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Commit 0c47eff6 authored by jay's avatar jay
Browse files

Adds length assertion and logic for dynamic cols

parent 83136d03
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...@@ -24,6 +24,17 @@ def read_gpf(input_data): ...@@ -24,6 +24,17 @@ def read_gpf(input_data):
containing the gfp data with appropriate column names and indices containing the gfp data with appropriate column names and indices
""" """
# Check that the number of rows is matching the expected number
with open(input_data, 'r') as f:
for i, l in enumerate(f):
if i == 1:
cnt = int(l)
elif i == 2:
col = l
# Mixed types requires read as unicode - let pandas soft convert # Mixed types requires read as unicode - let pandas soft convert
d = np.genfromtxt(input_data, skip_header=3, dtype='unicode') d = np.genfromtxt(input_data, skip_header=3, dtype='unicode')
d = d.reshape(-1, 12) d = d.reshape(-1, 12)
...@@ -36,272 +47,8 @@ def read_gpf(input_data): ...@@ -36,272 +47,8 @@ def read_gpf(input_data):
'res0', 'res1', 'res2']) 'res0', 'res1', 'res2'])
# Soft conversion of numeric types to numerics # Soft conversion of numeric types to numerics
df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='ignore') df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='ignore')
return df
# def GPF_SAV(input_data, ave=True):
# # read the IDL .SAV file
# data = io.readsav(input_data, python_dict=True)
# # put the spectra into data frames and combine them
# df_UV = pd.DataFrame(data['uv'], index=data['defuv'])
# df_VIS = pd.DataFrame(data['vis'], index=data['defvis'])
# df_VNIR = pd.DataFrame(data['vnir'], index=data['defvnir'])
# df_spect = pd.concat([df_UV, df_VIS, df_VNIR])
# df_spect.columns = ['shot' + str(i + 1) for i in
# df_spect.columns] # add 1 to the columns so they correspond to shot number
# df_aUV = pd.DataFrame(data['auv'], index=data['defuv'], columns=['average'])
# df_aVIS = pd.DataFrame(data['avis'], index=data['defvis'], columns=['average'])
# df_aVNIR = pd.DataFrame(data['avnir'], index=data['defvnir'], columns=['average'])
# df_ave = pd.concat([df_aUV, df_aVIS, df_aVNIR])
# df_mUV = pd.DataFrame(data['muv'], index=data['defuv'], columns=['median'])
# df_mVIS = pd.DataFrame(data['mvis'], index=data['defvis'], columns=['median'])
# df_mVNIR = pd.DataFrame(data['mvnir'], index=data['defvnir'], columns=['median'])
# df_med = pd.concat([df_mUV, df_mVIS, df_mVNIR])
# df = pd.concat([df_spect, df_ave, df_med], axis=1)
# # create multiindex to access wavelength values
# # also, round the wavlength values to a more reasonable level of precision
# df.index = [['wvl'] * len(df.index), df.index.values.round(4)]
# # transpose so that spectra are rows rather than columns
# df = df.T
# # extract metadata from the file name and add it to the data frame
# # use the multiindex label "meta" for all metadata
# fname = os.path.basename(input_data)
# # for some reason, some ChemCam files have the 'darkname' key, others call it 'darkspect'
# # this try-except pair converts to 'darkname' when needed
# try:
# data['darkname']
# except:
# data['darkname'] = data['darkspec']
# metadata = [fname,
# fname[4:13],
# fname[25:34].upper(),
# fname[34:36],
# data['continuumvismin'],
# data['continuumvnirmin'],
# data['continuumuvmin'],
# data['continuumvnirend'],
# data['distt'],
# data['darkname'],
# data['nshots'],
# data['dnoiseiter'],
# data['dnoisesig'],
# data['matchedfilter']]
# metadata = np.tile(metadata, (len(df.index), 1))
# metadata_cols = list(zip(['meta'] * len(df.index), ['file',
# 'sclock',
# 'seqid',
# 'Pversion',
# 'continuumvismin',
# 'continuumvnirmin',
# 'continuumuvmin',
# 'continuumvnirend',
# 'distt',
# 'dark',
# 'nshots',
# 'dnoiseiter',
# 'dnoisesig',
# 'matchedfilter']))
# metadata = pd.DataFrame(metadata, columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(metadata_cols), index=df.index)
