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Commit 064ad14c authored by Adam Paquette's avatar Adam Paquette
Browse files

Finalized notebook with annotations and reduced imports.

parent 3d757658
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%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import os
import sys
import csv
import pvl
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
import pyproj
from functools import singledispatch
import warnings
from plio.examples import get_path
from import read_gpf, read_ipf, read_atf
from import read_gpf, read_ipf, read_atf, save_gpf, save_ipf
from plio.utils.utils import find_in_dict
from plio.spatial.transformations import *
from collections import defaultdict
from plio.spatial.transformations import apply_isis_transformations, apply_socet_transformations, serial_numbers
import as cn
import as sn
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def socet2isis(at_file, cub_file_path, cub_ipf_map, target_name, outpath=None):
def socet2isis(at_file, cub_file_path, extension, target_name, outpath=None):
# Setup the at_file, path to cubes, and control network out path
at_file = at_file
cnet_out = os.path.split(os.path.splitext(at_file)[0])[1]
cub_path = cub_file_path
outpath = outpath
outpath = os.path.split(at_file)[0]
with open(cub_ipf_map) as cub_ipf_map:
reader = csv.reader(cub_ipf_map, delimiter = ',')
image_dict = dict([(row[0], row[1]) for row in reader])
# Read in and setup the atf dict of information
atf_dict = read_atf(at_file)
# Get the gpf and ipf files using atf dict
gpf_file = os.path.join(atf_dict['PATH'], atf_dict['GP_FILE']);
ipf_list = [os.path.join(atf_dict['PATH'], i) for i in atf_dict['IMAGE_IPF']]
# Read in the gpf file and ipf file(s) into seperate dataframes
gpf_df = read_gpf(gpf_file)
ipf_df = read_ipf(ipf_list)
# Check for differences between point ids using each dataframes
# point ids as a reference
gpf_pt_idx = pd.Index(pd.unique(gpf_df['point_id']))
ipf_pt_idx = pd.Index(pd.unique(ipf_df['pt_id']))
point_diff = ipf_pt_idx.difference(gpf_pt_idx)
if len(point_diff) != 0:
warnings.warn("The following points found in ipf files missing from gpf file: \n\n{}. \
\n\nContinuing, but these points will be missing from the control network".format(list(point_diff)))
# Merge the two dataframes on their point id columns
socet_df = ipf_df.merge(gpf_df, left_on='pt_id', right_on='point_id')
# Apply the transformations
apply_transformations(atf_dict, socet_df)
apply_socet_transformations(atf_dict, socet_df)
# Define column remap for socet dataframe
column_map = {'pt_id': 'id', 'l.': 'y', 's.': 'x',
'res_l': 'lineResidual', 'res_s': 'sampleResidual', 'known': 'Type',
'lat_Y_North': 'aprioriY', 'long_X_East': 'aprioriX', 'ht': 'aprioriZ',
'sig0': 'aprioriLatitudeSigma', 'sig1': 'aprioriLongitudeSigma', 'sig2': 'aprioriRadiusSigma',
'sig_l': 'linesigma', 'sig_s': 'samplesigma'}
# Rename the columns using the column remap above
socet_df.rename(columns = column_map, inplace=True)
# Build an image and serial dict assuming the cubes will be named as the IPFs are
image_dict = {i: i + extension for i in pd.unique(socet_df['ipf_file'])}
serial_dict = serial_numbers(image_dict, cub_path)
# creates the control network
cn.to_isis(os.path.join(outpath, cnet_out + '.net'), socet_df, serial_dict, targetname = targetname)
return socet_df
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Setup stuffs for the cub information namely the path and extension
cub_path = '/Volumes/Blueman/'
targetname = 'Mars'
cub_map = '/Users/adampaquette/repos/plio/plio/examples/SocetSet/cub_map2.csv'
def isis2socet(cnet_path, eRadius, eccentricity, cub_path, extension, cub_list, out_gpf, adjusted_flag = False):
