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  1. Mar 06, 2019
  2. Nov 13, 2018
  3. Nov 07, 2018
    • Grégory Mantelet's avatar
      [TAP] Fix memory issues for the 'text/plain' format. · 3e65794d
      Grégory Mantelet authored
      The previous text formatting process was storing the entire table in memory....
      hence OutOfMemoryError when dealing with large table.
      Now, this process is done entirely in memory only for a table having less than
      1000 lines. For a larger table, its content is stored in a temporary file. This
      file is deleted after usage or in case of error.
      This formatting process has been tested under JVM monitoring (both JConsole and
      VisualVM) and tables larger than 3,000,000 rows, with success.
      This commit fixes the GitHub issue #40
  4. Nov 02, 2018
    • Grégory Mantelet's avatar
      [TAP] Fix cancellation of a text formatting process. · f912c20a
      Grégory Mantelet authored
      Before this fix, cancelling a TAP job (async or not) which was formatting the
      result in ASCII may failed, especially for large results. This was due to a
      non interruptible alignment process. This process is now checking whether a
      cancellation has been requested before formatting a new result line/row ; if so,
      the process is immediately stopped and the job can be cleaning declared as
  5. Oct 26, 2018
    • Grégory Mantelet's avatar
    • Grégory Mantelet's avatar
      [TAP] Fix the TAP_SCHEMA mapping. · a5406513
      Grégory Mantelet authored
      When defining in the configuration file a different name for TAP_SCHEMA content,
      the service implementor was also forced to define the same mapping in the
      database with the column `dbName`.
      This is no longer necessary. From now on, the `dbName` column will be ignored
      for all standard TAP_SCHEMA content. Instead, the name specified in the
      configuration file (if any) will be used instead. This way, the mapping for
      standard TAP_SCHEMA content is only specified once and at only one place:
      the configuration file.
      _This commit resolves the GitHub issue #98_
  6. Sep 05, 2018
    • Grégory Mantelet's avatar
      [UWS,TAP] Fix the configuration file for the UPLOAD feature. · 7bd91a1c
      Grégory Mantelet authored
      The property `upload_default_db_limit` has been deprecated. Indeed, in the
      current state of the TAP protocol, this makes no sense: the user can not change
      the limit size (in bytes or rows) for uploaded tables.
      The property `upload_max_file_size` has been deprecated. It is actually
      duplicated: `upload_max_db_limit`, if expressed in bytes already lets put a
      limit on the maximum size of an uploaded table/file.
      The property `upload_max_request_size` has been added. It lets set a maximum
      size for a whole HTTP Multipart Request. By default it is set to 250MB.
      The default value of `upload_max_db_size` is now 1 million rows.
      The UPLOAD feature is still disabled by default (i.e. `upload_enabled=false`).
  7. Aug 21, 2018
    • Grégory Mantelet's avatar
      [UWS,TAP] Replacement of com.oreilly.servlet by Apache Commons File Upload. · a0ec16fc
      Grégory Mantelet authored
      Thus, the UPLOAD management is much more stable and relies on a well documented
      and maintained library (but at the cost of the additionnal size of the final
      JAR). The most important point is the capability to efficiently limit the size
      of the incoming file and on the disk/memory management when uploading the
      file(s) and in case of error during this process (i.e. files must be deleted).
  8. Aug 10, 2018
    • Grégory Mantelet's avatar
      [TAP] Return a clear error message in case of duplicated items in UPLOADs. · e447a487
      Grégory Mantelet authored
      Before correction, if two uploaded tables have been submitted by the user with
      the same name, or if one uploaded table contained duplicated column names, an
      obscure error message coming from the database was returned to the user.
      Now, duplicated items (tables and columns) are searched before ingestion in the
      database. When one is detected, an error is immediately returned to the user and
      the query is aborted.
    • Grégory Mantelet's avatar
      [TAP] Fix disk space consumption with UPLOAD for synchronous jobs. · 25f373f6
      Grégory Mantelet authored
      Files uploaded by the user when creating/executing a synchronous job were never
      deleted after the job execution.
