CCSDSpy is a library to read a data packet coming from a space mission that follows the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) standard
Current version **0.1.0**
## Installation
## Usage
@@ -13,11 +17,59 @@ dat = CCSDS('BepiColombo',packet)
wehre *packet* is a string with the HEX rappresentation of the pachet
## Limitation
## Data Structure
The CCSDS Header is composed by two blocks
The CCSDS Header is composed by two blocks:
+ the Source Packet Header
+ the Packet Data Field
The first one il long 48 bits the second one has a varble dimension and structure depending by the type and the content of the packet. in [Figure 1](#figure-1-telemetry-packet) is reported the structure for a Telemetry Packet.
The structure of the CCSDS class follow the structure of the packet header.