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  • package tap;
     * This file is part of TAPLibrary.
     * TAPLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     * (at your option) any later version.
     * TAPLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
     * along with TAPLibrary.  If not, see <>.
     * Copyright 2012-2017 - UDS/Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS),
     *                       Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI)
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import adql.parser.ADQLParser;
    import adql.parser.ADQLQueryFactory;
    import adql.parser.ParseException;
    import adql.query.ADQLQuery;
    import tap.db.DBCancelledException;
    import tap.db.DBConnection;
    import tap.db.DBException;
    import tap.formatter.OutputFormat;
    import tap.log.TAPLog;
    import tap.metadata.TAPSchema;
    import tap.metadata.TAPTable;
    import tap.parameters.DALIUpload;
    import tap.parameters.TAPParameters;
    import uws.UWSException;
    import uws.job.JobThread;
    import uws.job.Result;
    import uws.service.log.UWSLog.LogLevel;
     * <p>Let process completely an ADQL query.</p>
     * <p>Thus, this class aims to apply the following actions (in the given order):</p>
     * <ol>
     * 	<li>Upload the user tables, if any</li>
     * 	<li>Parse the ADQL query (and so, transform it in an object tree)</li>
     * 	<li>Execute it in the "database"</li>
     * 	<li>Format and write the result</li>
     * 	<li>Drop all uploaded tables from the "database"</li>
     * </ol>
     * <h3>Job execution mode</h3>
     * <p>
     * 	This executor is able to process queries coming from a synchronous job (the result must be written directly in the HTTP response)
     * 	and from an asynchronous job (the result must be written, generally, in a file). Two start(...) functions let deal with
     * 	the differences between the two job execution modes: {@link #start(AsyncThread)} for asynchronous jobs
     * 	and {@link #start(Thread, String, TAPParameters, HttpServletResponse)} for synchronous jobs.
     * </p>
     * <h3>Input/Output formats</h3>
     * <p>Uploaded tables must be provided in VOTable format.</p>
     * <p>
     * 	Query results must be formatted in the format specified by the user in the job parameters. A corresponding formatter ({@link OutputFormat})
     * 	is asked to the description of the TAP service ({@link ServiceConnection}). If none can be found, VOTable will be chosen by default.
     * </p>
     * <h3>Executor customization</h3>
     * <p>It is totally possible to customize some parts of the ADQL query processing. However, the main algorithm must remain the same and is implemented
     * 	by {@link #start()}. This function is final, like {@link #start(AsyncThread)} and {@link #start(Thread, String, TAPParameters, HttpServletResponse)},
     * 	which are just preparing the execution for {@link #start()} in function of the job execution mode (asynchronous or synchronous).
     * </p>
     * <p><i>Note:
     * 	{@link #start()} is using the Template Method Design Pattern: it defines the skeleton/algorithm of the processing, and defers some steps
     * 	to other functions.
     * <p>
     * 	So, you are able to customize almost all individual steps of the ADQL query processing: {@link #parseADQL()}, {@link #executeADQL(ADQLQuery)} and
     * 	{@link #writeResult(TableIterator, OutputFormat, OutputStream)}.
     * </p>
     * <p><i>Note:
     * 	Note that the formatting of the result is done by an OutputFormat and that the executor is just calling the appropriate function of the formatter.
     * </i></p>
     * <p>
     * 	There is no way in this executor to customize the upload. However, it does not mean it can not be customized.
     * 	Indeed you can do it easily by extending {@link Uploader} and by providing the new class inside your {@link TAPFactory} implementation
     * (see {@link TAPFactory#createUploader(DBConnection)}).
     * @author Gr&eacute;gory Mantelet (CDS;ARI)
    	/** Description of the current TAP service. */
    	protected final ServiceConnection service;
    	protected final TAPLog logger;
    	/** The thread which is using this executor. */
    	protected Thread thread;
    	/** List of all TAP parameters needed for the query execution (and particularly the ADQL query itself). */
    	protected TAPParameters tapParams;
    	/** Description of the ADQL schema containing all the tables uploaded by the user for this specific query execution.
    	 * <i>Note: This attribute is NULL before calling one of the start(...) function. It MAY be NULL also after if no table has been uploaded.</i> */
    	protected TAPSchema uploadSchema = null;
    	/** The HTTP response in which the query execution must be written. This attribute is NULL if the execution is asynchronous. */
    	protected HttpServletResponse response;
    	/** The execution report to fill gradually while the processing of the query.
