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  • package adql.translator;
     * This file is part of ADQLLibrary.
     * ADQLLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     * (at your option) any later version.
     * ADQLLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
     * along with ADQLLibrary.  If not, see <>.
     * Copyright 2014 - Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI)
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import adql.db.DBColumn;
    import adql.db.DBTable;
    import adql.db.exception.UnresolvedJoin;
    import adql.query.ADQLList;
    import adql.query.ADQLObject;
    import adql.query.ADQLOrder;
    import adql.query.ADQLQuery;
    import adql.query.ClauseConstraints;
    import adql.query.ClauseSelect;
    import adql.query.ColumnReference;
    import adql.query.IdentifierField;
    import adql.query.SelectAllColumns;
    import adql.query.SelectItem;
    import adql.query.constraint.ADQLConstraint;
    import adql.query.constraint.Between;
    import adql.query.constraint.Comparison;
    import adql.query.constraint.ConstraintsGroup;
    import adql.query.constraint.Exists;
    import adql.query.constraint.In;
    import adql.query.constraint.IsNull;
    import adql.query.constraint.NotConstraint;
    import adql.query.from.ADQLJoin;
    import adql.query.from.ADQLTable;
    import adql.query.from.FromContent;
    import adql.query.operand.ADQLColumn;
    import adql.query.operand.ADQLOperand;
    import adql.query.operand.Concatenation;
    import adql.query.operand.NegativeOperand;
    import adql.query.operand.NumericConstant;
    import adql.query.operand.Operation;
    import adql.query.operand.StringConstant;
    import adql.query.operand.WrappedOperand;
    import adql.query.operand.function.ADQLFunction;
    import adql.query.operand.function.MathFunction;
    import adql.query.operand.function.SQLFunction;
    import adql.query.operand.function.SQLFunctionType;
    import adql.query.operand.function.UserDefinedFunction;
    import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.AreaFunction;
    import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.BoxFunction;
    import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.CentroidFunction;
    import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.CircleFunction;
    import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ContainsFunction;
    import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.DistanceFunction;
    import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ExtractCoord;
    import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.ExtractCoordSys;
    import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.GeometryFunction;
    import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.GeometryFunction.GeometryValue;
    import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.IntersectsFunction;
    import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.PointFunction;
    import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.PolygonFunction;
    import adql.query.operand.function.geometry.RegionFunction;
     * <p>Implementation of {@link ADQLTranslator} which translates ADQL queries in SQL queries.</p>
     * <p>
     * 	It is already able to translate all SQL standard features, but lets abstract the translation of all
     * 	geometrical functions. So, this translator must be extended as {@link PostgreSQLTranslator} and
     * 	{@link PgSphereTranslator} are doing.
     * </p>
     * <p><i>Note:
     * 	Its default implementation of the SQL syntax has been inspired by the PostgreSQL one.
     * 	However, it should work also with SQLite and MySQL, but some translations might be needed
     * 	(as it is has been done for PostgreSQL about the mathematical functions).
     * </i></p>
     * <h3>PostgreSQLTranslator and PgSphereTranslator</h3>
     * <p>
     * 	{@link PgSphereTranslator} extends {@link PostgreSQLTranslator} and is just translating geometrical
     * 	functions according to the syntax given by PgSphere.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * 	{@link PostgreSQLTranslator} overwrites the translation of mathematical functions whose some have
     * 	a different name or signature. Besides, it is also implementing the translation of the geometrical
     * 	functions. However, it does not really translate them. It is just returning the ADQL expression
     * 	(by calling {@link #getDefaultADQLFunction(ADQLFunction)}).
     * 	And so, of course, the execution of a SQL query containing geometrical functions and translated
     * 	using this translator will not work. It is just a default implementation in case there is no interest
     * 	of these geometrical functions.
