   |=|___|
+           |.-.                                   .-.|      +Xbmr, +Xblf and
+           || |                                   | ||      +Xbrf are out of
+           `| |                                   | |'       the page.
+            '_'                                   '_'
+          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~
+   +X Rover side view (drill in stowed position):
+   ----------------------------------------------
+                           o-o-=O===O--o
+                              |o|___|
+                                 _\/
+                                |_|_
+                                  |_|
+                                   |
+                                   |                +Xrm and +Xbrf are
+                                   |                 out of the page.
+                                   |
+                                   |
+                                   |
+                                   |
+                                   |
+                                   |
+                                  _|_ +Zrm
+                                 |   | ^
+             ------ +Zbrf   +Zbrm ------|-------------------------
+                    | ^ |    ^     |   |   |   |      |  |
+                    '-|-|  .       |   |   | 0 |   .--'--'
+                     .|  .-------------|----------|
+                    / |'      |        |          |---.
+                  / \ o --------> ---- o--------> ====|  .-.
+                 /.''.  '.   +Ybrm    +Xrm |   |+Yrm  |=|___|
+                 /  /     '.                             .-.|
+                /  /        v                            | ||
+                './         +Ybrm                        | |'
+             .---.                                       '_'
+         ~~~'     '~~~~                                ~~~~~~~~
+   These sets of keywords define the Bugie fixed and moving frames:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX           = -174071
+      FRAME_-174071_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX'
+      FRAME_-174071_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174071_CLASS_ID          = -174071
+      FRAME_-174071_CENTER            = -174071
+      TKFRAME_-174071_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-174071_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174071_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174071_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174071_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV           = -174072
+      FRAME_-174072_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV'
+      FRAME_-174072_CLASS             =  3
+      FRAME_-174072_CLASS_ID          = -174072
+      FRAME_-174072_CENTER            = -174071
+      CK_-174072_SCLK                 = -174
+      CK_-174072_SPK                  = -174
+      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX           = -174073
+      FRAME_-174073_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX'
+      FRAME_-174073_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174073_CLASS_ID          = -174073
+      FRAME_-174073_CENTER            = -174073
+      TKFRAME_-174073_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-174073_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174073_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174073_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174073_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV           = -174074
+      FRAME_-174074_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV'
+      FRAME_-174074_CLASS             =  3
+      FRAME_-174074_CLASS_ID          = -174074
+      FRAME_-174074_CENTER            = -174073
+      CK_-174074_SCLK                 = -174
+      CK_-174074_SPK                  = -174
+      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX           = -174075
+      FRAME_-174075_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX'
+      FRAME_-174075_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174075_CLASS_ID          = -174075
+      FRAME_-174075_CENTER            = -174075
+      TKFRAME_-174075_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-174075_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174075_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174075_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174075_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV           = -174076
+      FRAME_-174076_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV'
+      FRAME_-174076_CLASS             =  3
+      FRAME_-174076_CLASS_ID          = -174076
+      FRAME_-174076_CENTER            = -174075
+      CK_-174076_SCLK                 = -174
+      CK_-174076_SPK                  = -174
+   \begintext
+Wheel Frame definitions
+   There are six wheels fixed frames: RM_WHEEL_LF_FIX, RM_WHEEL_LM_FIX,
+   correspond to the fix frame associated with every wheel wich are implemented
+   by a fixed transformation with respect to the corresponding bogie moving
+   frames -- RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV, RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV and RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV --, invariant
+   to the rotation on the steering and driving axis and assuming a full
+   deployment of the deployment mechanism. The center of the frames is the
+   center of the corresponding wheel:
+      - Front left wheel (LF), middle left wheel (LM)
+        (mounted on the Left Front Bogie);
+      - Front right wheel (RF), middle right wheel (RM)
+        (mounted on the Right Front Bogie);
+      - Left rear wheel (LR), right rear wheel (RR)
+        (mounted on the Right Front Bogie);
+   In addition, six wheels steering angle frames are defined: RM_WHEEL_LF_STR,
+   RM_WHEEL_RR_STR. These frames are defined with respect to their
+   corresponding fixed frame and implement the steering angle (STR) around the
+   +Z axis of their corresponding fixed frame.
+   Finally, six wheel moving frames are defined: RM_WHEEL_LF_MOV,
+   RM_WHEEL_RR_MOV. These frames are defined with respect to their
+   corresponding steering frame and implement the forward movement rotation or
+   rototrnaslation angle (DRV) around the +Y axis of their corresponding
+   steering frame.
+   Note that for each frame the wheel deployment mechanism is fully deployed
+   and the steering is in its zero position the moving frame is coincident
+   with the steering frame an   d the bogie frames.
+   These diagrams illustrate the Wheels frames:
+   +Y Rover side view (only bogies and wheels):
+   --------------------------------------------
+                               +Zrm                +Yrm, +Ybmr, +Yblf,
+                                 ^                 +Ywlr, +Ywlr, +Ywlr
+                                 |                  are out of the page.
+              +Zblf  ^           |     +Zbmr  ^
+                     | +Xrm      |            |
+            +Zblf    |_<---------o ___________|.
+      +Zwlr  ^      || +Zwlr ^ +Yrm     +Ybmr ||  ^  +Zwlr
+           <-|-------o +Yblf |      <---------o   |
+           | ||-----\_/----| ||    +Xbmr     \__. ||
+   +Xwlf  .| |.    +Xwlm  .| ||.               .| ||.
+      <------o| \     <------o| \    +Xwlr <------o| \
+         \+Ywlr /        \+Ywlr /             \+Ywlr /
+          `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
+     Front left wheel   Middle left wheel   Left rear wheel
+          Left Front Bogie                 Middle Rear Bogie
+   +Y Rover side view (without solar arrays):
+   ------------------------------------------
+    +Xlrs
+       <
+         ' .
