package tap.db; /* * This file is part of TAPLibrary. * * TAPLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * TAPLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with TAPLibrary. If not, see . * * Copyright 2012 - UDS/Centre de DonnĂ©es astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) */ import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Iterator; import cds.savot.model.SavotTR; import cds.savot.model.TDSet; import tap.log.TAPLog; import tap.metadata.TAPColumn; import tap.metadata.TAPTable; import adql.query.ADQLQuery; /** * Simple implementation of the {@link DBConnection} interface. * It creates and manages a JDBC connection to a specified database. * Thus results of any executed SQL query will be a {@link ResultSet}. * * @author Grégory Mantelet (CDS) * @version 06/2012 */ public class JDBCConnection implements DBConnection { /** JDBC prefix of any database URL (for instance: jdbc:postgresql:// */ public final static String JDBC_PREFIX = "jdbc"; /** Connection ID (typically, the job ID). */ protected final String ID; /** JDBC connection (created and initialized at the creation of this {@link JDBCConnection} instance). */ protected final Connection connection; /** Logger to use if any message needs to be printed to the server manager. */ protected final TAPLog logger; /** *

* Creates a JDBC connection to the specified database and with the specified JDBC driver. * This connection is established using the given user name and password. *


note: the JDBC driver is loaded using


* * @param driverPath Full class name of the JDBC driver. * @param dbUrl URL to the database. note This URL may not be prefixed by "jdbc:". If not, the prefix will be automatically added. * @param dbUser Name of the database user (supposed to be the database owner). * @param dbPassword Password of the given database user. * @param logger Logger to use if any message needs to be printed to the server admin. * * @throws DBException If the specified driver can not be found, or if the database URL or user is incorrect. */ public JDBCConnection(final String ID, final String driverPath, final String dbUrl, final String dbUser, final String dbPassword, final TAPLog logger) throws DBException { this.logger = logger; this.ID = ID; // Load the specified JDBC driver: try { Class.forName(driverPath); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { logger.dbError("Impossible to find the JDBC driver \""+driverPath+"\" !", cnfe); throw new DBException("Impossible to find the JDBC driver \""+driverPath+"\" !", cnfe); } // Build a connection to the specified database: String url = dbUrl.startsWith(JDBC_PREFIX) ? dbUrl : (JDBC_PREFIX+dbUrl); try { connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, dbUser, dbPassword); logger.connectionOpened(this, dbUrl.substring(dbUrl.lastIndexOf('/'))); } catch (SQLException se) { logger.dbError("Impossible to establish a connection to the database \""+url+"\" !", se); throw new DBException("Impossible to establish a connection to the database \""+url+"\" !", se); } } public final String getID() { return ID; } public void startTransaction() throws DBException { try{ Statement st = connection.createStatement(); st.execute("begin"); logger.transactionStarted(this); }catch(SQLException se){ logger.dbError("Impossible to begin a transaction !", se); throw new DBException("Impossible to begin a transaction !", se); } } public void cancelTransaction() throws DBException { try { connection.rollback(); logger.transactionCancelled(this); } catch (SQLException se) { logger.dbError("Impossible to cancel/rollback a transaction !", se); throw new DBException("Impossible to cancel (rollback) the transaction !", se); } } public void endTransaction() throws DBException { try { connection.commit(); logger.transactionEnded(this); } catch (SQLException se) { logger.dbError("Impossible to end/commit a transaction !", se); throw new DBException("Impossible to end/commit the transaction !", se); } } public void close() throws DBException { try { connection.close(); logger.connectionClosed(this); } catch (SQLException se) { logger.dbError("Impossible to close a database transaction !", se); throw new DBException("Impossible to close the database transaction !", se); } } /* ********************* */ /* INTERROGATION METHODS */ /* ********************* */ public ResultSet executeQuery(final String sqlQuery, final ADQLQuery adqlQuery) throws DBException { try{ Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); logger.sqlQueryExecuting(this, sqlQuery); ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(sqlQuery); logger.sqlQueryExecuted(this, sqlQuery); return result; }catch(SQLException se){ logger.sqlQueryError(this, sqlQuery, se); throw new DBException("Unexpected error while executing a SQL query: "+se.getMessage(), se); } } /* ************** */ /* UPLOAD METHODS */ /* ************** */ public void createSchema(final String schemaName) throws DBException { String sql = "CREATE