diff --git a/src/Client.cpp b/src/Client.cpp
index 7d664c0e01300f0fb407d1edc0c5d472552d30af..6248a53f12d4925086032e9d121daf6033846a2f 100644
--- a/src/Client.cpp
+++ b/src/Client.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Client::Client(Tango::DeviceImpl* deviceImpl_p, Configuration::SP configuration_
     DEBUG_STREAM << "Client::Client()" << endl;
     m_dBManager_sp = DBManager::create(deviceImpl_p, configuration_sp);
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Client::~Client()
-    //google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
+    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ void Client::start()
-//    m_protocolManager_sp = ProtocolManager::create(m_deviceImpl_p,
-//        m_configuration_sp, m_dBManager_sp);
+    m_protocolManager_sp = ProtocolManager::create(m_deviceImpl_p,
+        m_configuration_sp, m_dBManager_sp);
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ void Client::stop()
-    //m_protocolManager_sp.reset();
+    m_protocolManager_sp.reset();
@@ -220,102 +220,112 @@ void Client::handleResolve(const boost::system::error_code& errorCode,
-////      Client::handleRequest()
-//void Client::handleWriteRequest(const boost::system::error_code& errorCode)
-//    DEBUG_STREAM << "Client::handleRequest()" << endl;
-//    if(!errorCode)
-//    {
-//        startReadResponseHeader();
-//    }
-//    else
-//    {
-//        ERROR_STREAM << "Client::handleRequest() " << errorCode.message() << endl;
-//        writeState(Tango::FAULT);
-//        writeStatus(errorCode.message());
-//    }
-////      Client::handleReadResponseHeader()
-//void Client::handleReadResponseHeader(const boost::system::error_code& errorCode)
-//    DEBUG_STREAM << "Client::handleReadResponseHeader()" << endl;
-//    if(!errorCode)
-//    {
-//        boost::uint32_t bodySize = decodeHeader(m_readBuff);
-//        startReadResponseBody(bodySize);
-//    }
-//    else
-//    {
-//        ERROR_STREAM << "Client::handleReadResponseHeader() " << errorCode.message() << endl;
-//        writeState(Tango::FAULT);
-//        writeStatus(errorCode.message());
-//    }
-////      Client::handleReadResponseBody()
-//void Client::handleReadResponseBody(const boost::system::error_code& errorCode)
-//    DEBUG_STREAM << "Client::handleReadResponseBody()" << endl;
-//    if(!errorCode)
-//    {
-//        try
-//        {
-//            ResponseSP response_sp(new Response);
-//            response_sp->ParseFromArray(&m_readBuff[HEADER_SIZE],
-//                m_readBuff.size() - HEADER_SIZE);
-//            m_protocolManager_sp->processResponse(response_sp);
-//            if(m_protocolManager_sp->waitBeforeRequest())
-//            {
-//                m_requestResponseTimer.expires_from_now(
-//                    boost::posix_time::seconds(m_configuration_sp->getRefreshTime()));
-//                m_requestResponseTimer.async_wait(
-//                    boost::bind(&Client::startWriteRequest, this));
-//            }
-//            else
-//            {
-//                startWriteRequest();
-//            }
-//        }
-//        catch(std::exception& ec)
-//        {
-//            ERROR_STREAM << "Client::handleResponse() " << ec.what() << endl;
-//            writeState(Tango::FAULT);
-//            writeStatus(ec.what());
-//        }
-//        catch(...)
-//        {
-//            ERROR_STREAM << "Client::handleResponse() Unknown error" << endl;
-//            writeState(Tango::FAULT);
-//            writeStatus("Unknown error");
-//        }
-//    }
-//    else
-//    {
-//        ERROR_STREAM << "Client::handleResponse() " << errorCode.message() << endl;
-//        writeState(Tango::FAULT);
-//        writeStatus(errorCode.message());
-//    }
+//      Client::handleRequest()
+void Client::handleWriteRequest(const boost::system::error_code& errorCode)
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "Client::handleRequest()" << endl;
+    if(!errorCode)
+    {
+        startReadResponseHeader();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ERROR_STREAM << "Client::handleRequest() " << errorCode.message() << endl;
+        writeState(Tango::FAULT);
+        writeStatus(errorCode.message());
+    }
+//      Client::handleReadResponseHeader()
+void Client::handleReadResponseHeader(const boost::system::error_code& errorCode)
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "Client::handleReadResponseHeader()" << endl;
+    if(!errorCode)
+    {
+        boost::uint32_t bodySize = decodeHeader(m_readBuff);
+        startReadResponseBody(bodySize);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ERROR_STREAM << "Client::handleReadResponseHeader() " << errorCode.message() << endl;
+        writeState(Tango::FAULT);
+        writeStatus(errorCode.message());
+    }
+//      Client::handleReadResponseBody()
+void Client::handleReadResponseBody(const boost::system::error_code& errorCode)
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "Client::handleReadResponseBody()" << endl;
+    if(!errorCode)
+    {
+        try
+        {
+            ResponseSP response_sp(new Response);
+            response_sp->ParseFromArray(&m_readBuff[HEADER_SIZE],
+                m_readBuff.size() - HEADER_SIZE);
+            //m_protocolManager_sp->processResponse(response_sp);
+            if(m_protocolManager_sp->waitBeforeRequest())
+            {
+                m_requestResponseTimer.expires_from_now(
+                    boost::posix_time::seconds(m_configuration_sp->getRefreshTime()));
+                m_requestResponseTimer.async_wait(
+                    boost::bind(&Client::startWriteRequest, this));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                startWriteRequest();
+            }
+        }
+        catch(std::exception& ec)
+        {
+            ERROR_STREAM << "Client::handleResponse() " << ec.what() << endl;
+            writeState(Tango::FAULT);
+            writeStatus(ec.what());
+        }
+        catch(...)
