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Commit cf721ff2 authored by gmantele's avatar gmantele
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[ADQL,TAP] Basic MySQL support.

On the contrary to other DBMS, MySQL supports schemas, but as databases.
Which means that JDBCConnection gets from the JDBC driver that MySQL does
not support schemas and so it tries to access TAP_SCHEMA tables with a
'TAP_SCHEMA_' prefix instead of 'TAP_SCHEMA.' one. Since MySQL does
behave like it supports schemas, JDBCConnection.supportsSchema must be
set to 'true' if the DBMS is MySQL.

Besides, since no schemas are returned by the JDBC driver
(cf DatabaseMetadata.listSchema(...)), the function
JDBCConnection.isSchemaExisting(String, DatabaseMetaData) must always assume
that the specified schema exists if the DBMS is MySQL. This is particularly
important when the existence of 'TAP_UPLOAD' must be checked, because if the
function returns 'false' the library will attempt to create the database/schema
'TAP_UPLOAD' and will obviously fail due to a lack of permissions. Of course,
it means that the TAP implementor must create manually the schema/database
'TAP_UPLOAD' him-/her-self.

The second particularity of MySQL is the quote character for identifiers.
It is a back-quote (`) instead of a double quote ("). To reflect this
difference, JDBCTranslator.appendIdentifier(...) has been overwritten in a new
JDBCTranslator extension: MySQLTranslator.

The translation of all SQL types and mathematical functions have been adapted to
MySQL according to the online documentation. Few tests have been done locally
with a tiny database. This seems to work but further testing should be
performed in order to ensure the stability of this implementation.
parent f7989175
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package adql.translator;
import adql.db.DBType;
import adql.db.DBType.DBDatatype;
import adql.db.STCS.Region;
import adql.parser.ParseException;
import adql.query.IdentifierField;
import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.AreaFunction;
import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.BoxFunction;
import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.CentroidFunction;
import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.CircleFunction;
import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ContainsFunction;
import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.DistanceFunction;
import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ExtractCoord;
import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ExtractCoordSys;
import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.IntersectsFunction;
import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.PointFunction;
import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.PolygonFunction;
import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.RegionFunction;
* This file is part of ADQLLibrary.
* ADQLLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ADQLLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with ADQLLibrary. If not, see <>.
* Copyright 2017 - Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI)
* <p>Translates all ADQL objects into an SQL interrogation query designed for MySQL.</p>
* <p><i><b>Important</b>:
* The geometrical functions are translated exactly as in ADQL.
* You will probably need to extend this translator to correctly manage the geometrical functions.
* </i></p>
* @author Gr&eacute;gory Mantelet (ARI)
* @version 2.1 (08/2017)
* @since 2.1
public class MySQLTranslator extends JDBCTranslator {
/** MySQL requires a length for variable-length types such as CHAR, VARCHAR,
* BINARY and VARBINARY. This static attributes is the default value set
* by this translator if no length is specified. */
public static int DEFAULT_VARIABLE_LENGTH = 200;
/** Indicate the case sensitivity to apply to each SQL identifier
* (only SCHEMA, TABLE and COLUMN).
* <p><i>Note:
* In this implementation, this field is set by the constructor and never
* modified elsewhere. It would be better to never modify it after the
* construction in order to keep a certain consistency.
* </i></p>
protected byte caseSensitivity = 0x00;
* Build a MySQLTranslator which always translates in SQL all identifiers
* (schema, table and column) in a case sensitive manner ; in other words,
* schema, table and column names will be surrounded by back-quotes in the
* SQL translation.
public MySQLTranslator(){
caseSensitivity = 0x0F;
* Build a MySQLTranslator which will always translate in SQL identifiers
* with the defined case sensitivity.
* @param catalog <i>true</i> to translate catalog names with back-quotes
* (case sensitive in the DBMS), <i>false</i> otherwise.
* @param schema <i>true</i> to translate schema names with back-quotes
* (case sensitive in the DBMS), <i>false</i> otherwise.
* @param table <i>true</i> to translate table names with back-quotes
* (case sensitive in the DBMS), <i>false</i> otherwise.