     * </p>
     * <h3>SQL with or without case sensitivity?</h3>
     * <p>
     * 	In ADQL and in SQL, it is possible to tell the parser to respect the exact case or not of an identifier (schema, table or column name)
     * 	by surrounding it with double quotes. However ADQL identifiers and SQL ones may be different. In that way, the case sensitivity specified
     * 	in ADQL on the different identifiers can not be kept in SQL. That's why this translator lets specify a general rule on which types of
     * 	SQL identifier must be double quoted. This can be done by implementing the abstract function {@link #isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField)}.
     * 	The functions translating column and table names will call this function in order to surround the identifiers by double quotes or not.
     * 	So, <b>be careful if you want to override the functions translating columns and tables!</b>
     * </p>
     * <h3>Translation of "SELECT TOP"</h3>
     * <p>
     * 	The default behavior of this translator is to translate the ADQL "TOP" into the SQL "LIMIT" at the end of the query.
     * 	This is ok for some DBMS, but not all. So, if your DBMS does not know the "LIMIT" keyword, you should override the function
     * 	translating the whole query: {@link #translate(ADQLQuery)}. Here is its current implementation: 
     * </p>
     * <pre>
     * 	StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(translate(query.getSelect()));
     * 	sql.append("\nFROM ").append(translate(query.getFrom()));
     *	if (!query.getWhere().isEmpty())
     *		sql.append('\n').append(translate(query.getWhere()));
     *	if (!query.getGroupBy().isEmpty())
     *		sql.append('\n').append(translate(query.getGroupBy()));
     *	if (!query.getHaving().isEmpty())
     *		sql.append('\n').append(translate(query.getHaving()));
     *	if (!query.getOrderBy().isEmpty())
     *		sql.append('\n').append(translate(query.getOrderBy()));
     *	if (query.getSelect().hasLimit())
     *		sql.append("\nLimit ").append(query.getSelect().getLimit());
     *	return sql.toString();
     * </pre>
     * <h3>Translation of ADQL functions</h3>
     * <p>
     * 	All ADQL functions are by default not translated. Consequently, the SQL translation is
     * 	actually the ADQL expression. Generally the ADQL expression is generic enough. However some mathematical functions may need
     * 	to be translated differently. For instance {@link PostgreSQLTranslator} is translating differently: LOG, LOG10, RAND and TRUNC. 
     * </p>
     * <p><i>Note:
     * 	Geometrical function have not been translated here. They stay abstract because it is obviously impossible to have a generic
     * 	translation ; it totally depends from the database system.
     * </i></p>
     * <h3>Translation of "FROM" with JOINs</h3>
     * <p>
     * 	The FROM clause is translated into SQL as written in ADQL. There is no differences except the identifiers that are replaced.
     * 	The tables' aliases and their case sensitivity are kept like in ADQL.
     * </p>
     * @author Gr&eacute;gory Mantelet (ARI)
     * @since 2.0
     * @see PostgreSQLTranslator
     * @see PgSphereTranslator
    public abstract class JDBCTranslator implements ADQLTranslator {
    	 * <p>Tell whether the specified identifier MUST be translated so that being interpreted case sensitively or not.
    	 * By default, an identifier that must be translated with case sensitivity will be surrounded by double quotes.
    	 * But, if this function returns FALSE, the SQL name will be written just as given in the metadata, without double quotes.</p>
    	 * <p><b>WARNING</b>:
    	 * 	An {@link IdentifierField} object can be a SCHEMA, TABLE, COLUMN and ALIAS. However, in this translator,
    	 * 	aliases are translated like in ADQL (so, with the same case sensitivity specification as in ADQL).
    	 * 	So, this function will never be used to know the case sensitivity to apply to an alias. It is then
    	 * 	useless to write a special behavior for the ALIAS value.
    	 * </p>
    	 * @param field	The identifier whose the case sensitive to apply is asked.
    	 * @return	<i>true</i> if the specified identifier must be translated case sensitivity, <i>false</i> otherwise (included if ALIAS or NULL).
    	public abstract boolean isCaseSensitive(final IdentifierField field);
    	 * <p>Get the qualified DB name of the schema containing the given table.</p>
    	 * <p><i>Note:
    	 * 	This function will, by default, add double quotes if the schema name must be case sensitive in the SQL query.
