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pro metis_l1_prep
    ; keyword defining if the detector reference frame must be used for the output
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    journal, 'output/metis_l1_prep_log.txt'
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    ; some definitions
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    metis_datatype = list( $
        'VL image', $ ; 0
        'UV image', $ ; 1
        'PCU accumulation matrix', $ ; 2
        'VL temporal standard deviation', $ ; 3
        'UV temporal standard deviation', $ ; 4
        'VL cosmic-ray matrix', $ ; 5
        'UV cosmic-ray matrix', $ ; 6
        'PCU event list', $ ; 7
        'PCU test event list', $ ; 8
        'VL light-curve' $ ; 9
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    ; read the auxiliary input file
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    input = json_parse('input/contents.json', /toarray, /tostruct)
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    journal, 'File ' + input.file_name
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    ; load the spice kernels
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    load_spice_kernels, input.spice_kernels, kernel_list = kernel_list, kernel_version = kernel_version
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    journal, 'SPICE kernel files correctly loaded:'
    journal, '  SDK version = ' + kernel_version
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    ; import the calibration package index file
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    cal_pack = json_parse(input.cal_pack_path + '/index.json', /toarray, /tostruct)
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    ; include the calibration package path into the cal_pack structure
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    cal_pack = create_struct('path', input.cal_pack_path + path_sep(), cal_pack)
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    journal, 'Calibration package correctly imported:'
    journal, '  version = ' + cal_pack.version
    journal, '  validity range = ' + string(cal_pack.validity_range.start, cal_pack.validity_range._end, format = '(A, "-", A)')
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    ; read the primary hdu
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    data = mrdfits(input.file_name, 0, primary_header, /silent)
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    naxis = fxpar(primary_header, 'NAXIS')
    naxis1 = fxpar(primary_header, 'NAXIS1', missing = 0)
    naxis2 = fxpar(primary_header, 'NAXIS2', missing = 0)
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    ; read the metadata extension
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    metadata_bin_table = mrdfits(input.file_name, 'metis metadata', metadata_extension_header, /silent)
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    ; identify the data product and its nominal size
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    datatype = fxpar(metadata_extension_header, 'DATATYPE')
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    journal, 'L0 FITS file correctly read:'
    journal, '  datatype = ' + string(datatype, format = '(I0)')
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    ; if the data product is a light curve or a pcu-event list, read the data binary hk_table
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    if datatype gt 6 then data_bin_table = mrdfits(input.file_name, 1, data_extension_header, /silent) else data_bin_table = !null
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    ; if the data product is an accumulation matrix, look for the accumulation vector extension and read it if it exists
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    if datatype eq 2 then $
        if fxpar(metadata_extension_header, 'M') eq 256 then $
            accumul_vector = mrdfits(input.file_name, 'accumulation vector', vector_extension_header, /silent) else accumul_vector = !null
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    ; NOTE - the radialization extension is ignored
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    ; read the planning data
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    planning_data = json_parse(input.planning_file_name, /toarray, /tostruct)
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    ; definitions for the primary header
    ; version of the fits file
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    version = string(input.l1_version, format = '(I02)')
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    ; creation and acquisition times in utc
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    date = date_conv(systime(/julian, /utc), 'FITS')
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    obt_beg = fxpar(primary_header, 'OBT_BEG')
    obt_end = fxpar(primary_header, 'OBT_END')
    obt_avg = (obt_beg + obt_end) / 2.0d
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    date_beg = solo_obt2utc(obt_beg)
    date_end = solo_obt2utc(obt_end)
    date_avg = solo_obt2utc(obt_avg)
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    date_beg_string = strmid(date_beg, 0, 19)
    date_beg_string = date_beg_string.replace('-', '')
    date_beg_string = date_beg_string.replace(':', '')
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    journal, 'Calculated UTC time of start acquisition:'
    journal, '  time = ' + date_beg
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    ; name of the fits file
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    file_name_fields = strsplit(fxpar(primary_header, 'FILENAME'), '_', /extract)
    file_name = 'solo_L1_' + file_name_fields[2] + '_' + date_beg_string + '_V' + version + '.fits'
    out_file_name = 'output/' + file_name
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    case datatype of
        0: filter = 'VL'
        1: filter = 'UV'
        2: filter = 'UV'
        3: filter = 'VL'
        4: filter = 'UV'
        5: filter = 'VL'
        6: filter = 'UV'
        7: filter = 'UV'
        8: filter = 'UV'
        9: filter = 'VL'
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    ; choose the correct calibration-package structure based on the image filter
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    if filter eq 'VL' then channel = cal_pack.vl_channel else channel = cal_pack.uv_channel
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    ; instrument/telescope/detector keywords
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    detector = filter + 'D'
    telescope = 'SOLO/Metis/' + detector
    wavelnth = channel.bandpass.value[1]
    wavemin = channel.bandpass.value[0]
    wavemax = channel.bandpass.value[2]
    waveband =
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    ; campaign keywords
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    if planning_data.obs_id ne 'none' then begin
        obs_id_fields = strsplit(planning_data.obs_id, '_', /extract)
        if obs_id_fields[2] eq '000' then sooptype = 'none' else sooptype = obs_id_fields[2]
        if obs_id_fields[4] eq '000' then obs_type = 'none' else obs_type = obs_id_fields[4]
    endif else begin
        sooptype = 'none'
        obs_type = 'none'
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    ; build the fits file extensions
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    ; join the metadata extension header to the primary header removing useless keywords
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    del_tags = list( $
        'XTENSION', $
        'BITPIX', $
        'NAXIS', $
        'NAXIS1', $
        'NAXIS2', $
        'PCOUNT', $
        'GCOUNT', $
        'TFIELDS', $
        'TTYPE1', $
        'TFORM1', $
        'TTYPE2', $
        'TFORM2', $
        'EXTNAME', $
        'CHECKSUM', $
        'DATASUM', $
        'END' $
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    foreach item, metadata_extension_header do begin
        tag = strmid(item, 0, 8)
        tag = tag.trim()
        if ~isa(del_tags.where(tag)) then begin
            value = fxpar(metadata_extension_header, tag, comment = comment)
            fxaddpar, primary_header, tag, value, comment, before = 'CHECKSUM'