+             '/ ' .
+   +Xlrf <----'--o ' .   .-----.         .-----.
+                /|' /    '----- +Xrrf <-----o--'
+          .--- /=|========='-.  +Xrrs    | ||        +Zrm, +Zlrs, +Zlrf, are
+          |   /  |           '----------.| ||        +Zrrf, +Zrrs, +Zlmf and
+          '- v . v                       | |v        +Zlms are out of the
+      +Ylrs |  +Ylrf                   +Ylrf +Ylrs    page.
+                    .-.                 .' |
+            |  |    | +Xrm      +Zrm    |  |
+               |    | |<---------o      |  |
+               |    | |          |      |  |
+            |  |    '-'          |       '.|
+            '--|                 |        ||
+             . +Xlms ========.    v +Yrm --||
+             . +Xlmf <-----o--.         .-----.
+             '-----'    '--|--'         '-----'
+                           |
+                     +Ylmf |
+                     +Ylms v
+   +Y Rover side view (only bogies and wheels, with all STR=0):
+   ------------------------------------------------------------
+               +Zlfs                                 +Zlrs    +Ylrs, +Ylrm,
+      +Xlfm       ^  +Zlfm                             ^      +Ylfs and +Ylfm
+           ^      |  -- ^ / \-----__       +Zlrm < . \._|      are out of the
+             ' .| ||-.'---\_/----|  |              \'.  ||     page.
+               .'.|.'           .|  |.               .'.||.
+    +Xlfs <-------o| \        / |__| \   +Xlrs <-------o| \
+              \      /        \      /             \ .'   /  DRV = 45 deg
+               `-..-'          `-..-'              .`-..-'
+                  DRV = -45 deg             +Xlrm v
+   These sets of keywords define the Wheels fixed, steering and moving frames:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LF_FIX           = -1740810
+      FRAME_-1740810_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV'
+      FRAME_-1740810_CLASS            =  4
+      FRAME_-1740810_CLASS_ID         = -1740810
+      FRAME_-1740810_CENTER           = -174081
+      TKFRAME_-1740810_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-1740810_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-1740810_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-1740810_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-1740810_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LF_STR           = -1740811
+      FRAME_-1740811_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LF_FIX'
+      FRAME_-1740811_CLASS            =  3
+      FRAME_-1740811_CLASS_ID         = -1740811
+      FRAME_-1740811_CENTER           = -174081
+      CK_-1740811_SCLK                = -174
+      CK_-1740811_SPK                 = -174
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LF_MOV           = -1740812
+      FRAME_-1740812_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LF_STR'
+      FRAME_-1740812_CLASS            =  3
+      FRAME_-1740812_CLASS_ID         = -1740812
+      FRAME_-1740812_CENTER           = -174081
+      CK_-1740812_SCLK                = -174
+      CK_-1740812_SPK                 = -174
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LM_FIX           = -1740820
+      FRAME_-1740820_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV'
+      FRAME_-1740820_CLASS            =  4
+      FRAME_-1740820_CLASS_ID         = -1740820
+      FRAME_-1740820_CENTER           = -174082
+      TKFRAME_-1740820_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-1740820_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-1740820_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-1740820_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-1740820_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LM_STR           = -1740821
+      FRAME_-1740821_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LM_FIX'
+      FRAME_-1740821_CLASS            =  3
+      FRAME_-1740821_CLASS_ID         = -1740821
+      FRAME_-1740821_CENTER           = -174082
+      CK_-1740821_SCLK                = -174
+      CK_-1740821_SPK                 = -174
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LM_MOV           = -1740822
+      FRAME_-1740822_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LM_STR'
+      FRAME_-1740822_CLASS            =  3
+      FRAME_-1740822_CLASS_ID         = -1740822
+      FRAME_-1740822_CENTER           = -174082
+      CK_-1740822_SCLK                = -174
+      CK_-1740822_SPK                 = -174
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RF_FIX           = -1740830
+      FRAME_-1740830_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV'
+      FRAME_-1740830_CLASS            =  4
+      FRAME_-1740830_CLASS_ID         = -1740830
+      FRAME_-1740830_CENTER           = -174083
+      TKFRAME_-1740830_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-1740830_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-1740830_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-1740830_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-1740830_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RF_STR           = -1740831
+      FRAME_-1740831_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RF_FIX'
+      FRAME_-1740831_CLASS            =  3
+      FRAME_-1740831_CLASS_ID         = -1740831
+      FRAME_-1740831_CENTER           = -174083
+      CK_-1740831_SCLK                = -174
+      CK_-1740831_SPK                 = -174
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RF_MOV           = -1740832
+      FRAME_-1740832_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RF_STR'
+      FRAME_-1740832_CLASS            =  3
+      FRAME_-1740832_CLASS_ID         = -1740832
+      FRAME_-1740832_CENTER           = -174083
+      CK_-1740832_SCLK                = -174
+      CK_-1740832_SPK                 = -174
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RM_FIX           = -1740840
+      FRAME_-1740840_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_RM_MOV'
+      FRAME_-1740840_CLASS            =  4
+      FRAME_-1740840_CLASS_ID         = -1740840
+      FRAME_-1740840_CENTER           = -174084
+      TKFRAME_-1740840_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-1740840_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-1740840_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-1740840_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-1740840_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RM_STR           = -1740841
+      FRAME_-1740841_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RM_FIX'
+      FRAME_-1740841_CLASS            =  3
+      FRAME_-1740841_CLASS_ID         = -1740841
+      FRAME_-1740841_CENTER           = -174084
+      CK_-1740841_SCLK                = -174
+      CK_-1740841_SPK                 = -174
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RM_MOV           = -1740842
+      FRAME_-1740842_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RM_STR'
+      FRAME_-1740842_CLASS            =  3
+      FRAME_-1740842_CLASS_ID         = -1740842
