gmantele authored
[TAP,UWS] Small log corrections (for Thread logs, display the thread name rather than the ID ; the job id was forgotten in the log of CHANGE_PHASE ; build a UWSException with the given throwable message as message ; in log TAP for the event EXECUTING, the memory address of the ADQLQuery object was displayed rather than of the ADQL query expression ; display the stack trace of the SQLException.getNextException() when calling logDB)
gmantele authored[TAP,UWS] Small log corrections (for Thread logs, display the thread name rather than the ID ; the job id was forgotten in the log of CHANGE_PHASE ; build a UWSException with the given throwable message as message ; in log TAP for the event EXECUTING, the memory address of the ADQLQuery object was displayed rather than of the ADQL query expression ; display the stack trace of the SQLException.getNextException() when calling logDB)