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Commit 17eb7378 authored by jlaura's avatar jlaura Committed by Jason R Laura
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Added a date module for julian and ls conversion

parent 4d68b1ed
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""" For more information about astronomical date specifications,
consult a reference source such as
U{this page <>} provided by
the US Naval Observatory.
Constants and formulae in this module were taken from the times.h
include file of the tpm package by Jeff Percival, to ensure compatibility.
import types
import datetime
#first define some globally-useful constants
B1950 = 2433282.42345905
J2000 = 2451545.0
CB = 36524.21987817305
CJ = 36525.0
MJD_0 = 2400000.5
def jyear2jd(jyear):
@param jyear: decimal Julian year
@type jyear: float
@return: Julian date
@rtype: float
return (J2000 + ((jyear)-2000.0)*(CJ/100.0))
def jd2jyear(jd):
@return: decimal Julian year
@rtype: float
@param jd: Julian date
@type jd: float
return (2000.0 + ((jd)-J2000)*(100.0/CJ))
def byear2jd(byear):
@param byear: decimal Besselian year
@type byear: float
@return: Julian date
@rtype: float
return (B1950 + ((byear)-1950.0)*(CB/100.0))
def utc2jd(utc):
Convert UTC to Julian date.
Conversion translated from TPM modules utcnow.c and gcal2j.c, which
notes that the algorithm to convert from a gregorian proleptic calendar
date onto a julian day number is taken from
The Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac (1992),
section 12.92, equation 12.92-1, page 604.
@param utc: UTC (Universal Civil Time)
@type utc: U{datetime<>} object
@return: Julian date (to the nearest second)
@rtype: float
## But, beware of different rounding behavior between C and Python!
## - integer arithmetic truncates -1.07 to -2 in Python; to -1 in C
## - to reproduce C-like behavior in Python, do the math with float
## arithmetic, then explicitly cast to int.
#Address differences between python and C time conventions
# C: Python datetime
# 0 <= mon <= 11 1 <= month <= 12
#C code to get the julian date of the start of the day */
#takes as input 1900+ptm->tm_year, ptm->tm_mon+1, ptm->tm_mday
# So we can use just (year, month, mday)
j -= 32075
#offset to start of day
j -= 0.5
# print "h/m/s: %f/%f/%f"%(hr,min,sec)
#Apply the time
jd = j + (hr + (min + (sec/60.0))/60.0)/24.0
return jd
def AstroDate(datespec=None):
"""AstroDate can be used as a class for managing astronomical
date specifications (despite the fact that it was implemented
as a factory function) that returns either a BesselDate or a
JulianDate, depending on the properties of the datespec.
AstroDate was originally conceived as a Helper class for the
Position function for use with pytpm functionality, but also as a
generally useful class for managing astronomical date specifications.
The philosophy is the same as Position: to enable the user to specify
the date once and for all, and access it in a variety of styles.
@param datespec: Date specification as entered by the user. Permissible
specifications include:
- Julian year: 'J1997', 'J1997.325', 1997.325: return a JulianDate
- Besselian year: 'B1950','B1958.432': return a BesselDate
- Julian date: 'JD2437241.81', '2437241.81', 2437241.81: return a JulianDate
- Modified Julian date: 'MJD37241.31': returns a JulianDate
- A U{datetime <>} object: return a JulianDate (assumes input time is UTC)
- None: returns the current time as a JulianDate
@type datespec: string, float, integer, U{datetime <>}, or None
@rtype: L{JulianDate} or L{BesselDate}
@raise ValueError: Raises an exception if the date specification is a
string, but begins with a letter that is not 'B','J','JD', or 'MJD'
(case insensitive).
@todo: Add math functions! Addition, subtraction.
@todo: Is there a need to support other date specifications?
eg FITS-style dates?
if datespec is None:
return JulianDate(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
if dstring.startswith('B'):
#it's a Besselian date
return BesselDate(datespec)
elif ( dstring.startswith('JD') or
dstring.startswith('MJD') or
dstring.startswith('J') ):
#it's Julian, one way or another
return JulianDate(datespec)
elif dstring[0].isalpha():
raise ValueError, "Invalid system specification: must be B, J, JD, or MJD"
else: #it must be a numeric string: assume Julian
return JulianDate(datespec)
except AttributeError:
#if no letter is specified, assume julian
return JulianDate(datespec)
class JulianDate:
@ivar year: Decimal Julian year
@type year: float
@ivar jd: Julian date
@type jd: float
@ivar mjd: Modified Julian Date
@type mjd: float
@ivar datespec: Date specification as entered by the user
def __init__(self,datespec):
if isinstance(datespec,datetime.datetime):
#Note assumption that datespec is already in UTC
elif type(datespec) is types.StringType:
if datespec.upper().startswith('JD'):
#it's a julian date
elif datespec.upper().startswith('MJD'):
#it's a modified julian date
elif datespec.upper().startswith('J'):
#it's a julian decimal year
elif not datespec[0].isalpha():
#somebody put a numeric date in quotes
if datespec < 10000:
#it's a year. Assume julian.