pRadius = eRadius * math.sqrt(1 - (eccentricity ** 2))
# Path to atf file
atf_file = ('/Users/adampaquette/repos/plio/plio/examples/SocetSet/Relative.atf')
df = cn.from_isis(cnet_path)
# Create cub dict to map ipf to cub
cub_dict = {i: i + extension for i in cub_list}
# Create serial dict to match serial to ipf
serial_dict = {sn.generate_serial_number(os.path.join(cub_path, i + extension)): i for i in cub_list}
# Remove duplicate columns
# There are better ways to do this but pandas was not having it
columns = []
column_index = []
for i, column in enumerate(list(df.columns)):
if column not in columns:
df = df.iloc[:, column_index]
# Begin translation
# Remap the ISIS columns to socet column names
column_map = {'id': 'pt_id', 'line': 'l.', 'sample': 's.',
'lineResidual': 'res_l', 'sampleResidual': 'res_s', 'type': 'known',
'aprioriLatitudeSigma': 'sig0', 'aprioriLongitudeSigma': 'sig1', 'aprioriRadiusSigma': 'sig2',
'linesigma': 'sig_l', 'samplesigma': 'sig_s', 'ignore': 'stat'}
# Depending on the adjusted flag, set the renames for columns appropriately
if adjusted_flag:
column_map['adjustedY'] = 'lat_Y_North'
column_map['adjustedX'] = 'long_X_East'
column_map['adjustedZ'] = 'ht'
column_map['aprioriY'] = 'lat_Y_North'
column_map['aprioriX'] = 'long_X_East'
column_map['aprioriZ'] = 'ht'
socet_df = socet2isis(atf_file, cub_path, cub_map, targetname)
df.rename(columns = column_map, inplace=True)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
apply_isis_transformations(df, eRadius, pRadius, serial_dict, extension, cub_path)
``` python
def reverse_known(record):
Converts the known field from a socet dataframe into the
isis point_type column
record : object
Pandas series object
: str
String representation of a known field
record_type = record['known']
if record_type == 0 or record_type == 2:
return 0
elif record_type == 1 or record_type == 3 or record_type == 4:
return 3
def lat_socet_coord(record, semi_major, semi_minor):
Function to convert lat_Y_North to ISIS_lat
record : object
Pandas series object
semi_major : float
Radius from the center of the body to the equater
semi_minor : float
Radius from the pole to the center of mass
coord_360 : float
Converted latitude into ocentric space, and mapped
into 0 to 360
ographic_coord = oc2og(record['lat_Y_North'], semi_major, semi_minor)
return ((ographic_coord + 180) % 360) - 180
def lon_socet_coord(record, semi_major, semi_minor):
Function to convert lat_Y_North to ISIS_lat
record : object
Pandas series object
semi_major : float
Radius from the center of the body to the equater
semi_minor : float
Radius from the pole to the center of mass
coord_360 : float
Converted latitude into ocentric space, and mapped
into 0 to 360
ographic_coord = oc2og(record['long_X_East'], semi_major, semi_minor)
return ((ographic_coord + 180) % 360) - 180
def fix_sample_line(record, serial_dict, extension, cub_path):
# Cube location to load
cube = pvl.load(os.path.join(cub_path, serial_dict[record['serialnumber']] + extension))
line_size = find_in_dict(cube, 'Lines')
sample_size = find_in_dict(cube, 'Samples')
new_line = record['l.'] - (int(line_size)/2.0) - 1
new_sample = record['s.'] - (int(sample_size)/2.0) - 1
return new_line, new_sample
def ignore_toggle(record):
if record['stat'] == True:
return 0
return 1
# Save the ipf
save_ipf(df, os.path.split(out_gpf)[0])
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
# Get the first record from each group as there all the same, put them
# into a list, and sort it
points = [int(i[1].index[0]) for i in df.groupby('pt_id')]
``` python
return_df = cn.from_isis("/Users/adampaquette/repos/plio/plio/examples/SocetSet/")
# Set the gpf_df to only the values we need and do a small rename
gpf_df = df.iloc[points].copy()