    compr = fxpar(primary_header, 'COMPR', missing = -1)
    xsize = fxpar(primary_header, 'X_SIZE', missing = -1)

    if compr and xsize lt 0 then begin
        bin_type = fxpar(primary_header, 'BIN_TYPE')
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'X_SIZE', 2048 / 2 ^ bin_type, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'Y_SIZE', 2048 / 2 ^ bin_type, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'Z_SIZE', 1, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'P_BANDS', 0, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'N_BANDS', 1, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'ORIG_X', 2048, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'ORIG_Y', 2048, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'FIRSTROW', 0, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'B0_BIN', bin_type, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'B0_DQ', 0, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'B0_STOP', 2048, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'B1_BIN', 0, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'B1_DQ', 0, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'B1_STOP', 0, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'B2_BIN', 0, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'B2_DQ', 0, before = 'CHECKSUM'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'B2_STOP', 0, before = 'CHECKSUM'

    ; rebin the image if binning was applied during the acquisition and check for the data quality
    ; NOTE - this is done only for image data products

    comment = !null
    if datatype le 6 then begin
        bin_type = fxpar(primary_header, 'B0_BIN', missing = 0)

        ; check for wrong binning type in fixed-polarization filtered images

        pol_id = fxpar(primary_header, 'POL_ID', missing = -1)
        vlfpfilt = fxpar(primary_header, 'VLFPFILT', missing = -1)
        if vlfpfilt eq 0 and pol_id eq 0 and bin_type eq 0 then bin_type = 1

        bin_fact = 2 ^ bin_type ; binning factor = 1, 2, or 4

        if bin_fact gt 1 then begin
            naxis1 = naxis1 / bin_fact
            naxis2 = naxis2 / bin_fact
            data = rebin(data, naxis1, naxis2)

            ; evaluate the quality matrix

            quality_matrix = check_quality(data, cal_pack, filter)

            ; correct values including binning factor only for vl and uv images and accumulation matrices

            if datatype le 2 then data = long(data) * bin_fact ^ 2

            if ~isa(comment) then comment = !null
            comment = [comment, 'Image was rebinned according to the commanded binning factor.']

            journal, 'Data was binned during acquisition:'
            journal, '  binning = ' + string(bin_fact, format = '(I1)') + '×' + string(bin_fact, format = '(I1)')
            journal, '  data was rebinned:'
            journal, '    new size = ' + string(naxis1, format = '(I0)') + '×' + string(naxis2, format = '(I0)')
        endif else begin
            quality_matrix = check_quality(data, cal_pack, filter)

            journal, 'Data was not binned during acquistion.'