+        {
+            ERROR_STREAM << "Client::handleResponse() Unknown error" << endl;
+            writeState(Tango::FAULT);
+            writeStatus("Unknown error");
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ERROR_STREAM << "Client::handleResponse() " << errorCode.message() << endl;
+        writeState(Tango::FAULT);
+        writeStatus(errorCode.message());
+    }
+//      Client::resetConnection()
+void Client::handleReadData(const boost::system::error_code& errorCode)
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "Client::handleReadData()" << endl;
 //      Client::resetConnection()
diff --git a/src/Client.h b/src/Client.h
index c48d60f6a55abf44f0d86e7eaac330aa5e25d612..53080e3d684808b47fe9ca36a3f4d9cbcb598ce5 100644
--- a/src/Client.h
+++ b/src/Client.h
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 #include <Configuration.h>
 #include <DBManager.h>
-//#include <ProtocolManager.h>
-//#include <Request.pb.h>
-//#include <Response.pb.h>
+#include <ProtocolManager.h>
+#include <Request.pb.h>
+#include <Response.pb.h>
 #include <tango.h>
@@ -15,9 +15,6 @@
 #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
 #include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-//#include <Request.pb.h>
-//#include <Response.pb.h>
 namespace DataImporter_ns
@@ -81,26 +78,33 @@ protected:
     virtual void handleConnect(const boost::system::error_code&,
         boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator) = 0;
-////  [Protected] Write request methods
-//    virtual void startWriteRequest() = 0;
-//    virtual void handleWriteRequest(const boost::system::error_code&);
-////  [Protected] Read response header methods
-//    virtual void startReadResponseHeader() = 0;
-//    virtual void handleReadResponseHeader(const boost::system::error_code&);
-////  [Protected] Read response body methods
-//    virtual void startReadResponseBody(boost::uint32_t) = 0;
-//    virtual void handleReadResponseBody(const boost::system::error_code&);
+//  [Protected] Write request methods
+    virtual void startWriteRequest() = 0;
+    virtual void handleWriteRequest(const boost::system::error_code&);
+//  [Protected] Read response header methods
+    virtual void startReadResponseHeader() = 0;
+    virtual void handleReadResponseHeader(const boost::system::error_code&);
+//  [Protected] Read response body methods
+    virtual void startReadResponseBody(boost::uint32_t) = 0;
+    virtual void handleReadResponseBody(const boost::system::error_code&);
+//  [Protected] Read response body methods
+    virtual void startReadData() = 0;
+    virtual void handleReadData(const boost::system::error_code&);
 //  [Protected] Connection reset and timeout handler methods
@@ -131,7 +135,7 @@ protected:
     DBManager::SP m_dBManager_sp;
     //Protocol manager shared pointer
-    //ProtocolManager::SP m_protocolManager_sp;
+    ProtocolManager::SP m_protocolManager_sp;
     //IO service instance
     boost::asio::io_service m_ioService;
diff --git a/src/Configuration.h b/src/Configuration.h
index de0b6859053759bf9affa41245067138289bb792..ce24ab655917b9c679f65ea1f3d5e4c102f97bc3 100644
--- a/src/Configuration.h
+++ b/src/Configuration.h
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ private:
 //	[Private] Constructor destructor deleter
 	Configuration(std::string certificateFile, std::string storagePath,
+        std::string dIDBHost, unsigned int dIDBPort, std::string dIDBUser,
+        std::string dIDBPassword, std::string dIDBSchema,
+        std::string dIDBIndexTable, std::string dIDBRejectedTable,
         std::string remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort,
         std::string remoteUsername, std::string remotePassword,
         std::string databaseHost, unsigned int databasePort,
@@ -26,6 +29,9 @@ private:
         std::string databaseSchema, std::string databaseTable,
         unsigned int refreshTime, unsigned int timeout) :
         m_certificateFile (certificateFile), m_storagePath(storagePath),
+        m_dIDBHost(dIDBHost), m_dIDBPort(dIDBPort), m_dIDBUser(dIDBUser),
+        m_dIDBPassword(dIDBPassword), m_dIDBSchema(dIDBSchema),
+        m_dIDBIndexTable(dIDBIndexTable), m_dIDBRejectedTable(dIDBRejectedTable),
         m_remoteHost(remoteHost), m_remotePort(remotePort),
         m_remoteUsername(remoteUsername), m_remotePassword(remotePassword),
         m_databaseHost(databaseHost), m_databasePort(databasePort),
@@ -48,19 +54,22 @@ public:
 //	[Public] Create class method
 	static Configuration::SP create(std::string certificateFile,
-        std::string storagePath, std::string remoteHost,
