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  • package adql.query;
    import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
    import static;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import org.junit.Before;
    import org.junit.Test;
    import adql.parser.ADQLParser;
    import adql.parser.ParseException;
    import adql.query.ADQLObject;
    import adql.query.ADQLQuery;
    import adql.query.TextPosition;
    import adql.query.constraint.Comparison;
    import adql.query.from.ADQLJoin;
    import adql.query.from.ADQLTable;
    import adql.query.operand.ADQLColumn;
    import adql.query.operand.ADQLOperand;
    import adql.query.operand.function.ADQLFunction;
    public class TestADQLObjectPosition {
    	private ADQLParser parser = new ADQLParser();
    	public void setUp(){
    	public void testPositionInAllClauses(){
    			ADQLQuery query = parser.parseQuery("SELECT truc, bidule.machin, toto(truc, chose) AS \"super\" FROM foo JOIN bidule USING(id) WHERE truc > 12.5 AND bidule.machin < 5 GROUP BY chose HAVING try > 0 ORDER BY chouetteAlors");
    			Iterator<ADQLObject> results = SimpleSearchHandler(true){
    				protected boolean match(ADQLObject obj){
    					return obj.getPosition() == null;
    			if (results.hasNext()){
    				System.err.println("OBJECT WITH NO DEFINED POSITION:");
    					System.err.println("    * " +;
    				fail("At least one item of the generated ADQL tree does not have a position information! (see System.err for more details)");
    		}catch(ParseException pe){
    			fail("No error should have occured here: the ADQL query is syntactically correct!");
    	private void assertEquality(final TextPosition expected, final TextPosition realPos){
    		assertEquals(expected.beginLine, realPos.beginLine);
    		assertEquals(expected.beginColumn, realPos.beginColumn);
    		assertEquals(expected.endLine, realPos.endLine);
    		assertEquals(expected.endColumn, realPos.endColumn);
    	public void testPositionAccuracy(){
    			ADQLQuery query = parser.parseQuery("SELECT TOP 1000 oid FROM foo JOIN bar USING(oid)\nWHERE foo || toto = 'truc'\n      AND 2 > 1+0 GROUP BY oid HAVING COUNT(oid) > 10\n\tORDER BY 1 DESC");
    			// Test SELECT
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(1, 1, 1, 20), query.getSelect().getPosition());
    			// Test ADQLColumn (here: "oid")
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(1, 17, 1, 20), query.getSelect().get(0).getPosition());
    			// Test FROM & ADQLJoin
    			/* NB: The clause FROM is the only one which is not a list but a single item of type FromContent (JOIN or table).
    			 *     That's why, it is not possible to get its exact starting position ('FROM') ; the starting position is
    			 *     the one of the first table of the clause FROM. */
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(1, 26, 1, 49), query.getFrom().getPosition());
    			// Test ADQLTable
    			ArrayList<ADQLTable> tables = query.getFrom().getTables();
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(1, 26, 1, 29), tables.get(0).getPosition());
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(1, 35, 1, 38), tables.get(1).getPosition());
    			// Test the join condition:
    			Iterator<ADQLColumn> itCol = ((ADQLJoin)query.getFrom()).getJoinedColumns();
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(1, 45, 1, 48),;
    			// Test WHERE
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(2, 1, 3, 18), query.getWhere().getPosition());
    			Comparison comp = (Comparison)(query.getWhere().get(0));
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(2, 7, 2, 27), comp.getPosition());
    			// Test left operand = concatenation:
    			ADQLOperand operand = comp.getLeftOperand();
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(2, 7, 2, 18), operand.getPosition());
    			Iterator<ADQLObject> itObj = operand.adqlIterator();
    			// foo
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(2, 7, 2, 10),;
    			// toto
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(2, 14, 2, 18),;
    			// Test right operand = string:
    			operand = comp.getRightOperand();
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(2, 21, 2, 27), operand.getPosition());
    			comp = (Comparison)(query.getWhere().get(1));
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(3, 11, 3, 18), comp.getPosition());
    			// Test left operand = numeric:
    			operand = comp.getLeftOperand();
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(3, 11, 3, 12), operand.getPosition());
    			// Test right operand = operation:
    			operand = comp.getRightOperand();
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(3, 15, 3, 18), operand.getPosition());
    			itObj = operand.adqlIterator();
    			// 1
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(3, 15, 3, 16),;
    			// 0
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(3, 17, 3, 18),;
    			// Test GROUP BY
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(3, 19, 3, 31), query.getGroupBy().getPosition());
    			// oid
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(3, 28, 3, 31), query.getGroupBy().get(0).getPosition());
    			// Test HAVING
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(3, 32, 3, 54), query.getHaving().getPosition());
    			comp = (Comparison)(query.getHaving().get(0));
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(3, 39, 3, 54), comp.getPosition());
    			// Test left operand = COUNT function:
    			operand = comp.getLeftOperand();
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(3, 39, 3, 49), operand.getPosition());
    			// Test parameter = ADQLColumn oid:
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(3, 45, 3, 48), ((ADQLFunction)operand).getParameter(0).getPosition());
    			// Test right operand = operation:
    			operand = comp.getRightOperand();
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(3, 52, 3, 54), operand.getPosition());
    			// Test ORDER BY
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(4, 9, 4, 24), query.getOrderBy().getPosition());
    			// Test column index:
    			assertEquality(new TextPosition(4, 18, 4, 19), query.getOrderBy().get(0).getPosition());
    		}catch(ParseException pe){
    			System.err.println("ERROR IN THE ADQL QUERY AT " + pe.getPosition());
    			fail("No error should have occured here: the ADQL query is syntactically correct!");