    	 * 	This information is provided by {@link #isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField)}.
    	 * </i></p>
    	 * @param table	A table of the schema whose the qualified DB name is asked.
    	 * @return	The qualified (with DB catalog name prefix if any, and with double quotes if needed) DB schema name,
    	 *        	or an empty string if there is no schema or no DB name.
    	public String getQualifiedSchemaName(final DBTable table){
    		if (table == null || table.getDBSchemaName() == null)
    			return "";
    		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    		if (table.getDBCatalogName() != null)
    			appendIdentifier(buf, table.getDBCatalogName(), IdentifierField.CATALOG).append('.');
    		appendIdentifier(buf, table.getDBSchemaName(), IdentifierField.SCHEMA);
    		return buf.toString();
    	 * <p>Get the qualified DB name of the given table.</p>
    	 * <p><i>Note:
    	 * 	This function will, by default, add double quotes if the table name must be case sensitive in the SQL query.
    	 * 	This information is provided by {@link #isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField)}.
    	 * </i></p>
    	 * @param table	The table whose the qualified DB name is asked.
    	 * @return	The qualified (with DB catalog and schema prefix if any, and with double quotes if needed) DB table name,
    	 *        	or an empty string if the given table is NULL or if there is no DB name.
    	public String getQualifiedTableName(final DBTable table){
    		if (table == null)
    			return "";
    		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(getQualifiedSchemaName(table));
    		if (buf.length() > 0)
    		appendIdentifier(buf, table.getDBName(), IdentifierField.TABLE);
    		return buf.toString();
    	 * <p>Get the DB name of the given column</p>
    	 * <p><i>Note:
    	 * 	This function will, by default, add double quotes if the column name must be case sensitive in the SQL query.
    	 * 	This information is provided by {@link #isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField)}.
    	 * </i></p>
    	 * <p><b>Caution:
    	 * 	The given column may be NULL and in this case an empty string will be returned.
    	 * 	But if the given column is not NULL, its DB name MUST NOT BE NULL!
    	 * </b></p>
    	 * @param column	The column whose the DB name is asked.
    	 * @return	The DB column name (with double quotes if needed),
    	 *        	or an empty string if the given column is NULL.
    	public String getColumnName(final DBColumn column){
    		return (column == null) ? "" : appendIdentifier(new StringBuffer(), column.getDBName(), IdentifierField.COLUMN).toString();
    	 * Appends the given identifier in the given StringBuffer.
    	 * @param str		The string buffer.
    	 * @param id		The identifier to append.
    	 * @param field		The type of identifier (column, table, schema, catalog or alias ?).
    	 * @return			The string buffer + identifier.
    	public final StringBuffer appendIdentifier(final StringBuffer str, final String id, final IdentifierField field){
    		return appendIdentifier(str, id, isCaseSensitive(field));
    	 * Appends the given identifier to the given StringBuffer.
    	 * @param str				The string buffer.
    	 * @param id				The identifier to append.
    	 * @param caseSensitive		<i>true</i> to format the identifier so that preserving the case sensitivity, <i>false</i> otherwise.
    	 * @return					The string buffer + identifier.