+      FRAME_-1740842_CENTER           = -174084
+      CK_-1740842_SCLK                = -174
+      CK_-1740842_SPK                 = -174
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LR_FIX           = -1740850
+      FRAME_-1740850_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_LR_MOV'
+      FRAME_-1740850_CLASS            =  4
+      FRAME_-1740850_CLASS_ID         = -1740850
+      FRAME_-1740850_CENTER           = -174085
+      TKFRAME_-1740850_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-1740850_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-1740850_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-1740850_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-1740850_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LR_STR           = -1740851
+      FRAME_-1740851_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LR_FIX'
+      FRAME_-1740851_CLASS            =  3
+      FRAME_-1740851_CLASS_ID         = -1740851
+      FRAME_-1740851_CENTER           = -174085
+      CK_-1740851_SCLK                = -174
+      CK_-1740851_SPK                 = -174
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LR_MOV           = -1740852
+      FRAME_-1740852_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LR_STR'
+      FRAME_-1740852_CLASS            =  3
+      FRAME_-1740852_CLASS_ID         = -1740852
+      FRAME_-1740852_CENTER           = -174085
+      CK_-1740852_SCLK                = -174
+      CK_-1740852_SPK                 = -174
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RR_FIX           = -1740860
+      FRAME_-1740860_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_RR_MOV'
+      FRAME_-1740860_CLASS            =  4
+      FRAME_-1740860_CLASS_ID         = -1740860
+      FRAME_-1740860_CENTER           = -174086
+      TKFRAME_-1740860_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-1740860_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-1740860_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-1740860_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-1740860_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RR_STR           = -1740861
+      FRAME_-1740861_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RR_FIX'
+      FRAME_-1740861_CLASS            =  3
+      FRAME_-1740861_CLASS_ID         = -1740861
+      FRAME_-1740861_CENTER           = -174086
+      CK_-1740861_SCLK                = -174
+      CK_-1740861_SPK                 = -174
+      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RR_MOV           = -1740862
+      FRAME_-1740862_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RR_STR'
+      FRAME_-1740862_CLASS            =  3
+      FRAME_-1740862_CLASS_ID         = -1740862
+      FRAME_-1740862_CENTER           = -174086
+      CK_-1740862_SCLK                = -174
+      CK_-1740862_SPK                 = -174
+   \begintext
+PanCam Frames
+   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Panoramic
+   Camera (PanCam) instrument frames.
+PanCam Frame Tree
+   The diagram below shows the PanCam frame hierarchy.
+                                   "RM_PB"
+                                   -------
+                                      |
+                                      |<-fixed
+                                      |
+                                      V
+                               "RM_PANCAM_BASE"
+                   +----------------------------------------+
+                   |                    |                   |
+            fixed->|             fixed->|            fixed->|
+                   |                    |                   |
+                   v                    v                   v
+              "RM_PANCAM_HRC"   "RM_PANCAM_WAC_L"   "RM_PANCAM_WAC_R"
+              ---------------   -----------------   -----------------
+PanCam Frame definitions
+   The Panoramic Cameras reference frame (PANCAM) is attached to the PanCam
+   stereo bench that is rigidly mounted on the Payload Bench on top of the
+   Rover Mast. Therefore, the base frame associated with it -- the
+   RM PANCAM Base rame, RM_PANCAM_BASE --  is specified as a fixed offset frame
+   with its orientation given relative to the RM_ROVER frame as follows:
+      -  +X axis is defined as the projection of the cameras optical axis on
+         the plane perpendicular to the +Y axis;
+      -  +Y axis is in the direction from the right WAC camera optical centre
+         to the left WAC camera optical centre;
+      -  +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      -  The origin is located at the middle of the segment linking the optical
+         centres of the left and right WAC cameras.
+   These diagrams illustrate the nominal RM_PANCAM_BASE, RM_PANCAM_WAC_L,
+   RM_PANCAM_WAC_R and RM_PANCAM_HRC frame with respect to the rover frame.
+   +X Rover side view:
+   -------------------
+                       +Zpancam
+                         ^
+                         |
+                         |
+                         |
+                         |
+                   o-o-=Oo--------> +Ypancam
+                  +Xpancam _|
+                         _\/
+                        |_|_
+                          |_|
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                           _|_ +Zrm
+                          |   | ^
+      --------------------------|--------------------------
+             |   |          |   |   |   |     |  |
+             '---|          |   |   | 0 |  .--'--'
+                 '--.-----------|----------|
+                 .--|           |          |---.
+            .-.  |============= o--------> ====|  .-.
+           |___|=|            +Xrm  |   +Yrm   |=|___|
+           |.-.                                   .-.|
+           || |                                   | ||    +Yrm is out of the
+           `| |                                   | |'    page
+            '_'                                   '_'
+          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~
+   +X Rover Mast view:
+   -------------------
+     +Xpwacl       +Xphrc                                        +Xpwacr
+        ^             ^                                            ^
+        |             |                                            |
+        |   PanCamHRC |    ______________________                  |
+     .--|-------------|---|                      |-----------------|--.
+     | /o------->   / o--------> +Yphrc      /^\ |                /o------->
+     | \_/ WAC-L    \__/  | \_/              \_/ |   PanCam WAC-R \_/ | +Ypwacr
+     '____________________|    NavCaM            |____________________'
+                   .-----.'----------------------'
+                   | /^\ |====|----== +Zpancam
+                   | \_/ |====|   /    ^ \   |        +Zpwacl, +Zphrc, +Zpwacr
+                   '-----'    |  /     |  \  |         and +Xpancam are out of
+                ISEM          . .      |   . .         the page.