-        unsigned int remotePort, std::string remoteUsername,
-        std::string remotePassword, std::string databaseHost
-,        unsigned int databasePort, std::string databaseUsername,
-        std::string databasePassword, std::string databaseSchema,
-        std::string databaseTable, unsigned int refreshTime,
-        unsigned int timeout)
+        std::string storagePath, std::string dIDBHost, unsigned int dIDBPort,
+        std::string dIDBUser, std::string dIDBPassword, std::string dIDBSchema,
+        std::string dIDBIndexTable, std::string dIDBRejectedTable,
+        std::string remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort,
+        std::string remoteUsername, std::string remotePassword,
+        std::string databaseHost, unsigned int databasePort,
+        std::string databaseUsername, std::string databasePassword,
+        std::string databaseSchema, std::string databaseTable,
+        unsigned int refreshTime, unsigned int timeout)
 		Configuration::SP c_sp(new Configuration(certificateFile, storagePath,
-            remoteHost, remotePort, remoteUsername, remotePassword,
-            databaseHost, databasePort, databaseUsername, databasePassword,
-            databaseSchema, databaseTable, refreshTime, timeout),
-            Configuration::Deleter());
+            dIDBHost, dIDBPort, dIDBUser, dIDBPassword, dIDBSchema,
+            dIDBIndexTable, dIDBRejectedTable, remoteHost, remotePort,
+            remoteUsername, remotePassword, databaseHost, databasePort,
+            databaseUsername, databasePassword, databaseSchema, databaseTable,
+            refreshTime, timeout), Configuration::Deleter());
 		return c_sp;
@@ -70,6 +79,13 @@ public:
 	std::string	getCertificateFile() const { return m_certificateFile; }
     std::string getStoragePath() const { return m_storagePath; }
+	std::string getDIDBHost() const { return m_dIDBHost; }
+	unsigned int getDIDBPort() const { return m_dIDBPort; }
+	std::string getDIDBUser() const { return m_dIDBUser; }
+	std::string getDIDBPassword() const { return m_dIDBPassword; }
+	std::string getDIDBSchema() const { return m_dIDBSchema; }
+	std::string getDIDBIndexTable() const { return m_dIDBIndexTable; }
+	std::string getDIDBRejectedTable() const { return m_dIDBRejectedTable; }
 	std::string	getRemoteHost() const { return m_remoteHost; }
 	unsigned int getRemotePort() const { return m_remotePort; }
 	std::string	getRemoteUsername() const { return m_remoteUsername; }
@@ -88,10 +104,31 @@ private:
 //	[Private] class variables
 	//Absolute path to certificate chain file
-	const std::string	m_certificateFile;
+	const std::string m_certificateFile;
 	//Absolute path to storage
-	const std::string	m_storagePath;
+	const std::string m_storagePath;
+	//Host where data import database is running
+	const std::string m_dIDBHost;
+	//Port where data import database is listening
+	const unsigned int m_dIDBPort;
+	//User to login in data import database
+	const std::string m_dIDBUser;
+	//Password to login in data import database
+	const std::string m_dIDBPassword;
+	//Schema where data import tables are located
+	const std::string m_dIDBSchema;
+	//Index table name
+	const std::string m_dIDBIndexTable;
+	//Rejected table name
+	const std::string m_dIDBRejectedTable;
     //Metadata exporter remote host
 	const std::string	m_remoteHost;
diff --git a/src/DataImporter.cpp b/src/DataImporter.cpp
index 785eef40b43a4d0cf3c7988fa133d6012e8f1f3f..b1a0d6d4434ef922eefa5b6f9410e9dfa9725bab 100644
--- a/src/DataImporter.cpp
+++ b/src/DataImporter.cpp
@@ -490,10 +490,31 @@ void DataImporter::get_device_property()
+        if(dIDBHost.empty())
+            throw(invalid_argument("DIDBHost property is empty or not defined"));
+        if(dIDBPort<1 || dIDBPort>MAX_PORT_NUMBER)
+            throw(invalid_argument("DIDBPort property out of range or not defined"));
+        if(dIDBUser.empty())
+            throw(invalid_argument("DIDBUser property is empty or not defined"));
+        if(dIDBPassword.empty())
+            throw(invalid_argument("DIDBPassword property is empty or not defined"));
+        if(dIDBSchema.empty())
+            throw(invalid_argument("DIDBSchema property is empty or not defined"));
+        if(dIDBIndexTable.empty())
+            throw(invalid_argument("DIDBIndexTable property is empty or not defined"));
+        if(dIDBRejectedTable.empty())
+            throw(invalid_argument("DIDBRejectedTable property is empty or not defined"));
             throw(invalid_argument("RemoteHost property is empty or not defined"));
-        if(remotePort<1 || remotePort>MAX_REMOTE_PORT)
