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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit e93a90fb authored by Roberto Susino's avatar Roberto Susino
Browse files

Version 2.2

parent 2de5116d
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
function decode_obt, t_coarse, t_fine, to_double = to_double, from_double = from_double
if keyword_set(from_double) then begin
obt = t_coarse
t_coarse = ulong(obt)
t_fine = uint((obt - t_coarse) * 65536.0D)
if keyword_set(to_double) then begin
return, double(t_coarse) + double(t_fine)/65536.0D
return, t_coarse.tostring() + ':' + t_fine.tostring()
\ No newline at end of file
if keyword_set(to_double) then return, double(t_coarse) + double(t_fine)/65536.0D
if keyword_set(from_double) then obt = [ulong(t_coarse), uint((t_coarse - ulong(t_coarse)) * 65536)] else obt = [t_coarse, t_fine]
return, (obt.tostring()).join(':')
function interpol_param, table, par_name, date, empty_params = empty_params
i = where(table.par_name eq par_name, count)
if count lt 1 then return, 0.0 ; this should not be necessary
par_date = dblarr(count)
par_val = fltarr(count)
for j = 0, count - 1 do begin
k = i[j]
if table.eng_val[k] eq 'N/A' then begin
table.eng_val[k] = table.raw_val[k]
if ~ isa(empty_params) then $
empty_params = table.par_name[k] else $
empty_params = [empty_params, table.par_name[k]]
par_date[j] = date_conv(table.gen_time[k], 'JULIAN')
par_val[j] = float(table.eng_val[k])
sample = where(table.par_name eq par_name, n)
par_date = dblarr(n)
for k = 0, n - 1 do par_date[k] = date_conv(table.gen_time[sample[k]], 'JULIAN')
if total(table.eng_val[sample].contains('N/A')) then begin
table.eng_val[sample] = table.raw_val[sample]
empty_params = [empty_params, par_name]
par_val = float(table.eng_val[sample])
s = sort(par_date)
par_val = par_val[s]
par_date = par_date[s]
value = interpol(par_val, par_date, date_conv(date, 'JULIAN'))
if finite(value) then return, value else return, 0.0
\ No newline at end of file
function make_bin_table, table
n = n_elements(table.gen_time)
gen_time = dblarr(n)
for k = 0, n - 1 do gen_time[k] = date_conv(table.gen_time[k], 'JULIAN')
w = where(table.eng_val.contains('N/A'))
table.eng_val[w] = table.raw_val[w]
par_names = table.par_name
s = sort(par_names)
par_names = par_names[s]
u = uniq(par_names)
par_names = par_names[u]
bin_table = !null
foreach par_name, par_names do begin
sample = where(table.par_name eq par_name)
min_time = min(gen_time[sample], i)
j = sample[i]
param = create_struct( $
'PAR_NAME', par_name, $
'GEN_TIME', date_conv(gen_time[j], 'FITS'), $
'RAW_VAL', table.raw_val[j], $
'ENG_VAL', table.eng_val[j], $
'UNIT', table.unit[j], $
'DESCR', table.desc[j])
bin_table = [bin_table, param]
max_time = max(gen_time[sample], i)
j = sample[i]
param = create_struct( $
'PAR_NAME', par_name, $
'GEN_TIME', date_conv(gen_time[j], 'FITS'), $
'RAW_VAL', table.raw_val[j], $
'ENG_VAL', table.eng_val[j], $
'UNIT', table.unit[j], $
'DESCR', table.desc[j])
bin_table = [bin_table, param]
avg_time = (min_time + max_time)/2
i = max(where(gen_time[sample] le avg_time))
j = sample[i]
param = create_struct( $
'PAR_NAME', par_name, $
'GEN_TIME', date_conv(gen_time[j], 'FITS'), $
'RAW_VAL', table.raw_val[j], $
'ENG_VAL', table.eng_val[j], $
'UNIT', table.unit[j], $
'DESCR', table.desc[j])
bin_table = [bin_table, param]
if product(table.eng_val[sample].matches('^-?[0-9]+')) then begin
min_val = min(float(table.eng_val[sample]), i)
j = sample[i]
param = create_struct( $
'PAR_NAME', par_name, $
'GEN_TIME', date_conv(gen_time[j], 'FITS'), $
'RAW_VAL', table.raw_val[j], $
'ENG_VAL', table.eng_val[j], $
'UNIT', table.unit[j], $
'DESCR', 'Min. value of ' + table.desc[j])
bin_table = [bin_table, param]
max_val = max(float(table.eng_val[sample]), i)
j = sample[i]
param = create_struct( $
'PAR_NAME', par_name, $
'GEN_TIME', date_conv(gen_time[j], 'FITS'), $
'RAW_VAL', table.raw_val[j], $
'ENG_VAL', table.eng_val[j], $
'UNIT', table.unit[j], $
'DESCR', 'Max. value of ' + table.desc[j])
bin_table = [bin_table, param]
param = create_struct( $
'PAR_NAME', par_name, $
'GEN_TIME', 'N/A', $
'RAW_VAL', string(mean(fix(table.raw_val[sample])), format = '(I0)'), $
'ENG_VAL', string(mean(double(table.eng_val[sample])), format = '(D0.16)'), $
'UNIT', (table.unit[sample])[0], $
'DESCR', 'Average value of ' + (table.desc[sample])[0])
bin_table = [bin_table, param]
return, bin_table
pro metis_l1_prep
; start the log
; start the log
journal, 'output/metis_l1_prep_log.txt'
; some definitions
metis_datatype = list( $
'vl-image', $ ; 0
'uv-image', $ ; 1
'pcu-accumul', $ ; 2
'vl-temp-matrix', $ ; 3
'uv-temp-matrix', $ ; 4
'vl-c-ray-mat', $ ; 5
'uv-c-ray-mat', $ ; 6
'pcu-event-list', $ ; 7
'pcu-test-event-list', $ ; 8
'light-curve' $ ; 9
'VL image', $ ; 0
'UV image', $ ; 1
'PCU accumulation matrix', $ ; 2
'VL temporal standard deviation', $ ; 3
'UV temporal standard deviation', $ ; 4
'VL cosmic-ray matrix', $ ; 5
'UV cosmic-ray matrix', $ ; 6
'PCU event list', $ ; 7
'PCU test event list', $ ; 8
'VL light-curve' $ ; 9
metis_obj_size = list( $
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ pro metis_l1_prep
