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#include <vector>
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#include <unordered_map>
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#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
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#include <cmath>
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#include <functional>
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#include <optional>
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#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
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namespace inaf::oasbo::Packets

	 * @class BasePacketStructure
	 * @brief Represents the structure of a base packet.
	 * The BasePacketStructure class provides functionality to define and manipulate the structure of a base packet.
	 * It stores information about the fields, their sizes, offsets, and mappings between field names and indices.
	 * The class also provides methods to retrieve information about the structure, such as the byte size, field offsets, and field names.
	 * @note This is an abstract base class and should be derived to define specific packet structures. In particular, you should define
	 * the sourceReadingFunc function.
	class BasePacketStructure
		 * @brief Type alias for the packet structure.
		 * This alias represents the structure of a packet. It is defined as a vector of tuples, where each tuple contains three elements:
		 * - The first element is of type uint and represents the field index.
		 * - The second element is of type std::string and represents the field name.
		 * - The third element is of type uint and represents the field bit size.
		using Structure = std::vector<std::tuple<uint, std::string, uint>>; /**< Type alias for the packet structure. */

		std::string source;										   /**< The source of the packet. */
		Structure structure;									   /**< The structure of the packet. */
		uint byteSize;											   /**< The size of the packet in bytes. */
		std::vector<uint> fieldSizes;							   /**< vector of the sizes of the fields in the packet. */
		std::unordered_map<uint, uint> indexToOffsetsMap;		   /**< Mapping of field index to field offset. */
		std::unordered_map<std::string, uint> fieldNameToIndexMap; /**< Mapping of field name to field index. */
		std::unordered_map<uint, std::string> indexToFieldNameMap; /**< Mapping of field index to field name. */
		std::function<Structure(std::string)> sourceReadingFunc;   /**< Function to read the packet source and return the structure. */

		 * @brief Updates the field sizes based on the structure.
		 * @param structure The structure of the packet.
		void updateFieldSizes(const Structure &structure)
			std::for_each(structure.begin(), structure.end(),
						  [&](const std::tuple<uint, std::string, uint> &tup)
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		 * @brief Updates the field offsets based on the structure.
		 * @param structure The structure of the packet.
		void updateFieldOffsets(const Structure &structure)
			uint offset = 0;
			for (size_t i = 0; i < structure.size(); i++)
				indexToOffsetsMap[i] = offset;
				offset += std::get<2>(structure[i]);
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		 * @brief Updates the field name and index maps based on the structure.
		 * @param structure The structure of the packet.
		void updateFieldNameAndIndexMap(const Structure &structure)
			std::for_each(structure.begin(), structure.end(),
						  [&](const std::tuple<uint, std::string, uint> &tup)
							  this->fieldNameToIndexMap[std::get<1>(tup)] = std::get<0>(tup);
							  this->indexToFieldNameMap[std::get<0>(tup)] = std::get<1>(tup);
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		 * @brief Updates the packet structure based on the source.
		 * @param source The source of the packet structure.
		void updateStructure(std::string source)
			this->source = source;
			this->structure = sourceReadingFunc(source);
			uint bitSize = std::accumulate(fieldSizes.begin(), fieldSizes.end(), 0);
			this->byteSize = bitSize % 8 == 0 ? bitSize / 8 : bitSize / 8 + 1;
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		 * @brief Destructor.
		virtual ~BasePacketStructure() = default;

		 * @brief Constructor.
		 * @param source The source of the packet structure.
		 * @param sourceReadingFunc The function to read the packet source and return the structure.
		BasePacketStructure(std::string source, std::function<Structure(std::string)> sourceReadingFunc) : source(source), sourceReadingFunc(sourceReadingFunc)
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		 * @brief Copy constructor.
		 * @param other The other BasePacketStructure object to copy from.
		BasePacketStructure(const BasePacketStructure &other)
			this->source = other.source;
			this->byteSize = other.byteSize;
			this->fieldSizes = other.fieldSizes;
			this->indexToOffsetsMap = other.indexToOffsetsMap;
			this->fieldNameToIndexMap = other.fieldNameToIndexMap;
			this->indexToFieldNameMap = other.indexToFieldNameMap;
			this->sourceReadingFunc = other.sourceReadingFunc;
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		 * @brief Changes the source of the packet and updates the structure.
		 * @param source The new source of the packet structure.
		void changeSource(std::string source)
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		 * @brief Gets the size of the packet in bytes.
		 * @return The size of the packet in bytes.
		uint getByteSize()
			return this->byteSize;

