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Socet2ISIS.ipynb 12 KiB
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  •    "execution_count": null,
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
       "outputs": [],
        "import sys\n",
        "import csv\n",
        "import pvl\n",
        "import pandas as pd\n",
        "import math\n",
        "import pyproj\n",
        "from functools import singledispatch\n",
        "import warnings\n",
        "from plio.examples import get_path\n",
        "from import read_gpf, read_ipf, read_atf\n",
        "from plio.utils.utils import find_in_dict\n",
        "from plio.spatial.transformations import *\n",
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
        "from collections import defaultdict\n",
        "import as cn\n",
        "import as sn"
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
       "cell_type": "code",
       "execution_count": null,
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
       "metadata": {},
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
       "outputs": [],
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
       "source": [
        "def socet2isis(at_file, cub_file_path, cub_ipf_map, target_name, outpath=None):\n",
        "    # Setup the at_file, path to cubes, and control network out path\n",
        "    at_file = at_file\n",
        "    cnet_out = os.path.split(os.path.splitext(at_file)[0])[1]\n",
        "    cub_path = cub_file_path\n",
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
        "    if(outpath):\n",
        "        outpath = outpath\n",
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
        "    else:\n",
        "        outpath = os.path.split(at_file)[0]\n",
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
        "    with open(cub_ipf_map) as cub_ipf_map:\n",
        "        reader = csv.reader(cub_ipf_map, delimiter = ',')\n",
        "        image_dict = dict([(row[0], row[1]) for row in reader])\n",
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
        "        \n",
        "    # Read in and setup the atf dict of information\n",
        "    atf_dict = read_atf(at_file)\n",
        "    \n",
        "    # Get the gpf and ipf files using atf dict\n",
        "    gpf_file = os.path.join(atf_dict['PATH'], atf_dict['GP_FILE']);\n",
        "    ipf_list = [os.path.join(atf_dict['PATH'], i) for i in atf_dict['IMAGE_IPF']]\n",
        "    \n",
        "    # Read in the gpf file and ipf file(s) into seperate dataframes\n",
        "    gpf_df = read_gpf(gpf_file)\n",
        "    ipf_df = read_ipf(ipf_list)\n",
        "    # Check for differences between point ids using each dataframes\n",
        "    # point ids as a reference\n",
        "    gpf_pt_idx = pd.Index(pd.unique(gpf_df['point_id']))\n",
        "    ipf_pt_idx = pd.Index(pd.unique(ipf_df['pt_id']))\n",
        "    point_diff = ipf_pt_idx.difference(gpf_pt_idx)\n",
        "    if len(point_diff) != 0:\n",
        "        warnings.warn(\"The following points found in ipf files missing from gpf file: \\n\\n{}. \\\n",
        "                      \\n\\nContinuing, but these points will be missing from the control network\".format(list(point_diff)))\n",
        "        \n",
        "    # Merge the two dataframes on their point id columns\n",
        "    socet_df = ipf_df.merge(gpf_df, left_on='pt_id', right_on='point_id')\n",
        "    \n",
        "    # Apply the transformations\n",
        "    apply_transformations(atf_dict, socet_df)\n",
        "    \n",
        "    # Define column remap for socet dataframe\n",
        "    column_map = {'pt_id': 'id', 'l.': 'y', 's.': 'x',\n",
        "                  'res_l': 'lineResidual', 'res_s': 'sampleResidual', 'known': 'Type',\n",
        "                  'lat_Y_North': 'aprioriY', 'long_X_East': 'aprioriX', 'ht': 'aprioriZ',\n",
        "                  'sig0': 'aprioriLatitudeSigma', 'sig1': 'aprioriLongitudeSigma', 'sig2': 'aprioriRadiusSigma',\n",
        "                  'sig_l': 'linesigma', 'sig_s': 'samplesigma'}\n",
        "    \n",
        "    # Rename the columns using the column remap above\n",
        "    socet_df.rename(columns = column_map, inplace=True)\n",
        "    serial_dict = serial_numbers(image_dict, cub_path)\n",
        "    # creates the control network\n",
        "    cn.to_isis(os.path.join(outpath, cnet_out + '.net'), socet_df, serial_dict, targetname = targetname)\n",
