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  • gmantele's avatar
    [TAP] Finish fixing the transaction management bug. · 5ac8f1fb
    gmantele authored
    See the commit bd621842,
    for the first part of the fix (which actually did not really
    fixed the problem: connections "idle in transaction" were
    still in the database ; the connection being inside an opened transaction,
    it generates lock issues in the database in addition of probably taking
    some memory resources).
    [TAP] Finish fixing the transaction management bug.
    gmantele authored
    See the commit bd621842,
    for the first part of the fix (which actually did not really
    fixed the problem: connections "idle in transaction" were
    still in the database ; the connection being inside an opened transaction,
    it generates lock issues in the database in addition of probably taking
    some memory resources).