gpf_df.rename(columns = {'pt_id': 'point_id'}, inplace=True)
eRadius = 3.39619000000000e+006
pRadius = eRadius * (1 - 1.08339143554195e-001)
# Save the gpf
save_gpf(gpf_df, out_gpf)
adjusted_flag = False
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
cub_path = '/Volumes/Blueman/'
extension = '.8bit.cub'
cub_list = ['D06_029601_1846_XN_04N224W',
``` python
# Setup stuffs for the cub information namely the path and extension
cub_path = '/Path/to/cubs'
cub_dict = {i: i + extension for i in cub_list}
serial_dict = {sn.generate_serial_number(os.path.join(cub_path, i + extension)): i for i in cub_list}
columns = []
column_index = []
for i, column in enumerate(list(return_df.columns)):
if column not in columns:
return_df = return_df.iloc[:, column_index]
column_map = {'id': 'pt_id', 'line': 'l.', 'sample': 's.',
'lineResidual': 'res_l', 'sampleResidual': 'res_s', 'type': 'known',
'aprioriLatitudeSigma': 'sig0', 'aprioriLongitudeSigma': 'sig1', 'aprioriRadiusSigma': 'sig2',
'linesigma': 'sig_l', 'samplesigma': 'sig_s', 'ignore': 'stat'}
if adjusted_flag:
column_map['adjustedY'] = 'lat_Y_North'
column_map['adjustedX'] = 'long_X_East'
column_map['adjustedZ'] = 'ht'
column_map['aprioriY'] = 'lat_Y_North'
column_map['aprioriX'] = 'long_X_East'
column_map['aprioriZ'] = 'ht'
return_df.rename(columns = column_map, inplace=True)
return_df['known'] = return_df.apply(reverse_known, axis = 1)
return_df['ipf_file'] = return_df['serialnumber'].apply(lambda serial_number: serial_dict[serial_number])
return_df['l.'], return_df['s.'] = zip(*return_df.apply(fix_sample_line, serial_dict = serial_dict,
extension = extension,
cub_path = cub_path, axis = 1))
ecef = np.array([[return_df['long_X_East']], [return_df['lat_Y_North']], [return_df['ht']]])
lla = body_fix(ecef, semi_major = eRadius, semi_minor = pRadius, inverse=True)
return_df['long_X_East'], return_df['lat_Y_North'], return_df['ht'] = lla[0][0], lla[1][0], lla[2][0]
return_df['lat_Y_North'] = return_df.apply(lat_socet_coord, semi_major=eRadius, semi_minor=pRadius, axis = 1)
return_df['long_X_East'] = return_df.apply(lon_socet_coord, semi_major=eRadius, semi_minor=pRadius, axis = 1)
return_df['stat'] = return_df.apply(ignore_toggle, axis = 1)
return_df['val'] = return_df['stat']
# Add dumby
x_dummy = lambda x: np.full(len(return_df), x)
return_df['sig0'] = x_dummy(0)
return_df['sig1'] = x_dummy(0)
return_df['sig2'] = x_dummy(0)
return_df['res0'] = x_dummy(0)
return_df['res1'] = x_dummy(0)
return_df['res2'] = x_dummy(0)
# Name of the target body
targetname = 'Mars'
extension = 'cub.-->extension<--'
return_df['fid_x'] = x_dummy(0)
return_df['fid_y'] = x_dummy(0)
# Path to atf file
atf_file = 'Path/to/socket/set/at_file.atf'
return_df['no_obs'] = x_dummy(1)
return_df['fid_val'] = x_dummy(0)
socet2isis(atf_file, cub_path, extension, targetname)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
return_df[['long_X_East', 'lat_Y_North', 'ht']].iloc[2]
# Setup stuffs for the cub information namely the path and extension
# along with eRadius and eccentricity
cnet = "Path/to/control/"
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
eRadius = 3.39619000000000e+006
eccentricity = 1.08339143554195e-001
``` python
return_df[['long_X_East', 'lat_Y_North', 'ht']].iloc[2]
cub_path = 'Path/to/cubs'
extension = 'cub.-->extension<--'
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
# List of cubes to use
cub_list = ['D06_029601_1846_XN_04N224W',
``` python
out_gpf = "/Users/adampaquette/Desktop/InSightE09_XW.gpf"
adjusted_flag = False
isis2socet(cnet, eRadius, eccentricity, cub_path, extension, cub_list, out_gpf, adjusted_flag)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
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