SCHEMA "+schemaName+";"; try{ Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(sql); logger.schemaCreated(this, schemaName); }catch(SQLException se){ logger.dbError("Impossible to create the schema \""+schemaName+"\" !", se); throw new DBException("Impossible to create the schema \""+schemaName+"\" !", se); } } public void dropSchema(final String schemaName) throws DBException { String sql = "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "+schemaName+" CASCADE;"; try{ Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(sql); logger.schemaDropped(this, schemaName); }catch(SQLException se){ logger.dbError("Impossible to drop the schema \""+schemaName+"\" !", se); throw new DBException("Impossible to drop the schema \""+schemaName+"\" !", se); } } public void createTable(final TAPTable table) throws DBException { // Build the SQL query: StringBuffer sqlBuf = new StringBuffer(); sqlBuf.append("CREATE TABLE ").append(table.getDBSchemaName()).append('.').append(table.getDBName()).append("("); Iterator it = table.getColumns(); while(it.hasNext()){ TAPColumn col =; sqlBuf.append('"').append(col.getDBName()).append("\" ").append(' ').append(getDBType(col.getDatatype(), col.getArraySize(), logger)); if (it.hasNext()) sqlBuf.append(','); } sqlBuf.append(");"); // Execute the creation query: String sql = sqlBuf.toString(); try{ Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(sql); logger.tableCreated(this, table); }catch(SQLException se){ logger.dbError("Impossible to create the table \""+table.getFullName()+"\" !", se); throw new DBException("Impossible to create the table \""+table.getFullName()+"\" !", se); } } /** * Gets the database type corresponding to the given {@link TAPColumn} type. * * @param datatype Column datatype (short, int, long, float, double, boolea, char or unsignedByte). * @param arraysize Size of the array type (1 if not an array, a value > 1 for an array). * @param logger Object to use to print warnings (for instance, if a given datatype is unknown). * * @return The corresponding database type or the given datatype if unknown. */ public static String getDBType(String datatype, final int arraysize, final TAPLog logger) { datatype = (datatype == null)?null:datatype.trim().toLowerCase(); if (datatype == null || datatype.isEmpty()){ if (logger != null) logger.warning("undefined datatype => considered as VARCHAR !"); return "VARCHAR"; } if (datatype.equals("short")) return (arraysize==1)?"INT2":"BYTEA"; else if (datatype.equals("int")) return (arraysize==1)?"INT4":"BYTEA"; else if (datatype.equals("long")) return (arraysize==1)?"INT8":"BYTEA"; else if (datatype.equals("float")) return (arraysize==1)?"FLOAT4":"BYTEA"; else if (datatype.equals("double")) return (arraysize==1)?"FLOAT8":"BYTEA"; else if (datatype.equals("boolean")) return (arraysize==1)?"BOOL":"BYTEA"; else if (datatype.equals("char")) return (arraysize==1)?"CHAR(1)":((arraysize<=0)?"VARCHAR":("VARCHAR("+arraysize+")")); else if (datatype.equals("unsignedbyte")) return "BYTEA"; else{ if (logger != null) logger.dbInfo("Warning: unknown datatype: \""+datatype+"\" => considered as \""+datatype+"\" !"); return datatype; } } public void dropTable(final TAPTable table) throws DBException { String sql = "DROP TABLE "+table.getDBSchemaName()+"."+table.getDBName()+";"; try{ Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(sql); logger.tableDropped(this, table); }catch(SQLException se){ logger.dbError("Impossible to drop the table \""+table.getFullName()+"\" !", se); throw new DBException("Impossible to drop the table \""+table.getFullName()+"\" !", se); } } public void insertRow(final SavotTR row, final TAPTable table) throws DBException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO "); sql.append(table.getDBSchemaName()).append('.').append(table.getDBName()).append(" VALUES ("); TDSet cells = row.getTDs(); Iterator it = table.getColumns(); String datatype, value; TAPColumn col; int i=0; while(it.hasNext()){ col =; if (i>0) sql.append(','); datatype = col.getDatatype(); value = cells.getContent(i); if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) sql.append("NULL"); else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("char") || datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("varchar") || datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("unsignedByte")) sql.append('\'').append(value.replaceAll("'", "''").replaceAll("\0", "")).append('\''); else{ if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("nan")) sql.append("'NaN'"); else sql.append(value.replaceAll("\0", "")); } i++; } sql.append(");"); try{ Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); int nbInsertedRows = stmt.executeUpdate(sql.toString()); logger.rowsInserted(this, table, nbInsertedRows); }catch(SQLException se){ logger.dbError("Impossible to insert a row into the table \""+table.getFullName()+"\" !", se); throw new DBException("Impossible to insert a row in the table \""+table.getFullName()+"\" !", se); } } }