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ExoMarsRSP Rosalind Franklin Rover Module (RM) Frames Kernel

   This frame kernel contains a complete set of frame definitions for the
   ExoMars RSP Rosalind Franklin Rover Module (RM) including definitions for
   the RM structures and RM science instrument frames. This kernel also
   contains NAIF ID/name mapping for the RM instruments.

Version and Date

   Version 0.0.6 -- June 3, 2020 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA

      Added Rover locomotion and solar arrays frames and IDs.
      Corrected FRAME_RM_MAST_ZERO frame definition.
      Updated the the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_MOV defintion to a type 3 frame.
      Corrected RM_CLUPI_BRACKET and LOCCAM frame definitions.
      Updated reference frame centers to their ephemeris objects.

   Version 0.0.5 -- December 20, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA

      Corrected FRAME_RM_MAST_ZERO frame definition

   Version 0.0.4 -- December 20, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA

      Added reference frames, references, diagrams and IDs for Solar
      Arrays. Corrected Sites definitions. Defined frames for cruise
      phase. Corrected PTR frames. Corrected ADRON frames. This should
      be considered a work in progress version.

   Version 0.0.3 -- February 28, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA

      Added reference frames, references, diagrams and IDs for ALD
      components, updated diagrams and done some minor edits.

   Version 0.0.2 -- February 14, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA

      Added reference frames, references, diagrams and IDs for the drill,
      MaMiss, WISDOM and CLUPI.

   Version 0.0.1 -- February 8, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA

      Updated ID from -999 to -174 and done several edits including
      updated updated diagrams and frame trees.

      Added reference frames and IDs for LOCCAM, ISEM and ADRON.

   Version 0.0.0 -- June 8, 2018 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA

      Preliminary version.


    1. ``Frames Required Reading'', NAIF

    2. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'', NAIF

    3. ``C-Kernel Required Reading'', NAIF

    4. ``ExoMars Rover and Surface Platform Mission Implementation Plan'',
       EXM-G2-PLN-ESC-00004, ExoMars Ground Segment Team, Issue 1, Revision 2,
       ESOC, August 8, 2017

    5. ``EXOMARS 2018 ROVER MODULE Coordinate Systems & Conventions for RM
       control'', EXM-RM-TNO-AI-0448, A. Merlo, Thales Alenia Space,
       Issue 1, November 2015

    6. ExoMars RSP Mars Local Geodetic Frames (,
       latest version

    7. ``ExoMars Rover Vehicle Coordinate Systems and Conventions
       Specifications'', EXM-RM-SYS-ASU-00101, Airbus Defense and Space,
       Issue 2, April 2016

    8. ``Description of Frames and Conventions Related to Localisation
       Camera Data Sets'', EXM-RM-TNO-AS U-00209, K. MacManamon,
       Airbus Defense and Space,  Issue 2, Revision 0, July 2014

    9. ``ExoMars/CLUPI Science Requirements Specification Document'',
       EXM.CL.RSD.SPX.1501, Space Exploration Institute,
       Issue 1, Rev. 0, July 2015

    10. ``Water Ice and Subsurface Deposit Observations on Mars WISDOM
        instrument'', MICD, EXM-WI-DRW-LAT-0152, Issue 02, Rev. 01,
        A. Galic, March 2018

    11. ``ExoMars ICD ALD Structure - ALD Structure Interface Control
        Document'', EXM-RM-ICD-KT-0002, Q. Muhlbauer, OHB System AG,
        Issue 4, May 2016

    12. ``Rover Module Outline Drawing'', EXM-D2-ICD-AI-0078,
        Thales Alenia Space, Revision A, 4th September 2017

Contact Information

   If you have any questions regarding this file contact the
   ESA SPICE Service at ESAC:

           Marc Costa Sitja
           (+34) 91-8131-457

   or ROCC at Altec Space:

           Federico Salvioli
           (+39) 011-7430-097

Implementation Notes

  This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use
  of this frame kernel must "load" the kernel normally during program
  initialization. Loading the kernel associates the data items with
  their names in a data structure called the "kernel pool".  The SPICELIB
  routine FURNSH loads a kernel into the pool as shown below:


      CALL FURNSH ( frame_kernel_name )

    C: (CSPICE)

      furnsh_c ( frame_kernel_name );

    IDL: (ICY)

      cspice_furnsh, frame_kernel_name


         cspice_furnsh ( 'frame_kernel_name' )


         furnsh( frame_kernel_name )

  In order for a program or routine to extract data from the pool, the
  SPICELIB routines GDPOOL, GIPOOL, and GCPOOL are used.  See [2] for
  more details.

  This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word

  * SPICEPY is a non-official, community developed Python wrapper for the
    NAIF SPICE toolkit. Its development is managed on Github.
    It is available at:

RM NAIF ID Codes -- Summary Section

   The following names and NAIF ID codes are assigned to the ExoMars RSP
   rover, its structures and science instruments (the keywords implementing
   these definitions are located in the section "RM NAIF ID Codes --
   Definition Section" at the end of this file):

   RM and RM Structures names/IDs:

            RM                       -174   (synonyms: EXOMARS RSP RM,
                                                       EXOMARS RSP ROVER,
                                                       EXOMARS RSP ROVER MODULE
                                                  and  EXOMARS ROVER)

            RM_ROVER                 -174000
            RM_MAST                  -174010
            RM_PTR                   -174012
            RM_PB                    -174013

            RM_NAVCAM                -174020
            RM_NAVCAM_L              -174021
            RM_NAVCAM_R              -174022
            RM_LOCCAM                -174030
            RM_LOCCAM_L              -174031
            RM_LOCCAM_R              -174031

            RM_DRILL_POS_FIX         -174040
            RM_DRILL_POS_MOV         -174041
            RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX         -174042
            RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV         -174043

            RM_ALD                   -174050
            RM_ALD_CSTM              -174051
            RM_ALD_PSDDS             -174053
            RM_ALD_PSHS              -174055

            RM_SAF1_PRI              -174062
            RM_SAF1_SEC              -174063
            RM_SAF2_PRI              -174065
            RM_SAF2_SEC              -174066

            RM_BOGIE_LF              -174071
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            RM_BOGIE_LR              -174074
            RM_BOGIE_RR              -174076

            RM_WHEEL_LF              -174081
            RM_WHEEL_LM              -174082
            RM_WHEEL_RF              -174083
            RM_WHEEL_RM              -174084
            RM_WHEEL_LR              -174085
            RM_WHEEL_RR              -174086

            ( ... )

   PanCam names/IDs:

            RM_PANCAM                -174100
            RM_PANCAM_WAC_L          -174110
            RM_PANCAM_WAC_R          -174120
            RM_PANCAM_HRC            -174130

   ISEM names/IDs:

            RM_ISEM                  -174200

   ADRON-RM name/IDs:

            RM_ADRON-RM              -174300

   WISDOM name/IDs:

            RM_WISDOM                -174400
            RM_WISDOM_ANT1           -174410
            RM_WISDOM_ANT2           -174420

   MaMiss name/IDs:

            RM_MAMISS                -174500

   CLUPI name/IDs:

            RM_CLUPI                 -174600
            RM_CLUPI_FOV1            -174601
            RM_CLUPI_FOV2            -174602
            RM_CLUPI_FOV3            -174603
            RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP       -174620
            RM_CLUPI_BRACKET         -174630

   Sites name/IDs:

            RM_SITE_000              -174700 (synonym: RM_LANDING_SITE)
            RM_SITE_NNN*             -174XXX**

      (*) NNN corresponds to the travel sequence number and it has a range
          from 000 (refers to the position of the Rover at landing site)
          to 299.

      (**) XXX ranges from 701 up to 899.

RM Frames

   The following RM frames are defined in this kernel file:

           Name                    Relative to           Type        NAIF ID
      ======================    ===================  ============    =======

   RM Rover and Rover Structures frames:
      RM_ROVER                    RM_MLG,                CK          -174000
      RM_ROVER_CRUISE             CM_SPACECRAFT          FIXED       -174001
      RM_MAST_ZERO                RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174010
      RM_MAST                     RM_MAST_ZERO           CK          -174011
      RM_PTR_ZERO                 RM_MAST                FIXED       -174012
      RM_PTR                      RM_PTR_ZERO            CK          -174013
      RM_PB                       RM_PTR                 FIXED       -174014
      RM_NAVCAM_BASE              RM_PB                  FIXED       -174020
      RM_NAVCAM_L                 RM_NAVCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174021
      RM_NAVCAM_R                 RM_NAVCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174022
      RM_LOCCAM_BASE              RM_PB                  FIXED       -174030
      RM_LOCCAM_L                 RM_LOCCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174031
      RM_LOCCAM_R                 RM_LOCCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174032
      RM_DRILL_POS_FIX            RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174040
      RM_DRILL_POS_MOV            RM_DRILL_POS_FIX       CK          -174041
      RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX            RM_DRILL_POS_MOV       FIXED       -174042
      RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV            RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX       CK(*)       -174043
      RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX             RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174052
      RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV             RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX        FIXED(*)    -174053
      RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX            RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174052
      RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV            RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX       FIXED       -174053
      RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX             RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174054
      RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV             RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX        CK          -174055
      RM_SA1_ZERO                 RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174061
      RM_SA1_PRI                  RM_SA1_ZERO            CK          -174062
      RM_SA1_SEC                  RM_SA1_PRI             CK          -174063
      RM_SA2_ZERO                 RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174064
      RM_SA2_PRI                  RM_SA2_ZERO            CK          -174065
      RM_SA2_SEC                  RM_SA2_PRI             CK          -174066
      RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX             RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174071
      RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV             RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX       CK           -174072
      RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX             RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174073
      RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV             RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX       CK           -174074
      RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX             RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174075
      RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV             RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX       CK           -174076
      RM_WHEEL_LF_FIX             RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV        FIXED       -1740810
      RM_WHEEL_LF_STR             RM_WHEEL_LF_FIX        CK          -1740811
      RM_WHEEL_LF_MOV             RM_WHEEL_LF_STR        CK          -1740812
      RM_WHEEL_LM_FIX             RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV        FIXED       -1740820
      RM_WHEEL_LM_STR             RM_WHEEL_LM_FIX        CK          -1740821
      RM_WHEEL_LM_MOV             RM_WHEEL_LM_STR        CK          -1740822
      RM_WHEEL_RF_FIX             RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV        FIXED       -1740830
      RM_WHEEL_RF_STR             RM_WHEEL_RF_FIX        CK          -1740831
      RM_WHEEL_RF_MOV             RM_WHEEL_RF_STR        CK          -1740832
      RM_WHEEL_RM_FIX             RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV        FIXED       -1740840
      RM_WHEEL_RM_STR             RM_WHEEL_RM_FIX        CK          -1740841
      RM_WHEEL_RM_MOV             RM_WHEEL_RM_STR        CK          -1740842
      RM_WHEEL_LR_FIX             RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV        FIXED       -1740850
      RM_WHEEL_LR_STR             RM_WHEEL_LR_FIX        CK          -1740851
      RM_WHEEL_LR_MOV             RM_WHEEL_LR_STR        CK          -1740852
      RM_WHEEL_RR_FIX             RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV        FIXED       -1740860
      RM_WHEEL_RR_STR             RM_WHEEL_RR_FIX        CK          -1740861
      RM_WHEEL_RR_MOV             RM_WHEEL_RR_STR        CK          -1740862

      RM_CALIBR_TARGET            RM_ROVER               FIXED
      RM_MIRROR_                  RM_ROVER               FIXED

   PanCam frames:
      RM_PANCAM_BASE              RM_PB                  FIXED       -174100
      RM_PANCAM_WAC_L             RM_PANCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174110
      RM_PANCAM_WAC_R             RM_PANCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174120
      RM_PANCAM_HRC               RM_PANCAM_BASE         FIXED       -174130

   ISEM frames:
      RM_ISEM                     RM_PB                  FIXED       -174200

   ADRON-RM frames:
      RM_ADRON-RM                 RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174300

   WISDOM frames:
      RM_WISDOM_BASE              RM_ROVER               FIXED       -174400
      RM_WISDOM_ANT1              RM_WISDOM_BASE         FIXED       -174410
      RM_WISDOM_ANT2              RM_WISDOM_BASE         FIXED       -174420

   MaMiss frames:
      RM_MAMISS                   RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV       FIXED       -174500

   CLUPI frames:
      RM_CLUPI_BASE               RM_DRILL_POS_MOV       FIXED       -174500
      RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS           RM_CLUPI_BASE          FIXED       -174510
      RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP          RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS      FIXED       -174520
      RM_CLUPI_BRACKET            RM_DRILL_POS_FIX       FIXED       -174530

   In addition, the following frames, in use by the ExoMars RSP mission, are
   defined in another kernel:

           Name                    Relative to           Type        NAIF ID
      ======================    ===================  ============    =======

   ExoMars RSP Local Geodetic Frames (1):
       RM_LANDING_SITE              IAU_MARS            FIXED        -174900
       RM_MLG*                      IAU_MARS            FIXED        -174700

       (*) The frame is implemented with an SPK to account for the
           translation of its origin to the different RM_SITE_NNN objects.

