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Commit 6958d319 authored by Dustin Jenkins's avatar Dustin Jenkins
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Merge branch 'master' of ssh://gimli2/srv/cadc/git/wopencadc into s1564

parents f94789a2 190f49fe
No related branches found
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with 1449 additions and 0 deletions
******************* CANADIAN ASTRONOMY DATA CENTRE *******************
* (c) 2009. (c) 2009.
* Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada
* National Research Council Conseil national de recherches
* Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6 Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6
* All rights reserved Tous droits réservés
* NRC disclaims any warranties, Le CNRC dénie toute garantie
* expressed, implied, or énoncée, implicite ou légale,
* statutory, of any kind with de quelque nature que ce
* respect to the software, soit, concernant le logiciel,
* including without limitation y compris sans restriction
* any warranty of merchantability toute garantie de valeur
* or fitness for a particular marchande ou de pertinence
* purpose. NRC shall not be pour un usage particulier.
* liable in any event for any Le CNRC ne pourra en aucun cas
* damages, whether direct or être tenu responsable de tout
* indirect, special or general, dommage, direct ou indirect,
* consequential or incidental, particulier ou général,
* arising from the use of the accessoire ou fortuit, résultant
* software. Neither the name de l'utilisation du logiciel. Ni
* of the National Research le nom du Conseil National de
* Council of Canada nor the Recherches du Canada ni les noms
* names of its contributors may de ses participants ne peuvent
* be used to endorse or promote être utilisés pour approuver ou
* products derived from this promouvoir les produits dérivés
* software without specific prior de ce logiciel sans autorisation
* written permission. préalable et particulière
* par écrit.
* This file is part of the Ce fichier fait partie du projet
* OpenCADC project. OpenCADC.
* OpenCADC is free software: OpenCADC est un logiciel libre ;
* you can redistribute it and/or vous pouvez le redistribuer ou le
* modify it under the terms of modifier suivant les termes de
* the GNU Affero General Public la “GNU Affero General Public
* License as published by the License” telle que publiée
* Free Software Foundation, par la Free Software Foundation
* either version 3 of the : soit la version 3 de cette
* License, or (at your option) licence, soit (à votre gré)
* any later version. toute version ultérieure.
* OpenCADC is distributed in the OpenCADC est distribué
* hope that it will be useful, dans l’espoir qu’il vous
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; sera utile, mais SANS AUCUNE
* without even the implied GARANTIE : sans même la garantie
* PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero PARTICULIER. Consultez la Licence
* General Public License for Générale Publique GNU Affero
* more details. pour plus de détails.
* You should have received Vous devriez avoir reçu une
* a copy of the GNU Affero copie de la Licence Générale
* General Public License along Publique GNU Affero avec
* with OpenCADC. If not, see OpenCADC ; si ce n’est
* <>. pas le cas, consultez :
* <>.
* $Revision: 4 $
<!DOCTYPE project>
<project default="build" basedir=".">
<property environment="env"/>
<property file="" />
<!-- site-specific build properties or overrides of values in -->
<property file="${env.CADC_PREFIX}/etc/" />
<!-- site-specific targets, e.g. install, cannot duplicate those in opencadc.targets.xml -->
<import file="${env.CADC_PREFIX}/etc/local.targets.xml" optional="true" />
<!-- default properties and targets -->
<property file="${env.CADC_PREFIX}/etc/" />
<import file="${env.CADC_PREFIX}/etc/opencadc.targets.xml"/>
<!-- developer convenience: place for extra targets and properties -->
<import file="extras.xml" optional="true" />
<property name="project" value="cadcAccessControl" />
<property name="cadcUtil" value="${lib}/cadcUtil.jar" />
<property name="jars" value="${cadcUtil}:${ext.lib}/log4j.jar" />
<target name="build" depends="compile">
<jar jarfile="${build}/lib/${project}.jar"
<include name="ca/nrc/cadc/**" />
<!-- JAR files needed to run the test suite -->
<property name="testingJars" value="${build}/class:${jars}:${ext.lib}/junit.jar:${ext.lib}/xerces.jar:${}/easymock.jar:${}/cglib.jar:${}/objenesis.jar:${}/asm.jar" />
<target name="test" depends="compile-test">
<echo message="Running test" />
<!-- Run the junit test suite -->
<echo message="Running test suite..." />
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes" fork="yes">
<pathelement path="${build}/class"/>
<pathelement path="${build}/test/class"/>
<pathelement path="${testingJars}"/>
<test name="" />
<test name="" />
<formatter type="plain" usefile="false" />

17.2 KiB

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
CADC User Authorization Model
<div class="main">
<h1>CADC User Authorization Model</h1>
<p>The CADC User Authorization Model is a model for representing CADC users and groups. The model is used primarily in the GMS and Users Web services.
