LocalUWSFileManager.java 27.67 KiB
package uws.service.file;
* This file is part of UWSLibrary.
* UWSLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* UWSLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with UWSLibrary. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Copyright 2012,2014 - UDS/Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS),
* Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI)
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileFilter;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import uws.UWSException;
import uws.UWSToolBox;
import uws.job.ErrorSummary;
import uws.job.Result;
import uws.job.UWSJob;
import uws.job.user.JobOwner;
import uws.service.log.UWSLog.LogLevel;
* <p>All UWS files are stored in the local machine into the specified directory.</p>
* <p>
* The name of the log file, the result files and the backup files may be customized by overriding the following functions:
* {@link #getLogFileName(LogLevel, String)}, {@link #getResultFileName(Result, UWSJob)}, {@link #getBackupFileName(JobOwner)} and {@link #getBackupFileName()}.
* </p>
* <p>
* By default, results and backups are grouped by owner/user and owners/users are grouped thanks to {@link DefaultOwnerGroupIdentifier}.
* By using the appropriate constructor, you can change these default behaviors.
* </p>
* <p>
* A log file rotation is set by default so that avoiding a too big log file after several months/years of use.
* By default the rotation is done every month on the 1st at 6am. This frequency can be changed easily thanks to the function
* {@link #setRotationFreq(String)}.
* </p>
* @author Grégory Mantelet (CDS;ARI)
* @version 4.1 (09/2014)
public class LocalUWSFileManager implements UWSFileManager {
/** Format to use to format dates. */
private DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");
/** Default name of the log file. */
protected static final String DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_NAME = "uws.log";
/** Default name of the general UWS backup file. */
protected static final String DEFAULT_BACKUP_FILE_NAME = "uws.backup";
/** Directory in which all files managed by this class will be written and read. */
protected final File rootDirectory;
/** Output toward the service log file. */
protected PrintWriter logOutput = null;
/** Frequency at which the log file must be "rotated" (the file is renamed with the date of its first write and a new log file is created).
* Thus, too big log files can be avoided. */
protected EventFrequency logRotation = new EventFrequency("M 1 06 00"); // Log file rotation every month on the 1st at 6am.
/** Indicate whether a directory must be used to gather all jobs, results and errors related to one identified user.
* If FALSE, all jobs, results and errors will be in only one directory, whoever owns them. */
protected final boolean oneDirectoryForEachUser;
/** Gather user directories, set by set. At the end, several user group directories may be created.
* This option is considered only if {@link #oneDirectoryForEachUser} is TRUE. */
protected final boolean groupUserDirectories;
/** Object giving the policy about how to group user directories. */
protected final OwnerGroupIdentifier ownerGroupId;
* <p>Builds a {@link UWSFileManager} which manages all UWS files in the given directory.</p>
* <p>
* There will be one directory for each owner ID and owner directories will be grouped
* thanks to {@link DefaultOwnerGroupIdentifier}.
* </p>
* @param root UWS root directory.
* @throws UWSException If the given root directory is <i>null</i>, is not a directory or has not the READ and WRITE permissions.
* @see #LocalUWSFileManager(File, boolean, boolean, OwnerGroupIdentifier)
public LocalUWSFileManager(final File root) throws UWSException{
this(root, true, true, null);
* <p>Builds a {@link UWSFileManager} which manages all UWS files in the given directory.</p>
* <p>
* If, according to the third parameter, the owner directories must be grouped,
* the {@link DefaultOwnerGroupIdentifier} will be used.
* </p>
* @param root UWS root directory.
* @param oneDirectoryForEachUser <i>true</i> to create one directory for each owner ID, <i>false</i> otherwise.
* @param groupUserDirectories <i>true</i> to group user directories, <i>false</i> otherwise.
* <i><u>note:</u> this value is ignored if the previous parameter is false.</i>
* @throws UWSException If the given root directory is <i>null</i>, is not a directory or has not the READ and WRITE permissions.
* @see #LocalUWSFileManager(File, boolean, boolean, OwnerGroupIdentifier)
public LocalUWSFileManager(final File root, final boolean oneDirectoryForEachUser, final boolean groupUserDirectories) throws UWSException{
this(root, oneDirectoryForEachUser, groupUserDirectories, null);
* Builds a {@link UWSFileManager} which manages all UWS files in the given directory.
* @param root UWS root directory.
* @param oneDirectoryForEachUser <i>true</i> to create one directory for each owner ID, <i>false</i> otherwise.
* @param groupUserDirectories <i>true</i> to group user directories, <i>false</i> otherwise.
* <i><u>note:</u> this value is ignored if the previous parameter is false.</i>
* @param ownerGroupIdentifier The "function" to use to identify the group of a job owner.
