The current version of NP-TMcode (M8.03) has been bundled in a pre-built `docker` image, distributed via ``. To use this image, run the command:
> docker run -it gmulas/np-tmcode-run:M8 /bin/bash
The image will be automatically downloaded, if it is not available in the system, then it will be run in interactive mode, starting a shell session. Follow the instructions provided in Sec. 3.4.1 of the Release Notes document to proceed with testing and code use.
## Building a local image
A local image containing the necessary code requirements and binary files can be built through the Dockerfile provided along with the code. This Dockerfile allows to create mainly:
- the np-tmcode image that is used by the gitlab pipeline runner to test compile and execution of requested merges
- the np-tmcode-run image, that contains only the pre-built executables, python test scripts, compiled documentation, and the minimal runtime to run them
This `np-tmcode-run.def` file allows to create a np-tmcode-run image, that contains only the pre-built executables, python test scripts, compiled documentation, and the minimal runtime to run them
## Using the pre-built image
The current version of NP-TMcode (M8.03) has been bundled in a pre-built `singularity` image, distributed at ``. To use this image, download and unpack the pre-built image bundle, then place the `np-tmcode-run.sif` file in the `containers/singularity` folder of the NP-TMcode project.
## Building a local image
A local image containing the necessary code requirements and binary files can be built through the image definition file provided along with the code. This `np-tmcode-run.def` file allows to create a `np-tmcode-run` image, that contains only the pre-built executables, python test scripts, compiled documentation, and the minimal runtime to run them.
In order for the singularity build to create the image, singularity build must be invoked from this directory as: