- Oct 19, 2020
Grégory Mantelet authored
this is not any more possible.
Grégory Mantelet authored
provided. When done, all $$i (where i is the index of a parameter ; starting from 1) are replaced by the SQL translation of the corresponding parameters.
Grégory Mantelet authored
creating the corresponding LanguageFeature. Now, FunctionDef throws a ParseException when the UDF name is invalid.
Grégory Mantelet authored
used: `LanguageFeature(FunctionDef)`. This way, the syntax of the function definition string is checked and function name and parameters can be correctly extracted. These information are particularly important to determine at the ADQLParser level whether a DefaultUDF is supported or not while not knowing the parameters and function types.
Grégory Mantelet authored
(i.e. `Object.equals` instead of `==`).
Grégory Mantelet authored
instead of ONLY those listed in `availableFeatures`.
Grégory Mantelet authored
Grégory Mantelet authored
optional features of the ADQL-2.0 grammar (thus, supported geometries must be declared as in the ADQL-2.1 parser: with the FeatureSet of the parser). TODO: see how to throw errors when un-supported geometries are used in STC-S as done before at the DBChecker level.
Grégory Mantelet authored
Grégory Mantelet authored
Grégory Mantelet authored
are supported or not. All ADQLObject instances now have a new function allowing to return a LanguageFeature describing the corresponding ADQL feature. Only all geometric functions (e.g. POINT, CONTAINS) and the new ADQL-2.1 function `LOWER` are optional. By default, the ADQL-2.1 parser declare them as supported. But their support can be changed at anytime thanks ADQLParser.getSupportedFeatures() and ADQLParser.setSupportedFeatures(...). In the current state, UDF declaration does not work anymore with the ADQL-2.1 parser. This will be fixed in a further commit. Besides, TAP has not yet been adapted to use/configure the FeatureSet of the parser to use. Anyway, the Javadoc of all geometric functions has been updated (so that being conform to their description in ADQL-2.1) as well as the formatting of all ADQLObjects (e.g. lines fitting on 80 characters, ...).
Grégory Mantelet authored
This function has indeed be completely removed from the ADQL standard (v2.1).
Grégory Mantelet authored
Grégory Mantelet authored
Fixes #121
- Oct 05, 2020
Grégory Mantelet authored
- Aug 21, 2020
Grégory Mantelet authored
Fixes #78 Fixes #60
Grégory Mantelet authored
Grégory Mantelet authored
This aims to prevent extending UserDefinedFunction for UDFs whose translation is very simple (e.g. different name in SQL, different argument order, etc). Fixes #115
- Aug 18, 2020
Grégory Mantelet authored
Fix #52
- Jul 31, 2020
Grégory Mantelet authored
not be set because of the current execution phase. Fixes #123
- Jun 18, 2020
gmantele authored
- Jan 29, 2020
Grégory Mantelet authored
``` RESTORATION Incorrect JSON format for the serialization of an uploaded file! Caused by a org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["length"] not a string. [...] RESTORATION Incorrect JSON format for the DALIUpload labelled "xxx" of the job "xxxxxxxxx": "xxxxxxxx" is not pointing a job parameter representing a file! [...] RESTORATION Unexpected error while restoring the UWS! Caused by a java.lang.NullPointerException: Missing UploadFile! => Can not build a DaliUpload instance. [...] ``` Now, in case of grave error while restoring backup files, it will be just disabled, instead of preventing start-up of the TAP service. In case of non-grave error while restoring a job or a user, the failed job or error won't be restored and then the restoration process will go on with the other jobs/users.
- Jul 02, 2019
Grégory Mantelet authored
when ending the query with an EOF.
Grégory Mantelet authored
This commit reverts commit 89418d13. The reverted commit will be applied in another branch (probably 'adql-2.1') as it is part of the next release of ADQL-Lib.