+        if(remotePort<1 || remotePort>MAX_PORT_NUMBER)
             throw(invalid_argument("RemotePort property out of range or not defined"));
@@ -505,7 +526,7 @@ void DataImporter::get_device_property()
                 throw(invalid_argument("DatabaseHost property is empty or not defined"));
-        if(databasePort<1 || databasePort>MAX_DATABASE_PORT)
+        if(databasePort<1 || databasePort>MAX_PORT_NUMBER)
             throw(invalid_argument("DatabasePort property out of range or not defined"));
@@ -527,9 +548,10 @@ void DataImporter::get_device_property()
             throw(invalid_argument("Timeout property out of range or not defined"));
         m_configuration_sp = Configuration::create(certificateFile, storagePath,
-            remoteHost, remotePort, remoteUsername, remotePassword, databaseHost,
-            databasePort, databaseUsername, databasePassword, databaseSchema,
-            databaseTable, refreshTime, timeout);
+            dIDBHost, dIDBPort, dIDBUser, dIDBPassword, dIDBSchema, dIDBIndexTable,
+            dIDBRejectedTable, remoteHost, remotePort, remoteUsername, remotePassword,
+            databaseHost, databasePort, databaseUsername, databasePassword,
+            databaseSchema, databaseTable, refreshTime, timeout);
     catch(invalid_argument& ex)
@@ -715,6 +737,5 @@ void DataImporter::checkIfDirectoryExists(std::string directoryName)
     INFO_STREAM << "DataImporter::checkIfDirectoryExists() " << directoryName << endl;
 /*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::namespace_ending
 } //	namespace
diff --git a/src/DataImporter.h b/src/DataImporter.h
index bbe9e5f5d60aed6cdc378df80592302915dbd024..4b139ef11175df8ed06aef8bb05e4107103133d5 100644
--- a/src/DataImporter.h
+++ b/src/DataImporter.h
@@ -73,11 +73,8 @@ class DataImporter : public TANGO_BASE_CLASS
     //Client class shared pointer
     Client::SP m_client_sp;
-    //Max port number allowed value for remote connection
-    static const unsigned int MAX_REMOTE_PORT = 65535;
-    //Max port number allowed value for local database
-    static const unsigned int MAX_DATABASE_PORT = 65535;
+    //Max port number allowed value for data import database
+    static const unsigned int MAX_PORT_NUMBER = 65535;
     //Max time between remote server requests
     static const unsigned int MAX_REFRESH_TIME = 3600;
@@ -94,7 +91,7 @@ public:
 	string	certificateFile;
 	//	StoragePath:	Absolute path to storage
 	string	storagePath;
-	//	DIDBHost:	Hostname where data import database is running
+	//	DIDBHost:	Host where data import database is running
 	string	dIDBHost;
 	//	DIDBPort:	Port where data import database is listening
 	Tango::DevULong	dIDBPort;
diff --git a/src/PlainClient.cpp b/src/PlainClient.cpp
index c6a837e39bcb0c4db98cdd76d4a1e5afbf14b879..0970fb335fe13fefab3ccf33555697ce33828377 100644
--- a/src/PlainClient.cpp
+++ b/src/PlainClient.cpp
@@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ void PlainClient::handleConnect(const boost::system::error_code& errorCode,
-        //m_protocolManager_sp->setRemoteEndpoint(m_remoteEndpoint);
+        m_protocolManager_sp->setRemoteEndpoint(m_remoteEndpoint);
-        //startWriteRequest();
+        startWriteRequest();
@@ -132,90 +132,100 @@ void PlainClient::handleConnect(const boost::system::error_code& errorCode,
-////      PlainClient::startRequest()
-//void PlainClient::startWriteRequest()
-//    DEBUG_STREAM << "PlainClient::startRequest()" << endl;
-//    try
-//    {
-//        RequestSP request_sp = m_protocolManager_sp->createRequest();
-//        boost::uint32_t bodySize = request_sp->ByteSize();
-//        #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG
-//            INFO_STREAM << "PlainClient::startRequest() "
-//                << m_remoteEndpoint << " <<<< " << bodySize << " byte" << endl;
-//        #endif
-//        std::vector<boost::uint8_t> writeBuff;
-//        writeBuff.resize(HEADER_SIZE + bodySize);
-//        encodeHeader(writeBuff, bodySize);
-//        request_sp->SerializeToArray(&writeBuff[HEADER_SIZE], bodySize);
-//        m_resetConnectionTimer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(30));
-//        boost::asio::async_write(m_plainSocket, boost::asio::buffer(writeBuff),
-//            boost::bind(&PlainClient::handleWriteRequest, this,
-//            boost::asio::placeholders::error));
-//    }
-//    catch(std::exception& ec)
-//    {
-//        ERROR_STREAM << "PlainClient::startWriteRequest() " << ec.what() << endl;
-//        writeState(Tango::FAULT);
-//        writeStatus(ec.what());
-//    }
-//    catch(...)