+                              .        |
+                                       o--------> +Ypancam
+                                      +Xpancam
+   Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse
+   transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the
+   base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of
+   rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed
+   compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the
+   rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the
+   opposite from what is written in the above text.
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_PANCAM_BASE             =  -174100
+      FRAME_-174100_NAME               = 'RM_PANCAM_BASE'
+      FRAME_-174100_CLASS              =   4
+      FRAME_-174100_CLASS_ID           =  -174100
+      FRAME_-174100_CENTER             =  -174100
+      TKFRAME_-174100_RELATIVE         = 'RM_PB'
+      TKFRAME_-174100_SPEC             = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174100_UNITS            = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174100_AXES             = ( 3,     2,      1   )
+      TKFRAME_-174100_ANGLES           = ( 0.0,   0.0,    0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_PANCAM_WAC_L            =  -174110
+      FRAME_-174110_NAME               = 'RM_PANCAM_WAC_L'
+      FRAME_-174110_CLASS              =   4
+      FRAME_-174110_CLASS_ID           =  -174110
+      FRAME_-174110_CENTER             =  -174110
+      TKFRAME_-174110_RELATIVE         = 'RM_PANCAM_BASE'
+      TKFRAME_-174110_SPEC             = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174110_UNITS            = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174110_AXES             = ( 3,     2,      1   )
+      TKFRAME_-174110_ANGLES           = ( 0.0, -90.0,    0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_PANCAM_WAC_R            =  -174120
+      FRAME_-174120_NAME               = 'RM_PANCAM_WAC_R'
+      FRAME_-174120_CLASS              =   4
+      FRAME_-174120_CLASS_ID           =  -174120
+      FRAME_-174120_CENTER             =  -174120
+      TKFRAME_-174120_RELATIVE         = 'RM_PANCAM_BASE'
+      TKFRAME_-174120_SPEC             = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174120_UNITS            = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174120_AXES             = ( 3,     2,      1   )
+      TKFRAME_-174120_ANGLES           = ( 0.0, -90.0,    0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_PANCAM_HRC              =  -174130
+      FRAME_-174130_NAME               = 'RM_PANCAM_HRC'
+      FRAME_-174130_CLASS              =   4
+      FRAME_-174130_CLASS_ID           =  -174130
+      FRAME_-174130_CENTER             =  -174130
+      TKFRAME_-174130_RELATIVE         = 'RM_PANCAM_BASE'
+      TKFRAME_-174130_SPEC             = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174130_UNITS            = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174130_AXES             = ( 3,     2,      1   )
+      TKFRAME_-174130_ANGLES           = ( 0.0, -90.0,    0.0 )
+   \begintext
+ISEM Frames
+   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Infrared
+   Spectrometer for ExoMars (ISEM).
+ISEM Frame Tree
+   The diagram below shows the ISEM frame hierarchy.
+                                "RM_PB"
+                                -------
+                                   |
+                                   |<-fixed
+                                   |
+                                   V
+                               "RM_ISEM"
+                               ---------
+ISEM Frame Definition
+   The ISEM reference frame -- RM_ISEM -- is attached to the ISEM instrument
+   and is nominally parallel Payload Bench -- RM_PB -- and is defined as
+   follows:
+      - +X axis is parallel to the +X axis of the RM_PB frame;
+      - +Y axis is parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_PB frame;
+      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - the origin is located on the instrument optical axis, exactly at the
+        end of the ISEM Optical Box.
+   The following diagram describes the RM_ISEM reference frame:
+   +X Rover side view:
+   -------------------
+                     +Zisem
+                        ^
+                        |
+                        |
+                        |
+                    o-o-|O===O--o
+                       |o---------> +Yisem
+                          _\/
+                         |_|_
+                           |_|
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                           _|_ +Zrm
+                          |   | ^
+      --------------------------|--------------------------
+             |   |          |   |   |   |     |  |
+             '---|          |   |   | 0 |  .--'--'
+                 '--.-----------|----------|
+                 .--|           |          |---.
+            .-.  |============= o--------> ====|  .-.
+           |___|=|            +Xrm  |   +Yrm   |=|___|
+           |.-.                                   .-.|
+           || |                                   | ||    +Xrm and +Xisem are
+           `| |                                   | |'    out of the page.
+            '_'                                   '_'
+          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~
+   +X Rover Mast view:
+   -------------------
+                    +Zisem   ______________________
+       .--------------- ^ --|                      |--------------------.
+       | /^\ PanCam    /| \ | /^\              /^\ |                /^\ |
+       | \_/ WAC-L     \|_/ | \_/              \_/ |   PanCam WAC-R \_/ |
+       '________________|___|    NavCaM            |____________________'
+                     .--|--.'----------------------'
+                     | /o--------->  == +Zpb
+                     | \_/ |== +Yisem    ^ \   |          +Xpb and +Xisem are
+                     '-----'    |  /     |  \  |           out of the page.
+                  ISEM          . .      |   . .
+                                .        |
+                                         o--------> +Ypb
+                                        +Xpb
+   These sets of keywords define the ISEM frame:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_ISEM                   = -174200
+      FRAME_-174200_NAME              = 'RM_ISEM'
+      FRAME_-174200_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174200_CLASS_ID          = -174200
+      FRAME_-174200_CENTER            = -174200
+      TKFRAME_-174200_RELATIVE        = 'RM_PB'
+      TKFRAME_-174200_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174200_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174200_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174200_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+   \begintext
+ADRON-RM Frames
+   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Autonomous
+   Detector of Radiation of Neutrons Onboard Rover (ADRON-RM) frames.