fits_info, input.file_name, n_ext = n_ext, extname = extname, /silent
; read the primary hdu
ext_no = 0
data = mrdfits(input.file_name, ext_no, primary_header, /silent)
......@@ -120,25 +120,26 @@ pro metis_l1_prep
date_end = solo_obt2utc(decode_obt(obt_end, /from_double))
date_avg = solo_obt2utc(decode_obt(obt_avg, /from_double))
date_beg_string = strreplace(strreplace(strmid(date_beg, 0, 19), '-', ''), ':', '')
date_beg_string = strmid(date_beg, 0, 19)
date_beg_string = date_beg_string.replace('-', '')
date_beg_string = date_beg_string.replace(':', '')
journal, 'UTC time of start acquisition = ' + date_beg
; name of the fits file
file_name_fields = strsplit(fxpar(primary_header, 'FILENAME'), '_', /extract)
file_name = 'solo_l1_' + file_name_fields[2] + '_' + date_beg_string + '_v' + version + '.fits'
out_file_name = 'output/' + file_name
; exposure times
dit = float(fxpar(metadata_extension_header, 'DIT'))
telapse = float(obt_end - obt_beg)
dit = fxpar(metadata_extension_header, 'DIT')
telapse = obt_end - obt_beg
xposure = dit/1000.
; instrument keywords
; TODO - complete with filter information
if datatype eq 0 or datatype eq 3 or datatype eq 5 or datatype eq 9 then begin
filter = 'VL'
......@@ -175,15 +176,15 @@ pro metis_l1_prep
metadata_extension_header[j + 1 : k - 1], $
primary_header[i : *] $
; rebin the image if binning was applied during the acquisition
if fxpar(primary_header, 'COMPR') then bin_type = fxpar(primary_header, 'B0_BIN') else bin_type = 0
pol_id = fxpar(primary_header, 'POL_ID')
fpfilt = fxpar(primary_header, 'VLFPFILT', count = count)
if count gt 0 and pol_id eq 0 and fpfilt eq 0 and bin_type eq 0 then bin_type = 1
bin_fact = 2. ^ bin_type
if bin_fact gt 1. then begin
data = rebin(data, naxis1 / bin_fact, naxis2 / bin_fact, /sample)
......@@ -208,31 +209,31 @@ pro metis_l1_prep
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DATE-AVG', date_avg, 'Average time of observation', before = 'OBT_BEG'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DATE-END', date_end, 'End time of observation', before = 'OBT_BEG'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TIMESYS', 'UTC', 'System used for time keywords', before = 'OBT_BEG'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TIMRDER', 0.0, 'Estimated random error in time values', before = 'OBT_BEG'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TIMSYER', 0.0, 'Estimated systematic error in time values', before = 'OBT_BEG'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TIMRDER', 0.0, '[s] Estimated random error in time values', before = 'OBT_BEG'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TIMSYER', 0.0, '[s] Estimated systematic error in time values', before = 'OBT_BEG'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'LEVEL', 'L1'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'CREATOR', ''
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'OBSRVTRY', 'Solar Orbiter', 'Satellite name', before = 'INSTRUME'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TELESCOP', telescope, 'Telescope that took the measurement', before = 'INSTRUME'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DETECTOR', detector, 'Subunit/sensor', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'OBJECT', 'TBD', 'The use of the keyword OBJECT is [TBD]', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'OBS_MODE', planning_data.obs_mode, 'Observation mode or study that has been used to acquire this image', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'OBS_TYPE', obs_type, 'Subfield of OBS_ID that only contains an encoded version of OBS_MODE', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'OBS_MODE', planning_data.obs_mode, 'Observation mode', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'OBS_TYPE', obs_type, 'Encoded version of OBS_MODE', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'FILTER', filter, 'Filter used to acquire this image', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'WAVELNTH', wavelnth, 'Characteristic wavelength at which the observation was taken', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'WAVEMIN', wavemin, 'The shortest wavelength at which the net (approximate) response function becomes 0.05 times the maximum response. ', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'WAVEMAX', wavemax, 'The longest wavelength at which the net (approximate) response function becomes 0.05 times the maximum response', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'WAVEBAND', waveband, 'Description of the wavelength band', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'XPOSURE', xposure, 'Total effective exposure time of the observation, in seconds', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'NSUMEXP', 1, 'Number of images summed together to form the observation', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TELAPSE', telapse, 'Total elapsed time between the beginning and end of the complete observation in seconds, including any dead times between exposures', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'SOOPNAME', planning_data.soop_name, 'SOOP(s) that this observation belongs to', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'SOOPTYPE', soop_type, before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'OBS_ID', planning_data.obs_id, 'Unique identifier for the observation that is associated with the data acquisition', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TARGET', 'TBD', 'Taget as defined in the SOOP description', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'BSCALE', 1.0, before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'BZERO', 0.0, before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'BTYPE', strupcase(metis_datatype[datatype]), 'Science data object type', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'WAVELNTH', wavelnth, '[nm] Characteristic wavelength of observation', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'WAVEMIN', wavemin, '[nm] Min. wavelength where response > 0.05 of max.', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'WAVEMAX', wavemax, '[nm] Max. wavelength where response > 0.05 of max.', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'WAVEBAND', waveband, 'Bandpass description', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'XPOSURE', xposure, '[s] Total effective exposure time', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'NSUMEXP', 1, 'Number of detector readouts summed together', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TELAPSE', telapse, '[s] Elapsed time between beginning and end of observation', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'SOOPNAME', planning_data.soop_name, 'Name of the SOOP campaign that the data belong to', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'SOOPTYPE', soop_type, 'Campaign ID(s) that the data belong to', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'OBS_ID', planning_data.obs_id, 'Unique ID of the individual observation', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TARGET', 'TBD', 'Type of target from planning', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'BSCALE', 1., 'Ratio of physical to array value at 0 offset', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'BZERO', 0., 'Physical value for the array value 0', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'BTYPE', metis_datatype[datatype], 'Science data object type', before = 'DATAMIN'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'BUNIT', 'DN', 'Units of physical value, after application of BSCALE and BZERO', before = 'DATAMIN'
if datatype le 6 then begin
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'PXBEG1', 1, 'First pixel that has been read out in dimension 1', before = 'COMPRESS'
......@@ -252,19 +253,21 @@ pro metis_l1_prep
; replace raw values with calibrated values in the primary header
empty_params = !null
if datatype eq 0 or datatype eq 3 or datatype eq 5 then begin
; WARN - DACPOL parameters are not calibrated since a calibration curve does not exist in the IDB. Their calibration in physical units (e.g., voltages or angles) should be done later
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC1POL1', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E061', date_avg, empty_param = empty_param)
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC2POL1', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E062', date_avg, empty_param = empty_param)
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC1POL2', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E064', date_avg, empty_param = empty_param)
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC2POL2', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E065', date_avg, empty_param = empty_param)
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC1POL3', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E067', date_avg, empty_param = empty_param)
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC2POL3', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E068', date_avg, empty_param = empty_param)
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC1POL4', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E06A', date_avg, empty_param = empty_param)
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC2POL4', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E06B', date_avg, empty_param = empty_param)
; NOTE - DACPOL parameters are not calibrated since a calibration curve does not exist in the IDB. Their calibration in physical units (e.g., voltages or angles) should be done later
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC1POL1', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E061', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC2POL1', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E062', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC1POL2', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E064', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC2POL2', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E065', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC1POL3', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E067', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC2POL3', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E068', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC1POL4', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E06A', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC2POL4', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E06B', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TSENSOR ', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E0E0', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'PMPTEMP ', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0L00D', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