    	public static final StringBuffer appendIdentifier(final StringBuffer str, final String id, final boolean caseSensitive){
    		if (caseSensitive)
    			return str.append('"').append(id).append('"');
    			return str.append(id);
    	public String translate(ADQLObject obj) throws TranslationException{
    		if (obj instanceof ADQLQuery)
    			return translate((ADQLQuery)obj);
    		else if (obj instanceof ADQLList)
    			return translate((ADQLList)obj);
    		else if (obj instanceof SelectItem)
    			return translate((SelectItem)obj);
    		else if (obj instanceof ColumnReference)
    			return translate((ColumnReference)obj);
    		else if (obj instanceof ADQLTable)
    			return translate((ADQLTable)obj);
    		else if (obj instanceof ADQLJoin)
    			return translate((ADQLJoin)obj);
    		else if (obj instanceof ADQLOperand)
    			return translate((ADQLOperand)obj);
    		else if (obj instanceof ADQLConstraint)
    			return translate((ADQLConstraint)obj);
    			return obj.toADQL();
    	public String translate(ADQLQuery query) throws TranslationException{
    		StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(translate(query.getSelect()));
    		sql.append("\nFROM ").append(translate(query.getFrom()));
    		if (!query.getWhere().isEmpty())
    		if (!query.getGroupBy().isEmpty())
    		if (!query.getHaving().isEmpty())
    		if (!query.getOrderBy().isEmpty())
    		if (query.getSelect().hasLimit())
    			sql.append("\nLimit ").append(query.getSelect().getLimit());
    		return sql.toString();
    	/* *************************** */
    	/* ****** LIST & CLAUSE ****** */
    	/* *************************** */
    	public String translate(ADQLList<? extends ADQLObject> list) throws TranslationException{
    		if (list instanceof ClauseSelect)
    			return translate((ClauseSelect)list);
    		else if (list instanceof ClauseConstraints)
    			return translate((ClauseConstraints)list);
    			return getDefaultADQLList(list);
    	 * Gets the default SQL output for a list of ADQL objects.
    	 * @param list	List to format into SQL.
    	 * @return		The corresponding SQL.
    	 * @throws TranslationException If there is an error during the translation.
    	protected String getDefaultADQLList(ADQLList<? extends ADQLObject> list) throws TranslationException{
    		String sql = (list.getName() == null) ? "" : (list.getName() + " ");
    		for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
    			sql += ((i == 0) ? "" : (" " + list.getSeparator(i) + " ")) + translate(list.get(i));
    		return sql;
    	public String translate(ClauseSelect clause) throws TranslationException{
    		String sql = null;
    		for(int i = 0; i < clause.size(); i++){
    			if (i == 0){
    				sql = clause.getName() + (clause.distinctColumns() ? " DISTINCT" : "");
    				sql += " " + clause.getSeparator(i);
    			sql += " " + translate(clause.get(i));
    		return sql;
    	public String translate(ClauseConstraints clause) throws TranslationException{
    		if (clause instanceof ConstraintsGroup)
    			return "(" + getDefaultADQLList(clause) + ")";
    			return getDefaultADQLList(clause);
    	public String translate(SelectItem item) throws TranslationException{
    		if (item instanceof SelectAllColumns)
    			return translate((SelectAllColumns)item);
    		StringBuffer translation = new StringBuffer(translate(item.getOperand()));
    		if (item.hasAlias()){
    			translation.append(" AS ");
    			appendIdentifier(translation, item.getAlias(), item.isCaseSensitive());
    			translation.append(" AS ");
    			appendIdentifier(translation, item.getName(), true);
    		return translation.toString();
    	public String translate(SelectAllColumns item) throws TranslationException{
    		HashMap<String,String> mapAlias = new HashMap<String,String>();
    		// Fetch the full list of columns to display:
    		Iterable<DBColumn> dbCols = null;
    		if (item.getAdqlTable() != null && item.getAdqlTable().getDBLink() != null){
    			ADQLTable table = item.getAdqlTable();
    			dbCols = table.getDBLink();
    			if (table.hasAlias()){
    				String key = getQualifiedTableName(table.getDBLink());