+ADRON-RM Frame Tree
+   The diagram below shows the ADRON-RM frame hierarchy.
+                                "RM_ROVER"
+                                ----------
+                                    |
+                                    |<-fixed
+                                    |
+                                    V
+                               "RM_ADRON-RM"
+                               -------------
+ADRON-RM Frame Definition
+   The ISEM reference frame -- RM_ADRON-RM -- is attached to the ADRON-RM
+   instrument and is fixed with respect to the rover frame -- RM_ROVER --, and
+   defined as follows:
+      - +X axis is parallel to the +X axis of the RM_ROVER frame;
+      - +Y axis is parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_ROVER frame;
+      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - the origin is located on the instrument center.
+   The following diagram describes the RM_ADRON-RM reference frame:
+   -Y Rover side view:
+   -------------------
+             - · - · -
+                 |
+                 |        +Zrm         +Zadr
+                _|_         ^             ^
+               |   |        |             |
+         -------------------|-------------|-----------------------
+               ,------------|------------.|
+               |            |             |
+            ___|            |             |
+           /   | +Xrm       | +Xadr       |
+           \___|__<---------o __<---------o         +Yrm and +Yadr are out
+                | |        +Yrm          | |         of the page.
+        __------/ \-----__               / \.__
+       |  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |
+      .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
+     / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
+     \      /        \      /             \      /
+      `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
+   These sets of keywords define the ADRON frame:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_ADRON-RM               = -174300
+      FRAME_-174300_NAME              = 'RM_ADRON-RM'
+      FRAME_-174300_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174300_CLASS_ID          = -174300
+      FRAME_-174300_CENTER            = -174300
+      TKFRAME_-174300_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-174300_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174300_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174300_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174300_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+   \begintext
+WISDOM Frames
+   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Water Ice
+   Subsurface Deposit Observation on Mars (WISDOM) ground-penetrating
+   radar frames.
+WISDOM Frame Tree
+   The diagram below shows the WISDOM frame hierarchy.
+                               "RM_ROVER"
+                               ----------
+                                   |
+                                   |<-fixed
+                                   |
+                                   V
+                             "RM_WISDOM_BASE"
+                       +-------------------------+
+                       |                         |
+                       |<-fixed           fixed->|
+                       |                         |
+                       v                         v
+                "RM_WISDOM_ANT1"           "RM_WISDOM_ANT2"
+                ---------------            ----------------
+WISDOM Frame Definitions:
+   The WISDOM base reference frame -- RM_WISDOM_BASE --, where the subsurface
+   stratigrafy reconstruction occurs, is placed on the WISDOM instrument, is
+   fixed with respect to the rover frame -- RM_ROVER --, and defined as
+   follows:
+      - +X axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the RM_ROVER frame;
+      - +Y axis is nominally parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_ROVER frame;
+      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - The origin is located at the middle of the segment linking the two
+        WISDOM hornet mounting positions.
+   The WISDOM antennas ANT1 and ANT2 -- RM_WISDOM_ANT1, RM_WISDOM_ANT2 --
+   are rotated 8 degrees with respect to the RM_WISDOM_BASE frame around
+   the +Y axis and are defined as follows [10]:
+      - +Z axis points towards the direction of the antenna boresight;
+      - +X is rotated 135 degrees around the WISDOM base frame +Y axis
+        towards the WISDOM base frame +Z axis;
+      - +Y axis is parallel to the WISDOM base frame +Y axis and completes
+        the right-handed frame;
+      - The origin is located at focal point of the antennas.
+   The following diagram describes the WISDOM reference frames:
+   -Y Rover side view:
+   -------------------
+             - · - · -
+                 |
+                 |        +Zrm         +Zwis
+                _|_         ^             ^
+               |   |        |             |        +Xant1, +Xant2
+         -------------------|-------------|-------  ^ --------------
+               ,------------|------------.|       .'
+               |            |             |     .'
+            ___|            |             |   .'
+           /   | +Xrm       | +Xwis       | .'
+           \___|__<---------o __<---------o.         +Yrm, +Ywis, +Yant1 and
+                | |        +Yrm          | |'.       +Yant2 are out of the
+        __------/ \-----__               / \._'.      page.
+       |  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |'.
+      .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |. v
+     / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| +Zant1, +Zant2
+     \      /        \      /             \      /
+      `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
+   These sets of keywords define the WISDOM frame:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_WISDOM_BASE            = -174400
+      FRAME_-174400_NAME              = 'RM_WISDOM_BASE'
+      FRAME_-174400_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174400_CLASS_ID          = -174400
+      FRAME_-174400_CENTER            = -174
+      TKFRAME_-174400_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
+      TKFRAME_-174400_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174400_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174400_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174400_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_WISDOM_ANT1            = -174410
+      FRAME_-174410_NAME              = 'RM_WISDOM_ANT1'
+      FRAME_-174410_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174410_CLASS_ID          = -174410
+      FRAME_-174410_CENTER            = -174
+      TKFRAME_-174410_RELATIVE        = 'RM_WISDOM_BASE'
+      TKFRAME_-174410_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174410_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174410_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174410_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  172.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_WISDOM_ANT2            = -174420
+      FRAME_-174420_NAME              = 'RM_WISDOM_ANT2'
+      FRAME_-174420_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174420_CLASS_ID          = -174420
+      FRAME_-174420_CENTER            = -174
+      TKFRAME_-174420_RELATIVE        = 'RM_WISDOM_BASE'
+      TKFRAME_-174420_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174420_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174420_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174420_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  172.0,   0.0 )
+   \begintext
+MaMiss Frames
+   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Mars
+   Multispectral Imager for Subsurface Studies (MaMiss) frames.