-//    {
-//        ERROR_STREAM << "PlainClient::startWriteRequest() unknown error" << endl;
-//        writeState(Tango::FAULT);
-//        writeStatus("Unknown error");
-//    }
-////      PlainClient::startReadResponseHeader()
-//void PlainClient::startReadResponseHeader()
-//    DEBUG_STREAM << "PlainClient::startReadResponseHeader()" << endl;
-//    m_readBuff.resize(HEADER_SIZE);
-//    m_resetConnectionTimer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(30));
-//    boost::asio::async_read(m_plainSocket, boost::asio::buffer(m_readBuff),
-//        boost::bind(&PlainClient::handleReadResponseHeader, this,
-//            boost::asio::placeholders::error));
-////      PlainClient::startReadResponseBody()
-//void PlainClient::startReadResponseBody(boost::uint32_t bodySize)
-//    DEBUG_STREAM << "PlainClient::startReadResponseBody()" << endl;
-//    #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG
-//        INFO_STREAM << "PlainClient::startReadResponseBody() "
-//            << m_remoteEndpoint << " >>>> " << bodySize << " byte" << endl;
-//    #endif
-//    m_readBuff.resize(HEADER_SIZE + bodySize);
-//    boost::asio::mutable_buffers_1 mutableBuffer =
-//        boost::asio::buffer(&m_readBuff[HEADER_SIZE], bodySize);
-//    boost::asio::async_read(m_plainSocket, mutableBuffer,
-//        boost::bind(&PlainClient::handleReadResponseBody, this,
-//            boost::asio::placeholders::error));
+//      PlainClient::startRequest()
+void PlainClient::startWriteRequest()
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "PlainClient::startRequest()" << endl;
+    try
+    {
+        //RequestSP request_sp = m_protocolManager_sp->createRequest();
+        RequestSP request_sp(new Request);
+        boost::uint32_t bodySize = request_sp->ByteSize();
+        #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG
+            INFO_STREAM << "PlainClient::startRequest() "
+                << m_remoteEndpoint << " <<<< " << bodySize << " byte" << endl;
+        #endif
+        std::vector<boost::uint8_t> writeBuff;
+        writeBuff.resize(HEADER_SIZE + bodySize);
+        encodeHeader(writeBuff, bodySize);
+        request_sp->SerializeToArray(&writeBuff[HEADER_SIZE], bodySize);
+        m_resetConnectionTimer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(30));
+        boost::asio::async_write(m_plainSocket, boost::asio::buffer(writeBuff),
+            boost::bind(&PlainClient::handleWriteRequest, this,
+            boost::asio::placeholders::error));
+    }
+    catch(std::exception& ec)
+    {
+        ERROR_STREAM << "PlainClient::startWriteRequest() " << ec.what() << endl;
+        writeState(Tango::FAULT);
+        writeStatus(ec.what());
+    }
+    catch(...)
+    {
+        ERROR_STREAM << "PlainClient::startWriteRequest() unknown error" << endl;
+        writeState(Tango::FAULT);
+        writeStatus("Unknown error");
+    }
+//      PlainClient::startReadResponseHeader()
+void PlainClient::startReadResponseHeader()
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "PlainClient::startReadResponseHeader()" << endl;
+    m_readBuff.resize(HEADER_SIZE);
+    m_resetConnectionTimer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(30));
+    boost::asio::async_read(m_plainSocket, boost::asio::buffer(m_readBuff),
+        boost::bind(&PlainClient::handleReadResponseHeader, this,
+            boost::asio::placeholders::error));
+//      PlainClient::startReadResponseBody()
+void PlainClient::startReadResponseBody(boost::uint32_t bodySize)
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "PlainClient::startReadResponseBody()" << endl;
+    #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG
+        INFO_STREAM << "PlainClient::startReadResponseBody() "
+            << m_remoteEndpoint << " >>>> " << bodySize << " byte" << endl;
+    #endif
+    m_readBuff.resize(HEADER_SIZE + bodySize);
+    boost::asio::mutable_buffers_1 mutableBuffer =
+        boost::asio::buffer(&m_readBuff[HEADER_SIZE], bodySize);
+    boost::asio::async_read(m_plainSocket, mutableBuffer,
+        boost::bind(&PlainClient::handleReadResponseBody, this,
+            boost::asio::placeholders::error));
+//      PlainClient::startReadData()
+void PlainClient::startReadData()
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "PlainClient::startReadData()" << endl;
 //      PlainClient::closeConnection()
diff --git a/src/PlainClient.h b/src/PlainClient.h
index c17850dcc855f3ea48698f6e9d2b7c4f9e8045e3..f4014cf5e0f31f8808001db57ea135d4dbd07e07 100644
--- a/src/PlainClient.h
+++ b/src/PlainClient.h
@@ -49,11 +49,13 @@ protected:
 //  [Protected] Request response methods
-//    virtual void startWriteRequest();
-//    virtual void startReadResponseHeader();
-//    virtual void startReadResponseBody(boost::uint32_t);
+    virtual void startWriteRequest();