    				mapAlias.put(key, table.isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.ALIAS) ? ("\"" + table.getAlias() + "\"") : table.getAlias());
    		}else if (item.getQuery() != null){
    				dbCols = item.getQuery().getFrom().getDBColumns();
    			}catch(UnresolvedJoin pe){
    				throw new TranslationException("Due to a join problem, the ADQL to SQL translation can not be completed!", pe);
    			ArrayList<ADQLTable> tables = item.getQuery().getFrom().getTables();
    			for(ADQLTable table : tables){
    				if (table.hasAlias()){
    					String key = getQualifiedTableName(table.getDBLink());
    					mapAlias.put(key, table.isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.ALIAS) ? ("\"" + table.getAlias() + "\"") : table.getAlias());
    		// Write the DB name of all these columns:
    		if (dbCols != null){
    			StringBuffer cols = new StringBuffer();
    			for(DBColumn col : dbCols){
    				if (cols.length() > 0)
    				if (col.getTable() != null){
    					String fullDbName = getQualifiedTableName(col.getTable());
    					if (mapAlias.containsKey(fullDbName))
    						appendIdentifier(cols, mapAlias.get(fullDbName), false).append('.');
    				appendIdentifier(cols, col.getDBName(), IdentifierField.COLUMN);
    				cols.append(" AS \"").append(col.getADQLName()).append('\"');
    			return (cols.length() > 0) ? cols.toString() : item.toADQL();
    			return item.toADQL();
    	public String translate(ColumnReference ref) throws TranslationException{
    		if (ref instanceof ADQLOrder)
    			return translate((ADQLOrder)ref);
    			return getDefaultColumnReference(ref);
    	 * Gets the default SQL output for a column reference.
    	 * @param ref	The column reference to format into SQL.
    	 * @return		The corresponding SQL.
    	 * @throws TranslationException If there is an error during the translation.
    	protected String getDefaultColumnReference(ColumnReference ref) throws TranslationException{
    		if (ref.isIndex()){
    			return "" + ref.getColumnIndex();
    			if (ref.getDBLink() == null){
    				return (ref.isCaseSensitive() ? ("\"" + ref.getColumnName() + "\"") : ref.getColumnName());
    				DBColumn dbCol = ref.getDBLink();
    				StringBuffer colName = new StringBuffer();
    				// Use the table alias if any:
    				if (ref.getAdqlTable() != null && ref.getAdqlTable().hasAlias())
    					appendIdentifier(colName, ref.getAdqlTable().getAlias(), ref.getAdqlTable().isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.ALIAS)).append('.');
    				// Use the DBTable if any:
    				else if (dbCol.getTable() != null)
    				appendIdentifier(colName, dbCol.getDBName(), IdentifierField.COLUMN);
    				return colName.toString();
    	public String translate(ADQLOrder order) throws TranslationException{
    		return getDefaultColumnReference(order) + (order.isDescSorting() ? " DESC" : " ASC");
    	/* ************************** */
    	/* ****** TABLE & JOIN ****** */
    	/* ************************** */
    	public String translate(FromContent content) throws TranslationException{
    		if (content instanceof ADQLTable)
    			return translate((ADQLTable)content);
    		else if (content instanceof ADQLJoin)
    			return translate((ADQLJoin)content);
    			return content.toADQL();
    	public String translate(ADQLTable table) throws TranslationException{
    		StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
    		// CASE: SUB-QUERY:
    		if (table.isSubQuery())
    			// Use the corresponding DB table, if known:
    			if (table.getDBLink() != null)
    			// Otherwise, use the whole table name given in the ADQL query:
    		// Add the table alias, if any:
    		if (table.hasAlias()){
    			sql.append(" AS ");
    			appendIdentifier(sql, table.getAlias(), table.isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.ALIAS));
    		return sql.toString();
    	public String translate(ADQLJoin join) throws TranslationException{
    		StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(translate(join.getLeftTable()));
    		if (join.isNatural())
    			sql.append(" NATURAL");
    		sql.append(' ').append(join.getJoinType()).append(' ').append(translate(join.getRightTable())).append(' ');