    	 * <i>Note: This attribute is NULL before calling one of the start(...) function, but it will never be after this call.</i> */
    	protected TAPExecutionReport report;
    	/** Connection to the "database".
    	 * <i>Note: This attribute is NULL before and after the query processing (= call of a start(...) function).</i> */
    	private DBConnection dbConn = null;
    	/** ID of the current query processing step (uploading, parsing, execution, writing result, ...).
    	 * <i>Note: This attribute is NULL before and after the query processing (= call of a start(...) function).</i> */
    	private ExecutionProgression progression = null;
    	/** Date/Time at which the current query processing step has started. */
    	private long startStep = -1;
    	 * Build an {@link ADQLExecutor}.
    	 * @param service	The description of the TAP service.
    	public ADQLExecutor(final ServiceConnection service){
    		this.service = service;
    		this.logger = service.getLogger();
    	 * Get the logger used by this executor.
    	 * @return	The used logger.
    	 * <p>Get the report of the query execution. It helps indicating the execution progression and the duration of each step.</p>
    	 * <p><i>Note:
    	 * 	Before starting the execution (= before the call of a "start(...)" function), this function will return NULL.
    	 * 	It is set when the query processing starts and remains not NULL after that (even when the execution is finished).
    	 * </i></p>
    	 * @return	The execution report.
    	public final TAPExecutionReport getExecReport(){
    		return report;
    	 * <p>Get the object to use in order to write the query result in the appropriate format
    	 * (either the asked one, or else VOTable).</p>
    	 * @return	The appropriate result formatter to use. <i>Can not be NULL!</i>
    	 * @throws TAPException	If no format corresponds to the asked one and if no default format (for VOTable) can be found.
    	 * @see ServiceConnection#getOutputFormat(String)
    	protected OutputFormat getFormatter() throws TAPException{
    		// Search for the corresponding formatter:
    		String format = tapParams.getFormat();
    		OutputFormat formatter = service.getOutputFormat((format == null) ? "votable" : format);
    		if (format != null && formatter == null)
    			formatter = service.getOutputFormat("votable");
    		// Format the result:
    		if (formatter == null)
    			throw new TAPException("Impossible to format the query result: no formatter has been found for the given MIME type \"" + format + "\" and for the default MIME type \"votable\" (short form) !");
    	 * <p>Start the asynchronous processing of the ADQL query.</p>
    	 * <p>
    	 * 	This function initialize the execution report, get the execution parameters (including the query to process)
    	 * 	and then call {@link #start()}.
    	 * </p>
    	 * @param thread	The asynchronous thread which asks the query processing.
    	 * @return	The resulting execution report.
    	 * @throws UWSException			If any error occurs while executing the ADQL query.
    	 * @throws InterruptedException	If the job has been interrupted (by the user or a time-out).
    	public final TAPExecutionReport start(final AsyncThread thread) throws UWSException, InterruptedException{
    		if (this.thread != null || != null)
    			throw new UWSException(UWSException.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "This ADQLExecutor has already been executed!");
    		this.thread = thread;
    		TAPJob tapJob = thread.getTAPJob();
    		this.tapParams = tapJob.getTapParams(); = new TAPExecutionReport(tapJob.getJobId(), false, tapParams);
    		this.response = null;
    			if (thread.isInterrupted())
    				return report;
    				throw new UWSException(ioe);
    			if (thread.isInterrupted())
    				return report;
    				throw new UWSException(te.getHttpErrorCode(), te);
    		}catch(UWSException ue){
    			if (thread.isInterrupted())
    				return report;
    				throw ue;
    	 * <p>Create the database connection required for the ADQL execution.</p>
    	 * <p><i>Note: This function has no effect if the DB connection already exists.</i></p>
    	 * @param jobID	ID of the job which will be executed by this {@link ADQLExecutor}.
    	 *             	This ID will be the database connection ID.
    	 * @throws TAPException	If the DB connection creation fails.
    	 * @see TAPFactory#getConnection(String)
    	 * @since 2.0
    	public final void initDBConnection(final String jobID) throws TAPException{
    		if (dbConn == null)
    			dbConn = service.getFactory().getConnection(jobID);
    	 * Cancel the current SQL query execution or result set fetching if any is currently running.
    	 * If no such process is on going, this function has no effect.
