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......@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
<!-- <a href="/computing/?uuid={{ task.computing.uuid }}" no_style="color:{{task.computing.color}}"><i class="fa fa-external-link" ></i></a><br/> -->
<div style="margin-top:2px">
{% if task.verified_status == "running" %}
{% if task.status == "running" %}
<b>Status:</b> <font color="green">running</font>
{% else %}
<b>Status:</b> {{ task.verified_status }}
<b>Status:</b> {{ task.status }}
{% endif %}
......@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
<!-- Connect -->
{% if task.interface_port %}
{% if task.verified_status == "running" %}
<a href="/task_connect/?uuid={{task.uuid}}" class="btn btn-connect" target="_blank">Connect</a>
{% if task.status == "running" %}
<a href="/task_connect/?uuid={{task.uuid}}" class="btn btn-connect">Connect</a>
{% else %}
<a href="" class="btn btn-disabled">Connect</a>
{% endif %}
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{% include "navigation.html"%}
<!-- with body_args="style='background: #202020'" -->
<div style="width:370px;">
<form class="form-signin" role="form" action='/direct_connect/{{data.task.uuid}}/' method='POST'>
{% csrf_token %}
......@@ -14,6 +15,14 @@
<p style="font-size: 16px;">
<br />
{% if not data.task.interface_status == 'running' %}
<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"><i class="fa fa-warning"></i> the task interface is not up, cannot connect.</div>
Please check the <a href="/task_log/?uuid={{ data.task.uuid }}&action=viewlog">task logs</a>.
<i>Note: if you just launched the task, this alert might be due to the normal task startup time.</i>
{% else %}
{% if not data.task.requires_proxy_auth %}
{% if data.task.container.interface_auth_user %}
User: <input style="margin-bottom:15px;" type="username" class="form-control" value="{{ data.task.container.interface_auth_user }}"name='username' readonly >
......@@ -75,14 +84,14 @@
<b>Port:</b> <code>{{ data.task.tcp_tunnel_port}}</code>
{% endif %}
{% endif%}
<br /><br />
{% if data.task.interface_status == 'running' %}
{% if data.task.requires_proxy_auth %}
<p style="margin-left:10px; font-size:0.9em; color:rgb(200,200,200); max-width:600px">
<i class="fa fa-info-warning" style="color:#337ab7"></i>
......@@ -90,6 +99,7 @@
to a web browser which supports embedding user credentials in the connection URL (as Chorme, Edge or Firefox).
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<br /><br /><br />
......@@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ color_map = ["#440154", "#440558", "#450a5c", "#450e60", "#451465", "#461969",
"#97d73e", "#9ed93a", "#a8db34", "#b0dd31", "#b8de30", "#c3df2e",
"#cbe02d", "#d6e22b", "#e1e329", "#eae428", "#f5e626", "#fde725"]
# Utility functions
def booleanize(*args, **kwargs):
# Handle both single value and kwargs to get arg name
......@@ -265,10 +262,6 @@ def get_md5(string):
return md5
# Time
def timezonize(timezone):
'''Convert a string representation of a timezone to its pytz object or do nothing if the argument is already a pytz timezone'''
......@@ -283,14 +276,17 @@ def timezonize(timezone):
timezone = pytz.timezone(timezone)
return timezone
def now_t():
'''Return the current time in epoch seconds'''
return now_s()
def now_s():
'''Return the current time in epoch seconds'''
return calendar.timegm(now_dt().utctimetuple())
def now_dt(tzinfo='UTC'):
'''Return the current time in datetime format'''
if tzinfo != 'UTC':
......@@ -335,10 +331,12 @@ def dt(*args, **kwargs):
return time_dt
def get_tz_offset_s(time_dt):
'''Get the time zone offset in seconds'''
return s_from_dt(time_dt.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)) - s_from_dt(time_dt)
def check_dt_consistency(date_dt):
'''Check that the timezone is consistent with the datetime (some conditions in Python lead to have summertime set in winter)'''
......@@ -355,6 +353,7 @@ def check_dt_consistency(date_dt):
return True
def correct_dt_dst(datetime_obj):
'''Check that the dst is correct and if not change it'''
......@@ -374,14 +373,17 @@ def correct_dt_dst(datetime_obj):
def change_tz(dt, tz):
return dt.astimezone(timezonize(tz))
def dt_from_t(timestamp_s, tz=None):
'''Create a datetime object from an epoch timestamp in seconds. If no timezone is given, UTC is assumed'''
# TODO: check if uniform everything on this one or not.
return dt_from_s(timestamp_s=timestamp_s, tz=tz)
def dt_from_s(timestamp_s, tz=None):
'''Create a datetime object from an epoch timestamp in seconds. If no timezone is given, UTC is assumed'''
......@@ -397,6 +399,7 @@ def dt_from_s(timestamp_s, tz=None):
return timestamp_dt
def s_from_dt(dt):
'''Returns seconds with floating point for milliseconds/microseconds.'''
