This GitHub repository contains the sources of 3 libraries implementing IVOA standards and protocols:
For a complete documentation/tutorial and a demo of the 3 libraries you should visit the following websites: ADQLTuto, UWSTuto and TAPTuto.
Java version
These libraries are developed in Java 1.6.
The three of these libraries are under the terms of the LGPL v3 license. You can find the full description and all the conditions of use in the files src/COPYING and src/COPYING.LESSER.
I strongly encourage you to declare any issue you encounter here. Thus anybody who has the same problem can see whether his/her problem is already known. If the problem is known the progress and/or comments about its resolution will be published.
In addition, if you have forked this repository and made some corrections on your side which are likely to interest any other user of the libraries, please, send a pull request here. If these modifications are in adequation with the IVOA definition and are not too specific to your usecase, they will be integrated (maybe after some modifications) on this repository and thus made available to everybody.
Repository content
Each library has its own package (adql
for ADQL, uws
for UWS and tap
for TAP). These packages are independent except tap
which needs the two other packages. In addition to these packages, you will also find cds
and org.json
which are dependencies for the libraries.
Below are summed up the dependencies of each library:
(for adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator only) - UWS:
, HTTP Multipart lib. (com.oreilly.servlet
) - TAP:
(for adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator only), HTTP Multipart lib. (com.oreilly.servlet
), STIL (nom.tap
In the lib
directory, you will find 2 JAR files:
to deal with HTTP multipart requests -
for STIL (VOTable and other formats support)
ANT scripts
At the root of the repository, there are 3 ANT scripts. Each is dedicated to one library. They are able to generate JAR for sources, binaries and Javadoc.
3 properties must be set before using one of these scripts:
: a path toward a JAR or a binary directory containing all org.postgresql.* - - (ONLY for ADQL and TAP if you want to keep adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator) -
: a path toward a JAR or a binary directory containing all javax.servlet.* - (
not required before the version 2.0 of the tap library OR if you are not interested by thetest
directory (JUnit tests): a path toward one or several JARs or binary directories containing all classes to use JUnit.)