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  • package tap;
     * This file is part of TAPLibrary.
     * TAPLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     * (at your option) any later version.
     * TAPLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
     * along with TAPLibrary.  If not, see <>.
     * Copyright 2012-2016 - UDS/Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS),
     *                       Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI)
    import tap.parameters.DALIUpload;
    import tap.parameters.TAPParameters;
    import uws.UWSException;
    import uws.job.ErrorSummary;
    import uws.job.ExecutionPhase;
    import uws.job.JobThread;
    import uws.job.Result;
    import uws.job.UWSJob;
    import uws.job.parameters.UWSParameters;
    import uws.job.user.JobOwner;
    import uws.service.log.UWSLog.LogLevel;
     * <p>Description of a TAP job. This class is used for asynchronous but also synchronous queries.</p>
     * <p>
     * 	On the contrary to {@link UWSJob}, it is loading parameters from {@link TAPParameters} instances rather than {@link UWSParameters}.
     * 	However, {@link TAPParameters} is an extension of {@link UWSParameters}. That's what allow the UWS library to use both {@link TAPJob} and {@link TAPParameters}.
     * </p>
     * @author Gr&eacute;gory Mantelet (CDS;ARI)
    public class TAPJob extends UWSJob {
    	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    	/** Name of the standard TAP parameter which specifies the type of request to execute: "REQUEST". */
    	public static final String PARAM_REQUEST = "request";
    	/** REQUEST value meaning an ADQL query must be executed: "doQuery". */
    	public static final String REQUEST_DO_QUERY = "doQuery";
    	/** REQUEST value meaning VO service capabilities must be returned: "getCapabilities". */
    	public static final String REQUEST_GET_CAPABILITIES = "getCapabilities";
    	/** Name of the standard TAP parameter which specifies the query language: "LANG". <i>(only the ADQL language is supported by default in this version of the library)</i> */
    	public static final String PARAM_LANGUAGE = "lang";
    	/** LANG value meaning ADQL language: "ADQL". */
    	public static final String LANG_ADQL = "ADQL";
    	/** LANG value meaning PQL language: "PQL". <i>(this language is not supported in this version of the library)</i> */
    	public static final String LANG_PQL = "PQL";
    	/** Name of the standard TAP parameter which specifies the version of the TAP protocol that must be used: "VERSION". <i>(only the version 1.0 is supported in this version of the library)</i> */
    	public static final String PARAM_VERSION = "version";
    	/** VERSION value meaning the version 1.0 of TAP: "1.0". */
    	public static final String VERSION_1_0 = "1.0";
    	/** Name of the standard TAP parameter which specifies the output format (format of a query result): "FORMAT". */
    	public static final String PARAM_FORMAT = "format";
    	/** FORMAT value meaning the VOTable format: "votable". */
    	public static final String FORMAT_VOTABLE = "votable";
    	/** Name of the standard TAP parameter which specifies the maximum number of rows that must be returned in the query result: "MAXREC". */
    	public static final String PARAM_MAX_REC = "maxRec";
    	/** Special MAXREC value meaning the number of output rows is not limited. */
    	public static final int UNLIMITED_MAX_REC = -1;
    	/** Name of the standard TAP parameter which specifies the query to execute: "QUERY". */
    	public static final String PARAM_QUERY = "query";
    	/** Name of the standard TAP parameter which defines the tables to upload in the database for the query execution: "UPLOAD". */
    	public static final String PARAM_UPLOAD = "upload";
    	/** Name of the library parameter which informs about a query execution progression: "PROGRESSION". <i>(this parameter is removed once the execution is finished)</i> */
    	public static final String PARAM_PROGRESSION = "progression";
    	/** Internal query execution report. */
    	protected TAPExecutionReport execReport = null;
    	/** Parameters of this job for its execution. */
    	protected final TAPParameters tapParams;
    	 * <p>Build a pending TAP job with the given parameters.</p>
    	 * <p><i><u>Note:</u> if the parameter {@link #PARAM_PHASE} (</i>phase<i>) is given with the value {@link #PHASE_RUN}
    	 * the job execution starts immediately after the job has been added to a job list or after {@link #applyPhaseParam(JobOwner)} is called.</i></p>
    	 * @param owner		User who owns this job. <i>MAY BE NULL</i>
    	 * @param tapParams	Set of parameters.
    	 * @throws TAPException	If one of the given parameters has a forbidden or wrong value.
    	public TAPJob(final JobOwner owner, final TAPParameters tapParams) throws TAPException{
    		super(owner, tapParams);
    		this.tapParams = tapParams;
    	 * <p>Build a pending TAP job with the given parameters.
