- Feb 17, 2015
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add missing formats (particularly all the different VOTable serializations) in the TAP configuration file
- Feb 13, 2015
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add a new database access method in the configuration file: get a Datasource from JNDI. & Better support of connection pooling (TAPFactory.countFreeConnections() has been removed ; when the creation of a database connection fails with an SQLException, it is considered that no connection are momentarily available...async jobs will be queued and all sync requests will be rejected).
- Feb 11, 2015
gmantele authored
- Feb 09, 2015
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add support for user identification in the configuration file. Besides, each time a property expected as an integer is not an integer, an exception is thrown.
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add a parameter to limit the number of running asynchronous jobs in the configuration file: max_async_jobs.
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add metadata support in the configuration file. Two methods to get metadata: 1/ Parse an XML file implementing the schema TableSet, and then re-build TAP_SCHEMA in the database, 2/ Get metadata from the database schema TAP_SCHEMA.
- Feb 06, 2015
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add an XML TableSet parser. The main modification done in JDBCConnection is about the schema prefix of table when the DBMS does not support schemas: now, only standard tables are expected with the prefix 'TAP_SCHEMA_' and the upload tables also with 'TAP_UPLOAD_'.
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add an XML TableSet parser. The main modification done in JDBCConnection is about the schema prefix of table when the DBMS does not support schemas: now, only standard tables are expected with the prefix 'TAP_SCHEMA_' and the upload tables also with 'TAP_UPLOAD_'.
- Dec 15, 2014
gmantele authored
[UWS,TAP] Add clean release of all resources (e.g. Threads, Timers, DB connections) allocated in a UWS and a TAP service. Small changes of the UWS API...but only if ExecutionManager, DestructionManager and UWS have been implemented by library users rather than using the default implementation.
- Dec 09, 2014
gmantele authored
[UWS,TAP] 3 MAJOR DEPENDENT FIX: improve significantly the parameters extraction from HTTP request in UWS (1) AND move the file-upload ability into the UWS library (2) AND the modification of parameters in UWS is now conform with the standard (3). (1) Only application/x-form-urlencoded content-type was supported. However a UWS must accept a request body containing only an XML document as a single byReference parameter. It is now done when the content-type is not known. (2) Besides multipart/form-data is now fully supported in UWS and so is still possible in TAP. (3) In the UWS standard, parameters can not be added after creation: they can just be modified. This rule is now respected in the UWS library.
- Nov 13, 2014
gmantele authored
[UWS,TAP] Review the standard parameters checking. Particularly, because before, the default value was never used while no value was specified by the user.
- Nov 05, 2014
gmantele authored
[ADQL,TAP] Add geometry format in output and correct upload of STC-S regions. Geometrical type conversion from and into a DB type is now required in all JDBCTranslator. This allows formatting of geometrical column value coming from the database, but also the translation of STC-S expressions provided in uploaded table into geometrical column values.
- Oct 28, 2014
gmantele authored
[ADQL,TAP] Add STC-S and UDFs support in the ADQL parser. Now, it is possible to provide a list of allowed UDFs, regions and coordinate systems. The ServiceConnection of TAP is now able to provide these lists and to propagate them to the ADQLExecutor. UDFs and allowed regions are now listed automatically in the /capabilities resource of TAP. The type 'geometry' is now fully supported in ADQL. That's why the new function 'isGeometry()' has been added to all ADQLOperand extensions. Now the DBChecker is also able to check roughly types of columns and UDFs (unknown when parsing syntactically a query). The syntax of STC-S regions (expressed in the REGION function) are now checked by DBChecker. However, for the moment, geometries are not serialized in STC-S in the output....but it should be possible in some way in the next commit(s).
- Oct 01, 2014
gmantele authored
[UWS,TAP] Fix timestamp format. Now, each returned date will expressed in UTC and using the ISO8601 format. Any given date is also expected in UTC (or with a time zone offset) and in ISO8601Format. These rules apply also for uploaded tables and for timestamp columns in a query result.
- Sep 17, 2014
gmantele authored
[UWS,TAP] Review the exceptions and logs management + Add log file rotation (with a configurable rotation frequency)
- Aug 08, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP] Remake TAPFactory into an abstract class + let limit the number of jobs (async and sync) by allowing the TAPFactory to communicate with a connection pool
- Aug 05, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP,ADQL] Improve and remake a part of the database connection. Missing javadoc has been added when missing in the modified tables.
- Jul 10, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP] Replace Savot by STIL + Change datatype management in TAPColumn (vot-type is no more available from here), TAPType (no votable type inside it) and VotType (can now be created from a TAPType instance + a VotType instance can be converted easily in a TAPType object)
- Jul 04, 2014
gmantele authored
- Jul 03, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP] Remove all generic types + Delete specific (for ResultSet) output formatters + Modify the main output formatter
- Jun 27, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP] Improve TableIterator + Adapt ResultSetTableIterator (particularly because of the last commit about TAPType and VotType) + Add a TableIterator for VOTable input: VOTableIterator + Add its JUnit test case
- Jun 26, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add the interface TableIterator (whose implementations let iterate over any kind of table data set) and its first implementation for ResultSet + JUnit test case
- Jun 24, 2014
gmantele authored
Remove useless and blocking test (when url-pattern in web.xml is set to the root: /*) in the UWS URL parsing. + Add very basic check on its implementation
- Apr 10, 2014
gmantele authored
+ Add the management of the Output Limit in TAPConfiguration + All the corresponding JUnit Tests + Replacing .properties test files for JUnit by a construction of Properties object + Update of the HTML documentation page and of the Full example file
gmantele authored
TAP+TEST: First steps with the TAP configuration file management (Factory, ServiceConnection, but not yet Metadata) + their JUnit tests + documentation (the html file + configuration file examples)
gmantele authored
- Apr 04, 2014
gmantele authored
ADQL: Completely change/improve Joins management, and particularly NATURAL JOIN and USING JOIN. Now, every joined columns are represented by a DBCommonColumn instance which has a given table coverage. Before, there was a problem while using at least 3 or 4 NATURAL JOINs. Bug raised by Menelaos Perdikeas (ESAC).
- Apr 03, 2014