    	 * @since 2.1
    	public final void cancelQuery(){
    		if (dbConn != null && (progression == ExecutionProgression.EXECUTING_ADQL || progression == ExecutionProgression.UPLOADING))
    	 * <p>Start the synchronous processing of the ADQL query.</p>
    	 * <p>This function initialize the execution report and then call {@link #start()}.</p>
    	 * @param thread	The synchronous thread which asks the query processing.
    	 * @param jobId		ID of the corresponding job.
    	 * @param params	All execution parameters (including the query to process).
    	 * @param response	Object in which the result or the error must be written.
    	 * @return	The resulting execution report.
    	 * @throws TAPException			If any error occurs while executing the ADQL query.
    	 * @throws IOException			If any error occurs while writing the result in the given {@link HttpServletResponse}.
    	 * @throws InterruptedException	If the job has been interrupted (by the user or a time-out).
    	public final TAPExecutionReport start(final Thread thread, final String jobId, final TAPParameters params, final HttpServletResponse response) throws TAPException, IOException, InterruptedException{
    		if (this.thread != null || != null)
    			throw new TAPException("This ADQLExecutor has already been executed!");
    		this.thread = thread;
    		this.tapParams = params; = new TAPExecutionReport(jobId, true, tapParams);
    		this.response = response;
    			return start();
    		}catch(UWSException ue){
    			throw new TAPException(ue, ue.getHttpErrorCode());
    	 * <p>Process the ADQL query.</p>
    	 * <p>This function calls the following function (in the same order):</p>
    	 * <ol>
    	 * 	<li>{@link TAPFactory#getConnection(String)}</li>
    	 * 	<li>{@link #uploadTables()}</li>
    	 * 	<li>{@link #parseADQL()}</li>
    	 * 	<li>{@link #executeADQL(ADQLQuery)}</li>
    	 * 	<li>{@link #writeResult(TableIterator)}</li>
    	 * 	<li>{@link #dropUploadedTables()}</li>
    	 * 	<li>{@link TAPFactory#freeConnection(DBConnection)}</li>
    	 * </ol>
    	 * <p>
    	 * 	The execution report is updated gradually. Besides a job parameter - progression - is set at each step of the process in order to
    	 * 	notify the user of the progression of the query execution. This parameter is removed at the end of the execution if it is successful.
    	 * </p>
    	 * <p>The "interrupted" flag of the associated thread is often tested so that stopping the execution as soon as possible.</p>
    	 * @throws TAPException			If any error occurs while executing the ADQL query.
    	 * @throws UWSException			If any error occurs while executing the ADQL query.
    	 * @throws IOException			If an error happens while writing the result in the specified {@link HttpServletResponse}.
    	 *                    			<i>That kind of error can be thrown only in synchronous mode.
    	 *                    			In asynchronous, the error is stored as job error report and is never propagated.</i>
    	 * @throws InterruptedException	If the job has been interrupted (by the user or a time-out).
    	protected final TAPExecutionReport start() throws TAPException, UWSException, IOException, InterruptedException{
    		logger.logTAP(LogLevel.INFO, report, "START_EXEC", (report.synchronous ? "Synchronous" : "Asynchronous") + " execution of an ADQL query STARTED.", null);
    		// Save the start time (for reporting usage):
    		long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    			// 1. UPLOAD TABLES, if there is any:
    			if (tapParams.getUploadedTables() != null && tapParams.getUploadedTables().length > 0){
    			if (thread.isInterrupted())
    				throw new InterruptedException();
    			// Parse the query:
    			ADQLQuery adqlQuery = null;
    				adqlQuery = parseADQL();
    			}catch(ParseException pe){
    				if (report.synchronous)
    					throw new TAPException("Incorrect ADQL query: " + pe.getMessage(), pe, UWSException.BAD_REQUEST, tapParams.getQuery(), progression);
    					throw new UWSException(UWSException.BAD_REQUEST, pe, "Incorrect ADQL query: " + pe.getMessage());
    			// List all resulting columns (it will be useful later to format the result):
    			report.resultingColumns = adqlQuery.getResultingColumns();
    				throw new InterruptedException();
    			queryResult = executeADQL(adqlQuery);
    			if (queryResult == null || thread.isInterrupted())
    				/* Note: 'queryResult == null' is for former version of the library
    				 *       ; now, a DBCancelledException should be thrown instead */
    			// Set the total duration in the report:
    			report.setTotalDuration(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
    			// Log and report the end of this execution:
    			logger.logTAP(LogLevel.INFO, report, "END_EXEC", "ADQL query execution finished.", null);
    		}catch(DBCancelledException dce){
    			throw new InterruptedException();
    			// Close the result if any:
    			if (queryResult != null){
    				}catch(DataReadException dre){
    					logger.logTAP(LogLevel.WARNING, report, "END_EXEC", "Can not close the database query result!", dre);
    			// Drop all the uploaded tables (they are not supposed to exist after the query execution):
    				logger.logTAP(LogLevel.WARNING, report, "END_EXEC", "Can not drop the uploaded tables from the database!", e);
    			// Free the connection (so that giving it back to a pool if any, otherwise just free resources):
    			if (dbConn != null){
    				dbConn = null;
    	 * <p>Memorize the time at which the step starts, the step ID and update the job parameter "progression"
    	 * (to notify the user about the progression of the query processing).</p>
    	 * <p><i>Note:
    	 * 	If for some reason the job parameter "progression" can not be updated, no error will be thrown. A WARNING message
    	 * 	will be just written in the log.
    	 * </i></p>
    	 * <p><i>Note:
    	 * 	This function is designed to work with {@link #endStep()}, which must be called after it, when the step is finished (successfully or not).
    	 * </i></p>
    	 * @param progression	ID of the starting step.
    	 * @see #endStep()
    	private void startStep(final ExecutionProgression progression){
    		// Save the start time (for report usage):
    		startStep = System.currentTimeMillis();
    		// Memorize the current step:
    		this.progression = progression;
    		// Update the job parameter "progression", to notify the user about the progression of the query processing:
    			tapParams.set(TAPJob.PARAM_PROGRESSION, this.progression);
    		}catch(UWSException ue){
    			// should not happen, but just in case...
    			logger.logTAP(LogLevel.WARNING, report, "START_STEP", "Can not set/update the informative job parameter \"" + TAPJob.PARAM_PROGRESSION + "\" (this parameter would be just for notification purpose about the execution progression)!", ue);
    	 * <p>Set the duration of the current step in the execution report.</p>
    	 * <p><i>Note:
    	 * 	The start time and the ID of the step are then forgotten.
    	 * </i></p>
    	 * <p><i>Note:
    	 * 	This function is designed to work with {@link #startStep(ExecutionProgression)}, which must be called before it, when the step is starting.
    	 * 	It marks the end of a step.
    	 * </i></p>
    	 * @see #startStep(ExecutionProgression)
    	private void endStep(){
    		if (progression != null){
    			// Set the duration of this step in the execution report:
    			report.setDuration(progression, System.currentTimeMillis() - startStep);
    			// No start time:
    			startStep = -1;
    			// No step for the moment:
    			progression = null;
    	 * <p>Create in the "database" all tables uploaded by the user (only for this specific query execution).</p>
    	 * <p><i>Note:
    	 * 	Obviously, nothing is done if no table has been uploaded.
    	 * </i></p>
    	 * @throws TAPException	If any error occurs while reading the uploaded table
    	 *                     	or while importing them in the database.
    	private final void uploadTables() throws TAPException{
    		// Fetch the tables to upload:
    		DALIUpload[] tables = tapParams.getUploadedTables();
    		// Upload them, if needed:
    		if (tables.length > 0){
    			logger.logTAP(LogLevel.INFO, report, "UPLOADING", "Loading uploaded tables (" + tables.length + ")", null);
    			uploadSchema = service.getFactory().createUploader(dbConn).upload(tables);
    	 * <p>Parse the ADQL query provided in the parameters by the user.</p>
    	 * <p>The query factory and the query checker are got from the TAP factory.</p>
    	 * <p>
    	 * 	The configuration of this TAP service list all allowed coordinate systems. These are got here and provided to the query checker
    	 * 	in order to ensure the coordinate systems used in the query are in this list.
    	 * </p>
    	 * <p>
    	 * 	The row limit specified in the ADQL query (with TOP) is checked and adjusted (if needed). Indeed, this limit
    	 * 	can not exceed MAXREC given in parameter and the maximum value specified in the configuration of this TAP service.
    	 * 	In the case no row limit is specified in the query or the given value is greater than MAXREC, (MAXREC+1) is used by default.
    	 * 	The "+1" aims to detect overflows.
    	 * </p>
    	 * @return	The object representation of the ADQL query.
    	 * @throws ParseException			If the given ADQL query can not be parsed or if the construction of the object representation has failed.
    	 * @throws InterruptedException		If the thread has been interrupted.
    	 * @throws TAPException				If the TAP factory is unable to create the ADQL factory or the query checker.
    	protected ADQLQuery parseADQL() throws ParseException, InterruptedException, TAPException{
    		// Log the start of the parsing:
    		logger.logTAP(LogLevel.INFO, report, "PARSING", "Parsing ADQL: " + tapParams.getQuery().replaceAll("(\t|\r?\n)+", " "), null);
    		// Create the ADQL parser:
    		ADQLParser parser = service.getFactory().createADQLParser();
    		if (parser == null){
    			logger.logTAP(LogLevel.WARNING, null, "PARSING", "No ADQL parser returned by the TAPFactory! The default implementation is used instead.", null);
    			parser = new ADQLParser();
    		// Set the ADQL factory:
    		if (parser.getQueryFactory() == null || parser.getQueryFactory().getClass() == ADQLQueryFactory.class)
    		// Set the query checker:
    		if (parser.getQueryChecker() == null)
    		ADQLQuery query = parser.parseQuery(tapParams.getQuery());
    		final int limit = query.getSelect().getLimit();
    		final Integer maxRec = tapParams.getMaxRec();
    		if (maxRec != null && maxRec > -1){
    			if (limit <= -1 || limit > maxRec)
    				query.getSelect().setLimit(maxRec + 1);
    	 * <p>Execute in "database" the given object representation of an ADQL query.</p>
    	 * <p>By default, this function is just calling {@link DBConnection#executeQuery(ADQLQuery)} and then it returns the value returned by this call.</p>
    	 * <p><i>Note:
    	 * 	An INFO message is logged at the end of the query execution in order to report the result status (success or error)
    	 * 	and the execution duration.
    	 * </i></p>
    	 * @param adql	The object representation of the ADQL query to execute.
    	 * @throws InterruptedException	If the thread has been interrupted.
    	 * @throws DBCancelledException	If the inner DB connection has been canceled.
    	 * @throws TAPException			If the {@link DBConnection} has failed to deal with the given ADQL query.
    	 * @see DBConnection#executeQuery(ADQLQuery)
    	protected TableIterator executeADQL(final ADQLQuery adql) throws InterruptedException, DBCancelledException, TAPException{
    		logger.logTAP(LogLevel.INFO, report, "START_DB_EXECUTION", "ADQL query: " + adql.toADQL().replaceAll("(\t|\r?\n)+", " "), null);
    		// Set the fetch size, if any:
    		if (service.getFetchSize() != null && service.getFetchSize().length >= 1){
    			if (report.synchronous && service.getFetchSize().length >= 2)
    			// Execute the ADQL query:
    			TableIterator result = dbConn.executeQuery(adql);
    			// If NULL, in a former version of the library, it means the query execution has been aborted:
    			if (result == null)
    				throw new DBCancelledException();
    			// Log the success:
    			logger.logTAP(LogLevel.INFO, report, "END_DB_EXECUTION", "Query successfully executed in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startStep) + "ms!", null);
    			return result;
    		}catch(DBCancelledException dce){
    			logger.logTAP(LogLevel.INFO, report, "END_DB_EXECUTION", "Query execution aborted after " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startStep) + "ms!", null);
    			throw dce;
    	 * <p>Write the given query result into the appropriate format in the appropriate output
    	 * (HTTP response for a synchronous execution, otherwise a file or any output provided by UWS).</p>
    	 * <p>This function prepare the output in function of the execution type (synchronous or asynchronous).
    	 * 	Once prepared, the result, the output and the formatter to use are given to {@link #writeResult(TableIterator, OutputFormat, OutputStream)}
    	 * 	which will really process the result formatting and writing.
    	 * </p>
    	 * @param queryResult	The result of the query execution in database.
    	 * @throws InterruptedException	If the thread has been interrupted.
    	 * @throws IOException			If an error happens while writing the result in the {@link HttpServletResponse}.
    	 *                    			<i>That kind of error can be thrown only in synchronous mode.
    	 *                    			In asynchronous, the error is stored as job error report and is never propagated.</i>
    	 * @throws TAPException			If an error occurs while getting the appropriate formatter or while formatting or writing (synchronous execution) the result.
    	 * @throws UWSException			If an error occurs while getting the output stream or while writing (asynchronous execution) the result.
