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  1. Feb 08, 2016
  2. Jan 29, 2016
  3. Jan 13, 2016
  4. Jan 12, 2016
  5. Dec 11, 2015
  6. Dec 04, 2015
  7. Dec 01, 2015
  8. Nov 19, 2015
    • gmantele's avatar
      [TAP] New feature: Examples endpoint. · f4f05986
      gmantele authored
      Can be enabled just by providing a file URI in the TAP configuration file using
      the property "examples". It is also possible to add manually a TAP resource
      whose the returned name must be "examples" like the new TAP resource is doing:
      tap.resource.Examples. This latter take a file URI as the TAP configuration
      file does. The referenced file must respect the DALI 1.0 or TAP Notes 1.0
      syntax. No check of the file is performed by the library ; it is up to the
      author of the referenced file (a XHTML/RDFa file) to write a correct "examples"
      endpoint content. Check out the examples provided on the GitHub repository in
      the directory examples/tap/examples_endpoint.
  9. Nov 13, 2015
    • gmantele's avatar
      [TAP & UWS] 2 MAJOR BUGS FIXED (these bugs were affecting performances). · d9041712
      gmantele authored
      1) [TAP & UWS] ]MAJOR BUG FIX: The abortion of an SQL query is now correctly
      implemented. Before this fix, 2 mistakes prevented this clean abortion:
        a/ The thread was not cancelled because the SQL query execution was
      blocking the thread. Then the thread could not treat the interruption though
      it was flagged as interrupted.
        b/ The function UWSJob.isStopped() considered the job as stopped because
      the interrupted flag was set, even though the thread was still processing
      (and the database too). Because of that it returned true and the job phase
      was ABORTED though the thread was still running.
        a/ TAPJob calls the function Statement.cancel() (if supported) in order
      to cancel the SQL query execution properly inside the database.
        b/ The function UWSJob.isStopped() does not test any more the interrupted flag
      and returns true only if the thread is really stopped.
        IN BRIEF: It is now sure that a job in the phase ABORTED is really stopped
      (that's to say: thread stopped AND DB query execution stopped).
      2) [TAP] BUG FIX: When the writing of a result is abnormaly interrupted for any
      reason, the file which was being written is deleted.
  10. Nov 12, 2015
  11. Oct 22, 2015
  12. Oct 16, 2015
  13. Sep 30, 2015
  14. Sep 10, 2015
  15. Sep 01, 2015
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL,TAP] Fix bug (reported by G. Landais) in the understanding of UNKNOWN · 271e03cc
      gmantele authored
      types. The notion of "unknown type" is different in function of the target
        - a DBType and a FunctionDef have an unknown type if their function
          isUnknown() returns true. In such case, the other functions such as
      	isNumeric/String/Geometry() will return false.
        - an ADQLOperand (e.g. ADQLColumn) does NOT have a isUnknown() function.
          But if the type of the operand is unknown, its functions isNumeric(),
      	isString() and isGeometry() must ALL return true. Otherwise, just one of
      	these functions can return true.
  16. Aug 27, 2015
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL] Fix a Big Bug reported by M.Taylor and M.Demleitner: in ORDER BY, GROUP... · 13a2dc54
      gmantele authored
      [ADQL] Fix a Big Bug reported by M.Taylor and M.Demleitner: in ORDER BY, GROUP BY and USING only regular and delimited identifiers are accepted, not qualified column names.
      For instance: "SELECT table.column_name FROM table ORDER BY table.column_name" is wrong. We should instead write:
      "SELECT table.column_name FROM table ORDER BY column_name".
      "SELECT table.column_name AS mycol FROM table ORDER BY mycol" is also correct.
      Of course, for ORDER BY and GROUP BY, it is still possible to reference a column using its index in the SELECT clause.
      For instance: "SELECT table.column_name FROM table ORDER BY 1".
  17. Aug 25, 2015
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL] Fix a bug reported by M. Taylor about qualified table name: · 84ede4bf
      gmantele authored
      when in a table definition (extension of DBTable) no schema is
      specified, it was possible to prefix the table name by a fake
      schema name ; it was checked at all:
      e.g. "SELECT * FROM".
      This is no longer possible: if no schema is specified, no schema
      must be used in an ADQL query. But if one is specified, the schema
      prefix is optional.
  18. Aug 03, 2015
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL,TAP] Fix 2 bugs notified by M.Taylor: · b49f8160
      gmantele authored
      1/ Bad parsing of UDF's parameter type or return type. Database types whose the
      name has a space (e.g. 'double precision') were not accepted. These type names
      should be accepted according to TAPRegExt.
      2/ An error message thrown by the DBChecker has been modified for the cases
      the type of a parameter is unknown. Before the returned type was NUMERIC. Now,
      it will be 'param' followed by the parameter index (e.g. 'param1').
  19. Jul 31, 2015
    • gmantele's avatar
      [UWS,TAP] Fix parameters parsing in UWS (or Async in TAP): · 1234f1a1
      gmantele authored
      when the content-type was not exactly 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
      for normal POST requests, no parameter was read by the UWS/TAP library.
      This content-type test has now been modified from a strict equality to a
      startsWith test.
      (Note: This bug only concerned the form encoded requests,
      not the multipart ones)
  20. Jul 20, 2015
  21. Jul 08, 2015
  22. Jun 18, 2015
  23. Jun 16, 2015
  24. Jun 09, 2015
  25. Jun 08, 2015
  26. Jun 03, 2015