ExoMars RSP Mission Description

   The mission can be broadly described as follows: launch the ExoMarsRSP
   Spacecraft and fly it to Mars; land on Mars, deliver the Rover to the
   surface and perform the nominal exploration mission on the surface.
   The launch configuration is the Spacecraft Composite (SCC), which is
   composed of the Carrier Module (CM) and the Descent Module (DM). The CM
   is jettisoned upon arrival at Mars, and the DM will enter the Mars
   atmosphere and land, carrying the ``Kazachok'' Surface Platform (SP) and
   the ``Rosalind Franklin'' Rover (RM). The CM and the RM are developed by
   ESA. The DM and SP are developed by Roscosmos with ESA contributions.
   The elements of the spacecraft composite are shown below.

     CM          DM            SP                  RM

     |           .'.                           =
     |--.      .'   |               |          |
   )-|  |     |     |     -------------       |-----------                 RM
     |--'      '.   |       '-------'          /\____\|
     |           '.'         /     \          0  0    0

     |           |              |                |
     |           |              |                |
     |           |              |                |
     |           |              |                V           _=_______
     |           |              |                           |0  0    0\
     |           |              '-------------> (+) ---->  -------------   LPC
     |           |                                           '-------'
     |           |                               |            /     \
     |           |                               |
     |           |                               |
     |           |                               V               .'.
     |           |                                             .' -o|
     |           '----------------------------> (+) ---->     |  | ||      DM
     |                                                         '.._o|
     |                                           |               '.'
     |                                           |
     |                                           |
     |                                           V            |      .'.
     |                                                        |--. .' -o|
     '----------------------------------------> (+) ---->   )-|  ||  | ||  SCC
                                                              |--' '.._o|
                                                              |      '.'

   Please note that this Frames Kernel file solely implements the Frames for
   the ExoMars RSP Lander Component (RM).

RM Frames Hierarchy

   The diagram below shows the ExoMars RM frames hierarchy (except
   for science operations frames):

                                   "J2000" INERTIAL
                  |                      |                     |
                  |<-ck                  |<-pck                |<-pck
                  |                      |                     |
                  |                      v                     v
                  v                 "IAU_EARTH"            "IAU_MARS"
           ---------------       ----------------     ----------------------
                 |                                              |
                 |<-fixed                                       |<-fixed
                 |                                              |
                 |                                              |
                 |                                              v
                 v                                         "RM_MLG" (**)
           RM_ROVER_CRUISE                               MARS TOPOGRAPHIC
           ---------------                              -----------------
                 |                                              |
                 |<-ck(*)                                       |< -ck
                 |                                              |
                 | RM_WHEEL_L{F,M,R}_MOV  RM_WHEEL_R{F,M,R}_MOV |
                 | ---------------------  --------------------- |
                 |          |                    |              |
                 |          |<-ck                |<-ck          |
                 |          |                    |              |
                 |          v                    v              |
                 | RM_WHEEL_L{F,M,R}_STR  RM_WHEEL_R{F,M,R}_STR |
                 | ---------------------  --------------------- |
                 |          |                    |              |
                 |          |<-ck                |<-ck          |
                 |          |                    |              |
                 |          v                    v              |
  -------------  | ---------------------  --------------------- |  ------------
        ^        |          |                    |              |       ^
        |        |          |<-fixed             |<-fixed       |       |
        |<-ck    |          |                    |              |       |<-ck
        |        |          v                    v              |       |
  "RM_SA1Y_PRI"  |         "RM_BOGIE_{LF,RF,MR}_MOV"            |  "RM_SA2_PRI"
  -------------  |         +----------------------+             |  ------------
        ^        |                  |                           |       ^
        |        |                  |<-ck                       |       |
        |<-ck    |                  |                           |       |<-ck
        |        |                  v                           |       |
  "RM_SA1_ZERO"  |      "RM_BOGIE_{LF,RF,MR}_FIX"               | "RM_SA2_ZERO"
  -------------  |      -------------------------               | -------------
        |        |           |                                  |      |
        |<-fixed |           |<-fixed                           |      |<-fixed
        |        |           |                                  |      |
        v        v           v         "RM_ROVER"               v      v
   |   |          |          |             |          .                |
   |   |<-fixed   |<-fixed   |<-fixed      |<-fixed   .                |<-fixed
   |   |          |          |             |          .                |
   |   |          |          v             |          .                |
   |   |          |    "RM_MAST_ZERO"      |          .                |
   |   |          |    --------------      |          .                |
   |   |          |          |             |          .                |
   |   |          |          |<-ck         |          .                |
   |   |          |          |             |          .                |
   |   |          |          v             v          .                v
   |   |          |      "RM_MAST"  "RM_LOCCCAM_BASE" . "RM_DRILL_POS_FIX"
   |   |          |      ---------  ----------------- . +----------------+
   |   |          v          |                        . .                |
   |   | "RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX"   |<-fixed                 . .                |<-ck
   |   | -----------------   |                        . .                |
   |   |          |          v                        . .                v
   |   |   fixed->|      "RM_PTR_ZERO"                . . "RM_DRILL_POS_MOV"
   |   |          |      -------------                . . +----------------+
   |   |          v          |                        . . .                |
   |   | "RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV"   |<-ck                    . . .         fixed->|
   |   | -----------------   |                        . . .                |
   |   |                     v                        . . .                v
   |   |                  "RM_PTR"                    . . .  "RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX"
   |   V                  --------                    . . .  ------------------
   |  "RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX"      |                        . . .         |
   |  -----------------      |<-fixed                 . . .         |<-ck
   |           |             |                        . . .         |
   |       ck->|             v                        . . .         v
   |           |          "RM_PB"                     . . .  "RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV"
   |           v        +--------------+              . . .  ------------------
   |  "RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV" .              |              . . .         .
   |  ----------------- .              |<-fixed       . . .         .
   |                    .              |              . . .         .
   |<-fixed             .              V              . . .         .
   |                    .      "RM_NAVCAM_BASE"       . . .         .
   v                    .     +----------------+      . . .         .
  "RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX"    .     |                |      . . .         .
  ------------------    .     |<-fixed  fixed->|      . . .         .
           |            .     |                |      . . .         .
       ck->|            .     v                v      . . .         .
           |            . "RM_NAVCAM_L" "RM_NAVCAM_R" . . .         .
           v            . ------------- ------------- . . .         .
  "RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV"    .                             . . .         .
  ------------------    .                             . . .         .
                        .                             . . .         .
                        V                             V V V         V
                  Individual instrument frame trees are provided in the other
                                    sections of this file

   Please refer to the PanCam, NavCam sections for the frame
   hierarchy of each payload; and to the RM science operations frame
   definitions kernel for further details on these frame definitions.

   (*)      In these cases transformation is fixed but it has to be
            stored in a CK to make SPICE "traverse" appropriate frame
            tree branch based on the time of interest and/or loaded

   (**)     This frame is equivalent to the SP_TOPO frame defined in the
            ExoMarsRSP Surface Platform Frames Kernel (

RM Mars Local Geodetic Frames

   The Rover Module Mars Local Geodetic frame (Topocentric) -- RM_MLG -- is
   defined as follows:

      - +Z axis is in the direction of the vertical (i.e. approximately the
        negative gravity vector; "Zenith", assuming that the small local
        variation can be ignored),

      - +X axis is tangential to the local geodetic horizontal in an eastern
        direction (i.e. parallel to lines of latitude; "East"),

      - +Y axis completes the right hand frame ("North");

      - the origin of the frame is initially defined to be coincident with
        the origin of the Rover Body frame, RM_ROVER, prior to the start of
        travel. During a travel sequence, this frame remains fixed with Mars,
        but becomes reset at the start of a new travel sequence. The rationale
        for this is that a travel sequence requires a stationary reference
        frame in which to measure position and coordinate navigation maps.
        The start of travel when the frame is reset may be at the start of
        each sol, or when new targets are generated.

   If we assume that the total traverse distance during the mission will be
   relatively short (hundreds of meters, not kilometers) and, therefore, the
   local north and nadir directions, defining surface frame orientations, will
   be approximately the same at any point along the traverse path. This
   assumption allows defining a single surface frame as a fixed offset frame
   to Mars body-fixed frame, IAU_MARS. With this assumption we will always
   use the Mars Local Geodetic Landing Site frame that is defined hereafter.
   RM surface fixed frame -- RM_MLG -- is nominally co-aligned in orientation
   with the RM_LANDING_SITE and its origin changes throughout the mission.
   Therefore, this frame is defined as a zero-offset, fixed frame with respect
   to the RM_LANDING_SITE frame.


      FRAME_RM_MLG                        =  -174700
      FRAME_-174700_NAME                  =  'RM_MLG'
      FRAME_-174700_CLASS                 =  4
      FRAME_-174700_CLASS_ID              =  -174700
      FRAME_-174700_CENTER                =  -174700

      OBJECT_-174700_FRAME                =  'RM_MLG'

      TKFRAME_-174700_RELATIVE            =  'IAU_MARS'
      TKFRAME_-174700_SPEC                =  'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174700_UNITS               =  'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174700_AXES                =  ( 3, 2, 3 )
      TKFRAME_-174700_ANGLES              =  ( -335.4500000000000,
                                                270.0000000000000 )


RM Lander and Lander Structures Frames

   This section of the file contains the definitions of the rover
   and rover structures frames.

   DISCLAIMER: The origin of the frames specified in the following
   definitions are not implemented. The ``true'' origin of all frames
   is in the center of the RM_ROVER frame, the center of which
   is defined by the position given by the SPK (ephemeris) kernel in

RM Rover Frames

   According to [4] the RM rover reference frame -- RM_ROVER -- is
   defined as follows:

      -  +Z axis, lies vertically upwards, antiparallel to the gravity vector
         when the rover is on flat, horizontal terrain;

      -  +X axis lies towards the front of the Rover in the nominal direction
         of travel;

      -  +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;

      -  the origin of this frame at the intersection of the following planes:

            - A plane 252.5 mm aft (i.e. negative offset in +X axis) and
              parallel to Plane 1 (the plane formed by the nominal bolt axes
              of the front body HDRMs);

            - Plane 2, the plane of symmetry between the front body HDRM
              nominal bolt axes - equivalent to the rover body mid-plane;

            - A plane 30 mm below and parallel to Plane 3 (the plane of the
              rover body base).

   These diagrams illustrate the RM_ROVER frame:

   -Y Rover side view:

                | |
                | |
                 |        +Zrm
                _|_         ^
               |   |        |
               |            |             |
            ___|            |             |
           /   | +Xrm       |             |
           \___|__<---------o ____________.         +Yrm is out the page
                | |        +Yrm          | |
        __------/ \-----__               / \.__
       |  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |
      .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
     / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
     \      /        \      /             \      /
      `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'

   +Z Rover side view:

    .-----|                         ||                         |
    | .--.|                         ||                         |
    | |  ||                         ||                         |
    `-|  |'-------------------------''-------------------------'
     |                  '----------.
     '----.                         |
       |  |                         |
       |  |    .-.                 .'
       |  |    | +Xrm      +Zrm    |
       |  |    | |<---------o      |
       |  |    | |          |      |
       |  |    '-'          |       '.
       '--|                 |        |            +Zrm is out of the page
          '-----.         .-|--------'
                '---------' v
          .--------------- +Yrm ----..-------------------------.
          |                         ||                         |
          |                         ||                         |
          |                         ||                         |

   +X Rover side view (drill in stowed position):

                           _|_ +Zrm
                          |   | ^
             |   |          |   |  |   |      |  |
             '---|          |   |  | 0 |   .--'--'
                 .--|           |          |---.
            .-.  |============= o--------> ====|  .-.
           |___|=|            +Xrm |   |+Yrm   |=|___|
           |.-.                                   .-.|
           || |                                   | ||    +Xrm is out of the
           `| |                                   | |'    page
            '_'                                   '_'
          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~

   Since the RM bus attitude with respect to an inertial frame is provided
   by a C-kernel (see [3] for more information), this frame is defined as
   a CK-based frame.

   These sets of keywords define the RM_ROVER frame:


      FRAME_RM_ROVER                   = -174000
      FRAME_-174000_NAME               = 'RM_ROVER'
      FRAME_-174000_CLASS              =  3
      FRAME_-174000_CLASS_ID           = -174000
      FRAME_-174000_CENTER             = -174000
      CK_-174000_SCLK                  = -174
      CK_-174000_SPK                   = -174
      OBJECT_-174_FRAME                = 'RM_ROVER'


RM Rover Cruise Frame

    The RM Rover Cruise frame -- RM_LANDER_CRUISE -- is a special
    frame used in cruise in order to "attach" the RM rover to CM
    during the cruise phase, it is defined as follows (from [4]):

      - +Z axis is parallel to CM's +Z axis;

      - +X axis is parallel to CM's +X axis;

      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - the origin of this frame is the RM/SP interface
        point on the separation plane.

    This frame is defined a fixed-offset frame.

    Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse
    transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the
    base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of
    rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed
    compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the
    rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the
    opposite from what is written in the above text.


