package tap.config; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_PER_USER; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.DEFAULT_EXECUTION_DURATION; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.DEFAULT_GROUP_USER_DIRECTORIES; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.DEFAULT_MAX_ASYNC_JOBS; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.DEFAULT_RETENTION_PERIOD; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.DEFAULT_UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_DEFAULT_EXECUTION_DURATION; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_LIMIT; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_DEFAULT_RETENTION_PERIOD; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_DEFAULT_UPLOAD_LIMIT; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_DIRECTORY_PER_USER; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_FILE_MANAGER; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_FILE_ROOT_PATH; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_GEOMETRIES; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_GROUP_USER_DIRECTORIES; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_LOG_ROTATION; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_MAX_ASYNC_JOBS; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_MAX_EXECUTION_DURATION; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_MAX_OUTPUT_LIMIT; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_MAX_RETENTION_PERIOD; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_MAX_UPLOAD_LIMIT; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_METADATA; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_METADATA_FILE; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_MIN_LOG_LEVEL; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_OUTPUT_FORMATS; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_PROVIDER_NAME; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_TAP_FACTORY; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_UDFS; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_UPLOAD_ENABLED; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_USER_IDENTIFIER; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_ALL; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_ANY; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_CSV; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_DB; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_FITS; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_HTML; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_JSON; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_LOCAL; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_NONE; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_SV; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_TEXT; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_TSV; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_VOT; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_VOTABLE; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_XML; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.fetchClass; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.getProperty; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.isClassName; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.newInstance; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.parseLimit; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import tap.ServiceConnection; import tap.TAPException; import tap.TAPFactory; import tap.db.DBConnection; import tap.formatter.FITSFormat; import tap.formatter.HTMLFormat; import tap.formatter.JSONFormat; import tap.formatter.OutputFormat; import tap.formatter.SVFormat; import tap.formatter.TextFormat; import tap.formatter.VOTableFormat; import tap.log.DefaultTAPLog; import tap.log.TAPLog; import tap.metadata.TAPMetadata; import tap.metadata.TableSetParser; import; import; import uws.UWSException; import uws.service.UserIdentifier; import uws.service.file.LocalUWSFileManager; import uws.service.file.UWSFileManager; import uws.service.log.UWSLog.LogLevel; import adql.db.FunctionDef; import adql.parser.ParseException; import adql.query.operand.function.UserDefinedFunction; public final class ConfigurableServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection { private UWSFileManager fileManager; private TAPLog logger; private TAPFactory tapFactory; private final TAPMetadata metadata; private final String providerName; private final String serviceDescription; private boolean isAvailable = false; // the TAP service must be disabled until the end of its connection initialization private String availability = "TAP service not yet initialized."; private int maxAsyncJobs = DEFAULT_MAX_ASYNC_JOBS; private int[] executionDuration = new int[2]; private int[] retentionPeriod = new int[2]; private final ArrayList outputFormats; private int[] outputLimits = new int[]{-1,-1}; private LimitUnit[] outputLimitTypes = new LimitUnit[2]; private boolean isUploadEnabled = false; private int[] uploadLimits = new int[]{-1,-1}; private LimitUnit[] uploadLimitTypes = new