# df = pd.concat([metadata, df], axis=1)
# if ave == True:
# df = df.loc['average']
# df = df.to_frame().T
# else:
# pass
# return df
# def ccam_batch(directory, searchstring='*.csv', to_csv=None, lookupfile=None, ave=True, progressbar=None):
# # Determine if the file is a .csv or .SAV
# if '.sav' in searchstring.lower():
# is_sav = True
# else:
# is_sav = False
# filelist = file_search(directory, searchstring)
# basenames = np.zeros_like(filelist)
# sclocks = np.zeros_like(filelist)
# P_version = np.zeros_like(filelist, dtype='int')
# # Extract the sclock and version for each file and ensure that only one
# # file per sclock is being read, and that it is the one with the highest version number
# for i, name in enumerate(filelist):
# basenames[i] = os.path.basename(name)
# sclocks[i] = basenames[i][4:13] # extract the sclock
# P_version[i] = basenames[i][-5:-4] # extract the version
# sclocks_unique = np.unique(sclocks) # find unique sclocks
# filelist_new = np.array([], dtype='str')
# for i in sclocks_unique:
# match = (sclocks == i) # find all instances with matching sclocks
# maxP = P_version[match] == max(P_version[match]) # find the highest version among these files
# filelist_new = np.append(filelist_new, filelist[match][maxP]) # keep only the file with thei highest version
# filelist = filelist_new
# # Should add a progress bar for importing large numbers of files
# dt = []
# for i, file in enumerate(filelist):
# print(file)
# if is_sav:
# tmp = CCAM_SAV(file, ave=ave)
# else:
# tmp = CCAM_CSV(file, ave=ave)
# if i == 0:
# combined = tmp
# else:
# # This ensures that rounding errors are not causing mismatches in columns
# cols1 = list(combined['wvl'].columns)
# cols2 = list(tmp['wvl'].columns)
# if set(cols1) == set(cols2):
# combined = pd.concat([combined, tmp])
# else:
# print("Wavelengths don't match!")
# combined.loc[:, ('meta', 'sclock')] = pd.to_numeric(combined.loc[:, ('meta', 'sclock')])
# if lookupfile is not None:
# combined = lookup(combined, lookupfile=lookupfile.replace('[','').replace(']','').replace("'",'').replace(' ','').split(','))
# if to_csv is not None:
# combined.to_csv(to_csv)
# return combined
# Validate the read data with the header point count
assert int(cnt) == len(df)
return df
# main(int argc, char *argv[])
# {
# char gpfFile[FILELEN];
# char csvFile[FILELEN];
# char pointIDsFile[FILELEN];
# FILE *gpfFp; // file pointer to input csv file
# FILE *csvFp; // file pointer to output csv file
# FILE *ptsFp; // file pointer to output point ids list file
# char gpfLine[LINELENGTH];
# // check number of command line args and issue help if needed
# //-----------------------------------------------------------
# if (argc != 2) {
# printf ("\nrun %s as follows:\n",argv[0]);
# printf (" %s SSgpfFile\n",
# argv[0]);
# printf ("\nwhere:\n");
# printf (" SSgpfFile = Socet Set *.gpf file, from a geographic project\n\n");
# printf (" This program will convert a Socet Set ground point file into a CSV\n");
# printf (" of lat,lon,height. The output file will have the same core name\n");
# printf (" of the input *.gpf file, but with a .csv extension\n\n");
# printf (" Also output is the list of point IDs that were converted. This file\n");
# printf (" will be used to port the points back to Socet Set later on. The output\n");
# printf (" file will have the same core name as the input file, but with a .pointids\n");
# printf (" .tiePointIds.txt extension.\n");
# exit(1);
# }
# //------------------------------------------------
# // get input arguments entered at the command line
# //------------------------------------------------
# strcpy (gpfFile,argv[1]);
# //-----------------------------
# // generate ouput file names
# //-----------------------------
# char corename[FILELEN];
# strcpy (corename,gpfFile);
# int len = strlen(corename);
# corename[len-4] = '\0';
# strcpy (csvFile,corename);
# strcat (csvFile,".csv");
# strcpy (pointIDsFile,corename);
# strcat (pointIDsFile,".tiePointIds.txt");
# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# // open files
# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# gpfFp = fopen (gpfFile,"r");
# if (gpfFp == NULL) {
# printf ("unable to open input gpf file: %s\n",gpfFile);
# exit (1);
# }
# csvFp = fopen (csvFile,"w");
# if (csvFp == NULL) {
# printf ("unable to open output csv file: %s\n",csvFile);
# fclose(gpfFp);
# exit (1);
# }
# ptsFp = fopen (pointIDsFile,"w");
# if (csvFp == NULL) {
# printf ("unable to open output list file of tie point ids: %s\n",pointIDsFile);
# fclose(gpfFp);
# fclose(csvFp);
# exit (1);
# }
# //------------------------------------------------
# //------------------------------------------------
# // skip the header
# fgets(gpfLine,LINELENGTH,gpfFp);
# // read in number of points in *.gpf file
# char value[50];
# fgets(gpfLine,LINELENGTH,gpfFp);
# sscanf (gpfLine,"%s",value);
# int numpts = atoi(value);
# // skip next header
# fgets(gpfLine,LINELENGTH,gpfFp);
# // Parse gpf, output csv
# char pointID[50], valStat[2], valKnown[2];
# char valLon[50], valLat[50], Height[50];
# double rad2dd = 57.295779513082320876798154814105;
# for (int i=0; i<numpts; i++) {
# fgets(gpfLine,LINELENGTH,gpfFp);
# sscanf (gpfLine,"%s %s %s",pointID,valStat,valKnown);
# int stat = atoi(valStat);
# int known = atoi(valKnown);
# // get coordinate
# fgets(gpfLine,LINELENGTH,gpfFp);
# //only output tie points that are on
# if (stat == 1 && known == 0) {
# sscanf (gpfLine,"%s %s %s",valLat,valLon,Height);
# double radLat = atof(valLat);
# double radLon = atof(valLon);
# fprintf(csvFp,"%.14lf,%.14lf,%s\n",rad2dd*radLat,rad2dd*radLon,Height);
# fprintf(ptsFp,"%s\n",pointID);
# }
# // skip next three lines in input *.gpf file
# for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
# fgets(gpfLine,LINELENGTH,gpfFp);
# }
# fclose(gpfFp);
# fclose(csvFp);
# } // end of program
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