        ; read the bad-pixel map

        bad_pixel_map = readfits(cal_pack.path + channel.bad_pixel_map[0].file_name, /silent)

        ; adjust the map based on the presence of the reference rows

        map_size = size(bad_pixel_map)
        ref_rows = fxpar(primary_header, 'REF_ROWS', missing = -1)
        if ref_rows ge 0 then first_row = ref_rows ? 2 : 0 else first_row = 0
        bad_pixel_map = bad_pixel_map[*, first_row : first_row + map_size[1] - 1]

        ; rebin the bad-pixel map to the size of the image to be corrected

        bad_pixel_map = rebin(bad_pixel_map, naxis1, naxis2) * bin_fact ^ 2

        ; correct the quality matrix according to the bad-pixel map

        bad_pixels = where(bad_pixel_map gt 0, count)
        if count gt 0 then quality_matrix[bad_pixels] = 0
    endif else quality_matrix = !null

    ; correct for the effective exposure time
    ; NOTE - this is done only for vl and uv images and accumulation matrices

    telapse = float(obt_end - obt_beg)

    dit = fxpar(metadata_extension_header, 'DIT')
    ndit = fxpar(metadata_extension_header, 'NDIT', missing = 1)
    ndit1 = fxpar(metadata_extension_header, 'NDIT1', missing = 1)
    ndit2 = fxpar(metadata_extension_header, 'NDIT2', missing = 1)

    if datatype le 2 then begin
        nsumexp = ndit * ndit1 * ndit2
        xposure = dit / 1000.d0 * nsumexp
        data = long(data) * nsumexp

        if ~isa(comment) then comment = !null
        comment = [comment, 'Image values were corrected for the total exposure time.']

        journal, 'Image values were corrected for the total exposure time:'
        journal, '  dit = ' + string(dit, format = '(I0)')
        journal, '  nsumexp = ' + string(nsumexp, format = '(I0)')
    endif else begin
        nsumexp = 1
        xposure = dit / 1000.d0

    ; adjust the primary header (it is almost the same for all data product types)

    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'FILENAME', file_name
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'PARENT', file_basename(input.file_name), 'name of the parent file', before = 'APID'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DATE', date, 'date and time of FITS file creation', before = 'OBT_BEG'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DATE-OBS', date_beg, 'same as DATE-BEG', before = 'OBT_BEG'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DATE-BEG', date_beg, 'start time of observation', before = 'OBT_BEG'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DATE-AVG', date_avg, 'average time of observation', before = 'OBT_BEG'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DATE-END', date_end, 'end time of observation', before = 'OBT_BEG'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TIMESYS', 'UTC', 'system used for time keywords', before = 'OBT_BEG'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TIMRDER', 0.0, '[s] estimated random error in time values', before = 'OBT_BEG'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TIMSYER', 0.0, '[s] estimated systematic error in time values', before = 'OBT_BEG'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'LEVEL', 'L1'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'CREATOR', ''
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'VERS_SW', input.sw_version
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'VERS_CAL', cal_pack.version, 'version of the calibration package', after = 'VERS_SW'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'VERSION', version
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'OBSRVTRY', 'Solar Orbiter', 'satellite name', before = 'INSTRUME'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TELESCOP', telescope, 'telescope that took the measurement', before = 'INSTRUME'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DETECTOR', detector, 'subunit/sensor', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'OBJECT', 'TBD', 'the use of the keyword OBJECT is [TBD]', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'OBS_MODE', planning_data.obs_mode, 'observation mode', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'OBS_TYPE', obs_type, 'encoded version of OBS_MODE', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'FILTER', filter, 'filter used to acquire this image', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'WAVELNTH', wavelnth, '[nm] characteristic wavelength of observation', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'WAVEMIN', wavemin, '[nm] min. bandpass wavelength', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'WAVEMAX', wavemax, '[nm] max. bandpass wavelength', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'WAVEBAND', waveband, 'bandpass description', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'XPOSURE', xposure, '[s] total effective exposure time', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'NSUMEXP', nsumexp, 'number of detector readouts summed together', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TELAPSE', telapse, '[s] elapsed time during observation', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'SOOPNAME', planning_data.soop_name, 'name of the SOOP that the data belong to', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'SOOPTYPE', sooptype, 'campaign ID(s) that the data belong to', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'OBS_ID', planning_data.obs_id, 'unique ID of the individual observation', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TARGET', 'TBD', 'type of target from planning', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'BSCALE', 1, 'ratio of physical to array value at 0 offset', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'BZERO', 0, 'physical value for the array value 0', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'BTYPE', metis_datatype[datatype], 'science data object type', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'BUNIT', 'DN', 'units of physical value', before = 'DATAMIN'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'BLANK', 0, 'data value used to mark undefined pixels', after = 'BUNIT'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DATAMIN', min(data, /nan)
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DATAMAX', max(data, /nan)
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'IDB_VERS', input.idb_version, '', before = 'HDR_VERS'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'INFO_URL', '', 'link to more information on the instrument', before = 'HISTORY'