    	 * The given HTTP request ID will be used as Job ID if not already used by another job.</p>
    	 * <p><i><u>Note:</u> if the parameter {@link #PARAM_PHASE} (</i>phase<i>) is given with the value {@link #PHASE_RUN}
    	 * the job execution starts immediately after the job has been added to a job list or after {@link #applyPhaseParam(JobOwner)} is called.</i></p>
    	 * @param owner		User who owns this job. <i>MAY BE NULL</i>
    	 * @param tapParams	Set of parameters.
    	 * @param requestID	ID of the HTTP request which has initiated the creation of this job.
    	 *                 	<i>Note: if NULL, empty or already used, a job ID will be generated thanks to {@link #generateJobId()}.</i>
    	 * @throws TAPException	If one of the given parameters has a forbidden or wrong value.
    	 * @since 2.1
    	public TAPJob(final JobOwner owner, final TAPParameters tapParams, final String requestID) throws TAPException{
    		super(owner, tapParams, requestID);
    		this.tapParams = tapParams;
    	 * <p>Restore a job in a state defined by the given parameters.
    	 * The phase must be set separately with {@link #setPhase(uws.job.ExecutionPhase, boolean)}, where the second parameter is true.</p>
    	 * @param jobID		ID of the job.
    	 * @param owner		User who owns this job.
    	 * @param params	Set of not-standard UWS parameters (i.e. what is called by {@link UWSJob} as additional parameters ; they includes all TAP parameters).
    	 * @param quote		Quote of this job.
    	 * @param startTime	Date/Time at which this job started. <i>(if not null, it means the job execution was finished, so a endTime should be provided)</i>
    	 * @param endTime	Date/Time at which this job finished.
    	 * @param results	List of results. <i>NULL if the job has not been executed, has been aborted or finished with an error.</i>
    	 * @param error		Error with which this job ends.
    	 * @throws TAPException	If one of the given parameters has a forbidden or wrong value.
    	public TAPJob(final String jobID, final JobOwner owner, final TAPParameters params, final long quote, final long startTime, final long endTime, final List<Result> results, final ErrorSummary error) throws TAPException{
    		super(jobID, owner, params, quote, startTime, endTime, results, error);
    		this.tapParams = params;
    	 * Get the object storing and managing the set of all (UWS and TAP) parameters.
    	 * @return The object managing all job parameters.
    	 * <p>Get the value of the REQUEST parameter.</p>
    	 * <p>This value must be {@value #REQUEST_DO_QUERY}.</p>
    	 * @return	REQUEST value.
    	public final String getRequest(){
    		return tapParams.getRequest();
    	 * Get the value of the FORMAT parameter.
    	 * @return	FORMAT value.
    	public final String getFormat(){
    		return tapParams.getFormat();
    	 * <p>Get the value of the LANG parameter.</p>
    	 * <p>This value should always be {@value #LANG_ADQL} in this version of the library</p>
    	 * @return	LANG value.
    	public final String getLanguage(){
    		return tapParams.getLang();
    	 * <p>Get the value of the MAXREC parameter.</p>
    	 * <p>If this value is negative, it means the number of output rows is not limited.</p>
    	 * @return	MAXREC value.
    	public final int getMaxRec(){
    		return tapParams.getMaxRec();
    	 * Get the value of the QUERY parameter (i.e. the query, in the language returned by {@link #getLanguage()}, to execute).
    	 * @return	QUERY value.
    	public final String getQuery(){
    		return tapParams.getQuery();
    	 * <p>Get the value of the VERSION parameter.</p>
    	 * <p>This value should be {@value #VERSION_1_0} in this version of the library.</p>
    	 * @return	VERSION value.
    	public final String getVersion(){
    		return tapParams.getVersion();
    	 * <p>Get the value of the UPLOAD parameter.</p>
    	 * <p>This value must be formatted as specified by the TAP standard (= a semicolon separated list of DALI uploads).</p>
    	 * @return	UPLOAD value.
    	public final String getUpload(){
    		return tapParams.getUpload();
    	 * <p>Get the list of tables to upload in the database for the query execution.</p>
    	 * <p>The returned array is an interpretation of the UPLOAD parameter.</p>
    	 * @return	List of tables to upload.
    	public final DALIUpload[] getTablesToUpload(){
    		return tapParams.getUploadedTables();
    	 * <p>Get the execution report.</p>
    	 * <p>
    	 * 	This report is available only during or after the job execution.
    	 * 	It tells in which step the execution is, and how long was the previous steps.