* <i><ul>
* <li><u>note 1:</u> this value is ignored if one of the two previous parameters is false.</li>
* <li><u>note 2:</u> if this value is null but the previous parameters are true,
* {@link DefaultOwnerGroupIdentifier} will be chosen as default group identifier.</li>
* </ul></i>
* @throws UWSException If the given root directory is <i>null</i>, is not a directory or has not the READ and WRITE permissions.
public LocalUWSFileManager(final File root, final boolean oneDirectoryForEachUser, final boolean groupUserDirectories, final OwnerGroupIdentifier ownerGroupIdentifier) throws UWSException{
if (root == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Missing root directory ! Impossible to create a LocalUWSFileManager.");
else if (!root.exists()){
if (!root.mkdirs())
throw new UWSException(UWSException.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "The given root directory does not exist and can not be created automatically !");
}else if (!root.isDirectory())
throw new UWSException(UWSException.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "The root directory of a UWSFileManager must be a DIRECTORY !");
else if (!root.canRead())
throw new UWSException(UWSException.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Missing READ permission for the root directory of a UWSFileManager !");
else if (!root.canWrite())
throw new UWSException(UWSException.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Missing WRITE permission for the root directory of a UWSFileManager !");
rootDirectory = root;
this.oneDirectoryForEachUser = oneDirectoryForEachUser;
if (this.oneDirectoryForEachUser){
this.groupUserDirectories = groupUserDirectories;
if (this.groupUserDirectories){
if (ownerGroupIdentifier != null)
this.ownerGroupId = ownerGroupIdentifier;
this.ownerGroupId = new DefaultOwnerGroupIdentifier();
this.ownerGroupId = null;
this.groupUserDirectories = false;
this.ownerGroupId = null;
* Gets the directory of the given owner.
* @param owner A job owner.
* @return Its directory.
public File getOwnerDirectory(final JobOwner owner){
if (!oneDirectoryForEachUser || owner == null || owner.getID() == null || owner.getID().trim().isEmpty())
return rootDirectory;
File ownerDir = rootDirectory;
if (groupUserDirectories){
String ownerGroup = ownerGroupId.getOwnerGroup(owner);
if (ownerGroup != null)
ownerDir = new File(rootDirectory, ownerGroup);
ownerDir = new File(ownerDir, owner.getID().replaceAll(File.separator, "_"));
return ownerDir;
* Removes the owner directory if there is no more file in it (except the backup file which is no more required).
* @param owner The user whose the directory must be removed.
* @throws IOException If there is an error while removing the owner directory.
protected void cleanOwnerDirectory(final JobOwner owner) throws IOException{
// Remove the owner directory if empty or if only the owner backup file exists:
if (owner != null && oneDirectoryForEachUser){
File ownerDir = getOwnerDirectory(owner);
String[] dirContent = ownerDir.list();
// if empty...
if (dirContent.length <= 1){
// delete the owner backup file it it exists:
if (dirContent.length == 1 && dirContent[0].equals(getBackupFileName(owner))){
(new File(rootDirectory, getBackupFileName(owner))).delete();
dirContent = ownerDir.list();
// if empty (so, if the owner backup file does not exist any more)...
if (dirContent.length == 0){
// delete the owner directory !
if (ownerDir.delete() && groupUserDirectories){
// if the user group directory is also empty now, delete it:
File userGroupDir = ownerDir.getParentFile();
if (userGroupDir.list().length == 0)
/* ******************* */
/* ******************* */
* Get the frequency of the log file rotation
* in a human readable way.
* @return A human readable frequency of the log file rotation.
public final String getRotationFreq(){
return logRotation.toString();
* <p>Set the frequency at which a rotation of the log file must be done.</p>
* <p>
* "rotation" means here, to close the currently used log file, to rename it so that suffixing it
* with the date at which the first log has been written in it, and to create a new log file.
* </p>
* <p>The frequency string must respect the following syntax:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>'D' hh mm : daily schedule at hh:mm</li>
* <li>'W' dd hh mm : weekly schedule at the given day of the week (1:sunday, 2:monday, ..., 7:saturday) at hh:mm</li>
* <li>'M' dd hh mm : monthly schedule at the given day of the month at hh:mm</li>
* <li>'h' mm : hourly schedule at the given minute</li>
* <li>'m' : scheduled every minute (for completness :-))</li>
* </ul>
* <p><i>Where: hh = integer between 0 and 23, mm = integer between 0 and 59, dd (for 'W') = integer between 1 and 7 (1:sunday, 2:monday, ..., 7:saturday),
* dd (for 'M') = integer between 1 and 31.</i></p>
* <p><i><b>Warning:</b>
* The frequency type is case sensitive! Then you should particularly pay attention at the case
* when using the frequency types 'M' (monthly) and 'm' (every minute).
* </p>
* <p>
* Parsing errors are not thrown but "resolved" silently. The "solution" depends of the error.
* 2 cases of errors are considered:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li><b>Frequency type mismatch:</b> It happens when the first character is not one of the expected (D, W, M, h, m).
* That means: bad case (i.e. 'd' rather than 'D'), another character.
* In this case, the frequency will be: <b>daily at 00:00</b>.</li>
* <li><b>Parameter(s) missing or incorrect:</b> With the "daily" frequency ('D'), at least 2 parameters must be provided ;
* 3 for "weekly" ('W') and "monthly" ('M') ; only 1 for "hourly" ('h') ; none for "every minute" ('m').
* This number of parameters is a minimum: only the n first parameters will be considered while
* the others will be ignored.
* If this minimum number of parameters is not respected or if a parameter value is incorrect,
* <b>all parameters will be set to their default value</b>
* (which is 0 for all parameter except dd for which it is 1).</li>
* </ul>
* <p>Examples:</p>
* <ul>
* <li><i>"" or NULL</i> = every day at 00:00</li>
* <li><i>"D 06 30" or "D 6 30"</i> = every day at 06:30</li>
* <li><i>"D 24 30"</i> = every day at 00:00, because hh must respect the rule: 0 ≤ hh ≤ 23</li>
* <li><i>"d 06 30" or "T 06 30"</i> = every day at 00:00, because the frequency type "d" (lower case of "D") or "T" do not exist</li>
* <li><i>"W 2 6 30"</i> = every week on Tuesday at 06:30</li>
* <li><i>"W 8 06 30"</i> = every week on Sunday at 00:00, because with 'W' dd must respect the rule: 1 ≤ dd ≤ 7</li>
* <li><i>"M 2 6 30"</i> = every month on the 2nd at 06:30</li>
* <li><i>"M 32 6 30"</i> = every month on the 1st at 00:00, because with 'M' dd must respect the rule: 1 ≤ dd ≤ 31</li>
* <li><i>"M 5 6 30 12"</i> = every month on the 5th at 06:30, because at least 3 parameters are expected and so considered: "12" and eventual other parameters are ignored</li>
* </ul>
* @param interval Interval between two log rotations.
public final void setRotationFreq(final String interval){
logRotation = new EventFrequency(interval);
* <p>Gets the name of the UWS log file.</p>
* <p>By default: {@link #DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_NAME}.</p>
* @param level Level of the message to log (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL).
* @param context Context of the message to log (UWS, HTTP, THREAD, JOB, ...).
* @return The name of the UWS log file.
protected String getLogFileName(final LogLevel level, final String context){
* Gets the UWS log file.
* @param level Level of the message to log (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL).
* @param context Context of the message to log (UWS, HTTP, THREAD, JOB, ...).
* @return The UWS log file.
* @see #getLogFileName(LogLevel, String)
protected File getLogFile(final LogLevel level, final String context){
return new File(rootDirectory, getLogFileName(level, context));
public InputStream getLogInput(final LogLevel level, final String context) throws IOException{
File logFile = getLogFile(level, context);
if (logFile.exists())
return new FileInputStream(logFile);
return null;
public synchronized PrintWriter getLogOutput(final LogLevel level, final String context) throws IOException{
// If a file rotation is needed...
if (logOutput != null && logRotation != null && logRotation.isTimeElapsed()){
// ...Close the output stream:
logOutput = null;
// ...Rename this log file:
// get the file:
File logFile = getLogFile(level, context);
// and its name:
String logFileName = logFile.getName();
// separate the file name from the extension:
String fileExt = "";
int indFileExt = logFileName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (indFileExt >= 0){
fileExt = logFileName.substring(indFileExt);
logFileName = logFileName.substring(0, indFileExt);
// build the new file name and rename the log file:
logFile.renameTo(new File(logFile.getParentFile(), logFileName + "_" + logRotation.getEventID() + fileExt));
// If the log output is not yet set or if a file rotation has been done...
if (logOutput == null){
// ...Create the output:
File logFile = getLogFile(level, context);
logOutput = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(logFile, true), true);
// ...Write a log header:
// ...Set the date of the next rotation:
if (logRotation != null)
return logOutput;
* Print a header into the log file so that separating older log messages to the new ones.
protected void printLogHeader(final PrintWriter out){
String msgHeader = "########################################### LOG STARTS " + dateFormat.format(new Date()) + " (file rotation: " + logRotation + ") ###########################################";
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("");
for(int i = 0; i < msgHeader.length(); i++)
String separator = buf.toString();
/* *********************** */
/* *********************** */
* <p>Gets the name of the file in which the given result is/must be written.</p>
* <p>By default: jobID + "_" + resultID + "." + {@link UWSToolBox#getFileExtension(String) getFileExtension(resultMIMEType)}</p>
* <p><i><u>note:</u> there is no file extension if the MIME type of the result is unknown !</i></p>
* @param result The result whose the file name is asked.