       FRAME_RM_ROVER_CRUISE            = -174001
       FRAME_-174001_NAME               = 'RM_ROVER_CRUISE'
       FRAME_-174001_CLASS              =  4
       FRAME_-174001_CLASS_ID           = -174001
       FRAME_-174001_CENTER             = -174000
       TKFRAME_-174001_RELATIVE         = 'CM_SPACECRAFT'
       TKFRAME_-174001_SPEC             = 'ANGLES'
       TKFRAME_-174001_UNITS            = 'DEGREES'
       TKFRAME_-174001_AXES             = (    1,     3,       1  )
       TKFRAME_-174001_ANGLES           = (  0.0,   0.0,     0.0  )


RM Deployable Mast, Pan & Tilt Mechanism and Payload Bracket Frames

   The RM Deployable Mast Assembly (RM_MAST) accommodates the Pan & Tilt
   Mechanism and the PanCam, NavCam and ISEM instruments, The DMA frame is
   positioned at the base of the mast. The frame RM_MAST_ZERO has its origin at
   the base of the mast and its axes are nominally co-aligned to the RM_ROVER
   frame axes (within knowledge alignment errors), since the mast needs to be
   deployed and can be rotated, this rotation is incorporated by the
   RM_MAST frame [12]. When the mast is folded it is 'resting' on the
   rover body.

   The Mast Pan & Tilt Rotation Mechanism (PTR) is the structure on top of the
   Rover Module mast that accommodates the Stereo Bench where PanCam and the
   NAVCAMs re placed. A series of reference frames are defined in order to
   capture the Pan and Tilt rotations of the structure.

   The Pan & Tilt Zero Rotation frame -- RM_PTR_ZERO -- has the origin at the
   top of the mast, just below the actual pan & tilt mechanism. The axes are
   nominally aligned to the RM_LANDER frame with null pan & tilt; however the
   RM_PTR_ZERO frame can take into account possible deformations of the mast
   and knowledge alignment errors. The frame is defined as follows:

      -  +Y axis is parallel to tilt axis of rotation, and nominally lies
         horizontally sideways

      -  +Z axis, is parallel to the pan axis of rotation, and nominally
         lies vertically upwards;

      -  +X axis completes the right-handed frame;

      -  the origin of this frame is defined as the intersection of the tilt
         axis of rotation and a line intersecting the axis which lies normal
         to both the tilt axis and pan axis. This intersection is assumed
         fixed with respect to the top of the mast. and allows for the
         eventually of the tilt axis and pan axis not intersecting.

   In order to incorporate the pan & tilt rotations, the Pan & Tilt Rotating
   frame is defined -- RM_PTR -- , it is identical to the RM_PTR_ZERO frame
   (i.e. a fixed translation in the Rover Body frame), but rotating with the
   direction of the Pan & Tilt. Pan and Tilt are then defined by the 3-2-1
   Euler rotation, where pan is the first rotation (about the +Z axis), tilt is
   the second rotation (about the +Y axis), and there is no possibility of
   rotation about the +X axis.

   The Payload Bracket frame -- RM_PB -- is fixed relative to the payload
   bracket (which itself is fixed to the tilt actuator rotor). The orientation
   of this frame is not fixed with respect to the RM_LANDER frame, but it
   changes, e.g. when the Deployable Mast Assembly is deployed or when, while
   in deployed configuration, the mast bends or either the pan and tilt angles
   are modified. The frame is defined as follows:

      -  +X axis is perpendicular to the +Y axis and is parallel to the
         interface plane between the payload bracket and the PanCam;

      -  +Y axis is co-aligned with the tilt axis;

      -  +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;

      -  the origin of this frame is the intersection of the pan and tilt axes,
         therefore it is located within the tilt actuator, along the axis of
         the tilt actuator shaft where this intersects with the pan axis.

   This diagram illustrates the RM_MAST_ZERO, RM_MAST, RM_PTR_ZERO, RM_PTR and
   RM_PB frames:

   +X Rover side view (with fully deployed mast):

                           o------------> +Yptr0
                           _|_ +Zrm
                          | o----------> +Ymast,+Ymast0
      ------------------ +Xmast ---------------------------
             |   |          |   ^ +Zrm |      |  |
             '---|          |   |  | 0 |   .--'--'
                 .--|           |          |---.
            .-.  |============= o--------> ====|  .-.
           |___|=|            +Xrm |   | +Yrm   |=|___|
           |.-.                                   .-.|
           || |                                   | ||    +Xrm, +Xmast and
           `| |                                   | |'    +Zptr0 are out of
            '_'                                   '_'     the page. +Zmast0 is
          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~   into the page.

   -Y Rover side view:

                | |
                | |
                 |        +Zrm
                _|_         ^
               |   |        |
               |            |             |
            ___|            |             |
           /   | +Xrm       |             |
           \___|__<---------o ____________.         +Yrm is out of the page
                | |        +Yrm          | |
        __------/ \-----__               / \.__
       |  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |
      .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
     / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
     \      /        \      /             \      /
      `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'

   These sets of keywords define the Pan & Tilt Mechanism and Rotation and
   Payload Bracket frames:


      FRAME_RM_MAST_ZERO              = -174010
      FRAME_-174010_NAME              = 'RM_MAST_ZERO'
      FRAME_-174010_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174010_CLASS_ID          = -174010
      FRAME_-174010_CENTER            = -174010
      TKFRAME_-174010_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-174010_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174010_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174010_AXES            = (     3,      1,     2 )
      TKFRAME_-174010_ANGLES          = (   0.0,   90.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_MAST                   = -174011
      FRAME_-174011_NAME              = 'RM_MAST'
      FRAME_-174011_CLASS             =  3
      FRAME_-174011_CLASS_ID          = -174011
      FRAME_-174011_CENTER            = -174010
      CK_-174011_SCLK                 = -174
      CK_-174011_SPK                  = -174

      FRAME_RM_PTR_ZERO               = -174012
      FRAME_-174012_NAME              = 'RM_PTR_ZERO'
      FRAME_-174012_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174012_CLASS_ID          = -174012
      FRAME_-174012_CENTER            = -174012
      TKFRAME_-174012_RELATIVE        = 'RM_MAST'
      TKFRAME_-174012_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174012_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174012_AXES            = (     3,      1,     2 )
      TKFRAME_-174012_ANGLES          = (   0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_PTR                    = -174013
      FRAME_-174013_NAME              = 'RM_PTR'
      FRAME_-174013_CLASS             =  3
      FRAME_-174013_CLASS_ID          = -174013
      FRAME_-174013_CENTER            = -174012
      CK_-174013_SCLK                 = -174
      CK_-174013_SPK                  = -174

      FRAME_RM_PB                     = -174014
      FRAME_-174014_NAME              = 'RM_PB'
      FRAME_-174014_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174014_CLASS_ID          = -174014
      FRAME_-174014_CENTER            = -174012
      TKFRAME_-174014_RELATIVE        = 'RM_PTR'
      TKFRAME_-174014_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174014_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174014_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174014_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )


RM NavCam Frames

   The Navigation Cameras reference frame -- RM_NAVCAM_BASE --, where the
   terrain stereo reconstruction (for Navigation) occurs, is attached to the
   cameras stereo bench, the axes are aligned to the PTR frame (moving
   according to pan & tilt mechanisms rotations) and is defined as follows:

      -  +X axis is defined as the projection of the cameras optical axis on
         the plane perpendicular to the +Y axis;

      -  +Y axis is in the direction from the right camera optical centre to
         the left camera optical centre;

      -  +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;

      -  The origin is a fixed translation from the PTR frame.

   These sets of keywords define the NavCam frames:


      FRAME_RM_NAVCAM_BASE            = -174020
      FRAME_-174020_NAME              = 'RM_NAVCAM_BASE'
      FRAME_-174020_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174020_CLASS_ID          = -174020
      FRAME_-174020_CENTER            = -174020
      TKFRAME_-174020_RELATIVE        = 'RM_PB'
      TKFRAME_-174020_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174020_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174020_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174020_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_NAVCAM_L               = -174021
      FRAME_-174021_NAME              = 'RM_NAVCAM_L'
      FRAME_-174021_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174021_CLASS_ID          = -174021
      FRAME_-174021_CENTER            = -174021
      TKFRAME_-174021_RELATIVE        = 'RM_NAVCAM_BASE'
      TKFRAME_-174021_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174021_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174021_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174021_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  -90.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_NAVCAM_R               = -174022
      FRAME_-174022_NAME              = 'RM_NAVCAM_R'
      FRAME_-174022_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174022_CLASS_ID          = -174022
      FRAME_-174022_CENTER            = -174022
      TKFRAME_-174022_RELATIVE        = 'RM_NAVCAM_BASE'
      TKFRAME_-174022_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174022_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174022_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174022_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  -90.0,   0.0 )


LocCam Frames

   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Localisation
   Cameras (LocCam) instrument frames.

   The Localisation Cameras reference frame -- RM_LOCCAM_BASE --, where the
   terrain stereo reconstruction (for Localisation) occurs, is attached to
   the cameras stereo bench and is defined as follows:

      - +X axis is the the projection of the cameras optical axis on the plane
        perpendicular to the +Y axis;

      - +Y axis is in the direction from the right camera optical centre to the
        left camera optical centre;

      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - the origin, is located at the middle of the segment linking the optical
      centres of the left and right localisation cameras.

   The following diagram describes the LocCam frames:

   -Y Rover side view:

                          | |
                          | |
                +Zloc      |
                   ^       |
                    .      |
                     .     |
                      .    |        +Zrm
                       .  _|_         ^
                        .|   |        |
                   ---- .o +Yloc --------|-------------------------------------
                      .' ,------------|------------.
                    .'   |            |             |
                  .'  ___|            |             |
                <'   /   | +Xrm       |             |
             +Xloc   \___|__<---------o ____________.         +Yrm and +Yloc
                          | |        +Yrm          | |         are out of the
                  __------/ \-----__               / \.__      page.
                 |  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |
                .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
               / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
               \      /        \      /             \      /
                `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'

   The origin is nominally a fixed translation from the Rover Module frame
   -- RM_ROVER --, and the axes are rotated 18 degrees around the +Y axis of
   the RM_ROVER frame [8]. These sets of keywords define the LocCam frames:


      FRAME_RM_LOCCAM_BASE            = -174030
      FRAME_-174030_NAME              = 'RM_LOCCAM_BASE'
      FRAME_-174030_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174030_CLASS_ID          = -174030
      FRAME_-174030_CENTER            = -174030
      TKFRAME_-174030_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-174030_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174030_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174030_AXES            = (     3,      1,     2 )
      TKFRAME_-174030_ANGLES          = (   0.0,    0.0, -18.0 )

      FRAME_RM_LOCCAM_L               = -174031
      FRAME_-174031_NAME              = 'RM_LOCCAM_L'
      FRAME_-174031_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174031_CLASS_ID          = -174031
      FRAME_-174031_CENTER            = -174031
      TKFRAME_-174031_RELATIVE        = 'RM_LOCCAM_BASE'
      TKFRAME_-174031_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174031_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174031_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174031_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  -90.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_LOCCAM_R               = -174032
      FRAME_-174032_NAME              = 'RM_LOCCAM_R'
      FRAME_-174032_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174032_CLASS_ID          = -174032
      FRAME_-174032_CENTER            = -174032
      TKFRAME_-174032_RELATIVE        = 'RM_LOCCAM_BASE'
      TKFRAME_-174032_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174032_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174032_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174032_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  -90.0,   0.0 )


RM Drill Frames

   The Drill is in charge of extracting the samples from the Mars subsurface
   and delivering them to the Core Sample Transport Mechanism (CSTM), such
   that they are transported inside the Analytical Laboratory Drawer (ALD),
   where they are processed and analysed by the scientific instruments.
   The drill implements a multi-rod concept to allow drilling and sample
   collection down to 2 meter depth.

   The drill string is composed, at its maximum length, of a drill tool
   (with sample collection capability) and three extension rods. Three
   ``main'' active joints are needed to accomplish the Drill operations:

       - Positioner Translation Joint, which allows all the translational
         movements of the Drill box.

       - Positioner Rotational Joint, which allows all the rotational
         movements of the Drill box.

       - Drilling Joint, which groups several mechanisms devoted to the drill
         rod insertion in the terrain (drilling/coring).

RM Drill Positioner frames:

   The Drill Positioner Fixed frame  -- RM_DRILL_POS_FIX -- is placed on the
   Rover to Drill Positioner interface and is invariant to the Drill
   Positioner Translational and Rotational mechanisms position. It is
   defined as follows:

      - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +X axis frame;

      - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +Y axis frame;

      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - the origin is defined as the intersection of the Drill Positioner
        Rotational Joint axis and the Drill Translational Joint axis,
        assuming the Drill Positioner in stowed configuration, this is
        incorporated by the RM_DRILL_POS_FIX body.

   The Drill Postioner Moving frame -- RM_DRILL_POS_MOV -- is placed on the
   Rover to Drill Positioner interface and moves according to the Drill
   Positioner Translational (TRA) and Rotational (ROT) mechanisms position.
   This frame is coincident with RM_DRILL_POS_FIX frame when the Drill is in
   stowed configuration (TRA=0 mm; ROT=0 deg), and follows the Drill Positioner
   Joints motion rototranslating according to Drill Positioner Translational
   (TRA) and Rotational (ROT) mechanisms positions. The frame can be defined
   as follows:

      - +Y axis is co-aligned with the longitudinal direction of the drill
        and points towards the apperture of the drill;

      - +Z axis is rotated a positive rotational (ROT) angle from the +Z axis
        of the RM_DRILL_POS_FIX frame around the +X axis of the
        RM_DRILL_POS_FIX frame;

      - +X axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - the origin is defined as the intersection of the Drill Positioner
        Rotational Joint axis and the Drill Translational Joint axis,
        with a longitudinal offset w.r.t. the origin of RM_DRILL_POS frame
        along the +Y axis defined by the Transitional position (TRA).