* @param column <i>true</i> to translate column names with back-quotes
* (case sensitive in the DBMS), <i>false</i> otherwise.
public MySQLTranslator(final boolean allCaseSensitive){
caseSensitivity = allCaseSensitive ? (byte)0x0F : (byte)0x00;
* Build a MySQLTranslator which always translates in SQL all identifiers
* (schema, table and column) in the specified case sensitivity ; in other
* words, schema, table and column names will all be surrounded or not by
* back-quotes in the SQL translation.
* @param allCaseSensitive <i>true</i> to translate all identifiers in a
* case sensitive manner
* (surrounded by back-quotes),
* <i>false</i> for case insensitivity.
public MySQLTranslator(final boolean catalog, final boolean schema, final boolean table, final boolean column){
caseSensitivity = IdentifierField.CATALOG.setCaseSensitive(caseSensitivity, catalog);
caseSensitivity = IdentifierField.SCHEMA.setCaseSensitive(caseSensitivity, schema);
caseSensitivity = IdentifierField.TABLE.setCaseSensitive(caseSensitivity, table);
caseSensitivity = IdentifierField.COLUMN.setCaseSensitive(caseSensitivity, column);
public boolean isCaseSensitive(final IdentifierField field){
return field == null ? false : field.isCaseSensitive(caseSensitivity);
public StringBuffer appendIdentifier(final StringBuffer str, final String id, final boolean caseSensitive){
/* Note: In MySQL the identifier quoting character is a back-quote. */
if (caseSensitive && !id.matches("\"[^\"]*\""))
return str.append('`').append(id).append('`');
return str.append(id);
/* ********************************************************************** */
/* * * */
/* * * */
/* ********************************************************************** */
public DBType convertTypeFromDB(final int dbmsType, final String rawDbmsTypeName, String dbmsTypeName, final String[] params){
// If no type is provided return VARCHAR:
if (dbmsTypeName == null || dbmsTypeName.trim().length() == 0)
return null;
// Put the dbmsTypeName in lower case for the following comparisons:
dbmsTypeName = dbmsTypeName.toLowerCase();
// Extract the length parameter (always the first one):
int lengthParam = DBType.NO_LENGTH;
if (params != null && params.length > 0){
lengthParam = Integer.parseInt(params[0]);
}catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
if (dbmsTypeName.equals("smallint") || dbmsTypeName.equals("tinyint") || dbmsTypeName.equals("bool") || dbmsTypeName.equals("boolean"))
return new DBType(DBDatatype.SMALLINT);
else if (dbmsTypeName.equals("integer") || dbmsTypeName.equals("int") || dbmsTypeName.equals("mediumint"))
return new DBType(DBDatatype.INTEGER);
else if (dbmsTypeName.equals("bigint"))
return new DBType(DBDatatype.BIGINT);
else if (dbmsTypeName.equals("float") || dbmsTypeName.equals("real"))
return new DBType(DBDatatype.REAL);
else if (dbmsTypeName.equals("double") || dbmsTypeName.equals("double precision") || dbmsTypeName.equals("dec") || dbmsTypeName.equals("decimal") || dbmsTypeName.equals("numeric") || dbmsTypeName.equals("fixed"))
return new DBType(DBDatatype.DOUBLE);
else if (dbmsTypeName.equals("bit") || dbmsTypeName.equals("binary") || dbmsTypeName.equals("char byte"))
return new DBType(DBDatatype.BINARY, lengthParam);
else if (dbmsTypeName.equals("varbinary"))
return new DBType(DBDatatype.VARBINARY, lengthParam);
else if (dbmsTypeName.equals("char") || dbmsTypeName.equals("character") || dbmsTypeName.equals("nchar") || dbmsTypeName.equals("national char"))
return new DBType(DBDatatype.CHAR, lengthParam);
else if (dbmsTypeName.equals("varchar") || dbmsTypeName.equals("character varying") || dbmsTypeName.equals("nvarchar") || dbmsTypeName.equals("national varchar"))
return new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR, lengthParam);
else if (dbmsTypeName.equals("blob") || dbmsTypeName.equals("tinyblob") || dbmsTypeName.equals("mediumblob") || dbmsTypeName.equals("longblob"))
return new DBType(DBDatatype.BLOB);
else if (dbmsTypeName.equals("text") || dbmsTypeName.equals("tinytext") || dbmsTypeName.equals("mediumtext") || dbmsTypeName.equals("longtext"))
return new DBType(DBDatatype.CLOB);
else if (dbmsTypeName.equals("timestamp") || dbmsTypeName.equals("date") || dbmsTypeName.equals("datetime") || dbmsTypeName.equals("time") || dbmsTypeName.equals("year"))
return new DBType(DBDatatype.TIMESTAMP);
// Default:
return null;
public String convertTypeToDB(final DBType type){
if (type == null)
case REAL:
case BIGINT:
return type.type.toString();
case DOUBLE:
case CHAR:
case BINARY:
return type.type.toString() + "(" + (type.length > 0 ? type.length : DEFAULT_VARIABLE_LENGTH) + ")";
case BLOB:
return "BLOB";
case CLOB:
return "TEXT";
case POINT:
case REGION:
public Region translateGeometryFromDB(final Object jdbcColValue) throws ParseException{
throw new ParseException("Unsupported geometrical value! The value \"" + jdbcColValue + "\" can not be parsed as a region.");
public Object translateGeometryToDB(final Region region) throws ParseException{
throw new ParseException("Geometries can not be uploaded in the database in this implementation!");
/* ********************************************************************** */
/* * * */
/* * * */
/* ********************************************************************** */
public String translate(ExtractCoord extractCoord) throws TranslationException{
return getDefaultADQLFunction(extractCoord);
public String translate(ExtractCoordSys extractCoordSys) throws TranslationException{
return getDefaultADQLFunction(extractCoordSys);
public String translate(AreaFunction areaFunction) throws TranslationException{
return getDefaultADQLFunction(areaFunction);
public String translate(CentroidFunction centroidFunction) throws TranslationException{
return getDefaultADQLFunction(centroidFunction);
public String translate(DistanceFunction fct) throws TranslationException{
return getDefaultADQLFunction(fct);
public String translate(ContainsFunction fct) throws TranslationException{
return getDefaultADQLFunction(fct);
public String translate(IntersectsFunction fct) throws TranslationException{
return getDefaultADQLFunction(fct);
public String translate(BoxFunction box) throws TranslationException{
return getDefaultADQLFunction(box);
public String translate(CircleFunction circle) throws TranslationException{
return getDefaultADQLFunction(circle);
public String translate(PointFunction point) throws TranslationException{
return getDefaultADQLFunction(point);
public String translate(PolygonFunction polygon) throws TranslationException{
return getDefaultADQLFunction(polygon);
public String translate(RegionFunction region) throws TranslationException{
return getDefaultADQLFunction(region);
......@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@ package tap.config;
* This file is part of TAPLibrary.
* TAPLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* TAPLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with TAPLibrary. If not, see <>.
* Copyright 2016 - Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI)
* Copyright 2016-2017 - Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI)
import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.DEFAULT_BACKUP_BY_USER;
......@@ -33,9 +33,11 @@ import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_SQL_TRANSLATOR;
import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_JDBC;
import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_JDBC_DRIVERS;
import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_JNDI;
import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_MYSQL;
import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_NEVER;
import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_PGSPHERE;
import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_POSTGRESQL;
import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_SQLSERVER;
import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_USER_ACTION;
import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.getProperty;
......@@ -50,8 +52,10 @@ import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import adql.translator.JDBCTranslator;
import adql.translator.MySQLTranslator;
import adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator;
import adql.translator.PostgreSQLTranslator;
import adql.translator.SQLServerTranslator;
import tap.AbstractTAPFactory;
import tap.ServiceConnection;
import tap.TAPException;
......@@ -66,15 +70,15 @@ import uws.service.log.UWSLog.LogLevel;
* <p>Concrete implementation of a {@link TAPFactory} which is parameterized by a TAP configuration file.</p>
* <p>
* All abstract or NULL-implemented methods/functions left by {@link AbstractTAPFactory} are implemented using values
* of a TAP configuration file. The concerned methods are: {@link #getConnection(String)}, {@link #freeConnection(DBConnection)},
* {@link #destroy()}, {@link #createADQLTranslator()} and {@link #createUWSBackupManager(UWSService)}.
