# CHANGELOG All changes to the Metis L1 pipeline are documented in this file. ## 2.2 – 2020-11-25 - Change the way how the house-keeping parameters are saved into the FITS binary table, in order to prevent very long computation times when the house-keeping parameter table is large in data volume. - Modify the decode_obt.pro routine to fix a bug that caused the OBT_BEG and OBT_END keyword values to be converted from double to long. - Optimise some keyword description texts in the FITS header. - Add the make_bin_table.pro routine. - Remove the strreplace.pro routine. ## 2.1 – 2020-11-13 - Fix a bug that triggered the re-binning of VL images even when not necessary. - Fix a bug that caused an error in writing the log file for data products that are not images (e.g., light curves). ## 2.0 – 2020-10-06 - Include the re-binning of images that had been acquired with binning enabled, so that the size of the data in the FITS is consistent with the commanded binning. - Modify the interpolation method of house-keeping parameters to manage cases in which interpolation fails, avoiding output values such as “NaN” or “Inf”. - Add conversion to string for all the keywords of the scientific header that are boolean type. - Include the generation of a log file with information on the processing and errors, useful for debugging. ## 1.1 – 2020-04-21 - Modify the interpolation method of house-keeping parameters to take into account: - the possible lack of a parameter; - the possible presence of an uncalibrated parameter (whose engineering value is flagged with “N/A”); - the fact that the GEN_TIME keyword is provided in UTC rather than OBT. - Fix a bug that prevented the correct update of some keywords of the FITS header, in particular those related to sensor temperatures, whose values are interpolated using the input house-keeping parameter table. - Add correct computation of the TELAPSE and XPOSURE keywords. - Include the EMPTY_PARAMS keyword in the output auxiliary JSON file, containing the list of house-keeping parameters in the input table that are not calibrated but which have been interpolated to correct the value of some of the FITS header keywords. - Revise the structure of the binary table containing the house-keeping parameters to make it more user-friendly. ## 1.0 – 2020-03-06 - Add several optimisations to the code. - Add the decode_obt.pro routine. ## 0.0 – 2020-01-16 Prototype version of the L1 pipeline.