using Pkg Pkg.activate(".") Z = 0.019422 EBV = 0.077 using Revise, Statistics, Serialization, Dierckx using QSFit, GFit, Gnuplot, GFitViewer using CL_1ES_1927p654 function fitline(x, y, err=[]; center=NaN, sigma=NaN) domain = Domain(x) isfinite(center) || (center = mean(x)) isfinite(sigma) || (sigma = (maximum(x) - minimum(x)) / 10.) (length(err) == 0) && (err = (y .* 0.1)) model = Model(domain, Reducer(sum, [:continuum, :line]), :continuum => GFit.OffsetSlope(0., mean(x), 0.), :line => GFit.Gaussian(1., center, sigma)) bestfit = fit!(model, Measures(y, err)) return (model, bestfit) end epoch_filenames = Vector{String}() for (root, dirs, files) in walkdir("AT2018zf") for file in files if file[end-3:end] == ".dat" push!(epoch_filenames, root * "/" * file) end end end # Estimate norm. and FWHM of [OIII] in all epochs, and normalize all # spectra at 5100A. all_scale = Vector{Float64}() all_fwhm = Vector{Float64}() for i in 1:length(epoch_filenames) s = Spectrum(Val(:ASCII), epoch_filenames[i], columns=[1,2]); x = s.λ; j = findall(5060 .< x .< 5150); x = x[j]; y = s.flux[j]; scale = median(y) y ./= scale j = findall(isfinite.(x)); x = x[j]; y = y[j]; model, bestfit = fitline(x, y) scale *= bestfit[:line].norm.val y ./= bestfit[:line].norm.val model, bestfit = fitline(x, y) show(bestfit) push!(all_scale, scale) push!(all_fwhm, bestfit[:line].sigma.val / 5007 * 3e5 * 2.355) @gp tit=string(i) x y "w lp notit" x model() "w l notit" (readline() == "q") && break end @gp :prenorm "set key bottom right" "set grid" xlab="Epoch" ylab="Value" :- @gp :- :prenorm all_scale./1e-14 "w lp t '[OIII] norm.'" all_fwhm./100 "u (\$0+1):1 w lp t '[OIII] FWHM (x100 km/s)" save(:prenorm, term="png size 800,600", output="output/oiii_norm_fwhm.png") w = 10 .^(2:0.01:log10(400)); r = sqrt.(400^2 .- w.^2) ./ 2.355; @gp w r "w l t '400 km/s'" w = 10 .^(2:0.01:log10(900)); r = sqrt.(900^2 .- w.^2) ./ 2.355; @gp :- w r "w l t '900 km/s'" @gp :- "set grid" xlab="Actual FWHM" ylab="Instr. resolution" function read_spec(epoch_id; kw...) if epoch_id == "B03" file = "boller2003.txt" else file = epoch_filenames[epoch_id] end println(file) spec = Spectrum(Val(:ASCII), file, columns=[1,2]; kw...); if isa(epoch_id, Number) spec.flux ./= all_scale[epoch_id] end spec.err .= 0.05 .* spec.flux; return spec end # Ensure no sample is negative @gp :allepochs "set grid" xr=[3e3,1e4] cbr=[1,29] :- @gp :- :allepochs cblabel="Epoch" xlab="Rest frame wavelength[A]" ylab="Flux density [arb.units]" for id in 1:length(epoch_filenames) s = read_spec(id) x = s.λ; y = s.flux; @gp :- :allepochs x./(1+Z) y "u 1:(\$2+$id):($id) w l notit lc pal" end @gp :- :allepochs yr=[1, 29] save(:allepochs, term="png size 800,600", output="output/all_epochs.png") @gp :- :allepochs xr=[4900, 5100] save(:allepochs, term="png size 800,2000", output="output/all_epochs_zoom.png") s = read_spec("B03") x = s.λ; j = findall(5060 .< x .