+MaMiss Frame Tree:
+   The diagram below shows the MaMiss frame hierarchy.
+                               RM_ROVER
+                               --------
+                                   |
+                                   |<-fixed
+                                   |
+                                   v
+                          "RM_DRILL_POS_FIX"
+                          +----------------+
+                          .                |
+                          .                |<-ck
+                          .                |
+                          .                v
+                          .  "RM_DRILL_POS_MOV"
+                          .  +----------------+
+                          .  .                |
+                          .  .         fixed->|
+                          .  .                |
+                          .  .                v
+                          .  .  "RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX"
+                          .  .  ------------------
+                          .  .         |
+                          .  .         |<-fixed
+                          .  .         |
+                          .  .         v
+                          .  .  "RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV"
+                          .  .  ------------------
+                          .  .         |
+                          .  .         |<-fixed
+                          .  .         |
+                          v  v         v
+                                  "RM_MAMISS"
+                                  -----------
+MaMiss Frame Definitions:
+   The MaMiss frame (MaMiss) is placed on the Rover Drill Rod with origin on
+   the MaMiss sapphire window and is parallel to the Drill Tip moving frame.
+   It is defined as follows:
+      - +X axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV
+        frame;
+      - +Y axis is nominally parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV
+        frame;
+      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - The origin, is defined as the intersection between the Drill Rod
+        extension direction and the MaMiss sapphire window.
+   The following diagram describes the MaMiss reference frame:
+   +X side of the extended Rod:
+   ----------------------------
+              ..
+              ..
+              ||                             +Xdtm and +Xmmis
+              \/  Dril                        are out of the page
+               o-------> +Zdtm, +Zmmiss
+               |
+               |
+               |
+               v +Ydtm, +Ymmiss
+   These sets of keywords define the MaMiss frame:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_MAMISS                 = -174500
+      FRAME_-174500_NAME              = 'RM_MAMISS'
+      FRAME_-174500_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174500_CLASS_ID          = -174500
+      FRAME_-174500_CENTER            = -174043
+      TKFRAME_-174500_RELATIVE        = 'RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV'
+      TKFRAME_-174500_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174500_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174500_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174500_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+    \begintext
+CLUPI Frames
+   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Close-Up Imager
+   (CLUPI) frames.
+   CLUPI will be accommodated on the drill box of the rover. By using the
+   degrees of freedom provided by both the rover and the drill box, CLUPI
+   will be angled and raised so that it can observe in a variety of viewing
+   modes. The use of two fixed mirrors—one flat and one concave will provide
+   three FOVs.
+CLUPI Frame Tree:
+   The diagram below shows the CLUPI frame hierarchy.
+                                     RM_ROVER
+                                     --------
+                                         |
+                                         |<-fixed
+                                         |
+                                         v
+                                "RM_DRILL_POS_FIX"
+               +---------------------------------+
+               |                                 |
+               |<-fixed                          |<-ck
+               |                                 |
+               V                                 v
+        "RM_CLUPI_BRACKET"               "RM_DRILL_POS_MOV"
+        ------------------         +--------------------------+
+                                   |                          |
+                            fixed->|                   fixed->|
+                                   |                          |
+                                   v                          v
+                           "RM_CLUPI_BASE"            "RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX"
+                           ---------------            ------------------
+                                   |                          |
+                                   |<-fixed                   |<-fixed
+                                   |                          |
+                                   v                          v
+                          "RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS"          "RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV"
+                          -------------------          ------------------
+                                   |                          .
+                                   |<-fixed                   .
+                                   |                          .
+                                   v                          v
+                          "RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP"
+                          --------------------
+CLUPI Frame Definitions:
+   The CLUPI Base frame -- RM_CLUPI_BASE -- is placed on the CLUPI image
+   sensor, which is fixed to the Drill Positioner. Hence its frame is
+   rigidly following the RM_DRILL_POS_MOV frame and is defined as follows
+   It is defined as follows:
+      - +X axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV
+        frame;
+      - +Y axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the RM_DRILL_POS_MOV
+        frame;
+      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - the origin is located in the CLUPI image sensor optical centre.
+   The CLUPI Optical Axis frame -- RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS -- is nominally
+   parallel to the RM_CLUPI_BASE with a rotation such that the CLUPI boresight
+   is along the +Z axis instead of the +Y axis. This frame is implemented to
+   incorporate possible missalignments of the optical axis.
+   The frame RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS is defined as follows:
+      - +Z axis is the optical axis of CLUPI;
+      - +X axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV
+        frame;
+      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - the origin is located in the CLUPI image sensor optical centre.
+   The CLUPI Drill Tip mirror reference frame -- RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP --,
+   provides the reflection direction of CLUPI's 2nd mirror. CLUPI's 2nd mirror
+   (or drill mirror) is fixed on the drill box near the front end of the box
+   and splits the FOV into two parts: (i) the main part, RM_CLUPI_FOV2, 2 is
+   not deflected and looks in the direction of the optical axis of CLUPI and
+   (ii) the smaller part of the sensor RM_CLUPI_FOV3, looks toward the drill
+   tip. The RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP is defined as a fixed rotation of 54 degrees
+   around the RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS frame.
+      - +Y axis is nominally rotated a fixed angle of 54 degrees around the
+        +X axis of the RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS frame;
+      - +Z axis is the boresight of the mirrored portion of CLUPI's FOV
+        (FOV3);
+      - +X axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - the origin is located in the tip mirror reflecting point of CLUPI's
+        FOV3 boresight.
+   When the drill is in stowed position, the CLUPI FOV 1 is looking at the
+   surface in front of the rover due to the first mirror (or bracket mirror),
+   fixed on the rover bracket that holds the drill when in stowed position.
