diff --git a/src/tap/config/tap_configuration_file.html b/src/tap/config/tap_configuration_file.html
index 65e54ebb31051d58040eb49e2183db143ca64b20..132ffceeba48c9b03b617cc34b711b3d13f065b4 100644
--- a/src/tap/config/tap_configuration_file.html
+++ b/src/tap/config/tap_configuration_file.html
@@ -857,20 +857,42 @@
 					<p>Comma-separated list of all allowed UDFs (User Defined Functions).</p>
-					<p>
-						Each item of the list must have the following syntax: <code>[fct_signature]</code>,
-						<code>[fct_signature, className]</code> or <code>[fct_signature, className, description]</code>.
-						<i>fct_function</i> is the function signature. Its syntax is the same as in
+					<p>Each item of the list must follow one of these syntaxes:</p>
+  					<ul>
+  						<li><code>[fct_signature]</code></li>
+  						<li><code>[fct_signature, transPattern]</code></li>
+  						<li><code>[fct_signature, transPattern, description]</code></li>
+  						<li><code>[fct_signature, className]</code></li>
+  						<li><code>[fct_signature, className, description]</code></li>
+  					</ul>
+  					<p>
+						<code>fct_function</code> is the function signature. Its syntax is the same as in
 						<a href="http://www.ivoa.net/documents/TAPRegExt/20120827/REC-TAPRegExt-1.0.html#langs">TAPRegExt</a>.
+					</p>
+					<p>
+						<i>transPattern</i> is a simple way to translate the ADQL function into the target
+						language (e.g. SQL). The string will represent the exact translation of the
+						function. It is possible to insert arguments with <code>$i</code> (where i is an
+						integer &gt; 0 corresponding to the argument index). This translation pattern is
+						very useful when just the name of the function or the order of arguments is
+						different from the ADQL function, or if a simple operation in the target
+						language (e.g. math operation) is required (note that it will not be executed
+						in the TAP library but in the database). If a more complex translation is
+						required, you should give <i>className</i> instead (see next paragraph).
+					</p>
+					<p>
 						<i>className</i> is the name of a class extending UserDefinedFunction.
 						An instance of this class will replace any reference of a UDF written in an
 						ADQL function with the associated signature. A class name must be specified if
 						the function to represent has a signature (and more particularly a name)
-						different in ADQL and in SQL. <i>description</i> is the human description of the
-						function to be displayed in the <i>/capabilities</i> of the TAP service. It must be
+						different in ADQL and in SQL. description is the human description of the
+						function to be displayed in the /capabilities of the TAP service. It must be
 						written between double quotes.
+					<p>
+						<i>description</i> is the human description of this function. It will be visible in
+						the TAP's capabilities.
+					</p>
 						If the list is empty (no item), all unknown functions are forbidden. And if the special value <code>ANY</code> is given, any unknown function is allowed ;
 						consequently the unknown ADQL functions will be translated into SQL as they are in ADQL.
@@ -880,6 +902,8 @@
 				<td><ul><li>ΓΈ <em>(default)</em></li>
 						<li>[trim(txt String) -&gt; String], [random() -&gt; DOUBLE]</li>
+						<li>[ivo_lower(str varchar)->varchar, "lower($1)"]</li>
+						<li>[ivo_nocasematch(value varchar, pattern varchar)->integer, "CAST($1 ILIKE $2 AS INTEGER)", "Compare a string with a given LIKE's SQL pattern in a case-insensitive way."]</li>
 						<li>[newFct(x double)-&gt;double, {apackage.MyNewFunction}]</li>
 						<li>[ivo_healpix_index(hpxOrder integer, ra double, dec double) -&gt; bigint, {adql.query.operand.function.healpix.HealpixIndex}, "Compute the index of the \"Healpix cell\" containing the specified position at the given Healpix order."]</li>
 						<li>[random() -&gt; DOUBLE,,"Generate a random number."]</li>
diff --git a/src/tap/config/tap_full.properties b/src/tap/config/tap_full.properties
index a80320fbb72ace17cf3f6ad83bc36bec2df65d7b..810b9a25d390e3f6ac9a23b5ee17441c4037dfa0 100644
--- a/src/tap/config/tap_full.properties
+++ b/src/tap/config/tap_full.properties
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #                        FULL TAP CONFIGURATION FILE                           #
 #                                                                              #
-# TAP Version: 2.3                                                             #
-# Date: 20 March. 2019                                                         #
+# TAP Version: 2.4                                                             #
+# Date: 21 August 2020                                                         #
 # Author: Gregory Mantelet (CDS;ARI)                                           #
 #                                                                              #
@@ -751,24 +751,49 @@ geometries =
 # Comma-separated list of all allowed UDFs (User Defined Functions).
-# Each item of the list must have the following syntax: [fct_signature],
-# [fct_signature, className] or [fct_signature, className, description].