......@@ -276,18 +279,24 @@ pro metis_l1_prep
if datatype eq 1 or datatype eq 4 or datatype eq 6 then begin
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HVU_SCR ', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E070', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HVU_MCP ', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E071', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HV_SCR_V', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E0B7', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params), after = 'HVU_MCP'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HV_MCP_V', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E0B6', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params), after = 'HV_SCR_V'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HV_MCP_I', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E0BF', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params), after = 'HV_MCP_V'
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TSENSOR ', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E050', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
journal, 'Header keywords were calibrated using HK parameters:'
journal, ' HVU_SCR = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'HVU_SCR'), format = '(F0)')
journal, ' HVU_MCP = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'HVU_MCP'), format = '(F0)')
journal, ' TSENSOR = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'TSENSOR'), format = '(F0)')
journal, ' HVU_SCR = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'HVU_SCR'), format = '(F0)')
journal, ' HVU_MCP = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'HVU_MCP'), format = '(F0)')
journal, ' HV_SCR_V = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'HV_SCR_V'), format = '(F0)')
journal, ' HV_MCP_V = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'HV_MCP_V'), format = '(F0)')
journal, ' HV_MCP_I = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'HV_MCP_I'), format = '(F0)')
journal, ' TSENSOR = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'TSENSOR'), format = '(F0)')
if ~ isa(empty_params) then empty_params = ''
if empty_params eq !null then empty_params = ''
; replace verbose keyword values
key = fxpar(primary_header, 'MEASKIND', count = count)
if count gt 0 then begin
pol_id = fxpar(primary_header, 'POL_ID')
......@@ -348,12 +357,7 @@ pro metis_l1_prep
; modify keywords for file history
date = date_conv(systime(/julian, /utc), 'FITS')
old_history = fxpar(primary_header, 'HISTORY')
sxdelpar, primary_header, 'HISTORY'
history = ['L1 FITS file created on ' + date, old_history]
for k = 0, n_elements(history) - 1 do $
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HISTORY', history[k]
fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HISTORY', 'L1 FITS file created on ' + date
; modify keywords for comments
......@@ -374,7 +378,6 @@ pro metis_l1_prep
; add checksum and datasum to the fits header
; WARN - should this be done at the end? i don't know
fits_add_checksum, primary_header, image
......@@ -383,7 +386,6 @@ pro metis_l1_prep
journal, 'Fits file created:'
journal, ' file name = ' + out_file_name
; if applicable, save the data binary-table extension as it is
if isa(data_bin_table) then mwrfits, data_bin_table, 'output/' + file_name, data_extension_header, /no_comment, /silent
......@@ -400,19 +402,7 @@ pro metis_l1_prep
fxaddpar, hk_extension_header, 'GCOUNT', 1, 'Group count'
fxaddpar, hk_extension_header, 'EXTNAME', 'House-keeping', 'Extension name'
for i = 0, n_elements(hk_table.par_name) - 1 do begin
param = create_struct( $
'PAR_NAME', hk_table.par_name[i], $
'PACKET', hk_table.packet[i], $
'GEN_TIME', hk_table.gen_time[i], $
'REC_TIME', hk_table.rec_time[i], $
'RAW_VAL', hk_table.raw_val[i], $
'ENG_VAL', hk_table.eng_val[i], $
'UNIT', hk_table.unit[i], $
'DESCR', hk_table.desc[i] $
if ~ isa(hk_bin_table) then hk_bin_table = param else hk_bin_table = [hk_bin_table, param]
hk_bin_table = make_bin_table(hk_table)
mwrfits, hk_bin_table, out_file_name, hk_extension_header, /no_comment, /silent
......@@ -432,7 +422,7 @@ pro metis_l1_prep
log_file_name: 'output/metis_l1_prep_log.txt', $
empty_params : empty_params[uniq(empty_params)] $
json_write, output, 'output/contents.json'
journal, 'Output saved.'
......@@ -447,4 +437,4 @@ pro metis_l1_prep
journal, 'Errors occurred while processing.'
exit, status = 1
\ No newline at end of file
function strreplace, input, substring, replacement
return, strjoin(strsplit(input, substring, /extract, /preserve), replacement)
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