LimitUnit[2]; private int maxUploadSize = DEFAULT_UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE; private UserIdentifier userIdentifier = null; private ArrayList geometries = null; private final String GEOMETRY_REGEXP = "(AREA|BOX|CENTROID|CIRCLE|CONTAINS|DISTANCE|COORD1|COORD2|COORDSYS|INTERSECTS|POINT|POLYGON|REGION)"; private Collection udfs = new ArrayList(0); public ConfigurableServiceConnection(final Properties tapConfig) throws NullPointerException, TAPException, UWSException{ this(tapConfig, null); } public ConfigurableServiceConnection(final Properties tapConfig, final String webAppRootDir) throws NullPointerException, TAPException, UWSException{ if (tapConfig == null) throw new NullPointerException("Missing TAP properties! "); // 1. INITIALIZE THE FILE MANAGER: initFileManager(tapConfig, webAppRootDir); // 2. CREATE THE LOGGER: initLogger(tapConfig); // 3. BUILD THE TAP FACTORY: initFactory(tapConfig); // 4. GET THE METADATA: metadata = initMetadata(tapConfig, webAppRootDir); // 5. SET ALL GENERAL SERVICE CONNECTION INFORMATION: providerName = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_PROVIDER_NAME); serviceDescription = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION); initMaxAsyncJobs(tapConfig); initRetentionPeriod(tapConfig); initExecutionDuration(tapConfig); // 6. CONFIGURE OUTPUT: // default output format = VOTable: outputFormats = new ArrayList(1); // set output formats: addOutputFormats(tapConfig); // set output limits: initOutputLimits(tapConfig); // 7. CONFIGURE THE UPLOAD: // is upload enabled ? isUploadEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_UPLOAD_ENABLED)); // set upload limits: initUploadLimits(tapConfig); // set the maximum upload file size: initMaxUploadSize(tapConfig); // 8. SET A USER IDENTIFIER: initUserIdentifier(tapConfig); // 9. CONFIGURE ADQL: initADQLGeometries(tapConfig); initUDFs(tapConfig); } private void initFileManager(final Properties tapConfig, final String webAppRootDir) throws TAPException{ // Read the desired file manager: String fileManagerType = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_FILE_MANAGER); if (fileManagerType == null) throw new TAPException("The property \"" + KEY_FILE_MANAGER + "\" is missing! It is required to create a TAP Service. Two possible values: " + VALUE_LOCAL + " or a class name between {...}."); else fileManagerType = fileManagerType.trim(); // LOCAL file manager: if (fileManagerType.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_LOCAL)){ // Read the desired root path: String rootPath = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_FILE_ROOT_PATH); if (rootPath == null) throw new TAPException("The property \"" + KEY_FILE_ROOT_PATH + "\" is missing! It is required to create a TAP Service. Please provide a path toward a directory which will contain all files related to the service."); File rootFile = getFile(rootPath, webAppRootDir, KEY_FILE_ROOT_PATH); // Determine whether there should be one directory for each user: String propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_DIRECTORY_PER_USER); boolean oneDirectoryPerUser = (propValue == null) ? DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_PER_USER : Boolean.parseBoolean(propValue); // Determine whether there should be one directory for each user: propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_GROUP_USER_DIRECTORIES); boolean groupUserDirectories = (propValue == null) ? DEFAULT_GROUP_USER_DIRECTORIES : Boolean.parseBoolean(propValue); // Build the Local TAP File Manager: try{ fileManager = new LocalUWSFileManager(rootFile, oneDirectoryPerUser, groupUserDirectories); }catch(UWSException e){ throw new TAPException("The property \"" + KEY_FILE_ROOT_PATH + "\" (" + rootPath + ") is incorrect: " + e.getMessage()); } } // CUSTOM file manager: else fileManager = newInstance(fileManagerType, KEY_FILE_MANAGER, UWSFileManager.class, new Class[]{Properties.class}, new Object[]{tapConfig}); } protected static final File getFile(final String filePath, final String webAppRootPath, final String propertyName) throws TAPException{ if (filePath == null) return null; else if (filePath.startsWith("file:")) try{ return new File(new URI(filePath)); }catch(URISyntaxException e){ throw new TAPException("Incorrect file URI for the property \"" + propertyName + "\": \"" + filePath + "\"! Bad syntax for the given file URI.", e); } else if (filePath.startsWith("/")) return new File(filePath); else if (filePath.matches("[a-zA-Z]+:.