    if datatype le 6 then begin
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'NBIN1', bin_fact, 'binning factor in the dimension 1', before = 'COMPRESS'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'NBIN2', bin_fact, 'binning factor in the dimension 2', before = 'COMPRESS'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'NBIN', bin_fact * bin_fact, 'product of all NBIN values above', before = 'COMPRESS'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'PXBEG1', 1, 'first pixel read out in dimension 1', before = 'COMPRESS'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'PXBEG2', 1, 'first pixel read out in dimension 2', before = 'COMPRESS'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'PXEND1', naxis1, 'last pixel read out in dimension 1', before = 'COMPRESS'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'PXEND2', naxis2, 'last pixel read out in dimension 2', before = 'COMPRESS'

    ; read the house-keeping telemetry

    hk_table = json_parse(input.hk_file_name, /toarray, /tostruct)

    ; replace raw values with calibrated values in the primary header

    empty_params = !null

    if datatype eq 0 or datatype eq 3 or datatype eq 5 then begin
        ; patch to fix the lack of the keyword SEQ_NUM

        pol_id = fxpar(primary_header, 'POL_ID', missing = 0)
        if pol_id ge 1 and pol_id le 4 then begin
            seq_num = fxpar(primary_header, 'SEQ_NUM', missing = 0)
            if seq_num eq 0 then begin
                obj_cnt = fxpar(primary_header, 'OBJ_CNT')
                n_pol = fxpar(primary_header, 'N_POL', missing = 4)
                seq_num = ((obj_cnt - 1) / n_pol + 1)
                fxaddpar, primary_header, 'SEQ_NUM', seq_num, before = 'POL_ID'

        ; NOTE - DACPOL parameters are not calibrated since a calibration curve does not exist in the IDB. Their calibration in physical units (e.g., voltages or angles) should be done later

        ; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC1POL1', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E061', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
        ; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC2POL1', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E062', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
        ; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC1POL2', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E064', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
        ; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC2POL2', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E065', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
        ; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC1POL3', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E067', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
        ; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC2POL3', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E068', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
        ; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC1POL4', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E06A', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)
        ; fxaddpar, primary_header, 'DAC2POL4', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E06B', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params)

        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TSENSOR', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E0E0', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params), '[degC] VLDA temperature'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'PMPTEMP', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0L00D', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params), '[degC] PMP temperature'

        journal, 'Header keywords were calibrated using HK parameters:'
        journal, '  TSENSOR = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'TSENSOR'), format = '(F0)')
        journal, '  PMPTEMP = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'PMPTEMP'), format = '(F0)')

    if datatype eq 1 or datatype eq 4 or datatype eq 6 then begin
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HVU_SCR', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E070', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params), '[raw] HVU Screen commanded voltage'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HVU_MCP', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E071', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params), '[raw] HVU MCP commanded voltage'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HV_SCR_V', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E0B7', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params), '[V] HVU Screen + MCP read voltage', after = 'HVU_MCP'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HV_MCP_V', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E0B6', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params), '[V] HVU MCP read voltage', after = 'HV_SCR_V'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HV_MCP_I', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E0BF', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params), '[uA] HVU MCP current', after = 'HV_MCP_V'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HV_TEMP', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E0B5', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params), '[degC] HVU temperature', after = 'HV_MCP_I'
        fxaddpar, primary_header, 'TSENSOR', interpol_param(hk_table, 'NIT0E050', date_avg, empty_params = empty_params), '[degC] UVDA temperature'

        journal, 'Header keywords were calibrated using HK parameters:'
        journal, '  HVU_SCR  = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'HVU_SCR'), format = '(F0)')
        journal, '  HVU_MCP  = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'HVU_MCP'), format = '(F0)')
        journal, '  HV_SCR_V = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'HV_SCR_V'), format = '(F0)')
        journal, '  HV_MCP_V = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'HV_MCP_V'), format = '(F0)')
        journal, '  HV_MCP_I = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'HV_MCP_I'), format = '(F0)')
        journal, '  HV_TEMP = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'HV_TEMP'), format = '(F0)')
        journal, '  TSENSOR  = ' + string(fxpar(primary_header, 'TSENSOR'), format = '(F0)')

    if empty_params eq !null then empty_params = ''

    ; replace with text keyword values

    key = fxpar(primary_header, 'MEASKIND', count = count)
    if count gt 0 then begin
        pol_id = fxpar(primary_header, 'POL_ID')
        if key eq 0 and pol_id eq 0 then fxaddpar, primary_header, 'MEASKIND', 'Fixed pol.'
        if key eq 0 and pol_id ne 0 then fxaddpar, primary_header, 'MEASKIND', 'pB'
        if key eq 1 then fxaddpar, primary_header, 'MEASKIND', 'tB'

    key = fxpar(primary_header, 'FRAMEMOD', count = count)
    if count gt 0 then begin
        if key eq 0 then fxaddpar, primary_header, 'FRAMEMOD', 'Single'
        if key eq 1 then fxaddpar, primary_header, 'FRAMEMOD', 'Multiple'

    key = fxpar(primary_header, 'VLFPFILT', count = count)
    if count gt 0 then begin
        pol_id = fxpar(primary_header, 'POL_ID')
        if pol_id ne 0 then fxaddpar, primary_header, 'VLFPFILT', 'Not applicable' else begin
            if key eq 0 then fxaddpar, primary_header, 'VLFPFILT', 'Binning'
            if key eq 1 then fxaddpar, primary_header, 'VLFPFILT', 'Masking'
            if key eq 2 then fxaddpar, primary_header, 'VLFPFILT', 'No filter'

    key = fxpar(primary_header, 'PMPSTAB', count = count)
    if count gt 0 then begin
        if key eq 0 then fxaddpar, primary_header, 'PMPSTAB', 'Not stable'
        if key eq 1 then fxaddpar, primary_header, 'PMPSTAB', 'Stable'

    key = fxpar(primary_header, 'REF_ROWS', count = count)
    if count gt 0 then begin
        if key eq 0 then fxaddpar, primary_header, 'REF_ROWS', 'Not included'
        if key eq 1 then fxaddpar, primary_header, 'REF_ROWS', 'Included'

    foreach key_name, keys do begin
        key = fxpar(primary_header, key_name, count = count)
        if count gt 0 then begin
            if key eq 0 then fxaddpar, primary_header, key_name, 'Disabled'
            if key eq 1 then fxaddpar, primary_header, key_name, 'Enabled'

    ; convert the fits header into an idl structure

    header = fits_hdr2struct(primary_header)

    ; append wcs keywords

    if datatype le 6 then begin
        wcs = metis_wcs(header, cal_pack, ref_detector = ref_detector)
        foreach element, wcs do fxaddpar, primary_header,, element.value, element.comment, before = 'DATATYPE'

    ; append solar keywords

    ephemeris = solo_get_ephemeris(header, cal_pack)
    foreach element, ephemeris do fxaddpar, primary_header,, element.value, element.comment, before = 'DATATYPE'

    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HISTORY', 'WCS and solar ephemeris:'
    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HISTORY', '  SKD version = ' + kernel_version