+    virtual void startReadResponseHeader();
+    virtual void startReadResponseBody(boost::uint32_t);
+    virtual void startReadData();
 //  [Protected] Connection close method
diff --git a/src/ProtocolManager.cpp b/src/ProtocolManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..123fe5d004ad02760de75c7db54028fb0f559a2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ProtocolManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+#include <ProtocolManager.h>
+#include <boost/date_time.hpp>
+namespace DataImporter_ns
+//      ProtocolManager::ProtocolManager()
+ProtocolManager::ProtocolManager(Tango::DeviceImpl* deviceImpl_p,
+    Configuration::SP configuration_sp, DBManager::SP dBManager_sp) :
+    Tango::LogAdapter(deviceImpl_p), m_configuration_sp(configuration_sp),
+    m_dBManager_sp(dBManager_sp)
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "ProtocolManager::ProtocolManager()" << endl;
+    m_isAuthorised = false;
+    m_hasMoreData = true;
+//      ProtocolManager::ProtocolManager()
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "ProtocolManager::~ProtocolManager()" << endl;
+//      ProtocolManager::ProtocolManager()
+ProtocolManager::SP ProtocolManager::create(Tango::DeviceImpl* deviceImpl_p,
+    Configuration::SP configuration_sp, DBManager::SP dBManager_sp)
+    ProtocolManager::SP d_sp(new ProtocolManager(deviceImpl_p, configuration_sp,
+        dBManager_sp), ProtocolManager::Deleter());
+    return d_sp;
+//      ProtocolManager::ProtocolManager()
+void ProtocolManager::setRemoteEndpoint(std::string remoteEndpoint)
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "ProtocolManager::setRemoteEndpoint()" << endl;
+    m_remoteEndpoint = remoteEndpoint;
+//      ProtocolManager::waitBeforeRequest()
+bool ProtocolManager::waitBeforeRequest()
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "ProtocolManager::waitBeforeRequest()" << endl;
+    return !m_hasMoreData;
+//      ProtocolManager::resetProtocolStatus()
+void ProtocolManager::resetProtocolStatus()
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "ProtocolManager::resetProtocolStatus()" << endl;
+    m_isAuthorised = false;
+    m_hasMoreData = true;
+//      ProtocolManager::createRequest()
+RequestSP ProtocolManager::createRequest()
+    throw(std::runtime_error, std::out_of_range)
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "ProtocolManager::createRequest()" << endl;
+    RequestSP request_sp;
+    if(!m_isAuthorised)
+    {
+        //request_sp = createAuthroisation();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        //request_sp = createMetadata();
+    }
+    if(!request_sp->IsInitialized())
+        throw std::runtime_error("Not initialized request!");
+    return request_sp;
+//      ProtocolManager::processResponse()
+void ProtocolManager::processResponse(ResponseSP response_sp)
+    throw(std::runtime_error, std::out_of_range)
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "ProtocolManager::processResponse()" << endl;
+    if(!response_sp->IsInitialized())
+        throw std::runtime_error("Not initialized response!");
+//    switch(response_sp->type())
+//    {
+//        case Response::AUTHORIZATION:
+//        {
+//            processAuthroisation(response_sp);
+//            break;
+//        }
+//        case Response::VALIDATION:
+//        {
+//            processValidation(response_sp);
+//            break;
+//        }
+//        case Response::METADATA:
+//        {
+//            processMetadata(response_sp);
+//            break;
+//        }
+//        default:
+//            throw std::runtime_error("Unknown response type");
+//    }
+////      ProtocolManager::createAuthroisation()
+//RequestSP ProtocolManager::createAuthroisation() throw(std::runtime_error)
+//    DEBUG_STREAM << "ProtocolManager::createAuthroisation()" << endl;
+//    RequestSP request_sp(new Request);
+//    request_sp->set_type(Request::AUTHORIZATION);
+//    std::string user = m_configuration_sp->getRemoteUsername();
+//    std::string password = m_configuration_sp->getRemotePassword();
+//    #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG
+//        INFO_STREAM << "ProtocolManager::createAuthroisation() Send username "
+//            << user << " password " << password << " to " << m_remoteEndpoint << endl;
+//    #else
+//        INFO_STREAM << "ProtocolManager::createAuthroisation() Send to "
+//            << m_remoteEndpoint << endl;
+//    #endif
+//    Request::Authorization* authorization = request_sp->mutable_authorization();
+//    authorization->set_username(user);
+//    authorization->set_password(password);
+//    return request_sp;
+////      ProtocolManager::processAuthroisation()
+//void ProtocolManager::processAuthroisation(ResponseSP response_sp)
+//    throw(std::runtime_error)