*")) throw new TAPException("Incorrect file URI for the property \"" + propertyName + "\": \"" + filePath + "\"! Only URI with the protocol \"file:\" are allowed."); else return new File(webAppRootPath, filePath); } private void initLogger(final Properties tapConfig){ // Create the logger: logger = new DefaultTAPLog(fileManager); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("Logger initialized"); // Set the minimum log level: String propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_MIN_LOG_LEVEL); if (propValue != null){ try{ ((DefaultTAPLog)logger).setMinLogLevel(LogLevel.valueOf(propValue.toUpperCase())); }catch(IllegalArgumentException iae){} } buf.append(" (minimum log level: ").append(((DefaultTAPLog)logger).getMinLogLevel()); // Set the log rotation period, if any: if (fileManager instanceof LocalUWSFileManager){ propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_LOG_ROTATION); if (propValue != null) ((LocalUWSFileManager)fileManager).setLogRotationFreq(propValue); buf.append(", log rotation: ").append(((LocalUWSFileManager)fileManager).getLogRotationFreq()); } // Log the successful initialization with set parameters: buf.append(").");; } private void initFactory(final Properties tapConfig) throws TAPException{ String propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_TAP_FACTORY); if (propValue == null) tapFactory = new ConfigurableTAPFactory(this, tapConfig); else tapFactory = newInstance(propValue, KEY_TAP_FACTORY, TAPFactory.class, new Class[]{ServiceConnection.class}, new Object[]{this}); } private TAPMetadata initMetadata(final Properties tapConfig, final String webAppRootDir) throws TAPException{ // Get the fetching method to use: String metaFetchType = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_METADATA); if (metaFetchType == null) throw new TAPException("The property \"" + KEY_METADATA + "\" is missing! It is required to create a TAP Service. Three possible values: " + VALUE_XML + " (to get metadata from a TableSet XML document), " + VALUE_DB + " (to fetch metadata from the database schema TAP_SCHEMA) or the name (between {}) of a class extending TAPMetadata."); TAPMetadata metadata = null; // GET METADATA FROM XML & UPDATE THE DATABASE (schema TAP_SCHEMA only): if (metaFetchType.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_XML)){ // Get the XML file path: String xmlFilePath = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_METADATA_FILE); if (xmlFilePath == null) throw new TAPException("The property \"" + KEY_METADATA_FILE + "\" is missing! According to the property \"" + KEY_METADATA + "\", metadata must be fetched from an XML document. The local file path of it MUST be provided using the property \"" + KEY_METADATA_FILE + "\"."); // Parse the XML document and build the corresponding metadata: try{ metadata = (new TableSetParser()).parse(getFile(xmlFilePath, webAppRootDir, KEY_METADATA_FILE)); }catch(IOException ioe){ throw new TAPException("A grave error occurred while reading/parsing the TableSet XML document: \"" + xmlFilePath + "\"!", ioe); } // Update the database: DBConnection conn = null; try{ conn = tapFactory.getConnection("SET_TAP_SCHEMA"); conn.setTAPSchema(metadata); }finally{ if (conn != null) tapFactory.freeConnection(conn); } } // GET METADATA FROM DATABASE (schema TAP_SCHEMA): else if (metaFetchType.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_DB)){ DBConnection conn = null; try{ conn = tapFactory.getConnection("GET_TAP_SCHEMA"); metadata = conn.getTAPSchema(); }finally{ if (conn != null) tapFactory.freeConnection(conn); } } // MANUAL ~ TAPMETADATA CLASS else if (isClassName(metaFetchType)){ /* 1. Get the metadata */ // get the class: Class metaClass = fetchClass(metaFetchType, KEY_METADATA, TAPMetadata.class); if (metaClass == TAPMetadata.class) throw new TAPException("Wrong class for the property \"" + KEY_METADATA + "\": \"" + metaClass.getName() + "\"! The class provided in this property MUST EXTEND tap.metadata.TAPMetadata."); try{ // get one of the expected constructors: try{ // (UWSFileManager, TAPFactory, TAPLog): Constructor constructor = metaClass.getConstructor(UWSFileManager.class, TAPFactory.class, TAPLog.class); // create the TAP metadata: metadata = constructor.newInstance(fileManager, tapFactory, logger); }catch(NoSuchMethodException nsme){ // () (empty constructor): Constructor constructor = metaClass.getConstructor(); // create the TAP metadata: metadata = constructor.newInstance(); } }catch(NoSuchMethodException nsme){ throw new TAPException("Missing constructor tap.metadata.TAPMetadata() or tap.metadata.TAPMetadata(uws.service.file.UWSFileManager, tap.TAPFactory, tap.log.TAPLog)! See the value \"" + metaFetchType + "\" of the property \"" + KEY_METADATA + "\"."); }catch(InstantiationException ie){ throw new TAPException("Impossible to create an instance of an abstract class: \"" + metaClass.getName() + "\"! See the value \"" + metaFetchType + "\" of the property \"" + KEY_METADATA + "\"."); }catch(InvocationTargetException ite){ if (ite.getCause() != null){ if (ite.getCause() instanceof TAPException) throw (TAPException)ite.getCause(); else throw new TAPException(ite.getCause()); }else throw new TAPException(ite); }catch(Exception ex){ throw new TAPException("Impossible to create an instance of tap.metadata.TAPMetadata as specified in the property \"" + KEY_METADATA + "\": \"" + metaFetchType + "\"!", ex); } /* 2. Update the database */ DBConnection conn = null; try{ conn = tapFactory.getConnection("SET_TAP_SCHEMA"); conn.setTAPSchema(metadata); }finally{ if (conn != null) tapFactory.freeConnection(conn); } } // INCORRECT VALUE => ERROR! else throw new TAPException("Unsupported