< 5150); x = x[j]; y = s.flux[j]; model, bestfit = fitline(x, y) @gp x y "w l" @gp :- x model() "w l" bestfit[:line].sigma.val / 5007 * 3e5 * 2.355 # 657.1651386497541 source = QSO{q1927p654}("1ES 1927+654 (Boller03)", Z, ebv=EBV); source.options[:min_spectral_coverage][:OIII_5007] = 0.35 source.options[:oiii_galaxy] = NaN # source.options[:host_template] = "/home/gcalderone/Mbi1.30Zm1.49T00.0700_iTp0.00_baseFe_linear_FWHM_2.51" #= Resolution: from Sect 3 it is 6 / 5007 * 3e5 ~ 360 km/s however with this value the [OIII] FWHM is 100 km/s (limit) I tried 180, 200 and 250, and the [OIII] luminosity do not change =# spec = read_spec("B03", resolution=200.) add_spec!(source, spec); (model, bestfit) = fit(source); viewer(model,, bestfit, selcomps=[:qso_cont, :galaxy, :balmer]) println( bestfit[:OIII_5007].norm.val ) # 0.00029085925218136 println( bestfit[:OIII_5007].norm.val / bestfit[:galaxy].norm.val ) # 59.406476855719376 chosen_epoch = 17 file = epoch_filenames[chosen_epoch] source = QSO{q1927p654}("1ES 1927+654 ($chosen_epoch)", Z, ebv=EBV); source.options[:min_spectral_coverage][:OIII_5007] = 0.5 source.options[:oiii_galaxy] = 59.41 # source.options[:host_template] = "/home/gcalderone/Mbi1.30Zm1.49T00.0700_iTp0.00_baseFe_linear_FWHM_2.51" spec = read_spec(chosen_epoch) add_spec!(source, spec); (model, bestfit) = fit(source); viewer(model,, bestfit, selcomps=[:qso_cont, :galaxy, :balmer]) dict_chosen_epochs = Dict( :vecchi => [17, 10, 21, 23], :lowres => [8,9,10,11,12,14,15,16,18,21,22,23,24,25], :highres => [5, 7, 13, 17, 20], :all => collect(5:26)) # Can't use resolution smaller than 150 km / s otherwise some line # will be neglected because of spectral coverage resolution = Dict( :lowres => 350., :highres => 150., :all => NaN) for job in [:highres, :lowres] chosen_epochs = dict_chosen_epochs[job] source = QSO{q1927p654}("1ES 1927+654", Z, ebv=EBV); source.options[:min_spectral_coverage][:OIII_5007] = 0.5 source.options[:oiii_galaxy] = 59.41 @gp :zoom "set grid" :- for id in 1:length(chosen_epochs) spec = read_spec(chosen_epochs[id], resolution=get(resolution, job, NaN)) add_spec!(source, spec); @gp :- :zoom xr=[4750,5150] spec.λ ./ (1 + source.z) spec.flux "w l t '$(chosen_epochs[id])'" end (model, bestfit) = multi_fit(source); viewer(model,, bestfit, selcomps=[:qso_cont, :galaxy, :balmer]) run(`cp /tmp/gfitviewer.html output/results_$(job).html`) serialize("output/results_$(job).dat", bestfit) end @gp( [bestfit[id][:qso_cont].alpha.val for id in 1:length(chosen_epochs)], [bestfit[id][:br_Ha].norm.patched for id in 1:length(chosen_epochs)], "w l") @gp(:-, [bestfit[id][:qso_cont].alpha.val for id in 1:length(chosen_epochs)], [bestfit[id][:br_Hb].norm.patched for id in 1:length(chosen_epochs)], "w l") @gp( [bestfit[id][:qso_cont].alpha.val for id in 1:length(chosen_epochs)], [bestfit[id][:qso_cont].norm.patched for id in 1:length(chosen_epochs)], "w l") @gp( [bestfit[id][:qso_cont].norm.val for id in 1:length(chosen_epochs)], [bestfit[id][:br_Ha].norm.patched for id in 1:length(chosen_epochs)], "w l") @gp "set grid" for id in 1:length(chosen_epochs) cc = (id == 1 ? 1. : bestfit[id][:calib].par.val) @gp :- domain(model[id])[:] model[id]() ./ cc "w l t '$id' lw 3" end @gp "set grid" for id in 1:length(chosen_epochs) println(bestfit[id][:OIII_5007]) x = domain(model[id])[:] cc = (id == 1 ? 1. : bestfit[id][:calib].par.val) y = model[id]() ./ cc y0 = y .- model[id](:OIII_5007) @gp :- x y0 .- Spline1D(x, y0)(5007.) "w l t '$id' lw 3" @gp :- x y .- Spline1D(x, y0)(5007.) "w l t '$id' lw 3" end