+//    DEBUG_STREAM << "ProtocolManager::processAuthroisation()" << endl;
+//    const Response::Authorization& authorization = response_sp->authorization();
+//    if(authorization.state() == Response::Authorization::ACCEPTED)
+//    {
+//        INFO_STREAM << "ProtocolManager::processAuthroisation() State ACCEPTED "
+//            << "status " << authorization.status() << " from " << m_remoteEndpoint << endl;
+//        m_isAuthorised = true;
+//    }
+//    else
+//    {
+//        ERROR_STREAM << "ProtocolManager::processAuthroisation() State REJECTED "
+//            << "status " << authorization.status() << " from " << m_remoteEndpoint << endl;
+//        throw std::runtime_error(authorization.status());
+//    }
+}   //namespace
diff --git a/src/ProtocolManager.h b/src/ProtocolManager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ebecde6bd42b143374ecf728c3d3f3566ef18c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ProtocolManager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#include <Response.pb.h>
+#include <Request.pb.h>
+#include <Configuration.h>
+#include <DBManager.h>
+#include <tango.h>
+namespace DataImporter_ns
+//Protocol buffer request class shared pointer
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<Request> RequestSP;
+//Protocol buffer response class shared pointer
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<Response> ResponseSP;
+class ProtocolManager : public Tango::LogAdapter
+//  [Public] Shared pointer typedef
+    typedef boost::shared_ptr<ProtocolManager> SP;
+//  [Protected] Constructor destructor deleter
+    ProtocolManager(Tango::DeviceImpl*, Configuration::SP, DBManager::SP);
+    virtual ~ProtocolManager();
+    class Deleter;
+    friend Deleter;
+    class Deleter
+    {
+        public:
+            void operator()(ProtocolManager* d) { delete d; }
+    };
+//	[Public] Class creation method
+    static ProtocolManager::SP create(Tango::DeviceImpl*, Configuration::SP,
+        DBManager::SP);
+//	[Public] Remote endpoint setter method
+    virtual void setRemoteEndpoint(std::string);
+//  [Public] Time between request method
+    virtual bool waitBeforeRequest();
+//  [Public] Reset protocol status method
+    virtual void resetProtocolStatus();
+//  [Public] Request response management method
+    virtual RequestSP createRequest()
+        throw(std::runtime_error, std::out_of_range);
+    virtual void processResponse(ResponseSP)
+        throw(std::runtime_error, std::out_of_range);
+//  [Protected] Request specific methods
+//  [Protected] Class variables
+    //Configuration parameters shared pointer
+    Configuration::SP m_configuration_sp;
+    //Database manger shared pointer
+    DBManager::SP m_dBManager_sp;
+    //Client is authorised
+    bool m_isAuthorised;
+    //Server has more data in buffer
+    bool m_hasMoreData;
+    //Address and port of remote endpoint
+    std::string m_remoteEndpoint;
+}   //End of namespace
diff --git a/src/SSLClient.cpp b/src/SSLClient.cpp
index 57aee4849217d2597bfebbdbbec10271487a6e3f..e86867e43449cc90feb1eac5dc36dd628423104c 100644
--- a/src/SSLClient.cpp
+++ b/src/SSLClient.cpp
@@ -172,9 +172,9 @@ void SSLClient::handleHandShake(const boost::system::error_code& errorCode)
-        //m_protocolManager_sp->setRemoteEndpoint(m_remoteEndpoint);
+        m_protocolManager_sp->setRemoteEndpoint(m_remoteEndpoint);
-        //startWriteRequest();
+        startWriteRequest();
@@ -185,90 +185,100 @@ void SSLClient::handleHandShake(const boost::system::error_code& errorCode)
-////      SSLClient::startWriteRequest()
-//void SSLClient::startWriteRequest()
-//    DEBUG_STREAM << "SSLClient::startWriteRequest()" << endl;
-//    try
-//    {
-//        RequestSP request_sp = m_protocolManager_sp->createRequest();
-//        boost::uint32_t bodySize = request_sp->ByteSize();
-//        #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG
-//            INFO_STREAM << "SSLClient::startWriteRequest() "
-//                << m_remoteEndpoint << " <<<< " << bodySize << " byte" << endl;
-//        #endif
-//        std::vector<boost::uint8_t> writeBuff;
-//        writeBuff.resize(HEADER_SIZE + bodySize);
-//        encodeHeader(writeBuff, bodySize);
-//        request_sp->SerializeToArray(&writeBuff[HEADER_SIZE], bodySize);
-//        m_resetConnectionTimer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(30));
-//        boost::asio::async_write(m_sSLSocket, boost::asio::buffer(writeBuff),
-//            boost::bind(&SSLClient::handleWriteRequest, this,
-//            boost::asio::placeholders::error));
-//    }
-//    catch(std::exception& ec)
-//    {
-//        ERROR_STREAM << "SSLClient::startWriteRequest() " << ec.what() << endl;
-//        writeState(Tango::FAULT);
-//        writeStatus(ec.what());
-//    }
-//    catch(...)
