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Commit 8e2fa9ff authored by gmantele's avatar gmantele
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[ADQL] Complete commit "Re-Fix GROUP BY's columns handling"


It was not possible to use a GROUP BY with a qualified column name.
So finally, now, a GROUP BY is a ClauseADQL<ADQLColumn> instead of
a ClauseADQL<ColumnReference>. Indeed, according to the ADQL's BNF,
GROUP BY items are only columns as they would appear in the SELECT
clause (i.e. qualified or not, delimited or not). On the other
hand an ORDER BY accepts ONLY column index or non-qualified column

The class ColumnReference is kept for backward compatibility (or in
case the next version of the ADQL grammar make items of GROUP BY and
ORDER BY of the same type: index or qualified column). Besides, this
class is still inherited for the ORDER BY clause items
(see adql.query.ADQLOrder).
parent e3be1964
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