        "    return socet_df"
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
       "cell_type": "code",
       "execution_count": null,
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
       "metadata": {
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
        "scrolled": true
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
       "outputs": [],
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
       "source": [
        "# Setup stuffs for the cub information namely the path and extension\n",
        "cub_path = '/Volumes/Blueman/'\n",
        "targetname = 'Mars'\n",
        "cub_map = '/Users/adampaquette/repos/plio/plio/examples/SocetSet/cub_map2.csv'\n",
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
        "# Path to atf file\n",
        "atf_file = ('/Users/adampaquette/repos/plio/plio/examples/SocetSet/Relative.atf')\n",
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
        "socet_df = socet2isis(atf_file, cub_path, cub_map, targetname)"
       "cell_type": "code",
       "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
       "outputs": [],
       "source": [
        "def reverse_known(record):\n",
        "    \"\"\"\n",
        "    Converts the known field from a socet dataframe into the\n",
        "    isis point_type column\n",
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
        "    Parameters\n",
        "    ----------\n",
        "    record : object\n",
        "             Pandas series object\n",
        "    Returns\n",
        "    -------\n",
        "    : str\n",
        "      String representation of a known field\n",
        "    \"\"\"\n",
        "    record_type = record['known']\n",
        "    if record_type == 0 or record_type == 2:\n",
        "        return 0\n",
        "    elif record_type == 1 or record_type == 3 or record_type == 4:\n",
        "        return 3\n",
        "    \n",
        "def lat_socet_coord(record, semi_major, semi_minor):\n",
        "    \"\"\"\n",
        "    Function to convert lat_Y_North to ISIS_lat\n",
        "    Parameters\n",
        "    ----------\n",
        "    record : object\n",
        "             Pandas series object\n",
        "    semi_major : float\n",
        "                 Radius from the center of the body to the equater\n",
        "    semi_minor : float\n",
        "                 Radius from the pole to the center of mass\n",
        "    Returns\n",
        "    -------\n",
        "    coord_360 : float\n",
        "                Converted latitude into ocentric space, and mapped\n",
        "                into 0 to 360\n",
        "    \"\"\"\n",
        "    ographic_coord = oc2og(record['lat_Y_North'], semi_major, semi_minor)\n",
        "    return ((ographic_coord + 180) % 360) - 180\n",
        "def lon_socet_coord(record, semi_major, semi_minor):\n",
        "    \"\"\"\n",
        "    Function to convert lat_Y_North to ISIS_lat\n",
        "    Parameters\n",
        "    ----------\n",
        "    record : object\n",
        "             Pandas series object\n",
        "    semi_major : float\n",
        "                 Radius from the center of the body to the equater\n",
        "    semi_minor : float\n",
        "                 Radius from the pole to the center of mass\n",
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
        "    Returns\n",
        "    -------\n",
        "    coord_360 : float\n",
        "                Converted latitude into ocentric space, and mapped\n",
        "                into 0 to 360\n",
        "    \"\"\"\n",
        "    ographic_coord = oc2og(record['long_X_East'], semi_major, semi_minor)\n",
        "    return ((ographic_coord + 180) % 360) - 180\n",
        "def fix_sample_line(record, serial_dict, extension, cub_path):\n",
        "    # Cube location to load\n",
        "    cube = pvl.load(os.path.join(cub_path, serial_dict[record['serialnumber']] + extension))\n",
        "    line_size = find_in_dict(cube, 'Lines')\n",
        "    sample_size = find_in_dict(cube, 'Samples')\n",
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
        "    new_line = record['l.'] - (int(line_size)/2.0) - 1\n",
        "    new_sample = record['s.'] - (int(sample_size)/2.0) - 1\n",
        "    return new_line, new_sample\n",
        "def ignore_toggle(record):\n",
        "    if record['stat'] == True:\n",
        "        return 0\n",