value for the property \"" + KEY_METADATA + "\": \"" + metaFetchType + "\"! Only two values are allowed: " + VALUE_XML + " (to get metadata from a TableSet XML document) or " + VALUE_DB + " (to fetch metadata from the database schema TAP_SCHEMA)."); return metadata; } private void initMaxAsyncJobs(final Properties tapConfig) throws TAPException{ // Get the property value: String propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_MAX_ASYNC_JOBS); try{ // If a value is provided, cast it into an integer and set the attribute: maxAsyncJobs = (propValue == null) ? DEFAULT_MAX_ASYNC_JOBS : Integer.parseInt(propValue); }catch(NumberFormatException nfe){ throw new TAPException("Integer expected for the property \"" + KEY_MAX_ASYNC_JOBS + "\", instead of: \"" + propValue + "\"!"); } } private void initRetentionPeriod(final Properties tapConfig) throws TAPException{ retentionPeriod = new int[2]; // Set the default period: String propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_DEFAULT_RETENTION_PERIOD); try{ retentionPeriod[0] = (propValue == null) ? DEFAULT_RETENTION_PERIOD : Integer.parseInt(propValue); }catch(NumberFormatException nfe){ throw new TAPException("Integer expected for the property \"" + KEY_DEFAULT_RETENTION_PERIOD + "\", instead of: \"" + propValue + "\"!"); } // Set the maximum period: propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_MAX_RETENTION_PERIOD); try{ retentionPeriod[1] = (propValue == null) ? DEFAULT_RETENTION_PERIOD : Integer.parseInt(propValue); }catch(NumberFormatException nfe){ throw new TAPException("Integer expected for the property \"" + KEY_MAX_RETENTION_PERIOD + "\", instead of: \"" + propValue + "\"!"); } // The maximum period MUST be greater or equals than the default period. // If not, the default period is set (so decreased) to the maximum period. if (retentionPeriod[1] > 0 && retentionPeriod[1] < retentionPeriod[0]) retentionPeriod[0] = retentionPeriod[1]; } private void initExecutionDuration(final Properties tapConfig) throws TAPException{ executionDuration = new int[2]; // Set the default duration: String propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_DEFAULT_EXECUTION_DURATION); try{ executionDuration[0] = (propValue == null) ? DEFAULT_EXECUTION_DURATION : Integer.parseInt(propValue); }catch(NumberFormatException nfe){ throw new TAPException("Integer expected for the property \"" + KEY_DEFAULT_EXECUTION_DURATION + "\", instead of: \"" + propValue + "\"!"); } // Set the maximum duration: propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_MAX_EXECUTION_DURATION); try{ executionDuration[1] = (propValue == null) ? DEFAULT_EXECUTION_DURATION : Integer.parseInt(propValue); }catch(NumberFormatException nfe){ throw new TAPException("Integer expected for the property \"" + KEY_MAX_EXECUTION_DURATION + "\", instead of: \"" + propValue + "\"!"); } // The maximum duration MUST be greater or equals than the default duration. // If not, the default duration is set (so decreased) to the maximum duration. if (executionDuration[1] > 0 && executionDuration[1] < executionDuration[0]) executionDuration[0] = executionDuration[1]; } private void addOutputFormats(final Properties tapConfig) throws TAPException{ // Fetch the value of the property for additional output formats: String formats = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_OUTPUT_FORMATS); // SPECIAL VALUE "ALL": if (formats == null || formats.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ALL)){ outputFormats.add(new VOTableFormat(this, DataFormat.BINARY)); outputFormats.add(new VOTableFormat(this, DataFormat.BINARY2)); outputFormats.add(new VOTableFormat(this, DataFormat.TABLEDATA)); outputFormats.add(new VOTableFormat(this, DataFormat.FITS)); outputFormats.add(new FITSFormat(this)); outputFormats.add(new SVFormat(this, ",", true)); outputFormats.add(new SVFormat(this, "\t", true)); outputFormats.add(new TextFormat(this)); outputFormats.add(new HTMLFormat(this)); return; } // LIST OF FORMATS: // Since it is a comma separated list of output formats, a loop will parse this list comma by comma: String f; int indexSep, indexLPar, indexRPar; boolean hasVotableFormat = false; while(formats != null && formats.length() > 0){ // Get a format item from the list: indexSep = formats.indexOf(','); // if a comma is after a left parenthesis indexLPar = formats.indexOf('('); if (indexSep > 0 && indexLPar > 0 && indexSep > indexLPar){ indexRPar = formats.indexOf(')', indexLPar); if (indexRPar > 0) indexSep = formats.indexOf(',', indexRPar); else throw new TAPException("Missing right parenthesis in: \"" + formats + "\"!"); } // no comma => only one format if (indexSep < 0){ f = formats; formats = null; } // comma at the first position => empty list item => go to the next item else if (indexSep == 0){ formats = formats.substring(1).trim(); continue; } // else => get the first format item, and then remove it from the list for the next iteration else{ f = formats.substring(0, indexSep).trim(); formats = formats.substring(indexSep + 1).trim(); } // Identify the format and append it to the output format list of the service: // FITS if (f.