- May 10, 2019
Grégory Mantelet authored
- Now, `ADQLParserFactory.createParser(...)` should be used to create a parser - Only the new function `LOWER` is supported for the moment - Not yet possible to manage the optional features _(next dev to come)_ => 1st step for ADQL-Lib v2.0 - TAP adapted so that using the last stable version of the ADQL language (i.e. 2.0 for the moment) - but not yet possible to set the ADQL version to use in the configuration file
- Apr 11, 2019
Grégory Mantelet authored
Grégory Mantelet authored
Grégory Mantelet authored
- Apr 02, 2019
Grégory Mantelet authored
In case a MIME-type parameter was not `q` set to a floating point value (e.g. correct is `q=0.8` ; incorrect is `q=abc`), the library was throwing an ugly NumberFormatException. This exception is now caught (and ignored) if it occurs. The same exception was also thrown for any other parameter whose value is not a floating point. Since only the quality flag (i.e. `q`) is used in UWS-Lib, parameters are now only parsed if it is `q` ; all others are now ignored.
- Mar 20, 2019
Grégory Mantelet authored
`fix_on_fail` in the configuration file. By default, this feature is disabled. _With 15cd5944, this commit finishes the resolution of the GitHub issue #104 ._
- Mar 13, 2019
Grégory Mantelet authored
This new function - ADQLParser.tryQuickFix(...) - fixes the most common issues with ADQL queries: - replace Unicode confusable characters by their ASCII/UTF-8 version, - double-quote SQL reserved words/terms (e.g. `public`, `year`, `date`), - double-quote ADQL function names used a column name/alias (e.g. `distance`, `min`, `avg`), - double-quote invalid regular identifiers (e.g. `_RAJ2000`, `2mass`). The last point is far from being perfect but should work at least for identifiers starting with a digit or an underscore, or an identifier including one of the following character: `?`, `!`, `$`, `@`, `#`, `{`, `}`, `[`, `]`, `~`, `^` and '`'. It should also been noted that double-quoting a column/table name will make it case-sensitive. Then, it is possible that the query does not pass even after the double-quote operation ; the case would have to be checked by the user. Finally, there is no attempt to fix column and table names (i.e. case sensitivity and/or typos) using tables/columns list/metadata. That could be a possible evolution of this function or an additional feature to implement in the parser.
- Mar 08, 2019
Grégory Mantelet authored
`org.json` was included in the sources of UWS-/TAP-Lib because of a manual small correction. This is no longer needed. So this library is now a dependency (included in the generated JAR). This has also been upgraded to the version of August 2018. _This commit aims to reproduce the original content of the Pull Request #38 by @vforchi ._
- Mar 06, 2019
Grégory Mantelet authored
_This commit fixes the GitHub issue #97 ._
Grégory Mantelet authored
_This commit fixes the GitHub issue #97 ._
Grégory Mantelet authored
The Gradle build file, the ANT build file and the README have also been updating so that reflecting this upgrade as well as the migration from com.oreilly.servlet to Apache Commons File Upload. TAPLib versions of the former commit have also been fixed.
Grégory Mantelet authored
Until now, the generated VOTable file was un-readable even by STIL/STILTS/TOPCAT. To fix this, it was needed to temporary store the table to format into FITS so that STIL can read it at least 2 times. _This commit fixes the GitHub issue #43 ._
Grégory Mantelet authored
_This commit completes the GitHub issue #106 ._
Grégory Mantelet authored
tables. Since commit 3d96c9d9 aliases put on a table without double quotes are put in lower case and then double quoted. This modification was not effective for ORDER BY's column identifiers.
Grégory Mantelet authored
The previous commit broke some JUnit tests. It was indeed not any more possible to prefix a column with the fully qualified table name (e.g. `"aSchema"."aTable"`) if the table was automatically aliased. If an alias is set on a table, this table should be referenced only by this alias. The previous commit was not able to replace fully qualified table names with their corresponding alias....and doing that would probably introduce other unexpected parsing/checking behaviors. So, it is better to keep this part of the parsing as simple as now. Just for few DB error messages showing real database names (and only if they are different from the ADQL ones), it does not worth _yet_ making the parsing more complex. _This commit ends the issue #108 ._
- Mar 05, 2019
Grégory Mantelet authored
(i.e. not a subquery). The idea is to avoid ambiguous error messages coming from the database when raising an error on a table or column name having different DB and ADQL names. This commit sets by default an alias on each table reference. This default alias is the ADQL table name as it is used in the ADQL query. _This commit fixes the GitHub issue #108 ._