diff --git a/utils.py b/utils.py
index 58abe59be45788be2f6bae30728030e541666f76..567ab79216b1eb44d29be3a94250d8fbc7e3c3b3 100644
--- a/utils.py
+++ b/utils.py
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ def get_runs_database(args, database):
     if args.tcuname is not None:
         selection = database.loc[database['Target']].isin([args.tcuname])
         if args.verbose:
-            print("Selection of runs based on the TCU name", args.tcuname, ". Only run with the name in the TCU are kept")
+            print("Selection of runs based on the TCU name", args.tcuname, ". Only runs with the name in the TCU are kept")
     # if args.night[0] != 'all':
@@ -175,12 +175,12 @@ def get_runs_database(args, database):
     databaseRuns = np.array(selection.index)
     if args.runlist is not None:
-        rl = np.loadtxt(args.runlist, unpack=True, dtype=int)
+        rl = np.loadtxt(os.environ.get('CONFIG_FOLDER') + '/' + args.runlist, unpack=True, dtype=int)
         #databaseRuns = np.array([a for a in rl if a in databaseRuns])
         databaseRuns = np.array([a for a in rl])
     if args.verbose:
-        print("Final run selection", databaseRuns)
+        print("Final run selection: ", databaseRuns)
     return databaseRuns
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ def get_coordinates(args):
     returns the name and the Ra/Dec of the source
+    success = False
     if args.source_name is None:
         raise ValueError("Please provide the name of the analysed source by using --source_name")
@@ -286,13 +286,43 @@ def get_coordinates(args):
         c = SkyCoord.from_name(args.source_name)
         ra = c.ra.value
         dec = c.dec.value
+        success = True
+        if args.verbose:
+            print("Coordinates of ", args.source_name, "found using Astropy: RA ", ra, ", Dec ", dec)
-        print("Cannot resolve target name", args.source_name, "using Astropy. Switch to the Ra and Dec provided.")
-        if args.ra >= 0 and args.ra < 360 and args.dec >= -90 and args.dec < 90:
-            ra = args.ra
-            dec = args.dec
-            print("Using user provided RA and Dec.")
+        print("Cannot resolve target name", args.source_name, "using Astropy. Switch to the Ra and Dec provided by the user.")
+        if all(item is not None for item in [args.ra, args.dec]):
+            if args.ra >= 0 and args.ra < 360 and args.dec >= -90 and args.dec < 90:
+                ra = args.ra
+                dec = args.dec
+                if args.verbose:
+                    print("Coordinates provided by the user: RA ", ra, ", Dec", dec)
             print("Please provide RA and Dec values by using --ra and --dec")
+    if (success is True and args.ra and args.dec):
+        if args.ra != ra or args.dec != dec:
+            print(f"WARNING! Astropy coordinates RA {ra}, Dec {dec} are different than the ones provided by the user RA {args.ra}, Dec {args.dec}.")
     return ra, dec
+def print_runs(table, mask, by_date=False):
+    """
+    function to print out the run numbers that survive a certain set of cuts
+    """
+    print(f"{mask.sum()} wobble runs for the selected source")
+    print(f"Observation time: {table['elapsed_time'][mask].sum()/3600:.2f} hours")
+    print()
+    print(np.array2string(np.array(table['runnumber'][mask]), separator=', '))
+    if by_date:
+        print()
+        print()
+        dates = [datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t - 0.5 * 86400).date() for t in table['time'][mask]]
+        for i, date in enumerate(np.unique(dates)):
+            rr = []
+            for d, run in zip(dates, table['runnumber'][mask]):
+                if d != date:
+                    continue
+                rr.append(run)
+            print(i + 1, ":", date, ":", rr)