INAF Made Software
Plenty of useful software have been made by INAF researchers. It is not always easy to find references or even know about the existence of such software. A system connect with the new INAF-CRIS is under development and a list of INAF software will be available soon
The Open Source Licenze suggest from INAF is GNU GPL 3
Software with DOI - INAF
DISCOS | 10.20371/INAF/SW/2019_00001 |
GOFIO | 10.20371/INAF/SW/2019_00002 |
Osservazioni Multi-Banda | 10.20371/INAF/SW/2019_00003 |
Solar System | 10.20371/INAF/SW/2019_00004 |
Stability Valley | 10.20371/INAF/SW/2019_00005 |
InsideStars | 10.20371/INAF/SW/2019_00006 |
geologic-symbols-qgis | 10.20371/INAF/SW/2019_00007 |
Pymoondb | 10.20371/INAF/SW/2019_00008 |
PacketLib | 10.20371/INAF/SW/2019_00009 |
SCOSpy | 10.20371/INAF/SW/2020_00001 |
SpectraPy | 10.20371/inaf/sw/2021_00001 |
SIPGI | 10.20371/inaf/sw/2021_00002 |
Starfinder | 10.20371/inaf/sw/2022_00001 |
PATCH | 10.20371/inaf/sw/2022_00001 |
Other INAF Software
Nome | Link | Refered Person | info |
AETEC | | D. Fantinel | The Advanced Exposure Time Calculator (AETC) is a tool to simulate images of astrophysical objects obtained with any combination of telescope, instrument and given passband using a suitable set of parameters that define the configuration of the equipment used for the observations |
APHOT | | E. Merlin | fotometria in apertura di campi fondi extragalattic |
APOGEO | | S. Zorba | |
Astrocook | | G. Cupani | Quasar Spectral Analysis with GUI |
Bayesfit | (cliccare su "model") | S. Andreon | library of fit Bayesian models for fitting astronomical data |
CARACal | | P. Serra | pipeline for radio interferometry data reduction link to HomePage |
DarkVesta | D. Turrini | a Fortran software that allows to evaluate the secular contamination of asteroidal surfaces by impacts of different classes of asteroids over a user-defined temporal interval | |
e ha anche un sito web di documentazione, incluso un manuale guida per utente e tutorial.
E. Corsaro | The DIAMONDS (high-DImensional And multi-MOdal NesteD Sampling) code performs a Bayesian parameter estimation and model comparison by means of the nested sampling Monte Carlo (NSMC) algorithm. |
DIF | | L. Nicastro | A set of tools that use HTM and HEALPix to implement an indexing system for astronomical catalogs and other data with spherical coordinates stored in MySQL / MariaDB. |
DPI | | D. Turrini | a Fortran library implementing the symplectic mapping for binary star systems for the Mercury 6 N-Body software package |
EasyLife | | M. Scodeggio | |
SNOoPY | | E. Cappellaro |
SNOoPY (SuperNOva PhotometrY) is a package designed to facilitate the task of producing SN light curves from multi-band photometric observations obtained with a generic collection of telescopes. |
FAMA | | L. Magrini |
Fast Automatic MOOG Analysis |
con sito web di documentazione e tutorial
E. Corsaro |
The FAMED (Fast and Auto-Mated pEak bagging with Diamonds) pipeline is a multi-platform parallelized software to perform an automated extraction and mode identification of oscillation frequencies for solar-like pulsators. |
foscgui | | E. Cappellaro |
Foscgui is a graphic user interface aimed at extracting SN spectra and photometry obtained with a fosc-like instrument. In the current version two instruments are implemented AFOSC@182cm Asiago, ALFOSC@NOT La Palma |
GalNest | M. Rivi | Rilevazione sorgenti da survey nella banda radio, analizzando direttamente le visibilità radio. | |
GHATS | | T. Belloni | analisi temporale aperiodica di dati X. |
HENDRICS | | M. Bachetti | |