		 * @brief Gets the source of the packet structure.
		 * @return The source of the packet structure.
		std::string getSource()
			return this->source;

		 * @brief Gets the bit offset of a field in the packet structure.
		 * @param index The index of the field.
		 * @return The bit offset of the field, or std::nullopt if the field does not exist.
		std::optional<uint> bitOffsetOf(uint index)
			if (index <= this->numberOfFields())
				time_t now = time(nullptr);
				std::cerr << "[" << std::put_time(localtime(&now), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
						  << "]\t[Base Packet]\t"
						  << "No field at " << index
						  << ", max is " << numberOfFields() << ", returning nullopt."
						  << std::endl;
				return std::nullopt;

		 * @brief Gets the bit size of a field in the packet structure.
		 * @param index The index of the field.
		 * @return The bit size of the field, or std::nullopt if the field does not exist.
		std::optional<uint> bitSizeOf(uint index)
			if (index <= this->numberOfFields())
				return this->fieldSizes[index];
				time_t now = time(nullptr);
				std::cerr << "[" << std::put_time(localtime(&now), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
						  << "]\t[Base Packet]\t"
						  << "No field at " << index
						  << ", max is " << numberOfFields() << ", returning nullopt."
						  << std::endl;
				return std::nullopt;

		 * @brief Gets the index of a field in the packet structure based on its name.
		 * @param fieldName The name of the field.
		 * @return The index of the field, or std::nullopt if the field does not exist.
		std::optional<uint> indexOfField(std::string fieldName)
			std::transform(fieldName.begin(), fieldName.end(), fieldName.begin(),
						   [](unsigned char c)
							   return std::tolower(c);
				return this->;
			catch (const std::out_of_range &oor)
				time_t now = time(nullptr);
				std::cerr << "[" << std::put_time(localtime(&now), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
						  << "]\t[Base Packet]\t"
						  << "No field of name " << fieldName
						  << ", returning nullopt." << std::endl;
				return std::nullopt;

		 * @brief Gets the name of a field in the packet based on its index.
		 * @param index The index of the field.
		 * @return The name of the field, or std::nullopt if the field does not exist.
		std::optional<std::string> fieldNameOfIndex(uint index)
				return this->;
			catch (const std::out_of_range &oor)
				time_t now = time(nullptr);
				std::cerr << "[" << std::put_time(localtime(&now), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
						  << "]\t[Base Packet]\t"
						  << "No field at " << index
						  << ", max is " << numberOfFields() << ", returning nullopt."
						  << std::endl;
				return std::nullopt;

		 * @brief Gets the number of fields in the packet.
		 * @return The number of fields in the packet.
		uint numberOfFields()
			return this->fieldSizes.size();

		 * @brief Gets the field name to index map.
		 * @return The field name to index map.
		std::unordered_map<std::string, uint> getFieldNameToIndexMap() const
			return this->fieldNameToIndexMap;

		 * @brief Gets the index to offset map.
		 * @return The index to offset map.
		std::unordered_map<uint, uint> getIndexToOffsetsMap() const
			return this->indexToOffsetsMap;

		 * @brief Gets the index to field name map.
		 * @return The index to field name map.
		std::unordered_map<uint, std::string> getIndexToFieldNameMap() const
			return this->indexToFieldNameMap;

	 * @brief Represents an iterator that iterates over individual fields in the packet.
	 * The `bit_iterator` class provides a random access iterator interface for iterating over individual fields in the packet.
	 * It is templated on the value type of the packet fields. I.e. if the largest packet fields is 32-bit, then the value type should be at least uint32_t.
	 * @tparam ValueType The value type of the values returned by the iterator. The value
	template <typename ValueType>
	class bit_iterator

		using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
		using value_type = ValueType;
		using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
		using pointer = ValueType *;
		using reference = ValueType &;

		 * @brief Pointer to the packet data.
		const uint8_t *m_data;
		 * @brief Current offset within the packet.
		int m_offset;
		 * @brief Pointer to the BasePacketStructure.
		BasePacketStructure *m_structure;