+   The fixed orientation of CLUPI’s axis is toward the surface with an angle
+   of 20 degrees with respect to the horizontal of the rover.
+   To implement FOV1 we define the Rover Bracket Mirror frame as follows:
+      - +Z axis is the boresight of CLUPI's mirrored FOV (FOV1);
+      - +Y axis is parallel to the sensor pixel samples;
+      - +X axis completes the right-handed frame;
+      - the origin is located in the bracket mirror reflecting point of
+        CLUPI's FOV1 boresight.
+   The following diagrams illustrate the CLUPI frames:
+   +X Rover side view (drill in discharge phase):
+   ----------------------------------------------
+                    o-o-=O===O--o
+                       |o|___|
+                          _\/
+                         |_|_
+                           |_|
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |
+                            |                 .
+                            |             . '  \
+                            |         . '       \
+                           _|_    . ' ^+dZpf. '
+                          |   . '     | . '
+      -----------------.o-. '       . | |-------------------
+             |     . '. '\      . ' | | |     |  |
+       +Zopt,  . '    \   \ . ' ^   | o------> +Ydpf
+       +Ybas <   '--.  o. '\    |+Zrm   | |
+                 .--. ' \   \    |   |   | ''--.
+            .-  . '===== \== v = o-----> ======|  .-.
+       +Ydtf <' =|        \  +Zbas,     +Yrm   |=|___|
+           |.-.            v   +Yopt              .-.|
+           || |         +Zdtf                     | ||    +Xrm, +Xdtf, +Xopt
+           `| |                                   | |'     and +Xbas are out
+            '_'                                   '_'       of the page
+          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~
+   +X Rover side view (drill in hor. align. before discharge):
+   -----------------------------------------------------------
+                        - · - · -
+                            |
+                           _|_ +Zrm
+                         |   | ^
+      - +Zopt <-------o--------|--------------------------
+             |   |  .'|'. -----|---------.   |  |
+             '--- .'| |  '.    |         |.--'--'
+                .'--'-|----'.--|-------- '|
+         +Zcdt V .--' v      '> +Ycdt |   '---.
+            .-.  |== +Yopt === o--------> ====|  .-.
+           |___|=|            +Xrm |   |+Yrm  |=|___|
+           |.-.                                  .-.|
+           || |                                  | ||    +Xrm, +Xopt, +Zcdt
+           `| |                                  | |'     are out of the
+            '_'                                  '_'      page
+          ~~~~~~~~                            ~~~~~~~~
+   -Y Rover side view:
+   -------------------
+                 - · - · -
+                     |
+                     |        +Zrm
+                    _|_         ^
+                   |   |        |
+             -------------------|-------------------------------------
+                   ,------------|------------.
+                   |            |             |
+                o__|            |             |
+               /   | +Xrm       |             |
+              /\___|__<---------o ____________.         +Yrm is out
+             /      | |        +Yrm          | |         of the page.
+            /_------/ \-----__               / \.__
+           v  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |
+       +Zbrk  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
+         / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
+         \      /        \      /             \      /
+          `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
+   Relevant frames (for all diagrams):
+      rm:  RM_ROVER
+      dtf: RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX
+      opt: RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS
+      bas: RM_CLUPI_BASE
+      cdt: RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP
+      brk: RM_CLUPI_BRACKET
+   These sets of keywords define the CLUPI frames:
+   \begindata
+      FRAME_RM_CLUPI_BASE             = -174600
+      FRAME_-174600_NAME              = 'RM_CLUPI_BASE'
+      FRAME_-174600_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174600_CLASS_ID          = -174600
+      FRAME_-174600_CENTER            = -174600
+      TKFRAME_-174600_RELATIVE        = 'RM_DRILL_POS_MOV'
+      TKFRAME_-174600_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174600_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174600_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
+      TKFRAME_-174600_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS         = -174610
+      FRAME_-174610_NAME              = 'RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS'
+      FRAME_-174610_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174610_CLASS_ID          = -174610
+      FRAME_-174610_CENTER            = -174600
+      TKFRAME_-174610_RELATIVE        = 'RM_CLUPI_BASE'
+      TKFRAME_-174610_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174610_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174610_AXES            = (      3,      2,      1 )
+      TKFRAME_-174610_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,  -90.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP        = -174620
+      FRAME_-174620_NAME              = 'RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP'
+      FRAME_-174620_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174620_CLASS_ID          = -174620
+      FRAME_-174620_CENTER            = -174620
+      TKFRAME_-174620_RELATIVE        = 'RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS'
+      TKFRAME_-174620_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174620_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174620_AXES            = (      3,      2,      1 )
+      TKFRAME_-174620_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,  -54.0 )
+      FRAME_RM_CLUPI_BRACKET          = -174630
+      FRAME_-174630_NAME              = 'RM_CLUPI_BRACKET'
+      FRAME_-174630_CLASS             =  4
+      FRAME_-174630_CLASS_ID          = -174630
+      FRAME_-174630_CENTER            = -174630
+      TKFRAME_-174630_RELATIVE        = 'RM_DRILL_POS_FIX'
+      TKFRAME_-174630_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
+      TKFRAME_-174630_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
+      TKFRAME_-174630_AXES            = (      3,       2,     1 )
+      TKFRAME_-174630_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  -160.0,   0.0 )
+    \begintext
+RM NAIF ID Codes -- Definitions
+   This section contains name to NAIF ID mappings for the ExoMarsRSP RM
+   mission. Once the contents of this file is loaded into the KERNEL POOL,
+   these mappings become available within SPICE, making it possible to use
+   names instead of ID code in the high level SPICE routine calls.