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_FITS)) outputFormats.add(new FITSFormat(this)); // JSON else if (f.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_JSON)) outputFormats.add(new JSONFormat(this)); // HTML else if (f.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_HTML)) outputFormats.add(new HTMLFormat(this)); // TEXT else if (f.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_TEXT)) outputFormats.add(new TextFormat(this)); // CSV else if (f.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CSV)) outputFormats.add(new SVFormat(this, ",", true)); // TSV else if (f.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_TSV)) outputFormats.add(new SVFormat(this, "\t", true)); // any SV (separated value) format else if (f.toLowerCase().startsWith(VALUE_SV)){ // get the separator: int endSep = f.indexOf(')'); if (VALUE_SV.length() < f.length() && f.charAt(VALUE_SV.length()) == '(' && endSep > VALUE_SV.length() + 1){ String separator = f.substring(VALUE_SV.length() + 1, f.length() - 1); // get the MIME type and its alias, if any of them is provided: String mimeType = null, shortMimeType = null; if (endSep + 1 < f.length() && f.charAt(endSep + 1) == ':'){ int endMime = f.indexOf(':', endSep + 2); if (endMime < 0) mimeType = f.substring(endSep + 2, f.length()); else if (endMime > 0){ mimeType = f.substring(endSep + 2, endMime); shortMimeType = f.substring(endMime + 1); } } // add the defined SV(...) format: outputFormats.add(new SVFormat(this, separator, true, mimeType, shortMimeType)); }else throw new TAPException("Missing separator char/string for the SV output format: \"" + f + "\"!"); } // VOTABLE else if (f.toLowerCase().startsWith(VALUE_VOTABLE) || f.toLowerCase().startsWith(VALUE_VOT)){ // Parse the format: VOTableFormat votFormat = parseVOTableFormat(f); // Add the VOTable format: outputFormats.add(votFormat); // Determine whether the MIME type is the VOTable expected one: if (votFormat.getShortMimeType().equals("votable") || votFormat.getMimeType().equals("votable")) hasVotableFormat = true; } // custom OutputFormat else if (isClassName(f)) outputFormats.add(TAPConfiguration.newInstance(f, KEY_OUTPUT_FORMATS, OutputFormat.class, new Class[]{ServiceConnection.class}, new Object[]{this})); // unknown format else throw new TAPException("Unknown output format: " + f); } // Add by default VOTable format if none is specified: if (!hasVotableFormat) outputFormats.add(new VOTableFormat(this)); } private VOTableFormat parseVOTableFormat(final String propValue) throws TAPException{ DataFormat serialization = null; VOTableVersion votVersion = null; String mimeType = null, shortMimeType = null; // Get the parameters, if any: int beginSep = propValue.indexOf('('); if (beginSep > 0){ int endSep = propValue.indexOf(')'); if (endSep <= beginSep) throw new TAPException("Wrong output format specification syntax in: \"" + propValue + "\"! A VOTable parameters list must end with ')'."); // split the parameters: String[] params = propValue.substring(beginSep + 1, endSep).split(","); if (params.length > 2) throw new TAPException("Wrong number of parameters for the output format VOTable: \"" + propValue + "\"! Only two parameters may be provided: serialization and version."); else if (params.length >= 1){ // resolve the serialization format: params[0] = params[0].trim().toLowerCase(); if (params[0].length() == 0 || params[0].equals("b") || params[0].equals("binary")) serialization = DataFormat.BINARY; else if (params[0].equals("b2") || params[0].equals("binary2")) serialization = DataFormat.BINARY2; else if (params[0].equals("td") || params[0].equals("tabledata")) serialization = DataFormat.TABLEDATA; else if (params[0].equals("fits")) serialization = DataFormat.FITS; else throw new TAPException("Unsupported VOTable serialization: \"" + params[0] + "\"! Accepted values: 'binary' (or 'b'), 'binary2' (or 'b2'), 'tabledata' (or 'td') and 'fits'."); // resolve the version: if (params.length == 2){ params[1] = params[1].trim(); if (params[1].equals("1.0") || params[1].equalsIgnoreCase("v1.0")) votVersion = VOTableVersion.V10; else if (params[1].equals("1.1") || params[1].equalsIgnoreCase("v1.1")) votVersion = VOTableVersion.V11; else if (params[1].equals("1.2") || params[1].equalsIgnoreCase("v1.2")) votVersion = VOTableVersion.V12; else if (params[1].equals("1.3") || params[1].equalsIgnoreCase("v1.3")) votVersion = VOTableVersion.V13; else throw new TAPException("Unsupported VOTable version: \"" + params[1] + "\"! Accepted values: '1.0' (or 'v1.0'), '1.1' (or 'v1.1'), '1.2' (or 'v1.2') and '1.3' (or 'v1.3')."); } } } // Get the MIME type and its alias, if any: beginSep = propValue.indexOf(':'); if (beginSep > 0){ int endSep = propValue.indexOf(':', beginSep + 1); if (endSep < 0) endSep = propValue.length(); // extract the MIME type, if any: mimeType = propValue.substring(beginSep + 1, endSep).trim(); if (mimeType.length() == 0) mimeType = null; // extract the short MIME type, if any: if (endSep < propValue.length()){ beginSep = endSep; endSep = propValue.indexOf(':', beginSep + 1); if (endSep >= 0) throw new TAPException("Wrong output format specification syntax in: \"" + propValue + "\"! After a MIME type and a short MIME type, no more information is expected."); else endSep = propValue.length(); shortMimeType = propValue.substring(beginSep + 1, endSep).trim(); if (shortMimeType.length() == 0) shortMimeType = null; } } // Create the VOTable format: VOTableFormat votFormat = new VOTableFormat(this, serialization, votVersion); votFormat.setMimeType(mimeType, shortMimeType); return votFormat; } private void initOutputLimits(final Properties tapConfig) throws TAPException{ Object[] limit = parseLimit(getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_LIMIT), KEY_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_LIMIT, false); outputLimitTypes[0] = (LimitUnit)limit[1]; // it should be "rows" since the parameter areBytesAllowed of parseLimit =false setDefaultOutputLimit((Integer)limit[0]); limit = parseLimit(getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_MAX_OUTPUT_LIMIT), KEY_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_LIMIT, false); outputLimitTypes[1] = (LimitUnit)limit[1]; // it should be "rows" since the parameter areBytesAllowed of parseLimit =false if (!setMaxOutputLimit((Integer)limit[0])) throw new TAPException("The default output limit (here: " + outputLimits[0] + ") MUST be less or equal to the maximum output limit (here: " + limit[0] + ")!"); } private void initUploadLimits(final Properties tapConfig) throws TAPException{ Object[] limit = parseLimit(getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_DEFAULT_UPLOAD_LIMIT), KEY_DEFAULT_UPLOAD_LIMIT, true); uploadLimitTypes[0] = (LimitUnit)limit[1]; setDefaultUploadLimit((Integer)limit[0]); limit = parseLimit(getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_MAX_UPLOAD_LIMIT), KEY_MAX_UPLOAD_LIMIT, true); if (!((LimitUnit)limit[1]).isCompatibleWith(uploadLimitTypes[0])) throw new TAPException("The default upload limit (in " + uploadLimitTypes[0] + ") and the maximum upload limit (in " + limit[1] + ") MUST be expressed in the same unit!"); else uploadLimitTypes[1] = (LimitUnit)limit[1]; if (!setMaxUploadLimit((Integer)limit[0])) throw new TAPException("The default upload limit (here: " + getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_DEFAULT_UPLOAD_LIMIT) + ") MUST be less or equal to the maximum upload limit (here: " + getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_MAX_UPLOAD_LIMIT) + ")!"); } private void initMaxUploadSize(final Properties tapConfig) throws TAPException{ String propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE); // If a value is specified... if (propValue != null){ // ...parse the value: Object[] limit = parseLimit(propValue, KEY_UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE, true); if (((Integer)limit[0]).intValue() <= 0) limit[0] = new Integer(TAPConfiguration.DEFAULT_UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE); // ...check that the unit is correct (bytes): if (!LimitUnit.bytes.isCompatibleWith((LimitUnit)limit[1])) throw new TAPException("The maximum upload file size " + KEY_UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE + " (here: " + propValue + ") can not be expressed in a unit different from bytes (B, kB, MB, GB)!"); // ...set the max file size: int value = (int)((Integer)limit[0] * ((LimitUnit)limit[1]).bytesFactor()); setMaxUploadSize(value); } } private void initUserIdentifier(final Properties tapConfig) throws TAPException{ // Get the property value: String propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_USER_IDENTIFIER); if (propValue != null) userIdentifier = newInstance(propValue, KEY_USER_IDENTIFIER, UserIdentifier.class); } private void initADQLGeometries(final Properties tapConfig) throws TAPException{ // Get the property value: String propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_GEOMETRIES); // NO VALUE => ALL FCT ALLOWED! if (propValue == null) geometries = null; // "NONE" => ALL FCT FORBIDDEN (= none of these functions are allowed)! else if (propValue.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_NONE)) geometries = new ArrayList(0); // "ANY" => ALL FCT ALLOWED (= all of these functions are allowed)! else if (propValue.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ANY)) geometries = null; // OTHERWISE, JUST THE ALLOWED ONE ARE LISTED: else{ // split all the list items: String[] items = propValue.split(","); if (items.length > 0){ geometries = new ArrayList(items.length); for(String item : items){ item = item.trim(); // empty item => ignored if (item.length() <= 0) continue; // if it is a name of known ADQL geometrical function, add it to the list: else if (item.toUpperCase().matches(GEOMETRY_REGEXP)) geometries.add(item.toUpperCase()); // "NONE" is not allowed inside a list => error! else if (item.toUpperCase().equals(VALUE_NONE)) throw new TAPException("The special value \"" + VALUE_NONE + "\" can not be used inside a list! It MUST be used in replacement of a whole list to specify that