#it's a date. Assume JD not MJD.
print "help, we are confused"
else: #it's a number
if datespec < 10000:
#it's a year. Assume julian.
#it's a date. Assume JD not MJD.
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.datespec)
def __equals__(self,other):
""" All comparisons will be done based on jd attribute """
return self.jd == other.jd
def __lt__(self,other):
return self.jd < other.jd
def __gt__(self,other):
return self.jd > other.jd
def __le__(self,other):
return self.jd <= other.jd
def __ge__(self,other):
return self.jd >= other.jd
def byear(self):
""" Return Besselian year based on previously calculated
julian date.
@return: decimal Besselian year
@rtype: float
ans=(1950.0 + ((x)-B1950)*(100.0/CB))
return ans
class BesselDate:
@ivar year: Decimal Besselian year
@type year: float
@ivar jd: Julian date
@type jd: float
@ivar mjd: Modified Julian Date
@type mjd: float
@ivar datespec: Date specification as entered by the user
def __init__(self,datespec):
except ValueError:
def __equals__(self,other):
""" All comparisons will be done based on jd attribute """
return self.jd == other.jd
def __lt__(self,other):
return self.jd < other.jd
def __gt__(self,other):
return self.jd > other.jd
def __le__(self,other):
return self.jd <= other.jd
def __ge__(self,other):
return self.jd >= other.jd
def jyear(self):
""" Return the julian year using the already-converted
julian date
@return: Decimal Julian year
@rtype: float
ans = jd2jyear(self.jd)
return ans
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import math
import numpy as np
def zero360(angles, rad=False):
angles: ndarray: a scalar or vector of float angles
rad: boolean: flag whether angles are in radians
if rad:
half = math.pi
half = 180.0
circle = 2.0 * half
ii = np.floor(angles / circle)
bb = angles - circle * ii
#Negative values to positive
bb[bb < 0] += circle
return bb
def julian2ls(date, marsyear=None, reverse=False):
date: Scalar or NumPy ndarray
reverse: Boolean
Reverse conversion from L_{s} to julian
Original IDL from Hugh Keiffer
[1] M. Allison and M. McEwen.' A post-Pathfinder evaluation of areocentric
solar coordinates with improved timing recipes for Mars seasonal/diurnal
climate studies'. Plan. Space Sci., 2000, v=48, pages = {215-235},
if not isinstance(date, np.ndarray):
date = np.asarray([date], dtype=np.float64)
rec= np.array([-0.0043336633,0.0043630568,0.0039601861,0.029025116,-0.00042300026])
dj2000 = 2451545.0 # JD of epoch J2000
dj4m = 51544.50 # days offset from dj4 to djm
smja = 1.523679 # semi-major axis in AU, Table 2. last digit from Ref2
meanmotion = 0.52402075 # mean motion, degrees/day. Constant in Table 2
a5 = np.array([71,57,39,37,21,20,18]) * 0.0001
tau = np.array([2.2353,2.7543,1.1177,15.7866,2.1354,2.4694,32.8493])
phi = np.array([49.409,168.173,191.837,21.736,15.704,95.528,49.095])
if reverse:
#Convert from lsubs to julian
lsubs = date
delta_lsubs = lsubs - 250.99864
rdelta_lsubs= np.radians(delta_lsubs)
dj4 = 51507.5 + 1.90826 * delta_lsubs -\
20.42 * np.sin(rdelta_lsubs) +\
0.72 * np.sin( 2. * rdelta_lsubs) # Eq. 14
brak = 686.9726 + 0.0043 * np.cos(rdelta_lsubs) -\
0.0003 * np.cos(2. * rdelta_lsubs) # in brackets in Eq 14
if marsyear is None:
return False
ny=marsyear + 42 # orbits of mars since 1874.0
dj4 += brak * (ny - 66) # last part of Eq. 14
djtt= dj4 - dj4m # days from J2000 TT
tcen = djtt / 36525.0 # julian centuries from J2000
tcor= 64.184 + tcen * (59.0 + tcen * (-51.2 + tcen * (-67.1 - tcen * 16.4))) # TT-UTC
djm=djtt - tcor / 86400.0 # convert correction to days and apply
out=djm # out is UTC
#Convert from julian to lsubs
if date[0] < 1.e6: #Is this the intended functionality - what if date[0] < and date [1] >
djm = date
djm = date - dj2000
tcen = djm / 36525.0 # julian centuries from J2000
tcor = 64.184 + tcen * (59.0 + tcen * (-51.2 + tcen * (-67.1 - tcen * 16.4))) # TT-UTC
djtt = djm + tcor / 86400.0 # convert correction to days and apply. get TT