* @param job The job which owns the given result.
* @return Name of the file corresponding to the given result.
* @see UWSToolBox#getFileExtension(String)
protected String getResultFileName(final Result result, final UWSJob job){
String fileName = job.getJobId() + "_";
if (result != null && result.getId() != null && !result.getId().trim().isEmpty())
fileName += result.getId();
fileName += Result.DEFAULT_RESULT_NAME;
String fileExt = UWSToolBox.getFileExtension(result.getMimeType());
fileExt = (fileExt == null) ? "" : ("." + fileExt);
fileName += fileExt;
return fileName;
* Gets the file corresponding to the given result.
* @param result The result whose the file is asked.
* @param job The job which owns the given result.
* @return The file corresponding to the given result.
* @see #getOwnerDirectory(JobOwner)
* @see #getResultFileName(Result, UWSJob)
protected File getResultFile(final Result result, final UWSJob job){
File ownerDir = getOwnerDirectory(job.getOwner());
return new File(ownerDir, getResultFileName(result, job));
public InputStream getResultInput(Result result, UWSJob job) throws IOException{
File resultFile = getResultFile(result, job);
return resultFile.exists() ? new FileInputStream(resultFile) : null;
public OutputStream getResultOutput(Result result, UWSJob job) throws IOException{
File resultFile = getResultFile(result, job);
return new FileOutputStream(resultFile);
public long getResultSize(Result result, UWSJob job) throws IOException{
File resultFile = getResultFile(result, job);
if (resultFile == null || !resultFile.exists())
return -1;
return resultFile.length();
public boolean deleteResult(Result result, UWSJob job) throws IOException{
boolean deleted = getResultFile(result, job).delete();
if (deleted)
return deleted;
/* ********************** */
/* ********************** */
* <p>Gets the name of the file in which the described error is/must be written.</p>
* <p>By default: jobID + "_ERROR.log"</p>
* @param error The description of the error whose the file name is asked.
* @param job The job which owns the given error.
* @return Name of the file corresponding to the described error.
protected String getErrorFileName(final ErrorSummary error, final UWSJob job){
return job.getJobId() + "_ERROR.log";
* Gets the file corresponding to the described error.
* @param error The error whose the file is asked.
* @param job The job which owns the given error.
* @return The file corresponding to the described error.
* @see #getOwnerDirectory(JobOwner)
* @see #getErrorFileName(ErrorSummary, UWSJob)
protected File getErrorFile(final ErrorSummary error, final UWSJob job){
File ownerDir = getOwnerDirectory(job.getOwner());
return new File(ownerDir, getErrorFileName(error, job));
public InputStream getErrorInput(ErrorSummary error, UWSJob job) throws IOException{
File errorFile = getErrorFile(error, job);
return errorFile.exists() ? new FileInputStream(errorFile) : null;
public OutputStream getErrorOutput(ErrorSummary error, UWSJob job) throws IOException{
File errorFile = getErrorFile(error, job);
return new FileOutputStream(errorFile);
public long getErrorSize(ErrorSummary error, UWSJob job) throws IOException{
File errorFile = getErrorFile(error, job);
if (errorFile == null || !errorFile.exists())
return -1;
return errorFile.length();
public boolean deleteError(ErrorSummary error, UWSJob job) throws IOException{
boolean deleted = getErrorFile(error, job).delete();
if (deleted)
return deleted;
/* *********************** */
/* *********************** */
* <p>Gets the name of the backup file of the given job owner (~ UWS user).</p>
* <p>By default: ownerID + ".backup"</p>
* @param owner The job owner whose the name of the backup file is asked.