<a href="uml/UserAuth.png"> <img src="uml/UserAuth.png" alt="CADC User Authorization Model"></a>
<h2>User Class Features </h2>
In the system, a user is uniquely identified by one Principal (in CADC's case that is of type NumericPrincipal) but can have a number of other identities for different contexts:
<li>HttpPrincipal: Web user identity associated with Simple HHTP User Password access.</li>
<li>X500Principal: X509 certificate identity. </li>
<li>NumericPrincipal: An numeric identity associated with a user. Typically, used internally within a system.</li>
<li>OpenIdPrincipal: An OpenID identity. </li>
<h2>Group Class Features</h2>
Groups represet associations of users. Members of groups can be groups of users or simple users. groupWrite and groupRead represent the groups that have read and read-and-write permissions to the current group.
File added

16.8 KiB

**** C A N A D I A N A S T R O N O M Y D A T A C E N T R E *****
* (c) 2014. (c) 2014.
* National Research Council Conseil national de recherches
* Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6 Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6
* All rights reserved Tous droits reserves
* NRC disclaims any warranties Le CNRC denie toute garantie
* expressed, implied, or statu- enoncee, implicite ou legale,
* tory, of any kind with respect de quelque nature que se soit,
* to the software, including concernant le logiciel, y com-
* without limitation any war- pris sans restriction toute
* ranty of merchantability or garantie de valeur marchande
* fitness for a particular pur- ou de pertinence pour un usage
* pose. NRC shall not be liable particulier. Le CNRC ne
* in any event for any damages, pourra en aucun cas etre tenu
* whether direct or indirect, responsable de tout dommage,
* special or general, consequen- direct ou indirect, particul-
* tial or incidental, arising ier ou general, accessoire ou
* from the use of the software. fortuit, resultant de l'utili-
* sation du logiciel.
* @author adriand
* @version $Revision: $
**** C A N A D I A N A S T R O N O M Y D A T A C E N T R E *****
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class Group
private String groupID;
private User<? extends Principal> owner;
// group's properties
protected Set<GroupProperty> properties = new HashSet<GroupProperty>();
// group's user members
private Set<User<? extends Principal>> userMembers =
new HashSet<User<? extends Principal>>();
// group's group members
private Set<Group> groupMembers = new HashSet<Group>();
public String description;
// Access Control properties
* group that can read details of this group
* Note: this class does not enforce any access control rules
public Group groupRead;
* group that can read and write details of this group
* Note: this class does not enforce any access control rules
public Group groupWrite;
* flag that show whether the details of this group are publicly readable
* Note: this class does not enforce any access control rules
public boolean publicRead = false;
* Ctor.
* @param groupID
* Unique ID for the group. Must be a valid URI fragment component,
* so it's restricted to alphanumeric and "-", ".","_","~" characters.
