It seems that xjc does something wrong when retriving the imported XSD from the web, so the dependent files have been downloaded and relative path has been specified in `schemaLocation` attribute.
Some issues emerged in handling inheritance and namespaces in a way compatible both to JSON and XML formats. Moreover it was necessary to setup a workaround for filling the `xsi:type` of the root node:
In type field and removeType() method have been added:
// Used for generating missing type attribute for root node. For child nodes it is filled automatically.
/* This method exists to fix the issue with type attribute. See RemoveDuplicateTypeAdapter class. */
public void removeType() {
this.type = null;
For JSON compatibility the following has been added to (annotation on class):
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CUSTOM, property = "type", include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY)
The `@JsonTypeInfo` tells to Jackson that the field type is used to handle inheritance. A custom type id resolver has been created to handle the `vos:` prefix.
2 annotations have been added to each node subtype:
@XmlRootElement(name = "node")
`@XmlRootElement` is necessary to parse single nodes. The value `"node"` has been specified because by default the bean would be serialized as `<unstructuredDataNode>`.