-//    {
-//        ERROR_STREAM << "SSLClient::startWriteRequest() unknown error" << endl;
-//        writeState(Tango::FAULT);
-//        writeStatus("Unknown error");
-//    }
-////      SSLClient::startReadResponseHeader()
-//void SSLClient::startReadResponseHeader()
-//    DEBUG_STREAM << "SSLClient::startReadResponseHeader()" << endl;
-//    m_readBuff.resize(HEADER_SIZE);
-//    m_resetConnectionTimer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(30));
-//    boost::asio::async_read(m_sSLSocket, boost::asio::buffer(m_readBuff),
-//        boost::bind(&SSLClient::handleReadResponseHeader, this,
-//            boost::asio::placeholders::error));
-////      SSLClient::startReadResponseBody()
-//void SSLClient::startReadResponseBody(boost::uint32_t bodySize)
-//    DEBUG_STREAM << "SSLClient::startReadResponseBody()" << endl;
-//    #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG
-//        INFO_STREAM << "SSLClient::startReadResponseBody() "
-//            << m_remoteEndpoint << " >>>> " << bodySize << " byte" << endl;
-//    #endif
-//    m_readBuff.resize(HEADER_SIZE + bodySize);
-//    boost::asio::mutable_buffers_1 mutableBuffer =
-//        boost::asio::buffer(&m_readBuff[HEADER_SIZE], bodySize);
-//    boost::asio::async_read(m_sSLSocket, mutableBuffer,
-//        boost::bind(&SSLClient::handleReadResponseBody, this,
-//            boost::asio::placeholders::error));
+//      SSLClient::startWriteRequest()
+void SSLClient::startWriteRequest()
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "SSLClient::startWriteRequest()" << endl;
+    try
+    {
+        //RequestSP request_sp = m_protocolManager_sp->createRequest();
+        RequestSP request_sp(new Request);
+        boost::uint32_t bodySize = request_sp->ByteSize();
+        #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG
+            INFO_STREAM << "SSLClient::startWriteRequest() "
+                << m_remoteEndpoint << " <<<< " << bodySize << " byte" << endl;
+        #endif
+        std::vector<boost::uint8_t> writeBuff;
+        writeBuff.resize(HEADER_SIZE + bodySize);
+        encodeHeader(writeBuff, bodySize);
+        request_sp->SerializeToArray(&writeBuff[HEADER_SIZE], bodySize);
+        m_resetConnectionTimer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(30));
+        boost::asio::async_write(m_sSLSocket, boost::asio::buffer(writeBuff),
+            boost::bind(&SSLClient::handleWriteRequest, this,
+            boost::asio::placeholders::error));
+    }
+    catch(std::exception& ec)
+    {
+        ERROR_STREAM << "SSLClient::startWriteRequest() " << ec.what() << endl;
+        writeState(Tango::FAULT);
+        writeStatus(ec.what());
+    }
+    catch(...)
+    {
+        ERROR_STREAM << "SSLClient::startWriteRequest() unknown error" << endl;
+        writeState(Tango::FAULT);
+        writeStatus("Unknown error");
+    }
+//      SSLClient::startReadResponseHeader()
+void SSLClient::startReadResponseHeader()
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "SSLClient::startReadResponseHeader()" << endl;
+    m_readBuff.resize(HEADER_SIZE);
+    m_resetConnectionTimer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(30));
+    boost::asio::async_read(m_sSLSocket, boost::asio::buffer(m_readBuff),
+        boost::bind(&SSLClient::handleReadResponseHeader, this,
+            boost::asio::placeholders::error));
+//      SSLClient::startReadResponseBody()
+void SSLClient::startReadResponseBody(boost::uint32_t bodySize)
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "SSLClient::startReadResponseBody()" << endl;
+    #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG
+        INFO_STREAM << "SSLClient::startReadResponseBody() "
+            << m_remoteEndpoint << " >>>> " << bodySize << " byte" << endl;
+    #endif
+    m_readBuff.resize(HEADER_SIZE + bodySize);
+    boost::asio::mutable_buffers_1 mutableBuffer =
+        boost::asio::buffer(&m_readBuff[HEADER_SIZE], bodySize);
+    boost::asio::async_read(m_sSLSocket, mutableBuffer,
+        boost::bind(&SSLClient::handleReadResponseBody, this,
+            boost::asio::placeholders::error));
+//      SSLClient::startReadData()
+void SSLClient::startReadData()
+    DEBUG_STREAM << "SSLClient::startReadData()" << endl;
 //      SSLClient::closeConnection()
diff --git a/src/SSLClient.h b/src/SSLClient.h
index 10f1fbbf7ca89bb574ab10898341547383e314c1..064991c19eb71edcdc6c78a521650319d73d6bdd 100644
--- a/src/SSLClient.h
+++ b/src/SSLClient.h
@@ -58,11 +58,13 @@ protected:
 //  [Protected] Request response methods
-//    virtual void startWriteRequest();
-//    virtual void startReadResponseHeader();
-//    virtual void startReadResponseBody(boost::uint32_t);
+    virtual void startWriteRequest();
+    virtual void startReadResponseHeader();
+    virtual void startReadResponseBody(boost::uint32_t);
+    virtual void startReadData();
 //  [Protected] Connection close method