Ice Thickness Calculator | | C. Scire' | interfaccia software disponibile online per il calcolo dello spessore di sottili strati di ghiacci depositati su un substrato |
Intranet | F. D'Anna | sw di gestione sito d'istituto | |
jExact | | R. Politi | interfaccia java per l'accesso alla webapp exact |
JoXSZ | F. Castagna | fit sulle proprietà termodinamiche degli ammassi di galassie considerando congiuntamente dati in X e in SZ (effetto Sunyaev-Zeldovich). | |
LIRA | | M. Sereno | Linear Regression in Atronomy |
MCS | | L. Nicastro G. Calderone |
Multi-purpose, MySQL oriented classes aimed at implementing astronomical applications in (almost) any language. |
MeerKATHI | P. Serra | radio interferometry pipeline | |
Mercury-Arxes | Turrini et al. 2019, ApJ, 877, 50 | D. Turrini | a Fortran parallel implementation of the hybrid symplectic algorithm of the Mercury 6 N-Body software package |
MyRO | | L. Nicastro | A set of tools aimed at implementing a per-record privilege system on MySQL databases similar to that of a unix file system. |
NADIR | | C. Knapic | archive management |
PaketLib | | A. Bulgarelli | PacketLib is a C++ open-source software library for writing applications which deal with satellite telemetry source packets, provided that the packets are compliant with the CCSDS Telemetry and Telecommand Standards. |
PASSATA | | G. Agapito | ibreria IDL per simulazioni end-to-end di sistemi di Ottica Adattiva |
PI GCS | | L. Busoni | Python wrapper for Physik Instrument General Command Set API. |
Pinocchio | | P. Monaco | metodo approssimato per le simulazioni cosmologiche |
Plico | | L. Busoni | Python Laboratory Instrumentation COntrol. Provides a framework client/server to interface devices and expose control over the network. |
PreProFit | | F. Castragna | fit del profilo di pressione di cluster di galassie tramite un approccio bayesiano |
Pymoondb | | A. Frigeri | The Python interface to MoonDB, the online lunar sample geochemical and petrological database |
QGIS | | A. Frigeri | Geologic symbols library and development for QGIS |
QSFit | | G. Calderone | QSO Spectral Fitting: software package to automatically perform spectral analysis of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) optical/UV spectra |
RadioLensFit | | M. Rivi | misura radio week lensing shear |
SDI | A. Pellizzoni | (Single Dish Imager), un sw scientifico di mapping radioastronomico per osservazioni single-dish | |
SID | | L. Nicastro | A set of tools that use HTM and HEALPix to implement an indexing system for astronomical catalogs and other data with spherical coordinates stored in MySQL / MariaDB. Mostly derived from DIF, with the main difference being its fully UDFs structure which makes it more flexible. |
SoFiA | | P. Serra | spectral line Source finder Link all'articolo |
STARFINDER | | L. Schreiber | astro fotometria PSF di campi stellari particolarmente adatto per immagini corrette da ottica adattiva |
Stingray | | M. Bachetti | |
TASMAN | | S. Zorba | |
TOCats | | L. Nicastro | Astronomical catalogues stored in a hierarchical tree using DIF + HEALPix schema, browsable in AladinLite and accessible either via web-form or directly via SQL. Custom users' catalogues can be hosted on request. |
TOSC | | S. Scandariato |
an algorithm for the tomography of spotted transit chords |
TPHOT | | E. Merlin | fotometria template-fitting di campi fondi extragalattic |
VAPE | | M. Molinaro | |
VIRTISpy | | R. Politi | classe python per la lettura dei dati raccolti dallo strumento VIRTIS a bordo della sonda Venus Express |
VO-Dance | | M. Molinaro | VO |
XNS | | N. Bucciantini | modelli teorici di Neuron Star in GR |
zmxIDL | | L. Busoni | Interface to control / script Zemax from IDL |