   +X Rover side view (drill in stowed position):

                            |      +Zpdf
                            |        ^
                            |        |
                           _|_ +Zrm  |
                          |   | ^    |
             |   |          |   |  | | |        |  |
             '---|          |   |  | o-----------> +Ydpf
            .-.  |============= o--------> ====|  .-.
           |___|=|            +Xrm |   |+Yrm   |=|___|
           |.-.                                   .-.|
           || |                                   | ||    +Xrm is out of the
           `| |                                   | |'    page
            '_'                                   '_'
          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~

   The following diagrams describe the different operational positions of the
   drill positioner frames for different Translational (TRA) and Rotational
   (ROT) mechanisms positions (Units in mm and degrees):

      1. STOWED POSITION                2. LIFTING PHASE
         [TRA=0, ROT=0]                    [TRA=130, ROT=0]

                                                       ^ +Zdpm
                   +Zdpf, +Zdpm                        |
                  | ^ |                              | | |
                  | | |                          +Zdpf ^ |     Ydpm
                  | | |                  .-------------o------->
                  | | |  +Ydpf,+Ydpm     |_____________|_____| +Ydpf
      .-------------o------->                        | o------->
      |___________________|                          |   |
                  |   |                              |   |

      3. VERTICAL ALIGNMENT             4. LOWERING PHASE (drilling position)
         [TRA=130, ROT=90]                 [TRA=-240, ROT=90]
              |  |
              |  |
              |  |
              |  |
              |  | +Zdpf   +Zdpm                 __
              |  || o------->                   |  ||  +Zdpf
              |  || ^ |                         |  || ^ |
              |__|| | |                         |  || | |
                  | | | +Ydpf                   |  || | | +Ydpf
                  | o------->                   |  || o------->
                  | | |                         |  ||   |
                  | v |                         |  ||   |
                   +Ydpm                        |  |  o-------> +Zdpm
                                                |__|  |
                                                      v +Ydpm

      3. LIFTING PHASE (after sample)    4. HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT (before sample
         collection) [TRA=130, ROT=90]      discharge) [TRA=130, ROT=180]
              |  |
              |  |
              |  |
              |  |
              |  | +Zdpf   +Zdpm           .--------------------->
              |  || o------->              |_____________^_____|
              |  || ^ |                          <-------o +Zdpf
              |__|| | |                       +Ydpm    | | |
                  | | | +Ydpf                          | | | +Ydpf
                  | o------->                          | o------->
                  | | |                                | | |
                  | v |                                | v |
                   +Ydpm                              +Zpm

      5. SAMPLE DISCHARGE PHASE (from drill tip to CSTM container)
         [TRA=130, ROT=150]

                     .'  .'
                   .'  .'
                 .'  .'
               .'  .'
             .'  .'o +Zdpf
               .'| | \ +Ydpf
             .'  | o--\---->
           <'    |   | v
         +Ypdm   |   | +Zpdm

   +X Rover side view (drill in discharge phase):

                            |                 .
                            |             . '  \
                            |         . '       \
                           _|_    . ' ^+dZpf. '
                          |   . '     | . '
      --------------------. '       . | |-------------------
             |   |    . '       . ' | | |     |  |
             '---|    \     . ' ^   | o------> +Ydpf
                 '--.  \. '     |+Zrm   | |
                 .--'           |   |   | ''---.
            .-.  |============= o-----> =======|  .-.
           |___|=|            +Xrm  |  +Yrm    |=|___|
           |.-.                                   .-.|
           || |                                   | ||    +Yrm and +Ydpf is
           `| |                                   | |'    out of the page
            '_'                                   '_'
          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~

   These sets of keywords define the Drill Positioner frames:


      FRAME_RM_DRILL_POS_FIX          = -174040
      FRAME_-174040_NAME              = 'RM_DRILL_POS_FIX'
      FRAME_-174040_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174040_CLASS_ID          = -174040
      FRAME_-174040_CENTER            = -174040
      TKFRAME_-174040_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-174040_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174040_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174040_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174040_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_DRILL_POS_MOV          = -174041
      FRAME_-174041_NAME              = 'RM_DRILL_POS_MOV'
      FRAME_-174041_CLASS             =  3
      FRAME_-174041_CLASS_ID          = -174041
      FRAME_-174041_CENTER            = -174041
      CK_-174041_SCLK                 = -174
      CK_-174041_SPK                  = -174041


Drill Tip frames:

   The Drill Tip Fixed frame -- RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX -- is placed on the
   Rover Drill Tip (when fully retracted) and is invariant to the Drill Rod
   position. It is defined as follows:

      - +X axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the
        RM_DRILL_POS_FIX frame;

      - +Y axis, is nominally parallel to the +Y axis of the
        RM_DRILL_POS_MOV frame;

      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - the origin is defined as the tip of the Drill Rod assuming that the
        Drill Rod is fully retracted.

   The following diagrams show the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX in some of the drill

            [TRA=130, ROT=150]               [TRA=-240, ROT=90]
                               .'\                |  ||  +Zdpf
                             .'  .'               |  || ^ |
                           .'  .'                 |  || | |
                         .'  .'                   |  || | | +Ydpf
                       .'  .'                     |  || o------->
                     .'  .'o +Zdpf                |  ||   |
                      o.'.'|\|                    |  ||   |
                    .' .'. | \ +Ydpf              |  |  o-------> +Zdpm
            +Ydtf <' .'   'o--\---->              |o---------> +Zdtf
                   <'    | '.| v +Zpdm             |    |
                 +Ypdm   |   '> +Zdtf              |    v +Ydpm
                                                   v +Ydtf

   The Drill Tip Moving frame -- RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_MOV -- is attached to the
   Rover Drill Tip and moves according to the Drill Translational Joint
   (DRILL). Its orientation is defined by the rotation of the drill tip around
   the +Y axis of the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX frame. The origin is coincident
   with the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX frame when the Drill Rod is fully retracted
   (DRILL = 0mm). When the Drill Translational Joint mechanism moves, the
   RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_MOV frame rigidly translates with respect to the +X axis
   of the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX frame a DRILL distance in mm. Note that the
   Drill Translational Joint is composed by a group several mechanisms devoted
   to the drill rod insertion in the terrain (drilling/coring). It is defined
   as follows:

      - +Y axis, is nominally parallel to the +Y axis of the

      - +Z axis, is rotated the drill tip rotation with respect to the
        +Z axis of the RM_ROVER_DRILL_TIP_FIX frame;

      - +X axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - the origin is defined as the tip of the Drill Rod.

   The following diagram describes the Drill tip frames:

   +X Rover side view (drilling position):

                                     [TRA=-240, ROT=90, DRILL=150]
                           _|_        ^+dZpf
                          |   |       |
             |   |             |    | | |     |  |
             '---|             |^   | o------> +Ydpf
                 '--.          ||+Zrm   | |
                 .--'          ||   |   | ''---.
            .-.  |============= o-----> =======|  .-.
           |___|=|             |    |  +Yrm    |=|___|
           |.-.                |    |              .-.|
           || |                |    |             | ||    +Yrm, +Ydpf +Ydtm
           `| |                |    |             | |'    are out of the page
            '_'                |    |             '_'
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'----'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   __
                                 ||                         ^
                                 ||                         |
                                 ..                         | DRILL
                                 ..                         | ~1.5m
                                 ..                         |
                                 ..                         |
                                 ||                         v
                                 \/  Dril                   --
                                  o-------> +Zdtm
                                  |. drill tip rotation
                                  v +Ydtm

   These sets of keywords define the Drill tip frames:


      FRAME_RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX          = -174042
      FRAME_-174042_NAME              = 'RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX'
      FRAME_-174042_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174042_CLASS_ID          = -174042
      FRAME_-174042_CENTER            = -174042
      TKFRAME_-174042_RELATIVE        = 'RM_DRILL_POS_MOV'
      TKFRAME_-174042_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174042_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174042_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174042_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV          = -174043
      FRAME_-174043_NAME              = 'RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV'
      FRAME_-174043_CLASS             =  3
      FRAME_-174043_CLASS_ID          = -174043
      FRAME_-174043_CENTER            = -174043
      CK_-174043_SCLK                 = -174
      CK_-174043_SPK                  = -174043


ALD Frames

   The Rover will collect samples with the drill and deliver them to the
   Analytical Laboratory Drawer (ALD) in the body of the rover, via the
   sample delivery window. Within the ALD the samples will be analysed
   with an infrared spectrometer (MicrOmega), a raman spectrometer (RLS),
   and the Mars organics molecule analyser (MOMA) instrument.

   The samples will be collected by a drill and delivered to the Core Sample
   Handling System (CSHS) component of the SPDS, which is made up of the Core
   Sample Transportation Mechanism (CSTM) and the Blank Sample Dispenser (BSD).
   The CSTM will carry the samples into the ALD, where they will be released
   through a trapdoor into the Crushing Station (CS) and be reduced to powder.
   The BSD will deliver 'blank' samples brought from Earth for verification
   purposes. The powdered samples then pass from the CS to

   The Powder Sample Dosing and Distribution System (PSDDS) delivers a measured
   quantity of powder into the Refillable Container (RC) that is mounted on the
   Powdered Sample Handling System (PSHS). The PSHS is a carousel that moves
   the samples to various stations for processing and analysis. One station is
   equipped with a fixed 'scraper', the Powder Sample Flattening Mechanism
   (PSFM), which levels the surface of the powdered sample in the RC. Another
   station houses the Refillable Container Cleaning Mechanism (RCCM), while
   further stations will have instruments to examine the surface of the samples
   and pyrolysis ovens to feed the MOMA GC-MS.


   The CSTM is placed diagonally on top of the upper ALD plate to reach the
   sample handover point of the drill by opening the ALD door. It then retracts
   after having received the sample from the drill in its sample container.

   The ALD Core Sample Transportation Mechanism (CSTM) Fixed frame
   -- RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX -- is attached to the CSTM and invariant to the CSTM
   mechanism position. It is defined as follows:

      - +Z axis is nominally parallel to the +Z axis of the RM_ROVER frame;

      - +X axis is the motion direction of the CSTM mechanism
        (from close to open);

      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - the origin is located in the geometrical centre of the CSTM sample
        receptacle, assuming the CSTM mechanism fully retracted. It is a
        fixed translation from the RM_ROVER.

   The ALD CSTM Fixed frame axes are rotated around the +Z axis of the
   ROVER_RM frame a nominal angle of -26.5 degrees [10].

   The ALD CTSM Moving frame -- RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV -- is is attached to the Core
   Sample Transport Mechanism and moves according to CSTM mechanism position.
   Its orientation is the same as ACF frame and its origin is coincident with
   ACF frame when the CSTM mechanism is fully retracted (0mm). When the CSTM
   mechanisms moves (up to 300mm), the ACM frame rigidly translates with
   respect to the RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX frame along the +X axis RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX.

   This diagram illustrate the RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX frame:

   +Z Rover side view:

                 .-----|                         ||                         |
                 | .--.|                         ||                         |
                 | |  ||                         ||                         |
                 `-|  |'-------------------------''-------------------------'
         +Xcstm   |                  '----------.
              <.  '----.                         |
                 ' .|  |+Zcstm                   |
                     ' o    .-.                 .'
                    | .|    | +Xrm      +Zrm    |
                     ' |    | |<---------o      |
                    '  |    | |          |      |
          +Ycstm  <'|  |    '-'          |       '.
                    '--|                 |        |   +Zrm and +Zcstm are
                       '-----.         .-|--------'    out of the page.
                             '---------' v
                       .--------------- +Yrm ----..-------------------------.
                       |                         ||                         |
                       |                         ||                         |
                       |                         ||                         |

   These sets of keywords define the ALD CSTM frames:


      FRAME_RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX           = -174052
      FRAME_-174052_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX'
      FRAME_-174052_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174052_CLASS_ID          = -174052
      FRAME_-174052_CENTER            = -174052
      TKFRAME_-174052_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-174052_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174052_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174052_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174052_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,  26.5 )

      FRAME_RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV           = -174053
      FRAME_-174053_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV'
      FRAME_-174053_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174053_CLASS_ID          = -174053
      FRAME_-174053_CENTER            = -174053
      TKFRAME_-174053_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX'
      TKFRAME_-174053_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174053_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174053_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174053_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )



   The PSDDS collects the crushed samples in its sample containers and
   distributes the sample powder to the receptacles placed on the PSHS.

   The PSHS with its carousel transports the powdered sample received by the
   PSDDS by rotation to the ports of the optical instruments of the ALD namely
   MicrOmega, RLS and MOMA LD-MS.

   The Powder Sample Dosing and Distribution System (PSDDS) and the Powdered
   Sample Handling System (PSHS, the carousel) frames are defined solely to
   provide the rotation angle of their mechanisms. For PSDDS the angle ranges
   from 0 to 340.06 degrees and provides the position of the POSITIONER whereas
   for PSHS the angles ranges from 0 to 345 degrees and provides the position
   of the CAROUSEL. For both zero position is equivalent to 0 degrees.
   Because of this for both structures a FIXED and a MOVING frame are defined;
   the MOVING frame incorporates the rotation being defined as a CK-based

   The ALD PSDDS Fixed frame -- RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX -- is attached to the Powder
   Sample Dosing and Distribution System, is invariant to the PSDDS
   mechanism position and is parallel to the RM_ROVER frame.
   It is defined as follows:

      - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +X axis frame;

      - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +Y axis frame;

      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the PSDDS,
        defined as the intersection of the PSDDS mechanism rotation axis and
        the PSDDS upper panel (perpendicular to the RM_ROVER +Z axis).