      The same problem applied for the tables already uploaded in the database (in
      `TAP_UPLOAD`) when an error occurred before the end of the UPLOAD process.
      Now, in case of error when uploading one or more files, or in case of success of
      the job, all uploaded files and their corresponding database tables are deleted
      after the end of the job.
  9. Aug 07, 2018
  10. Apr 23, 2018
  11. Apr 09, 2018
  12. Mar 07, 2018
    • gmantele's avatar
      Fix UDF parsing from the configuration file. · 96df1d5a
      gmantele authored
      The end of the description of a UDF was not detected when this UDF was followed
      by another UDF definition. This was due to an incorrect double quote escape in
      the regular expression of a UDF's definition.
  13. Feb 26, 2018
    • gmantele's avatar
      [UWS] Add 3 job destruction policies: ALWAYS_DELETE (default), ARCHIVE_ON_DATE · f3954c71
      gmantele authored
      When archiving a job, its former phase is stored in jobInfo under the name
      'oldPhase' if no jobInfo is already set.
      Archiving a job means that all input files and results are destroyed ; the
      error summary and jobInfo (even if it is a file) are kept.
      Each archive operation ends with a log message ; in ERROR if failed or in
      INFO if successful.
      This commit also includes the following things:
          - reformat on 80 characters width the Javadoc of all modified classes
      	- fix a bug with the phase transitions: since it is not possible any more
      	  to go from PENDING to EXECUTING directly, UWSJob.start(...) must first
      	  ensure to be on QUEUED phase. This bug has also been fixed in TAPJob.
      	  Similarly, before going into ARCHIVED phase the job must be set into
      	  ABORTED phase if not already in a final phase.
    • gmantele's avatar
      [UWS,TAP] Add the property 'creationTime' to a UWS (and so TAP as well) job. · a8d98f64
      gmantele authored
      This property is displayed in the XML and JSON serialization of a job item.
      It is also backuped and restored from a UWS backup file.
      /!\ WARNING: Small modification of the API! Since creationTime must be
                   set by the UWS service at creation of a job, this date must also
                   be imported at backup restoration. Hence the modification of the
                   interface uws.service.UWSFactory and its implementations
                   (particularly tap.AbstractTAPFactory). Similarly the class
                   uws.job.UWSJob and tap.job.TAPJob have underwent exactly the same
                   modification in one of their constructors.
      This commit also adds the new optional jobRef items: creationTime, runID and
      ownerID in the XML and JSON serializations.
    • gmantele's avatar
      [TAP] Add an optional parameter to a UDF property: the UDF description. · f6a089c1
      gmantele authored
      Although the Java code allowed the specification of a description of a User
      Defined Function, it was not possible to set one in the UDFs listed in the
      configuration file.
  14. Feb 22, 2018
  15. Feb 08, 2018
  16. Jan 31, 2018
  17. Jan 12, 2018
  18. Jan 11, 2018
  19. Nov 16, 2017
  20. Sep 27, 2017
    • gmantele's avatar
      [TAP,UWS] Add a protocol version number for UWS and TAP: · 70dc3a14
      gmantele authored
        - uws.service.UWS.VERSION  (static final)
        - tap.resource.TAP.VERSION (static final)
      Dealing with several protocol versions in the same time is quite difficult and
      may significantly alter the libraries API in an unstable way. That's why, for
      the TAP and UWS libraries, only one version is implemented (i.e. the last one).
      To use a older version of the protocol, one must use an older version of the
      corresponding library.
      About the versioning of the ADQL standard, there is no need to set any version
      number somewhere because a different ADQL version implies a different grammar.
      It means that a different parser is required for each ADQL version. For the
      moment, there is only one version, so no need to change anything to the ADQL
      library about ADQL version. Later, ADQLParser should become an interface and
      a factory will have to be used in order to get the parser corresponding to the
      desired ADQL version.
