- Mar 17, 2016
gmantele authored
in first position. This should be totally harmless and should be conform to the behaviour of a NATURAL or USING keywords in DBMS.
- Mar 04, 2016
gmantele authored
This is easily possible for concatenations, string constants and User Defined Functions having a FunctionDef. A new special datatype was needed for numeric functions and operations: UNKNOWN_NUMERIC. This special type can not be set with FunctionDef.parse(...) and it behaves exactly like the type UNKNOWN, except that DBType.isNumeric() returns true (as .isUnknown()). Thus, while writing the metadata of a result in TAP, nothing changes: an UNKNOWN_NUMERIC type will be processed similarly as an UNKNOWN type: to use the type returned from the database ResultSet or to set VARCHAR. (no modification of TAP was needed for that)
gmantele authored
Functions whose some parameters are another function were not correctly identified: since the inner functions were not yet identified, their type was UNKNOWN and so it makes the identification of the parent function much easier since an UNKNOWN parameter is not checked. But, it was a problem if the parameter occurs to be finally of the wrong type.
gmantele authored
(indeed, a Concatenation object has no name).
- Jan 29, 2016
gmantele authored
- Dec 01, 2015
gmantele authored
functions must be casted into NUMERIC. Otherwise Postgres rejects the query.
- Sep 30, 2015
gmantele authored
Now, all occurences of ' are replaced by '' in the SQL translation.
- Sep 01, 2015
gmantele authored
types. The notion of "unknown type" is different in function of the target object: - a DBType and a FunctionDef have an unknown type if their function isUnknown() returns true. In such case, the other functions such as isNumeric/String/Geometry() will return false. - an ADQLOperand (e.g. ADQLColumn) does NOT have a isUnknown() function. But if the type of the operand is unknown, its functions isNumeric(), isString() and isGeometry() must ALL return true. Otherwise, just one of these functions can return true.
- Aug 27, 2015
gmantele authored
[ADQL] Fix a Big Bug reported by M.Taylor and M.Demleitner: in ORDER BY, GROUP BY and USING only regular and delimited identifiers are accepted, not qualified column names. For instance: "SELECT table.column_name FROM table ORDER BY table.column_name" is wrong. We should instead write: "SELECT table.column_name FROM table ORDER BY column_name". "SELECT table.column_name AS mycol FROM table ORDER BY mycol" is also correct. Of course, for ORDER BY and GROUP BY, it is still possible to reference a column using its index in the SELECT clause. For instance: "SELECT table.column_name FROM table ORDER BY 1".
- Aug 25, 2015
gmantele authored
when in a table definition (extension of DBTable) no schema is specified, it was possible to prefix the table name by a fake schema name ; it was checked at all: e.g. "SELECT * FROM no_schema.foo". This is no longer possible: if no schema is specified, no schema must be used in an ADQL query. But if one is specified, the schema prefix is optional.
- Aug 03, 2015
gmantele authored
1/ Bad parsing of UDF's parameter type or return type. Database types whose the name has a space (e.g. 'double precision') were not accepted. These type names should be accepted according to TAPRegExt. 2/ An error message thrown by the DBChecker has been modified for the cases the type of a parameter is unknown. Before the returned type was NUMERIC. Now, it will be 'param' followed by the parameter index (e.g. 'param1').
- Jul 20, 2015
gmantele authored
(merge with branch 'unknownFctType')
- Jun 16, 2015
- Jun 09, 2015
gmantele authored
- Jun 08, 2015
gmantele authored
[ADQL] Fix merge side-effects (e.g. '' were not translated any more as a single ' ; NullPointerExceptions when building positions) + transform the test main class for positions into a JUnit test case + Fix some position mistakes. (note: a tabulation character seems to be interpreted by JavaCC as 8 characters)
gmantele authored
[ADQL] Fix DEBUG mode in the ADQL parser. It is still by default disabled, but now, it is possible again to enable it using the function 'setDebug(boolean)'.
gmantele authored
- May 19, 2015
Mark Taylor authored
Replace uses of String.isEmpty and Arrays.copyOf methods (both introduced in java 6) with equivalent code that makes use of only methods available in the java 5 runtime. This allows the ADQL library, if cross-compiled for java 5, to run without errors on a java 5 runtime.
- May 04, 2015
gmantele authored
[ADQL] Rename UnresolvedJoin and UnresolvedFunction so that normalizing all UnresolvedXxx exceptions.
- Apr 22, 2015
- Feb 11, 2015
gmantele authored
- Feb 10, 2015
gmantele authored
- Feb 06, 2015
gmantele authored
[TAP] Add an XML TableSet parser. The main modification done in JDBCConnection is about the schema prefix of table when the DBMS does not support schemas: now, only standard tables are expected with the prefix 'TAP_SCHEMA_' and the upload tables also with 'TAP_UPLOAD_'.
- Dec 09, 2014
gmantele authored
[ADQL] Keep the same order of columns as they are added inside the DBTable => use a LinkedHashMap rather than a HashMap
- Dec 05, 2014
gmantele authored
- Nov 05, 2014
gmantele authored
[ADQL,TAP] Add geometry format in output and correct upload of STC-S regions. Geometrical type conversion from and into a DB type is now required in all JDBCTranslator. This allows formatting of geometrical column value coming from the database, but also the translation of STC-S expressions provided in uploaded table into geometrical column values.
- Oct 29, 2014
gmantele authored
[ADQL] Support the special escaping syntax for string literals in Postgres (strings to escape must be prefixed by a E before the starting ').
- Oct 28, 2014
gmantele authored
[ADQL,TAP] Add STC-S and UDFs support in the ADQL parser. Now, it is possible to provide a list of allowed UDFs, regions and coordinate systems. The ServiceConnection of TAP is now able to provide these lists and to propagate them to the ADQLExecutor. UDFs and allowed regions are now listed automatically in the /capabilities resource of TAP. The type 'geometry' is now fully supported in ADQL. That's why the new function 'isGeometry()' has been added to all ADQLOperand extensions. Now the DBChecker is also able to check roughly types of columns and UDFs (unknown when parsing syntactically a query). The syntax of STC-S regions (expressed in the REGION function) are now checked by DBChecker. However, for the moment, geometries are not serialized in STC-S in the output....but it should be possible in some way in the next commit(s).
- Oct 08, 2014
gmantele authored
- Oct 01, 2014
gmantele authored
[ADQL] Remove useless Javadoc (no custom javadoc for files automatically generated from the JavaCC grammar)
- Sep 25, 2014
gmantele authored
- Sep 10, 2014
gmantele authored
[ADQL] Fix table copy bug: the catalog and schema names where not copied or not interpreted when they were prefixing the new table name. WARNING: The copy function of a DBTable has a slightly different behaviour than before.
- Sep 09, 2014
gmantele authored
[ADQL] Fix SQL translation of NOT BETWEEN (before it was translated by just BETWEEN ; NOT was forgotten)
- Aug 21, 2014
gmantele authored
[ADQL] Fix SQL translation of operations' alias: now, the alias is always surrounded by double quotes (so a sum between two numbers won't have the default alias +, but it will have +)
- Aug 20, 2014
gmantele authored
- Aug 08, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP] Remake TAPFactory into an abstract class + let limit the number of jobs (async and sync) by allowing the TAPFactory to communicate with a connection pool
- Aug 05, 2014
gmantele authored
[TAP,ADQL] Improve and remake a part of the database connection. Missing javadoc has been added when missing in the modified tables.