   The ALD PSDDS Moving frame -- RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV -- is attached to the
   Powder Sample Dosing and Distribution System and moves according to the
   PSDDS mechanism rotation. Its origin is coincident with the
   RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX frame, and its orientation is the same when the
   PSDDS mechanism is in zero position (PSDDS = 0deg). When the PSDDS
   mechanisms moves, the frame rotates around the +Z axis of the

   The ALD PSHS Fixed frame -- RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX -- is attached to the Powder
   Sample Handiling System and is invariant to the PSHS mechanism position.
   It is defined as follows:

      - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +X axis frame;

      - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +Y axis frame;

      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the PSHS, defined
        as the intersection of the PSHS mechanism rotation axis and the PSHS
        upper panel (perpendicular to the RM_ROVER +Z axis).

   The ALD PSHS Moving frame -- RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV -- is attached to the Powder
   Sample Dosing and Distribution System and moves according to the PSHS
   mechanism rotation. Its origin is coincident with the RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX frame,
   and its orientation is the same when the PSDDS mechanism is in zero position
   (PSHS = 0deg). When the PSHS mechanisms moves, the frame rotates around the
   +Z axis of the RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV fame.

   These sets of keywords define the ALD PSDDS and PSHS frames:


      FRAME_RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX          = -174055
      FRAME_-174055_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_PSDDS_FIX'
      FRAME_-174055_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174055_CLASS_ID          = -174055
      FRAME_-174055_CENTER            = -174055
      TKFRAME_-174055_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-174055_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174055_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174055_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174055_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV          = -174056
      FRAME_-174056_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_PSDDS_MOV'
      FRAME_-174056_CLASS             =  3
      FRAME_-174056_CLASS_ID          = -174056
      FRAME_-174056_CENTER            = -174055
      CK_-174056_SCLK                 = -174
      CK_-174056_SPK                  = -174

      FRAME_RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX           = -174058
      FRAME_-174058_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_PSHS_FIX'
      FRAME_-174058_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174058_CLASS_ID          = -174058
      FRAME_-174058_CENTER            = -174058
      TKFRAME_-174058_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-174058_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174058_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174058_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174058_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV           = -174059
      FRAME_-174059_NAME              = 'RM_ALD_PSHS_MOV'
      FRAME_-174059_CLASS             =  3
      FRAME_-174059_CLASS_ID          = -174059
      FRAME_-174059_CENTER            = -174058
      CK_-174059_SCLK                 = -174
      CK_-174059_SPK                  = -174


Solar Arrays Frames

   This section contains the definitions of the Solar Arrays (SA) frames
   as specified in [7].

   The RM has two groups of SA panels, the Right SA and the Left SA. Each
   group consists of two panels (in addition to the panels present on top
   of the RM body): the primary and the secondary panel -- RM_SA1_PRI,
   RM_SA1_SEC and RM_SA2_PRI, RM_SA2_SEC --, these two panels are
   connected by hinges that allow them rotate (and thus be deployed).
   For each panel, the conventions for the hinge deployment axis are the

      The Primary Hinge deployment axis rotation convention is:

         - Zero angle when the primary panels are in the nominal fully
           deployed position with normal to the Photovoltaic assembly (PVA)
           face parallel to the +Z axis of the RM_ROVER.

         - Positive rotations deploy the primary panels from their stowed
           positions: right side hinges rotate clockwise about +X axis of
           the RM_ROVER frame and left side hinges rotate anticlockwise about
           +X axis of the RM_ROVER using right-hand grip rule.

      The Secondary Hinge deployment axis rotation convention is:

         - Zero angle when the secondary panels are in the nominal
           fully-deployed position with normal to the PVA face parallel
           to the +Z axis of the RM_ROVER.

         - Positive rotations deploy the secondary panels from their stowed
           positions below the primary panels: when the primary panels are
           deployed to -90 degrees the right side secondary hinges rotate
           anticlockwise about +Z axis of the RM_ROVER and left side secondary
           hinges rotate clockwise about +Z axis of the RM_ROVER using
           right-hand grip rule.

   Please note that all the rotations range from -180 to 0 degrees (stowed
   to fully deployed).

   For each group three reference frames are defined, a zero one that is
   parallel to the Rover Body frame, a primary for the pimary array of the
   group and a secondary for the secondary array of each group the frames
   are defined hereafter.

   The Solar Array 1 and 2 zero frames -- RM_SA1_ZERO, RM_SA2_ZERO -- are
   defined as follows:

      - +X axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +X axis frame;

      - +Y axis is nominally co-aligned with the RM_ROVER +Y axis frame;

      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the first hinge
        of the Solar Array (the one closer to the front of the RM).

   The Primary Solar Array 1 frame - RM_SA1_PRI -- frame is defined as

      - +Z axis is normal to the PVA face;

      - +X axis is anti-parallel to the +X axis of the RM_ROVER frame and
        is the rotation axis of the primary solar array (Left Primary
        Deployment angle LPD);

      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the first hinge
        of the Primary Solar Array (the one closer to the front of the RM).

   The Secondary Solar Array 1 frame - RM_SA1_PRI -- frame is defined as

      - +Z axis is normal to the PVA face;

      - +X axis is parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_ROVER frame when
        the primary array is fully deployed and is the rotation axis of the
        secondary solar array (Left Secondary Deployment angle LSD);

      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the first hinge
        of the Secondary Solar Array (the one closer to the RM body).

   The Primary Solar Array 2 frame - RM_SA2_PRI -- frame is defined as

      - +Z axis is normal to the PVA face;

      - +X axis is parallel to the +X axis of the RM_ROVER frame and
        is the rotation axis of the primary solar array (Right Primary
        Deployment angle RPD);

      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the first hinge
        of the Primary Solar Array (the one closer to the front of the RM).

   The Secondary Solar Array 2 frame - RM_SA2_SEC -- frame is defined as

      - +Z axis is normal to the PVA face;

      - +X axis is anti-parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_ROVER frame when
        the primary array is fully deployed and is the rotation axis of the
        secondary solar array (Right Secondary Deployment angle RSD);

      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - The origin is located in the geometrical centre of the first hinge
        of the Secondary Solar Array (the one closer to the RM body).

   This diagram illustrate solar arrays frames:

   +Z Rover side view:

                                      Right secondary hinge
                                    +Xsa2-sec   ^'
                .-----|            +Ysa2-sec    ||                         |
    Right primary .--.|    +Zsa2-zero   <-------o|                         |
      hinge     | |  ||       +Zsa2-pri         |+Zsa2-sec                 |
            - - - - - |' <---------o -----------''-------------------------'
               +Xsa2-pri  ---------|.            '
               +Xsa2-zero          |'----------. '    +Zrm, +Zsa1-zero,
                 '----.            |            |     +Zsa1-pri, +Zsa1-sec,
                   |  |            v  +Ysa2-zero      +Zsa2-zero, +Zsa1-pri
                   |  |    .-.   +Ysa2-pri     .'      and +Zsa1-sec are out
                   |  |    | +Xrm      +Zrm    |       of the page.
                   |  |    | |<---------o      |
                   |  |    |+Ysa2-pri   |      |
                   |  +Ysa2-zero   ^    |       '.
                   '--|            |    |        |   +Zrm and
                      '-----.      |  .-|--------'    out of the page.
            - - - - -       '------|--' v +Yrm
   Left primary       . +Zsa1-pri  o--------> --..-------------------------.
     hinge            | +Zsa1-zero   +Xsa1-pr   |+Zsa1-sec                 |
                      |              +Xsa1-zero o--------> +Ysa1-sec       |
                      |                         ||                         |
                                     +Xsa2-sec  v'
                                        Left secondary hinge

   The following frames implement the definitions provided below:


      FRAME_RM_SA1_ZERO               = -174061
      FRAME_-174061_NAME              = 'RM_SA1_ZERO'
      FRAME_-174061_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174061_CLASS_ID          = -174061
      FRAME_-174061_CENTER            = -174062
      TKFRAME_-174061_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-174061_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174061_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174061_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174061_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_SA1_PRI                = -174062
      FRAME_-174062_NAME              = 'RM_SA1_PRI'
      FRAME_-174062_CLASS             =  3
      FRAME_-174062_CLASS_ID          = -174062
      FRAME_-174062_CENTER            = -174062
      CK_-174062_SCLK                 = -174
      CK_-174062_SPK                  = -174

      FRAME_RM_SA1_SEC                = -174063
      FRAME_-174063_NAME              = 'RM_SA1_SEC'
      FRAME_-174063_CLASS             =  3
      FRAME_-174063_CLASS_ID          = -174063
      FRAME_-174063_CENTER            = -174063
      CK_-174063_SCLK                 = -174
      CK_-174063_SPK                  = -174

      FRAME_RM_SA2_ZERO               = -174064
      FRAME_-174064_NAME              = 'RM_SA2_ZERO'
      FRAME_-174064_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174064_CLASS_ID          = -174064
      FRAME_-174064_CENTER            = -174065
      TKFRAME_-174064_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-174064_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174064_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174064_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174064_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_SA2_PRI                = -174065
      FRAME_-174065_NAME              = 'RM_SA2_PRI'
      FRAME_-174065_CLASS             =  3
      FRAME_-174065_CLASS_ID          = -174065
      FRAME_-174065_CENTER            = -174065
      CK_-174065_SCLK                 = -174
      CK_-174065_SPK                  = -174

      FRAME_RM_SA2_SEC                = -174066
      FRAME_-174066_NAME              = 'RM_SA2_SEC'
      FRAME_-174066_CLASS             =  3
      FRAME_-174066_CLASS_ID          = -174066
      FRAME_-174066_CENTER            = -174066
      CK_-174066_SCLK                 = -174
      CK_-174066_SPK                  = -174


Locomotion Frames

   This section contains the definitions of Rover Locomotion system frames
   as specified in [7].

   It should be noted that the frames described within this section have been
   defined so that when the rover is fully deployed, is in flat terrain and all
   steering angles are zero, these frames are intended as being aligned with
   the Rover Body frame.

Bogie Frame definitions

   There are three bogie fixed frames, that correspond to the three bogie
   bodies: the Left Front Boogie fixed frame -- RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX --, the
   Right Front Bogie fixed frame -- RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX -- and the Middle Rear
   Bogie fixed frame -- RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX --. These frames have a fixed
   transformation with respect to the Rover Body frame. The bogie frames are
   defined as follows:

      - +Z axis points vertically upwards, anti-parallel to the gravity vector.
        It is parallel to +Z axis of the RM_ROVER (within knowledge alignment
        errors) and invariant to pivot angle;

      - +X axis points towards the front of the Rover in the nominal direction
        of travel. It is parallel to +X axis of the RM_ROVER frame (within
        knowledge alignment errors) and is invariant to pivot angle;

      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - The origin lies on the rotational axis of the bogie in the
        plane of symmetry.

   There are three bogie moving frames that define a pure rotation with respect
   to RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX, RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX and RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX according to the
   pivot angles LFB, RFB and MRB, the rotations are defined as follows:

   Left Front Bogie Moving -- RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV -- with origin coincident with
   RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX and rotating LFB around its +Y axis. This frame has the same
   orientation as the FIX frame when the rover is on flat, horizontal terrain.

   Right Front Bogie Moving --  RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV -- with origin coincident with
   RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX and rotating RFB around its +Y axis. This frame has the same
   orientation as the FIX frame when the rover is on flat, horizontal terrain.

   Middle Rear Bogie Moving --  RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV -- with origin coincident with
   RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX and rotating MRB around its +X axis. This frame has the same
   orientation as the FIX frame when the rover is on flat, horizontal terrain.