* @return The name of the backup file of the given owner.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given owner is <i>null</i> or an empty string.
protected String getBackupFileName(final JobOwner owner) throws IllegalArgumentException{
if (owner == null || owner.getID() == null || owner.getID().trim().isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing owner! Can not get the backup file of an unknown owner.");
return owner.getID().replaceAll(File.separator, "_") + ".backup";
public InputStream getBackupInput(JobOwner owner) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException{
File backupFile = new File(getOwnerDirectory(owner), getBackupFileName(owner));
return backupFile.exists() ? new FileInputStream(backupFile) : null;
public Iterator<InputStream> getAllUserBackupInputs(){
return new LocalAllUserBackupInputs(this);
public OutputStream getBackupOutput(JobOwner owner) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException{
File backupFile = new File(getOwnerDirectory(owner), getBackupFileName(owner));
return new FileOutputStream(backupFile);
* <p>Gets the name of the UWS general backup file.</p>
* <p>By default: {@link #DEFAULT_BACKUP_FILE_NAME}</p>
* @return The name of the UWS general backup file.
protected String getBackupFileName(){
public InputStream getBackupInput() throws IOException{
File backupFile = new File(rootDirectory, getBackupFileName());
return backupFile.exists() ? new FileInputStream(backupFile) : null;
public OutputStream getBackupOutput() throws IOException{
File backupFile = new File(rootDirectory, getBackupFileName());
return new FileOutputStream(backupFile);
/* ************** */
/* ************** */
* Creates the parent directory(ies) if it(they) does/do not exist.
* @param f The file whose the parent directory must exist after the call of this function.
* @return <i>true</i> if the parent directory now exists, <i>false</i> otherwise.
protected boolean createParentDir(final File f){
if (!f.getParentFile().exists())
return f.getParentFile().mkdirs();
return true;
* Lets iterating on all user backup files.
* The {@link #next()} function creates and returns the {@link InputStream} for the next backup file.
* @author Grégory Mantelet (CDS)
* @version 05/2012
protected class LocalAllUserBackupInputs implements Iterator<InputStream> {
private final LocalUWSFileManager fileManager;
private Iterator<File> itBackupFiles;
private final FileFilter dirFilter = new DirectoryFilter();
private final OwnerFileFilter ownerFileFilter = new OwnerFileFilter();
public LocalAllUserBackupInputs(final LocalUWSFileManager fm){
fileManager = fm;
itBackupFiles = loadAllBackupFiles().iterator();
private ArrayList<File> loadAllBackupFiles(){
ArrayList<File> backupFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
// If there must be 1 directory by user:
if (fileManager.oneDirectoryForEachUser){
File[] dir0 = fileManager.rootDirectory.listFiles(dirFilter);
// If user directories must be grouped (so, we have the list of all user groups):
if (fileManager.groupUserDirectories){
for(File groupDir : dir0){
File[] dir1 = groupDir.listFiles(dirFilter);
for(File userDir : dir1)
addOwnerBackupFiles(backupFiles, userDir, userDir.getName());
}// Otherwise: We have already all user directories:
for(File userDir : dir0)
addOwnerBackupFiles(backupFiles, userDir, userDir.getName());
}// Otherwise: Get all backup files into the root directory:
addOwnerBackupFiles(backupFiles, fileManager.rootDirectory, null);
return backupFiles;
private void addOwnerBackupFiles(final ArrayList<File> files, final File rootDirectory, final String ownerID){
File[] backups = rootDirectory.listFiles(ownerFileFilter);
for(File f : backups)
public boolean hasNext(){
return itBackupFiles != null && itBackupFiles.hasNext();
* If the file whose the input stream must be created and returned does not exist
* or has not the READ permission, <i>null</i> will be returned.
* @see java.util.Iterator#next()
public InputStream next() throws NoSuchElementException{
if (itBackupFiles == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
File f = itBackupFiles.next();
if (!itBackupFiles.hasNext())
itBackupFiles = null;
return (f == null || !f.exists()) ? null : new FileInputStream(f);
}catch(FileNotFoundException e){
return null;
public void remove(){
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Filter which lets returning only the directories.
* @author Grégory Mantelet (CDS)
* @version 05/2012
protected final static class DirectoryFilter implements FileFilter {
public boolean accept(File f){
return f != null && f.isDirectory();
* Filter which lets returning only the backup file(s) of the specified user/owner.
* @author Gr&ecaute;gory Mantelet (CDS)
* @version 05/2012
protected final class OwnerFileFilter implements FileFilter {
protected String ownerID = null;
* Sets the ID of the user whose the backup file must be returned.
* If <i>null</i>, all the found backup files will be returned EXCEPT the backup file for the whole UWS.
* @param ownerID ID of the user whose the backup file must be returned. (MAY BE NULL)
public void setOwnerID(final String ownerID){
this.ownerID = ownerID;
public boolean accept(File f){
if (f == null || f.isDirectory())
return false;
else if (ownerID == null || ownerID.trim().isEmpty())
return f.getName().endsWith(".backup") && !f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(getBackupFileName());
return f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(ownerID + ".backup");