- Mar 11, 2015
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add a configuration file property: 'coordinate_systems'. It lets list all allowed coordinate systems. By default, the list is empty, meaning that any is allowed.
gmantele authored
[TAP] Automatic research of the TAP configuration file is done only in the classpath, in WEB-INF and in META-INF. The rest is the Web Application directory is ignored, for security considerations (i.e. otherwise, the library would allow TAP administrators to make the configuration file public....only WEB-INF and META-INF are not public).
- Mar 10, 2015
gmantele authored
[TAP] Rename the property 'output_add_formats' into 'output_formats' & Correct the name of the service description in tap_full.properties.
gmantele authored
[TAP] Default TAPSchema DB name set to the ADQL name ; so if the column TAP_SCHEMA.schemas.dbname is NULL or empty, the DB name must be set to the ADQL name. For the moment no empty schema is allowed.
- Mar 04, 2015
gmantele authored
[TAP] Change the default value for output and upload limits ; only negative value must mean 'no restriction' ; 0 must be a normal allowed value.
- Feb 27, 2015
gmantele authored
[UWS,TAP] Change the default log and backup files name. Before it was 'uws.*', but since the same FileManager is used for both services, this default name has been replaced by 'service.*'.
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
[TAP] Allow the TAP configuration file properties 'file_root_path' and 'metadata_file' be file pathes relative to WebContent.
gmantele authored
[TAP] Qualify by default the standard TAP schema tables in TAP_SCHEMA.tables & Correct the primary key in TAP_SCHEMA.tables (it must be only 'table_name' and not 'schema_name, table_name').
- Feb 20, 2015
gmantele authored
[ALL] Update ANT build scripts to test all existings JUnit tests before compiling. In case of error, the compilation does not complete.
- Feb 19, 2015
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
[TAP] Allow creation of PENDING jobs ONLY FROM the TAPFactory when the service is unavailable. Before this modification, the backup manager could not restore jobs at the service starting. When the service is said unavailable, the resources /sync and /async are rejecting HTTP requests, but jobs can be created and started in background (very useful for backup restoration but also for queued jobs).
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add a property in the configuration file to set a custom TAPFactory (in replacement of ConfigurableTAPFactory.
- Feb 18, 2015
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add a 3rd possibility to set metadata in the TAP configuration file: give an extension of TAPMetadata having either an empty constructor or a constructor with a UWSFileManager, a TAPFactory and a TAPLog. & Rename function TAPConfiguration.isClassPath(String) into TAPConfiguration.isClassName(String).
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add property to add/replace TAP resources & Add the tool function TAPConfiguration.newInstance(...).
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add log management in the TAP configuration file. 2 additional properties have been added: min_log_level and log_rotation.
gmantele authored
[UWS] Add a log message filter: only messages whose the level is greater or equal to a given one are displayed. This level is by default DEBUG (meaning all messages are always written).
- Feb 17, 2015
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add missing formats (particularly all the different VOTable serializations) in the TAP configuration file
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add home page configuration in the TAP configuration file. (missing file: tap.resource.HomePage)
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
[TAP] Fix Class loading MAJOR BUG: do not use a specific ClassLoader, but Class.forName(String). The ClassLoader is different in a WebApplication than in a standalone ; TAP.fetchClass(...) worked before in a standalone but not in a WebApplication.
gmantele authored
[UWS,TAP] Set the user who submits the request in an HttpServletRequest attribute. Thus, every TAP and UWS resources can get it without extracting the information every time from the HttpServletRequest.
- Feb 16, 2015
gmantele authored
[TAP] Auto deregister at servlet destruction the JDBC driver loaded by the library (only in the case database_access=jdbc).
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
[TAP] Fix exception management: do not encapsulate in a UWSException a TAPException whose the cause is already a UWSException ; in such case, the TAPException cause must be returned.
- Feb 13, 2015
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add a new database access method in the configuration file: get a Datasource from JNDI. & Better support of connection pooling (TAPFactory.countFreeConnections() has been removed ; when the creation of a database connection fails with an SQLException, it is considered that no connection are momentarily available...async jobs will be queued and all sync requests will be rejected).
- Feb 11, 2015
gmantele authored
- Feb 10, 2015
gmantele authored
- Feb 09, 2015
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add support for user identification in the configuration file. Besides, each time a property expected as an integer is not an integer, an exception is thrown.
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add a parameter to limit the number of running asynchronous jobs in the configuration file: max_async_jobs.
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add metadata support in the configuration file. Two methods to get metadata: 1/ Parse an XML file implementing the schema TableSet, and then re-build TAP_SCHEMA in the database, 2/ Get metadata from the database schema TAP_SCHEMA.
- Feb 06, 2015
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add an XML TableSet parser. The main modification done in JDBCConnection is about the schema prefix of table when the DBMS does not support schemas: now, only standard tables are expected with the prefix 'TAP_SCHEMA_' and the upload tables also with 'TAP_UPLOAD_'.
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add an XML TableSet parser. The main modification done in JDBCConnection is about the schema prefix of table when the DBMS does not support schemas: now, only standard tables are expected with the prefix 'TAP_SCHEMA_' and the upload tables also with 'TAP_UPLOAD_'.
- Jan 27, 2015
- Jan 23, 2015