* @param owner
* Owner/Creator of the group.
public Group(final String groupID,
final User<? extends Principal> owner)
if(groupID == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null groupID");
// check for invalid path characters in groupID
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid group ID " + groupID
+ ": may not contain space ( ), slash (/), escape (\\), or percent (%)");
this.groupID = groupID;
if(owner == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null owner");
this.owner = owner;
* Obtain this Group's unique id.
* @return String group ID.
public String getID()
return groupID;
* Obtain this group's owner
* @return owner of the group
public User<? extends Principal> getOwner()
return owner;
* @return a set of properties associated with a group
public Set<GroupProperty> getProperties()
return properties;
* @return individual user members of this group
public Set<User<? extends Principal>> getUserMembers()
return userMembers;
* @return group members of this group
public Set<Group> getGroupMembers()
return groupMembers;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode()
return 31 + groupID.hashCode();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (!(obj instanceof Group))
return false;
Group other = (Group) obj;
if (!groupID.equals(other.groupID))
return false;
return true;
public String toString()
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + groupID + "]";
******************* CANADIAN ASTRONOMY DATA CENTRE *******************
* (c) 2009. (c) 2009.
* Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada
* National Research Council Conseil national de recherches
* Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6 Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6
* All rights reserved Tous droits réservés
* NRC disclaims any warranties, Le CNRC dénie toute garantie
* expressed, implied, or énoncée, implicite ou légale,
* statutory, of any kind with de quelque nature que ce
* respect to the software, soit, concernant le logiciel,
* including without limitation y compris sans restriction
* any warranty of merchantability toute garantie de valeur
* or fitness for a particular marchande ou de pertinence
* purpose. NRC shall not be pour un usage particulier.
* liable in any event for any Le CNRC ne pourra en aucun cas
* damages, whether direct or être tenu responsable de tout
* indirect, special or general, dommage, direct ou indirect,
* consequential or incidental, particulier ou général,
* arising from the use of the accessoire ou fortuit, résultant
* software. Neither the name de l'utilisation du logiciel. Ni
* of the National Research le nom du Conseil National de
* Council of Canada nor the Recherches du Canada ni les noms
* names of its contributors may de ses participants ne peuvent
* be used to endorse or promote être utilisés pour approuver ou
* products derived from this promouvoir les produits dérivés
* software without specific prior de ce logiciel sans autorisation
* written permission. préalable et particulière
* par écrit.
* This file is part of the Ce fichier fait partie du projet
* OpenCADC project. OpenCADC.
* OpenCADC is free software: OpenCADC est un logiciel libre ;
* you can redistribute it and/or vous pouvez le redistribuer ou le
* modify it under the terms of modifier suivant les termes de
* the GNU Affero General Public la “GNU Affero General Public
* License as published by the License” telle que publiée
* Free Software Foundation, par la Free Software Foundation
* either version 3 of the : soit la version 3 de cette
* License, or (at your option) licence, soit (à votre gré)
* any later version. toute version ultérieure.
* OpenCADC is distributed in the OpenCADC est distribué
* hope that it will be useful, dans l’espoir qu’il vous
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; sera utile, mais SANS AUCUNE
* without even the implied GARANTIE : sans même la garantie
* PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero PARTICULIER. Consultez la Licence
* General Public License for Générale Publique GNU Affero
* more details. pour plus de détails.
* You should have received Vous devriez avoir reçu une
* a copy of the GNU Affero copie de la Licence Générale
* General Public License along Publique GNU Affero avec
* with OpenCADC. If not, see OpenCADC ; si ce n’est
* <>. pas le cas, consultez :
* <>.
* A property representing metadata for a group.
public class GroupProperty
// The property identifier
private String key;
// The value of the property
private Object value;
// true if the property cannot be modified.
private boolean readOnly;
* GroupProperty constructor.
* @param key The property key. Cannot be null.