dj4 = djtt + dj4m # A+M's MJD
nelements = date.size
pbs = np.zeros(nelements)
for i in range(nelements):
q = 0.985626 * djtt[i]
rq = np.radians(q / tau + phi)
pbsi = a5 * np.cos(rq)
pbs[i] = pbsi.sum()
meananomoly = 19.3870 + meanmotion * djtt # Mean anomoly M, Table 2 and Eq. 16
rmeananomoly = np.radians(meananomoly) # M in radians
#Eqn of center, in brackets in eq 20 and all but the first term in eq 19. exclude pbs
eoc = (10.691 + 3.e-7 * djtt) * np.sin(rmeananomoly)\
+ 0.623 * np.sin(2. * rmeananomoly) + 0.050 * np.sin(3. * rmeananomoly)\
+ 0.005 * np.sin(4. * rmeananomoly) + 0.0005 * np.sin(5. * rmeananomoly)
if reverse:
j = reverse.size
rev = [0]
if j >= 5:
#User has supplied coefficients
rec = rev
if j < 5 and rev[0] < 5:
fd = 0.0
fd=rec[0] + rec[1]* np.sin(rdelta_lsubs)\
+ rec[2] * np.sin(2. * rdelta_lsubs)\
+ rec[3] * np.sin(3. * rdelta_lsubs)\
+ rec[4] * np.sin(4. * rdelta_lsubs)
#TODO: This looks like reversing is going to cause an fd undefined error if j >= 5
out = out - ( pbs / meananomoly + fd)
afms = 270.3863 + 0.52403840 * djtt # Eq. 17
lsubs = afms + eoc + pbs # Eq. 19 LS in degrees
lsubs = zero360(lsubs)
out= lsubs
marstyear = 686.9728 # mean mars tropical year in terrestrial days
#marsysol=668.5991 #mars siderial year in sols
ny = np.floor((dj4 - 5668.690)/ marstyear ) # full Mars years from 1874
myn = ny - 42 # climate MY
if reverse:
return out
return out, myn
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(julian2ls(178, marsyear=40, reverse=True))
import krc.config as config
def j2season(_date):
Ls date to a KRC season.
_date : float
The input date to be converted
startseason : int
The integer index to the start season
stopseasons : int
The integer index to the stop season
date = _date
if date < config.RECORD_START_DATE:
remainder = (config.RECORD_START_DATE - date) / config.YEAR
date = date + int(remainder + 1.0) * config.YEAR
dateoffset = (date - config.RECORD_START_DATE) % config.YEAR
recordoffset = dateoffset / config.MARTIAN_DAY
startseason = int(recordoffset)
stopseason = startseason + 1
return recordoffset, startseason, stopseason
import numpy as np
import unittest
from .. import julian2ls
class TestSmallJulian(unittest.TestCase):
def runTest(self):
smalldates = np.array([10834, 65432, 11111, 104])
expected = np.array([177.77841982441714, 9.1150791399559239,
343.68773181354481, 335.45117593903956])
expectedmyn = np.array([40, 120, 40, 24])
result, myn = julian2ls.julian2ls(smalldates)
np.testing.assert_allclose(expected, result, rtol=1e-4)
np.testing.assert_allclose(expectedmyn, myn)
class TestLargeJulian(unittest.TestCase):
def runTest(self):
largedates = np.array([1100354, 1260543, 2020511, 1986287])
expected = np.array([138.01380245992914, 289.56588061130606,
103.53916196653154, 165.34239548092592])
expectedmyn = np.array([-1943, -1710, -603, -653])
result, myn = julian2ls.julian2ls(largedates)
np.testing.assert_allclose(expected, result, rtol=1e-4)
np.testing.assert_allclose(expectedmyn, myn)
class TestReverse(unittest.TestCase):
def runTest(self):
expected = np.array([10834.400119543538])
date = julian2ls.julian2ls(178, marsyear=40, reverse=True)
np.testing.assert_allclose(date, expected, rtol=1e-4)
class TestLanders(unittest.TestCase):
Testing against:
def test_year_start(self):
result, myn = julian2ls.julian2ls(2435198.5)
self.assertEqual(myn, 0)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result, 354.743, 3)
def test_curiosity(self):
result, myn = julian2ls.julian2ls(2456145.7207986116)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result, 150.702, 3)
def test_pathfinder(self):
result, myn = julian2ls.julian2ls(2450634.2061921293)
self.assertEqual(myn, 23)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result, 142.725, 3)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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