- Apr 13, 2015
gmantele authored
[UWS,TAP] Add the origin of the main exception after the exception class name in the log entries. This origin includes the class, the method, the file and the line where the exception has been thrown.
- Apr 02, 2015
gmantele authored
[UWS,TAP] Errors and log management improvements. Particularly, now TAP and UWS are able to manage correctly HTTP request abortions (i.e. when the user stop the request before the response has been fully sent, or when there is a connection problem or a time-out). Such abortions are considered by UWS and TAP merely as job abortion/cancel. No error is logged any more. In addition of this correction, log entries concerning the execution of a TAP sync/async job have been modified so that having more coherents messages. And stack traces of exception that occurred when executing a job (sync or async, tap or uws) are displayed just once: at the JOB END log entry, and not by the HTTP RESPONSE_SENT entry. And finally, output flush and interruption detection are made more often when writing a query result (the flush is particularly important when combining with fetch-size > 0 in synchronous mode....the sync response is then a streaming output).
- Feb 18, 2015
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add log management in the TAP configuration file. 2 additional properties have been added: min_log_level and log_rotation.
- Feb 13, 2015
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add a new database access method in the configuration file: get a Datasource from JNDI. & Better support of connection pooling (TAPFactory.countFreeConnections() has been removed ; when the creation of a database connection fails with an SQLException, it is considered that no connection are momentarily available...async jobs will be queued and all sync requests will be rejected).
- Feb 06, 2015
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add an XML TableSet parser. The main modification done in JDBCConnection is about the schema prefix of table when the DBMS does not support schemas: now, only standard tables are expected with the prefix 'TAP_SCHEMA_' and the upload tables also with 'TAP_UPLOAD_'.
- Dec 12, 2014
gmantele authored
[UWS,TAP] Review some log messages (in the log file but also in the error summary of a job) ; particularly stack traces are added into the error summary, but are displayed just once in the logs.
- Dec 09, 2014
gmantele authored
[UWS,TAP] 3 MAJOR DEPENDENT FIX: improve significantly the parameters extraction from HTTP request in UWS (1) AND move the file-upload ability into the UWS library (2) AND the modification of parameters in UWS is now conform with the standard (3). (1) Only application/x-form-urlencoded content-type was supported. However a UWS must accept a request body containing only an XML document as a single byReference parameter. It is now done when the content-type is not known. (2) Besides multipart/form-data is now fully supported in UWS and so is still possible in TAP. (3) In the UWS standard, parameters can not be added after creation: they can just be modified. This rule is now respected in the UWS library.
- Nov 14, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP] Fix a grave error: synchronous jobs were stopped much before the specified execution duration ; the library was waiting N milliseconds, where N is the TAP execution duration always expressed in seconds.
- Sep 23, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP,UWS] Small log corrections (for Thread logs, display the thread name rather than the ID ; the job id was forgotten in the log of CHANGE_PHASE ; build a UWSException with the given throwable message as message ; in log TAP for the event EXECUTING, the memory address of the ADQLQuery object was displayed rather than of the ADQL query expression ; display the stack trace of the SQLException.getNextException() when calling logDB)
- Sep 17, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP,UWS] Manage thrown Error properly in synchronous and asynchronous jobs execution + Modify some log messages + Add log messages in JDBCConnection (for add and drop uploaded tables).
gmantele authored
[UWS,TAP] Review the exceptions and logs management + Add log file rotation (with a configurable rotation frequency)
- Aug 08, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP] Come back on the v1.0 definition of TAPLog and fix a bug (missing DB table name in logs for CREATE, INSERT, DROP TABLE ; name missing in getFullDBName(TAPTable))
- Aug 05, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP,ADQL] Improve and remake a part of the database connection. Missing javadoc has been added when missing in the modified tables.
- Jul 03, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP] Remove all generic types + Delete specific (for ResultSet) output formatters + Modify the main output formatter
- Apr 03, 2014