* @param value The property value.
public GroupProperty(String key, Object value, boolean readOnly)
if(key == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null key");
if(value == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null value");
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
this.readOnly = readOnly;
* @return property key
public String getKey()
return key;
* @return value
public Object getValue()
return value;
* @return read only
public boolean isReadOnly()
return readOnly;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((key == null) ? 0 : key.hashCode());
return result;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (!(obj instanceof GroupProperty))
return false;
GroupProperty other = (GroupProperty) obj;
return key.equals(other.key);
public String toString()
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + key + ": " + value + "]";
**** C A N A D I A N A S T R O N O M Y D A T A C E N T R E *****
* (c) 2014. (c) 2014.
* National Research Council Conseil national de recherches
* Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6 Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6
* All rights reserved Tous droits reserves
* NRC disclaims any warranties Le CNRC denie toute garantie
* expressed, implied, or statu- enoncee, implicite ou legale,
* tory, of any kind with respect de quelque nature que se soit,
* to the software, including concernant le logiciel, y com-
* without limitation any war- pris sans restriction toute
* ranty of merchantability or garantie de valeur marchande
* fitness for a particular pur- ou de pertinence pour un usage
* pose. NRC shall not be liable particulier. Le CNRC ne
* in any event for any damages, pourra en aucun cas etre tenu
* whether direct or indirect, responsable de tout dommage,
* special or general, consequen- direct ou indirect, particul-
* tial or incidental, arising ier ou general, accessoire ou
* from the use of the software. fortuit, resultant de l'utili-
* sation du logiciel.
* @author adriand
* @version $Revision: $
**** C A N A D I A N A S T R O N O M Y D A T A C E N T R E *****
public class PersonalDetails implements UserDetails
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String email;
private String address;
private String institute;
private String city;
private String country;
public PersonalDetails(String firstName, String lastName, String email,
String address, String institute, String city, String country)
if (firstName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null firstName");
if (lastName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null lastName");
if (email == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null email");
if (address == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null address");
if (institute == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null institute");
if (city == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null city");
if (country == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null country");
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName; = email;
this.address = address; = institute; = city; = country;
public String getFirstName()
return firstName;
public String getLastName()
return lastName;
public String getEmail()
return email;
public String getAddress()
return address;
public String getInstitute()
return institute;
public String getCity()
return city;
public String getCountry()
return country;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see ca.nrc.cadc.auth.model.UserDetails#hashCode()
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + address.hashCode();
result = prime * result + city.hashCode();
result = prime * result + country.hashCode();
result = prime * result + email.hashCode();
result = prime * result + firstName.hashCode();
result = prime * result + institute.hashCode();
result = prime * result + lastName.hashCode();
return result;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (!(obj instanceof PersonalDetails))
return false;
PersonalDetails other = (PersonalDetails) obj;
if (!firstName.equals(other.firstName))
return false;
if (!lastName.equals(other.lastName))
return false;
if (!email.equals(
return false;
if (!institute.equals(
return false;
if (!address.equals(other.address))
return false;
if (!city.equals(
return false;
if (!country.equals(
return false;
return true;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see ca.nrc.cadc.auth.model.UserDetails#toString()
public String toString()
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + firstName + ", "
+ lastName + ", " + email + ", " + address + ", "
+ institute + ", " + city + ", " + country + "]";
**** C A N A D I A N A S T R O N O M Y D A T A C E N T R E *****
* (c) 2014. (c) 2014.
* National Research Council Conseil national de recherches
* Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6 Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6
* All rights reserved Tous droits reserves
* NRC disclaims any warranties Le CNRC denie toute garantie
* expressed, implied, or statu- enoncee, implicite ou legale,
* tory, of any kind with respect de quelque nature que se soit,
* to the software, including concernant le logiciel, y com-
* without limitation any war- pris sans restriction toute
* ranty of merchantability or garantie de valeur marchande
* fitness for a particular pur- ou de pertinence pour un usage
* pose. NRC shall not be liable particulier. Le CNRC ne
* in any event for any damages, pourra en aucun cas etre tenu
* whether direct or indirect, responsable de tout dommage,
* special or general, consequen- direct ou indirect, particul-
* tial or incidental, arising ier ou general, accessoire ou
* from the use of the software. fortuit, resultant de l'utili-
* sation du logiciel.