  21. Sep 26, 2017
    • gmantele's avatar
      [TAP] Auto-detect the RegTAP datamodel from the schemas and tables declared · 8102b083
      gmantele authored
      in TAP_SCHEMA.
      RegTAP is detected successfully if the schema 'rr' exists (case sensitive)
      and contains at least the following tables (names also case sensitive):
      	- capability
      	- interface
      	- intf_param
      	- relationship
      	- res_date
      	- res_detail
      	- res_role
      	- res_schema
      	- res_subject
      	- res_table
      	- resource
      	- table_column
      	- validation
      The table name can be prefixed by 'rr' (case sensitive) or not. For instance:
      'rr.capability' and 'capability' are both detected successfully.
      All these constraints (including the case sensitive one) are based on the
      requirements of the RegTAP-1.0 standard document. They are set in order
      to not declare the RegTAP DM by accident AND to provide a first low
      validation of the RegTAP schema and tables. Low validation because
      columns (as well as datatype, utypes, indices and UDF functions) are
      never checked.
      This commit resolves the GitHub issue #51
    • gmantele's avatar
    • gmantele's avatar
      [TAP] The additional table TAP_SCHEMA.coossys must not be be returned as a · 93c36a09
      gmantele authored
      standard table. The same for the additional column
  22. Sep 25, 2017
  23. Sep 15, 2017
    • gmantele's avatar
      [UWS,TAP] Allow the specification of a custom logger in the configuration file. · 162a8748
      gmantele authored
      This commit resolves partially the issue #28
      Ideally, there should be an implementation of UWSLog and TAPLog working with
      Log4j and another for SLF4J (and eventually for other logging mechanism).
      Additionally, an implementation storing log messages in database would be
      interesting. All these ideas may be implemented in UWSLib and TAPLib in a
      future version.
  24. Sep 11, 2017
  25. Aug 24, 2017
    • gmantele's avatar
      [TAP] Fix the ObsCore 1.1's IVO-ID. · dba06402
      gmantele authored
      The previous fix was made against the ObsCore-DM 1.1 because the given
      IVO-ID was rejected by EuroVO registry. Now that EuroVO registry has
      fixed its IVO-ID rule, the IVO-ID of ObsCore 1.1 is accepted.
      Hence this commit.
  26. Aug 02, 2017
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL,TAP] Basic MySQL support. · cf721ff2
      gmantele authored
      On the contrary to other DBMS, MySQL supports schemas, but as databases.
      Which means that JDBCConnection gets from the JDBC driver that MySQL does
      not support schemas and so it tries to access TAP_SCHEMA tables with a
      'TAP_SCHEMA_' prefix instead of 'TAP_SCHEMA.' one. Since MySQL does
      behave like it supports schemas, JDBCConnection.supportsSchema must be
      set to 'true' if the DBMS is MySQL.
      Besides, since no schemas are returned by the JDBC driver
      (cf DatabaseMetadata.listSchema(...)), the function
      JDBCConnection.isSchemaExisting(String, DatabaseMetaData) must always assume
      that the specified schema exists if the DBMS is MySQL. This is particularly
      important when the existence of 'TAP_UPLOAD' must be checked, because if the
      function returns 'false' the library will attempt to create the database/schema
      'TAP_UPLOAD' and will obviously fail due to a lack of permissions. Of course,
      it means that the TAP implementor must create manually the schema/database
      'TAP_UPLOAD' him-/her-self.
      The second particularity of MySQL is the quote character for identifiers.
      It is a back-quote (`) instead of a double quote ("). To reflect this
      difference, JDBCTranslator.appendIdentifier(...) has been overwritten in a new
      JDBCTranslator extension: MySQLTranslator.
      The translation of all SQL types and mathematical functions have been adapted to
      MySQL according to the online documentation. Few tests have been done locally
      with a tiny database. This seems to work but further testing should be
      performed in order to ensure the stability of this implementation.
  27. Jul 05, 2017