@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ The default behaviour of `np_sphere` is to take the same input files as `edfb` a
### trapping
The execution of trapping programs requires at least one of the previous programs to have produced a complete output set. A light-weight trapping calculation has been configured with input and legacy output files stored in the `../../test_data/trapping/` folder. Since the FORTRAN code assumes the input and output to be defined within the program, it is not yet possible to run the *FORTRAN* version on this case, unless the source code is modified accordingly. Conversely, the *C++* version can be executed without the need to modfy and re-compile the code. The work-flow to test trapping is described below.
The execution of trapping programs requires at least one of the previous programs to have produced a complete output set. A light-weight trapping calculation has been configured with input and legacy output files stored in the `../../test_data/trapping/` folder. Since the FORTRAN code assumes the input and output to be defined within the program, it is not yet possible to run the *FORTRAN* version on this case, unless the source code is modified accordingly. Conversely, the *C++* version can be executed without the need to modify and re-compile the code. The work-flow to test trapping is described below.
1. cd to the `build/sphere` folder.
2. run `np_sphere` with arguments to take input from the trapping tast and write output in the trapping folder:
2. run `np_sphere` with arguments to take input from the trapping test and write output in the trapping build folder:
5. Check the consistency between `np_trapping` output files (`c_out66.txt` and `c_out67.txt`) and the legacy *FORTRAN* output for this case (the files named, respectively, `fort.66` and `fort.67` in the `test_data/trapping/` folder).
5. Check the consistency between `np_trapping` output files (`c_out66.txt` and `c_out67.txt`) and the legacy *FORTRAN* output for this case (the files named, respectively, `fort.66` and `fort.67` in the `test_data/trapping/` folder). Consider that some of the output values will be affected by numeric noise and take substantially different values. However, this is expected for results whose order of magnitude is clearly below the precision level of the calculation, as they represent results appraching zero that were just approximated with different precision.