- Jun 25, 2014
gmantele authored
- Jun 24, 2014
gmantele authored
Remove useless and blocking test (when url-pattern in web.xml is set to the root: /*) in the UWS URL parsing. + Add very basic check on its implementation
- May 28, 2014
- Apr 15, 2014
gmantele authored
- Apr 11, 2014
- Apr 10, 2014
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
ADQL: Fix big bug: no parenthesis in the SQL translation for ADQL constraints with parenthesis ( ex: A AND (B OR C)) )
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
1/ let the function ROUND having 2 parameters 2/ wrap Operations (WrappedOperand) with brackets when there are brackets in the ADQL query
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
- no provided value => default value - no default value => max value - no max value => no limit - default value must be <= max value - user value must be <= max value
- Apr 09, 2014
gmantele authored
TAP: Modify the xSV formats in order to let developer specify a MIME type and short MIME type (or alias) for any SV format, but especially for the one not already managed (CSV and TSV).
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
ADQL: Correct version number for all modified ADQL related classes since the official v1.1 release. Now, version number after any modification in ADQL is v1.2.
gmantele authored
ADQL: Fix an ADQL bug (raised by Dave Morris) in the management of subqueries: before, it was impossible to use (in a clause different from the FROM) columns of a father query inside a subquery.
gmantele authored
Becareful with the function addMatch(ADQLObject, ADQLIterator): the iterator may be null if the match to add is the root search object itself! No modification needed in SimpleReplaceHandler: Null test already done :-) !
- Apr 04, 2014
gmantele authored
TAP: Fix incorrect XML format: the INFO for PROVIDER was not ended properly => an error was raised by TOPCAT when a Java error was occuring in TAP or in a query execution.
gmantele authored
ADQL: Completely change/improve Joins management, and particularly NATURAL JOIN and USING JOIN. Now, every joined columns are represented by a DBCommonColumn instance which has a given table coverage. Before, there was a problem while using at least 3 or 4 NATURAL JOINs. Bug raised by Menelaos Perdikeas (ESAC).
gmantele authored
(1) Missing contains(Object) function. Without this function, any ArrayList function like retainAll(...) did not work properly: the research in the collection was made with a bad key. KeyExtractor was not used. (2) Result of a research (function get(...)) must return a copy of the result, since the result is an ArrayList, value of the HashMap used for research. If a copy is not returned, any modification (and particularly remove(...)) can be made on the value of the index (HashMap) used for the research.
gmantele authored
TAP: Test better the JDBC connection URL: several syntaxes are possible. Here, the following syntax did not work before this correction: jdbc:postgresql:database (only if it is a local database). Only jdbc:postgresql://host/database and jdbc:postgresql://host:port/database worked! TODO Parsing of JDBC connection URL should rather be checked again!
- Apr 03, 2014