+      Name                   ID       Synonyms
+      ---------------------  -------  -----------------------
+   Rover:
+   -----------
+      RM                     -174     EXOMARS RSP ROVER MODULE
+                                      EXOMARS RSP RM
+                                      EXOMARS RSP ROVER
+                                      EXOMARS ROVER
+      RM_ROVER               -174000
+      RM_MAST                -174011
+      RM_PTR                 -174013
+      RM_PB                  -174014
+      RM_NAVCAM              -174020
+      RM_NAVCAM_L            -174021
+      RM_NAVCAM_R            -174022
+      RM_LOCCAM              -174030
+      RM_LOCCAM_L            -174031
+      RM_LOCCAM_R            -174031
+      RM_DRILL_POS_FIX       -174040
+      RM_DRILL_POS_MOV       -174041
+      RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX       -174042
+      RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV       -174043
+      RM_ALD                 -174050
+      RM_ALD_CSTM            -174051
+      RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX        -174052
+      RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV        -174053
+      RM_ALD_PSDDS           -174055
+      RM_ALD_PSHS            -174058
+      RM_SA1_PRI             -174062
+      RM_SA1_SEC             -174063
+      RM_SA2_PRI             -174065
+      RM_SA2_SEC             -174066
+      RM_BOGIE_LF            -174071
+      RM_BOGIE_LR            -174074
+      RM_BOGIE_RR            -174076
+      RM_WHEEL_LF            -174081
+      RM_WHEEL_LM            -174082
+      RM_WHEEL_RF            -174083
+      RM_WHEEL_RM            -174084
+      RM_WHEEL_LR            -174085
+      RM_WHEEL_RR            -174086
+      The mappings summarized in this table are implemented by the keywords
+      below.
+      \begindata
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM'                          )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174                          )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174                          )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'EXOMARS RSP RM'              )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174                          )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'EXOMARS RSP ROVER'           )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174                          )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'EXOMARS ROVER'               )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174                          )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ROVER'                    )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174000                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_DISPOSAL'            )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174900                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_MAST_ZERO'                )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174010                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_MAST'                     )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174011                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PTR_ZERO'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174012                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PTR'                      )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174013                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_NAVCAM'                   )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174020                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_NAVCAM_L'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174021                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_NAVCAM_R'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174022                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_LOCCAM'                   )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174030                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_LOCCAM_L'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174031                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_LOCCAM_R'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174032                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_DRILL_POS_FIX'            )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174040                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_DRILL_POS_MOV'            )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174041                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX'            )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174042                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV'            )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174043                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD'                      )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174050                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD_CSTM'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174051                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX'             )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174052                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV'             )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174053                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD_PSDDS'                )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174055                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD_PSHS'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174058                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SA1_PRI'                  )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174062                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SA1_SEC'                  )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174063                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SA2_PRI'                  )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174065                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SA2_SEC'                  )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174066                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_BOGIE_LF'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174071                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_BOGIE_LR'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174074                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_BOGIE_RR'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174076                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_LF'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174081                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_LM'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174082                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_RF'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174083                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_RM'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174084                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_LR'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174085                       )
+          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_RR'                 )
+          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174086                       )
+      \begintext
+   PanCam:
+   -----------
+      RM_PANCAM              -174100
+      RM_PANCAM_WAC_L        -174110
+      RM_PANCAM_WAC_R        -174120
+      RM_PANCAM_HRC          -174130
+      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords
+      below.
+      \begindata
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PANCAM'                   )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174100                       )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PANCAM_WAC_L'             )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174110                       )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PANCAM_WAC_R'             )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174120                       )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PANCAM_HRC'               )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174130                       )
+      \begintext
+   ISEM:
+   -----------
+      RM_ISEM                -174200
+      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords
+      below.
+         \begindata
+            NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ISEM'                     )
+            NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174200                       )
+         \begintext
+   -----------
+      RM_ADRON-RM          -174300
+      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords
+      below.
+      \begindata
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ADRON-RM'                 )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174300                       )
+      \begintext
+   -----------
+      RM_WISDOM              -174400
+      RM_WISDOM_ANT1         -174410
+      RM_WISDOM_ANT1         -174410
+      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords
+      below.
+      \begindata
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WISDOM'                   )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174400                       )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WISDOM_ANT1'              )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174410                       )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WISDOM_ANT2'              )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174420                       )
+      \begintext
+   MaMiss:
+   -----------
+      RM_MAMISS              -174500
+      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords
+      below.
+      \begindata
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_MAMISS'                   )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174500                       )
+      \begintext
+   CLUPI:
+   -----------
+      RM_CLUPI               -174600
+      RM_CLUPI_FOV1          -174601
+      RM_CLUPI_FOV2          -174602
+      RM_CLUPI_FOV3          -174603
+      RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP     -174620
+      RM_CLUPI_BRACKET       -174630
+      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords
+      below.
+      \begindata
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI'                    )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174600                       )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI_FOV1'               )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174601                       )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI_FOV2'               )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174602                       )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI_FOV3'               )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174603                       )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP'          )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174620                       )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI_BRACKET'            )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174630                       )
+      \begintext
+   Sites:
+   -----------
+      RM_SITE_000            -174700 (synonym: RM_LANDING_SITE)
+      RM_SITE_NNN            -174XXX
+      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords
+      below.
+      \begindata
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_000'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174700                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_LANDING_SITE'            )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174700                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_001'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174701                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_002'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174702                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_003'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174703                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_004'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174704                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_005'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174705                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_006'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174706                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_007'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174707                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_008'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174708                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_009'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174709                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_010'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174710                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_011'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174711                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_012'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174712                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_013'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174713                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_014'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174714                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_015'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174715                      )
+         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_016'                )
+         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174716                      )
+      \begintext
 End of FK file.
\ No newline at end of file