* </p>
* @author Gr&eacute;gory Mantelet (ARI)
* @version 2.1 (04/2016)
* @version 2.1 (08/2017)
* @since 2.0
public class ConfigurableTAPFactory extends AbstractTAPFactory {
......@@ -111,10 +115,10 @@ public class ConfigurableTAPFactory extends AbstractTAPFactory {
* Build a {@link TAPFactory} using the given TAP service description and TAP configuration file.
* @param service The TAP service description.
* @param tapConfig The TAP configuration file containing particularly information about the database access.
* @throws NullPointerException If one of the parameter is NULL.
* @throws TAPException If some properties of the TAP configuration file are wrong.
......@@ -200,11 +204,19 @@ public class ConfigurableTAPFactory extends AbstractTAPFactory {
else if (sqlTranslator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_PGSPHERE))
translator = PgSphereTranslator.class;
// case d: a client defined ADQLTranslator (with the provided class name)
// case d: SQLServer translator
else if (sqlTranslator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_SQLSERVER))
translator = SQLServerTranslator.class;
// case e: MySQL translator
else if (sqlTranslator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_MYSQL))
translator = MySQLTranslator.class;
// case f: a client defined ADQLTranslator (with the provided class name)
else if (TAPConfiguration.isClassName(sqlTranslator))
translator = TAPConfiguration.fetchClass(sqlTranslator, KEY_SQL_TRANSLATOR, JDBCTranslator.class);
// case e: unsupported value
// case g: unsupported value
throw new TAPException("Unsupported value for the property " + KEY_SQL_TRANSLATOR + ": \"" + sqlTranslator + "\" !");
......@@ -244,7 +256,7 @@ public class ConfigurableTAPFactory extends AbstractTAPFactory {
* Build a {@link JDBCTranslator} instance with the given class ({@link #translator} ;
* specified by the property sql_translator). If the instance can not be build,
* whatever is the reason, a TAPException MUST be thrown.
* Note: This function is called at the initialization of {@link ConfigurableTAPFactory}
* in order to check that a translator can be created.
......@@ -262,7 +274,7 @@ public class ConfigurableTAPFactory extends AbstractTAPFactory {
* Build a {@link JDBCConnection} thanks to the database parameters specified
* in the TAP configuration file (the properties: jdbc_driver_path, db_url, db_user, db_password).
* @see JDBCConnection#JDBCConnection(java.sql.Connection, JDBCTranslator, String, tap.log.TAPLog)
* @see JDBCConnection#JDBCConnection(String, String, String, String, JDBCTranslator, String, tap.log.TAPLog)
......@@ -317,11 +329,11 @@ public class ConfigurableTAPFactory extends AbstractTAPFactory {
* Build an {@link DefaultTAPBackupManager} thanks to the backup manager parameters specified
* in the TAP configuration file (the properties: backup_frequency, backup_by_user).
* Note: If the specified backup_frequency is negative, no backup manager is returned.
* @return null if the specified backup frequency is negative, or an instance of {@link DefaultTAPBackupManager} otherwise.
* @see tap.AbstractTAPFactory#createUWSBackupManager(uws.service.UWSService)
* @see DefaultTAPBackupManager
......@@ -2,20 +2,20 @@ package tap.config;
* This file is part of TAPLibrary.
* TAPLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* TAPLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with TAPLibrary. If not, see <>.
* Copyright 2015-2017 - Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI)
......@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ import tap.backup.DefaultTAPBackupManager;
* <p>Utility class gathering tool functions and properties' names useful to deal with a TAP configuration file.</p>
* <p><i>This class implements the Design Pattern "Utility": no instance of this class can be created, it can not be extended,
* and it must be used only thanks to its static classes and attributes.</i></p>
* @author Gr&eacute;gory Mantelet (ARI)
* @version 2.1 (03/2017)
* @version 2.1 (08/2017)
* @since 2.0
public final class TAPConfiguration {
......@@ -134,6 +134,12 @@ public final class TAPConfiguration {
public final static String VALUE_POSTGRESQL = "postgres";
/** Value of the property {@link #KEY_SQL_TRANSLATOR} to select a PgSphere translator. */
public final static String VALUE_PGSPHERE = "pgsphere";
/** Value of the property {@link #KEY_SQL_TRANSLATOR} to select an SQLServer translator.
* @since 2.1*/
public final static String VALUE_SQLSERVER = "sqlserver";
/** Value of the property {@link #KEY_SQL_TRANSLATOR} to select a MySQL translator.
* @since 2.1*/
public final static String VALUE_MYSQL = "mysql";
/** Name/Key of the property specifying by how many rows the library should fetch a query result from the database.
* This is the fetch size for to apply for synchronous queries. */
public final static String KEY_SYNC_FETCH_SIZE = "sync_fetch_size";
......@@ -295,10 +301,10 @@ public final class TAPConfiguration {
* <li>The returned property value is trimmed (no space at the beginning and at the end of the string).</li>
* <li>If the value is empty (length=0), NULL is returned.</li>
* </ul>
* @param prop List of property
* @param key Property whose the value is requested.
* @return Return property value.
public final static String getProperty(final Properties prop, final String key){
......@@ -317,11 +323,11 @@ public final class TAPConfiguration {
* Test whether a property value is a class name.
* Expected syntax: a non-empty string surrounded by brackets ('{' and '}').
* Note: The class name itself is not checked!
* @param value Property value.
* @return <i>true</i> if the given value is formatted as a class name, <i>false</i> otherwise.
public final static boolean isClassName(final String value){
......@@ -330,16 +336,16 @@ public final class TAPConfiguration {
* Fetch the class object corresponding to the class name provided between brackets in the given value.
* @param value Value which is supposed to contain the class name between brackets (see {@link #isClassName(String)} for more details)
* @param propertyName Name of the property associated with the parameter "value".
* @param expectedType Type of the class expected to be returned ; it is also the type which parameterizes this function: C.
* @return The corresponding Class object.
* @throws TAPException If the class name is incorrect
* or if its type is not compatible with the parameterized type C (represented by the parameter "expectedType").
* @see #isClassName(String)
......@@ -366,18 +372,18 @@ public final class TAPConfiguration {
* Test whether the specified class has a constructor with the specified parameters.
* @param propValue Value which is supposed to contain the class name between brackets (see {@link #isClassName(String)} for more details)
* @param propName Name of the property associated with the parameter "propValue".
* @param expectedType Type of the class expected to be returned ; it is also the type which parameterizes this function: C.
* @param pTypes List of each constructor parameter type. Each type MUST be exactly the type declared in the class constructor to select. <i>NULL or empty array if no parameter.</i>
* @return <code>true</code> if the specified class has a constructor with the specified parameters,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @throws TAPException If the class name is incorrect
* or if its type is not compatible with the parameterized type C (represented by the parameter "expectedType").
* @since 2.1
public final static < C > boolean hasConstructor(final String propValue, final String propName, final Class<C> expectedType, final Class<?>[] pTypes) throws TAPException{
......@@ -401,20 +407,20 @@ public final class TAPConfiguration {
* <p>Create an instance of the specified class. The class name is expected to be surrounded by {} in the given value.</p>
* <p>The instance is created using the empty constructor of the specified class.</p>
* @param propValue Value which is supposed to contain the class name between brackets (see {@link #isClassName(String)} for more details)
* @param propName Name of the property associated with the parameter "propValue".
* @param expectedType Type of the class expected to be returned ; it is also the type which parameterizes this function: C.
* @return The corresponding instance.
* @throws TAPException If the class name is incorrect
* or if its type is not compatible with the parameterized type C (represented by the parameter "expectedType")
* or if the specified class has no empty constructor
* or if an error occurred while calling this constructor.
* @see #isClassName(String)
* @see #fetchClass(String, String, Class)
......@@ -424,25 +430,25 @@ public final class TAPConfiguration {
* <p>Create an instance of the specified class. The class name is expected to be surrounded by {} in the given value.</p>
* <p><b>IMPORTANT:</b>
* The instance is created using the constructor whose the declaration matches exactly with the given list of parameter types.
* The number and types of given parameters MUST match exactly to the list of parameter types.
* </p>
* @param propValue Value which is supposed to contain the class name between brackets (see {@link #isClassName(String)} for more details)
* @param propName Name of the property associated with the parameter "propValue".