-# fct_function is the function signature. Its syntax is the same as in
-# TAPRegExt. className is the name of a class extending UserDefinedFunction.
+# Each item of the list must follow one of these syntaxes:
+#   [fct_signature],
+#   [fct_signature, transPattern],
+#   [fct_signature, transPattern, description],
+#   [fct_signature, className],
+#   [fct_signature, className, description].
+# `fct_function` is the function signature. Its syntax is the same as in
+# TAPRegExt.
+# `transPattern` is a simple way to translate the ADQL function into the target
+# language (e.g. SQL). The string will represent the exact translation of the
+# function. It is possible to insert arguments with `$i` (where i is an
+# integer > 0 corresponding to the argument index). This translation pattern is
+# very useful when just the name of the function or the order of arguments is
+# different from the ADQL function, or if a simple operation in the target
+# language (e.g. math operation) is required (note that it will not be executed
+# in the TAP library but in the database). If a more complex translation is
+# required, you should give `className` instead (see next paragraph).
+# `className` is the name of a class extending UserDefinedFunction.
 # An instance of this class will replace any reference of a UDF written in an
 # ADQL function with the associated signature. A class name must be specified if
 # the function to represent has a signature (and more particularly a name)
 # different in ADQL and in SQL. description is the human description of the
 # function to be displayed in the /capabilities of the TAP service. It must be
 # written between double quotes.
-# Example: udfs = [ivo_healpix_index(hpxOrder integer, ra double, dec double)
-#                  -> bigint, {adql.query.operand.function.healpix.HealpixIndex}
-#                  , "Compute the index of the \"Healpix cell\" containing the
-#                     specified position at the given Healpix order."],
-#                 [trim(txt String) -> String],
-#                 [newFct(x double)-&gt;double, {apackage.MyNewFunction}],
-#                 [random() -> DOUBLE,,"Generate a random number."]
+# `description` is the human description of this function. It will be visible in
+# the TAP's capabilities.
+# Example: udfs = [ivo_healpix_index(hpxOrder integer, ra double, dec double) \
+#                  -> bigint, \
+#                  {adql.query.operand.function.healpix.HealpixIndex}, \
+#                  "Compute the index of the \"Healpix cell\" containing the \ 
+#                   specified position at the given Healpix order."], \
+#                 [trim(txt String) -> String], \
+#                 [newFct(x double)->double, {apackage.MyNewFunction}], \
+#                 [random() -> DOUBLE,,"Generate a random number."], \
+#                 [ivo_lower(str varchar)->varchar, "lower($1)"], \
+#                 [ivo_nocasematch(value varchar, pattern varchar)->integer, \
+#                  "CAST($1 ILIKE $2 AS INTEGER)", \
+#                  "Compare a string with a given LIKE's SQL pattern in a case-insensitive way."]
 # If the list is empty (no item), all unknown functions are forbidden. And if
 # the special value ANY is given, any unknown function is allowed ; consequently
diff --git a/src/tap/config/tap_min.properties b/src/tap/config/tap_min.properties
index 93b33e16134d065994aa57b70b68899887da5628..92bb2a5e669755e38127c4250a39f82581cc12f0 100644
--- a/src/tap/config/tap_min.properties
+++ b/src/tap/config/tap_min.properties
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #                      MINIMUM TAP CONFIGURATION FILE                          #
 #                                                                              #
-# TAP Version: 2.3                                                             #
-# Date: 11 Apr. 2019                                                           #
+# TAP Version: 2.4                                                             #
+# Date: 21 August 2020                                                         #
 # Author: Gregory Mantelet (CDS;ARI)                                           #
 #                                                                              #