    	 * 	It can also give more information about the number of resulting rows and columns.
    	 * </p>
    	 * @return The execReport.
    	public final TAPExecutionReport getExecReport(){
    	 * <p>Set the execution report.</p>
    	 * <p><b>IMPORTANT:
    	 * 	This function can be called only if the job is running or is being restored, otherwise an exception would be thrown.
    	 * 	It should not be used by implementors, but only by the internal library processing.
    	 * </b></p>
    	 * @param execReport	An execution report.
    	 * @throws UWSException	If this job has never been restored and is not running.
    	public final void setExecReport(final TAPExecutionReport execReport) throws UWSException{
    		if (getRestorationDate() == null && (thread == null || thread.isFinished()))
    			throw new UWSException("Impossible to set an execution report if the job is not in the EXECUTING phase ! Here, the job \"" + jobId + "\" is in the phase " + getPhase());
    	 * <p>Create the thread to use for the execution of this job.</p>
    	 * <p><i>Note: If the job already exists, this function does nothing.</i></p>
    	 * @throws NullPointerException	If the factory returned NULL rather than the asked {@link JobThread}.
    	 * @throws UWSException			If the thread creation fails.
    	 * @see TAPFactory#createJobThread(UWSJob)
    	 * @since 2.0
    	private final void createThread() throws NullPointerException, UWSException{
    		if (thread == null){
    			thread = getFactory().createJobThread(this);
    			if (thread == null)
    				throw new NullPointerException("Missing job work! The thread created by the factory is NULL => The job can't be executed!");
    	 * <p>Check whether this job is able to start right now.</p>
    	 * <p>
    	 * 	Basically, this function try to get a database connection. If none is available,
    	 * 	then this job can not start and this function return FALSE. In all the other cases,
    	 * 	TRUE is returned.
    	 * </p>
    	 * <p><b>Warning:</b> This function will indirectly open and keep a database connection, so that the job can be started just after its call.
    	 * If it turns out that the execution won't start just after this call, the DB connection should be closed in some way in order to save database resources.</i></p>
    	 * @return	<i>true</i> if this job can start right now, <i>false</i> otherwise.
    	 * @since 2.0
    	public final boolean isReadyForExecution(){
    		return thread != null && ((AsyncThread)thread).isReadyForExecution();
    	public final void start(final boolean useManager) throws UWSException{
    		// This job must know its jobs list and this jobs list must know its UWS:
    		if (getJobList() == null || getJobList().getUWS() == null)
    			throw new IllegalStateException("A TAPJob can not start if it is not linked to a job list or if its job list is not linked to a UWS.");
    		// If already running do nothing:
    		else if (isRunning())
    		// If asked propagate this request to the execution manager:
    		else if (useManager){
    			// Create its corresponding thread, if not already existing:
    			// Ask to the execution manager to test whether the job is ready for execution, and if, execute it (by calling this function with "false" as parameter):
    		}// Otherwise start directly the execution:
    			// Create its corresponding thread, if not already existing:
    			if (!isReadyForExecution()){
    				UWSException ue = new NoDBConnectionAvailableException();
    				((TAPLog)getLogger()).logDB(LogLevel.ERROR, null, "CONNECTION_LACK", "No more database connection available for the moment!", ue);
    				getLogger().logJob(LogLevel.ERROR, this, "ERROR", "Asynchronous job " + jobId + " execution aborted: no database connection available!", null);
    				throw ue;
    			// Change the job phase:
    			// Set the start time:
    			setStartTime(new Date());
    			// Run the job:
    			(new JobTimeOut()).start();
    			// Log the start of this job:
    			getLogger().logJob(LogLevel.INFO, this, "START", "Job \"" + jobId + "\" started.", null);
    	/** @since 2.1 */
    	protected void stop(){
    		if (!isStopped()){
    				stopping = true;
    				// Interrupts the thread:
    				// Cancel the query execution if any currently running:
    				// Wait a little for its end:
    				if (waitForStop > 0){
    					}catch(InterruptedException ie){
    						getLogger().logJob(LogLevel.WARNING, this, "END", "Unexpected InterruptedException while waiting for the end of the execution of the job \"" + jobId + "\" (thread ID: " + thread.getId() + ")!", ie);
    	 * This exception is thrown by a job execution when no database connection are available anymore.
    	 * @author Gr&eacute;gory Mantelet (ARI)
    	 * @version 2.0 (02/2015)
    	 * @since 2.0
    	public static class NoDBConnectionAvailableException extends UWSException {
    		private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    		public NoDBConnectionAvailableException(){
    			super("Service momentarily too busy! Please try again later.");