* @author adriand
* @version $Revision: $
**** C A N A D I A N A S T R O N O M Y D A T A C E N T R E *****
* Represents the posix account details associated with a user account.
public class PosixDetails implements UserDetails
private long uid;
private long gid;
private String homeDirectory;
* user login shell
public String loginShell;
* @param uid
* posix uid
* @param gid
* posix gid
* @param homeDirectory
* home directory
public PosixDetails(long uid, long gid, String homeDirectory)
this.uid = uid;
this.gid = gid;
if (homeDirectory == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"null home directory in POSIX details");
this.homeDirectory = homeDirectory;
* @return the uid
public long getUid()
return uid;
* @return the gid
public long getGid()
return gid;
* @return the homeDirectory
public String getHomeDirectory()
return homeDirectory;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + (int) (gid ^ (gid >>> 32));
result = prime * result + homeDirectory.hashCode();
result = prime * result + (int) (uid ^ (uid >>> 32));
return result;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (!(obj instanceof PosixDetails))
return false;
PosixDetails other = (PosixDetails) obj;
if (gid != other.gid)
return false;
if (!homeDirectory.equals(other.homeDirectory))
return false;
return true;
public String toString()
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + uid + ", " + gid + ", "
+ homeDirectory + "]";
**** C A N A D I A N A S T R O N O M Y D A T A C E N T R E *****
* (c) 2014. (c) 2014.
* National Research Council Conseil national de recherches
* Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6 Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6
* All rights reserved Tous droits reserves
* NRC disclaims any warranties Le CNRC denie toute garantie
* expressed, implied, or statu- enoncee, implicite ou legale,
* tory, of any kind with respect de quelque nature que se soit,
* to the software, including concernant le logiciel, y com-
* without limitation any war- pris sans restriction toute
* ranty of merchantability or garantie de valeur marchande
* fitness for a particular pur- ou de pertinence pour un usage
* pose. NRC shall not be liable particulier. Le CNRC ne
* in any event for any damages, pourra en aucun cas etre tenu
* whether direct or indirect, responsable de tout dommage,
* special or general, consequen- direct ou indirect, particul-
* tial or incidental, arising ier ou general, accessoire ou
* from the use of the software. fortuit, resultant de l'utili-
* sation du logiciel.
* @author adriand
* @version $Revision: $
**** C A N A D I A N A S T R O N O M Y D A T A C E N T R E *****
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class User<T extends Principal>
private T userID;
private Set<Principal> principals = new HashSet<Principal>();
public Set<UserDetails> details = new HashSet<UserDetails>();
public User(final T userID)
if(userID == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null userID");
this.userID = userID;
public Set<Principal> getPrincipals()
return principals;
public T getUserID()
return userID;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + userID.hashCode();
return result;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
User<?> other = (User<?>) obj;
if (!userID.equals(other.userID))
return false;
return true;
public String toString()
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + userID.getName() + "]";
**** C A N A D I A N A S T R O N O M Y D A T A C E N T R E *****
* (c) 2014. (c) 2014.
* National Research Council Conseil national de recherches
* Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6 Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6
* All rights reserved Tous droits reserves
* NRC disclaims any warranties Le CNRC denie toute garantie
* expressed, implied, or statu- enoncee, implicite ou legale,
* tory, of any kind with respect de quelque nature que se soit,
* to the software, including concernant le logiciel, y com-
* without limitation any war- pris sans restriction toute
* ranty of merchantability or garantie de valeur marchande
* fitness for a particular pur- ou de pertinence pour un usage
* pose. NRC shall not be liable particulier. Le CNRC ne
* in any event for any damages, pourra en aucun cas etre tenu
* whether direct or indirect, responsable de tout dommage,
* special or general, consequen- direct ou indirect, particul-
* tial or incidental, arising ier ou general, accessoire ou
* from the use of the software. fortuit, resultant de l'utili-
* sation du logiciel.
