(The above assumes that `PATH_TO_SCRIPT` is a variable that expands to the path were the script is located). The required output files are called by default `OSPH` and `OCLU` by FORTRAN and `c_OSPH` and `c_OCLU` by C++, depending on whether the sphere or the cluster case was executed.
(The above assumes that `PATH_TO_SCRIPT` is a variable that expands to the path were the script is located). The required output files are called by default `OSPH` and `OCLU` by FORTRAN and `c_OSPH` and `c_OCLU` by C++, depending on whether the sphere or the cluster case was executed.
4. Check the output of the script to verify that it detects 0 errors and finishes in a `SUCCESS` state.
5. In case of need, add the `--html` argument to produce an *HTML* log showing the possible differences and a classification of their severity.
3. Check the output of the script to verify that it detects 0 errors and finishes in a `SUCCESS` state.
6. Issuing:
4. In case of need, add the `--html` argument to produce an *HTML* log showing the possible differences and a classification of their severity.