no value is allowed."); // "ANY" is not allowed inside a list => error! else if (item.toUpperCase().equals(VALUE_ANY)) throw new TAPException("The special value \"" + VALUE_ANY + "\" can not be used inside a list! It MUST be used in replacement of a whole list to specify that any value is allowed."); // unknown value => error! else throw new TAPException("Unknown ADQL geometrical function: \"" + item + "\"!"); } // if finally no item has been specified, consider it as "all functions allowed": if (geometries.size() == 0) geometries = null; }else geometries = null; } } private void initUDFs(final Properties tapConfig) throws TAPException{ // Get the property value: String propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_UDFS); // NO VALUE => NO UNKNOWN FCT ALLOWED! if (propValue == null) udfs = new ArrayList(0); // "NONE" => NO UNKNOWN FCT ALLOWED (= none of the unknown functions are allowed)! else if (propValue.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_NONE)) udfs = new ArrayList(0); // "ANY" => ALL UNKNOWN FCT ALLOWED (= all of the unknown functions are allowed)! else if (propValue.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ANY)) udfs = null; // OTHERWISE, JUST THE ALLOWED ONE ARE LISTED: else{ char c; int ind = 0; short nbComma = 0; boolean within_item = false, within_params = false, within_classpath = false; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); String signature, classpath; int[] posSignature = new int[]{-1,-1}, posClassPath = new int[]{-1,-1}; signature = null; classpath = null; buf.delete(0, buf.length()); while(ind < propValue.length()){ // Get the character: c = propValue.charAt(ind++); // If space => ignore if (!within_params && Character.isWhitespace(c)) continue; // If inside a parameters list, keep all characters until the list end (')'): if (within_params){ if (c == ')') within_params = false; buf.append(c); } // If inside a classpath, keep all characters until the classpath end ('}'): else if (within_classpath){ if (c == '}') within_classpath = false; buf.append(c); } // If inside an UDF declaration: else if (within_item){ switch(c){ case '(': /* start of a parameters list */ within_params = true; buf.append(c); break; case '{': /* start of a class name */ within_classpath = true; buf.append(c); break; case ',': /* separation between the signature and the class name */ // count commas within this item: if (++nbComma > 1) // if more than 1, throw an error: throw new TAPException("Wrong UDF declaration syntax: only two items (signature and class name) can be given within brackets. (position in the property " + KEY_UDFS + ": " + ind + ")"); else{ // end of the signature and start of the class name: signature = buf.toString(); buf.delete(0, buf.length()); posSignature[1] = ind; posClassPath[0] = ind + 1; } break; case ']': /* end of a UDF declaration */ within_item = false; if (nbComma == 0){ signature = buf.toString(); posSignature[1] = ind; }else{ classpath = (buf.length() == 0 ? null : buf.toString()); if (classpath != null) posClassPath[1] = ind; } buf.delete(0, buf.length()); // no signature... if (signature == null || signature.length() == 0){ // ...BUT a class name => error if (classpath != null) throw new TAPException("Missing UDF declaration! (position in the property " + KEY_UDFS + ": " + posSignature[0] + "-" + posSignature[1] + ")"); // ... => ignore this item else continue; } // add the new UDF in the list: try{ // resolve the function signature: FunctionDef def = FunctionDef.parse(signature); // resolve the class name: if (classpath != null){ if (isClassName(classpath)){ Class fctClass = null; try{ // fetch the class: fctClass = fetchClass(classpath, KEY_UDFS, UserDefinedFunction.class); // set the class inside the UDF definition: def.setUDFClass(fctClass); }catch(TAPException te){ throw new TAPException("Invalid class name for the UDF definition \"" + def + "\": " + te.getMessage() + " (position in the property " + KEY_UDFS + ": " + posClassPath[0] + "-" + posClassPath[1] + ")", te); }catch(IllegalArgumentException iae){ throw new TAPException("Invalid class name for the UDF definition \"" + def + "\": missing a constructor with a single parameter of type ADQLOperand[] " + (fctClass != null ? "in the class \"" + fctClass.getName() + "\"" : "") + "! (position in the property " + KEY_UDFS + ": " + posClassPath[0] + "-" + posClassPath[1] + ")"); } }else throw new TAPException("Invalid class name for the UDF definition \"" + def + "\": \"" + classpath + "\" is not a class name (or is not surrounding by {} as expected in this property file)! (position in the property " + KEY_UDFS + ": " + posClassPath[0] + "-" + posClassPath[1] + ")"); } // add the UDF: udfs.add(def); }catch(ParseException pe){ throw new TAPException("Wrong UDF declaration syntax: " + pe.getMessage() + " (position in the property " + KEY_UDFS + ": " + posSignature[0] + "-" + posSignature[1] + ")", pe); } // reset some variables: nbComma = 0; signature = null; classpath = null; break; default: /* keep all other characters */ buf.append(c); break; } } // If outside of