    ; remove redundant and misleading keywords

    sxdelpar, primary_header, 'WIDTH'
    sxdelpar, primary_header, 'HEIGHT'
    sxdelpar, primary_header, 'X_SIZE'
    sxdelpar, primary_header, 'Y_SIZE'
    sxdelpar, primary_header, 'Z_SIZE'
    sxdelpar, primary_header, 'P_BANDS'
    sxdelpar, primary_header, 'N_BANDS'
    sxdelpar, primary_header, 'ORIG_X'
    sxdelpar, primary_header, 'ORIG_Y'

    ; modify keywords for file history

    fxaddpar, primary_header, 'HISTORY', 'L1 FITS file created on ' + date

    ; modify keywords for comments

    old_comment = fxpar(primary_header, 'COMMENT', count = count)
    if count eq 0 then old_comment = ''
    sxdelpar, primary_header, 'COMMENT'
    if max(old_comment.startswith('Warning: correction of the OBT for pB acquisitions was applied.')) then begin
        if ~isa(comment) then comment = !null
        comment = ['Correction of the OBT for pB acquisitions was applied at L0 level.', comment]
    if max(old_comment.startswith('Warning: the OBT of the acquisition is missing.')) then begin
        if ~isa(comment) then comment = !null
        comment = ['Warning: the OBT of the acquisition is missing.', '  The generation time of the first science packet was used', '  to compute OBT_BEG. Polarimetric keywords DAC*POL*', '  may be wrong.', comment]
    if isa(comment) then begin
        for k = 0, n_elements(comment) - 1 do $
            fxaddpar, primary_header, 'COMMENT', comment[k]
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    ; rectify the image if requested
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    if not ref_detector then begin
        data = metis_rectify(data, filter)
        quality_matrix = metis_rectify(quality_matrix, filter)
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Roberto Susino committed

    ; add checksum and datasum to the fits header and save
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    fits_add_checksum, primary_header, data
    mwrfits, data, out_file_name, primary_header, /no_comment, /create, /silent
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    journal, 'Fits file created:'
    journal, '  file name = ' + out_file_name
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Roberto Susino committed

    ; if applicable, save the data binary-table extension as it is
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    if isa(data_bin_table) then begin
        if datatype lt 9 then fits_add_checksum, data_extension_header, data_bin_table
        mwrfits, data_bin_table, out_file_name, data_extension_header, /no_comment, /silent
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    ; save the quality matrix
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    if datatype le 6 and isa(quality_matrix) then begin
        quality_matrix_header = !null
        fxaddpar, quality_matrix_header, 'PCOUNT', 0, 'parameter count'
        fxaddpar, quality_matrix_header, 'GCOUNT', 1, 'group count'
        fxaddpar, quality_matrix_header, 'EXTNAME', 'Quality matrix', 'extension name'
        fits_add_checksum, quality_matrix_header, quality_matrix
        mwrfits, quality_matrix, out_file_name, quality_matrix_header, /no_comment, /silent
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        journal, 'Quality-matrix extension correctly added.'
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Roberto Susino committed

    ; build the telemetry extension
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Roberto Susino committed

    hk_extension_header = !null
    fxaddpar, hk_extension_header, 'PCOUNT', 0, 'parameter count'
    fxaddpar, hk_extension_header, 'GCOUNT', 1, 'group count'
    fxaddpar, hk_extension_header, 'EXTNAME', 'House-keeping', 'extension name'
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    hk_bin_table = make_bin_table(hk_table)
    mwrfits, hk_bin_table, out_file_name, hk_extension_header, /no_comment, /silent
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Roberto Susino committed

    journal, 'HK binary-table extension correctly added.'
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    ; fix some header keywords
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Roberto Susino committed

    fix_fits_header, out_file_name
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    ; unload the spice kernels
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    load_spice_kernels, kernel_list = kernel_list, /unload
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    journal, 'SPICE kernel files unloaded.'
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    ; write the auxiliary information file
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    output = { $
        file_name: out_file_name, $
        l0_file_name: input.file_name, $
        log_file_name: 'output/metis_l1_prep_log.txt', $
        empty_params: empty_params[uniq(empty_params)] $
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    json_write, output, 'output/contents.json'

    journal, 'Output saved'

    ; close the log

    journal, 'Exiting without errors.'
    exit, status = 0