    		if (!join.isNatural()){
    			if (join.getJoinCondition() != null)
    			else if (join.hasJoinedColumns()){
    				StringBuffer cols = new StringBuffer();
    				Iterator<ADQLColumn> it = join.getJoinedColumns();
    					ADQLColumn item =;
    					if (cols.length() > 0)
    						cols.append(", ");
    					if (item.getDBLink() == null)
    						appendIdentifier(cols, item.getColumnName(), item.isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.COLUMN));
    						appendIdentifier(cols, item.getDBLink().getDBName(), IdentifierField.COLUMN);
    				sql.append("USING (").append(cols).append(')');
    		return sql.toString();
    	/* ********************* */
    	/* ****** OPERAND ****** */
    	/* ********************* */
    	public String translate(ADQLOperand op) throws TranslationException{
    		if (op instanceof ADQLColumn)
    			return translate((ADQLColumn)op);
    		else if (op instanceof Concatenation)
    			return translate((Concatenation)op);
    		else if (op instanceof NegativeOperand)
    			return translate((NegativeOperand)op);
    		else if (op instanceof NumericConstant)
    			return translate((NumericConstant)op);
    		else if (op instanceof StringConstant)
    			return translate((StringConstant)op);
    		else if (op instanceof WrappedOperand)
    			return translate((WrappedOperand)op);
    		else if (op instanceof Operation)
    			return translate((Operation)op);
    		else if (op instanceof ADQLFunction)
    			return translate((ADQLFunction)op);
    			return op.toADQL();
    	public String translate(ADQLColumn column) throws TranslationException{
    		// Use its DB name if known:
    		if (column.getDBLink() != null){
    			DBColumn dbCol = column.getDBLink();
    			StringBuffer colName = new StringBuffer();
    			// Use the table alias if any:
    			if (column.getAdqlTable() != null && column.getAdqlTable().hasAlias())
    				appendIdentifier(colName, column.getAdqlTable().getAlias(), column.getAdqlTable().isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.ALIAS)).append('.');
    			// Use the DBTable if any:
    			else if (dbCol.getTable() != null && dbCol.getTable().getDBName() != null)
    			// Otherwise, use the prefix of the column given in the ADQL query:
    			else if (column.getTableName() != null)
    				colName = column.getFullColumnPrefix().append('.');
    			appendIdentifier(colName, dbCol.getDBName(), IdentifierField.COLUMN);
    			return colName.toString();
    		// Otherwise, use the whole name given in the ADQL query:
    			return column.getFullColumnName();
    	public String translate(Concatenation concat) throws TranslationException{
    		return translate((ADQLList<ADQLOperand>)concat);
    	public String translate(NegativeOperand negOp) throws TranslationException{
    		return "-" + translate(negOp.getOperand());
    	public String translate(NumericConstant numConst) throws TranslationException{
    		return numConst.getValue();
    	public String translate(StringConstant strConst) throws TranslationException{
    		return "'" + strConst.getValue() + "'";
    	public String translate(WrappedOperand op) throws TranslationException{
    		return "(" + translate(op.getOperand()) + ")";
    	public String translate(Operation op) throws TranslationException{
    		return translate(op.getLeftOperand()) + op.getOperation().toADQL() + translate(op.getRightOperand());
    	/* ************************ */
    	/* ****** CONSTRAINT ****** */
    	/* ************************ */
    	public String translate(ADQLConstraint cons) throws TranslationException{
    		if (cons instanceof Comparison)
    			return translate((Comparison)cons);
    		else if (cons instanceof Between)
    			return translate((Between)cons);
    		else if (cons instanceof Exists)
    			return translate((Exists)cons);
    		else if (cons instanceof In)
    			return translate((In)cons);
    		else if (cons instanceof IsNull)
    			return translate((IsNull)cons);
    		else if (cons instanceof NotConstraint)
    			return translate((NotConstraint)cons);
    			return cons.toADQL();
    	public String translate(Comparison comp) throws TranslationException{