    	 * @see #writeResult(TableIterator, OutputFormat, OutputStream)
    	protected final void writeResult(final TableIterator queryResult) throws InterruptedException, IOException, TAPException, UWSException{
    		// Log the start of the writing:
    		logger.logTAP(LogLevel.INFO, report, "WRITING_RESULT", "Writing the query result", null);
    		// Get the appropriate result formatter:
    		OutputFormat formatter = getFormatter();
    			// Set the HTTP content type to the MIME type of the result format:
    			// Set the character encoding:
    			// Write the formatted result in the HTTP response output:
    			start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    			writeResult(queryResult, formatter, response.getOutputStream());
    			logger.logTAP(LogLevel.INFO, report, "RESULT_WRITTEN", "Result formatted (in " + formatter.getMimeType() + " ; " + (report.nbRows < 0 ? "?" : report.nbRows) + " rows ; " + ((report.resultingColumns == null) ? "?" : report.resultingColumns.length) + " columns) in " + ((start <= 0) ? "?" : (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)) + "ms!", null);
    			Result result = null;
    			JobThread jobThread = (JobThread)thread;
    				// Create a UWS Result object to store the result
    				// (the result will be stored in a file and this object is the association between the job and the result file):
    				result = jobThread.createResult();
    				// Set the MIME type of the result format in the result description:
    				// Write the formatted result in the file output:
    				writeResult(queryResult, formatter, jobThread.getResultOutput(result));
    				// Set the size (in bytes) of the result in the result description:
    				// Add the result description and link in the job description:
    				logger.logTAP(LogLevel.INFO, report, "RESULT_WRITTEN", "Result formatted (in " + formatter.getMimeType() + " ; " + (report.nbRows < 0 ? "?" : report.nbRows) + " rows ; " + ((report.resultingColumns == null) ? "?" : report.resultingColumns.length) + " columns) in " + ((start <= 0 || end <= 0) ? "?" : (end - start)) + "ms!", null);
    			}catch(IOException ioe){
    				throw new UWSException(UWSException.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ioe, "Impossible to write in the file into which the result of the job " + report.jobID + " must be written!");
    				if (!completed){
    					// Delete the result file (it is either incomplete or incorrect ;
    					// it is then not reliable and is anyway not associated with the job and so could not be later deleted when the job will be):
    					if (result != null){
    							service.getFileManager().deleteResult(result, jobThread.getJob());
    						}catch(IOException ioe){
    							logger.logTAP(LogLevel.ERROR, report, "WRITING_RESULT", "The result writting has failed and the produced partial result must be deleted, but this deletion also failed! (job: " + report.jobID + ")", ioe);
    	 * <p>Format and write the given result in the given output with the given formatter.</p>
    	 * <p>By default, this function is just calling {@link OutputFormat#writeResult(TableIterator, OutputStream, TAPExecutionReport, Thread)}.</p>
    	 * <p><i>Note:
    	 * 	{@link OutputFormat#writeResult(TableIterator, OutputStream, TAPExecutionReport, Thread)} is often testing the "interrupted" flag of the
    	 * 	thread in order to stop as fast as possible if the user has cancelled the job or if the thread has been interrupted for another reason.
    	 * </i></p>
    	 * @param queryResult	Query result to format and to output.
    	 * @param formatter		The object able to write the result in the appropriate format.
    	 * @param output		The stream in which the result must be written.
    	 * @throws InterruptedException	If the thread has been interrupted.
    	 * @throws IOException			If there is an error while writing the result in the given stream.
    	 * @throws TAPException			If there is an error while formatting the result.
    	protected void writeResult(TableIterator queryResult, OutputFormat formatter, OutputStream output) throws InterruptedException, IOException, TAPException{
    		formatter.writeResult(queryResult, output, report, thread);
    	 * <p>Drop all tables uploaded by the user from the database.</p>
    	 * <p><i>Note:
    	 * 	By default, if an error occurs while dropping a table from the database, the error will just be logged ; it won't be thrown/propagated.
    	 * </i></p>
    	 * @throws TAPException	If a grave error occurs. <i>By default, no exception is thrown ; they are just logged.</i>
    	protected void dropUploadedTables() throws TAPException{
    		if (uploadSchema != null){
    			// Drop all uploaded tables:
    			for(TAPTable t : uploadSchema){
    				}catch(DBException dbe){
    					logger.logTAP(LogLevel.ERROR, report, "DROP_UPLOAD", "Can not drop the uploaded table \"" + t.getDBName() + "\" (in adql \"" + t.getADQLName() + "\") from the database!", dbe);