		 * @brief Function to retrieve the value from data based on offset and size.
		std::function<ValueType(const uint8_t *, uint, uint)> m_func;

		const uint8_t *m_data;
		int m_offset;
		BasePacketStructure *m_structure;
		std::function<ValueType(const uint8_t *, uint, uint)> m_func;

		bit_iterator(const uint8_t *data, int offset,
					 BasePacketStructure *structure,
					 std::function<ValueType(const uint8_t *, uint, uint)> func) : m_data(data), m_offset(offset), m_structure(structure), m_func(func)

		bit_iterator(const bit_iterator &other) : m_data(other.m_data), m_offset(other.m_offset), m_structure(

		bit_iterator &operator++()
			return *this;

		bit_iterator operator++(int)
			bit_iterator temp(*this);
			return temp;

		bit_iterator &operator--()
			return *this;

		bit_iterator operator--(int)
			bit_iterator temp(*this);
			return temp;

		bit_iterator operator+(int n) const
			return bit_iterator(m_data, m_offset + n, m_structure, m_func);

		bit_iterator operator-(int n) const
			return bit_iterator(m_data, m_offset - n, m_structure, m_func);

		int operator-(const bit_iterator &other) const
			return m_offset - other.m_offset;
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		bool operator==(const bit_iterator &other) const
			return m_data == other.m_data && m_offset == other.m_offset;

		bool operator!=(const bit_iterator &other) const
			return !(*this == other);

		ValueType operator*() const
			auto offset = m_structure->bitOffsetOf(m_offset); // offset from the beginning of the byte
			auto num_bits = m_structure->bitSizeOf(m_offset);
			return m_func(m_data, offset.value(), num_bits.value());

	 * @brief Represents a template class for handling packets with a specific structure.
	 * The `BasePacketTempl` class provides a generic template for handling packets with a specified structure.
	 * It includes methods for reading and writing values from/to memory, as well as other utility functions.
	 * @tparam ValueType The value type of the largest packet fields. i.e The value type should be at least uint32_t if the largest packet field is 32-bit.
	template <typename ValueType>
	class BasePacketTempl
		BasePacketStructure *packetStructure; /**< Pointer to the structure defining the packet. */
		uint8_t *memoryPointer;				  /**< Pointer to the memory containing packet data. */

		 * @brief reads a binary value from a memory location pointed to by binaryPointer.
		 * The binary value is represented by num_bits bits starting from the offset-th bit in the memory.
		 * @param binaryPointer Pointer to the memory containing the binary value.
		 * @param offset The offset of the first bit of the binary value.
		 * @param num_bits The number of bits to read.
		 * @return ValueType The value read from memory.
		static ValueType _readValueFromMemoryAt_(const uint8_t *binaryPointer,
												 uint offset, uint num_bits)
			// Calculate the bit offset from the byte offset:
			uint bit_offset = offset % 8;
			// Calculate the byte offset from the bit offset:
			uint byte_offset = offset / 8;
			ValueType value = 0;
			ValueType bit = 1;

			for (uint i = 0; i < num_bits; i++)
				// Calculate the byte and bit index of the current bit:
				uint byte_index = byte_offset + (bit_offset + i) / 8;
				uint bit_index = (bit_offset + i) % 8;
				uint8_t byte = binaryPointer[byte_index];
				// Create a bit mask to isolate the desired bit:
				uint8_t bit_mask = 1 << (7 - bit_index);
				// Set the corresponding bit in the return value if the retrieved bit is 1:
				value |= (byte & bit_mask) ? (bit << (num_bits - i - 1)) : 0;
			return value;

		 * @brief Calculates the minimum number of bits required to represent a given value.
		 * @param value The value to calculate the minimum bits for.
		 * @return size_t The minimum number of bits required.
		size_t minBitsRequired(size_t value) const
			// Handle special cases
			size_t bitsNeeded = 1;

			while (value != 0)
				value >>= 1;

			return bitsNeeded;

		 * @brief Constructor for the BasePacketTempl class.
		 * @param structure The structure defining the packet.
		BasePacketTempl(BasePacketStructure &structure)
			this->packetStructure = new BasePacketStructure(structure);
			this->memoryPointer = new uint8_t[structure.getByteSize()];

		 * @brief Copy constructor for the BasePacketTempl class.
		 * @param other The other BasePacketTempl object to copy.
		BasePacketTempl(const BasePacketTempl &other)
			this->packetStructure = new BasePacketStructure(other.getPacketStructure());
			this->memoryPointer = new uint8_t[other.packetStructure->getByteSize()];
			std::memcpy(this->memoryPointer, other.memoryPointer,

		 * @brief  Destructor  for the BasePacketTempl class.
		virtual ~BasePacketTempl() = default;