    		return translate(comp.getLeftOperand()) + " " + comp.getOperator().toADQL() + " " + translate(comp.getRightOperand());
    	public String translate(Between comp) throws TranslationException{
    		return translate(comp.getLeftOperand()) + " " + comp.getName() + " " + translate(comp.getMinOperand()) + " AND " + translate(comp.getMaxOperand());
    	public String translate(Exists exists) throws TranslationException{
    		return "EXISTS(" + translate(exists.getSubQuery()) + ")";
    	public String translate(In in) throws TranslationException{
    		return translate(in.getOperand()) + " " + in.getName() + " (" + (in.hasSubQuery() ? translate(in.getSubQuery()) : translate(in.getValuesList())) + ")";
    	public String translate(IsNull isNull) throws TranslationException{
    		return translate(isNull.getColumn()) + " " + isNull.getName();
    	public String translate(NotConstraint notCons) throws TranslationException{
    		return "NOT " + translate(notCons.getConstraint());
    	/* *********************** */
    	/* ****** FUNCTIONS ****** */
    	/* *********************** */
    	public String translate(ADQLFunction fct) throws TranslationException{
    		if (fct instanceof GeometryFunction)
    			return translate((GeometryFunction)fct);
    		else if (fct instanceof MathFunction)
    			return translate((MathFunction)fct);
    		else if (fct instanceof SQLFunction)
    			return translate((SQLFunction)fct);
    		else if (fct instanceof UserDefinedFunction)
    			return translate((UserDefinedFunction)fct);
    			return getDefaultADQLFunction(fct);
    	 * Gets the default SQL output for the given ADQL function.
    	 * @param fct	The ADQL function to format into SQL.
    	 * @return		The corresponding SQL.
    	 * @throws TranslationException	If there is an error during the translation.
    	protected final String getDefaultADQLFunction(ADQLFunction fct) throws TranslationException{
    		String sql = fct.getName() + "(";
    		for(int i = 0; i < fct.getNbParameters(); i++)
    			sql += ((i == 0) ? "" : ", ") + translate(fct.getParameter(i));
    		return sql + ")";
    	public String translate(SQLFunction fct) throws TranslationException{
    		if (fct.getType() == SQLFunctionType.COUNT_ALL)
    			return "COUNT(" + (fct.isDistinct() ? "DISTINCT " : "") + "*)";
    			return fct.getName() + "(" + (fct.isDistinct() ? "DISTINCT " : "") + translate(fct.getParameter(0)) + ")";
    	public String translate(MathFunction fct) throws TranslationException{
    		return getDefaultADQLFunction(fct);
    	public String translate(UserDefinedFunction fct) throws TranslationException{
    		return getDefaultADQLFunction(fct);
    	/* *********************************** */
    	/* ****** GEOMETRICAL FUNCTIONS ****** */
    	/* *********************************** */
    	public String translate(GeometryFunction fct) throws TranslationException{
    		if (fct instanceof AreaFunction)
    			return translate((AreaFunction)fct);
    		else if (fct instanceof BoxFunction)
    			return translate((BoxFunction)fct);
    		else if (fct instanceof CentroidFunction)
    			return translate((CentroidFunction)fct);
    		else if (fct instanceof CircleFunction)
    			return translate((CircleFunction)fct);
    		else if (fct instanceof ContainsFunction)
    			return translate((ContainsFunction)fct);
    		else if (fct instanceof DistanceFunction)
    			return translate((DistanceFunction)fct);
    		else if (fct instanceof ExtractCoord)
    			return translate((ExtractCoord)fct);
    		else if (fct instanceof ExtractCoordSys)
    			return translate((ExtractCoordSys)fct);
    		else if (fct instanceof IntersectsFunction)
    			return translate((IntersectsFunction)fct);
    		else if (fct instanceof PointFunction)
    			return translate((PointFunction)fct);
    		else if (fct instanceof PolygonFunction)
    			return translate((PolygonFunction)fct);
    		else if (fct instanceof RegionFunction)
    			return translate((RegionFunction)fct);
    			return getDefaultADQLFunction(fct);
    	public String translate(GeometryValue<? extends GeometryFunction> geomValue) throws TranslationException{
    		return translate(geomValue.getValue());