        "    else:\n",
        "        return 1"
       "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {
        "scrolled": false
       "outputs": [],
       "source": [
        "return_df = cn.from_isis(\"/Users/adampaquette/repos/plio/plio/examples/SocetSet/\")\n",
        "eRadius = 3.39619000000000e+006\n",
        "pRadius = eRadius * (1 - 1.08339143554195e-001)\n",
        "adjusted_flag = False\n",
        "cub_path = '/Volumes/Blueman/'\n",
        "extension = '.8bit.cub'\n",
        "cub_list = ['D06_029601_1846_XN_04N224W', \n",
        "            'F05_037684_1857_XN_05N224W']\n",
        "# \n",
        "cub_dict = {i: i + extension for i in cub_list}\n",
        "serial_dict = {sn.generate_serial_number(os.path.join(cub_path, i + extension)): i for i in cub_list}\n",
        "columns = []\n",
        "column_index = []\n",
        "for i, column in enumerate(list(return_df.columns)):\n",
        "    if column not in columns:\n",
        "        column_index.append(i)\n",
        "        columns.append(column)\n",
        "return_df = return_df.iloc[:, column_index]\n",
        "column_map = {'id': 'pt_id', 'line': 'l.', 'sample': 's.', \n",
        "              'lineResidual': 'res_l', 'sampleResidual': 'res_s', 'type': 'known', \n",
        "              'aprioriLatitudeSigma': 'sig0', 'aprioriLongitudeSigma': 'sig1', 'aprioriRadiusSigma': 'sig2', \n",
        "              'linesigma': 'sig_l', 'samplesigma': 'sig_s', 'ignore': 'stat'}\n",
        "if adjusted_flag:\n",
        "    column_map['adjustedY'] = 'lat_Y_North'\n",
        "    column_map['adjustedX'] = 'long_X_East'\n",
        "    column_map['adjustedZ'] = 'ht'\n",
        "    column_map['aprioriY'] = 'lat_Y_North'\n",
        "    column_map['aprioriX'] = 'long_X_East'\n",
        "    column_map['aprioriZ'] = 'ht'\n",
        "return_df.rename(columns = column_map, inplace=True)\n",
        "return_df['known'] = return_df.apply(reverse_known, axis = 1)\n",
        "return_df['ipf_file'] = return_df['serialnumber'].apply(lambda serial_number: serial_dict[serial_number])\n",
        "return_df['l.'], return_df['s.'] = zip(*return_df.apply(fix_sample_line, serial_dict = serial_dict, \n",
        "                                                                         extension = extension, \n",
        "                                                                         cub_path = cub_path, axis = 1))\n",
        "ecef = np.array([[return_df['long_X_East']], [return_df['lat_Y_North']], [return_df['ht']]])\n",
        "lla = body_fix(ecef, semi_major = eRadius, semi_minor = pRadius, inverse=True)\n",
        "return_df['long_X_East'], return_df['lat_Y_North'], return_df['ht'] = lla[0][0], lla[1][0], lla[2][0]\n",
        "return_df['lat_Y_North'] = return_df.apply(lat_socet_coord, semi_major=eRadius, semi_minor=pRadius, axis = 1)\n",
        "return_df['long_X_East'] = return_df.apply(lon_socet_coord, semi_major=eRadius, semi_minor=pRadius, axis = 1)\n",
        "return_df['stat'] = return_df.apply(ignore_toggle, axis = 1)\n",
        "return_df['val'] = return_df['stat']\n",
        "# Add dumby\n",
        "x_dummy = lambda x: np.full(len(return_df), x)\n",
        "return_df['sig0'] = x_dummy(0)\n",
        "return_df['sig1'] = x_dummy(0)\n",
        "return_df['sig2'] = x_dummy(0)\n",
        "return_df['res0'] = x_dummy(0)\n",
        "return_df['res1'] = x_dummy(0)\n",
        "return_df['res2'] = x_dummy(0)\n",
        "return_df['fid_x'] = x_dummy(0)\n",
        "return_df['fid_y'] = x_dummy(0)\n",
        "return_df['no_obs'] = x_dummy(1)\n",
        "return_df['fid_val'] = x_dummy(0)"
       "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
       "outputs": [],
       "source": [
        "return_df[['long_X_East', 'lat_Y_North', 'ht']].iloc[2]"
       "execution_count": null,
        "return_df[['long_X_East', 'lat_Y_North', 'ht']].iloc[2]"
       "execution_count": null,
    Tyler Thatcher's avatar
    Tyler Thatcher committed
       "cell_type": "code",
       "execution_count": null,
       "metadata": {},
       "outputs": [],
       "source": []
     "metadata": {
      "kernelspec": {
       "display_name": "Python 3",
       "language": "python",
       "name": "python3"
      "language_info": {
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       "name": "python",
       "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
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