   These diagrams illustrate the Bogie frames:

   +Y Rover side view (only bogies and wheels):

                               +Zrm                +Yrm, +Ybmr and +Yblf
                                 ^                  are out of the page.
              +Zblf  ^           |     +Zbmr  ^
                     | +Xrm      |            |
                     |_<---------o ___________|.
        +Xblf       |||        +Yrm          |||
           <---------o +Yblf _      <---------o +Ybmr
           |  |-----\_/----|  |    +Xbmr     \__.  |
          .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
         / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
         \      /        \      /             \      /
          `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
             Left Front Bogie            Middle Rear Bogie

   +X Rover side view (only bogies and wheels):

           +Zbrf              +Zbmr              +Zblf
             ^                  ^                  ^
             |                  |                  |
             |                  |                  |
             | .----------------|---------------.  | +Xblf
       +Xbrf o--------> ------- o--------> ----. |.o--------> +Yblf
           |___|=|  +Ybrf     +Xbmr    +Ybmr   |=|___|
           |.-.                                   .-.|      +Xbmr, +Xblf and
           || |                                   | ||      +Xbrf are out of
           `| |                                   | |'       the page.
            '_'                                   '_'
          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~

   +X Rover side view (drill in stowed position):

                                   |                +Xrm and +Xbrf are
                                   |                 out of the page.
                                  _|_ +Zrm
                                 |   | ^
             ------ +Zbrf   +Zbrm ------|-------------------------
                    | ^ |    ^     |   |   |   |      |  |
                    '-|-|  .       |   |   | 0 |   .--'--'
                     .|  .-------------|----------|
                    / |'      |        |          |---.
                  / \ o --------> ---- o--------> ====|  .-.
                 /.''.  '.   +Ybrm    +Xrm |   |+Yrm  |=|___|
                 /  /     '.                             .-.|
                /  /        v                            | ||
                './         +Ybrm                        | |'
             .---.                                       '_'
         ~~~'     '~~~~                                ~~~~~~~~

   These sets of keywords define the Bugie fixed and moving frames:


      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX           = -174071
      FRAME_-174071_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_LF_FIX'
      FRAME_-174071_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174071_CLASS_ID          = -174071
      FRAME_-174071_CENTER            = -174071
      TKFRAME_-174071_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-174071_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174071_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174071_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174071_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV           = -174072
      FRAME_-174072_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV'
      FRAME_-174072_CLASS             =  3
      FRAME_-174072_CLASS_ID          = -174072
      FRAME_-174072_CENTER            = -174071
      CK_-174072_SCLK                 = -174
      CK_-174072_SPK                  = -174

      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX           = -174073
      FRAME_-174073_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_RF_FIX'
      FRAME_-174073_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174073_CLASS_ID          = -174073
      FRAME_-174073_CENTER            = -174073
      TKFRAME_-174073_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-174073_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174073_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174073_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174073_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV           = -174074
      FRAME_-174074_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV'
      FRAME_-174074_CLASS             =  3
      FRAME_-174074_CLASS_ID          = -174074
      FRAME_-174074_CENTER            = -174073
      CK_-174074_SCLK                 = -174
      CK_-174074_SPK                  = -174

      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX           = -174075
      FRAME_-174075_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_MR_FIX'
      FRAME_-174075_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174075_CLASS_ID          = -174075
      FRAME_-174075_CENTER            = -174075
      TKFRAME_-174075_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-174075_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174075_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174075_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174075_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV           = -174076
      FRAME_-174076_NAME              = 'RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV'
      FRAME_-174076_CLASS             =  3
      FRAME_-174076_CLASS_ID          = -174076
      FRAME_-174076_CENTER            = -174075
      CK_-174076_SCLK                 = -174
      CK_-174076_SPK                  = -174


Wheel Frame definitions

   There are six wheels fixed frames: RM_WHEEL_LF_FIX, RM_WHEEL_LM_FIX,
   correspond to the fix frame associated with every wheel wich are implemented
   by a fixed transformation with respect to the corresponding bogie moving
   frames -- RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV, RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV and RM_BOGIE_MR_MOV --, invariant
   to the rotation on the steering and driving axis and assuming a full
   deployment of the deployment mechanism. The center of the frames is the
   center of the corresponding wheel:

      - Front left wheel (LF), middle left wheel (LM)
        (mounted on the Left Front Bogie);

      - Front right wheel (RF), middle right wheel (RM)
        (mounted on the Right Front Bogie);

      - Left rear wheel (LR), right rear wheel (RR)
        (mounted on the Right Front Bogie);

   In addition, six wheels steering angle frames are defined: RM_WHEEL_LF_STR,
   RM_WHEEL_RR_STR. These frames are defined with respect to their
   corresponding fixed frame and implement the steering angle (STR) around the
   +Z axis of their corresponding fixed frame.
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3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 3560 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 3621 3622 3623 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 3632 3633 3634 3635 3636 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675

   Finally, six wheel moving frames are defined: RM_WHEEL_LF_MOV,
   RM_WHEEL_RR_MOV. These frames are defined with respect to their
   corresponding steering frame and implement the forward movement rotation or
   rototrnaslation angle (DRV) around the +Y axis of their corresponding
   steering frame.

   Note that for each frame the wheel deployment mechanism is fully deployed
   and the steering is in its zero position the moving frame is coincident
   with the steering frame an   d the bogie frames.

   These diagrams illustrate the Wheels frames:

   +Y Rover side view (only bogies and wheels):

                               +Zrm                +Yrm, +Ybmr, +Yblf,
                                 ^                 +Ywlr, +Ywlr, +Ywlr
                                 |                  are out of the page.
              +Zblf  ^           |     +Zbmr  ^
                     | +Xrm      |            |
            +Zblf    |_<---------o ___________|.
      +Zwlr  ^      || +Zwlr ^ +Yrm     +Ybmr ||  ^  +Zwlr
           <-|-------o +Yblf |      <---------o   |
           | ||-----\_/----| ||    +Xbmr     \__. ||
   +Xwlf  .| |.    +Xwlm  .| ||.               .| ||.
      <------o| \     <------o| \    +Xwlr <------o| \
         \+Ywlr /        \+Ywlr /             \+Ywlr /
          `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'
     Front left wheel   Middle left wheel   Left rear wheel
          Left Front Bogie                 Middle Rear Bogie

   +Y Rover side view (without solar arrays):

         ' .
             '/ ' .
   +Xlrf <----'--o ' .   .-----.         .-----.
                /|' /    '----- +Xrrf <-----o--'
          .--- /=|========='-.  +Xrrs    | ||        +Zrm, +Zlrs, +Zlrf, are
          |   /  |           '----------.| ||        +Zrrf, +Zrrs, +Zlmf and
          '- v . v                       | |v        +Zlms are out of the
      +Ylrs |  +Ylrf                   +Ylrf +Ylrs    page.
                    .-.                 .' |
            |  |    | +Xrm      +Zrm    |  |
               |    | |<---------o      |  |
               |    | |          |      |  |
            |  |    '-'          |       '.|
            '--|                 |        ||
             . +Xlms ========.    v +Yrm --||
             . +Xlmf <-----o--.         .-----.
             '-----'    '--|--'         '-----'
                     +Ylmf |
                     +Ylms v

   +Y Rover side view (only bogies and wheels, with all STR=0):

               +Zlfs                                 +Zlrs    +Ylrs, +Ylrm,
      +Xlfm       ^  +Zlfm                             ^      +Ylfs and +Ylfm
           ^      |  -- ^ / \-----__       +Zlrm < . \._|      are out of the
             ' .| ||-.'---\_/----|  |              \'.  ||     page.
               .'.|.'           .|  |.               .'.||.
    +Xlfs <-------o| \        / |__| \   +Xlrs <-------o| \
              \      /        \      /             \ .'   /  DRV = 45 deg
               `-..-'          `-..-'              .`-..-'
                  DRV = -45 deg             +Xlrm v

   These sets of keywords define the Wheels fixed, steering and moving frames:


      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LF_FIX           = -1740810
      FRAME_-1740810_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV'
      FRAME_-1740810_CLASS            =  4
      FRAME_-1740810_CLASS_ID         = -1740810
      FRAME_-1740810_CENTER           = -174081
      TKFRAME_-1740810_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-1740810_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-1740810_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-1740810_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-1740810_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LF_STR           = -1740811
      FRAME_-1740811_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LF_FIX'
      FRAME_-1740811_CLASS            =  3
      FRAME_-1740811_CLASS_ID         = -1740811
      FRAME_-1740811_CENTER           = -174081
      CK_-1740811_SCLK                = -174
      CK_-1740811_SPK                 = -174

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LF_MOV           = -1740812
      FRAME_-1740812_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LF_STR'
      FRAME_-1740812_CLASS            =  3
      FRAME_-1740812_CLASS_ID         = -1740812
      FRAME_-1740812_CENTER           = -174081
      CK_-1740812_SCLK                = -174
      CK_-1740812_SPK                 = -174

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LM_FIX           = -1740820
      FRAME_-1740820_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_LF_MOV'
      FRAME_-1740820_CLASS            =  4
      FRAME_-1740820_CLASS_ID         = -1740820
      FRAME_-1740820_CENTER           = -174082
      TKFRAME_-1740820_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-1740820_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-1740820_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-1740820_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-1740820_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LM_STR           = -1740821
      FRAME_-1740821_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LM_FIX'
      FRAME_-1740821_CLASS            =  3
      FRAME_-1740821_CLASS_ID         = -1740821
      FRAME_-1740821_CENTER           = -174082
      CK_-1740821_SCLK                = -174
      CK_-1740821_SPK                 = -174

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LM_MOV           = -1740822
      FRAME_-1740822_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LM_STR'
      FRAME_-1740822_CLASS            =  3
      FRAME_-1740822_CLASS_ID         = -1740822
      FRAME_-1740822_CENTER           = -174082
      CK_-1740822_SCLK                = -174
      CK_-1740822_SPK                 = -174

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RF_FIX           = -1740830
      FRAME_-1740830_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_RF_MOV'
      FRAME_-1740830_CLASS            =  4
      FRAME_-1740830_CLASS_ID         = -1740830
      FRAME_-1740830_CENTER           = -174083
      TKFRAME_-1740830_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-1740830_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-1740830_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-1740830_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-1740830_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RF_STR           = -1740831
      FRAME_-1740831_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RF_FIX'
      FRAME_-1740831_CLASS            =  3
      FRAME_-1740831_CLASS_ID         = -1740831
      FRAME_-1740831_CENTER           = -174083
      CK_-1740831_SCLK                = -174
      CK_-1740831_SPK                 = -174

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RF_MOV           = -1740832
      FRAME_-1740832_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RF_STR'
      FRAME_-1740832_CLASS            =  3
      FRAME_-1740832_CLASS_ID         = -1740832
      FRAME_-1740832_CENTER           = -174083
      CK_-1740832_SCLK                = -174
      CK_-1740832_SPK                 = -174

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RM_FIX           = -1740840
      FRAME_-1740840_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_RM_MOV'
      FRAME_-1740840_CLASS            =  4
      FRAME_-1740840_CLASS_ID         = -1740840
      FRAME_-1740840_CENTER           = -174084
      TKFRAME_-1740840_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-1740840_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-1740840_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-1740840_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-1740840_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RM_STR           = -1740841
      FRAME_-1740841_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RM_FIX'
      FRAME_-1740841_CLASS            =  3
      FRAME_-1740841_CLASS_ID         = -1740841
      FRAME_-1740841_CENTER           = -174084
      CK_-1740841_SCLK                = -174
      CK_-1740841_SPK                 = -174

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RM_MOV           = -1740842
      FRAME_-1740842_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RM_STR'
      FRAME_-1740842_CLASS            =  3
      FRAME_-1740842_CLASS_ID         = -1740842
      FRAME_-1740842_CENTER           = -174084
      CK_-1740842_SCLK                = -174
      CK_-1740842_SPK                 = -174

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LR_FIX           = -1740850
      FRAME_-1740850_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_LR_MOV'
      FRAME_-1740850_CLASS            =  4
      FRAME_-1740850_CLASS_ID         = -1740850
      FRAME_-1740850_CENTER           = -174085
      TKFRAME_-1740850_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-1740850_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-1740850_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-1740850_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-1740850_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LR_STR           = -1740851
      FRAME_-1740851_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LR_FIX'
      FRAME_-1740851_CLASS            =  3
      FRAME_-1740851_CLASS_ID         = -1740851
      FRAME_-1740851_CENTER           = -174085
      CK_-1740851_SCLK                = -174
      CK_-1740851_SPK                 = -174

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_LR_MOV           = -1740852
      FRAME_-1740852_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_LR_STR'
      FRAME_-1740852_CLASS            =  3
      FRAME_-1740852_CLASS_ID         = -1740852
      FRAME_-1740852_CENTER           = -174085
      CK_-1740852_SCLK                = -174
      CK_-1740852_SPK                 = -174

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RR_FIX           = -1740860
      FRAME_-1740860_NAME             = 'RM_BOGIE_RR_MOV'
      FRAME_-1740860_CLASS            =  4
      FRAME_-1740860_CLASS_ID         = -1740860
      FRAME_-1740860_CENTER           = -174086
      TKFRAME_-1740860_RELATIVE       = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-1740860_SPEC           = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-1740860_UNITS          = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-1740860_AXES           = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-1740860_ANGLES         = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RR_STR           = -1740861
      FRAME_-1740861_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RR_FIX'
      FRAME_-1740861_CLASS            =  3
      FRAME_-1740861_CLASS_ID         = -1740861
      FRAME_-1740861_CENTER           = -174086
      CK_-1740861_SCLK                = -174
      CK_-1740861_SPK                 = -174

      FRAME_RM_WHEEL_RR_MOV           = -1740862
      FRAME_-1740862_NAME             = 'RM_WHEEL_RR_STR'
      FRAME_-1740862_CLASS            =  3
      FRAME_-1740862_CLASS_ID         = -1740862
      FRAME_-1740862_CENTER           = -174086
      CK_-1740862_SCLK                = -174
      CK_-1740862_SPK                 = -174


PanCam Frames

   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Panoramic
   Camera (PanCam) instrument frames.

PanCam Frame Tree

   The diagram below shows the PanCam frame hierarchy.

                   |                    |                   |
            fixed->|             fixed->|            fixed->|
                   |                    |                   |
                   v                    v                   v
              ---------------   -----------------   -----------------

PanCam Frame definitions

   The Panoramic Cameras reference frame (PANCAM) is attached to the PanCam
   stereo bench that is rigidly mounted on the Payload Bench on top of the
   Rover Mast. Therefore, the base frame associated with it -- the
   RM PANCAM Base rame, RM_PANCAM_BASE --  is specified as a fixed offset frame
   with its orientation given relative to the RM_ROVER frame as follows:

      -  +X axis is defined as the projection of the cameras optical axis on
         the plane perpendicular to the +Y axis;

      -  +Y axis is in the direction from the right WAC camera optical centre
         to the left WAC camera optical centre;

      -  +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;

      -  The origin is located at the middle of the segment linking the optical
         centres of the left and right WAC cameras.