if not (isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime)):
......@@ -404,6 +407,7 @@ def s_from_dt(dt):
microseconds_part = (dt.microsecond/1000000.0) if dt.microsecond else 0
return ( calendar.timegm(dt.utctimetuple()) + microseconds_part)
def dt_from_str(string, timezone=None):
# Supported formats on UTC
......@@ -458,10 +462,12 @@ def dt_from_str(string, timezone=None):
return dt(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, usecond, offset_s=offset_s)
def dt_to_str(dt):
'''Return the ISO representation of the datetime as argument'''
return dt.isoformat()
class dt_range(object):
def __init__(self, from_dt, to_dt, timeSlotSpan):
......@@ -489,20 +495,18 @@ class dt_range(object):
return self.__next__()
# Others
def debug_param(**kwargs):
for item in kwargs:
logger.critical('Param "{}": "{}"'.format(item, kwargs[item]))
def get_my_ip():
import socket
hostname = socket.gethostname()
my_ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
return my_ip
def get_webapp_conn_string():
webapp_ssl = booleanize(os.environ.get('ROSETTA_WEBAPP_SSL', False))
webapp_host = os.environ.get('ROSETTA_WEBAPP_HOST', get_my_ip())
......@@ -513,32 +517,68 @@ def get_webapp_conn_string():
webapp_conn_string = 'http://{}:{}'.format(webapp_host, webapp_port)
return webapp_conn_string
def get_platform_registry():
platform_registry_host = os.environ.get('PLATFORM_REGISTRY_HOST', 'proxy')
platform_registry_port = os.environ.get('PLATFORM_REGISTRY_PORT', '5000')
platform_registry_conn_string = '{}:{}'.format(platform_registry_host, platform_registry_port)
return platform_registry_conn_string
def get_rosetta_tasks_tunnel_host():
# Importing here instead of on top avoids circular dependencies problems when loading booleanize in settings
from django.conf import settings
tunnel_host = os.environ.get('ROSETTA_TASKS_TUNNEL_HOST', settings.ROSETTA_HOST)
return tunnel_host
def get_rosetta_tasks_proxy_host():
# Importing here instead of on top avoids circular dependencies problems when loading booleanize in settings
from django.conf import settings
proxy_host = os.environ.get('ROSETTA_TASKS_PROXY_HOST', settings.ROSETTA_HOST)
return proxy_host
def hash_string_to_int(string):
return int(hashlib.sha1(string.encode('utf8')).hexdigest(), 16)
def get_ssh_access_mode_credentials(computing, user):
from .models import KeyPair
# Get computing host
computing_host = computing.conf.get('host')
except AttributeError:
computing_host = None
if not computing_host:
raise ValueError('No computing host?!')
# Get computing (SSH) port
computing_port = computing.conf.get('port')
except AttributeError:
computing_port = 22
if not computing_host:
computing_port = 22
# Get computing user and keys
if computing.auth_mode == 'user_keys':
computing_user = user.profile.get_extra_conf('computing_user', computing)
if not computing_user:
raise ValueError('No \'computing_user\' parameter found for computing resource \'{}\' in user profile'.format(
# Get user key
computing_keys = KeyPair.objects.get(user=user, default=True)
elif computing.auth_mode == 'platform_keys':
computing_user = computing.conf.get('user')
computing_keys = KeyPair.objects.get(user=None, default=True)
raise NotImplementedError('Auth modes other than user_keys and platform_keys not supported.')