everything, just starting a UDF declaration or separate each declaration is allowed: else{ switch(c){ case '[': within_item = true; posSignature[0] = ind + 1; break; case ',': break; default: throw new TAPException("Wrong UDF declaration syntax: unexpected character at position " + ind + " in the property " + KEY_UDFS + ": \"" + c + "\"! A UDF declaration must have one of the following syntaxes: \"[signature]\" or \"[signature,{className}]\"."); } } } // If the parsing is not finished, throw an error: if (within_item) throw new TAPException("Wrong UDF declaration syntax: missing closing bracket at position " + propValue.length() + "!"); } } @Override public String getProviderName(){ return providerName; } @Override public String getProviderDescription(){ return serviceDescription; } @Override public boolean isAvailable(){ return isAvailable; } @Override public String getAvailability(){ return availability; } @Override public void setAvailable(boolean isAvailable, String message){ this.isAvailable = isAvailable; availability = message; } @Override public int[] getRetentionPeriod(){ return retentionPeriod; } public boolean setDefaultRetentionPeriod(final int period){ if ((retentionPeriod[1] <= 0) || (period > 0 && period <= retentionPeriod[1])){ retentionPeriod[0] = period; return true; }else return false; } public boolean setMaxRetentionPeriod(final int period){ if (period <= 0 || (retentionPeriod[0] > 0 && period >= retentionPeriod[0])){ retentionPeriod[1] = period; return true; }else return false; } @Override public int[] getExecutionDuration(){ return executionDuration; } public boolean setDefaultExecutionDuration(final int period){ if ((executionDuration[1] <= 0) || (period > 0 && period <= executionDuration[1])){ executionDuration[0] = period; return true; }else return false; } public boolean setMaxExecutionDuration(final int period){ if (period <= 0 || (executionDuration[0] > 0 && period >= executionDuration[0])){ executionDuration[1] = period; return true; }else return false; } @Override public Iterator getOutputFormats(){ return outputFormats.iterator(); } @Override public OutputFormat getOutputFormat(final String mimeOrAlias){ if (mimeOrAlias == null || mimeOrAlias.trim().isEmpty()) return null; for(OutputFormat f : outputFormats){ if ((f.getMimeType() != null && f.getMimeType().equalsIgnoreCase(mimeOrAlias)) || (f.getShortMimeType() != null && f.getShortMimeType().equalsIgnoreCase(mimeOrAlias))) return f; } return null; } public void addOutputFormat(final OutputFormat newOutputFormat){ outputFormats.add(newOutputFormat); } public boolean removeOutputFormat(final String mimeOrAlias){ OutputFormat of = getOutputFormat(mimeOrAlias); if (of != null) return outputFormats.remove(of); else return false; } @Override public int[] getOutputLimit(){ return outputLimits; } public boolean setDefaultOutputLimit(final int limit){ if ((outputLimits[1] <= 0) || (limit > 0 && limit <= outputLimits[1])){ outputLimits[0] = limit; return true; }else return false; } public boolean setMaxOutputLimit(final int limit){ if (limit > 0 && outputLimits[0] > 0 && limit < outputLimits[0]) return false; else{ outputLimits[1] = limit; return true; } } @Override public final LimitUnit[] getOutputLimitType(){ return new LimitUnit[]{LimitUnit.rows,LimitUnit.rows}; } @Override public Collection getCoordinateSystems(){ return null; } @Override public TAPLog getLogger(){ return logger; } @Override public TAPFactory getFactory(){ return tapFactory; } @Override public UWSFileManager getFileManager(){ return fileManager; } @Override public boolean uploadEnabled(){ return isUploadEnabled; } public void setUploadEnabled(final boolean enabled){ isUploadEnabled = enabled; } @Override public int[] getUploadLimit(){ return uploadLimits; } @Override public LimitUnit[] getUploadLimitType(){ return uploadLimitTypes; } public void setUploadLimitType(final LimitUnit type){ if (type != null) uploadLimitTypes = new LimitUnit[]{type,type}; } public boolean setDefaultUploadLimit(final int limit){ try{ if ((uploadLimits[1] <= 0) || (limit > 0 &&, uploadLimitTypes[0], uploadLimits[1], uploadLimitTypes[1]) <= 0)){ uploadLimits[0] = limit; return true; } }catch(TAPException e){} return false; } public boolean setMaxUploadLimit(final int limit){ try{ if (limit > 0 && uploadLimits[0] > 0 &&, uploadLimitTypes[1], uploadLimits[0], uploadLimitTypes[0]) < 0) return false; else{ uploadLimits[1] = limit; return true; } }catch(TAPException e){ return false; } } @Override public int getMaxUploadSize(){ return maxUploadSize; } public boolean setMaxUploadSize(final int maxSize){ // No "unlimited" value possible there: if (maxSize <= 0) return false; // Otherwise, set the maximum upload file size: maxUploadSize = maxSize; return true; } @Override public int getNbMaxAsyncJobs(){ return maxAsyncJobs; } @Override public UserIdentifier getUserIdentifier(){ return userIdentifier; } @Override public TAPMetadata getTAPMetadata(){ return metadata; } @Override public Collection getGeometries(){ return geometries; } @Override public Collection getUDFs(){ return udfs; } }