   These diagrams illustrate the nominal RM_PANCAM_BASE, RM_PANCAM_WAC_L,
   RM_PANCAM_WAC_R and RM_PANCAM_HRC frame with respect to the rover frame.

   +X Rover side view:

                   o-o-=Oo--------> +Ypancam
                  +Xpancam _|
                           _|_ +Zrm
                          |   | ^
             |   |          |   |   |   |     |  |
             '---|          |   |   | 0 |  .--'--'
                 .--|           |          |---.
            .-.  |============= o--------> ====|  .-.
           |___|=|            +Xrm  |   +Yrm   |=|___|
           |.-.                                   .-.|
           || |                                   | ||    +Yrm is out of the
           `| |                                   | |'    page
            '_'                                   '_'
          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~

   +X Rover Mast view:

     +Xpwacl       +Xphrc                                        +Xpwacr
        ^             ^                                            ^
        |             |                                            |
        |   PanCamHRC |    ______________________                  |
     .--|-------------|---|                      |-----------------|--.
     | /o------->   / o--------> +Yphrc      /^\ |                /o------->
     | \_/ WAC-L    \__/  | \_/              \_/ |   PanCam WAC-R \_/ | +Ypwacr
     '____________________|    NavCaM            |____________________'
                   | /^\ |====|----== +Zpancam
                   | \_/ |====|   /    ^ \   |        +Zpwacl, +Zphrc, +Zpwacr
                   '-----'    |  /     |  \  |         and +Xpancam are out of
                ISEM          . .      |   . .         the page.
                              .        |
                                       o--------> +Ypancam

   Since the SPICE frames subsystem calls for specifying the reverse
   transformation--going from the instrument or structure frame to the
   base frame--as compared to the description given above, the order of
   rotations assigned to the TKFRAME_*_AXES keyword is also reversed
   compared to the above text, and the signs associated with the
   rotation angles assigned to the TKFRAME_*_ANGLES keyword are the
   opposite from what is written in the above text.


      FRAME_RM_PANCAM_BASE             =  -174100
      FRAME_-174100_NAME               = 'RM_PANCAM_BASE'
      FRAME_-174100_CLASS              =   4
      FRAME_-174100_CLASS_ID           =  -174100
      FRAME_-174100_CENTER             =  -174100
      TKFRAME_-174100_RELATIVE         = 'RM_PB'
      TKFRAME_-174100_SPEC             = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174100_UNITS            = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174100_AXES             = ( 3,     2,      1   )
      TKFRAME_-174100_ANGLES           = ( 0.0,   0.0,    0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_PANCAM_WAC_L            =  -174110
      FRAME_-174110_NAME               = 'RM_PANCAM_WAC_L'
      FRAME_-174110_CLASS              =   4
      FRAME_-174110_CLASS_ID           =  -174110
      FRAME_-174110_CENTER             =  -174110
      TKFRAME_-174110_RELATIVE         = 'RM_PANCAM_BASE'
      TKFRAME_-174110_SPEC             = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174110_UNITS            = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174110_AXES             = ( 3,     2,      1   )
      TKFRAME_-174110_ANGLES           = ( 0.0, -90.0,    0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_PANCAM_WAC_R            =  -174120
      FRAME_-174120_NAME               = 'RM_PANCAM_WAC_R'
      FRAME_-174120_CLASS              =   4
      FRAME_-174120_CLASS_ID           =  -174120
      FRAME_-174120_CENTER             =  -174120
      TKFRAME_-174120_RELATIVE         = 'RM_PANCAM_BASE'
      TKFRAME_-174120_SPEC             = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174120_UNITS            = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174120_AXES             = ( 3,     2,      1   )
      TKFRAME_-174120_ANGLES           = ( 0.0, -90.0,    0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_PANCAM_HRC              =  -174130
      FRAME_-174130_NAME               = 'RM_PANCAM_HRC'
      FRAME_-174130_CLASS              =   4
      FRAME_-174130_CLASS_ID           =  -174130
      FRAME_-174130_CENTER             =  -174130
      TKFRAME_-174130_RELATIVE         = 'RM_PANCAM_BASE'
      TKFRAME_-174130_SPEC             = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174130_UNITS            = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174130_AXES             = ( 3,     2,      1   )
      TKFRAME_-174130_ANGLES           = ( 0.0, -90.0,    0.0 )


ISEM Frames

   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Infrared
   Spectrometer for ExoMars (ISEM).

ISEM Frame Tree

   The diagram below shows the ISEM frame hierarchy.


ISEM Frame Definition

   The ISEM reference frame -- RM_ISEM -- is attached to the ISEM instrument
   and is nominally parallel Payload Bench -- RM_PB -- and is defined as

      - +X axis is parallel to the +X axis of the RM_PB frame;

      - +Y axis is parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_PB frame;

      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - the origin is located on the instrument optical axis, exactly at the
        end of the ISEM Optical Box.

   The following diagram describes the RM_ISEM reference frame:

   +X Rover side view:

                       |o---------> +Yisem
                           _|_ +Zrm
                          |   | ^
             |   |          |   |   |   |     |  |
             '---|          |   |   | 0 |  .--'--'
                 .--|           |          |---.
            .-.  |============= o--------> ====|  .-.
           |___|=|            +Xrm  |   +Yrm   |=|___|
           |.-.                                   .-.|
           || |                                   | ||    +Xrm and +Xisem are
           `| |                                   | |'    out of the page.
            '_'                                   '_'
          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~

   +X Rover Mast view:

                    +Zisem   ______________________
       .--------------- ^ --|                      |--------------------.
       | /^\ PanCam    /| \ | /^\              /^\ |                /^\ |
       | \_/ WAC-L     \|_/ | \_/              \_/ |   PanCam WAC-R \_/ |
       '________________|___|    NavCaM            |____________________'
                     | /o--------->  == +Zpb
                     | \_/ |== +Yisem    ^ \   |          +Xpb and +Xisem are
                     '-----'    |  /     |  \  |           out of the page.
                  ISEM          . .      |   . .
                                .        |
                                         o--------> +Ypb

   These sets of keywords define the ISEM frame:


      FRAME_RM_ISEM                   = -174200
      FRAME_-174200_NAME              = 'RM_ISEM'
      FRAME_-174200_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174200_CLASS_ID          = -174200
      FRAME_-174200_CENTER            = -174200
      TKFRAME_-174200_RELATIVE        = 'RM_PB'
      TKFRAME_-174200_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174200_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174200_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174200_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )



   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Autonomous
   Detector of Radiation of Neutrons Onboard Rover (ADRON-RM) frames.

ADRON-RM Frame Tree

   The diagram below shows the ADRON-RM frame hierarchy.


ADRON-RM Frame Definition

   The ISEM reference frame -- RM_ADRON-RM -- is attached to the ADRON-RM
   instrument and is fixed with respect to the rover frame -- RM_ROVER --, and
   defined as follows:

      - +X axis is parallel to the +X axis of the RM_ROVER frame;

      - +Y axis is parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_ROVER frame;

      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - the origin is located on the instrument center.

   The following diagram describes the RM_ADRON-RM reference frame:

   -Y Rover side view:

             - · - · -
                 |        +Zrm         +Zadr
                _|_         ^             ^
               |   |        |             |
               |            |             |
            ___|            |             |
           /   | +Xrm       | +Xadr       |
           \___|__<---------o __<---------o         +Yrm and +Yadr are out
                | |        +Yrm          | |         of the page.
        __------/ \-----__               / \.__
       |  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |
      .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
     / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
     \      /        \      /             \      /
      `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'

   These sets of keywords define the ADRON frame:


      FRAME_RM_ADRON-RM               = -174300
      FRAME_-174300_NAME              = 'RM_ADRON-RM'
      FRAME_-174300_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174300_CLASS_ID          = -174300
      FRAME_-174300_CENTER            = -174300
      TKFRAME_-174300_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-174300_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174300_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174300_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174300_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )



   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Water Ice
   Subsurface Deposit Observation on Mars (WISDOM) ground-penetrating
   radar frames.

WISDOM Frame Tree

   The diagram below shows the WISDOM frame hierarchy.

                       |                         |
                       |<-fixed           fixed->|
                       |                         |
                       v                         v
                "RM_WISDOM_ANT1"           "RM_WISDOM_ANT2"
                ---------------            ----------------

WISDOM Frame Definitions:

   The WISDOM base reference frame -- RM_WISDOM_BASE --, where the subsurface
   stratigrafy reconstruction occurs, is placed on the WISDOM instrument, is
   fixed with respect to the rover frame -- RM_ROVER --, and defined as

      - +X axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the RM_ROVER frame;

      - +Y axis is nominally parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_ROVER frame;

      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - The origin is located at the middle of the segment linking the two
        WISDOM hornet mounting positions.

   The WISDOM antennas ANT1 and ANT2 -- RM_WISDOM_ANT1, RM_WISDOM_ANT2 --
   are rotated 8 degrees with respect to the RM_WISDOM_BASE frame around
   the +Y axis and are defined as follows [10]:

      - +Z axis points towards the direction of the antenna boresight;

      - +X is rotated 135 degrees around the WISDOM base frame +Y axis
        towards the WISDOM base frame +Z axis;

      - +Y axis is parallel to the WISDOM base frame +Y axis and completes
        the right-handed frame;

      - The origin is located at focal point of the antennas.

   The following diagram describes the WISDOM reference frames:

   -Y Rover side view:

             - · - · -
                 |        +Zrm         +Zwis
                _|_         ^             ^
               |   |        |             |        +Xant1, +Xant2
         -------------------|-------------|-------  ^ --------------
               ,------------|------------.|       .'
               |            |             |     .'
            ___|            |             |   .'
           /   | +Xrm       | +Xwis       | .'
           \___|__<---------o __<---------o.         +Yrm, +Ywis, +Yant1 and
                | |        +Yrm          | |'.       +Yant2 are out of the
        __------/ \-----__               / \._'.      page.
       |  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |'.
      .|  |.          .|  |.               .|  |. v
     / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| +Zant1, +Zant2
     \      /        \      /             \      /
      `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'

   These sets of keywords define the WISDOM frame:


      FRAME_RM_WISDOM_BASE            = -174400
      FRAME_-174400_NAME              = 'RM_WISDOM_BASE'
      FRAME_-174400_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174400_CLASS_ID          = -174400
      FRAME_-174400_CENTER            = -174
      TKFRAME_-174400_RELATIVE        = 'RM_ROVER'
      TKFRAME_-174400_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174400_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174400_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174400_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_WISDOM_ANT1            = -174410
      FRAME_-174410_NAME              = 'RM_WISDOM_ANT1'
      FRAME_-174410_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174410_CLASS_ID          = -174410
      FRAME_-174410_CENTER            = -174
      TKFRAME_-174410_RELATIVE        = 'RM_WISDOM_BASE'
      TKFRAME_-174410_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174410_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174410_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174410_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  172.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_WISDOM_ANT2            = -174420
      FRAME_-174420_NAME              = 'RM_WISDOM_ANT2'
      FRAME_-174420_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174420_CLASS_ID          = -174420
      FRAME_-174420_CENTER            = -174
      TKFRAME_-174420_RELATIVE        = 'RM_WISDOM_BASE'
      TKFRAME_-174420_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174420_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174420_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174420_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  172.0,   0.0 )


MaMiss Frames

   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Mars
   Multispectral Imager for Subsurface Studies (MaMiss) frames.

MaMiss Frame Tree:

   The diagram below shows the MaMiss frame hierarchy.

                          .                |
                          .                |<-ck
                          .                |
                          .                v
                          .  "RM_DRILL_POS_MOV"
                          .  +----------------+
                          .  .                |
                          .  .         fixed->|
                          .  .                |
                          .  .                v
                          .  .  "RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX"
                          .  .  ------------------
                          .  .         |
                          .  .         |<-fixed
                          .  .         |
                          .  .         v
                          .  .  "RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV"
                          .  .  ------------------
                          .  .         |
                          .  .         |<-fixed
                          .  .         |
                          v  v         v

MaMiss Frame Definitions:

   The MaMiss frame (MaMiss) is placed on the Rover Drill Rod with origin on
   the MaMiss sapphire window and is parallel to the Drill Tip moving frame.
   It is defined as follows:

      - +X axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV

      - +Y axis is nominally parallel to the +Y axis of the RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV

      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - The origin, is defined as the intersection between the Drill Rod
        extension direction and the MaMiss sapphire window.

   The following diagram describes the MaMiss reference frame:

   +X side of the extended Rod:

              ||                             +Xdtm and +Xmmis
              \/  Dril                        are out of the page
               o-------> +Zdtm, +Zmmiss
               v +Ydtm, +Ymmiss

   These sets of keywords define the MaMiss frame:


      FRAME_RM_MAMISS                 = -174500
      FRAME_-174500_NAME              = 'RM_MAMISS'
      FRAME_-174500_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174500_CLASS_ID          = -174500
      FRAME_-174500_CENTER            = -174043
      TKFRAME_-174500_RELATIVE        = 'RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV'
      TKFRAME_-174500_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174500_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174500_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174500_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )


CLUPI Frames

   This section of the file contains the definitions of the Close-Up Imager
   (CLUPI) frames.

