- Oct 08, 2014
gmantele authored
- Oct 02, 2014
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
[TAP] Log format reports and end of ADQLExecutor execution, add an OVERFLOW notification for the text/plain output and check by default that the given service connection is not null in constructor.
gmantele authored
[TAP] Adapt the MIME type of VOTable output in function of the chosen data part serialization AND let setting the VOTable MIME type after creation (useful only when no known serialization is chosen).
gmantele authored
[TAP] Adapt the MIME type of VOTable output in function of the chosen data part serialization AND let setting the VOTable MIME type after creation (useful only when no known serialization is chosen).
gmantele authored
- Oct 01, 2014
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
[UWS] Make XML representation of jobs and joblists valid (with their XML schema), and particularly the nodes jobs, job and the error type (which should be written in lower-case).
gmantele authored
[UWS,TAP] Fix timestamp format. Now, each returned date will expressed in UTC and using the ISO8601 format. Any given date is also expected in UTC (or with a time zone offset) and in ISO8601Format. These rules apply also for uploaded tables and for timestamp columns in a query result.
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
[ADQL] Remove useless Javadoc (no custom javadoc for files automatically generated from the JavaCC grammar)
- Sep 25, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP,UWS] Make valid VOTable results and errors. Some error messages about expected TAP request parameters have been changed.
gmantele authored
[TAP] Make valid the /tables document (using a XSD schema correct copy of GAVO for VOSITables ; the IVOA one is incorrect: the attribute targetNamespace is not ...VOSITables...)
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
[TAP] Fix bug in upload (uploaded tables were given twice to the db checker) & Allow customization of the DB upload schema in the tap factory
- Sep 24, 2014
gmantele authored
- Sep 23, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP,UWS] Fix a problem with the format of the error details returned by the parameter .../error/details. In TAP a VOTable document is expected, but a text/plain description was returned (default behavior in the UWS lib.). Now, a ServiceErrorWriter is used to format the error details correctly.
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
[TAP] Fix MAXREC bug (maxrec was ignored if = 0) & Replace the MIME type for VOTable output from 'text/xml' to 'application/xml'
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
[TAP,UWS] Small log corrections (for Thread logs, display the thread name rather than the ID ; the job id was forgotten in the log of CHANGE_PHASE ; build a UWSException with the given throwable message as message ; in log TAP for the event EXECUTING, the memory address of the ADQLQuery object was displayed rather than of the ADQL query expression ; display the stack trace of the SQLException.getNextException() when calling logDB)
gmantele authored
- Sep 17, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP,UWS] Manage thrown Error properly in synchronous and asynchronous jobs execution + Modify some log messages + Add log messages in JDBCConnection (for add and drop uploaded tables).
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
gmantele authored
[UWS,TAP] Fix bug about UPLOAD: file upload (multipart/form-data) with a POST to the SetJobParam action was not possible & bug in the COS library about line termintation (it should be CRLF but some clients end lines with LF and that should have been managed by the COS lib but wasn't ; correction applied by myself but feedback from the lib developer is waited).
gmantele authored
[UWS,TAP] Review the exceptions and logs management + Add log file rotation (with a configurable rotation frequency)
- Sep 10, 2014
gmantele authored
[ADQL] Fix table copy bug: the catalog and schema names where not copied or not interpreted when they were prefixing the new table name. WARNING: The copy function of a DBTable has a slightly different behaviour than before.
- Sep 09, 2014
gmantele authored
[ADQL] Fix SQL translation of NOT BETWEEN (before it was translated by just BETWEEN ; NOT was forgotten)
- Aug 21, 2014
gmantele authored
[ADQL] Fix SQL translation of operations' alias: now, the alias is always surrounded by double quotes (so a sum between two numbers won't have the default alias +, but it will have +)
- Aug 20, 2014
- Aug 08, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP] Remake TAPFactory into an abstract class + let limit the number of jobs (async and sync) by allowing the TAPFactory to communicate with a connection pool
gmantele authored
[TAP] Come back on the v1.0 definition of TAPLog and fix a bug (missing DB table name in logs for CREATE, INSERT, DROP TABLE ; name missing in getFullDBName(TAPTable))