* @author adriand
* @version $Revision: $
**** C A N A D I A N A S T R O N O M Y D A T A C E N T R E *****
public interface UserDetails
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj);
public String toString();
**** C A N A D I A N A S T R O N O M Y D A T A C E N T R E *****
* (c) 2014. (c) 2014.
* National Research Council Conseil national de recherches
* Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6 Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6
* All rights reserved Tous droits reserves
* NRC disclaims any warranties Le CNRC denie toute garantie
* expressed, implied, or statu- enoncee, implicite ou legale,
* tory, of any kind with respect de quelque nature que se soit,
* to the software, including concernant le logiciel, y com-
* without limitation any war- pris sans restriction toute
* ranty of merchantability or garantie de valeur marchande
* fitness for a particular pur- ou de pertinence pour un usage
* pose. NRC shall not be liable particulier. Le CNRC ne
* in any event for any damages, pourra en aucun cas etre tenu
* whether direct or indirect, responsable de tout dommage,
* special or general, consequen- direct ou indirect, particul-
* tial or incidental, arising ier ou general, accessoire ou
* from the use of the software. fortuit, resultant de l'utili-
* sation du logiciel.
* @author adriand
* @version $Revision: $
**** C A N A D I A N A S T R O N O M Y D A T A C E N T R E *****
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import ca.nrc.cadc.auth.HttpPrincipal;
public class GroupTest
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(GroupTest.class);
public void simpleGroupTest() throws Exception
User<HttpPrincipal> owner = new User<HttpPrincipal>(new HttpPrincipal("owner"));
Group group1 = new Group("TestGroup", owner);
User<HttpPrincipal> user = new User<HttpPrincipal>(new HttpPrincipal("user"));
assertEquals(1, group1.getUserMembers().size());
Group group2 = group1;
assertEquals(group1.hashCode(), group2.hashCode());
assertEquals(group1, group2);
assertTrue(group1 == group2);
group2 = new Group("TestGroup", owner);
assertEquals(group1.hashCode(), group2.hashCode());
assertEquals(group1.hashCode(), group2.hashCode());
assertEquals(group1.hashCode(), group2.hashCode());
group1.description = "Test group";
assertEquals(group1.hashCode(), group2.hashCode());
// group read and write equality tests
group1.groupRead = group2;
assertEquals(group1.hashCode(), group2.hashCode());
// group write equality tests
group1.groupWrite = group2;
assertEquals(group1.hashCode(), group2.hashCode());
group1.publicRead = true;
assertEquals(group1.hashCode(), group2.hashCode());
group2 = new Group("NewTestGroup-._~.", owner);
assertFalse(group1.hashCode() == group2.hashCode());
// test toString
public void exceptionTests()
boolean thrown = false;
new Group(null, new User<HttpPrincipal>(new HttpPrincipal("owner")));
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
thrown = false;
new Group("NewTestGroup", null);
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
// invavlid group IDs
thrown = false;
new Group("New/Test/Group", new User<HttpPrincipal>(new HttpPrincipal("owner")));
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
thrown = false;
new Group("New%Test%Group", new User<HttpPrincipal>(new HttpPrincipal("owner")));
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
thrown = false;
new Group("New\\Test\\Group", new User<HttpPrincipal>(new HttpPrincipal("owner")));
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
**** C A N A D I A N A S T R O N O M Y D A T A C E N T R E *****
* (c) 2014. (c) 2014.