   CLUPI will be accommodated on the drill box of the rover. By using the
   degrees of freedom provided by both the rover and the drill box, CLUPI
   will be angled and raised so that it can observe in a variety of viewing
   modes. The use of two fixed mirrors—one flat and one concave will provide
   three FOVs.

CLUPI Frame Tree:

   The diagram below shows the CLUPI frame hierarchy.

               |                                 |
               |<-fixed                          |<-ck
               |                                 |
               V                                 v
        "RM_CLUPI_BRACKET"               "RM_DRILL_POS_MOV"
        ------------------         +--------------------------+
                                   |                          |
                            fixed->|                   fixed->|
                                   |                          |
                                   v                          v
                           "RM_CLUPI_BASE"            "RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX"
                           ---------------            ------------------
                                   |                          |
                                   |<-fixed                   |<-fixed
                                   |                          |
                                   v                          v
                          "RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS"          "RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV"
                          -------------------          ------------------
                                   |                          .
                                   |<-fixed                   .
                                   |                          .
                                   v                          v

CLUPI Frame Definitions:

   The CLUPI Base frame -- RM_CLUPI_BASE -- is placed on the CLUPI image
   sensor, which is fixed to the Drill Positioner. Hence its frame is
   rigidly following the RM_DRILL_POS_MOV frame and is defined as follows
   It is defined as follows:

      - +X axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV

      - +Y axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the RM_DRILL_POS_MOV

      - +Z axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - the origin is located in the CLUPI image sensor optical centre.

   The CLUPI Optical Axis frame -- RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS -- is nominally
   parallel to the RM_CLUPI_BASE with a rotation such that the CLUPI boresight
   is along the +Z axis instead of the +Y axis. This frame is implemented to
   incorporate possible missalignments of the optical axis.
   The frame RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS is defined as follows:

      - +Z axis is the optical axis of CLUPI;

      - +X axis is nominally parallel to the +X axis of the RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV

      - +Y axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - the origin is located in the CLUPI image sensor optical centre.

   The CLUPI Drill Tip mirror reference frame -- RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP --,
   provides the reflection direction of CLUPI's 2nd mirror. CLUPI's 2nd mirror
   (or drill mirror) is fixed on the drill box near the front end of the box
   and splits the FOV into two parts: (i) the main part, RM_CLUPI_FOV2, 2 is
   not deflected and looks in the direction of the optical axis of CLUPI and
   (ii) the smaller part of the sensor RM_CLUPI_FOV3, looks toward the drill
   tip. The RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP is defined as a fixed rotation of 54 degrees
   around the RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS frame.

      - +Y axis is nominally rotated a fixed angle of 54 degrees around the
        +X axis of the RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS frame;

      - +Z axis is the boresight of the mirrored portion of CLUPI's FOV

      - +X axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - the origin is located in the tip mirror reflecting point of CLUPI's
        FOV3 boresight.

   When the drill is in stowed position, the CLUPI FOV 1 is looking at the
   surface in front of the rover due to the first mirror (or bracket mirror),
   fixed on the rover bracket that holds the drill when in stowed position.
   The fixed orientation of CLUPI’s axis is toward the surface with an angle
   of 20 degrees with respect to the horizontal of the rover.
   To implement FOV1 we define the Rover Bracket Mirror frame as follows:

      - +Z axis is the boresight of CLUPI's mirrored FOV (FOV1);

      - +Y axis is parallel to the sensor pixel samples;

      - +X axis completes the right-handed frame;

      - the origin is located in the bracket mirror reflecting point of
        CLUPI's FOV1 boresight.

   The following diagrams illustrate the CLUPI frames:

   +X Rover side view (drill in discharge phase):

                            |                 .
                            |             . '  \
                            |         . '       \
                           _|_    . ' ^+dZpf. '
                          |   . '     | . '
      -----------------.o-. '       . | |-------------------
             |     . '. '\      . ' | | |     |  |
       +Zopt,  . '    \   \ . ' ^   | o------> +Ydpf
       +Ybas <   '--.  o. '\    |+Zrm   | |
                 .--. ' \   \    |   |   | ''--.
            .-  . '===== \== v = o-----> ======|  .-.
       +Ydtf <' =|        \  +Zbas,     +Yrm   |=|___|
           |.-.            v   +Yopt              .-.|
           || |         +Zdtf                     | ||    +Xrm, +Xdtf, +Xopt
           `| |                                   | |'     and +Xbas are out
            '_'                                   '_'       of the page
          ~~~~~~~~                             ~~~~~~~~

   +X Rover side view (drill in hor. align. before discharge):

                        - · - · -
                           _|_ +Zrm
                         |   | ^
      - +Zopt <-------o--------|--------------------------
             |   |  .'|'. -----|---------.   |  |
             '--- .'| |  '.    |         |.--'--'
                .'--'-|----'.--|-------- '|
         +Zcdt V .--' v      '> +Ycdt |   '---.
            .-.  |== +Yopt === o--------> ====|  .-.
           |___|=|            +Xrm |   |+Yrm  |=|___|
           |.-.                                  .-.|
           || |                                  | ||    +Xrm, +Xopt, +Zcdt
           `| |                                  | |'     are out of the
            '_'                                  '_'      page
          ~~~~~~~~                            ~~~~~~~~

   -Y Rover side view:

                 - · - · -
                     |        +Zrm
                    _|_         ^
                   |   |        |
                   |            |             |
                o__|            |             |
               /   | +Xrm       |             |
              /\___|__<---------o ____________.         +Yrm is out
             /      | |        +Yrm          | |         of the page.
            /_------/ \-----__               / \.__
           v  |-----\_/----|  |              \__.  |
       +Zbrk  |.          .|  |.               .|  |.
         / |__| \        / |__| \             / |__| \
         \      /        \      /             \      /
          `-..-'          `-..-'               `-..-'

   Relevant frames (for all diagrams):
      rm:  RM_ROVER
      dtf: RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX
      opt: RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS
      bas: RM_CLUPI_BASE

   These sets of keywords define the CLUPI frames:


      FRAME_RM_CLUPI_BASE             = -174600
      FRAME_-174600_NAME              = 'RM_CLUPI_BASE'
      FRAME_-174600_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174600_CLASS_ID          = -174600
      FRAME_-174600_CENTER            = -174600
      TKFRAME_-174600_RELATIVE        = 'RM_DRILL_POS_MOV'
      TKFRAME_-174600_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174600_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174600_AXES            = (      1,      2,     3 )
      TKFRAME_-174600_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,   0.0 )

      FRAME_RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS         = -174610
      FRAME_-174610_NAME              = 'RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS'
      FRAME_-174610_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174610_CLASS_ID          = -174610
      FRAME_-174610_CENTER            = -174600
      TKFRAME_-174610_RELATIVE        = 'RM_CLUPI_BASE'
      TKFRAME_-174610_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174610_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174610_AXES            = (      3,      2,      1 )
      TKFRAME_-174610_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,  -90.0 )

      FRAME_RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP        = -174620
      FRAME_-174620_NAME              = 'RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP'
      FRAME_-174620_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174620_CLASS_ID          = -174620
      FRAME_-174620_CENTER            = -174620
      TKFRAME_-174620_RELATIVE        = 'RM_CLUPI_OPT_AXIS'
      TKFRAME_-174620_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174620_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174620_AXES            = (      3,      2,      1 )
      TKFRAME_-174620_ANGLES          = (    0.0,    0.0,  -54.0 )

      FRAME_RM_CLUPI_BRACKET          = -174630
      FRAME_-174630_NAME              = 'RM_CLUPI_BRACKET'
      FRAME_-174630_CLASS             =  4
      FRAME_-174630_CLASS_ID          = -174630
      FRAME_-174630_CENTER            = -174630
      TKFRAME_-174630_RELATIVE        = 'RM_DRILL_POS_FIX'
      TKFRAME_-174630_SPEC            = 'ANGLES'
      TKFRAME_-174630_UNITS           = 'DEGREES'
      TKFRAME_-174630_AXES            = (      3,       2,     1 )
      TKFRAME_-174630_ANGLES          = (    0.0,  -160.0,   0.0 )


RM NAIF ID Codes -- Definitions

   This section contains name to NAIF ID mappings for the ExoMarsRSP RM
   mission. Once the contents of this file is loaded into the KERNEL POOL,
   these mappings become available within SPICE, making it possible to use
   names instead of ID code in the high level SPICE routine calls.

      Name                   ID       Synonyms
      ---------------------  -------  -----------------------

      RM                     -174     EXOMARS RSP ROVER MODULE
                                      EXOMARS RSP RM
                                      EXOMARS RSP ROVER
                                      EXOMARS ROVER
      RM_ROVER               -174000
      RM_MAST                -174011
      RM_PTR                 -174013
      RM_PB                  -174014
      RM_NAVCAM              -174020
      RM_NAVCAM_L            -174021
      RM_NAVCAM_R            -174022
      RM_LOCCAM              -174030
      RM_LOCCAM_L            -174031
      RM_LOCCAM_R            -174031
      RM_DRILL_POS_FIX       -174040
      RM_DRILL_POS_MOV       -174041
      RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX       -174042
      RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV       -174043
      RM_ALD                 -174050
      RM_ALD_CSTM            -174051
      RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX        -174052
      RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV        -174053
      RM_ALD_PSDDS           -174055
      RM_ALD_PSHS            -174058
      RM_SA1_PRI             -174062
      RM_SA1_SEC             -174063
      RM_SA2_PRI             -174065
      RM_SA2_SEC             -174066
      RM_BOGIE_LF            -174071
      RM_BOGIE_LR            -174074
      RM_BOGIE_RR            -174076
      RM_WHEEL_LF            -174081
      RM_WHEEL_LM            -174082
      RM_WHEEL_RF            -174083
      RM_WHEEL_RM            -174084
      RM_WHEEL_LR            -174085
      RM_WHEEL_RR            -174086

      The mappings summarized in this table are implemented by the keywords


          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM'                          )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174                          )

          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174                          )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'EXOMARS RSP RM'              )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174                          )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'EXOMARS RSP ROVER'           )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174                          )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'EXOMARS ROVER'               )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174                          )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ROVER'                    )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174000                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_DISPOSAL'            )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174900                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_MAST_ZERO'                )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174010                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_MAST'                     )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174011                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PTR_ZERO'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174012                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PTR'                      )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174013                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_NAVCAM'                   )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174020                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_NAVCAM_L'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174021                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_NAVCAM_R'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174022                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_LOCCAM'                   )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174030                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_LOCCAM_L'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174031                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_LOCCAM_R'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174032                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_DRILL_POS_FIX'            )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174040                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_DRILL_POS_MOV'            )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174041                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_DRILL_TIP_FIX'            )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174042                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_DRILL_TIP_MOV'            )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174043                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD'                      )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174050                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD_CSTM'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174051                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD_CSTM_FIX'             )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174052                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD_CSTM_MOV'             )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174053                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD_PSDDS'                )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174055                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ALD_PSHS'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174058                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SA1_PRI'                  )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174062                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SA1_SEC'                  )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174063                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SA2_PRI'                  )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174065                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SA2_SEC'                  )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174066                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_BOGIE_LF'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174071                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_BOGIE_LR'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174074                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_BOGIE_RR'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174076                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_LF'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174081                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_LM'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174082                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_RF'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174083                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_RM'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174084                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_LR'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174085                       )

          NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WHEEL_RR'                 )
          NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174086                       )


      RM_PANCAM              -174100
      RM_PANCAM_WAC_L        -174110
      RM_PANCAM_WAC_R        -174120
      RM_PANCAM_HRC          -174130

      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords


         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PANCAM'                   )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174100                       )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PANCAM_WAC_L'             )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174110                       )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PANCAM_WAC_R'             )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174120                       )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_PANCAM_HRC'               )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174130                       )


      RM_ISEM                -174200

      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords


            NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ISEM'                     )
            NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174200                       )


      RM_ADRON-RM          -174300

      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords


         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_ADRON-RM'                 )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174300                       )


      RM_WISDOM              -174400
      RM_WISDOM_ANT1         -174410
      RM_WISDOM_ANT1         -174410

      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords


         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WISDOM'                   )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174400                       )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WISDOM_ANT1'              )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174410                       )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_WISDOM_ANT2'              )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174420                       )


      RM_MAMISS              -174500

      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords


         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_MAMISS'                   )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174500                       )


      RM_CLUPI               -174600
      RM_CLUPI_FOV1          -174601
      RM_CLUPI_FOV2          -174602
      RM_CLUPI_FOV3          -174603
      RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP     -174620
      RM_CLUPI_BRACKET       -174630

      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords


         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI'                    )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174600                       )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI_FOV1'               )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174601                       )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI_FOV2'               )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174602                       )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI_FOV3'               )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174603                       )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI_DRILL_TIP'          )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174620                       )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_CLUPI_BRACKET'            )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174630                       )


      RM_SITE_000            -174700 (synonym: RM_LANDING_SITE)
      RM_SITE_NNN            -174XXX

      The mappings summarised in this table are implemented by the keywords


         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_000'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174700                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_LANDING_SITE'            )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174700                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_001'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174701                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_002'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174702                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_003'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174703                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_004'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174704                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_005'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174705                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_006'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174706                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_007'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174707                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_008'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174708                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_009'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174709                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_010'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174710                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_011'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174711                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_012'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174712                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_013'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174713                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_014'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174714                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_015'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174715                      )

         NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'RM_SITE_016'                )
         NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -174716                      )


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Marc Costa committed
End of FK file.