fxaddpar,primary_header,'OBS_ID',planning_data.obs_id,'Unique identifier for the observation that is associated with the data acquisition',before='DATAMIN'
fxaddpar,primary_header,'TARGET','TBD','Taget as defined in the SOOP description',before='DATAMIN'
ifmax(old_comment.startswith('Warning: correction of the OBT for pB acquisitions was applied.'))thenbegin
comment=['Correction of the OBT for pB acquisitions was applied at L0 level.',comment]
ifmax(old_comment.startswith('Warning: the OBT of the acquisition is missing.'))thenbegin
comment=['Warning: the OBT of the acquisition is missing.',' The generation time of the first science packet was used',' to compute OBT_BEG. Polarimetric keywords DAC*POL*',' may be wrong.',comment]