* National Research Council Conseil national de recherches
* Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6 Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6
* All rights reserved Tous droits reserves
* NRC disclaims any warranties Le CNRC denie toute garantie
* expressed, implied, or statu- enoncee, implicite ou legale,
* tory, of any kind with respect de quelque nature que se soit,
* to the software, including concernant le logiciel, y com-
* without limitation any war- pris sans restriction toute
* ranty of merchantability or garantie de valeur marchande
* fitness for a particular pur- ou de pertinence pour un usage
* pose. NRC shall not be liable particulier. Le CNRC ne
* in any event for any damages, pourra en aucun cas etre tenu
* whether direct or indirect, responsable de tout dommage,
* special or general, consequen- direct ou indirect, particul-
* tial or incidental, arising ier ou general, accessoire ou
* from the use of the software. fortuit, resultant de l'utili-
* sation du logiciel.
* @author adriand
* @version $Revision: $
**** C A N A D I A N A S T R O N O M Y D A T A C E N T R E *****
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.junit.Test;
import ca.nrc.cadc.auth.HttpPrincipal;
import ca.nrc.cadc.auth.NumericPrincipal;
import ca.nrc.cadc.auth.OpenIdPrincipal;
public class UserTest
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(UserTest.class);
public void simpleEqualityTests() throws Exception
User<HttpPrincipal> user1 = new User<HttpPrincipal>(
new HttpPrincipal("user1"));
User<HttpPrincipal> user2 = user1;
assertEquals(user1, user2);
assertEquals(user1.hashCode(), user2.hashCode());
user2 = new User<HttpPrincipal>(new HttpPrincipal("user1"));
assertEquals(user1, user2);
assertEquals(user1.hashCode(), user2.hashCode());
user1.details.add(new PersonalDetails("Joe", "Raymond",
"", "123 Street", "CADC", "Victoria", "CA"));
assertEquals(user1, user2);
assertEquals(user1.hashCode(), user2.hashCode());
User<X500Principal> user3 = new User<X500Principal>(
new X500Principal("cn=aaa,ou=ca"));
User<HttpPrincipal> user4 = new User<HttpPrincipal>(
new HttpPrincipal("cn=aaa,ou=ca"));
assertFalse(user3.hashCode() == user4.hashCode());
user1.getPrincipals().add(new X500Principal("cn=aaa,ou=ca"));
assertEquals(user1, user2);
assertEquals(user1.hashCode(), user2.hashCode());
user1.details.add(new PosixDetails(12, 23,
assertEquals(user1, user2);
assertEquals(user1.hashCode(), user2.hashCode());
User<NumericPrincipal> user5 = new User<NumericPrincipal>(
new NumericPrincipal(32));
// visual test of toString
System.out.println(new PersonalDetails("Joe", "Raymond",
"", "123 Street", "CADC", "Victoria", "CA"));
System.out.println(new PosixDetails(12, 23,"/home/myhome"));
public void exceptionTests()
boolean thrown = false;
new User<NumericPrincipal>(null);
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
thrown = false;
new PersonalDetails(null, "Raymond",
"", "123 Street", "CADC", "Victoria", "CA");
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
thrown = false;
new PersonalDetails("Joe", null,
"", "123 Street", "CADC", "Victoria", "CA");
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
thrown = false;
new PersonalDetails("Joe", "Raymond",
null, "123 Street", "CADC", "Victoria", "CA");
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
thrown = false;
new PersonalDetails("Joe", "Raymond",
"", null, "CADC", "Victoria", "CA");
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
thrown = false;
new PersonalDetails("Joe", "Raymond",
"", "123 Street", null, "Victoria", "CA");
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
thrown = false;
new PersonalDetails("Joe", "Raymond",
"", "123 Street", "CADC", null, "CA");
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
thrown = false;
new PersonalDetails("Joe", "Raymond",
"", "123 Street", "CADC", "Victoria", null);
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
thrown = false;
new PosixDetails(11, 22, null);
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
thrown = false;
new HttpPrincipal(null);
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
thrown = false;
new OpenIdPrincipal(null);
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
thrown = true;
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