		 * @brief Updates the packet structure.
		 * @param structure The new packet structure.
		void updatePacketStructure(BasePacketStructure &structure)
			size_t newSize = structure.getByteSize();
			size_t oldSize = this->packetStructure->getByteSize();

			uint8_t *buff = new uint8_t[newSize];
			std::memset(buff, 0, newSize);
			std::memcpy(buff, memoryPointer, std::min(newSize, oldSize));
			delete this->memoryPointer;

			this->memoryPointer = new uint8_t[newSize];
			std::memcpy(memoryPointer, buff, newSize);
			delete[] buff;
			this->packetStructure = &structure;

		 * @brief Reads a value from the memory at a given index.
		 * @param index The index of the field to read.
		 * @return std::optional<ValueType> The value read from memory, or std::nullopt if the field does not exist.
		std::optional<ValueType> readValueFromMemoryAt(uint index) const
			auto offset = packetStructure->bitOffsetOf(index); // offset from the beginning of the byte
			auto num_bits = packetStructure->bitSizeOf(index); // remaining bits to read
			if (offset.has_value() && num_bits.has_value())
				return _readValueFromMemoryAt_(memoryPointer, offset.value(),
				time_t now = time(nullptr);
				std::cerr << "[" << std::put_time(localtime(&now), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
						  << "]\t[Base Packet]\t"
						  << "Error: No field at " << index
						  << ", max is " << packetStructure->numberOfFields()
						  << ", returning nullopt" << std::endl;
				return std::nullopt;

		 * @brief Returns a pointer to the memory in which stores the packet.
		 * This function returns a constant pointer to the memory.
		 * @return A constant pointer to the memory.
		uint8_t const *getPointerToMemory() const
			return memoryPointer;

		 * @brief Copies data from a source memory location to the packet's memory.
		 * @param from Pointer to the source memory location.
		 * @param size Number of bytes to copy.
		 * @return int The number of bytes copied.
		int copyToMemory(const uint8_t *from, uint size)
			uint max_writable = this->packetStructure->getByteSize();
			if (size > max_writable)
				time_t now = time(nullptr);
				std::cerr << "[" << std::put_time(localtime(&now), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
						  << "]\t[Base Packet]\t"
						  << "Error: you are trying to copy "
						  << size << " byte where the max size is: " << max_writable
						  << std::endl;
				std::cerr << "[" << std::put_time(localtime(&now), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
						  << "]\t[Base Packet]\t"
						  << "\tI copy only until "
						  << max_writable << " byte" << std::endl;
				std::memcpy(memoryPointer, from, max_writable);
				return max_writable;
				std::memcpy(memoryPointer, from, size);
				return size;

		 * Copies data from the given memory location to the packet's memory buffer.
		 * @param from Pointer to the source memory location.
		 * @param size Number of bytes to copy.
		 * @param offset Offset in the packet's memory buffer to start copying to.
		 * @return The number of bytes copied.
		int copyToMemory(const uint8_t *from, uint size, uint offset)
			uint max_writable = this->packetStructure->getByteSize();
			if (offset > max_writable)
				time_t now = time(nullptr);
				std::cerr << "[" << std::put_time(localtime(&now), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
						  << "]\t[Base Packet]\t"
						  << "Error: you are trying to copy starting from " << offset
						  << " byte where the max size is: " << max_writable
						  << std::endl;
				return -1;
			if (size + offset > max_writable)
				time_t now = time(nullptr);
				std::cerr << "[" << std::put_time(localtime(&now), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
						  << "]\t[Base Packet]\t"
						  << "Error: you are trying to copy "
						  << size + offset << " byte where the max size is: "
						  << max_writable << std::endl;
				std::cerr << "[" << std::put_time(localtime(&now), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
						  << "]\t[Base Packet]\t"
						  << "\tI copy only until "
						  << max_writable << " byte" << std::endl;
				int to_write = max_writable - offset;
				std::memcpy(&memoryPointer[offset], from, to_write);
				return to_write;
				std::memcpy(&memoryPointer[offset], from, size);
				return size;

		 * @brief Accesses the value at the specified index in the packet.
		 * @param index The index of the value to access.
		 * @return An optional containing the value at the specified index, if it exists.
		std::optional<ValueType> operator[](uint index) const
			return readValueFromMemoryAt(index);

		 * @brief Accesses the value of a field in the packet by its field name.
		 * @param fieldName The name of the field to access.
		 * @return An optional value of the specified field type. If the field does not exist, the optional will be empty.
		std::optional<ValueType> operator[](std::string fieldName) const
			std::transform(fieldName.begin(), fieldName.end(), fieldName.begin(),
						   [](unsigned char c)
							   return std::tolower(c);
			auto index = packetStructure->indexOfField(fieldName);
			if (index.has_value())
				return readValueFromMemoryAt(index.value());
				return std::nullopt;