* @param expectedType Type of the class expected to be returned ; it is also the type which parameterizes this function: C.
* @param pTypes List of each constructor parameter type. Each type MUST be exactly the type declared in the class constructor to select. <i>NULL or empty array if no parameter.</i>
* @param parameters List of all constructor parameters. The number of object MUST match exactly the number of classes provided in the parameter pTypes. <i>NULL or empty array if no parameter.</i>
* @return The corresponding instance.
* @throws TAPException If the class name is incorrect
* or if its type is not compatible with the parameterized type C (represented by the parameter "expectedType")
* or if the constructor with the specified parameters can not be found
* or if an error occurred while calling this constructor.
* @see #isClassName(String)
* @see #fetchClass(String, String, Class)
......@@ -502,13 +508,13 @@ public final class TAPConfiguration {
* If the unit is not specified, it is set by default to ROWS.
* </p>
* <p><i>Note: If the value is strictly less than 0 (whatever is the unit), the returned value will be -1.</i></p>
* @param value Property value (must follow the limit syntax: num_val[unit] ; ex: 20kB or 2000 (for 2000 rows)).
* @param propertyName Name of the property which specify the limit.
* @param areBytesAllowed Tells whether the unit BYTES is allowed. If not and a BYTES unit is encountered, then an exception is thrown.
* @return An array with always 2 items: [0]=numeric value (of type Integer), [1]=unit (of type {@link LimitUnit}).
* @throws TAPException If the syntax is incorrect or if a not allowed unit has been used.
public final static Object[] parseLimit(String value, final String propertyName, final boolean areBytesAllowed) throws TAPException{
......@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@
<p>The translator to use in order to translate ADQL to a SQL compatible with the used DBMS and its spatial extension.</p>
<p>The TAP library supports only Postgresql (without spatial extension) and PgSphere for the moment. But you can provide your own SQL translator
<p>The TAP library supports only Postgresql (no spatial extension), PostgreSQL+PgSphere, SQLServer (no spatial extension) and MySQL (no spatial extension) for the moment. But you can provide your own SQL translator
(even if it does not have spatial features), by providing the name of a class (within brackets: {...}) that implements ADQLTranslator and which have at least an empty constructor.</p>
<tr class="optional">
<td class="done">sync_fetch_size</td>
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# #
# TAP Version: 2.1 #
# Date: 03 Feb. 2017 #
# Date: 02 Aug. 2017 #
# Author: Gregory Mantelet (ARI) #
# #
......@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ database_access =
# The translator to use in order to translate ADQL to a SQL compatible with the used DBMS and its spatial extension.
# The TAP library supports only Postgresql (without spatial extension) and PgSphere for the moment. But you can provide your own SQL translator
# The TAP library supports only Postgresql (no spatial extension), PostgreSQL+PgSphere, SQLServer (no spatial extension) and MySQL (no spatial extension) for the moment. But you can provide your own SQL translator
# (even if it does not have spatial features), by providing the name of a class (within brackets: {...}) that implements ADQLTranslator (for instance: {apackage.MyADQLTranslator})
# and which have at least an empty constructor.
# Allowed values: postgres, pgsphere, a class name
# Allowed values: postgres, pgsphere, sqlserver, mysql, a class name
sql_translator = postgres
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# #
# TAP Version: 2.1 #
# Date: 03 Feb. 2017 #
# Date: 02 Aug. 2017 #
# Author: Gregory Mantelet (ARI) #
# #
......@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ database_access =
# The translator to use in order to translate ADQL to a SQL compatible with the used DBMS and its spatial extension.
# The TAP library supports only Postgresql (without spatial extension) and PgSphere for the moment. But you can provide your own SQL translator
# The TAP library supports only Postgresql (no spatial extension), PostgreSQL+PgSphere, SQLServer (no spatial extension) and MySQL (no spatial extension) for the moment. But you can provide your own SQL translator
# (even if it does not have spatial features), by providing the name of a class (within brackets: {...}) that implements ADQLTranslator (for instance: {apackage.MyADQLTranslator})
# and which have at least an empty constructor.
# Allowed values: postgres, pgsphere, a class name
# Allowed values: postgres, pgsphere, sqlserver, mysql, a class name
sql_translator = postgres
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