if not computing_user:
raise ValueError('No \'user\' parameter found for computing resource \'{}\' in its configuration'.format(
return (computing_user, computing_host, computing_port, computing_keys)
# Tunnel (and proxy) setup
def setup_tunnel_and_proxy(task):
......@@ -601,6 +641,12 @@ def setup_tunnel_and_proxy(task):
tunnel_command= 'ssh -4 -i {} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -nNT -L{}:{}:{} {}@{} & '.format(user_keys.private_key_file, task.tcp_tunnel_port, task.interface_ip, task.interface_port, first_user, first_host)
if task.computing.access_mode.startswith('ssh'):
computing_user, computing_host, computing_port, computing_keys = get_ssh_access_mode_credentials(task.computing, task.user)
tunnel_command = 'ssh -p {} -o LogLevel=ERROR -i {} -4 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=10 '.format(computing_port, computing_keys.private_key_file)
tunnel_command += '-nNT -L{}:{}:{} {}@{}'.format(task.tcp_tunnel_port, task.interface_ip, task.interface_port, computing_user, computing_host)
tunnel_command= 'ssh -4 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -nNT -L{}:{}:{} localhost & '.format(task.tcp_tunnel_port, task.interface_ip, task.interface_port)
......@@ -713,46 +759,6 @@ Listen '''+str(task.tcp_tunnel_port)+'''
raise ErrorMessage('Something went wrong when loading the task proxy conf')
def get_ssh_access_mode_credentials(computing, user):
from .models import KeyPair
# Get computing host
computing_host = computing.conf.get('host')
except AttributeError:
computing_host = None
if not computing_host:
raise ValueError('No computing host?!')
# Get computing (SSH) port
computing_port = computing.conf.get('port')
except AttributeError:
computing_port = 22
if not computing_host:
computing_port = 22
# Get computing user and keys
if computing.auth_mode == 'user_keys':
computing_user = user.profile.get_extra_conf('computing_user', computing)
if not computing_user:
raise ValueError('No \'computing_user\' parameter found for computing resource \'{}\' in user profile'.format(
# Get user key
computing_keys = KeyPair.objects.get(user=user, default=True)
elif computing.auth_mode == 'platform_keys':
computing_user = computing.conf.get('user')
computing_keys = KeyPair.objects.get(user=None, default=True)
raise NotImplementedError('Auth modes other than user_keys and platform_keys not supported.')
if not computing_user:
raise ValueError('No \'user\' parameter found for computing resource \'{}\' in its configuration'.format(
return (computing_user, computing_host, computing_port, computing_keys)
def sanitize_container_env_vars(env_vars):
for env_var in env_vars:
......@@ -339,38 +339,10 @@ def account(request):
# Tasks view
def set_verified_status(task):
# Chech status with ping
if task.status == 'running':
logger.debug('Task is running, check if startup completed')
logger.debug('Trying to establish connection on: "{}:{}"'.format(task.interface_ip,task.interface_port))
s = socket.socket()
s.connect((task.interface_ip, task.interface_port))
# Not necessary, we just check that the container interfcae is up
#if not s.recv(10):
# logger.debug('No data read from socket')
# raise Exception('Could not read any data from socket')
except Exception as e:
logger.debug('Could not connect to socket')
if (pytz.UTC.localize( > datetime.timedelta(hours=1):
task.verified_status = 'not working / killed'
task.verified_status = 'starting up...'
task.verified_status = 'running'
task.verified_status = task.status
def tasks(request):
......@@ -398,7 +370,6 @@ def tasks(request):
except Task.DoesNotExist:
raise ErrorMessage('Task does not exists or no access rights')
data['task'] = task
# Task actions
......@@ -479,7 +450,6 @@ def tasks(request):
# Update task statuses
for task in tasks:
# Set task and tasks variables
data['task'] = None
......@@ -1154,7 +1124,6 @@ def task_connect(request):
if not task_uuid:
raise ErrorMessage('Empty task uuid')
# Get the task
task = Task.objects.get(uuid=task_uuid)
......@@ -1164,6 +1133,28 @@ def task_connect(request):
# Ensure that the tunnel and proxy are set up
# Check if task interface is up
if task.status == 'running':
logger.debug('Checking if task interface is running by trying to establish connection via local tunnel on port "{}"'.format(task.tcp_tunnel_port))
s = socket.socket()
s.connect(('', task.tcp_tunnel_port))
# Not necessary, we just check that the container interfcae is up
#if not s.recv(10):
# logger.debug('No data read from socket')
# raise Exception('Could not read any data from socket')
except Exception:
logger.debug('Could not connect to task interface')
task.interface_status = 'unknown'
logger.debug('task interface is answering')
task.interface_status = 'running'
task.interface_status = 'unknown'
data ={}
data['task'] = task