		 * @brief Returns a constant bit iterator pointing to the beginning of the packet data.
		 * @return A constant bit iterator pointing to the beginning of the packet data.
		bit_iterator<ValueType> begin() const
			return bit_iterator<ValueType>(memoryPointer, 0, packetStructure,

		 * @brief Returns a bit_iterator pointing to the end of the container.
		 * @return A bit_iterator pointing to the end of the container.
		bit_iterator<ValueType> end() const
			return bit_iterator<ValueType>(memoryPointer,
										   packetStructure->numberOfFields(), packetStructure,

		 * Writes a value into memory at the specified index.
		 * @param index The index at which to write the value.
		 * @param value The value to be written.
		 * @return An optional containing number of fits written, if any.
		std::optional<uint> writeValueIntoMemoryAtIndex(uint index, ValueType value)
			auto offset = this->packetStructure->bitOffsetOf(index);
			auto numbits = this->packetStructure->bitSizeOf(index);
			size_t min_req = minBitsRequired(value);
			if (!offset.has_value() || !numbits.has_value())
				return std::nullopt;
			if (numbits < min_req)
				time_t now = time(nullptr);
				std::cerr << "[" << std::put_time(localtime(&now), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
						  << "]\t[Base Packet]\t"
						  << "Error: you are trying to write "
						  << value << " which requires at least " << min_req
						  << " bits in a field of size " << numbits << std::endl;
				return std::nullopt;

			// Calculate the bit offset from the byte offset:
			uint bitoffset = offset.value() % 8;
			// Calculate the byte offset from the bit offset:
			uint byteoffset = offset.value() / 8;
			uint numbits_written = 0;

			for (size_t i = 0; i < numbits; i++)
				// Calculate the byte and bit index of the current bit:
				uint byte_index = byteoffset + (bitoffset + i) / 8;
				uint bit_index = (bitoffset + i) % 8;
				// Create a bit mask to isolate the desired bit:
				uint8_t bit_mask = 1 << (7 - bit_index);
				// Set the corresponding bit in the binary array if the value is 1:
				if ((value >> (numbits.value() - i - 1)) & 1)
					memoryPointer[byte_index] |= bit_mask;
					memoryPointer[byte_index] &= ~bit_mask;
			return numbits_written;

		 * @brief Get the byte size of the packet structure.
		 * @return The byte size of the packet structure.
		uint getPacketStructureByteSize() const
			return packetStructure->getByteSize();
		 * @brief Returns the packet structure of the BasePacket.
		 * @return A reference to the packet structure.
		BasePacketStructure &getPacketStructure() const
			return *(this->packetStructure);

		 * @brief Checks if the packet has a recognized header.
		 * @note This is a pure virtual function and must be implemented by derived classes.
		 * @return true if the packet has a recognized header, false otherwise.
		virtual bool hasRecognizedHeader() const = 0;
		 * @brief Checks if the passed data has a recognized header.
		 * @param buff The data to check.
		 * @note This is a pure virtual function and must be implemented by derived classes.
		 * @return true if buff has a recognized header, false otherwise.
		virtual bool isRecognizedHeader(std::vector<uint8_t> buff) const = 0;

		 * @brief Get the size of the header of the packet.
		 * @note This is a pure virtual function and must be implemented by derived classes.
		 * @return The size of the header as an unsigned integer.
		virtual uint getHeaderSize() const = 0;
		 * @brief Get the size of the payload of the packet.
		 * @note This is a pure virtual function and must be implemented by derived classes.
		 * @return The size of the payload as an unsigned integer.
		virtual uint getPayloadSize() const = 0;
		 * @brief Get the size of the tail of the packet.
		 * @note This is a pure virtual function and must be implemented by derived classes.
		 * @return The size of the tail as an unsigned integer.
		virtual uint getTailSize() const = 0;

	using valueType = size_t;
	 * @brief Represents a concrete class derived from BasePacketTempl with a specified value type.
	 * The `BasePacket` class is a concrete class derived from `BasePacketTempl` with a value type of `size_t`.
	class BasePacket : public BasePacketTempl<valueType>

		BasePacket(BasePacketStructure &structure) : BasePacketTempl<valueType>(structure)
		virtual ~BasePacket() = default;